Author's Note: OK, so I got a bit of backlash last chapter from the implication that Shigi Haruka was minorly autistic. To clarify things properly, he is very, very, very minorly autistic. The majority of the reason that he acted out like he did is because he is, to use the classical phrase, a rebel without a cause. He instinctively bucks and bristles at authority, even if it is imposed in his own best interest.

I will add that I in no way meant to insult or demean those who are diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, or Asperger's Syndrome, and that Shigi Haruka is mainly just a LOT dumber here than he is in canon.

Read, Review and check out my other stories! And seriously, my story schedule is on my profile. Please actually LOOK at it before you PM or ask in a review when the next chapter is up!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sekirei. More's the pity, now that it's out in paperback.

"Minato." - Regular Speech

'Musubi' – Thoughts

"Kaminari!" - Sekirei Incantation

Beta'd by BigCC

Chapter 29: Escape from Shin Teitō Part 1: The Plan Starts

The Next Day

Sahashi Yukari's Room, Sahashi Minato's Residence, Shin Teitō

Yukari came awake with a stifled moan as her First Sekirei buried her head between her breasts…her naked breasts at that. She had finally given up on trying to wear anything to bed given the amount of sleeping clothes and underwear that she had already lost to Oriha's greedy, grasping little hands.

She still wasn't completely sure if the alien girl was doing it deliberately or not, but going by how genuinely apologetic that Oriha got whenever she noticed she'd done it again, she was currently leaning toward it being an utterly unconscious act and thus couldn't hold it much against her girlfriend/wife/whatever. So, yes, nowadays Yukari was getting used to sleeping in the nude. Unfortunately, without any offending garments to destroy, Oriha's hands had decided to…wander a bit, and were now firmly groping Yukari's very well-toned posterior.

'And why am I just lying back and letting her sleep-grope me?' the youngest of the Sahashi Family scowled, one eye starting to twitch as the still-sleeping Sekirei continued to massage her ass with both hands. 'Damn it, I've always been the aggressive one in any relationship before now! I'm the one who teases and plays with my partner, so why…!?'

She refused to even consider that her 'chastisement' by the twins had awoken something within her, a certain liking for being teased, tormented, and played with by other women. Nope! Absolutely not! Never! No way in any shape, size, or form! Not her! Sahashi Yukari was a high-level black belt in karate fully capable of beating men twice her size in a fistfight. She was a domme with not a submissive bone in her body, and she sure as hell wasn't some kind of masochist either!


Yukari forcefully swallowed down a yelp/moan as Oriha lightly bit into her right nipple. "J-Jeez, how horny are you, perverted maid Sekirei!?"

Once Yukari finally managed to awaken her sleeping partner and pry her off, Oriha quickly and efficiently dressed herself before quickly scurrying off to the kitchen to aid her master's elder brother in preparing breakfast for the ravenous horde that dwelled within the house. This left Yukari alone in their room to absently massage her boob where she was now sporting a rather prominent love-bite.

"Muuu~!" the youngest Sahashi pouted in annoyance. Sekirei were just so freakin' unfair. Even Sekirei like Oriha, who specialized in thrown weapons and had little close-combat ability, were stronger than the average adult human male, meaning that the petite little maid cosplayer was capable of easily trapping Yukari in her grasp. Never mind the actual close-combat types like Musubi, who could literally punch through reinforced concrete completely without meaning to.

One hand absently fell to her rear and absently began to rub it as she remembered the 'punishment' that she had been put through by her brother's First Sekirei; her ass had been sore for days afterwards and she would swear that her entire body was still hypersensitive thanks to all of the electrical stimulation that they had put her through. She had to go out and buy an entire new wardrobe, particularly underwear, because the old ones were just too stimulating to wear now!

"Speaking of underwear, I'd better have a shower and get dressed if I want there to be any breakfast left." she muttered under her breath. Living in a house with several Sekirei meant that if you were late to a meal, there likely wasn't going to be much left when you finally arrived. And it all mostly just went to their breasts too. "Damned booby alien biology." she grumbled as she got into the shower.

After a nice hot shower, Yukari quickly picked out a matching bra and panties set and slipped them on. At the very least, her recent shopping spree meant that she had plenty of cute underwear to choose from, and she hadn't needed to pay for any of it thanks to her MBI Card. She'd even checked that it was okay with her mother, who had confirmed that, since Oriha had destroyed so much of her wardrobe with her sleep-groping, using the MBI Card to buy replacements was well within her rights.

