I do not own Yugioh or any cards/ characters related to the series. I only own the character Leon and the few cards I make. Enjoy.


Shun had made it clear that they didn't have enough money to support extra people. Shun and Ruri received monthly checks from their parents that gave them the bare minimum. They received enough money to pay for the house bills and for food. If they wanted something a little extra, they would have to get the money via another method. Usually one would think of getting a part-time job, but that was neither enjoyable nor efficient. The junior youth league was more productive in the money aspect. They only had to make bets on each another and getting extra cash was easy, as long as they won. The only downside to the plan was the more… avid fans.

"Ice Queen, Ice Queen, Ice Queen!" As Selena walked off the field after another victory, her fans screamed her stage name to the heavens.

"Shut up!" Selena yelled back, but the cheers only doubled in volume. She left in a huff and entered the reserved area for the duelists where the group was waiting.

"Someone is popular," Ruri laughed only for Selena level a harsh glare at her.

"You can have them if you want, I am sick of them," Selena growled as she collapsed on the couch next to Leon.

Leon sighed, "At least your stage name is bearable." The silence that followed was beyond awkward. The four duelists, Leon, Selena, Yuto, and Shun all had stage names. Selana was the "Ice Queen", because of her harsh tongue and duel prowess. Yuto was the "Shining Knight" because of his satellarknights, and Shun was "Shadow Falcon" because of his looks and his raid raptors. Leon was stuck with the name "Demon" or "Demon Lord." This certainly did not help his confidence as he walked onto stage with several hundred people shouting demon at him. The silence was broken when a runner came to tell Selena her next match had been assigned. Selena thanked the runner and stood to leave.

"Good luck, Ice Queen." Leon joked from his sitting position. Selena shot him a glare before it transformed into a small smile.

"Thanks, Demon Lord," Selena left laughing, while Leon rolled his eyes in annoyance following after her. The last three laughed at the pair's antics and followed after the two.

"They would make a great couple." Ruri smiled. "They just don't know it yet."

Yuto shook his head, "Don't let Leon hear that kind of talk, he would chew you out."

"Over my dead body," Shun cut in sending a glare further down the hallway where Leon and Selena were walking.

"Hey don't hurt him for something he didn't do." Ruri defended. "Besides I was only joking, although…" She trailed off as she watched the two. Leon and Selena looked to be having an animated discussion. Leon began shaking his head in an exasperated manner and earned a slap on the back of his head for his trouble. Leon was left rubbing his head while Selena, clutching her stomach, once again doubled over in laughter. "She laughs a lot more when he is around."

Yuto simply grunted, "Get your mind out of the gutter. We are almost at the stadium."

This would be a duel to remember. The finals were upon them and there was a nervous tension in the air. The stadium was filled with voices, but as soon as Selana entered the crowd began to chant her stage name, much to her annoyance. The announcer soon took his place.

"On the left we have the fusion specialist, the sharp tonged royalty, the Ice Queen!" The crowds erupted into cheers and Selena simply crossed her arms and ignored them. "Next we have a dark horse! He is also a fusion specialist, please give a warm welcome to "Child's Knightmare!" The crowd once again exploded into applause as a hooded figure entered the field. "Now are you ready?!" The crowd's cheers were deafening. "Then you may begin!"

"Ladies first!" Selena called. "I summon Ritual Beast Tamer Elder in attack mode!" An old man appeared on the field with a staff. "When he is normal summoned I can normal summon a Ritual Beast monster in addition to my normal summon. Thus I normal summon Spiritual Beast Cannahawk." A bird with lightning flew down to the field. "I use Cannahawk's effect and banish Ritual Beast Tamer Lara. I then contact fuse my two monsters!" The monsters looked to one another then touched. They swirled together like a polymerization and then Ritual Beast Ulti-Cannhawk appeared. "With Ulti-Cannhawk's effect, I can return two of my banished ritual beast monsters to the grave to add 1 "Ritual Beast" from my deck to my hand. I add Ritual Beast Steeds to my hand. I set one card and end my turn."

