Chapter 31

SM wrote twilight. I wrote this.

Thanks for the reviews, and recommendations. I really appreciate your support.

When they had finally retired to their rooms, Edward had been desperate for his kitten. He fucked her so hard and so deep she came over and over again before collapsing into blissful exhaustion. Once she was deep in sleep he had wrapped himself around her beautiful body and slipped into a deep sleep.

In his early days learning the ropes in this life he trained himself to function on very little sleep. It had given him the edge over his peers, and it was how he had amassed a small fortune in his own right. While others slept he worked.

After a few hours he woke, quietly extricated himself from their bed and went to Carlisle's gym for a workout. After a searing hot shower, he dressed in his black mourning suit, settled into the comfortable armchair in their room and set to work on his laptop.

Awake while all others in the house slept, he enjoyed the peaceful luxury of being alone with his own thoughts, thinking through all that had happened and planning what changes needed to be made with the Cullen Family business.

He checked in with his team leaders, looked over his investments and the markets, touched base with his contacts and overseas business interests, before going over the arrangements Maria had emailed to him for the funeral and the next day's sit-down.

By the time the rest of the household was starting to wake, he had finished with work and was indulging in one his favourite past-times, looking for new lingerie items for his beautiful, sexy pregnant wife.

Bella began to stir, smiling and stretching gently. She moaned, feeling the delicious effects of her husband's powerful attentions.

Edward watched her slowly come to wakefulness: "What has you smiling so wickedly, and stretching like the naughty little kitten you are?"

She rolled to her side, pleasantly surprised to find him still in their room: "You should know why I am smiling since you are the cause."

He placed the laptop on the floor and crawled over the bed to lie over her gently: "Your delicious pussy was the cause, love. I just can't get enough."

She let her legs drift apart and his hips lowered to press against her and she moaned.

He pushed up off her to lay beside her, kissed her forehead and then rolled to get out of the bed: "Such a greedy kitten."

She giggled: "Well, who could blame me when I have such a fine specimen of a man all to myself."

He smirked, leaned down and kissed her again before heading back to his chair muttering to himself: "Sexy minx… distracting me".

Bella smiled and leaning up on one elbow, watched him recline into the armchair and pick up the laptop in one fluid movement. She marvelled, not for the first time, at his leonine grace.

Edward's phone rang and when he answered Bella could tell it was Cartel business and that he was likely to be some time so she decided to bathe and ready herself for what was most likely to be another very long day.

She enjoyed a delightfully hot shower then took the time to blow dry her hair fully, even using her curling wand to get some bouncy waves in her long hair. She put on a very light layer of makeup, just some powder, mascara and a little lip gloss.

When she finally emerged and found herself alone she dressed in the black funeral dress Maria sent over and slipped on the comfortable low-heeled black pumps, also courtesy of Maria. Looking at herself in the mirror she nodded with satisfaction: "You'll do."

Bella headed downstairs to find breakfast and was about to open the door to the kitchen when Claire stopped her: "Bella, don't go in there, it is a madhouse. There's a breakfast buffet in the dining room. Trust me."

Grateful to avoid any more drama and very keen to eat, Bella thanked Claire and made directly for the dining room where she found Emmett at the table eating a hearty breakfast of steak and eggs.

"Good Morning, Emmett. How are you today?" she asked him as she made her way to the buffet to get some eggs, they looked delicious.

"I'm fine, thanks Bella. My Rosie will be arriving soon with young Henry."

Having served herself some scrambled eggs and a thick slice of toast, she took a seat across from Emmett: "That's wonderful; I didn't think Rosalie could get away?"

He nodded as he swallowed a mouthful of steak: "She is very busy with work but Carlisle's funeral demands the highest respect from all the families so of course she will be here. She wants to support Esme of course, but it is also important to show respect to Jasper as the heir apparent for the Cullen Family."

"Of course," Bella agreed.

