Lola's X-Wing took off, joining the swarm of fighters amassing above the command ship. Alert, she watched for Red Leader and followed him out, the X-Wings falling into formation behind him.

"All fighters report in," came Admiral Akbar's voice through the comm system.

"Red Leader standing by," Wedge's voice replied.

"Red Two standing by."

"Red Three standing by."

"Red Four standing by,"

"Red Five standing by."

"Red Six standing by."

Lola swallowed before adding her own voice. "Red Seven standing by."

The fighters cruised out toward the moon of Endor as Gold Squadron reported in. Rounding the forest moon, Lola suppressed a gasp as the Death Star came into view. Incomplete as it was, the sight of it was worthy of nightmares.

Mon Mothma had briefed her about the Death Star, told her about how the first one had destroyed Alderaan with a single laser blast. It was a machine to be feared. But horrifying as it was, she was here to destroy it.

"Lock X foils in attack position," Wedge commanded, and Lola watched as each fighter did so, before locking her own. "We're going in."