AN: Hello to you all once again, I have returned for another chapter for Mealstrom of Aura! Can't believe it took this long to reach 17 chapter but at the same time but happy I got this far. I know there are mistakes and issues that some of you all have, but I wish to at least continue with where I am going. I like my route despite some problems I know that my story has. Thank you all for sticking with me thus far and I hope you enjoy this new chapter!

Prison Break: Part 2

As Kushimaru charged at Naruto with bloodlust, Naruto braced himself as he prepared himself for if this had happened. Gathering his aura quickly, Naruto activated his Double Team as holographic copies of himself appeared all around him. This gave Kushimaru a slight moment of pause but no more than a second as cloning was nothing special.

He poised himself, ready to toss his blade at the Nauto and his copies to begin his stitching technique to sow his target up. He was then caught by surprise when Naruto and his copies spat out a thick cloud of black smoke that completely hid them from view.

Naruto had used his Smokescreen to buy him a mere moment, which was all he needed to gather aura to his legs and used his Aura Rush. This technique is a simple move that gives Naruto a burst of speed that leaves an after image of himself in his place. Naruto appeared next to the frightened Ralts and used his kunai charged by his chakra to cut her chains.

"Ralts, listen," he said to the Psychic/Fairy type who still looked at Naruto in fear. "I need you to lower your energy to be as low as possible and do NOT move for your own safety." Feeling more danger heading his way, Naruto ducked and jumped up before he was violently kicked in his gut and send through a nearby table.

The young guardian quickly recovered though as his disguise dropped, needing the spare energy to continue the plan. He pulled out a second kunai and dual wielded the two bladed weapons, taking note of the fact that the other scientists were either already dead from Kushinaru's own sword or had fled the area. He looked to where Ralts was located previously chained up and purposely looked around the room with his eyes, making it obvious.

Seeing his searching gaze, Kushimaru looked around too, ignoring the intruded for a moment as he was just a child and not a threat to himself. His eyes widened as he realized someone was missing. He stretched out his senses and could not find his target anywhere. By the second, Kushimaru became increasingly infuriated as locked an icy cold glare on Naruto.

"I don't care about who you are brat as it is no consequence for me not to know," he said as he released more of his Killing Intent that Naruto wasn't too bothered by as usual. "Now tell me, where did my prisoner get to?"

Ralts, who was directly behind Kushimaru the entire time, was confused by the killers question. She was perfectly in his view as she has yet to move from her spot, her exhaustion making it difficult to do anything. He had even looked at her dead in the eyes! How did he not see her?

"Wouldn't you like to know," Naruto taunted the man with a smirk, further irritating Kushimaru. "All you need to know is that she is long gone from here by now."

Pulling out some senbon needles with his left hand, Kushimaru stared into the red-tipped boys eyes with a haunting gaze. "I'm going to enjoy tormenting my answers from you brat," he said as he tossed the thin needles at Naruto who easily dodged them.

Weaving out the way he dodged more thrown senbon before using his Aura Rush to get by Kushimaru who tried to Slash at him again only to hit Naruto's afterimage. Unlike before though, he didn't get a moment as the swordsman rushed at him again.

Blade clashed with blade as Naruto deflected the strikes from Kushinaru's Nuibari, knowing that he would be screwed if he got trapped in a power struggle with him. Naruto could not be more grateful from the boost as he got from the Synchronization.

Deflecting another strike aimed at him, Naruto gathered more aura in his mouth and fired a Water Gun at Kushinaru's masked face, only for him to dodge and toss his blade at Naruto which pierced his left leg.

Kushinaru grinned behind his mask, only to be confused by no cry of pain or spray of blood. This became shock when the Naruto he attacked phased from existence, showing it was just an afterimage.

The real Naruto appeared above Kushimaru and used Aura Rush to charge at the man as he swung his kunai towards his head. This didn't go as planned as Kushimaru caught Naruto's side with a devastating spin kick without turning around.

Naruto cried out in pain as he spun through the air before landing on his feet. He had to dodge left as the Nuibari blade seemed to magically change direction and rushed at Naruto. The Nuibari changed direction once more and spun at Naruto who moved out of the way as the blade spun at Naruto who moved out of the way as the blade just barely missed nicking his cheek.