Edward joined them at the table after loading up his own plate with bacon, steak and eggs: "Damn I am hungry. I seem to have worked up quite an appetite." He placed a small kiss on Bella's shoulder and chuckled when she blushed at his innuendo.

Sam gathered some food and joined them: "Paul arrived last night as did Caius and Marcus. Maria organised rooms for them all at Boston Park Plaza."

Edward nodded. He had already spoken to Paul and then to Caius when they arrived in Boston in the middle of the night, going through the security arrangements with them and the plans for the sit-down.

After clearing her plate and drinking her juice, Bella stood from the table: "Edward, I am going to find Esme and see if she needs anything, then I'll call Maria to go over the arrangements for today."

He stood and kissed her cheek: "Don't do too much love, let Maria take care of things, that's what we are paying her. It's going to be a long day, I want you to take it easy."

She nodded and left the room to leave them to talk business.

Edward want to the buffet to get a sweet danish before returning to the table. He turned to Sam: "Do you have the contracts ready?"

Sam stood: "Yes Boss, I'll get them."

"Sit, sit; finish your food then get them. If I am satisfied, you can take them to Carlisle's city office and have Louise prepare the folders for the meeting tomorrow. Did you prepare the extra Appendices I sent through last night?"

"Yes Boss, all done," Sam said as he cut into his steak. "It's all as you asked."

"I'll be in the sitting room, since Carlisle's office is still not fully cleaned," Edward said as he left the table, taking his coffee with him to the lounge. He turned just before leaving the room: "Oh and Sam, when you get the papers let Jasper know I want to speak with him. I also need to go over the security arrangements with Jane as soon as she gets back from checking things out at the cathedral."

"Yes Boss."

Edward and Jasper met and talked for a good hour before Edward called Sam to let him know the changes he wanted to finalise the papers for the sit-down.

A few hours later, they loaded all the cars and headed to the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Edward and Bella travelled with Esme and Kate, while Claire stayed home with baby Laurie and young Henry.

When they arrived, Esme was proud to see that the Cathedral was almost full given how large it is. The cathedral feel into silence as Esme was led by Edward and Bella down the aisle to the front towards the three coffins positioned in front of the altar. Edward could feel Esme's weight lean on him more and more as they approached the dismal sight.

The story Edward had arranged for the official Police report was that there'd been a terrible car accident killing Carlisle, Alice and Alice's baby.

Combining the Cullen's celebrity status with such a tragic story, meant the media were out in force but they were kept away from the entrance to the Cathedral thanks to Jane's security team working closely with Boston's Police force.

The news agencies all ran with the story of the 'devastating tragedy' with one of Boston's most influential and successful businessmen cut down in his prime along which his sweet daughter and her tiny babe.

The news broadcasts reported that Carlisle's wife Esme, wearing full black including a veil, wept openly and appeared very frail. They reported that Jasper was broken hearted after having flown back from his business overseas only to be informed of the death of both his new wife and their young baby.

Jasper had no trouble producing a broken-hearted performance for the cameras, given his genuine sense of loss and betrayal.

Kate, also wearing full black and a veil, wept in sorrow for the damage her father had done and prayed earnestly that the she would not be abandoned, or worse punished, by the Cartel because of her father's treachery.

The mass was long and the incense filled the whole cathedral making Bella want to throw up. The police commissioner spoke at length of Carlisle's good works in the community, Edward spoke of Carlisle's love for his family, the cathedral choir sang Abide with Me and the 23rd Psalm, and when it was all over as they processed out behind the caskets Esme fainted and had to be carried from the church by Edward.

All in all it was a highly dramatic spectacle which would keep the news media happy for days.

After the service the senior families of the Cartel and specifically of the Cullen Family, were invited to the burial service at the Cullen family plot in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, while other invited guests were directed to the Boston Park Plaza for the wake.

On the car ride out to the cemetery Esme gathered herself, helped by a Xanax and some comforting words from Edward, so by the time they arrived she was calm and ready to bury her husband and daughter.