The boy across from Selena laughed slightly before he drew. "I activate the card toy vendor. I discard one card to draw one card and reveal it. If it is a Fluffal monster, I can special summon one monster from my hand. Otherwise I discard it. Let's give it a spin." The cloaked boy discarded a card and a token slotted into the vendor. The vendor shot out a capsule and the card Fluffal Owl was revealed. "I special summon Fluffal Owl and when this card is summoned I can add a polymerization to my hand."

Leon looked at the mystery duelist confused. Those cards sounded familiar, something he had heard long ago. He winced as he tried to remember, but it had been 2 years since he came here. As Leon struggled, the duel continued.

"I use polymerization, I fuse together my Fluffal Sheep with my Edge Imp Chain. Fusion Summon! Frightfur Sheep." A demented sheep landed on the field. Serena did not wait for the monster to attack.

"I activate my facedown Ritual Beast Steeds! I destroy your sheep." A burst of light struck the monster and it exploded. The duelist only laughed.

"If my sheep is destroyed by a card effect I can bring it back with 800 more attack. Revive! Frightfur Sheep!"

At that moment it hit Leon like a lightning bolt. Sora…the boy who used Fluffal was Sora. Most importantly though, Sora was from the fusion dimension.

"Get away from there Selena!" Leon screamed already running towards her. "He is from the fusion dimension!" Selena reacted immediately, turning and running away, but Sora had already sprinted forward. He pressed a button on his duel disc and the stadium filled with smoke. Leon coughed as the gas filled his lungs. "Selena!" Leon tried again. His voice was barely heard over the panic in the crowd.

"Leon!" He whipped his head to the side to where he heard Selena's voice. Through the smoke he saw Sora had Ruri and Selena.

"Bye bye." Sora called out as he gave a mock smile and then they disappeared. It took Leon a second before he realizes they had teleported back to the fusion dimension. Leon immediately dug into a side pocket and pulled out the teleportation device. He was about to press the button when Yuto and Shun rushed through the thinning fog.

"We are going with you!" Shun yelled leaving no room for argument. Leon nodded and held out his arm for the two to grab on. When they had done so he activated the device, and soon they too disappeared.


Leon grabbed his head as his vision swam in front of him. As the world slowly stopped spinning, he began to gather his bearing. Although Leon had not been present for 2 years, he could not mistake the look of the fusion dimension. A pair of groans caught Leon's attention and he watched as both Shun and Yuto woke up.

"Where are we?" Yuto said as he slowly got to his feet.

"Welcome to the fusion dimension." Leon whispered to the duo. "Keep your voice down, I have no idea if there are guards anywhere near here." Once the other two had gotten to their feet they made a makeshift plan. Well a bare bones one at best, find the girls and get out. With that the three separated, keeping out of sight. Thankfully the alarm was not blaring this time around and the three spies were able to move in relative silence. Leon crept around a familiar looking corner, or not. All the corners and hallways looked similar in this forsaken place. Another turn, another hallways, another room, the building was endlessly complex and Leon realized that splitting up had probably been a bad idea. How had he gotten out the first time? Leon guessed luck had a lot to do with it. Fifteen minutes later Leon finally made some headway. He found a uniform closet with more than enough spare uniforms. He quickly slipped one on. Now he didn't need to hide, he looked just like all the other members. He slipped back into the hallway and began to walk down the center of it. It was not long before something happened. Another Obelisk member spotted him and ran up calling out.

"Stop right there!" The member commanded. Leon was in a nervous sweat, had he messed up already? To his surprise the Obelisk force began to apologize.

"Sorry about this, it's my turn to watch the prisoner, but I have to finish the report on the standard raid we did last week, you know the one." Leon internally flinched. Even though Miami city was destroyed, they hadn't stopped harassing standard it seemed. "Just bring the prisoner some food or something. The code is 7518624, in room 684. You know where that is right?" Leon was shaken from his thoughts as the member continued. Leon nodded automatically and the Obelisk force member nodded his thanks and left. This, of course, left Leon just as lost as before. He shook his head before walking off down the nearest hallway. He should have asked for directions but, in the end he would search for the room himself.