Naruto jumped back to gain some distance before he evinced in pain as his arm suddenly gained a cut mark as his sleeve was cleanly split open and blood slipped from the wound.

The Namikaze boy was confused as he looked at where the pain came from, but quickly had to move as the Nuibari came at him again. Feeling danger again, Naruto paused once more as he felt a light pain but this time on his back as a thin cut appeared along with on his left leg.

'What is going on?' Naruto questioned as he glanced briefly towards the cut on his leg before ducking forward to dodge the Nuibari again.

Ralts, having figured out who Naruto was due to his use of aura, was concerned for his well-being. He was dodging the blade yet somehow he was still getting hurt. She also could not figure out how the Nuibari was moving around without being in Kushinaru's grip. He didn't have psychic powers as far as she could tell.

Naruto was getting increasingly annoyed as he got cut up from some unknown sharp object while avoiding being skewered by the legendary Kiri blade. The blade rushed at Naruto once more, but he held his ground and fired another Water Gun attack at it, hoping to divert the blade direction somewhere else.

This plan unfortunately was a failure as the Nuibari was suddenly encased by chakra, making it stronger and sharper. This gave it more than enough power and protection to pierce right through the Water type attack.

Naruto flipped over the blade and as he was about to land, the red-blonde felt danger so he spun to the side and landed in a different spot than he intended. Naruto could not understand why he felt such danger all over the place. The young ex-heir activated his Aura Sight. Not only did his sight sharpen, but locked on everyone's aura signature.

Naruto saw that the Nuibari was completely coated in Kushinaru's chakra, but it wasn't the only thing that caught his attention as he noticed something was attached to the blade. It was sharp, extremely thin ninja wire! What made him really nervous was that more ninja wire was attached to the walls throughout the room!

He quickly dodged another onslaught of the Nuibari that he found was easier to avoid now that his Aura Sight was active. Also now that he could see the ni ja wire around the room, he decided it was time to get rid of the problem. Gathering his aura to his hand, a white light encased it and it elongated. " Cut!" Naruto called out as the white light hardened.

The red-blonde avoided getting stabbed by the Nuibari, though was cut on his shoulder from the blade light catching and the ninja wire on it rubbing into it that Kushimaru was using to control the blade from a distance. As he jumped around to avoid the blade once more, he swung his hand to cut the ninja wire that was throughout the room, that Naruto assumed was attached to the senbon needles that were thrown earlier.

Naruto landed next to Ralts and silently told her to grab his waist and to hold on tightly as he gathered more aura seeing the Nuibari and some more senbon needles heading his way. The moment Ralts grabbed onto Naruto tightly, he used Double Team but made more copies than he had dome earlier.

The clones and Naruto all made a beeline for the door but had to jump away as an orb of water just barely missed slamming into his back. The door was obliterated along with the wall of the hallway being cracked.

The explosion was also powerful enough to push Naruto back and eliminate all of his clones.

"Where do you think your running to?" Kushimaru questioned as he released more Killing Intent, much thicker than earlier. He pulled out more senbon needles, his Nuibari stabbed into the ground beside him. "You will be broken and tortured here today. So stand your ground boy!"

With a toss, the senbons were sent sailing towards Naruto who called upon Cut once again. Swinging his arm, he deflected a fair number of needles while doing his best to avoid the ones he couldn't knock away.

Naruto looked back to Kushimaru in time as he finished a set of handsigns before he took a breath. " Water Style: Raging Waves!"

A torrent of water was spewed from the swordsmans lips that was similar, and more powerful, than Naruto's own Water Gun attack.

Gathering his aura to his legs, Naruto jumped up and stood upside-down from the ceiling, his chakra locking onto it. Then he jumped form wall to wall, ending up above Kushimaru, who pointed his blade upward and charged.

Naruto jumped away and spun, just barely dodging the slash of the sword. " Vine Whip now," Naruto called out as green vines came from the glow in the palm of his hands. The vines wrapped around the throat or Kushimaru as the red-tipped blonde pulled in the hopes to lift and slam him into the ground.

