So I finally decided to go back and change a mistake I made early on in the story. I kinda wish I did this a bit earlier but well...I got lazy. Anyways there aren;t many major changes done. Just a scale down of Azazel since I made him a bit too strong and the Gudodama mistake I made. Other than that all is the same. For any new readers please enjoy and leave a review.
As always here is the Harem
Harem( Final!)- Akeno, Rias, Xenovia, Gabriel, Serafall, Koneko, Kuroka, Yasaka, Kalawarner, Ophis, Rossweisse aaaaaand Grayfia
As for the whole being married and having a child in canon well I have something for that so don't worry.
(***IMPORTANT!***) This is the harem as off chapter 11. Any other harem mentioned before that point is void including the one in chapter 2
Pain. That is all Naruto felt as he plummeted deeper and deeper into the endless void of Kaguya's portal. He could scarcely remember how it all happened even if it had only occurred a few moments. The extent of the pain his body was going through was so great that he couldn't even hear the voices of the tailed beasts inside of him calling out for him.
From what little he remembered he knew that they had managed to seal away Kaguya. That he was certain of. However with the last bits of her power she managed to push him though one last portal, or rather most of him as his left arm hadn't been able to pass through before the gate closed on it.
Without a master to control it the portal was left without a proper exit leaving the sole inhabitant of the void no mean of escape as far as he knew. The conditions of the dimension were slowly becoming more and more inhospitable to him. His clothes had already been ripped apart and his skin was now starting to vaporize.
Using the last of his strength he was able to open his eyes enough to see a small light far from him yet slowly coming closer to him. All he could do was smile and hope his body held out to come out alright. And with that Naruto's life as a human end. The blonde's corpus fell until it finally reached the light.
Azazel was having a pretty bad day. He had just found out that more of his agents had gone rogue of him and joined a group called the Khaos Brigade. His already small and weakened faction was slowly dwindling away as more of his brothers and sisters were lost in battle against devils. Normally this would go against the treaty set in place during the last great war but unfortunately it was almost always his men who started the conflict.
The fallen angel was brought out of his thoughts as the area in front of him exploded in a mesmerizing burst of light. Being forced to avert his eyes he couldn't quite see what was going on but once the light faded he was able to see a teen on the soft grass of the park he was in. The blond teen was wearing nothing but he could see that the body had suffered large amounts of damage and had even lost an arm.. As he walked over he saw that while the body seemed to be human, it had an incredible amount of power within him. Lastly noticing the lack of movement of the blonde's chest he assumed that he had died.
"Hm." Azazel hummed as he crouched next to the corpus. He could feel the power within the teen doing everything in it's power to preserve the body and maybe even revive it's host. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before. The energy inside the body could only be compared to that of the Youkai, yet this was far more potent and felt complete.
If he had to compare this boy's energy to that of the Youkai it would be placed in a whole new level. While the Senjutsu and Youjutsu some like the Nekomata could use was powerful the body's power made it seem like a lake compared to an ocean. Just as he was about to decided to stop wasting time in an already dead human an idea struck him.
Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small midnight blue orb. "I think this might be the best opportunity I have to test this. I hope this works." he said smirking as he pushed the orb deep into the blond's blood covered chest. He couldn't help but laugh in joy as a massive magic circle looking seal appeared under the blond. He jumped out of the range of the seal before it erupted into a column of black light with golden sparks dancing around the both within and out of of the pillar. The the black light faded away the teen's body which at one time been lifeless now had the steady movement that signified breathing. The blonde's body had been nearly completely restored minus the severed arm.
"I can't believe that actually worked." Azazel said to himself as he patted himself on the back for a job well done. Walking over to the formerly dead body he felt the power within the body growing larger by a decent margin. "Well better take him to a place to rest and see what I can do about his arm." He said as he picked up the blond teen. Out of his back, twelve jet-black wings sprouted before he took off into the air.
(Some time later)
Naruto's eyes slowly opened to find himself in an unknown bedroom. The place looked like it belonged to someone with an above average amount of wealth back in Konoha. He couldn't help but let out a yawn which he covered with his left hand. 'Wait...left hand?' he thought before the memories of the end of his battle with Kaguya rushed back to him. "I lost my do I still have it?" He muttered as he looked over the limb. It looked exactly like i did before the portal closed and severed it.