15 minutes of searching, as well as trying not to seem suspicious to other guards, Leon found himself punching in the code for room 684. As the door slide open a fist shot out towards his stomach. While Leon was experienced in actions duels and had relatively high reaction time, an unexpected fist at point-blank range was something over his level of evasion. He fell back stomach throbbing but was still able to grab the fleeing person before they could escape, and blow his cover. He threw the girl back into the room and shut the door.

"Tch, that should have worked." The girl before him complained. As Leon got his breath back from the sucker punch, he threw off his mask.

"What the hell Yuzu?!" Leon whispered harshly, for indeed the girl before him was none other than Yuzu Hiragi, well he hoped at least.

Yuzu stared at him blackly before something seemed to click. "Leon?" She asked warily walking toward him. "Why are you in an Obelisk outfit?"

Leon shot her a look. "So I don't get caught by the three hundred or so other members. What? You think I joined them?" Yuzu quickly shook her head.

"Why – no how did you get here?" She asked waiting for Leon to get back his breath after her surprise assault.

"Long story, short. After you were captured Yuya and I returned to Reiji's device only to be attacked. I held off the Obelisk force and stole one of their dimension devices to try and find you. I found a girl named Selena, who looked like you, and escaped through another wormhole. I have been in the XYZ dimension ever since."

"And Yuya?" Yuzu asked quickly, "Is he ok?" Leon only shrugged.

"I wouldn't know, he should be with Gongenzaka and Reiji, but I have not been in contact with them. They may be in another dimension." Yuzu mutely nodded, disappointment etched into her features. Leon was speechless, she was in a prison for two years and she was more worried about Yuya. Shaking himself from his rambling thoughts he rose to his full height and replaced the mask.

"Come on let's get you out of here." Leon said striding to the door only for Yuzu to grab his arm.

"Are you insane?! The moment I leave this room, guard will be on us wondering what is happening. I am not allowed to leave this room."

"We will improvise, " Leon said and with that he opened the door and walked out with a terrified looking Yuzu beside him. As Yuzu predicted before they could even turn the corner to the next hallway and Obelisk Force member ran towards them.

"What are you doing!?" The guard practically screamed. "Why is she out of her room?" Yuzu shrunk behind Leon. Leon kept his cool.

"The headmaster wants to see her, you have a problem with that?" The member immediately paled.

"N-No, I-I was just uninformed that's all. Please excuse my interruption." The force member quickly ran off looking back nervously.

"That seems to work well," Leon smirked and he walked forward once again. As they walked they spoke about the XYZ dimension and how they were looking for the two other girls. Even now and then another member would run up only to hear the same excuse and run off white as a sheet. It was only a single hallway till the storage closet when their luck ran out.

"What are you doing!?" The guard said for the hundredth time. "Why is she out of her room?"

"The headmaster wants to see her, you have a problem with that?" Leon replied. The guard immediately took a defensive stance.

"The headmaster's office is in the other direction." Hearing those words Yuzu shot forward and punched the guard in the gut. Leon took this chance to rush forward and hit the guard in the neck, knocking him out.

Yuzu smiled, "That should keep him out for a while." Leon shook his head.

"Regardless of what you see in movies, knocking a person unconscious does not last 30 minutes to an hour. The human brain can easily restart the body in a minute or two as long as there has been no major trauma to the brain or the body. We need to get moving." They rushed for the closet and Yuzu quickly threw on a uniform and grabbed a spare duel disc.

"Should we tie him up?" Yuzu said gesturing to the unconscious man.

"We already spent enough time changing clothes," Leon responded already moving down the hallway. "If we were to attempt to tie him up, he would wake up before we finished. We should leave while we still can." Yuzu shot a glance back to the man but decided to follow Leon's advice and ran after him. They wandered the halls for three more minutes before the alarms started to blare and red light flashed. The intruder alarm had been raised. Knowing their time was up Leon and Yuzu began to run.

"Where is your deck?" Leon yelled over the alarms.