There was a small service at the graveside. Randall, one of Carlisle's senior men, spoke of Carlisle's leadership and strength. His younger sister, Nettie, spoke of Alice's creativity and Joie de vivre.

When it was time to lower the caskets, Jasper and Kate sitting on either side of Esme, helped her to stand.

Esme threw a bouquet of white tulips down onto her husband's casket and then another on her daughter's casket, whispering her forgiveness for their betrayal of her love and trust and for leaving her all alone.

She then threw a bouquet of bright daffodils onto the empty child's casket.

When Bella had asked about the choice of flowers Esme explained that white tulips signify forgiveness and yellow daffodils signify new life.

With the burial over it was time for the next duty - the wake.

Edward and Bella stayed with Esme to have a few private moments at the graveside, while the others left to travel back to Boston Park Plaza.

"It's almost over Auntie," Edward said gently with his arm around Esme's shoulder.

She nodded: "I feel so lost. With them gone, I don't know why I am still here."

Edward turned his Aunt to look at him: "Don't say that Esme. Carlisle and Alice were stupid and betrayed your trust and mine. But you don't deserve what's happened. You were a good strong wife and a loving mother. You have a new life ahead of you, a whole new adventure ahead."

Edward had made arrangements for Esme to fly to London with baby Laurie on a private jet, away from prying eyes and curiosity. New papers including a new birth certificate for the baby and adoption papers had been arranged and awaited their arrival in England.

Before leaving the country however, Esme wanted to stay for the sit-down and officially handover the Head of the Family mantle to Jasper. She also wanted to take Laurie to visit with Emily, Laurent and Alec's cousin. Esme wanted to assure her that she would always be welcome to be a part of Laurie's life.

When they arrived at the wake, the banquet room was full of mourners. Staff passed through the crowd serving drinks and food. Jane and her security team were on full alert, and she kept close to Edward and Bella at all times.

Esme was seated in a small set of lounges surrounded by other women from the Cartel including Bella. They listened to her reminisce and share stories of her early years with Carlisle and of Alice's antics as a little one. They laughed and cried together.

Edward held court in another corner of the room, receiving visits from the many civic leaders, leading Boston businessmen and senior men of the Cullen Family. He introduced Jasper to each guest endorsing him as the heir of the Cullen Family business interests in Boston, and making it clear that he expected due respect to be paid to Jasper. Emmett, Caius, Marcus and Paul joined them to show everyone in the room that Jasper had their support and the Cartel leadership was strong and united.

Word had spread throughout the Cartel of Garrett's betrayal. Kate felt hateful eyes on her from among the guests, friends shunned her, and she had been 'accidentally' jostled several times as she had moved around the banquet room.

Bella noticed and made a show of welcoming Kate to their secluded and exclusive group of women leaders of the Cartel. She sat Kate between herself and Rosalie who also made a point of showing friendship and affection towards the young woman.

"Ignore them," Rosalie whispered to Kate, who was distracted by the glares from people around the room.

"My father was a traitor," she whispered in return. "They will reject me now. I will be alone." A tear rolled down her cheek.

"Ignore them," Bella said taking Kate's hand. "You only have one more semester before you finish your degree, and then you will come to Chicago and join my team. You are a strong, intelligent woman and you have done nothing wrong."

Kate gave her a small smile. She hoped rather than believed that Bella was right; that she could hold out until she finished her degree and then join the Masens in Chicago. But looking around the room and seeing the hostility aimed at her, she feared she may not make it that long.

Bella stood, "Excuse me for a few minutes, Esme. I should thank your guests for attending today." Esme gave her a smile, and a soft word of thanks while Rosalie took Bella's place to sit at Esme's side. Bella stood in front of Kate: "Kate, would you be a dear and escort me around the room and introduce me to guests I should speak to and thank for attending today?"

