AN: at sum point I lost my mind and 4got the names of Lils parents *sweatdrop*.so oh great audience of reviewers 4giv a stupid girl like me

NAN: In the books isn't mentioned in which house wormy was. And if it was I still think hes a looser and belongs in hufflepuff.

Chapter 8: Talk about family love.

The next morning Lily woke up with a smile plastered on her face. She took a quick shower, put on her robes and went down into the common room. "Hey guys." She saw Sirius, Remus and James in quiet conversation. The looked up with a start, "Oh, Hi Lils." They said in unison. "What where you talking about?" She asked. "Nothing." They said in unison again. She narrowed her eyes, shrugged and sat down next to a slightly reddening Remus. Sirius almost choked on a chocolate from the sight, while James just grinned.

Sirius suddenly jumped up after a few minutes of silence and grinned. "Care to have some breakfast Milady?" He said offering his arm. "Why, thank you kind Sir." She took his arm and smiled. Lily got to know Sirius a bit better; it turned out that he was exactly like James only funnier, kinder and much more hyper-active. He was bouncing through the hallways all the way to the Great Hall. "Jeez, someone had too many chocolate's." Lily said as she was dragged along. "Who?" Sirius, the Mexican jumping bean, asked. "No-one Sirius.No-one." She murmured.

They passed a man in black cloak and hood, he was muttering about 'Mudbloods'. James, Remus and Sirius stopped dead in their tracks. "Did I hear him right?" James asked angrily. "You certainly did James. We all did." Sirius answered with a dangerous edge in his voice. "What's going on?" Lily asked. "He said.Mudblood." James whispered the last word so soft Lily almost didn't hear it. "" "It is a bad word Lil, just forget about it." Remus said softly. She nodded and they got going again.

They reached the Great Hall pretty fast and sat down at their table. They ate, chatted and went over their time-table. When they where almost done eating, they saw the hooded man step inside and walk over to Dumbledore. They left together. "Let's follow them." James whispered and they left. Their heard Dumbledore's voice from an empty classroom nearby. "No Tom. I won't tell you who it was. And I won't join you either. You are only seeking revenge; I'm not going to expose the children to so much danger." "Have it your way Albus, next time we meet won't be on such good terms." The man sneered and left, bumping into Lily. "Look where you go girl." He spat and vanished at sight. "Are you alright Miss Evans?" Dumbledore said with a kind smile. "I'm fine." Lily replied while taking Remus' hand. "What was that about Sir?" James asked. Dumbledore's face turned more grave. "Unfortunately, I will have to talk about this with your father." He turned to walk away, "Oh and James, congratulations."

When Dumbledore was gone, James took over the hyper-ness that was Sirius'. "Dad won! Dad won!" He yelled through the corridors up to the common room. "James, calm down." Lily said shaking her head. "But Lils, Dad won!" "I know by now James." She sighed and went up the dorm stairs to collect her books. 'What did Dumbledore mean by that.?'

~* Riddle mansion *~

"Dumbledore is hiding the little brat." Tom Riddle spat to 6 other men in the room. "Malfoy, do you have any news?" Diablo Malfoy stepped forward, "My lord, we have found out that the child was in sector 13." "Sector 13 why does that sound familiar?" "Because the Potter's live there my lord. It was done close to their house." Malfoy replied. "Go to sector 13 and find out who did the spell." He said with an evil grin. "Yes milord." The 6 replied and dissaperated out of sight.

~* Hogwarts *~

"First lesson of the day firsties?" A ghost with tails and an evil grin was floating in front of them. "Yes and we are going to be late." Lily replied. The ghost laughed. "My name is Peeves and you better watch out for me firsties." He dropped a few dung-bombs and left through a wall. "We better go now or we'll be in trouble." Remus said and the left for double potions with the Slytherins.

"Today we will be making a simple truth potion." Their teacher professor Noofelet said. "I know some off you will not get it right," He looked at the Gryffindors, "Just make it as the book says." He walked over to Malfoy and Snape, who had become fast friends, to have a little talk. "He is the head off Slytherin; no wonder he doesn't think we can brew the darn potion." Sirius muttered under his breath. "10 points from Gryffindor for disturbing the class." Lily thought the class was pretty easy; she got the potion right, as the only Gryffindor. "Good work Miss Evans, 10 points to you."

~* 'Sector 13'*~

"Darou and Fetcher, you two go to the house right off the Potter's," Malfoy pointed to two hooded men, "Crabbe and Goyle, you take the house across the street." He said, "And Nott you are with me." Malfoy and Nott left for the house left off the Potters. "Let's have a little fun Diablo." Nathan Nott said chuckling. "All right." Malfoy answered, pulled on his hood and rang the bell. "Coming." A horse faced girl opened the door. "What do you want?" She asked. Malfoy pulled his wand, "Tell me where your parents are girl." He spat. "T-They are in the living room." "Take us to them." Malfoy followed the girl after he read the sign on the front door: 'Evans' they came in the living room where the Evans where watching TV. "Who was it Tunia dear?" Marie Evans asked without looking. "D-Don't know mother. M- Maybe you s-should s-see for yours-self." Petunia replied. The turned around and saw the two hooded men. "What do you want? Jewelry? Money?" Mark Evans asked. "We want to know where your other child is." The man who was holding Petunia asked. (Malfoy) "Which other child?" Julia Evans asked. "Don't be foolish we can see the pictures." The other man (Nott) said. "S- She's at s-school." Petunia stuttered. "Petunia stop talking!" Mark said angrily. "No go on girl. Tell me what I want to know and you'll live." Malfoy said. "S-she l-left a few d-days ago. To a f-freak s-school." Petunia was shaking. "What is the name of that school?" Nott asked. "I-I wasn't p-paying attention to it. Huggiewars or something like that." "Hogwarts?" "Y-Yes that was it. H-Hogwarts." Malfoy threw her to the ground, "Thank you so much for the information." He and Nott dissaperated from sight. Julia walked over to her daughter and reached out her hand. Petunia was about to grab it when her mother slapped her across the face with the hand. "You stupid girl, do you have any idea in how much danger you have put you sister? You should be ashamed Petunia. Now get out of my sight." Petunia scrambled to her feet and ran up the stairs, but not before she heard her mother burst into tears. 'What have I done?' 'The freak deserved it!' 'She doesn't deserve to die.' 'Doesn't she? She is your parent's favorite child. With her gone you will be!' Petunia was having mind wars, she felt guilty, but then again she felt that Lily deserved to be in danger.