"I don't know," Yuzu panted. "All I know is that it held in a special holding center. Do you think we can find it?"

Leon shook his head. "Not enough time, I have a better idea." As an Obelisk force member ran past Leon caught his shoulder. "You, what is the alarm for?"

"Apparently, an intruder broke in and was seen kidnapping, the pink haired girl from standard. The intruder is in a uniform, but the girl is not."

Leon nodded. "I heard that they were wanted to get back the girl's deck. Have you checked the holding facility yet?"

The man shook his head. "Not yet, but good reasoning, go check it now if you can."

"I can. Room 581, right?" Leon asked.

"No you moron, 476! The password is 8453161. Get it through your thick skull!" The grunt was clearly displeased.

"Sorry, this is my first emergency situation, I am a bit rattled." Leon lied. The grunt gave him a firm pat on the shoulder.

"Hey… don't worry about it. We need to keep it together, alright? Do your best." With that Obelisk force member ran off, leaving the disguised pair to look a one another.

"I would say a comment on how stupid Obelisk Forces were but…he was a nice guy." Leon said at last as the two began to move again.

"Yeah," Yuzu agreed, "Glad I didn't punch him." The two rushed towards the designated room, while passing streams of guards. Soon they reached the desired room and went inside. The room was filled with shelves upon shelves. Each shelf was divided into countless areas and each area held stacks of cards. Leon groaned.

"This will take forever; your deck can be anywhere in here. Hell it could even be spread out." Leon looked around looking for some sort of clue to where Yuzu's deck was placed.

"Here," Yuzu called out as she spotted a nearby shelf. "This is it." The shelf contained several decks but Yuzu's stood out as the only one with Melodious cards on top. She quickly grabbed it and slotted it into her duel disc. Leon simply nodded and walked back into the hallway. It was time to find the others.

Twenty minutes of searching and following possible leads finally paid off. Yuto, Shun and Ruri had their backs to the caste walls with grunts blocking them in. Leon and Yuzu were above the group and called out to them, removing their masks. "Up here!"

They helped their allies up the wall before the guards could catch them. They ran back into the facility looking for a way out.

"Nice thinking with those uniforms, I bet it helped." Yuto commented as they ran. "Was it your idea, Leon or was it yours, Selena?"

Leon shook his head as they turned a corner only to duck back to dodge another patrol. "This is Yuzu, the girl I mentioned 2 years ago." The three stared at her until Shun simply sighed something along the lines of 'not another one'. Finally their luck paid off as they found a portal room. Yuto ran to the controls and input a destination called Synchro. As the machine charged up they finally had a chance to speak.

"We need to find Selena," Ruri said. "We're her friends." Shun shook his head.

"Yuto, Leon and I will find her. Yuzu and you will get through the portal to safety." Ruri's glare, while icy, held little to no effect on Shun and he refused to place her in any further danger. The portal charged and the countdown to shut down had begun. Before they could make a solid plan, the door to the room opened to reveal none other than Yuri.

"I thought I smelled a rat in here," he smirked as he walked slowly towards the group. "Don't do anything too hasty, I am sure you will regret it."

Shun, Yuto and Leon immediately stepped forward, duel discs activated. Shun addressed the girls behind him. "Leave now. We will hold him off and join you on the other side." He voice left no room for argument. The two girls only hesitated for a second before Yuzu jumped through and Ruri followed soon after.

Yuri sighed, "I guess you need to learn to listen. Guards!" A group of Obelisk force appeared. "I will handle these pests. Two girls we need have run off to the Synchro dimension. Get them back on the bikes." The guards nodded and ran off. "Well now, shall we begin?"

The four shouted simultaneously, "DUEL!"

Yuri 4000

Yuto 4000

Leon 4000

Shun 4000

Yuri smirked, "My turn. I set one monster facedown and set two cards in my spell and trap card zone. Next I activate the field spell, Curse of The Shadow Prison!" Immediately the room felt colder and black smoke swirled around the group. "With that I end my turn."