Edward watched with pride as he saw his wife moving around the large banquet room, speaking to all the important guests and thanking them for showing their respects to the Cullen Family. He saw how she deferred to Kate and included her, speaking with praise of the young woman, making it clear to all that Kate would be coming to Chicago to join the Masen's business interests.

Kate was astounded by Bella's kindness and attention. After they had made their way around the room, they returned to sit with Esme. As Rosalie moved to make room for Bella next to Esme she whispered: "Well done Bella."

Bella smiled: "Well now they know that Kate is under the protection of the Masen Family, I don't think anyone will dare mess with her now."

Rosalie let out a small chuckle and shook her head: "You get more like Edward every day, Mrs Masen."

Bella blushed and looked over to her to the other side of the large room only to see her husband looking at her proudly. She realised he had seen her actions with Kate and approved. He gave her a wink and she gave him a smile in return before she returned her attentions to Esme who was telling them all about the first time she had banished Carlisle from their bedroom in their first year of marriage. Apparently he'd been caught up with work and was late home for dinner leaving Esme alone all evening with her mother-in-law who'd make it clear she didn't think Esme was good enough for her son.

"Needless to say he never made that mistake again, Carlisle was a horndog when we were first married and he didn't like sleeping on the couch, at all!," Esme said with a sad smile.

More stories were told, more food was eaten and more alcohol was drunk until at around ten o'clock the banquet room was finally cleared of guests.

The Cartel Heads and their families were all staying at the Plaza since it was the venue for the sit-down the next day.

Kate was staying in a suite with Esme and once they had retired, Bella decided she would too. "I am going to bed sugar," Bella told Edward; she was exhausted

He kissed her forehead and pulled her into his arms holding her close to him: "I'll be up later, kitten. You were amazing today, thank you for looking after my Aunt. Sleep well, I love you." He looked over to Jane who nodded and escorted Bella to her room. She had done a thorough security sweep of the room earlier but did another before letting Bella enter the room. A guard was posted outside the room as well as down the hall out of sight. Bella stripped, showered, wrapped herself in a silky nightdress courtesy of her sexy husband and then slipped into a deep and much needed sleep.

Edward had arranged for a private wake for the senior members of the Cullen Family in a smaller function room in the Hotel. Maria arranged a buffet for their supper as well as a fully stocked bar. No hotel staff were permitted once the food was brought in and the room was guarded by McCarty and Masen security teams.

Edward poured himself a shot of Royal Dragon vodka and turned to the group gathered: "Carlisle is dead. He was an honourable man. He grew his business and brought in good profits to the Cartel. He was a good leader who was quick to reward and ruthless with punishments. Today we buried him, tonight we honour him and tomorrow we will welcome a new leadership for the Cullen Family.

"Load your glasses and let us share our memories of Carlisle as he really was - a hard man of the Cartel - Carlisle Cullen." He raised his glass and then threw back his shot. The crowd all shouted 'Carlisle!'

The next few hours were made up of sharing stories of life under Carlisle's leadership: his deals, his cunning, his failures, his wins, his cruelty, and his compassion.

This was a night for the senior men and women who had served under Carlisle's leadership to get their closure. Garrett was mentioned only as a snake, a deceiver, a thief, and a traitor.

Edward moved from group to group and listened to their stories, drinking and laughing with them as they all took this night to farewell Carlisle. He noted those who made a show of distancing themselves from any association with Garrett and he also noted those who spoke with genuine loss of Carlisle's friendship.

At three in the morning he finally made it to his hotel suite. He showered, drank two bottles of water and took two advil before slipping into bed as quietly as he could manage. Bella purred and snuggled into him. He wrapped himself around her and relaxed into a deep sleep.

The next morning Bella woke refreshed and horny. She stretched a little and looked over to the take in the rare sight of her husband deep in sleep lying next to her at eight in the morning. She reached out to gently smooth her hand over his chest and glide it down his happy trail. He sighed but didn't wake. She smiled and smoothed her hand lower until she reached his cock. She licked her lips and decided to take what she wanted.