This didn't go as planned though since Kushimaru didn't hesitate to slice right through the vines. The sudden loss of weight caught Naruto by surprise and was sent sailing through the air. Releasing another set of vines that wrapped around one of the chains on the wall, he used it to pull him and Ralts away from another attempt to cut him down.

'Dammit,' Naruto thought angrily. 'He isn't taking me seriously and I am still having trouble keeping up, even with my boost of power due to Synchronization. Not only that but the bastard won't let me get Ralts into place.'

Naruto began jumping around Kushinaru's legendary blade as he needed to continue the plan. He could sense that the others are almost done with their part of the mission.

Bending back to avoid the next strike, he jumped back into a handstand to avoid a knee to his back. He pushed upward in time to avoid that same leg from kicking him in the gut. Before Kushimaru could strike, Naruto used Smokescreen again and blew the cloud of smoke directly into Kushinaru's face.

This caused Kushimaru to go into a coughing fit as his body was covered by the attack. Naruto looked towards his exit and positioned his body by the exit, still blowing the smoke. Canceling the Smokescreen, Naruto quickly activated his Aura Rush and ran towards the door with blinding speed.

Naruto didn't make it though as Kushimaru appeared by the exit in time and slammed his foot into Naruto's face. Naruto not only cried out in agony as blood shot from his nose while also knocking out two of his teeth due to the high speed impact. It didn't end there though as the ninja grabbed Naruto's leg, thankfully not the one held onto by Ralts, and slammed the boy into the floor with enough force to cause cracks.

Next, he dragged Naruto across the ground before slamming him into the wall. He then jumped and spun Naruto around before landing onto the ceiling and slamming the boy into it. Grinning a cruel smirk that was unseen due to his mask, he swung his opponent under him once more before tossing him towards the ground. He followed that with his Nuibari that pierced Naruto through his stomach, causing the boy untold amounts of pain.

When Naruto landed, the thin blade went through the same hole that it created through Naruto's body. The red tipped blonde boy was in high amounts of pain, grabbing the Nuibari to try and get the blade out of his body.

Kushimaru landed next to Naruto and grabbed the hilt of his blade, intending to slice him through the shoulder.

"No, please no," Ralts whispered as she tried to hold back her tears. She had sensed what the Kiri swordsman had planned. "Please my savior, please. Wake up, please. Wake up and WIN!" Crying out that last sentence, it woke up Naruto from his pain. With a sharp glare, and breathed out heavily. " Whirlwind!"

A powerful gust of wind struck the shocked Kushimaru, who let go of his blade in surprise, sending him sailing through the air. Grabbing the Nuibari, Naruto ripped it out and held it tight.

Kushimaru got up angrily and became enraged at this intruder wielding HIS Nuibari. He began a fast pace set of handsigns, so fast that Naruto lost track of them, before ending in the Tiger sign. " Water Clone Jutsu!"

Water burst from the nearby pod and vials before it swirled around next to Kushimaru as it morphed into another Kushimaru. Then both Kushinaru's brandished senbon's in both of their hands.

Naruto took a step back, sweat pouring down his face at the fear he was feeling. Starring down two separate murderous killers, while just one of him was hard enough, did not bode well for him. Add to the fact he had a bleeding hole in his gut did not help the situation at all. The only good thing was his Uzumaki bloodline began kicking in with trying to heal the damage, so he would have to jump that.

Both Kushinaru's vanished from sight, surprising Naruto at the sudden increase of speed. He ducked as a kick from one of them flew over his head. He moved his arm to block an axe kick aimed for his head, while adding aura to it he was fully overpowered. He had to lean back slightly to avoid a senbon needle aimed at him.

A wave of pain flowed through him as the other Kushimaru appeared behind and slammed his foot into it. This sent Naruto away, but his foot was grabbed again before he could get too far.

Not willing a repeat of what happened earlier, Naruto gathered his aura. " Double Team!" The Naruto held by Kushimaru vanished and multiple copies appeared throughout the room. This time, Kushimaru wasn't deterred by them as they threw their needles, making each one vanish into thin air.