Shun snatched the card from the top of his deck. "My turn, Draw! I summon Raidraptor – Vanishing Lanius." A green falcon flew down onto the field. "I use the effect of Vanishing Lanius thus I can special summon Raidraptor - Mimicry Lanius." A second falcon emerged onto the field. "I activate the continuous spell card Raidraptor - Nest. While I have two or more Raidraptor cards I can add one from my grave or deck to my hand. I add Raidraptor - Tribute Lanius to my hand. Then, I overlay my two falcons to summon Raidraptor – Force Strix in defense mode." The two birds were sucked into the spiral before Shun and finally a large black owl flew onto the field. "I use the effect of Force Strix to add a Vanishing Lanius from my deck to my hand. I also use the effect of the detached Mimicry Lanius and add a Raidraptor - Impale Lanius to my hand. I set two cards and end my turn.

Shun 4000/Hand 4

Leon let out a whistle. "Do you even need the rest of us?"

Shun merely huffed in annoyance. "Anyone who touches Ruri will play the price."

Leon nodded and looked to Yuto, who was looking back on Leon. They silently agreed never to piss Shun off. Leon looked back at their opponent who was still smirking. "My turn, draw." Leon pulled the top card off his deck. "I summon Fiendish Rhino Warrior." A small rhino holding a spear appeared. "I activate the spell card Monster Gate. I tribute one monster then I excavate cards until a monster that can be normal summoned or set appears. I summon that monster and the rest of the cards are sent to the grave." Leon excavated 10 cards until he came across one. "I special summon Infernoid Dekatron." A small hellish creature leapt forth. "When Dekatron is summoned I can send one infernoid to the grave to have Dekatron gain its effects and raise its level by the same amount. I also activate the effect of Fiendish Rhino, when he is sent to the grave I can send one fiend to the grave. I send Harmadik with Dekatron's effect and Attondel with Rhino's effect." Leon sent the two extra cards to grave. "I activate the effect of Dekatron and destroy one monster on the field. I destroy your facedown monster." Dekatron shot a beam from its mouth and destroyed the set card which turned out to be a black and purple falcon.

"I activate the effect of Shaddoll Falco. When it is sent to the grave by a card effect, I can special summon it in facedown defense position." A set monster reappeared on yuri's field. "My field spell also gets a counter on it every time a Shaddoll monster is sent to the grave by a card effect." A small light appeared above Yuri.

Leon nodded. "I activate my own field spell void expansion!" The air around the three friends changed to an endless void. "I then banish two infernoid's to summon Attondel from grave." A hellish creature rose up next to Dakatron. "While void expansion is one the field you cannot target my lower level infernoid monsters for battle or card effects. I set one card and end my turn."

Leon 4000/ Hand 2

Yuto then stepped forward. "My turn, draw. I activate foolish burial to send Satellarknight Deneb to the grave. The I summon Satellarknight Vega and use its effect to special summon Satellarknight Altair from my hand." The two shining knights appeared on the field." Now I use Altair's effect to special summon Deneb from the grave." A third shining knight landed on the field. "With Deneb's effect I can add Satellarknight Altair from my deck to my hand." Yuto added the appropriate card then sent a glare a Yuri. "I am overlaying my three monsters!" The three knights dove into the swirling vortex before Yuto. XYZ summon! Stellarknight Delteros" A winged knight with a sword and a shield of light landed on the field. "I activate his effect, by detaching one overlay unit, I can target one card and destroy it. Because I know you facedown monster will revive itself I target your left facedown." A unit disappeared from Delteros and his sword lit up. The knight slashed the air and an arc of light shot towards the card.

Yuri laughed. "That won't do. I activate the card you targeted, Sinister Shadow Games. I send one Shaddoll card from my deck to the grave. Then I flip all my facedown monsters to face up defense position. I send Shaddoll Hedgehog to the grave and flip up my Shaddoll Falco." He sent the card to the grave and then flipped up his face down. "Now pay attention because several effects activate. First a Shaddoll card was sent to the grave by a card effect thus I gain another counter. Next because hedgehog was sent to the grave by a card effect thus I can add one Shaddoll monster to my hand from my deck. I chose to add Shaddoll Beast. Lastly, because Falco was flipped face up I can special summon one Shaddoll card in my graveyard in face down defense position." Another light appeared above Yuri and he added the card to his hand. He then set Shaddoll Hedgehog next to his Falco.