She frowned a bit as she finished clasping her bra. She'd only bought these a week ago and it was already starting to feel a bit tight? She was fairly certain that she'd gotten all of them in the right sizes, so…were her boobs starting to get bigger? Despite being a country girl at heart, she had never believed that stupid old wives' tale about how, 'having someone you care for massage your boobs will make them grow', so why was it happening now?

"I mean, I just had my last growth spurt a few months ago. Is this an actual thing?" the girl mused aloud before shrugging. "Eh, whatever. It's only a bit tight now. If it gets any tighter, I'll worry about what it means then."

That was honestly a fairly typical example of Yukari's way of thinking. Unless something was a clear and pressing issue, she wasn't really one to be bothered by things that most girls her age would consider a serious and direly important issue. As her mother liked to say, Yukari was the very epitome of a tomboy who had inherited her mother's worst habits.

Quickly getting dressed in one of her usual tomboy chic outfits, Yukari quickly wandered down to the dining room in order to get some breakfast. She arrived just in time to see most of her brother's Flock already lined up and waiting for their turn to be served food and kissed. Given the sheer number of times that Minato kissed each member of his alien harem every day, you'd think that it was something they needed just as much as the food they were shovelling into their bellies.

Throttling down the flare of (NOT!) jealously that ran through her at the sight of her brother being so affectionate to other girls, Yukari absently gave a stink eye to the idiot Ashikabi that had defied her brother's orders to not go wandering around yesterday, Shigi Haruka. He was already sitting down with his Sekirei, both looking pretty down. Given that the guy had been on the receiving end of her one of her mother's more…enthusiastic scoldings that wasn't surprising. She momentarily felt a slight flicker of pity for him; getting on Sahashi Takami's nerves was bad enough under normal circumstances, but her mother had absolutely no patience for people who tried to play stupid games in a serious situation.

That pity, however, swiftly died a fiery, miserable death as she recalled the Sekirei that had followed him back to this house. The same ones her brother's Sekirei had to fight off to keep from trying to kidnap both of them. Maybe the dumbass would actually learn something after being on the receiving end of her mother's ire.

"Morning, Yukari." her brother greeted her as he pulled away from a delightedly blushing Kusano, her verdant light-green wings of light already fading away.

"Mornin' Onii-chan." Yukari responded as she took her own seat at the table and a plate of food was quickly placed in front of her by Oriha. Bacon, fried eggs, fried mushrooms, and an assortment of other tasty fried bits. "Going for a Western Breakfast today?"

Her brother shrugged. "Seemed like a nice idea to change it up every once and awhile, I've only been making Japanese Breakfasts lately so I thought why not." Minato answered with a small smile. "Oriha has been a big help when it comes to getting everyone fed."

"You offer me too much praise, Minato-san." the Chakram Sekirei offered him a polite bow before taking her own seat by Yukari. "You already had everything well in hand by the time I arrived, I merely helped finish everything up."

"Well cooking is a skill that you tend to improve on the more you practice with it." the Ashikabi of the North offered with a modest shrug as he finished preparing his own plate. "And keeping everyone fed so far has certainly been giving my culinary skills a helpful workout."

"Well, either way it tastes great." Yukari pointed out as she chewed on a mouthful of bacon.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Minato lightly chopped her on the head as he passed her on the way to his own seat.

Pouting at him, the youngest Sahashi looked around table, frowning slightly, before she swallowed. "Hey, do you know where Shiina is? I haven't seen a hint of him this morning."

"He came down a bit earlier than Oriha did. I asked him to make a quick grocery run for me since we're running low on a few essentials. He should be back any minute and I made sure to have a plate ready and waiting for him." Minato answered as he got started on his own breakfast. "He took his own MBI Card to pay for everything."

"…you're getting pretty comfortable with my Sekirei, aren'tcha Onii-chan." Yukari pointed out blandly, eyeing him as she took a bite of her toast.

"I'm just getting to know my new sister- and brother-in-law properly." the elder sibling responded back utterly unrepentantly. That actually made Yukari nearly choke in surprise, causing Oriha to quickly rise to assist her mistress while Minato simply tucked into his own meal, looking just the slightest bit smug.