The real Naruto blocked the senbon thrown at him with the Nuibari. He then released his aura that formed around him and transformed into leafs. "Take this! Razor Leaf!" The razor sharp leaves spun before flying towards the two Kushimaru's.

Both assassin's had finished another set of handsigns as their lips puckered up. " Water Style: Wild Water Wave." A powerful hush of water was shot from their lisp that combated the leaves for a moment before pushing them away.

Utilizing Vine Whip once more, Naruto pulled himself away from the attacks. The vines were cut by several thrown senbon, but Naruto was prepared for that. He used another Vine Whip to pull himself to the other side of the room and stuck to the wall.

Both Kushinaru's appeared on either side of him and they began striking at him. He used Aura Rush to get away as staying between them would be too risky. He turned around to blast them with a Flamethrower but was stopped. Not only did one of the Kushinaru's steal the Nuibari back from his grip but also slashed him across the chest using a kunai while four senbons, two in each one, were impaled themselves in his legs.

Naruto grunted in serious pain as he stared Kushimaru in the eyes, his cruel and sadistic eyes. Naruto and mouthed out "I got ya". The red-tipped blonde then burst into a plume of smoke as it was revealed he was only a Shadow Clone.

This action surprise Kushimaru aand his Water Clone, completely confused by when Naruto found time to create a Clone, let alone a Shadow Clone. Even the sword he took was just a fake as it too vanished.

"That slippery little…shit," Kushimaru growled in rage as more Killing Intent leaked out of him. "That's it. No more playing around and no more of these ridiculous games! I will hunt him down and make sure that he pays!"

With the real Naruto

Naruto was running down the hall, Ralts held tightly in his arms. He had his aura pumping through his legs while using Recover to heal all of his wounds as best as he could. His cuts and bruises were primarily gone, while the hole in his gut was still trying to close up. The exit was closed up for his back while the bleeding had thankfully stopped.

"Ralts are you alright?" Naruto asked the Psychic/Fairy type that gave Naruto a warm smile and a look of awe.

" You were absolutely amazing Mr. Hero!" Ralts said to Naruto. " You did an awesome job to keep up with that monster Kushimaru. But how come he couldn't see me at all? He has looked directly at me multiple times, but has continuously questioned about where I was."

"I used the Aura Bond: Synchronization and bonded with one of my aura partners named Zorua," Naruto said as he slowed down and took his disguise with blue spiked hair and green eyes. "Using the Illusion ability that also gained a big boost from the bond, I was able to keep you hidden. I had to keep focusing the illusion on both you and any energy you may have leaked. As far as he was concerned, you had been missing throughout that entire fight."

As soon as Naruto got by the entire hallway, Naruto went into the closet area and moved the poster. The dug up tunnel was now open to the area and Naruto entered while replacing the poster.

Naruto sat back down as he focused his aura and made a mental aura link with Zorua. " Aura Bond: Shared Sight," Naruto whispered. His eyes glowed a bright blue and he felt the aura rush through him and connect with Zorua who accepted the connection.

This special ability allowed the aura user to connect their sights with the responding aura partner. Everything either one see connects with the other as if they were there. The two synchronized partners are able to also speak with one another telepathically. The further the two partners were, the more aura it will take to make and maintain the link.

" Took you long enough to connect with us Naruto," Zorua said. Naruto will never understand how the Dark type fox could sound so alert and serious, yet tired and bored at the same time. " I see that you succeeded on your part of the plan and got Ralts. Good work!"

Naruto smirked as he felt a swell of pride in his chest at Zorua's words as be looked thought the Pokémon's vision. In front of them was a row of keys, some that were obviously important. Near that were a set of computers and switches.

" On your signal and we can get this little surprise party underway," Zorua said as he looked around to show Naruto that everyone was ready to initiate the next phase of the plan.

Sensing that Kushimaru was getting closer to his area, Naruto nodded. "Do it and we will link our powers perfectly. Time to give these people their fighting spirit back."

