Sam did not expect to wake up after falling into the pit. Or rather, wake up in the lush green forest
that surrounds him now. He looks up at the bright blue sky, squinting his eyes at the sun. And for
one hopeful moment his heart soars. He pushes himself up, hands gripping at the dirt. "Dean?
Dean!" He calls out, and Sam finds that his voice soars and echoes, and he yells again, but the
only reply he gets is his own voice. With tentative steps, Sam moves away from the trees, into a
small opening among the towering greens. And his heart sinks to his stomach when he sees
Lucifer, Lucifer-in-Nick stumbling towards him.

"No," Sam steps back, but at least he knows where he is now. Hell. Not the fire and brimstone
Hell he thought it would be. "No, no, no." He chanted, moving back from Lucifer's stumbling
form. The Devil did not seem to hear him. So Sam moves back further. And Lucifer falls to his
knees, and screams. And he screams, and after an incredibly long time, Sam kneels beside the
Devil and touched his shoulder.

Dean would not understand. Or take this as some opportunity to run. But Sam, against all his
sense and judgement, stays. Lucifer screams again, out into the cold emptiness and Sam holds
him, not knowing what to say. He could run now, but he runs his hands in Lucifer's short,
cropped hair, and rubs circles in his back, and the screaming quietens into soft, stuttering sobs.
Then they went away and Sam was left kneeling in the grass with a catatonic Satan. The sentence
sounded funnier in his head. "Okay. Okay." Sam breaths to himself.

Lucifer twitches a little in his arms. Sam shuffles over, and places Lucifer on the ground, his
unresponsive body leaning against a tree. Sam stands and wipes his forehead, brushing his hair
away from his face. Lucifer slumps against the trunk, staring up at Sam. No, not staring at Sam.
Just staring. Ice blue eyes blank and pupils dilated. Sam stares back, hands falling to his side. He
shifted from foot to foot, unable to keep still. Eventually, he gave up on trying to wring some
reaction or another from Lucifer and plopped down, legs crossed awkwardly across the Devil.
And Lucifer grabbed his arm and Sam yelps, jumping up. Thinking that this was all just a game
and that the torture would start here.

The grip on his arm is strong and forceful, but not painful. "Calm down! Let go!" Sam yells,
attempting to push Lucifer off him. The Devil did not budge. Instead, he jerks Sam forwards
without a word, and the sky and the land around Sam spins. They land after a second that seemed
like an eternity. And Sam lets out a breath he did not know he was holding. Wherever this is, it
certainly did not seem like hell. It was beautiful, and the air hummed with a certain magic that
buzzes around his skin and it's overwhelming. "This is heaven." Lucifer appears behind him and
Sam spins around, eyes wide. Sam reaches for his knife, his gun, before realizing that he had
neither. "How are we in Heaven?" Sam settles and asks, knowing that he should be more careful
when talking to the Devil, but somehow not caring as much as he should.
Lucifer turns again, and drops like a bag of rocks. Not physically, mind you,but the way he blanked out was so sudden that Sam did a double take, and waved his hand across his face before realizing that, yeah, he is that far gone now, and Sam feels a twinge of sympathy, because Luciferwas good to him. No matter what he did, he never tried to hurt Sam, and no matter how muchSam denies it he still knows. Lucifer is staring. Not at Sam. Not at anything, really. It's unnerving,and Sam glances at him, waiting for the Devil to wake up again, and drag him to another side of the cage(and Sam knows that he is still in the cage, and he thinks that maybe the cage is like Heaven, and he is seeing Lucifer's worst memories).

It never occurred to him until much later, thefact that he did not see his worst memories. Sam looks around. He figures that if the Devilremained catatonic, then Sam could do nothing but is beautiful, breathtaking, and Sam knows that he could just lose himself in a place likethis, but his mind goes to Dean, his big brother, who would do anything for him, anything forlittle Sammy, because Dean's self worth is tied entirely to Sam's existence and sometimes Samcouldn't breath. He thinks of Bobby, gruff and old and always there. He thinks of Castiel.

Out of reach, the warrior from Heaven who gave up everything for Dean, and Sam, and their little group.

So Sam convinces himself to stay, to not move, and anchors himself to Lucifer. He wonders if this
is not Lucifer's worst memories, but his best, because a fitting punishment would be for Lucifer to
see Heaven in front of him at all times, but not be able to reach it, and Sam feels another twinge of
sympathy, and moves near Lucifer's unresponsive body. He tugs at his arm, without all those
sores, his skin was smooth but the energy Sam felt, the cold fury that Lucifer burnt with is a soft,
cold hum, and Sam could do nothing but watch.