Disclaimer: Fruits Basket and all its characters are properties of Takaya Natsuki-sensei and Hana to Yume comics. Everything else in this fanfic are figments of my imagination. Any similarities to name, places, yada yada yada are simply examples of the world's many coincidental mysteries.

December 22, 2002

Seven Days


By Ina-chan

The sound of uncontrollable laughter pierced the air as the yukata-clad man doubled over the common room's low table, unable to control his mirth, while the other occupants of the room went about their business, which was mainly pondering over what to do next with their latest misfortune.

"Is he always like that?" Uo-chan finally turned to the red-haired young man beside her, unable to suppress her irritation, "He's been going at it non-stop for the past five minutes."

"You get used to it," Kyou replied in passive indifference, silently wondering why he was still sitting here in the first place, "Oi, Hanajima, have you figured it out yet?"

The mysterious dark haired young woman didn't reply as she continued to pour her attention over the tattered ancient book she was studying in her hands. She didn't even show any indication of acknowledging that she heard her classmate's request.

"Ano… Yuki-kun, are you sure you're okay?" Tooru asked for the hundredth time,  as she bandaged the gray-haired young man's right wrist

"I'm fine, don't worry so much about me, Honda-san," Yuki smiled reassuringly to the panicking young woman for the hundredth and one time

"FEH, that's what you get for being so clum--," Kyou managed to comment before a plate sailed into the air, hitting him squarely between the eyes.  "K'so… ne…zumi" The cat managed mutter before unceremoniously falling backwards.

"K-k-kyou-kun!" Tooru cried out in horror as she rushed to the fallen cat's aid

In the background, Shigure started to laugh even harder (if that was even possible).

Uo-chan gave a reassuring pat on her best friend's shoulder, "It seems that the Prince is alright. He even managed to get a perfect shot like with an injured wrist."

"Actually, I was aiming for his mouth," Yuki corrected blandly with an involuntary wince, as he cradled his own injury

"All kidding aside, this is still a matter that needs serious attention," Shigure stated solemnly

"Is he always like that?" Uo-chan asked again, shrinking back involuntarily, a little unnerved by the novelist's sudden change in demeanor

"You get used to it," Kyou mumbled irritably as he nursed his forehead with one hand and attempted to ward away Tooru's worried hands with the other, "I'm fine! Stop it already!"

"So tell me again right from the beginning, exactly what happened that led to this?" Shigure asked

"After school there was an antique shop. We wanted to see if there was anything interesting inside. But it almost fell on me so Yuki-kun caught it. So it was really all my fault because Kyou-kun and Yuki-kun didn't want to go in the first place," Tooru explained mournfully as she wrung her hands together anxiously

Collective beads of sweat appeared on the heads of the other occupants of the room, while the writer blinked blankly at the distraught young woman's explanation. In the background, a proverbial black crow flew over their heads cawing 'bakaaa bakaaa'.

The loud clap of a book being shut loudly echoed in the silence of the room. Everyone turned their attention to the resident psychic at the end of the table, who was now solemnly resting the ancient book she was reading in front of her.

"I'm afraid that curses are not my specialty," Hana-chan began with her bland monotone, "I will have to ask my brother, Megumi, to see if he can find anything else helpful. But from what I gathered in this book, what transpired was actually a simple curse used in the past to lure beautiful young virgins into a form of human sacrifice."

"Haaaa…" was the only sound the writer could bring forth from his throat. Curses, virgins and human sacrifice in the same sentence… as kinky as it may be… that never really sounded right… specially if one is a Souma.

"This book is part of the 'Scripture of the Unnamed'. In the ancient times, there was a small group that follows this holy sect. In order for their magic to continue to thrive, they were required to sacrifice a virgin every one hundred years. To lure their victims, they used cursed items, such as this book. The curse actually lies dormant until the day that the sacrifice draws near. When the time comes, the curse is triggered to set in motion on the first beautiful virgin that lays hands and opens this book."

"I don't believe you. If such a group existed, won't the police be after them or something?" Kyou scoffed, "Don't tell me that all that information is in that book. You've got to be making most of that up."

"That's the point. The 'Unnamed' sect was supposed to have been wiped out to non-existence many years ago. That's why this book is an important and rare find. Of course, if you don't believe me, you can read it here yourself," Hana-chan replied blandly as she nudged the book toward the orange-head's direction

"Keep that disgusting thing away from me!" Kyou yelled in revulsion, shifting away on his seat

"What exactly is the curse about, Saki-chan?" Shigure cleared his throat

"It was said that many disasters would befall the cursed virgin after the curse is set into motion. Usually they are a string of non-related accidents that would normally result sudden death. But if the victim survives all these tragedies, the trauma would be enough to bring in the victim past the brink of madness and towards suicide. The end is always the same. The victim of the curse is always dead after seven days."

Tooru let out a small whimper and buried her face in her hands as Hana-chan ended her tale, "This is all my fault."

"Honda-san…" Yuki began uncertainly

Uo-chan let out a defeated sigh as she wrapped her hands around her distraught best friend, "You're thinking too much into this. I'm sure that this is just some parlor gimmick that antique store has to lure unsuspecting customers. In fact, we should be suing that place! Imagine having such rickety furniture and that book almost falling on your head. It's not your fault and no one is gonna die. And whoever thought of curses being real at this time and age?"

"Haaaa…" was the only sound the writer could bring forth from his throat while the cat and the mouse respectively turned their gazes elsewhere.

"But still," Hana-chan interrupted as she took the book in her hands once again, "The events that transpired this afternoon after that seem to be more than just a string of coincidences. As I said, curses are not my specialty. I'll have to ask Megumi's advice to determine if this curse is real or not. Until then, it would better to be safe than sorry."

No one in the room countered her wise advice.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to believe everything that was revealed to him. This so-called curse sounded too much like a very bad adaptation of an urban legend. But still…whether this curse is real or not, it was enough for Tooru-kun to become overly distraught about it… The writer couldn't help but let a line of worry furrow on his forehead.

Then again… the writer's eyes wandered mischievously from their distraught flower to the cat's controlled expression, and the mouse's obvious concern. Yes… whether this so-called curse is real or not, this whole situation can become very… entertaining.  Despite of himself, he couldn't help but let that mischievous lilt to touch his voice, "Well then, who is this unfortunate beautiful virgin who's going to need our protection for the next seven days?"

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault!" Tooru fell into another round of hysterical sobbing. 

Kyou let out an irritated snort.

 And the two girls looked away uncomfortably.

"Me," The last occupant of the room replied with a defeated sigh, his gray hair covering his eyes

And once again, the sound of uncontrollable laughter pierced the air as the yukata-clad man doubled over the common room's low table, unable to contain his mirth.

To be continued?

Author's squawk:

                I've been writing serious and angsty fics for the longest time… I thought it was about time to go back to my roots and write something entirely silly. Yes, believe it or not, Ina-chan started out as an "insanity fic" writer. ^_^. Or how we used to say in the Jonny Quest Mailing List as "AGALAIAHRA" (Anything Goes As Long As It Ain't Hopeless Romantic or Angst). Well… I dunno how funny this fic is going to be. My taste in comedy has changed dramatically since I started writing Jonny Quest fanfics a little over seven years ago. But I hope it turns out okay…

And yes... the "Unnamed" is made up. ^_^.

Comments, criticisms and flame throwers at [email protected]
