Chapter 1: Prologue

Disclaimer: We (mizuki kagamine & Dark Nightwatcher) don't own the TMNT, except for our OCs.

The sun started to go down and the sky was slowly turning dark. A blue old PICKUP TRUCK went passing by in the old quiet green forest, making the leaves on the ground fly with the strong winds while the rocks crumble into dust, due to the PICKUP TRUCK, of course. As it got darker, crickets can be heard from outside, making the journalist Chloe Winter and photographer Ben McGowan wake up, who've been sleeping at the back of her truck since they left New York, after what happened there.

"You're awake. We're almost there." a woman named Mizuki Ayame told them after she noticed, then turned her head back to keep her eyes on the road.

"Where?" Chloe rubbed her eyes, then looked out of the window, seeing nothing but trees and fields. She then looked up at the sky and saw the stars twinkling. Chloe smiled and closed her eyes as she felt the cool breeze blew into her face.

"Does it matter? Anywhere far away from the city is fine with me." Ben said.

"We're going to April's grandmother's farmhouse where she grew up in. If she's not there with the Turtles, then we'll stay there for a while until we can come up with another plan." Mizuki answered Chloe's question.

"I just hope that Leo's okay, after what happened to him." Chloe worried about him, letting out a small sigh. Ben comforted her by giving her a warm hug.

"He'll be fine. I know it." Mizuki believed. Mizuki knows that no matter what happens to him, he will always be okay. She put her foot down hard on the pedal, making the truck go faster.

They eventually arrived at the old farmhouse that April grew up in with her grandmother. Mizuki saw the Party Wagon, meaning that they're here. Mizuki parked the pickup truck next to the Party Wagon and got out of the pickup truck. Ben and Chloe grabbed their bags from the back of the truck while Mizuki knocked on the door to see if she was there. No answer, so she knocked again and suddenly, lights went on from the inside. April answered the door when the others went next to Mizuki.

"Mizuki?" April remembered her when she was looking at her green eyes.

"Yeah." Mizuki replied with a nod. April smiled.

"Come in." April gestured the way in and moved so that the others can go inside the farmhouse. They dropped their bags in the hallway and went to the living room, which is nice and warm and cosy.

"Where were you guys? We thought we wouldn't see you again." April said sitting down on the couch, taking a sip of a glass of milk she just made.

"We got lost after the Kraang invaded the city. We tried to call you and we've looked everywhere for you, but we've had no luck, until I thought of the farmhouse that you grew up in, so we went there." Mizuki explained.

"Yeah, we thought that if we couldn't find you, then we thought that you were mutants." Ben thought. Chloe couldn't help but wonder where the others were. The silence made Chloe curious.

"Where are the others April?" Chloe asked.

"They're all asleep upstairs, except for Raphael, who has been keeping an eye on Leonardo." April answered.

"Wait, Leo's still unconscious?" Ben gasped.

"I'm afraid so. Donnie is making something that'll help him get better when he wakes up, but...I don't know if he will." April frowned.

Mizuki rushed upstairs to the bathroom to find Raphael sitting on a stool watching Leonardo, who was in a bathtub with water without his blue mask.

"Raph?" Mizuki spoke. Raphael knew the voice from somewhere and turned around to see her. Raphael stood up and Mizuki hugged him, then they both turned to look at the unconscious Leonardo.

"Why's he in the bathtub?" Mizuki confusingly asked him quietly.

"To keep him hydrated while he recovers." Raphael answered, then sighed and sat back down on the stool. "You look tired." she noticed, looking at his eyes. "Did you get any sleep?"

"I can't leave 'him alone. What if somethin' bad happens to him?" Raphael quietly pointed out. Mizuki just nodded.

"Well, at least you're by his side." Mizuki said with her hand on his shoulder, then left the bathroom, leaving Raphael alone with Leo, in the dark. Raph rubbed his head and leaned close to him to whisper: "Ya gotta wake up Leo. You just gotta..."