Part Six
Sang's POV
I watched the sink fill with soapy water and listened as Dr Green and Owen stacked the dishes in the dining room. I don't think they were talking, but if they were it was low enough for the water to drown it out.
I bit my lip, sticking one hand in and swirling the water with my fingers, the bubbles moved and shook. I switched off the tap as Dr Green came in with Mr Blackbourne behind him.
"Excellent start," Dr Green said cheerfully, nudging me to one side as he placed his pile of dirty dishes in the sink. Mr Blackbourne placed his beside the sink and picked up the cloth to dry them. He held it out to me and I took it.
I'd stayed for dinner with them a few times now, I think it was their way of making sure that I got at least one balanced meal every week. But we'd now developed a system; Dr Green washed, I dried and Mr Blackbourne put them away. It still struck me how well he knew the layout of Dr Green's kitchen and where everything lived, it gave me an indication as to how close they were as friends.
"So, listen, pookie, now you don't have anything in your mouth, let's get down to business," Dr Green spoke up, his tone light and flirty
"Dr Green." Mr Blackbourne's voice held a low warning that I easily picked up on but didn't understand why. He took a dish from me and started to talk as he put it away.
"Dr Green said you've never attended any Health Education Programmes in your previous school. Ordinarily it would be introduced in year 6 with age appropriate information and then built upon each year. Ashley Waters is no different in it's responsibility to teach these programmes, but they are lacking in content due to State laws. I don't want you attending the schools classes for a number of reasons; firstly we'd be throwing you in at the deep end, your year are already aware of far more than you, and you'd be at a disadvantage..."
"Not to mention the little brats have mouths straight out of the gutter," Dr Green interrupted him and I saw Mr Blackbourne frown in annoyance but his face quickly became blank again.
I looked at Mr Blackbourne as I handed him another plate. He took it and caught my eyes before I could turn back to the sink. He held me in place with his eyes and I found myself straightening up slightly.
"Secondly, they don't teach enough information to ensure your future safety," he said and turned to put the plate away.
"Safety?" I asked, I was feeling awkward but I was grateful for the way they were discussing this; as if it was just as normal as discussing the weather. And maybe it was between normal people who were friends, families. I had no idea what people in families talked about. We never discussed anything, even less personal issues like this.
I remembered the start of the year when I had finally started my period. I only knew a few details that had been mentioned in the encyclopedia that I had, and it had been a scary time when it had finally happened, but there was no one to ask, no one to tell me it was ok. I had carefully broached the subject with Marie, hoping that maybe she would take on the role of older sister finally and guide me. My hopes were dashed when all she did was turn her nose up at me and inform me curtly that she didn't want to know, and slammed her bedroom door in my face. I had learnt my lesson and never tried again.
"Pookie..." Dr Green waved a hand in front of my face and I realised with a jump that I had zoned out while Mr Blackbourne was talking, staring down at the plate in my hand.
"I'm sorry," I mumbled and hastily started to wipe the plate, lost my grip and nearly dropped it.
Mr Blackbourne's reaction were fast and he caught it before it could hit the floor.
"Good save, Owen," Dr Green laughed and I blushed heavily, feeling guilty.
"I'm so sorry," I tried again.
"Miss Sorenson, you've gone through a lot today, perhaps it's suffice to say that we will be teaching you all you need to know, is this acceptable to you?" Mr Blackbourne's voice held a touch of warmth that made me sigh heavily.
"Stay with us, we'll see you right," Dr Green said and winked at me.
I smiled at them and nodded my head. Mr Blackbourne's millimeter smile appeared for a few seconds and then he was all business again.
"Good, it's actually worked in our favour, you not having a study hall. That's when they've been teaching it so far. Instead, we will split it between when we are here and when you have violin lessons. The state says that at least seven hundred and fifty minutes have to be taught. Which is just over twelve hours, so it's a twenty-four week programme that runs from September through to..."
Dr Green cleared his throat and Mr Blackbourne frowned at him and then shrugged.
"What Owen is trying to say is that we're got it covered between these two times, ok?"
I bit my lip, trying not to giggle. I wasn't laughing at them, it was just funny how Mr Blackbourne was collected and formal about it, but Dr Green was so irreverent. They were like chalk and cheese, but they worked so well together.
"Moving on," Mr Blackbourne took the cloth from my hand and indicated me to go towards the living room. "We were going to take you back to get your homework done, but I know that the moment you're back there, those boys won't give you a minutes peace, so we've decided to let you get it done here tonight and then we'll take you home."
I looked back at him as Dr Green disappeared towards the door and then came back again with my bookbag.
I was actually glad to spend some more time here. I was missing the boys, but I was also aware that what Mr Blackbourne had said was true and I was worried that I might inadvertently say something that would tip them off to the real reasons behind my behaviour today.