Zorua nodded before he looked towards Suigetsu. " Hey, big bad boss says it's show time," Zorua addressed the Hozuki. " Release the prisoners. Me and Naruto will begin the next phase of the operation."

Suigetsu smirked as he pressed a few buttons on the computer before he grabbed the lever next to it. "Its party time!" He said in amusement as he pulled the lever down.

Lights rang around the prison, confusing the shinobi guardian the prison. Soon all the prison doors unlocked and they all burst wide open. This shocked the guards as they were not being told of the enemy being released.

"Let's do it now Zorua!" Naruto said to the Dark type through their bond once more. His body gained an encasement of blue, fiery aura along with his eyes that gained a powerful hue. This was shared by Zorua who did the exact same thing.

Unseen by all except for Riolu, the area was of the island was encased by their powerful, doubled aura. In just a few moments, several Water Dragons flew through the air before they slammed into the guard pillars.

The guards on the watch towers junked off in time to avoid the attacks and rolling away from the falling debris. Out of nowhere, several hundred shinobi charged into the courtyard, attacking the guards!

One of the prison guards yelled out to alert of the enemy! "It's the resistance!" he yelled out. Everyone get to the courtyard! The tainted blood's are here!"

That one shout, that one yell was all it took for the broken down prisoners to gain fire in their eyes once again. Soon they too began attacking the guards, catching many still stunned and took their weapons. Now not only were the guards up top busy with the invasion forces that only grew, but their once trapped enemies too. The only upside were the prisoners being unable to use their jutsus due to the seals on them restricting their chakra use.

Soon those same floors burst with smoke as more of the resistance infiltrated and began to attack the guards.

One of the members attacked a guard that tried to use a jutsu. The guard blocked the blade strike, only to be killed by the female prisoner who stabbed him through the neck.

"Thank you friend," she said to the masked resistance members. "The name is Yumj and glad to be free."

"We are not free just yet," he replied as he took out some shuriken and tossed them to stop a guard. "Look, you are free thanks to a couple of young warriors. They have a friend that they needed to free. We need to get them out of here and to the waters as soon as possible."

"I'm grateful but what's so important about this friend of theirs?" Yumi asked as he blocked several kunai.

"No time to explain," he said as she and him went back-to-back. They began attacking the guards, stealing more equipment from the fallen guards corpses. "Just please spread the word and get it done! They have strange creatures with them. One has blonde hair with red tips, the other has white hair, and the last has brunette hair."

Seeing that this was important, Yumi nodded and got to work with spreading the word.

As that went on, Naruto scooped up Ralts and ran further down the tunnel. "We need to be careful now Ralts," he said to the frightened Pokémon. "I can no longer cloak you with me and Zorua coating this island with Illusion."

" Wait, so you used your bond with Zorua to trick everyone?" She asked in pure amazement.

"It won't work for too long," he replied as he ran down the tunnel. "As far as everyone knows, including the now freed prisoners, the resistance is attacking the prison. But these are also hardened shinobis with tons of experience, they will notice it soon enough. It's why we need to bet you off the island and back to your mothers, fast."

Pushing his aura and body more, Naruto uses Aura Rush as he became the definition of a blur.

Zorua and his group ran down the passage ways, not having to battle too much due to what's going on. Word spread fast amongst the guards about them and they were being guarded closely.

They have had a few close calls, like when Suigetsu was cleaved in two by the sword of one of the guards. But it did nothing to Suigetsu thanks to his Water Body bloodline. The guard was blasted by Suigetsu's Water Gun: Double Blast. The technique was enough to put the guard out of commission.

Another close call was when a Water Dragon barreled down the hall towards them, only for Zorua to react in time and used his boosted Protect to stop the attack. The guard that used the technique was then killed by a combo of Eevee, Riolu, and Janine. Eevee took a stab to her side, but was otherwise alright.

Another attack rushed at the group of runners, a Liquid Bullet that Janine recognized it as. Zorua jumped over the group as it charged up another boosted attack. " Shadow Ball!" The orb of Ghost type energy clashed hard with the water jutsu, cancelling each other with an explosion.