"Like it?" a masculine voice asked. Looking up he saw a tall man he had never met before. The man had black hair with blond bangs and violet eyes. At the moment he wore a black V-neck and grey pants. "You better be thankful. I had to use a lot or resources to get you up to this point." The man said as he walked over to Naruto's bedside and sat down on one of the chairs.
Naruto narrowed his eyes on the man. "What do you mean? Where are we? Who are you and what did you do to me?" Naruto asked the strange man who chuckled at the rapid fire questions the blond teen was asking him.
"Woah slow down kid." The man said stopping Naruto's stream if questions. "To start things off my name is Azazel, may I get your name?" the now named Azazel asked Naruto who was still studying him. None of his sense were telling him not to trust the man in front of. Even the empathy ability he gained from Kurama didn't detect anything.
"Sorry, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. It's nice to meet you Azazel." Naruto said to the man who smiled at the blond who didn't seem to use any honorifics like most people seemed to use in the region they were currently in.
"The pleasure in all mine. As for what I meant by using resources on you I should explain to you the condition you were in when I found you." Azazel said as he cleared his throat a bit. Naruto waited for the man slightly annoyed that that he seemed to be taking his time. "You were dead." Azazel finally said.
Naruto's jaw dropped when the three words that formed the sentence reached his ears and were processed by his brain. "D-dead?!" He asked out in shock before looking over his body one last time to see if anything is different. "So is this the afterlife?" He asked the purple eyes man.
Azazel laughed at the boy's reaction to hearing that he died. From what he had observed it wasn't really that rare for one to think that way. "Nope. I used an item I created to revive you as a member of my faction." The man said to the blond who tilted his head to the side showing taht he didn't understand what he meant. "I meant that I gave you another chance at life by turning you into a fallen angel." The man with golden bangs explained to Naruto.
"What a fallen angel?" Naruto asked Azazel. He had never heard of this faction the man spoke of nor had he ever heard of a fallen angel before in this life.
Azazel sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. It seemed that the teen before him had no prior knowledge of what he was talking about. "A fallen angel is an angel that fell from the grace of God and was casted out of heaven." This only seemed to further confused the blond.
Sure he had heard of words such as god and angel from his encounter with Nagato and Konan but he never heard them spoken of in the way the strange man spoke off. It seemed that the more Azazel explained to him the more confusing it all became due to the added layers of information. "I don't follow. By 'god' do you mean like the Shinigami?" Naruto asked the fallen angel who looked like he wanted to slam his head into a wall.
"Okay I guess I'll explain it all…" Azazel said before giving the blond jinchuuriki a quick history lesson of the past between Heaven, Hell, and the Grigori. To say that all that information was a lot to take in was an understatement but even then Naruto managed to wrap his head around it.
"So basically I died and you turned me into a 'Fallen Angel' in order to revive me?" Naruto said in a questioning tone asking for confirmation that what he said had been correct. Azazel smiled and nodded his response which prompted the blond's head to drop. "So I'm I correct to assume that whatever you did to me restored my arm as well?"
"Nope." Azazel said as he reached over and pressed a button that blended in with Naruto's 'skin' that caused the back of his hand to lift up revealing a gun barrel. "In order to get your arm back I had to use my knowledge on the Sacred Gears I told you about before to create a prosthetic one. I even added a few features like a light gun and a few other fun ones." He said as he clicked another button causing the hand to shoot out with a wire attached to the back out and punched through the wall Naruto was facing. Azazel grimaced at the sight of the new hole in his wall, 'I'm going to have to fix that.'
"Woah." Naruto said as his new robotic hand returned to him. It looked completely natural and he could even control it like a real one. However when he touched it with his right hand he felt the metal his arm was made off. "This is awesome!" he yelled out as he tried to figure out if the arm had any other secrets.
"I know right. Now back to your questions. I guess I already answered almost all of them minus where we are." Azazel said rubbing his goatee. "Well we are currently in one of my houses in Kuoh. Well now that you know what's going on, I wish to extend to you the offer to join me. As a fallen angel you wouldn't really be popular with devils and angels. Of course I would personally train you especially with the amount of power you're giving off." Azazel said to the blond who thought about the offer.
