There will be some obvious changes within this story. I will explain in the bottom author note . Some major change to note though before beginning this story. The fusion dimension took three year longer to attack than expected and they chose to attack standard first. Reiji never accidentally teleported to the fusion dimension to learn their plans. And lastly Yuya and Reiji is the only person who had pendulum cards as Reiji only made cards for himself to utilize.
Yuya's breath came in short pants as they rounded another corner, Leon practically dragging him. The building behind the pair shakes violently and then explodes leaving nothing but rubble tumbling towards the ground. Even so, Yuya barely noticed. Yuzu, they had taken Yuzu.
"Yuzu!" Yuya once again tried to escape Leon's grasp, but the other boy held firm. Desperation filled his eyes and Leon took him around another corner, and further away from his childhood friend. "We need to go back." Yuya weakly tried again, but Leon held firm ducking into another alley.
"I know but-," Leon stated his words coming in pants as they ran. "We need to get- back to Reiji- and get out of this dimension!" Deep down Yuya knew he was right. Logically this was the right choice, but he hated himself for it. "Besides," Leon continued. "They would have- turned her into a card- if they didn't need her. I am sure- she is still alive." With this weak hope the two trudged on.
It all happened so fast. The end of the Miami championship was in sight. Yuya was the sure winner being the one of the only two users of the newest summoning method, pendulum summon. Gongenzaka and Yuzu were close in 2nd and 3rd place, but it was not to be. On that very day the city of Miami turned into a war zone. A group clad in blue claiming to be the Obelisk force turned the city to ruins, attacking duelists and innocents alike. It had been three weeks since then and the Obelisk force continued to destroy city after city. Yuya, Gongenzaka, and Yuzu stayed together in the ruins of Miami and eventually came across Akaba Reiji, who told them about his plan to escape to another dimension. With the limited technology left in the Leo Corporation, he had created a portal for them to escape. He was working with another duelist name Leon who was fighting back against the invaders. The three readily agreed to help Reiji with his plan. Unfortunately, Reiji needed a large amount of power from the city's grid and this would attract unwanted attention. Thus a distraction was needed and Yuya, Yuzu and Leon volunteered. During the operation though, Yuzu was caught by a boy she mistook as Yuya and while the plan was a success, the cost was high. Too high in Yuya's opinion. The two finally made it to their destination, an abandoned warehouse at the edge of the city. They threw the doors open catching the attention of Reiji and Gongenzaka. The machine in the back was humming loudly. Gongenzaka was first to speak.
"I am glad you made it back safely, the machine…where's Yuzu?" Gongenzaka's smile instantly dropped from his face when he noticed the girl was missing. The silence of the two was all he needed to piece it back together. "I see…"
Leon shook his head solemnly "I am sorry Gongenzaka, we did all we could. Reiji is the machine ready?"
"Almost, just a few most seconds." Reiji replied quickly typing data into the machine. Just as he said, the machine's humming increased seconds later and a rip in space appeared. "Alright, it worked! Everyone, we don't have time to wait, this will close in 5 minutes. We need to make sure-" He was cut off at the far side of the warehouse exploded. Yuya immediately covered his face from the debris and as the dust cleared the smirking faces of the 4 Obelisk Force members looked straight at them. They walked forward like a predator stalking its prey.
"They already caught up, huh?" Leon stepped forward duel disc already activated. Yuya moved forward as well, but Reiji caught his arm.
"We don't have time to fight them, the portal will close is less than 5 minutes!"
"We can beat them though," Yuya countered, "We only need to take one each then we can fire up the portal again and escape."
Reiji shook his head, "I designed the portal to self-destruct after this so no one can follow us. We need to leave now."
Leon then yelled back from the group, "I will hold them off! You go on ahead!" he then faced his four opponents drawing his hand of five. "I will start, I banish one monster to special summon Infernoid Antra in defense mode!"
"I set two cards and end my turn!" Once his turn was complete he turned to the rest of the group who were watching him hesitantly. "What are you waiting for?! You have less than 4 minutes!" His words snapped the trio out if their daze and Reiji reacted immediately.
"He is right, we need to hurry. I will see you all on the other side." With that he leapt through the portal and disappeared. Gongenzaka was next.
"Yuya, Leon is right. We need to go," He nodded his thanks to Leon and followed Reiji into the rift. By this time the Obelisk forces had begun their turns.