Shuffling down the bed she took in the delicious sight of her husband's strong, toned and tattooed body. Unable to resist she reached down and licked his dick from balls to tip, Edward moaned and his cock grew hard and long. She loved that she could do that to him.

Unable to resist the temptation she engulfed his erection with her mouth and started moving up and down his length; she reached her hand under him and played with his balls letter her fingers tickle behind him near his asshole.

"Fuck, kitten," Edward sleepily moaned and moved his hand into her hair. "I love your hot wet mouth around me."

Bella continued to pump his dick as she sucked him until he gripped her head tighter and growled: "Hold still, I'm going to fuck your mouth."

He pumped up into her mouth forcefully and it was her turn to moan, he started cursing and his thrusts grew more erratic: "Swallow, kitten, swallow," he shouted as he came long and hard down her throat. She did just that and then licked him clean.

Edward leaned up on his elbows to watch her: "You are the sexiest woman."

She sat up and smiled at him. The sight of her smug flush face and her small round pregnant belly had his cock growing hard again. "My turn," he said as he rolled her over and pushed his face between her legs, eating her with such a hunger she was barely able to breathe. When she came her legs shook violently and she gushed into his mouth. After a few minutes of lapping up her juices he sat up with her wetness all over her face. He reached his hand for hers, come on kitten I want to fuck you from behind in the shower.

After a very long and very naughty shower, they dressed and sat at the dining table in their suite to enjoy a hearty breakfast. They were both starving and while they ate, Edward told his wife all about the memorial drinks he'd had with Carlisle's senior team.

"So you think they will accept Jasper," she asked.

"Yes, I do. My conversations last night confirmed my decision on who to nominate as his second. He needs someone he can trust."

Bella nodded: "I'm just looking forward to going home, I miss Lizzie and I miss our home."

"I know kitten, Lizzie and Mrs Cope have already taken off so they will be home soon. The jet will refuel and head back here for us. We should all be together again in Chicago by tomorrow night."

She smiled at him: "Thank goodness. This trip has been exhausting. The wedding, the investigation, the funeral - drama, drama, drama."

Sam and Louise brought Edward the meeting folders for a final review. With everything deemed to be in order, the group left together as soon as Jane and her team arrived to escort Edward and Bella to the meeting.

Kate had offered to assist Maria host the sit-down, given Esme was in no condition to host despite it being held on Cullen territory.

When they arrived, Edward and Bella spent time moving around the room to greet everyone formally. Maria and Kate were serving beverages and guiding partners and wives as well as the senior members of the Cullen Family to their seats around the room. They would be witnesses to the formal transfer of leadership to Jasper.

Bella moved to take a seat with the the witnesses when Edward took her hand and led her to the Board table: "Sit by my side Isabella." She was surprised but didn't give anything away. She was aware that these meetings were very formal, and Edward's control of the room needed to be absolute and she would never want to embarrass him in front of the Heads of the Cartel.

Edward held Bella's seat for her and then invited the others to take a seat: "Welcome everyone. Thank you all for joining us here today. Please take a seat and we will begin."

Jasper held Esme's chair for her as she sat and he then took his seat beside her. Marcus and Caius sat opposite them on Edward's right, Emmett and Rosalie sat next to Jasper, and Paul took the seat next to Marcus.

Louise placed a copy of the agenda and a folder of meeting papers and a pen in front of each person and then moved to the back of the room, to stand with Sam.

Edward leaned forward: "We are sadly all aware of the tragic circumstances which have brought us to gather here today - the loss of Carlisle Cullen, Head of the Cullen Family."

He opened his folder: "If you will open your packs to Agenda Item 1. You will see a record of the investigation led by Emmett McCarty and myself into Carlisle's murder. You will note the photos of the guilty party's body after he was executed by Jasper Whitlock who was granted the honour to punish the traitor by Carlisle's widow."