It took a minute for Yukari to recover her bearings, and couple chugs of orange juice to soothe her throat, so she could properly glower at him.

"You…did that on purpose." she accused.

"Guilty." Minato replied diffidently, generating a good deal of amusement from his own wives much to Yukari's ire.

Once everyone had finished their breakfasts, including Shiina who returned a few minutes later with the groceries in tow, they all gathered in the living room aside from Yahan, who headed out to get started on the job Takami had requested of her. She was going to be looking deeply into MBI's various Tuners for the next couple days. Again.

"Well, we've almost finished with the plan to get Shigi-san and Kuno-san out of the new Capital." Minato stated before looking at Matsu and nodding.

"Ahem." the Sekirei of Wisdom coughed, before the TV lit up and showed a rough overview of Shin Teitō, with a single red ring appearing to encircle the entirety of the Capital. "MBI's blockade is made of several different parts. The first are the patrols that MBI's 'private security company' regularly performs around the capital's outer limits. The majority of these are handled by men equipped with last-gen body armour and battle rifles being transported via APCs. They're less to stop escaping Sekirei/Ashikabi pairs and more to handle more mundane blockade runners, civic agitators, smugglers, and even the press, as well as acting as mobile sets of eyes and ears for the rest of the blockade."

Several red squares suddenly appeared at various points around the outskirts of the capital. "Next come the armed groups stationed at key points across the outskirts of the city and at the major roadways and other egress points. These forces are going to be much better equipped than the roving patrols, and the main forces here are likely going to have access to MBI's latest and greatest developments in body armour and weaponry. The one's located near the land bound egress points even have a few MBTs ready to move out if things get serious."

"Er-what?" Shigi blinked in confusion.

"Main Battle Tanks. The kind of heavily armoured tank that you would expect any country's army to mobilize in some capacity during wartimes. And these are likely to be a step or two above those varieties due to MBI's tech." Matsu answered bluntly. "However, these forces are mostly for intimidation purposes. While they might be able to stop a single Ashikabi/Sekirei pair from making it out, any Ashikabi with multiple Sekirei or even a loosely aligned group of single pairs would be able to break through with a bit of effort. Can you honestly imagine any number of regular soldiers or tanks being able to stop Minato-sama from leaving if he ordered us to storm a point?"

Looking around at the array of Sekirei that looked almost eager to show off their stuff for the sake of their Ashikabi, the rōnin could only deadpan before shaking his head in defeat. Some guys got all the luck…

"However, they are capable of managing a holding action to buy time for the final line of physical defence to show up. And this one was designed to prevent groups like ours from trying to run." Matsu continued grimly. "The Discipline Squad."

Taking a deep breath, the orangette continued. "The Discipline Squad was founded back before even the S-Plan, the precursor and inspiration for the Sekirei Plan, was even developed. The first five Sekirei, Numbers One through Five, defended the Sekirei mothership from being seized in an attack organized by a certain country, which included a full naval battle-group complete with both land and air elements. The entire force would not have been out of place in an actual invasion of foreign soil."

"I know that you Single Numbers are supposed to be stronger than the rest of us, but none of you even had Ashikabi back then. How were you able to beat a force that big?" Yomi asked sceptically.

"This was before we had our limiters placed on our powers so we could actually be Winged." Matsu answered with a tight smile. "To give you the brief highlights of the battle: Number 1 cut a battlecruiser in half with the air pressure of a single sword swing, I managed to hijack several laser satellites as well as completely destroy their communications network, Number 3 Kazehana smacked an entire squadron of fighter jets out of the air with a single move, Number 4 Karasuba reduced entire platoons into bloody chunks in a matter of seconds, and Number 5 Mutsu sunk an entire armoured division into the earth."

"Yikes." Kuno squeaked out.

"The Second Generation of the Disciple Squad, which operated during the initial stages of the S-Plan, was made up of only Number 4, Karasuba, and Number 8, Yume." the Sekirei of Wisdom continued. "This was mostly due to Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5 all not wanting to have anything more to do with the Discipline Squad, MBI, or both after the initial danger had passed. It was kept to only two members to allow for faster responses, and because it was believed that the original threat had been fully de-fanged by the initial repulsion of their invasion force. That was obviously a mistake on our parts and Musubi, Kaho, and Yume all paid dearly for it."