"I summon Ancient Gear Hound Dog! I activate its effect and deal 600 damage to you!" Flames leap out from the machines mouth and surrounded Leon taking his lp down to 3400. Yuya stood staring at Leon and the forces trying to decide on what to do.
"I set one card and end my turn." The first member ended only to have the second members repeat his actions. Summoning another dog and inflicting another 600 and ending his turn with another set card. By the time the force had finished Leon stood with 1600 left but they were not done.
"I activate fissure and I destroy you Antra." The monster on Leon's field was powerless as a fissure opened beneath it and it fell. "I end my turn."
Yuya saw this as a chance to step forward and help, but as he did Leon grabbed him.
"What are you doing?!" Leon practically screamed as he held Yuya at arm's length.
"I am trying to make sure you don't get yourself killed!" Yuya shot back looking defiantly into Leon's eyes.
"Who is going to save Yuzu?!" Leon's question threw Yuya for a loop. Leon took this chance to continue. "You have the greatest summoning method to date. Go to the next world and regroup with the others. Then save Yuzu, alright?"
"What about you?" Yuya choked out. He couldn't lose two people in a day. He had known Leon for only a few days but they had become fast friends. Leon smirked in response.
"You think then can beat me?" he turned back to his opponents and called out. "My turn, draw! First off I activate the trap Void Launcher and I send two infernoid monsters to the grave. Next I banish the three infernoid monsters in my grave. Flames of hell rise up and obliterate those who oppose you! Rise Infernoid Onuncu!" A giant hellish bird rose from the ground. It screeched and as it did each of the Ancient Gear Hound Dog exploded kicking up dust. Leon turned to him with a smirk. "See? I told you I could handle them."
"You missed something." The voice of the one of the force said and as the dust settled four identical traps faced the two. "With the effect of Ancient Gear Rebirth Fusion, we can Special Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that lists that monster as a Fusion Material. Thus, we all can summon Ancient Gear Triple Bite Hound Dog." Four monsters leapt forth landing on the field. Leon and Yuya stared in shock until Yuya spoke up.
"You need my help, there is no way you can beat them now." Leon looked to the portal. 1 minute left…this would be close.
"Thanks Yuya, I appreciate it." Yuya stepped forward with confidence, but gasped as the air was knocked out of him.
"Wha- why?" Yuya gasped as Leon retraced his fist.
"You'll thank me later. I will find you guys, I promise." Leon's simply reply rang though Yuya's head as he was tossed into the portal.
"Stop!" The obelisk members charged the portal intending on jumping through. Leon didn't give them the chance.
"Onuncu! Bring it down!" The monster obeyed and swung its tail destroying the machine and his ticket out.
"That was a stupid move kid! Now you have nowhere to run." The four members once again faced their prey.
Leon shrugged, "Hardly. I've won this duel. You all have monsters that were special summoned from the extra deck and I have one card left in hand."
He faced the four members head on. "I activate the continuous spell card-!"
"Yuyu…Yuya!" Yuya awoke to his name being called and being shaken. His vision was blurred, but as it clear he saw both Gongenzaka and Reiji looking over him. He grabbed his head as a dull ache pounded until his mind cleared.
"Where are we?" He asked shakily.
Gongenzaka smiled, "A new world." He stepped out of the way giving Yuya a clear view of the city beyond. There were roads everywhere, crossing and twisting every which way. He was at a loss for words.
"Where is Leon?" Well not all words.
Reiji shook his head. "He never came though. What happened after we left?"
Yuya recounted what he remembered. "- and then he threw me into the portal… You think he is ok?"
Gongenzaka frowned, "Even I would have a tough time getting out of that. I mean 4 opponents, all with a fusion monster that can attack three times. There is a possibility that-"
"No," it was Reiji who interrupted him. "He survived. You may not know it, but he has pulled through tighter spots than that. I am sure he will be fine."
"There they are!" A child's voice rang out and the three looked to the source to see a group of children pulling an older woman with darker skin towards them. "Martha, come on they're awake." Soon the two groups met.
"Goodness, where are you three from?" The woman presumably named Martha asked. The three exchanged glances. What should they say? Another world? Were they even in another world? Their looks focused on Reiji who took the roll of speaker on himself.