Yuto sighed in frustration. "I set one card and end my turn."

Yuto 4000/ Hand 3

Yuri 4000/ Hand 2

Yuri shook his head in disbelief. "All you were able to do was add a card to my hand and add a counter to my field. How pathetic. I draw." Yuri's sadistic smile grew when he saw his card. "I flip my Shaddoll Hedgehog to attack position." A purple and black hedgehog appeared. "When my monster is flipped face up I can add one Shaddoll spell/trap card from my deck to my hand. I add Shaddoll Fusion to my hand. I activate my last face down, Shaddoll Core." A small orb appeared on Yuri's field, raging spirits circling it. Now I use the spell card Shaddoll Fusion. Because my opponent controls monsters from the extra deck I can use monsters from my deck as materials. Thus, I fuse together the core on my field and the Shaddoll Squamata from my deck. Core can act as any attribute in a fusion for a Shaddoll monster thus I have it act as light. Fusion summon! Shaddoll Construct!"

Leon and the others watched in disbelief as a huge purple humanoid machine descended.

"First because Squamata was sent to the grave by a card effect I can send one Shaddoll card to the grave. I chose El Shaddoll fusion. Next, because Core was sent to the grave by a card effect I can add El Shaddoll Fusion from my grave back to my hand. Next, my field also gets another counter." Three stars shone above Yuri. "Lastly, because Construct was summoned, I can send one Shaddoll card to the grave. I chose to send Shaddoll hound to grave. When Shadoll hound is sent to grave, I can change the battle position to of one monster on the field, I chose Raidraptor – Force Strix." Force Strix screeched, but changed its position. "Don't forget my field spell gets another counter." Four stars now glowed above Yuri.

Leon was barely keeping up with Yuri's card effects. Each action he did seemed to chain another three actions in response. He swallowed nervously. Was this the power of the fusion dimension?

"Don't think it is over yet. I use El Shaddoll Fusion. Now the effect of my field spell comes into play. When I perform a fusion for a Shaddoll fusion monster I can remove three counters to use one of my opponent's monsters as an appropriate target. I fuse my Falco with your Attondel."

Leon watched in shock as his monster was sucked into the fusion vortex with the Falco.

"Fusion Summon! El Shaddoll Grysta!" A flaming monster descended on the field. "Now, because Falco was sent to the grave by a card effect I can special summon him back in face down defense position." A set monster appeared next to Construct. "I also get another counter on my field spell, giving me two. Following that, I use the spell card polymerization and fuse together my Hedgehog and the Shaddoll Beast in my hand to summon El Shaddoll Winda" A purple dragon with a purple wearing rider appeared on the field. "Not only do I have a third counter on my field spell, but while Winda is on the field each player can only special summon once per turn." Yuri laughed at the shocked looks on each of his opponents faces. "I completely destroyed all your decks! No time to worry about that now though. I use the effect of Beast, when sent to the grave by a card effect I draw one card. Don't worry, I still have to attack with all my monsters! Construct attack Delteros. When Construct attacks a special summoned monster that monster is destroyed during the damage step." The huge machine sent out a pulsing wave and Delteros exploded. "Now that you're monster has been taken care of I can defeat you this turn!"

"I activate my trap card Stellarnova Wave." Yuto called out. "During my main phase or your battle phase I can special summon one monster. I special summon Satellarknight Alsahm!" A small knight with a bow and arrow appeared. "When he is summoned my opponent takes 1000 points of damage."

"Not so fast," Yuri countered. "When my opponent special summons a monster I can use Grysta's effect, I can discard a Shaddoll card and negate the summon. I discard Shaddoll hound."

"I activate my trap card, breakthrough skill," Shun said, "I negate the effect of Grysta, thus Yuto's summon goes through."

