Summary: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Daphne Greengrass, and Luna Lovegood die in the final battle after multiple times. Their Death Fairy, Queen Lilith, is not amused, because her people were nearly wiped out by Voldemort. She then sends them back in time with their memories and powers intact (with extra, including the love sacrifice, and Harry's metamorphosis from Book 1) with the help of Santa, and soul-bonds them, because Harry is the Master of Death, and his friends are bonded to him, sharing all of their powers. Based on reptilia28's and CoastalFireBird's time travel challenge, as well as Paladeus Champions of Lilith Challenge, and Paladeus's A Shattered Piece OF Erised challenge. Contains evil Dumbledore, but no high rated content.

Pairings: Harry Potter/Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood/Daphne Greengrass.

Rating: Hopefully Teen, not going any higher for now.

Reptilia28 Challenge 1 Storyline: Harry is killed at 17 in the Battle of Hogwarts, and is sent to Death's Office (who is also Lilith, the Fairy Queen.) He finds out that this is not the first time this happened.

Harry's Death (who can have a human name) is mad at him, because dying before your time is apparently a black mark on Death's records, and is close to getting Death/Lilith fired, with her people dead.

When Harry asks what he was supposed to have done, Death/Lilith goes off and rants about how Harry was supposed to have defeated Voldemort, found his soul-mate ("Some Granger girl…" which is required), and lived to be in his hundreds or millenniums.

Due to Harry being in deadly situations, he keeps dying before that can happen, yet is surprised about the soul-mate part.

After that, Death/Lilith allows Harry (and his crew) to sign a paper to sign allowing him to keep his memories (which is a requirement), which was not done before due to secrecy during his previous deaths which were accumulated over more than 3 times.

Eventually, Harry (and crew) get it right, and Death/Lilith do not get fired/killed.

Optionally, Dumbledore can be at fault for those deaths.

CoastalFireBird Challenge 1 Storyline: Deaths have to have at least occurred between books 5-7, Death gives Harry 1 last chance to make things right, which means to kill Voldemort, save Sirius, fall in love with Daphne Greengrass, and save as many characters as possible, except for one (i.e.: Dumbledore/Ron as they time travel). Harry's soul-mate is Daphne Greengrass, and Ginny was giving Harry Love potion, and the crew repulsion (I will ignore this, and make the twins, Ginny, Bill, Charlie, Molly, Arthur, and Gringotts friendly), and Harry emancipates himself before sixth year.

Paladeus Challenge 1, Champions of Lilith, Storyline: Harry is deserted by Ron in the tent, and visits Xeno Lovegood with Hermione, and meets Luna after the attack at Malfoy Manor. (Changed so that it is Christmas at Shell Cottage in this story.) Santa sends Harry and crew back in time as a Christmas gift (changed so that he shows up in Death/Lilith's office and grants their wish there by assisting Death/Lilith.), Love scenes are removed to keep the rating safe, (changed in the story so that before the battle, Voldemort tries to hunt fairies and Luna's favorite creatures), Harry and crew proceed to rob the Death Eaters and Voldemort blind after the Time Travel (or control them), including killing the Malfoys, so their fortune falls to Luna (who is Lucius's niece). This may also include controlling the Chamber of Secrets, Hogwarts due to founder heirs, the Stone, and The Goblet Of Fire, with Goblins taking care of the Horcruxes, returning the cleansed object, and rewarding the owners. This includes the Basilisk.

Paladeus Challenge 2, A Shattered Piece of Erised Storyline: Harry hurts himself on a copy of the Mirror of Erised, and can see his own, or other's desires (in this story, make the Room of Requirement show, use the mirror like Mad Eye's Eye, use it like the Marauders Map, and see memories, and have perfect mental defense). (This will happen after time traveling to first year, and stealing the stone using future knowledge and power, since Flamel has more stones.)