They settled me on the couch and then went back into the kitchen, pulling the door too. I heard their low murmurs as they started to talk about something, but I decided that I wouldn't try and listen. If Mr Hendricks called me in tomorrow then I could honestly say that nothing had been spoken of the Academy.
I drew out my homework and went straight to my biology. I was determined to do the best I could now.
Sean's POV
"I'm not even going to touch the syllabus, Owen," I said and folded my arms on the kitchen table. "I'm going to go right back to the beginning, start with basic anatomy, male and female. I rather think there are things she has no idea about how her own body works." I saw him nod as he regarded me intently.
"We'll cover STD's, contraception and emotional well being," he agreed.
"We're not allowed to show the little monsters in school any sort of real contraception, but I think we ought to have a few hands on sessions..." I stopped at the way I had worded it and swallowed.
"Really? Hands on, Sean? Are you sure you could manage that?" Owen's voice was blatantly teasing me and I laughed and shook my head at him.
"Why? Are you volunteering to take that particular lesson?" I inquired, grinning at him. I laughed loudly when I saw the blush creep across his cheeks. "Or could you do with a refresher course as well?"
He laughed out loud at that. I knew that he was no virgin, same as he knew neither was I; but it had been awhile for either of us. I had little contact with girls outside of the Academy, and I had never met one in the Academy that had felt right past a one night stand, and they'd been looking for nothing more either. Not until Sang descended on us and turned us all about. I knew the boys were on a self imposed drought too. Sang would be it for all of us now for the rest of our lives... as long as we could get her on board with letting us share her. Which brought me back to the boys.
"We need to lay ground rules tonight," I said and saw Owen straighten up, all signs of playfulness gone from his face and body.
"Yes. We need to know exactly how far they've gone with her. If they're doing things she doesn't truly understand, even if she's encouraging it unwittingly, they're out of line."
"It was going to happen, Owen. Hot blooded males, sleeping beside her at night. They'd have to be monks to withstand that kind of torture, and I think even a monk would sucumb to the charms of Sang."
He nodded and pushed a hand up the back of his head in to his hair.
"But she's reliant on them now," I carried on. "Nathan told me she can't sleep on her own anymore. She has to have at least one of them with her. We can't ask them to back off from her on that. She doesn't sleep well as it is."
"I know. She sits on their laps, holds their hands and lets them basically do whatever they will with her," he sighed and pushed his glasses up his nose. "They hid too much from us as to how close to her they are, and now it's too late."
"Would you have stopped it?" I asked and watched him closely. I knew that I was as guilty as the rest of them. I'd had her on my lap, held her hand and hugged her, but I also knew that Owen had shown the most restraint with her. But I think that was more because he just wasn't with her as much as the rest of us. But I also knew that he was reserved for other reasons. We were all broken.
I could see him debating my words and then he shrugged.
"I rather think she's wriggled her way in without any of them even knowing it was happening," he said and nudged his glasses again.
"You need to catch up with us in order for this to work, Owen," I said quietly. "It's clear to see that she loves us all. Even though she hasn't said it, she loves you, Owen, but she needs to know you love her back. You do love her, don't you?" I asked even though I already knew he did.
I saw his face shut down and I thought for a minute that I had gone too far but he merely looked over at the door. A few seconds later a soft knock was heard and then Sang was opening it. I wondered if she's heard anything, it might even be a good thing if she did.
"Hey, could I have a drink of water please?" she asked and I knew from her eyes that she'd heard nothing. I was disappointed.
"Of course," I smiled widely at her, hiding it well. "Water or something else? Tea? Hot chocolate?" I saw it in her eyes the moment I said it. "Hot Chocolate it is." I laughed and stood up to get it for her.
"How's your homework going?" Owen asked and I heard her sit on one of the stools beside him.
"I've finished it," she spoke softly and I could hear the tiredness in her voice.
I looked around as she pushed her pile of books towards Owen. I turned as the milk heated on the stove and watched as he took the top one off, nudged his glasses up his nose and opened it. He read it through and nodded as he closed it.
"Very good, Miss Sorenson," he asked, taking the next book. "Japanese?" He looked up at me and I saw the humour in his eyes making me smirk at him.
"I let her off the last three times, I can't keep doing that or the other students will think she's my favourite." I sent her a wink and then said "Of course, she is my favourite student, but they don't need to know that."
I heard her giggle as I turned and poured the now warm milk into a cup and added the chocolate powder. I grinned at I stirred it.
"As a teacher you shouldn't have any favourites, Dr Green, first rule of teaching," Owen said but his voice was light. I tapped the spoon on the cup and decided to put my tongue very firmly in my cheek.
"Are you trying to tell me she's not your favourite music student?" I said with a teasing tone. I turned and placed the cup in front of her my eyes on Owen. I saw him narrow his eyes slightly and I also saw Sang look at him, her whole heart easy to see and read. I hoped I hadn't gone too far.