From what he had hear he wouldn't even be able to live in human society since he had no way of identifying himself nor making any sort of money. On top of that he couldn't contact any of the bijuu within him at all and his chakra had changed due to the transformation he had recently gone through. 'Well it's not like I have many options.' Naruto thought to himself with a heavy sigh. "I accept your offer Azazel." Naruto said as he held out his hand.
The governor of the Fallen Angels smiled widely as he took the blonde's hand firmly and shook it. He knew he hadn't made a mistake when he decided to bring Naruto back to life. He only had one of those blasted things made so far and even then it was still a prototype he made using a stolen Evil Pieces. Getting more of them to make any more was easier said than done. "Then lets be off!" He yelled before dropping an outfit that looked just like his on Naruto's lap. "Get dressed." He said before leaving the blond by himself.
'I can't believe I may never get to see them again.' Naruto thought to himself as images of all his friends flashed through his head and ended with Hinata where his mind lingered for a bit before they faded away. His hands clenched the sheets as a few tears fell from his eyes. He couldn't imagine living without all of them, to never see them again. To never share a laugh with them again. Lastly was his dream to become Hokage. While it wasn't anywhere near as important to him as his friends it still hurt him knowing his life goal was now out of reach.
He looked at his hands. He had nothing to even connect them to him. Not even a single picture, or memento. All he had left of them was the memories he made with them. However another part of him told him that they wouldn't want him to simply wallow in their memory. Standing up from the bed he dressed himself in the clothing Azazel had given him and left the room.
Leaving the room he found Azazel preparing some food in the kitchen. Naruto walked over to the man to see what the he was making. He found that he making some strange kind of meat formed into strips and eggs. Azazel noticed Naruto's presence next to him and smirked, "Strange what the humans of this world come up with. We never had things like this in heaven." The fallen angel said.
"Yeah." Naruto said still a little depressed that he could never see his friends again. He didn't know many Time-Space Ninjutsu that weren't related to seals. If he had something like the Kamui or Kaguya's Yomotsu Hirasaka he may have been able to discover a way back but he didn't even know Hiraishin. Azazel looked at the blond with a sad smile, he could understand what he was going through to a degree. He too was forced to leave his home when he sinned and left behind a few people he cared about.
"Well Naruto the food is about ready now." He said as he picked up both pans from the oven top and split the food into two portions. Walking over to table the governor of fallen angels set down two plates and sat down in front of one of them. "Well you better start eating before it gets cold." He said before he started to eat himself.
Naruto walked over to the table and sat in front of the other plate. Looking at the food curiously he picked up a piece of the meat and sniffed it a few times. Not sensing anything wrong with it he placed it in his mouth and started to eat. "It's good. Not as good as ramen but still good." Naruto commented as the two ate in silence.
"Well once we're finish here I'll start your training." Azazel said leaving the table. Naruto finished shortly and walked after the man. "I guess the first thing we should do is learn just how much power you have." The fallen angel said as he lead the blonde down a door into a massive underground training area. Naruto's jaw hung a bit loose as he looked around at the ever expanding area. The entire place looked like a massive mountain range that extend far beyond the limits of his eyes. Looking back at the door they had passed through he just saw nothing.
"What the hell?" Naruto asked as he picked up one of the rocks to see if it was all real. It didn't take long before he was able to confirm that the entire place in fact a real place. It even had Nature Energy for him to absorb.
"Nice right? Took me forever to create the machine to make this possible." Azazel said to the blond who looked at the man as he allowed his wings to come out of his back. Naruto took a step back at the sudden appearance of the twelve black wings that came out of Azazel's back. Azazel smirked at the face Naruto was making at the sight of his wings. "An angel's wings are a way of indicating how powerful they are. One can range from a single pair which is the weakest to six pairs like mine which is the highest rank. Now don't be sad if-" He wasn't able to finish as Naruto decided to try and summon his wings. Twelve jet black wings bursted out of Naruto's back just like they did from the older man's a few moments ago. "Twelve?!" Azazel yelled out.
Naruto laughed a bit and scratched the back of his head. After he saw the wings he wanted to check how he compared to the man who gave him a second chance at life. It almost felt natural to him. It was like flexing his walking or flexing an arm, it felt like a part of his body. "I'm guessing this is a good thing?" Naruto asked the man who had quickly regained his composure.