The team was surrounded by a group of guards, all armed with kunai. Janine and Suigetsu both took out their tanto blades as Janine secretly used a set of handsigns along with Suigetsu.

In a moment, the other guards were attacked by more prisoners. The moment they looked away, Janine slammed her fingers into the ground with a smirk. " Lightning Style: Electric Snake Jutsu."

Multiple sparks of electricity danced through the ground and rushed to defending themselves. Chains burst from the ground and wrapped around their ankles. They felt electric shocks rushed through their bodies and were unable to move. That brief hesitation was all it took for the prisoners to overpower and kill their guard.

"You guys keep on going," a muscular prisoners said as he ravaged the now corpse's clothing for any weapons. "We will do our best on this front. You kids need to get out of here."

The young group nodded and took off for their destination. Janine and Suigetsu were honestly amazed at how well they were doing, despite not being able to use ninjutsu along with high amounts of fatigue. They guessed the constant press while keeping the guards from using many of their own helped with that.

"Look there is the stairwell!" Janine pointed out as they continued to run while being guarded by the many different former prisoners. They also noticed that while they were doing well, they were taking a good number if loses as well.

They saw one guard had a man pinned to the wall while fighting to defend himself from enforcers. Deciding to help, Eevee called upon her aura as a white hue covered her body. " Quick Attack!" she called out as she took in high speeds. The guard, who was on high alert, felt the danger and swung a kunai in an attempt to cut her down. Due to being so small though, Eevee laid on her side and completely avoided the deadly weapon. Quickly turning around, she slammed her paws onto the ground which gathered the dust and nearby debris before shooting it into the guard's face. " Sand Attack."

The dirt and debris hit the guards in the face, blinding him, causing the man to cry out in pain. Using the added opportunity, Eevee bit down om the kunai embedded in the prisoners shoulder and ripped it out. The young Pokémon dropped down and slashed the back of the guards ankles.

This caused him to drop to the floor and cry out in agony, dropping low enough to only be slightly taller than Eevee who had the kunai poised to pierce the guards head. The moment their eyes had met, the Normal type hesitated to utilize the opportunity to get the killing blow. This cost her though as the now angry shinobi grabbed her by the neck and began choking her.

"You little shit," he growled out to the struggling Pokémon. "I don't know what the fuck you are, but I will enjoy watching the life fade from your eyes. Unlike you, I have to resolve to do what must be done and take a life!"

Eevee was frozen in fear as the man made to stab her, only to be stopped by the prisoner that was previously pinned. The prisoner was wrestling for the kunai before the guard lost the struggle and was killed.

"Thanks for the save little one," the prisoner thanked the scared Normal type. "You need to get going! Things are going to get bad!"

Still scared that she had almost died a moment ago, she nodded and ran towards the stairs. She was stopped though as two more guards appeared in front and side of a now nervous Eevee, who was still in shock over what just happened.

One pulled out a sword, a wakizashi if she recognized it correctly. The other guard pulled out two kunai's and they glared hard at her.

Eevee tried to activate her Quick Attack to try and run away but had trouble gathering her aura. She couldn't even mold her aura correctly! She couldn't help but shake in fear as the weapons came upon her. To her, everything moved in slow motion as their weapons defended upon her.

Before she was sliced, she was saved by Riolu and Suigetsu appeared in time to stop the assaults. Riolu stopping the kunai's with his aura covered palms while Suigetsu stopped the wakizahi with his tanto.

Riolu glared angrily at the guard he was blocking, rage fueling his actions and his aura pulsing more powerfully. How dare this man try to cut up his friend?! They had already dared to hurt Ralts as badly as they did and now they planned to really hurt Eevee? How dare they?!

Riolu's aura pulsed more brightly and powerful, the pulse being string enough to knock the guards kunais away from them. The two blades went sailing away and the guard was shocked for a split second before he launched a kick at him. Riolu launched a palm strike at the kick. Not only did it stop the strike but the aura, which was slightly darker than before, had encompassed Riolu's palm as he smirked maliciously.