"My name is Akaba Reiji, of the Leo Corporation." Yuya mentally sighed in relief, praising Reiji for his wise wording. If they knew of the corporation they were likely to be in the same world if not…
"Leo Corporation? Does that have something to do with Fortune?" Martha's confused reaction confirmed their suspicions. They were indeed in another dimension. Reiji took this time to continue.
"We are in desperate need of assistance. Do you know where could find someone who could help us?" Martha was clearly surprised at the request. She seemed to be pondering Reiji's words until Yuya broke in.
"Please the fate the world may be at stake." At this Martha look sharply at Yuya gauging if he was lying. Then with a nod she smiled.
"I may not be able to get you the head of the city but I can get you someone higher up. Would that suffice?" The trio nodded their heads quickly. "Then follow me." The woman turned around and left with the children in tow leaving no choice but to follow her.
Minutes later the trio were seating in a small cottage and the woman was talking into a phone. "Yes, I would like you to come out immediately…yes, they are in need of your help…they said the world is at stake…I believe them…a mother's intuition…don't back sass me!" With that the phone was hung up and Martha turned to face the group with a smile. "He will be here in a half an hour. I will make some tea, please make yourself at home. So they waited and time passed slowly. It felt so surreal. Sitting there and not having to worry about where the enemy patrol was, or where they could find some food. They were simply waiting for a man who could help them. And time passed until they heard the revving of an engine outside. The group looked out the window to see a red motorcycle come to stop and a figure with a read helmet get off of it. As he pulled off the helmet the man's dual colored hair came into view. The man made his way to the front door and opened it.
"Yusei! I am so happy you could make it!"
"Yeah, I just finished another aspect of the Fortune project and I was hoping to triple the output by reversing the flow of-"
"Alright enough of the science talk, these are the boys that wanted to meet you." Yusei turned to address the three with a small smile.
"Hey, my name is Yusei Fudo. Nice to meet you all." Introductions were exchanged and the four quickly got to the heart of the matter, the invasion of the fusion dimension and the destruction of standard. Yusei stayed relatively quiet throughout the explanation only asking questions when he needed verification.
"So you came here to escape? Yusei asked once the story had been told. They nodded. "Can I see some proof to back your story?" They looked to Yuya who quickly retrieved his deck and pulled out a pendulum card, giving it to Yusei. "Fascinating, and you said there was another type of summon? XYZ was it?" Reiji pulled out one of his cards and gave it to Yusei for inspection. Once he was satisfied, he gave back both cards. "I would like to confirm that these cards work in a duel. Would that be alright?"
Yuya nodded, "Of course, would you like to duel outside?" Yusei simply smiled.
"Actually I was hoping to get someone closer to your level." Yuya look at Yusei confused.
"Why? Are you not that good at dueling?" This caused Yusei to laugh.
"Let's just say we are not on the same level and leave it at that, alright?"
Leon breathed a sigh of relief as the last member fell. His monsters faded away and he gave one last look at the destroyed portal. Reiji had told him about a contingency plan just for a situation like this. He went to the closest Obliesk member and checked. Good, he had it. Now all he would have to do is…
"That was a fabulous fusion summon." Leon looked towards the voice and froze. Yuya? But he had gone through the portal… unless.
"You're the one that kidnapped Yuzu." Leon stated fully facing the boy. The boy clapped his hands mockingly.
"How clever of you to figure it out, I only did it 30 minutes ago, glad you had enough brain cells to remember."
"Who are you?" Leon asked stalling for time. He would rather not have a confrontation here.
"You can't escape if that's what you are looking for." The Yuya look alike said and as he did a swarm of Obelisk forces streamed up behind the boy. "The name is Yuri, remember it, I don't like repeating myself to scum."
Leon growled, all his exits were virtually sealed. The only way out was through, but there was little chance of winning a 20 on 1.
"I can offer you a deal, I saw that fusion summon you performed. You can join us and be integrated with our troops."
"And If I refuse?"
Yuri smirked, "You hardly have a choice. You either join our forces or you get turned into a card like the rest of the inhabitants of your world."
"Where is Yuzu?" Leon asked holding the stolen item behind his back.
"She has already been taken to our base of operations. I can set you up with a meeting if you join us." Yuri looked at Leon knowingly, expecting him to accept. Leon had other plans.
"Actually, I will go visit her myself, if that's ok." At their confused looks he revealed the wristwatch he had taken from the unconscious Obelisk member. "See ya." With that he pressed the Interdimensional Travel device and disappeared. The group stood in shock for a few seconds until Yuri whirled around to face the members with a snarl.