"Good? This is great!" Azazel said as he counted the amount of wings Naruto had just to make sure he wasn't just seeing thing. This was far beyond what he had expect. He had thought that it would have been something similar to what happened to a reincarnated devil which rebirthed them as a low level devil. "I never really expected this, however I believe the best way to test one's power is through battle." Azazel said getting into a stance.
Naruto smiled and retracted his wings. As cool as they looked he had no idea how to use them nor did he know how they would affect his fighting started of by summoning over a dozen clones. Azazel's eyes widened at the sudden appearance of the multiple copies of the reincarnated fallen angel. To Naruto nothing really felt any different other than feeling stronger over all. He could feel a second form of energy inside of him that wasn't chakra mixing into his chakra system making his already powerful chakra even stronger and denser.
Azazel ducked under one of the clone's punches and kneaded it in the stomach hard enough to destroy it. Two other clones honed in on him. The elder fallen angel flew back as one of the clones tried to kick his legs out from under him while the other one tried to kick his face. Before he could destroy them three more clones came from behind holding kunais.
Three spears made out of light appeared and pierced through the clone's stomach before the could reach him. The two clones he had dodged before attempted to attack once again. Both were quickly destroyed by two quick punches from Azazel. "I got to admit I never expected you to have something like this." The governor of the Grigori said to Naruto before kicking in another clone into one of the mountains.
The real Naruto came out from behind the fallen angel and slammed a Rasengan into Azazel's back. The fallen angel went flying away from the group of clones by the force of the attack. Azazel stabilized himself in midair and waved his hand sending several spears at the group of Narutos. The mass wave of spears of light was abled to destroy every single clone left. "I hope that didn't kill him." Azazel said jokingly before Naruto appeared next to him. Crossing his arms, Azazel was able to block Naruto's kick which sent him only a few feet back. Another spear appeared in Azazel's hand which he used to block Naruto's rasengan. Wielding the spear like a staff he knocked away Naruto's hand and hit the blond on the left side of his face sending him into a large boulder. "I got admit that attack you hit me with before hurt but you're going to try harder if you want to beat me." Azazel taunted the blond who stood up from the rubble.
The jinchuuriki of all nine tailed beasts smirked as he wiped a drop of blood from the corner of his lips. The hit to the face was comparable to one of his teammate Sakura's punches. "I'm going to make you regret those words." Naruto said entering his Rikudo Sennin Mode. Azazel raised an eyebrow at Naruto's transformation.
The clothing he had given the blond had been completely replaced by a light-coloured coat with a dark-coloured "bodysuit" underneath that covers his torso that reached down his arms to the knuckles, down his legs and stopped just above his sandals which also change colour to a golden orange. It also had a light-coloured circle where where his navel would have been, as well as golden magatama markings around his collar. One the back of the coat was the image a strange with four rings around a dot above nine magatama. His eyes had changed so that instead of being blue, they were yellow with a cross-like pupil. The six whisker markings on the blond's face became thicker and now resembled rectangles. Naruto's hair was glowing the same color as his coat and how had two horn-like banges. Behind him were six small black orbs.
Naruto vanished from sight in a burst of speed and appeared in front of Azazel with a black rod in hand. The fallen angel sidestepped the attack and tried to pierce Naruto through chest with his spear only for Naruto to push it out of the way with the palm of his left hand and kicking Azazel into a mountain. The rock surface cracked under the force of the collision but the kick wasn't enough to seriously hurt Azazel.
"Now that hurt." Azazel said before flying at Naruto who flew into the air to avoid the incoming attack. Taking off into the air after the blond Azazel flew behind the blond who was slowly getting farther and farther away from him. "Get back here!" Azazel yelled as he fired several spears of light at the flying blond.
Naruto stopped flying and used one of the black orbs behind him to form a shield which blocked the hail of attacks. Azazel flew past Naruto and drew a sword made out of pure light. The energy covered blond formed a black staff from one of the spheres behind him and charged at the black winged angel.