The small knight landed safely on the field and shot his arrow at Yuri dropping his life to 3000. "I also have a monster defending me, so my life points are safe." Yuto finished.

Yuri sighed, "Fine I will take another course of action. El Shaddoll Winda attack his Force Strix!" Winda shot forward and blew a column of wind at Force Strix."

"I activate Raidraptor – Readiness. None of my raidraptors can be destroyed this turn." Shun shouted as the wind grew closer.

"You still take the battle damage though," Yuri called out as the wind swept past Force Strix dropping Shun's lp to 1900. "Now Grysta attack Strix again!"

"I activate shift!" Leon called activating his trap. "Your attack is redirected at my Dekatron!" The flaming monster turned and scorched Dekatron dropping Leon's LP to 2050.

"Pathetic," Yuri sighed, "I expected more from you three, I set two cards and end my turn.

Yuri 3000/ Hand 1

Yuto 4000/Hand 3

Leon 2050/ Hand 2

Shun 1900/ Hand 4

"We will see what you think when we defeat you! Draw!" Shun smirked at the card he drew. "First I activate the breakthrough skill in my grave. I negate the effect of Grysta." Spark flew out shocking Grysta. "Now, I activate Rank-Up-Magic Revolution Force! I can special summon one Raidraptor monster over one raidraptor XYZ monster I control that is one rank higher. Ferocious falcon. Break through this fierce battle and spread your wings! Destroy our gathering foes! Rank-Up Xyz Change! Appear now! Rank 5! Raid Raptors - Blaze Falcon!" Strix became a ball of light and flew into the air then the light spread becoming a red falcon. "I activate the effect of Blaze Falcon. By detaching one unit, I can destroy all my opponent's special summoned monsters and for each one I destroy I inflict 500 points of damage!" Blaze Falcon's wings spread out and thousands of small spines detached. Each spine flew into the air and targeted Yuri's monsters. Each spine began to fire lasers obliterating Yuri's field. As the dust cleared Winda still stood but the rest were gone. Yuri's life point dropped to 1500.

"You bastard!" Yuri yelled, rage leaking through his usual demeanor. "My precious monsters! You will pay!"

"Why wasn't Winda destroyed?" Yuto questioned.

"Winda can't be destroyed by my opponent's card effects." Yuri scoffed. "I activate the effects of all my monsters sent to grave. Both my fusion monsters return a Shaddoll magic or trap card to my hand. I get back Shaddoll fusion and El Shaddoll fusion. Next Falco was destroyed by a card effect thus I can special summon it back in face down defense position." He reset the monster. "Lastly I gain another counter for my field." Four lights shone above Yuri.

"That doesn't matter, I attack you directly with Blaze Falcon." Blaze Falcon flew into the air and flew straight at Yuri. It slashed him lowering his life points to 900. Blaze Flacon's attack was weakened by Yuri's field spell, but it hardly mattered. "When Blaze Falcon inflicts battle damage I can destroy one monster on your field. I chose to destroy your Falco again!" Blaze falcon released a myriad of missiles and impacted them on the set monster. Although Yuri gained another counter for his field, Falco did not come back as it could only use its effect once per turn.

"I set one card and end my turn, Leon finish him" Shun said.

Shun 1900/Hand 3

"You got it." Leon nodded. "I draw, and I activate the continuous spell card Void Dream! I can send this card to the grave to fusion summon one Infernoid fusion monster. If my opponent has a special summoned monster form the extra deck I can send up to 6 cards from my deck as fusion monster materials. I send void dream to grave fusing my Infernoid Onuncu, Infernoid Lilith and Infernoid Seitsemas. The creature of hell has finally found his place on earth. Come lay waste to all those who defy your might! Fusion summon! Infernoid Tierra!" A grand fiendish serpentine dragon arose and screeched. "Attack! Hell on Earth!" Flames rained down on Winda but Yuri reacted.

"I activate my facedown negate attack. I negate your attack and end the battle phase." A barrier surrounded Winda and the flames were ineffective.

"I end my turn. Finish this up Yuto."