"Someone warp back immediately and raise the alarm!" We have a code red situation!"
Yuya faced his opponent who was looking just as confused as him. Maybe it had something to do with what Gongenzaka had said prior to the duel.
"Yuya remember this is not an action duel. There is no need to move around and gather cards, all the cards that you need to worry about will be in front of you."
How could this world duel without action cards? The excitement, the suspense, and the action that came with the cards were irreplaceable. Yuya simply figured that there would be another gimmick but Yusei confirmed that there was no such thing. So here he stood feeling a bit lost, but nevertheless excited for his duel. Yusei's voice came from the observation deck above.
"Yuya, Zack, you may start when you are ready."
Yuya quickly drew a hand of five "Alright, I will start. I summon Performapal Whip Snake in attack mode. The snake appeared giving a smile. "I set one card and end my turn."
Zack nodded, "My turn, draw." He quickly examined his hand before choosing a card. "I summon The Six Samurai – Zanji." An armored warrior appeared twirling his halberd.
"I choose this moment to use the effect of Performapal Whip Snake! I switch the attack and defense of your monster." Yuya broke in. Zanji's attack switched with its defense and became 1300.
"That's fine, I special summon Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan. This card can be special summoned from my hand while I control a six samurai monster." Another samurai landed on the field a shimming katana in hand. "Battle, Kizan attack Whip Snake!" Samurai rushed forward slicing whip snake in half and losing Yuya 100 life points.
"I activate my trap card, Performapal Revival! If a monster I control is destroyed by battle or card effect, I can special summon 1 "Performapal" monster from my hand or Graveyard. I special summon Performapal Drumming Kong!" A gorilla appeared from the sky and landed banging its chest.
Zack sighed. "I can't beat your monster this turn so I will wait till next turn, I end." The attack of Zanji reverted back to normal as Yuya drew his next card.
"I summon Performapal Fire Mufflerlion in attack mode!" A lion with a flaming mane leapt forth. "Now I attack your kizan with my Drumming Kong." The gorilla charged the samurai who readied to strike.
"But your monster has less attack than mine."
Yuya smiled. "I activate the effect of Drumming Kong. Once per turn, when a monster I control battles another monster, I can target my battling monster and it gains 600 ATK until the end of the Battle Phase." Drumming Kong beat its chest and rang the cymbals on its shoulders increasing its attack to 2200. The Samurai stood no chance as the gorilla bore down on it. Zack frowned as his lp dropped to 3600.
"Is that all?"
Yuya shook his head, "I activate Mufflerlion's effect. Once per turn, if a Pendulum Monster I control destroys an opponent's monster by battle, after damage calculation: I can make that monster I control gain 200 ATK until the end of the Battle Phase, and if I do, it can make a second attack in a row."
"Drumming Kong attack again with 200 more attack!" The gorilla charged again this time at 2400. Zanji made a movement to dodge but met the same fate as his comrade. As Zack life points dropped further Yuya made his final attack. "Mufflerlion attack directly!" The lion jumped forward and shot a fireball which impacted Zack dropping his lp to 2200. "With that I end my turn." Yuya's monster reverted back to its normal attack points. Zack nodded and drew his card.
"I summon Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki. With his effect I can special summon one level 4 or lower six samurai from my hand. I special summon the tuner monster Kagemusha of the Six Samurai." Two samurai appeared on the field. "I will now special summon Grandmaster Of The Six Samurai." An old man appeared next to the two samurai holding a katana. "I will now tune my level 2 Kagemusha with my lvl 3 Kageki. Come samurai of days long past, once again grab hold of this world with you power. Syncro summon, Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En." A red armored samurai descended and landed gracefully on the field. "Shi En, attack Drumming Kong." The red samurai rushed forward.
"I activate Drumming Kong's effect and increase his attack by 600." Drumming Kong once again beat his chest increasing his attack to 2200."
"It's not enough, Shi En razor slice!" The sword came down slitting Drumming Kong in half before it disappeared. Yuya life points dropped to 3600.
"When a pendulum monster is destroyed it goes to the extra deck instead of the graveyard." Yuya called out placing Drumming Kong in the appropriate slot.
"Doesn't matter, Grandmaster attack Mufflerlion." The old samurai quickly dealt with the threat dropping Yuya down to 2300. Yuya placed Mufflerlion into his extra deck as Zack called out. "End turn."