The two weapons collided with enough force to shatter some of the mountain tops. Azazel felt the bones in his arms crack from the force behind Naruto's attack while Naruto relatively fine. The two two fought for dominance for a few seconds before Naruto overtook him and knocked him back. Naruto formed a bijudama in his right hand before firing it at the fallen angel. Azazel only had time to cover himself in his wings before the attack detonated on him
The black orb exploded in an explosion large enough that it damaged the surrounding mountains. Naruto was forced to cover himself in a spherical shield made from one of the Gudoudama to avoid being injured by his own attack. Once the attack ended Naruto floated inside the barrier in the middle of a massive crater. A few meters in front of him was Azazel who despite using his wings to protect himself had taken a large amount of damage compared to before leaving him covered in a few burns.
"You little bastard." Azazel said chuckling as he wiped off dust from his arm. "Well times for the kid gloves to come off." Azazel said summoning a spear in each hand and charged at the blond. Naruto formed two short staffs from his Gudoudama and flew towards the incoming fallen angel.
The two attacks collided with one another. Naruto spun a with the intent of knocking off the head of his savior, but Azazel managed to react in time and ducked under the attack and jabbed forward. The two clashed a few more time, each time they did they traded blow at speeds where they almost left after images. Azazel was the one to break off as he was taking far more damage from Naruto's much stronger attacks.
Naruto flew back and turned both of the staff back into their original forms and raised his right hand up. "Senpou: Rasenshuriken!" Naruto yelled as he formed a massive orb made out of lava with four rotating blades spinning so fast they looked like a circular blade. Naruto threw the massive attack at the fallen angel who flew away from the attack that was cutting through any mountains that got in the way.
Azazel laughed as he formed a large spear of light and used it to intercept the rasenshuriken. He never expected Naruto's attack ripped right through his spear. The rapidly approaching attack slammed into him sending him through several mountain tops before it expanded rapidly. Naruto watched as his attack detonated and created a dome of energy that dwarfed any of the mountains in the area. He was shocked how much larger it was compared to the one he used before during the war even with the same amount of energy.
Naruto slowed down and floated a few feet from the Grigori leader laid with a smile on his face. His entire body was covered in small cuts. "So what did you think?" He asked the older man who laughed at the question.
"What did I think? I think I used my one chance to turn a human into a Fallen Angel on the perfect guy." He said laughing prompting Naruto to laugh as well. "I got to admit I wish I had taken you seriously from the start. You completely caught me off guard with that transformation. But at least I can say you have twelve wings for a reason and that's without knowing how to use light energy." Azazel said to the blond who smiled at the completement. However he couldn't help but curse the blond a bit because of the pain he was feeling.
He had been shocked how powerful Azazel was. The man wasn't as near as strong as Kaguya or Madara in his final form but he was comparable to Madara while he was under the Edo Tensei. "You didn't do that bad yourself. " Naruto said to the fallen angel as he landed on solid ground. Looking at Azazel he saw his body covered in burns from the explosion. His shirt had been completely incinerated by the blast yet he was able to survive.
"Thanks." He said to the blond. His entire body stung from the attack he had taken. It felt like millions of needles made out of wind had tried to cut into him Naruto smiled and placed his hand on his shoulder. Within a few seconds all his burns had been healed completely. If he hadn't just confirmed that from that one attack he was at the level of a Satan he would have been shocked by the blond's ability to heal. "Next time we fight I'll make sure to take you completely seriously. I don't want to feel that again." Azazel said doing a few stretches. "Well I guess we can stop for a break then I can train you to fly."
Naruto looked at him a bit confused as he started to float once again. "Did I hit you too hard? I can already fly." Naruto said questionably.
Azazel chuckled, "I ment fly with you wings. Unless you plan on transforming every time you need to fly, but I suggest you keep that as a last resort. Besides by the time I'm done with you wouldn't need to use it to kick ass." The the semi-blond man said to the Uzumaki who smiled and nodded. 'Hell he'll probably be able to curb stomp me' Azazel thought to himself as he planned to enjoy the time he had to make the blond pay.
Now back in his base form Naruto released his black wings like he had done before. It took him a few hours of practise before he was successfully able to get off the ground and remain stable. Azazel was having way too much fun watching Naruto fall down to the ground when he lost stability or crashed. To rub salt on the wound he also decided that attempting to skewer the jinchuuriki with one of his spear would help further the training.
"This is going to be fun."
Well I hope you all enjoyed it! Please leave a review and tell me your thoughts on the chapter and the story. But OC characters or harem suggestions. I already added two more this time and I refuse to add more! That's all folks!