Kaho's arm fell protectively across Musubi's shoulders at that reminder.

"And that brings us back to the present and the Third Generation of the Discipline Squad." Matsu continued. "As with both previous iterations, Number 4 Karasuba, the Black Sekirei, is a part of it and has even been designated Sekirei leader this time around. She has been Winged by Ichinomi Natsuo, a clerk employed by the MBI Pharmaceutical Department. There are two other members of the Discipline Squad: Number 104, Haihane, and Number 105, Benitsubasa; the Blue and Red Sekirei respectively. Interestingly enough, neither has currently been Winged by Natsuo either, both are currently Unwinged Sekirei which is rather bizarre given the circumstances. Haihane is a Weapons-type that uses clawed metal gauntlets and specializes in a speed-based hit-and-run fighting style. Benitsubasa is a Fist-type like Musubi and focuses on raw power."

"Huh. That's a very close-quarters heavy group." Kuruse pointed out with a frown.

"Karasuba-sama can move fast enough to close the distance between herself and another Sekirei in an instant." Kaho stated with a shake of her head. "Simple distance would be absolutely meaningless if one were to try and challenge her."

"And from everything I've heard that sword of hers is sharp enough to cut through steel like butter." Uzume pointed out. "I'd be almost useless against her without my Norito."

"She's also demonstrated an ability to cut through even elemental attacks without issue. No one's sure how." Matsu added with a shrug. Her former squadmate was simply bullshit levels of strong. "Anyway, returning to our briefing, that's about it when it comes to actual physical defences. Electronically, the entirety of the New Capital's public surveillance system is fully under MBI's control, save for a few parts that Higa of the East has managed to seize control over. Strategically, MBI also has several satellites locked into geosynchronous orbit over the area, all armed with next-generation space-to-surface laser systems that make the ones that I used to defend the mothership look like penlights in comparison, and are all accurate enough to strike a target with less than five inches of deviation. Which is utterly ridiculous given the scale of those lasers."

"H-How are we even supposed to survive all of that, let alone get Shigi-san and Kuno-chan out of the Capital?" Yashima asked, eyes wide.

"I'm here, so we can hack and take control of the satellites and the surveillance systems without any real issues." the Sekirei of Wisdom pointed out with a casual wave of her hand. "If Mina-tan is willing to let me unleash my Norito then we could crash most of MBI's systems with a bit of effort; I could even usurp control of the Mothership's systems for a little while. Or at least cut MBI off from them. No, the biggest problem will be where we need to make our move to make a breakout attempt."

"The East?" Musubi suggested, earning her an appraising look from Matsu.

"A good guess, but no. Precisely because of Higa, the patrols and guards around the eastern edges of the city are twice the size of those in any of the other quarters and the holding points are even more secured." the orangette replied with a shake of her head. "It's the likeliest place for anyone attempting to make a run for it to try. The South has too many hostiles to worry about to try there, and the West has far too many potential bystanders that might get caught in the crossfire. That leaves doing it in our own backyard, the North. Specifically, the bridges over the river. Because, even with their blockade, MBI still needs to keep supplies flowing in and out of the city if they want to keep it functioning normally, the rail bridges will be the most lightly guarded key points in Shin Teitō. One of those will be our best chance at a breakthrough point."

"I see…land-based escape will be far harder due to the sheer amount of forces that MBI has to call upon, but by using the bridges, it will actually be far harder for MBI soldiers to interfere due to the need to keep them clear so the city can remain functioning." Kaho nodded seriously. "I would imagine that they would ultimately choose to destroy the bridges if they felt it necessary and switch to instituting helicopter delivery of supplies instead."

"Bingo, but that is a last resort. The sheer costs and organizational chaos that kind of switch-over would require would be a headache for even a group with MBI's resources, so it is being kept as a last resort." Matsu agreed. "As long as the Chairman has control of MBI and the Sekirei Plan, Takami-okaa-san is forced to stay in his good books and keep the Sekirei Plan working in accordance with his 'rules.' If she doesn't, he is fully capable of forcefully removing her from her position and the gods only know what that would mean for the Sekirei, though I'm willing to bet that it wouldn't be anything good. She's been doing everything in her power to help keep things at least partially stable and keep everyone safe. The Chairman won't care a whit about that as long as his precious 'Game of the Gods' is involved."

