Hello, sweet faces.
It's been a minute, I know. I've missed you. I've missed these two. I've missed this sordid little world we built.
I'm terribly sorry that this isn't a chapter, although for some it might very well be, because I'm donating a brand new chapter of The Fall to the Babies At The Border Compliation.
This amazing fundraiser had already raised over $5,000 for organisations such as The ACLU and Human Rights First, and for just $10 not only do you get a sneak peek at a brand new EPOV of my very favourite part of this whole damn story, but you'll get over a hundred new short stories and one shots from other contributing authors, some of whom are published authors you guys!
The chapter will be posted to the EPOV 'Red Right Hand' (fave it if you haven't already!) in mid-December, but if you want it early this compilation is the only place to get it.
Head to www dot babiesattheborder dot blogspot dot com for all the details.
Hit me up if you have any questions that aren't "are you going to continue this story".
Wink out