" Force Palm," he whispered as a powerful blast of aura shot out and encompassed the guard. He cried out in pain as the heated up aura burned away at his skin. " Metal Claw!" Steel energy covered his palms as silver energy claws came out the back of his hands and knuckles that he swung at the guards throat, slicing it open.

The issue was instead of blood gushing from the wound, water sprayed out from it instead before the body melted into a watery puddle, showing that it was a Water Clone. Pushing away any shock, Riolu used his own Aura Sense and jumped to the left aa a kunai tried to cut him in half.

Utilizing his Metal Claws, Riolu blocked and parried the kunai by the real guard. Eevee, seeing her friend getting pushed back, ran at the guard to help. She tried to use Bite but she was shocked again when her teeth did not glow. Her aura barely listened to her, as if it was rejecting her usage of it.

Seeing the scared fox Pokémon, the guard pushed Riolu back before kicking Eevee in the face and into the wall. Creating a set of handsigns, a Water Clone formed and chard at the downed Eevee who grimaced in pain. The clone finished another set of handsigns before thrusting its hand at Eevee. " Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu."

Water swirled around the Evolution Pokémon, who was rooted in place. She was now trapped in an orb of water. She reali3d the water was so thick and heavy that she couldn't move at all, not even a slight twitch was possible for her.

Riolu flipped back as he dodged another strike from the guard that tried to attack from the back. He fired an Aura Sphere that rushed at the guard who ducked under the orb before he threw several kunai at Riolu.

The young jackal easily dodged them, a fiery spark catching his gaze. The kunai had explosive seal tags attached to them that were ignited! The moment he finishes that thought, the weapons exploded and causes such a big BOOM that it drowned out the worried cries from the trapped and crying Eevee.

The guard smirked in sadistic glee at having taken out the strange creature. As he turned to handle Suigetsu, who was surprisingly holding his own against the other guard, a light caught his attention.

Within the blazing flames created from the paper bomb was Riolu, covered by an orb of light. The Emanation Pokémon was completely unharmed from the attack, unlike the area around him.

' It's a good thing I had the forethought to copy Zorua's Protect with Mimic earlier in case I needed it,' Riolu thought as he cancelled the orb.

Mimic was a special Pokémon attack that allowed its users to copy and use the last move that was used against them or just have been seen by its user. Now if Riolu had synced with Naruto instead of Zorua then he would have been to copy chakra techniques too due to the chakra that would have flowed through the link. Unfortunately, he is currently limited to copying only aura based moves.

The guard glared angrily at Riolu's survival as he gripped two new kunais, ready to go charging at the strange creature once more. Sensing a round two about to commence between them, the Pokémon created a staff made of dense aura and readied himself.

This was proven to be not needed as right when the guard was about to charge, two senbon needles punctured the back of both of his knees, causing to drop down in pain as he lost the feeling in his legs.

Not wanting to waste this opportunity, Riolu changed the nature of his aura to a more lethal state which sharpened the staff and became more deadly. Rushing forward with blurring speeds, Riolu swung the staff and sliced the guard's head off his body. This time, blood did spurt out from the wound instead of water.

That's another unique aspect of utilizing aura, that it can be used in either a lethal or docile state depending on how its user wishes to use it. Flamethrower can either burn you to the point nothing is left of you but Ash or just lightly burn you until your covered in soot. The same power output but different lethality.

Riolu watched the now headless body drop to the ground, his mind trying to come to terms with what he just did. His teachers had made it clear to him that within this new world, killing a human was going to be expected. The words of his teachers echoed in his mind as it overloaded his thoughts on first real kill, "kill or be killed. If you want to survive then understand that you must do what you must to survive". Despite this he still felt some bile rising from his stomach, but pushed it down as he had a mission to finish up.

An explosion and a wall crumbling got not only his attention, but most of the other forces in the area as they all focused on where it was coming from. From the now destroyed wall came a powerful pulse of bloodlust as Kushimaru stepped on top of the debris, blood soaking his body as he tossed a corpse he was holding to the side. In his other hand was a wakizahi that dripped with blood that he must of taken from the corpse at some point.

Kushimaru released a low, haunting laugh as his chakra poured out from him. This terrifying power caused a powerful feeling of terror going down everyone's spines; both enemy and ally.

