Title: Watching the Man
Author: Baby ([email protected])
Rating: G
Summary: Movieverse. Legolas is quick to rise to Aragorn's defense at the council of Elrond, but is his reasoning just that which he states or is there more to his thoughts than he voices? Legolas POV.
Author's Note: This is my first LoTR fiction.

Watching the Man

Around me the beings gather, coming together to answer this new threat that Elrond prepares to inform us of. I can feel the impatience of the Dwarves and the unrest in the Human from Gondor. Even my company of Elves is a bit on edge, but Aragorn... Aragorn sits in his chair, not quite by the Human, not quite by Elrond, a withdrawn and reaxed prescence, of which I am grateful. He and the old Wizard, Mithrandir also called Gandalf, seem to be all that is keeping me as calm and collected as I am.

This intrigues me greatly, though. This Man, this Son of Arathorn, Heir of Isildur, is not quite what one would expect of a Man. It is not the first time I have met him, but it is different circumstances. And now, I can observe him. I watch discreetly, carefully inspecting the planes of his weather-beaten face, the tanned chin spackled with short stubble, even after a cleaning. The cloudy grey eyes that are cold, yet warm. I take careful notice of little nuiances of his person. His hand constantly on his sword, just in case. His eyes warily following the other Man as he speaks of some dream which has called him here to Imladris.

I wince, breaking my reverie as the Wizard begins a tyraid in the Dark Language which pains my very soul. It seems to shock the Man from Gondor enough that whatever he'd been about to do he refrains from. But not before drawing words from the object of my attention.

"...And what would a Ranger know of such things?"

Before I know what has gotten into me, I jump to my feet. "This is no mere Ranger," I say to the Man, my voice quiet. "He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn."

"This is Isildur's heir?"

"You owe him your alligiance..."

"Hama dad, Legolas..." Aragorn says to me, his voice quiet. And I fear I have angered him. Why does my heart quake at that thought? I have angered many in my follies, my father namely, but never have I felt so... crushed at the thought of it.

I find insults thrown at me from the red-headed Dwarf, but I pay him no heed, only blocking my companions from harming the stout Dwarf... and then the Hobbit speaks...

"... I will take it... though I do not know the way..."

And before I know it, I'm following Aragorn's lead and offering my bow on a Quest to destroy Isildur's Bane.

As Elrond speaks to the group of nine I catch Aragorn glancing at me, a small smile playing across his lips.

I smile back. More time for me to observe this wonderous creature of a Man...

The End.

Baby: That really sucked, it did not go at all like I wanted it to, but as I wrote all my ideas went out the window! Dammit! But yeah, I've got to go to the store, so... sighs I want to write something better later. Sorry about such a crappy fic.