A grimace passed across the face of almost every Sekirei. They all knew what had been done to their sisters and brothers was monstrous, especially what had been done to Kuno and Akitsu, not to mention a dozen other Sekirei. The only reason so few had been experimented on was because anyone who had tried it overtly had been caught and ruthlessly dealt with by Takami.

"Anyway, we have all the resources that we need to completely overwhelm the MBI soldiers at any of the bridge checkpoints." Minato said, taking over for Matsu. "Our plan has four key stages. The first stage has Matsu hacking into Shin Teitō's surveillance network and making it work for us for the duration. Once she's done that, a team consisting of myself, Kusano, Hikari, Hibiki, Yashima, and Kuruse will head out with Shigi-san and Kuno-san to the bridge we've chosen for the plan. While we are doing that, Matsu will be coordinating everything from her PC, while Musubi and Kaho remain to guard her from any unexpected interlopers. Yahan, Akitsu, Uzume, and Yomi, will head out beforehand and start causing some havoc among the MBI soldiers guarding the East to distract MBI."

"But Musubi can fight!" the busty miko lookalike protested.

"Musubi, you're the only thing that is keeping Yume-sama's spirit alive." Kaho gently reminded her rival-turned-protectee. "The Discipline Squad will not be holding anything back when they come and there is a chance that you could be terminated. If that happens, Yume-sama would be lost to us for good. Is that something that you want to risk?"

Looking down at her feet, Musubi silently shook her head.

"Besides, you'll still be playing an important part. Protecting Matsu in case the Ashikabi of the South or anyone else tries to pull something during the chaos." Minato added. "That is a very important part of the plan that I am counting on you and Kaho for."

"Hai!" Musubi agreed, brightening up significantly at the reminder that her Destined One would be relying on her. While she had gotten much more self-aware since she had initially been Winged by Minato, Musubi was still very much a simple girl at heart who wanted nothing more than to be praised and valued by her loved ones, and being told that guarding the house was important to him was more than enough to show her that he valued her.

The fact that this would also help protect Yume's vulnerable spirit within her was also a factor.

"Yukari, if you'll agree I'd like for you and your Sekirei to join Yahan's group in the East." Minato asked, turning his attention to his sister who had perked up in surprise. "While they cause chaos among MBI's forces, your job will be to focus on cutting off any East or South Sekirei that try and interfere. We want this distraction to last as long as possible."

"A chance to a kick a few asses belonging to the jerks that think they run Shin Teitō?" Yukari grinned savagely as she punched her palm. "Sound like fun. We're in!"

"Won't this be dangerous for Yukari-sama?" Oriha asked worriedly.

"MBI's soldiers have orders not to directly target any Ashikabi unless they are a direct and immediate threat." Matsu said with a shake of her head. "The Chairman doesn't want any of the Ashikabi to panic about them being 'culled' or something and set their Sekirei on MBI's force indiscriminately. More than that, Shiina-tan's power can rot and destroy anything, even bullets, once he turns it up to a certain level of power."

"That is true." the bishōnen Sekirei agreed with a nod. "I would need to use Death Garden for that level of power, but it would be worth it to protect Yukari-sama."

"Shiina…." Yukari blushed.

Minato smiled indulgently before he got serious again. "With the fuss that your group is going to kick up, it is almost certain that at least part of the Discipline Squad will be routed your way. Probably Haihane and Benitsubasa so they can keep Karasuba in reserve until someone actually tries to escape. Once they arrive try and draw the fights out for a while before withdrawing, but don't risk any of your safety. Do not terminate either of them if you can help it either unless you want us to get an earful from Kaa-san."

"What if they send in Karasuba first?" Kuruse asked, her mind automatically going towards the worst-case scenario.

"Withdraw immediately and don't give her a chance to attack." Minato answered immediately with a very firm tone of voice. "Karasuba is a powerful, experienced opponent that none of us are ready to face head-on yet. Even Akitsu would be completely outmatched by her in terms of raw experience. Just blasting at her with ice isn't going to do much to even slow her down."

"Musubi calls dibs on Karasuba-sama!" the Power Fist Sekirei called out, causing baffled looks to rapidly fall onto her. What Sekirei in their right mind would actually WANT to fight against the Black Sekirei?!