"How inconsiderate of you ingrates to have started this party without me!" He yelled out as he raised his hands "I was getting so bored guarding this damn prison with no action as you fools did nothing to gain my ire. But now with this little riot, I can finally have some fun! And I am going to enjoy every minute of this! Hidden Mist Jutsu!"

A thick mist spread throughout the area, becoming thicker by the second as Kushimaru seemed to vanish within it. In barely a minute, the mist had become so thick that not a single person could see too far in front of them.

A cry of pain caught everyone's attention, that was quickly followed by two more. Riolu activated his Aura Sight and saw that psycho had killed two more people.

Fortunately training with Zabuza for as long as they had helped make Suigetsu prepared for this situation, along with being the brother of the strongest member of the Seven Swordsman of the Mist. He wasn't a master of the style like the others, but he could handle it pretty well. He took the head of a dead enemy and threw it towards a recovering guard who caught it on reflex and caused him to freeze in shock.

The pure shock of such an action caused the guard to pause as he held the head of his dead comrade. This allowed Suigetsu to stab his blade through the bodiless skull and into the guards head.

The issue was that now the blade was stuck in the guard's and he knew that the blade was a lost cause now.

"Riolu, grab Eevee and let's go!" Suigetsu said as Janine appeared next to him. "We need to get out of here before Kushimaru gets to us!"

"Suigetsu, let's leave some clones to help hold him off," she said as she sensed Kushimaru kill another group of five people in a single swift movement. If this keeps up, the whole area will be dead before the hour was up.

Riolu nodded as he picked up his Pokémon comrade and bolted to the stairway that had Zorua guiding prisoners to it. Riolu took note that the Dark type was beginning to look tired as he had heavy breathing with sweat falling down his face. This made the Fighting type realize that he wouldn't be able to hold up to the plan for much longer.

Basically the invading resistance members were actually all fake. All of them being a powerful illusion held up by Zorua and Naruto that was both boosted and maintained by both of them through their bond. While the illusion held the enemy back, the prisoners were the ones to kill the guards. And as amazing as it was, it was very draining on them. Especially if the caster is constantly fighting, which is the reason why Zorua only used it if it was absolutely necessary.

' Poor Naruto must be hitting the point of absolute exhaustion as well,' Riolu thought as he reached Zorua, ignoring the sounds of destruction and death behind him. ' It's a good thing Zorua maintains most of the illusion, allowing Naruto to be able to fight more freely.'

" Took long enough,' Zorua sassed as he grinned at his allies, ignoring the small amount of sweat dripping off his fur. " Naruto has already reached the surface with Ralts and is creating some serious chaos with some of the other prisoners. He is setting up the next part of the escape plan as we speak."

Riolu nodded as Eevee looked at Zorua with concern. She too noticed how tired the Dark type fox was getting. Soon, he will not be able to defend himself should things get out of hand.

An image of an exhausted being surrounded by the blood thirsty prison guards armed with their weapons flashed through her mind. Her being absolutely helpless to save her friend. She almost watched Riolu die because of her weakness and now there is a high chance that Zorua could be helpless to another assault. What Naruto? Or Ralts? Even Janine and Suigetsu? She need to stand up on her own four paws and not be a burden!

Eevee jumped out of Riolu's arms, surprising him and glared behind her. She couldn't explain it, but she felt her aura heat up inside her body, flowing at a faster and more powerful rate. In fact, it grew stronger to the point her eyes glowed for a moment before it went back to normal.

" Let's get going!" The brown fox said as Janine and Suigetsu arrived. " Naruto is waiting and that monster won't be kept forever." Not wanting to waste time, or have a reason to argue, they all nodded and ran off. But not before Janine had two of the prisoners guard the stairwell and guide more of their comrades out of the danger.

AN: And we are finally DONE with this new chapter! As per usual, I am sorry that this chapter took so long to get out but I a very much appreciate the patience that you all have. I don't have too much to say this time, so I really hope that all at least enjoyed this chapter. Until next time everyone!

Dragon Soul94 is out!