"Good morning Mr Jones"

Alfred .F. Jones the personification of the United States of America, one of the world's super powers opened his eyes to find he wasn't in his hotel room. He's wasn't sure if he was even still in England

His head felt hazy, like it was stuffed full of cotton wool or had spent the night drinking but without the happy buzz he always got… Wait had he been drugged? His mind began to clear giving way for panic to seep in as his eyes adjusted to the dark he felt his arms chained to the wall

Alfred nearly jumped out of his skin, when light from a small candle in a hooded figures hand caught his attention. Out of instinct he began to struggle against his bonds.

"Now, now Mr Jones. You will scratch up your lovely new chains.

The man had a thick British accent and for a moment Alfred was sure it was England. "Iggy dude! What's with the creepy Saw vibe you're giving off?"

The hooded man laughed sweetly before he suddenly wacked Alfred across the head with a large rock. The American sat stunned as his temple throbbed and blood flowed freely down the side of his face. "So sorry to disappoint you Mr Jones, but I'm not your Iggy"

The man crouched down so he was eye level with his prisoner. Alfred could just about see deranged blue eyes through the shadows covering his face. 'Blue… not green. So it's not England then'. Alfred thought.

The man roughly took him by the face and slowly turned it from side to side. "Don't worry though. Him and the other nations will be joining you shortly" an unnerving smile spread across the man's hidden face.

Nations! That sent Alarms blaring in Alfred head. So this guy knows what he is. This could be bad. Very very bad.

"Well I'm sure you have lots of questions but I still have preparations to make before the others arrive" He gave Alfred face a gentle pat.

The man rose, leaving the candle next to the chained up nation he slowly backed away into the darkness.

"WAIT!" Alfred called "Who are you! Why are you doing this?!" as he yelled panic was clear in his voice. The hooded man laughed. "For now you may call me…. Dan Klirk or just Klirk, and as to why I'm doing this, why Mr Jones the answer is simple. I was bored.

A crazed laughter filled what Alfred had assumed was a tiny cell, but with the way the manic laughter echoed around him, the American began to suspect that this room could hold much more then only one person.