Demigod of Trade
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Percy Jackson & The Olympians
Chapter 1
A young teen with jet black hair and bright sea green eyes was walking home after saying goodbye to a friend of his named Grover, this was Perseus Jackson or commonly called Percy.
Unknown to him he was being followed, something that stayed out of the corner of his eye. He decided whether to take a shortcut or not before he was suddenly pulled into an alleyway and dragged down it with a hand covering his mouth.
He was alone in the street at that time when he was pulled and when he was thrown from his kidnapper he turned around to see who had dragged him into the street.
"Mrs Dodds?" Percy was shocked at seeing his teacher doing this.
"Where did you put it?" Mrs Dodds asked frowning at the teen.
Percy was confused as the teacher grew angry at each passing second before he witnessed the teacher change, he changed into a monster!
Percy moved back slowly as the transformed teacher snarled at him before flying at him after her wings formed. The young teen fell back as the old crone flew towards him as fear coursed through his body.
Suddenly the former teacher now monster slammed into a wall away from the young teen. Percy looked to see the person who sent the…monster into the wall.
He was a tall man probably in his early twenties and had blonde hair, blue eyes and surprisingly three whisker marks on each cheek. He wore an overcoat that was similar to the green DAK Greatcoat with its neck guard constantly turned up and an M43 officer's cap, he also wore matching long pants and boots that went together his outfit.
Due to the neck guard of the coat and the hat it was hard to see the lower half of his face at times. The cap didn't have any sort of emblem or image on it and neither did his coat.
He looked down at the young teen as Percy shivered at the look. He looked at Percy with a look of worth and value. Percy gulped while being confused by the look of worth and value his saviour was giving him.
"Laisses-le, il m'est précieux" The man said to the monster teacher when he looked at the beast now glaring at the man.
"How dare you!" The fury screeched.
Mrs Dodds then flew at the man as said man moved walked at a casual pace towards the fury. "W-What are you doing?" Percy asked watching him walk towards what seemed to be death. "You can't fight that monster"
The man glanced at him before looking back towards the approaching monster that was pretty close now and Percy understood the look he was sent, he could easily handle it.
He rose his right hand in what looked like he was going to chop the monster but instead he thrust his hand forward into the chest of the enraged fury and instead of blood pouring out of the wound it was gold dust?
The man's hand pierced through the monster's chest and it would of have the monster's heart pierced on his hand if it didn't turn into gold dust.
Percy was shocked at what he witnessed. First his teacher turned into a monster that wanted to kill him then he was saved by this stranger who killed the monster teacher as his hand pierced through her chest before the teacher turned into gold dust!
"Bête immonde, n'essaye plus jamais de tuer mon salaire" The man said as the gold dust disappeared as he turned to Percy.
Percy froze now that this man's attention was now on him, the look from before still in his eyes as he couldn't see the lower half of his face.
"Que regardes-tu?" The man asked as Percy took a step back, even though he had no clue what the man said he somehow knew what he meant, he had been staring at him for a while. "Allez gamin, dépêche-toi" The man said as he started to walk away after gesturing him to follow.
"I…I can't understand you" Percy said as the man stopped.
"…Follow me" That was all he said.
"Um…what's your name?" Percy asked as he followed the man.
Percy followed the man known as Naruto out of the alleyway after the…'murder' of his 'teacher' as the two appeared in an empty street.
"Thanks for saving me back there" Percy said before he looked back at the alleyway. "What was that?"
Naruto's eyes looked down at Percy as they walked. "That was a Fury" He said.
"Wait Fury, as in the Greek Mythology Fury?!" Percy asked in shock, he couldn't believe what he was hearing but after seeing that it was pretty hard too.
The only response he had gotten was a nod from the man. "T-This can't be real" Percy said as Naruto sent him a look.
"It's real" Naruto said. "You better get used to it as they will come after you now unless I take you to a safe haven"
Percy stopped walking, he realised that this Naruto person wasn't that much of a talker but he was a bit shocked after hearing of a haven.
"Wait but what about-" Percy started before he was cut off by the taller male.
"I will inform your family" Naruto told the younger male. "They will understand, we must move"
"I just can't leave!"
Naruto stopped causing the younger male to stop as well as he turned around. "The longer you are out here the more monsters will attack you now that you have seen one" He said. "And the fact it will postpone my reward" He thought the last part.
They stared at one another for a while as Percy gulped at the intense look Naruto sent his way. "You just need to say goodbye right?" Naruto asked. "Then let's get this out of the way"
Percy smiled at the blonde. "Thanks" He said but got silence in return, like before Naruto wasn't a talkative person.
Percy was escorted by the blonde as they reached Percy's house. When they entered they were greeted by a woman by the name of Sally who turned out to be Percy's mother.
Sally hugged her son when he came home which Percy returned. "Welcome back" She said before she noticed Naruto. "Um who is this Percy?" She asked as her eyes narrowed slightly while Naruto was unaffected by the protective look in her eye.