The tension in the room was thick and Kate squirmed under the angry gaze of many in the room, as Edward spoke of her treacherous father and his execution.

Edward continued: "Let us move then to Agenda Item 2. Leadership of the Cullen Family." He turned to his Aunt: "Esme, do you wish to take up the role as Head of the Cullen Family or vacate it?"

Esme spoke clearly: "I will vacate the leadership and defer to my husband's wishes this one last time to hand the leadership to Jasper Whitlock. I ask also that the name of the Family be changed to Whitlock."

Edward nodded and turned to Jasper: "Jasper do you accept leadership and will you honour Esme's wish to rename the Family to Whitlock?"

Jasper leaned closer to Esme: "Are you sure you want to change the name? It is Carlisle's legacy."

Esme stood and spoke loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear her: "Carlisle's pride and foolish trust in an unworthy man, led to his demise. I will not honour his mistakes nor will I bear the burden for the rest of my life of the reminder that the Cullen Family was lost through pride. It is time for new leadership and a new start for this Family."

Applause broke out from around the room and Esme resumed her seat.

Edward held up his hand to quieten the room: "I respect your wish Esme. If you could please sign the document of transfer in your pack and pass it to Jasper to sign. Isabella will witness the agreement."

Esme signed the document, followed by Jasper and then Isabella. Louise came forward and took the agreement to Sam who placed it in his briefcase.

Her last official duty completed, Esme moved from the table to take a seat next to Kate.

"Jasper, have you come to a decision about appointing your Second?" Edward asked.

Jasper nodded: "Yes, I have decided to accept your recommendation and wish to appoint Randall as my Second, if he is willing?"

There was murmuring from around the room. A tall, strong man in his late forties, Randall was a well respected member of the Cullen Family, who ran a very profitable business, paid his contacts well and always paid his dues to the Cartel in full and on time.

Edward called to Randall who was at the back of the room sitting with his wife and daughter: "Randall, do you accept this position as second to Jasper in the Whitlock Family?"

Randall spoke quietly with his wife for a moment. She kissed his cheek and gave him a supportive smile. He rose and moved to the table: "I would be honoured."

"Excellent," Edward said as he clapped his hands together loudly. "Come and take your seat next to Jasper." The two men shook hands as again a round of applause broke out around the room, with those around the Board table all banging the table in support of this positive outcome.

Edward once again called the room to order: "Agenda item 3 - Russia. As all of you know, Jasper has done a brilliant job getting our business in Russia off the ground. His work combined with the import capability available to the enterprise through the Masen Family's New York textile business under Isabella's leadership, has resulted in the Russian deal already becoming very profitable.

"With Jasper's move to Boston, we now need a senior Cartel member to take over management of the Russian enterprise, under my authority, of course."

Edward leaned back in his chair and looked around the table before turning to the Volturi: "Caius, I wanted to congratulate you on the increase in profitability of the Volturi Family business under your leadership."

"Thank you Edward, your guidance and support have contributed greatly to our success."

Edward nodded: "Marcus, with Caius doing so well would you consider taking on a new challenge, fancy a move to Russia?"

Marcus was shocked but honoured that Edward would trust him with this important venture: "I would be honoured, Edward."

"Any objections Caius?"

"None, Edward."

"Excellent. Then there's just one more thing before we sign the new agreements. Paul."

Paul's couldn't hide his surprise: "Yes, Edward?"

"While the Cullen Family will from today be known as the Whitlock Family. The Black Family will from today be known as the Lahote Family. Your tribute will now come directly to the shared Cartel funds rather than through the Volturi Family."

Edward turned to Caius: "Don't worry you will now be a partner in the Russia enterprise and this will compensate you for the loss of your share of the Lahote tribute. Objections?"

"None Edward," Caius stated clearly. Even if he had objections he would not oppose Edward. The Lion's reputation was well deserved and Caius had no wish to challenge him. At any rate the new deal would likely work in his favour with his Uncle now the lead in Russia, the Volturi would definitely see some good profits from this new business.