One last shot at this. Yuya breathed in and snatched the top card of his deck. "Draw!" he smiled at what he saw. "I am setting my pendulum scales!" Timegazer and Stargazer took the field and floated up beside him with the numbers 1 and 8 hovering below them. His pendulum shone brightly and a pendulum in the sky began to rotate. Zack stared at him with shock, but Yuya did not give him any mind. "While I have these scales I can special summon monsters with levels 2 to 7 simultaneously. Sway, the pendulum of my soul. Draw an arc of light across the ether. Appear now my faithful monsters! Pendulum summon!"
"Pendulum what?!"
A void in the sky opened and three lights dropped down. "I special summon Mufflerlion, Drumming Kong and Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon."
"But those monsters were destroyed!"
"Pendulum monsters can be special summoned from the extra deck with a Pendulum summon. Now Odd eyes attack Grandmaster, Spiral Strike Burst!" Odd Eyes roared and raced forward. "I activate the effect of Drumming Kong increasing his attack by 600." Once again Drumming Kong beat his chest and Odd Eyes' attack rose to 3100. A flame shot out incinerating Grandmaster. "When Odd Eyes deals battle damage the amount dealt is doubled." Zack lp dropped from 2200 to 200. "Now I use Mufferlion's effect. Odd Eyes gains 200 more attack and attacks again. Now attack Shi En, Spiral Strike Burst." Odd Eyes turned to the red samurai and shot a flame at him. Shi En could do nothing but take the attack and be destroyed. Zack fell back exhausted as his lp reached 0.
"That was intense, what ever that pendulum this was. I have to get me some of those." Yuya only laughed at Zack's comment. But a question did nag at Yuya.
"Why didn't you use Shi En's effect to negate my Pendulum scale? If you had stopped one of them I would have lost." The look on Zack's face was priceless.
"Those things are spells?"
"Thank you for putting up with my selfish request of seeing your monsters in action." Yusei apologized as they sat around a small table. "I had no idea pendulum monsters could be so interesting, we may have to duel some time."
"As fascinating as this is," Reiji cut in, "are you willing to help us?" The silence was almost palpable until Yusei smiled.
"Of course, you did say the world was in danger right? I would be a fool not to assist you." The group of three travelers smiled. Finally some good luck. Yusei continued. "I can give you three an apartment, in a place called the Tops. Two friends of mine left it to me, but I have no use for it." This was not technically true, the Tops manager had given the top apartment to Yusei as a thank you gift for saving the city, but they didn't need to know that. "I will supply you with money for food and the necessities. Any questions?"
"None come to mind." Gongenzaka said shaking his. Yusei nodded, before snapping his fingers.
"You said there was one more of you, right? Is he coming as well?" As Yusei words Yuya's eyes gained a faraway look, but he still answered.
"Yeah, he will come eventually. He promised."
Effects of cards in this chapter in order of appearance,
Infernoid Antra/ **/fire/fiend/0 atk/2000 def/ Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 "Infernoid" monster from your hand or Graveyard, while the total Levels and Ranks of all Effect Monsters you control are 8 or lower, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; return it to the hand. Once per turn, during your opponent's turn: You can Tribute 1 monster, then target 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard; banish it (this is a Quick Effect).
Ancient Gear Hound Dog/ ***/earth/machine/1000 atk/1000 def/ If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step. Once per turn, if your opponent controls a monster: You can inflict 600 damage to your opponent. If you control another "Ancient Gear" monster: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or your side of the field as Fusion Materials.
Void Launch/ continuous trap/ During each of your Standby Phases: You can send up to 2 "Infernoid" monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard. If you control a monster that is not an "Infernoid" monster, send this card to the Graveyard.
Infernoid Onuncu/ **********/fire/fiend/3000 atk/3000 def/ Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand or Graveyard) by banishing 3 "Infernoid" monsters from your hand or Graveyard while the total Levels and Ranks of all Effect Monsters you control are 8 or lower, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. When this card is Special Summoned: You can destroy all other monsters on the field. Once per turn, during either player's turn, when a Spell/Trap Card or effect is activated: You can Tribute 1 monster; negate the activation, and if you do, banish that card.
Ancient Gear Rebirth Fusion/ trap/ If an "Ancient Gear" monster(s) you control leaves the field by an opponent's card effect: Target 1 of those monsters; Special Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that lists that monster as a Fusion Material. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon.)
