A.N. Will be fem Harry George fanfic. Harry's name will be Harianna, though will be shortened to Harry and later on as Anna.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter!

Once upon a time, on September first an eleven-year-old girl with short raven hair and green eyes, was standing at a busy train station, Kings Cross to be exact. She huffed, the platform she was looking for should be around here somewhere in front of her, right between platform nine and ten. However, the platform she is looking for is nowhere in sight. She should have thought something was suspicious the moment her aunt and uncle had dropped her off without a fuss, why had she been so foolish. Her aunt and uncle would have never agreed to drop her off without a fight, and now she was stuck in London.

The commotion of an owl hotting brings her attention around, the reason why was clearly plastered over the older woman's face. A short plump red-headed woman surrounded by a sea of red-headed children. Five to be exact four boys and one girl. Two of the boys were twins had almost caused a collision of trollies by their sheepish faces. Or by the more obvious shout, the older woman gives who is clearly their mother.

'Fred and George, stop that this instant we are late as it is. We do not have time for you two to be messing around. Come on platform nine and three quarters this way.'

That was all she needed to hear, they were magical, just like herself and they knew how to get to the platform she was looking for. Following a safe distance behind for a few minutes until they came to a solid brick wall. She watched as one of the older red haired boys makes a break towards the solid wall. Did he not realise that he was about to crash. Instead, no collision came in a blink he disappeared, then she watches as the twins do the same.

'Excuse me,' she called to the older woman. 'I'm sorry - you see I don't know how to -' she indicated to the wall into which three of her sons have just disappeared into. She watched as the older witch glanced at her belongings. If it had not been for her birthday present, her owl Hedwig, well, she wouldn't exactly scream that she was a witch. But it obviously was enough to convince the woman that she indeed was.

'How to get onto the platform. It's easy you just go through the barrier dear. Did no one explain that to you?'

'Not really, they didn't get time to,' she shrugged in apology. More like Hagrid disappeared before she could ask but this woman however helpful did not need to know to that.

'It's best to take a run up if you're nervous. Go on why don't you go next.'

'Thank you.'

So following the example of her three older sons, she took a run towards the solid brick wall coming out on to the very platform she had been looking for. Making her way over to the Hogwarts Express, while trying and failing to lift her trunk up, a voice brought her attention up towards them.

'Does the pretty lady need a hand?'

'A hand would be nice,' she said. As for pretty, he had to be joking she was dressed in cheap clothes that were about two years old now. But if earlier had been anything to go by then, of course, he was joking with her.

The boy turned around to find his twin, 'Oi Fred, give me a hand.'

His brother walked over, frown on his face. The boy indicated to the trunk, then to the train, earning an eye-roll from his brother.

'Thank you, I wouldn't have been able to do it alone.'

'Never fear, Fred.'

'And George, are here.'

'To save the day.'

'Now fair lady we'll be on our way.'

Definitely jokers with those silly antics.

It wasn't long her peace of the quiet empty compartment was disturbed by another person.

'You don't mind do you, everywhere else is full.'

'Go ahead.' she said to the girl, who looked to be about the same age as her. 'Is this your first year too?'

Yeah, I couldn't believe it when Professor McGonagall told me about Hogwarts. It seemed like a complete dream. I thought it was some kind of, well, I didn't believe her at first, that I was a witch. I'm muggle-born.'

Hagrid at least told her what that meant, had told her her mum was a muggle-born witch. 'I live with muggle relatives, I had no idea either that any of this existed too.'

'I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger by the way and you?'

She frowned before answering she disliked her name. Until she met Hagrid, no one had even pronounced her name correctly. Then she found out that the wizarding world knew of her name just because she had survived a curse, a curse that had killed her parents. What if Hermione reacted the same way everyone else in the Leaky Cauldron did upon hearing her name?


'HARRY? Strange name for a girl.'

'Its a nickname of sorts. I'm not overly fond of my name,' she shrugged towards Hermione.

'Anything from the trolly dears?' a voice from a woman with a trolley full of sweets said.

I'm not meant to. My parents are dentists, they wouldn't be impressed with me eating sweets.'

Harry glanced towards Hermione, the girl needed to loosen up a bit.

'Oh, come on share with me. Don't you want to try some wizarding sweets?'

'Oh, go on then.'

It didn't take Harry much convincing, 'A bit of everything then please.'

And so Harry had found a friend to speak to about all the wonders of the wizarding world, that had yet to come. Not saying her name had been a rather smart thing it turned out. Hermione had done a bit too much reading so knew a lot and by a lot, to Harry, it felt like she knew everything. sure Harry had opened her books up but she didn't sink in half the information Hermione had told her she had read.