"Excellent, and you Paul do you accept this responsibility, after all you have been leading the former Black territories for some time now."

"I do accept Edward."

After more table banging in support of these new developments, Louise passed around new Cartel constitution documents for signatures. While the papers were being signed, Kate and Maria moved to the bar getting ready to serve the champagne at the end of the meeting as arranged with Edward.

Once all the papers had been signed, Edward slapped his hand loudly on the table: "Well done. We are Five Families again. Now is there any other business?"

Edward checked with each family in turn, first Jasper, then Paul, Emmett and Rosalie, and finally Caius. They each signalled that they had no other issues and Edward was about to close the meeting when Bella raised her hand: "Actually Edward, I have something I would like to address."

For the briefest moment Edward let the surprise show on his face but he regained his composure before anyone could notice. He resumed his seat and waved his hand inviting her to speak: "By all means, Isabella. You have our full attention."

Bella gave Edward a small smile and then turned to the others around the table. Channelling all she had learned from watching Edward and how he handled himself at these meetings, she spoke calmly but firmly: "The McCarty and the Masen Families have invested considerable time away from their own business interests to deal with the tangled web of treachery and tragedy which has led to the fall of the Cullen Family, which is to rise from the ashes as the Whitlock Family."

She again looked around the table, landing finally on her husband's proud but curious face.

She continued: "I believe that some compensation is due."

Edward couldn't stop the smile that broke out across his face. He was so proud of his kitten he wanted to pull her into his lap and kiss her senseless but he would not distract her from her path.

Jasper leaned forward: "The Whitlock Family is happy to offer compensation. Do you have something specific in mind?"

Bella nodded: "Yes, I do. For the McCarty Family I believe you should offer 50 percent of your Family's share of the Russian Enterprise. Is that agreeable to you Emmett and Rosalie?"

Rosalie smiled at Bella with an expression of pride similar to Edward's: "Yes, Isabella, that would be satisfactory compensation, thank you."

"Done," Jasper said. "And for the Masen Family? What compensation do you seek?"

Bella sat back in her chair and said simply: "Kate."

Kate dropped the glass she was placing on a tray, it didn't break but made enough noise that everyone turned to look at her.

Jasper cleared his throat: "Sorry Isabella, I'm not sure I understand. Did you say Kate?"

Bella nodded: "Yes. Kate will no longer be a member of the Cullen… sorry Whitlock Family. From today Kate will be part of the Masen Family within the Cartel and therefore under Masen protection."

Jasper was disappointed. He had hoped that while under his protection he would have the chance to get to know Kate and maybe if she was willing, that they might have a future together.

Bella knew of Jasper's interest in Kate, but she also knew it was too soon for both of them. Jasper had just buried his wife and taken on the new responsibility of leadership of a Cartel Family. He needed to get his life together.

Bella also knew what it was like to be the daughter of a father who didn't love her the way he should. She too was the daughter of a traitor and she understood the combination of shame and guilt Kate was experiencing. Kate needed protection, mentorship, acceptance and love. And Bella was going to do her best to give her those things. If after a few years Jasper and Kate decided to be together, Bella would support them but for now, Kate needed a friend.

Jasper looked over at Kate: "It is Kate's decision of course."

A tear ran down Kate's cheek and she simply nodded.

Edward reached out to take Bella's hand in his: "Satisfied, love?"

She smiled and nodded.

Edward turned to the room: "Well my friends, with all our business complete. I declare this meeting of the Five Families, closed."

A/N: So, we've come full circle.

I could keep writing this Edward for ever - his sexy, passion but i think it is time to say goodbye. I am astounded how patient and kind you have all been, taking this journey with me, Edward and his kitten. Thank you, with all my heart.

Now I will finish Busy Bee and then get back to Bella Swan USSS Spam; I also have a couple of other stories partially written which i am very excited about.