It kind of unnerved her of how he looked at her. It was as if to say that there was no threats in the room.
"Oh this is Naruto" Percy said. "He…saved me earlier" The teen said a bit nervous about what he had to tell his mother, she wouldn't believe him if his teacher changed into a fury.
"Saved?! You're not hurt are you?" Sally asked as she worried over her son.
"I'm fine"
"What happened?"
"A Fury tried to attack him" Naruto said.
"A Fury nearly attacked him?!" Sally asked as Naruto simply nodded.
"You believe us?" Percy asked his mother as she sighed.
"Percy there is something I need to tell you" She said as she went on to tell Percy that he was a demigod and his father wasn't lost at sea amongst other things.
Naruto decided to leave the two to their mother-son moment as he left the room. Sometime later Naruto came back as he listened to their conversation.
"So there is a camp for people like me?" Percy asked getting two nods. "Naruto did say something about a haven"
"That is the camp" He replied. "We should get moving"
"You should go pack Percy" Sally said. "It will help you learn to protect yourself from monsters"
Percy sadly nodded as he left while Sally turned to the blonde. "You'll protect him right?" She asked as he nodded. "You don't talk much do you?" She asked again and getting another nod.
"You can get a divorce now can't you?" He suddenly asked as his nose twitched from the pile of garbage left by a person call Gabe. "He had served his purpose to protect your child"
"Yes but even if I wanted to…" She started.
Naruto sat in silence as he took in her words. "But it would cause too much of a hassle right? And he would do everything in his power to prevent it"
"That's right" She said.
Naruto glanced at the rubbish pile as he stood up. "I shall deal with it" He said shocking the mother of the young demigod.
"T-That won't be necessary" She said as he looked at down at her before drinking the tea she offered.
He said nothing as he then walked towards the door, he turned to face her before nodding and leaving the room. He walked over and looked to see the man in the photo that was called Gabe.
Gabe saw him when he left where he and Sally lived and openly glared at this new man who walked towards him.
"Who the fuck are you and why the fuck where you in my fucking house" Gabe growled out before he was picked up by the throat as he stared into the blonde's eyes as if the blonde was looking at trash, weak trash.
Naruto started carrying Gabe at an arm's length towards a window. "W-Wait a minute" Gabe panicked trying to get out of the blonde's iron grip. "Why are you doing this?"
"You have outlived your usefulness" Naruto spoke. "You aren't needed anymore for this family"
The grip around Gabe's neck was released as Gabe fell. Naruto carried Gabe not only to a window by the neck slightly crushing his neck but to one of the higher floors.
Naruto followed Gabe by jumping out of the window, landing where Gabe had landed leg first, he picked up the trash and walked towards the ocean at a fast speed and saw that the once calm waves were now moving around as soon as Gabe was near it.
Naruto raised Gabe and threw the body into the ocean. He turned around and left as he let the ocean deal with Gabe. Hopefully the sea god would help him with the disappearance of Gabe.
He stopped walking as a blue light glowed around him before the light was absorbed into the blonde. "I see… this is a bonus" He thought as he continued back.
Once he walked back into the room he saw that Percy was ready to go. "…Ready?" The blonde asked as the demigod nodded.
Naruto turned around and pointed downwards as Percy nodded. Naruto walked downstairs as he gave the two one last family moment as a family, his eyes narrowed slightly at the thought.
Percy then came down and followed the blonde as they walked out of the city near the seaside. Percy looked out at the sea before turning to face the tall blonde. "Where exactly is the camp?" He asked but the blonde remained silent.
As the sea faded from view as trees soon blocked the view Percy looked down one path as the blonde walked down another. "Hey this-"
Percy was then picked up the collar as Naruto carried him down the other path before dropping him on the ground. "Ow, what was that for?"
"Je dois juste t'escorter là-bas, il n'y a rien sur ta condition" He said as Percy blinked, it sounded like a threat if he strayed from the path or delayed his arrival.
He watched as Naruto continued on before he followed, he shouldn't really annoy someone who could pierce a monster's chest with his bare hands.
They soon came upon what appeared to be the camp that he heard about, the place where Naruto would drop him off and who knows what will happen next.
"We're here" Naruto said suddenly as Percy's eyes snapped from the view of the camp to Naruto himself.
"This is the camp?" He asked as the blonde nodded.
Naruto walked towards the camp as Percy followed as he wondered what the camp for demigods would be like.
This is a Challenge story by simeon234 who asked if I was up to do this challenge.
Laisses-le, il m'est précieux (leave him, he is valuable to me)
Bête immonde, n'essaye plus jamais de tuer mon salaire (filthy beast, don't ever try to kill my paycheck)
Allez gamin, dépêche-toi (come on brat, let's go)
Que regardes-tu? (What are you staring at?)
Je dois juste t'escorter là-bas, il n'y a rien sur ta condition (I have to escort you there, nothing about your condition)
Edit: I have edited the translations to what they are supposed to be, special thanks to evans16 for the translation help.