Ancient Gear Triple Bite Hound Dog/*******/earth/machine/fusion/ 1800 atk/ 1000 def "Ancient Gear Hound Dog" + "Ancient Gear Hound Dog" + "Ancient Gear Hound Dog"
OR "Ancient Gear Hound Dog" + "Ancient Gear Double Bite Hound Dog"
If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step. This card can make up to 3 attacks on monsters during each Battle Phase.
Performapal Whip Snake/ ****/ earth/reptile/1700 atk/900 def/ Once per turn, during either player's Main Phase: You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; switch its current ATK and DEF until the end of this turn.
The Six Samurai – Zanji/****/light/warrior/1800 atk/1300 def/ At the end of the Damage Step, if this card attacked: Destroy the monster this card attacked. You must control a face-up "Six Samurai" monster with a different name to activate and to resolve this effect. If this card would be destroyed, you can destroy another face-up "Six Samurai" monster you control instead.
Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan/****/earth/warrior/1800 atk/500 def/ If you control a face-up "Six Samurai" monster with a different name, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). While you control 2 or more other face-up "Six Samurai" monsters, this card gains 300 ATK and DEF.
Performapal Revival/trap/ If a monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or card effect: Special Summon 1 "Performapal" monster from your hand or Graveyard.
Performapal Drumming Kong/*****/earth/beast/pendulum/1600atk/900 def/ If neither player controls a monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand), but its Level is reduced by 1. Once per turn, when a monster you control battles a monster: You can target your battling monster; it gains 600 ATK until the end of the Battle Phase.
Performapal Fire Mufflerlion/***/fire/beast/pendulum/800 atk/800 def/ Pendulum Effect When a Pendulum Monster you control is destroyed by battle: You can Special Summon this card from your Pendulum Zone.
Monster Effect Once per turn, if a Pendulum Monster you control destroys an opponent's monster by battle, after damage calculation: You can make that monster you control gain 200 ATK until the end of the Battle Phase, and if you do, it can make a second attack in a row.
Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki/***/wind/warrior/200 atk/2000 def/ When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Six Samurai" monster from your hand. While you control a face-up "Six Samurai" monster with a different name, this card gains 1500 ATK.
Kagemusha of the six samurai/**/earth/warrior/tuner/400 atk/1800 def/ During either player's turn, when exactly 1 face-up "Six Samurai" monster you control is targeted by a Spell Card, Trap Card, or card effect that could have targeted this card: You can activate this effect; that Spell/Trap/effect now targets this face-up card on the field, instead.
Grandmaster of the Six Samurai/*****/earth/warrior/2100 atk/800 def/ You can only control 1 face-up "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai". If you control a face-up "Six Samurai" monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). When this card is destroyed by your opponent's card effect: Target 1 "Six Samurai" monster in your Graveyard; add that target to your hand.
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En/*****/dark/warrior/synchro/2500 atk/1400 def/ 1 Warrior-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner "Six Samurai" monsters
Once per turn, during either player's turn, when your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card: You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. If this card would be destroyed, you can destroy another face-up "Six Samurai" monster you control instead.
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon/*******/ dark/dragon/pendulum/2500 atk/2000 def/
Pendulum Effect You can reduce the battle damage you take from a battle involving a Pendulum Monster you control to 0. During your End Phase: You can destroy this card, and if you do, add 1 Pendulum Monster with 1500 or less ATK from your Deck to your hand. You can only use each Pendulum Effect of "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon" once per turn.
Monster Effect If this card battles an opponent's monster, any battle damage this card inflicts to your opponent is doubled.
I hope you liked the story. Originally this was about the OC I created, Leon. This idea was scrapped as he was becoming a mysterious OP character which was not my intention. So I decided to split the story between two characters. Yuya, the main protagonist, and Leon the OC. The next chapter will feature Leon more so than Yuya. I hope you enjoy it. There will be a time skip after the next chapter for reasons I will explain later.
The changes I mentioned will become apparent in chapter three. These changes are for a majority of reasons. There are characters that do not have enough cards known to make a full deck for them. Examples include Selena, Yugo and Yuto. Also little to nothing is known about both Rin and Ruri who will be appearing and (hopefully dueling) in future chapters. I hope you do not mind these changes as it is impossible to make guesses on each character.
Feel free to favorite and review if you can. Thank you for your time and see you next chapter.