"But then she is your only student," I started to divert when he cleared his throat and spoke.
"Miss Sorenson is indeed my favourite student," he said and pushed her Japanese book to me.
"Breaking your own rule?" I was playing with fire now and I knew it.
"Dr Green, we're not really teachers, we're just pretending," he said and the sarcastic tone was clear to hear. He'd won that round and I let him know it as I looked at him.
"Oh!" Sang looked up from her cup. "I thought you were professors in the Academy."
"What makes you say that?" Owen asked and I looked at her in interest.
"Something Kota said when I first met him..." she said and then drained her cup. "Thank you."
I watched her slide from the stool, cross to the sink and rinse her cup out. I looked over at Owen and lifted my eyebrows at him.
He nodded and gathered her books together.
"It's time to take you home, Miss Sorenson," he said and she came back over and picked up her books with a smile.
I ran a hand through my hair. I liked having her here, I would be quite happy if she just stayed here. I sighed and followed them both into the living room.
We'd get her settled in at home and then we'd be in time for the family meeting at Nathan's house. That was not going to be fun.
Kota's POV
My phone vibrated in my pocket and I drew it out. The living room was quiet despite having six of my brothers in it. Gabriel, Luke and Nathan were still concentrating on their homework; they'd started later having decided to get a couple of laps in the pool done first. North was flat on his back on the floor half asleep. Silas was reading a novel in Greek and Victor was channel surfing on the TV with the sound down.
I lifted my phone and opened the message.
Mr Blackbourne: Sang is back at home, we will be over in five minutes.
"Sang's back," I said and watched as all of them lifted their heads to look at me. "Mr B and the Doc are coming over."
North drew his phone out of his pocket and I knew immediately what he was doing. He was checking on her. I should stop him, she could be getting changed, but I needed to know she was ok too. I had hoped that being able to have her here while we did our homework would undo the knot of worry that had started in my chest this morning, but then the Doc had sent the text saying she was doing her homework there and the knot had just grown.
The others hadn't liked it either and I knew that as soon as the Doc and Mr B were here they'd be vocal about it.
"She's in her room," North spoke up, and after watching her for a few more seconds he reluctantly switched the app off and sat up, rubbing a hand across his eyes to wipe the sleep away.
The door opened and Mr B and the Doc stepped in and I knew straight away that for some, as yet, unknown reason, we were in big trouble.
The Doc was almost always smiling, he had a flirty, good natured air about him, but none of that remained as he stepped into the room. Mr Blackbourne was worse; his usual cool exterior and steel grey eyes were harder than diamond.
I sat up and slid my phone into my pocket. What was going on?
"Oy, why did you keep, Trouble?" Gabriel spoke, not looking up as he closed his homework books.
"None of your business, Mr Coleman," Mr B spoke and his voice was two degrees below freezing and promising to descend even further.
I saw Gabriel's head shoot up as he stared at them.
They moved into the room and I thought they were going to sit down on the couch, but they stood in front of the TV, arms folded displaying a united front. We were in huge trouble.
"What is it?" I asked as Victor switched off the TV and sat up straighter, worry on his face clear to see.
"Sang's ok, isn't she?" North demanded.
"Miss Sorenson is perfectly ok," Mr B said. "We've called a family meeting because it's come to our attention that new rules have to be put into place."
I heard Nathan grunt as he shifted around on the floor.
"How far have you all got with, Sang?" the Doc suddenly asked and his face was not in the least gentle, it was carved from granite.
I looked around at my brothers and saw them looking at each other in suspicion but no one spoke up.
"Ok, Let's make this easier on you," he said curtly. "Hands up those who have had her sitting on your laps?"
We all raised our hands and this was not a surprise.
"Who's kissed her?" I looked around and no one moved.
"Define kissed her," Gabriel spoke up carefully. I frowned, what did he mean by that? What had he done?
"Kissed her mouth," Mr Blackbourne said and still no one moved.
The Doc seemed to sag slightly and he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked sideways at Mr B. Where was this going?
"It's the rule," I ventured carefully. "We follow her lead, if she kisses us somewhere then we can kiss her there too. She hasn't kissed me on the mouth."
There was a murmur of agreement from the others.
"Not for the fucking wanting," Gabriel snorted and rubbed a hand down his face.
"Ok, guys." The Doc squatted down onto his heels and pressed his hands together between his knees. Some of the granite had been chipped away but he was still deadly serious. "We're going to be really frank with you. You're getting turned on by her when you hold her, aren't you?"
I felt a blush cover my cheeks and saw a few answering blushes on my brothers cheeks.