"Once Yume's situation has been fully resolved, you'll get your chance." Minato agreed cautiously.

With Musubi completely satisfied with that response, the Ashikabi of the North turned to Matsu and gave her a searching look, to which she replied with a smirk and a thumbs-up.

'Good, looks like the final parts of the plan are all ready.' Minato thought as he needed back. 'I'll need to have a talk with her one-on-one later…'

"According to Matsu's calculations, the best day and time to strike will be two days from now, right when the sun is starting to set." he said aloud. "The soldiers will be preparing for changeover to night watch, meaning most of them will be tired and not as alert after a full shift."

"Why two days from now?" Haruka asked in confusion.

"Yahan needs today and tomorrow to investigate the Tuners for MBI and report everything she finds out about them to my mother." Minato shrugged. "Giving her a full night and most of the next day to rest and relax after doing a very necessary job like that seems only reasonable to me."

That brought nods of agreement from the gathered Sekirei. All of the people responsible for the ill treatment of the Sekirei needed to be brought to account and Yahan would deserve her rest after assisting in making sure that it was done as thoroughly as possible.

"I still can't believe that there were people willing to pull that kind of crap." Yukari grumbled with a scowl.

"When the Professor was hiring personnel, his primary parameters were always skill and efficiency. Morality and ethics sadly fell to the wayside in comparison." Matsu offered with a sigh. "Just like with Ashikabi, there are a few good Tuners, some so-so Tuners, and a lot of bad Tuners who saw their position of power over the Sekirei as nothing more than free rein to conduct lab experiments where they could do as they wished. All of the worst, as well as most of the bad ones, are already in prison now though; Takami-okaa-san has already had most of them thrown into a private prison controlled by MBI to ensure that they can't reveal any secrets involving the Sekirei or try and take things to the press."

"And long may they rot in there." Uzume offered with blunt feeling.

As the gathering broke up, Matsu leaned over to Minato. "You were tempted to keep Yukari-tan here to help the 'guard force' weren't you." she asked quietly.

"Yeah…but she's not an object that I can try and keep wrapped up in cotton wool." he admitted tiredly. "She has two Sekirei of her own to protect her if things go bad and she's always been an amazing fighter on her own. That, plus the knowledge that if anything happens to her it would kill Oriha and Shiina as well, will hopefully keep her from doing anything too reckless."

Yukari was many things including brave and reckless, but she was never careless with the lives of others. The fact that the bonds she had with her Sekirei both gave her capable protectors and would curb her own recklessness and impetuosity was a very fortunate state of affairs in the male Sahashi's opinion.

"Good. She might be a bit of a brat, but you really do need to let her be independent if you want her to grow out of it, Mina-tan." Matsu said approvingly. "Now, I'd best get everything squared away. I only have two days to do some last-minute touch-ups and adjustments!"

"Isn't everything already finished?" her Ashikabi blinked.

"Yes, but I can optimize everything with a few last-minute tweaks." the orangette replied smugly. "We're talking about live-testing a prototype, after all, I can likely make something a lot better once I have some real field data to properly analyse, but we have to get it as good as we can while we can."

Minato shook his head in amusement as Matsu strode off towards the stairs, eager to tinker with her device. It had been his idea initially, but he'd honestly had no clue how to even start making it a reality. Matsu had tackled that task in his stead with an absolutely fervent zeal, rapidly ordering in the parts and tools she needed online using one of their MBI VIP Cards before assembling it from scratch.

He'd have to take her out on a date as a reward for her hard work once all of this was wrapped up and over with.

Looking at the image of Shin Teitō on the TV for a moment longer, Minato picked up the remote and turned it off, before heading towards the kitchen to get started on the dishes. That was something he insisted on doing, even if he noticed that at least a couple of his Sekirei were secretly learning how to cook and clean just so they could gently ease him out of cooking anything but breakfast. They apparently felt that they were supposed to serve him, not the other way around, which was…fair enough, Sekirei were mostly submissive girls who devoted themselves to their Ashikabi.

He liked taking care of them though. He'd eventually have to negotiate with his 'wives' so that he could at least keep making breakfast, though given that they loved sleeping in, that likely was going to be easier to accomplish than he imagined…


Next Chapter: Escape from Shin Teitō Part 2: Divide to Conquer