Leon 2050/ Hand 2

Yuto nodded and drew his card. I summon Satellarknight Capella. I am constructing the overlay network. I am overlaying my level 4 Satellarknight Capella with my level 4 Satellarknight Alsahm. Formed from pitch-black darkness, to fight those foolish enough to oppose it with its treacherous fangs! Descend now! Xyz Summon! Rank 4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!" Yuto's signature dragon appeared shaking the earth. "I activate its effect. By detaching both XYZ units I can half you attack and gain that amount. Go, Treason discharge!" Electricity shot forth from Yuto's dragon and paralyzed Winda lowering its attack to 1100, and Rebellion's attack rose to 3100. "Now attack, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon! Revolt of lightning! Disobey!" Yuto's dragon left forth dashing headlong towards Winda.

"I activate the trap card, defensive draw! I take no battle damage from this battle and I draw one card." Yuri yelled as the attack connected sending his Winda to the grave. "Winda's effect, I get Shaddoll core to my hand." With that the dust settled. Yuto sighed. "I set one card and end my turn."

Yuri was shaking in rage as he drew, but his smirk returned when he saw his card. He even began to laugh sending a child down the trio's spine. "I discard a card so I can activate the card super polymerization! I fuse Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon with Infernoid Tierra!"

Leon looked on in horror as for a second time a monster of his was stolen. "How!?" Leon yelled. "Your field only allows you to use one of your opponent's monsters for a fusion summon!"

Yuri only laughed. "Super Polymerization is beyond that. It can use any monsters on the field. While this copy is not as powerful as the original legendary fusion card that is held by the legendary fusionist it still can fuse monster together regardless of who controls them! Dragon of death and hate show your true form! Feast on those who reject your power! Fusion Summon! Violet Chaos Fusion Dragon! The violet dragon descended and roared. "Attack, Violet chaos burst!" A stream of violet energy slammed into Yuto dropping his life points to 1500. Yuri broke out laughing. "At the start of my opponent's next standby phase, I can inflict 800 points of damage for every level 5 or high fusion monster in my grave. I have three monsters thus once I end my turn at each of your standby phases you will all take 2400 points of damage! I've won this duel!" Yuri's laughter filled the hall. Leon looked between Yuto and Shun silently pleading for an answer. They both looked as desperate as him. They had lost.

Yuri laugher died and his face had a twisted pleasure on it. "I end my turn."

"Draw!" A new voice echoed throughout the hall. The four duelists looked to the door to see who had interrupted. Selena stood in the doorway, a fierce look in her eye. "During my standby phase I take 2400 points of damage. Lightning struck her and Selena's screams pierced the room. She endured though as her life points dropped to 1600. "I activate Lunar eclipse!" As she played the card blue mist shot forth filling the room limiting everyone's field of vision. Leon covered his eyes with his arms until he felt a pull on one.

"Come on!" Selena yelled we need to get to the portal!" Leon followed instantly and ran out of the mist along with Selena. Yuto and Shun were not far behind. The portal was nearly closed and the four leapt towards it. They passed through just as it closed.

"Hang on!" Shun yelled as they were violently tugged into the rift. The portal was closed and the wormhole had become unstable. The travelers were being whirled about and their grip was slipping.

"I can't-" Leon called out, but his grip on Yuto's hand failed and the two groups separated. Shun and Yuto flew one direction while Selena and Leon flew the other. Leon could only hold onto Selena as tight as he could as the spiraled further into the portal.


"W-ke u-. Ple-se wake up!" Leon came to his senses with a teary eyed Selena above him. He grasped his head as a wave of nausea hit him. This ride through the portal was clearly rougher than the others. He turned his attention to Selena, who gave him small smile which he returned. Selena then looked to her surroundings. "Where are we?"

Leon looked around and his eyes widened at what he saw. Destroyed buildings, crumbling towers, shattered windows. He knew this place too well. His spoke, his voice filled with sadness.

"Welcome to Standard."


Tell me what you thought of the chapter. Next chapter will be back to Yuya and Yugo. They will have their hands full with both Yuzu and Ruri, as well as the Obelisk members chasing them. Hope to see you all then.