"Perfectly normal," he said quietly. "You'd be batting for the other team if cuddling and touching her didn't turn you on." -
I heard Mr B clear his throat and then he was talking and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"It's come to our attention that Miss Sorenson is even more innocent that we first thought. Her mother refused to sign consent forms for any Health Education programmes. She knows nothing, and I mean nothing. Dr Green and I are going to ensure that she receives the necessary information she needs to be well informed and to keep herself safe." He stopped speaking and while I was processing that, the Doc carried on. They were a well oiled machine when they worked together.
"Which means that until Sang is up to speed on what's what, you lot have to keep your distance..."
"No fucking way!" North shouted angrily and I heard a few of the others start to protest too.
"Quiet!" I barked, "Let Dr Green finish." Inside I was reeling, but I had to keep them in line so we could hear what they were saying.
"When we say keep your distance, it would be inappropriate for you to back away from her completely, she's come to rely on someone being there at night, but there's a new rule in that there should be two of you and never just one."
"Are you saying we can't be trusted?" Nathan spat out and I glared at him but he was too busy glaring at Dr Green to notice.
"What Dr Green is saying, Mr Griffin, is that we don't want her put in a position where she goes along with you because she has no idea what she or you are doing. She won't stop any of you from doing what you want and until she has the..."
"So you are saying we'd force her!" Gabriel cried out and Mr Blackbourne looked at him directly, his full glare centred on him, but Gabriel was too upset to back down.
"Mr B, I would never force her!" he said and looked visibly upset at the thought. I think we all thought along those lines.
Mr B must have seen it too because he relaxed ever so slightly and put his hands behind his back.
"We know you wouldn't, Gabe, none of you would," the Doc said mildly. "But there's many a slip t'wix the cup and the lip. She's physically attractive, throw in the mix that you all love her, when passion gets out of hand and she won't stop you.." He left it hanging but we all knew what he was saying.
"Shit," North ran a hand through his hair. "It is getting harder," he admitted and it was so quiet I almost missed it.
Silas said something in Greek and patted North's shoulder.
"What?" snapped Gabriel. "What did you just say?" he demanded of Silas.
"I said, you and me both," he said quietly.
"Well, why the fuck didn't you just say it in English, you blurt things out in Greek and then we have to get you to translate," Gabriel said sharply, but we all knew his agitation wasn't really directed at Silas.
"Calm down," Mr B spoke up quickly. "It boils down to this; you hold off from intimate holding, you don't let her wind her legs around your waist. If she's on your lap and you get affected, put her off you immediately. Kissing should be kept to a minimum, pecks on the cheek and forehead but nothing that will make it harder for you to back off and no..." he looked down at North and Gabriel "marking her skin in any way."
"Just until she's up to speed and then all bets are off, gentlemen," Dr Green said and I saw some of his usual humour sparkling in his eyes. It was a relief.
"Dr Green!" Mr B's voice was sharp as a whip, the Doc shrugged and stood up again, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"All bets will NOT be off, you will continue to let her lead, but it will be with the understanding that if she leads it will be because she is fully aware of what she is doing and not just because she wants to keep you happy. Any questions?"
"How did you find out?" Victor asked and it was the first time he'd said anything this evening.
"That is something we will not discuss with you. Maybe when she has completed the courses, she may let you know herself, but that is her decision. None of you are to question her on it, either. Do I make myself clear?" Mr B said looking around at all of us.
I nodded, as did my brothers, but there were enough questions lingering that made my skin crawl. I had to know...
"Mr B, did someone at school hurt her?" Everyone looked at him and I knew it had crossed their minds as well.
"No," Mr B's answer was too short and while I trusted him explicitly I'd have liked a bit more assurance.
"No, Kota, she has not been hurt or touched by anyone at school or outside of school. She is perfectly ok," the Doc spoke softly and I knew he'd picked up on the worry in us.
There were collective sighs from the guys and I slid my glasses off my and rubbed at my nose. I was relieved, but also worried. Something had happened to bring this on and I was almost certain it was what had caused her mood earlier today. But I knew it was pointless to press them on this.
I would have to just wait and see if she ever told me.
"Any more questions?" Mr B asked. I had plenty but none I could ask. He looked around at us. "Very well then, Mr Taylor," he looked at Luke. "Mr Morgan, stay with Miss Sorenson tonight and we will see you all tomorrow at school."
I half expected the others to object and argue over got to stay with her, but just like me, they were reeling from what we'd just been told.
I knew she was innocent, but I had never thought her innocence was that deep. I blew out a breath, Mr B and the Doc were going to be going over it with her, which meant they'd have to start at the beginning and work through it all... I didn't envy them that job, I would imagine a lot of cold showers were about to be had and I was already having too many of them as it was.
Ok, I think it's probably obvious at this point, but I should have pointed out that this story will be a slow burn. I just find it too difficult to move at any speed. I just hope you don't get too bored.