Chapter 1: Wait, That Isn't Right
I decided to make this a multichapter story. It'll probably be a short one. But with my muse, who knows.
If you've read the one-shot of this, you'll notice that this chapter is much shorter. If you've not read the one-shot, then this chapter is mostly a recap of Harry's years in Hogwarts. It's just him griping. The story will get better after that.
Anything you recognize doesn't belong to me. This is the disclaimer for the entire story.
It was the middle of Harry's fifth year that he realized something. He woke up one morning, laying in his bed thinking about the nightmare that was Umbridge's idea of detention. It was pure torture. She made him write with a quill that carved the words 'I will not tell lies' in the back of his left hand. As he lay there thinking about this, he remembered his primary school and noted the difference in the teachers there and what he had to put up with here at Hogwarts. He had been so excited learning magic that he had just brushed it all away. Now as he tried to think past the pain in his hand, he had a thought.
'Wait! Being tortured by a professor isn't right. Neither is being ridiculed by the papers. Logically speaking, I should be able to tell the papers my side of the story. I should be able to tell my Head of House or the Headmaster what is going on with Umbridge, and they should be stopping this. The only reason I haven't is because the first time I complained to McGonagall, she told me to keep my head down and not cause trouble. Great help she was. That's not the way it's supposed to happen. The school should have been supporting its students when there was evidence that something was wrong. And the words carved in the back of my hand are such evidence.' Harry thought ferociously. He knew it was wrong, now he wasn't going to put up with the bullshit any longer.
He got off the bed and started pacing around the room. 'My Occlumency lessons with Snape are just as bad if not worse. They aren't even working and what's going on should be stopped, but when I complained to Snape that I don't know what he was talking about, he told me that I just wasn't trying hard enough. What is happening with these 'lessons' are akin to mind rape and nothing more. Snape isn't teaching me a damn thing. And now I dream more and more about Voldemort, instead of blocking him out like these 'lessons' are supposed to be doing. I'd go to Dumbledore, but that old codger won't even be in the same room with me. I have no one to turn to.'
Harry continued pacing, thinking harder and harder about how he was going to make his life better. It really wasn't right how he was being treated here and in the general Wizarding World. Now all he needed to do was come up with a plan to show the school what he had been saying was the truth.
A few hours later after blowing off his classes, Harry snuck down into the kitchen to talk to Dobby. He tickled the pear and entered. Immediately, there were several house elves in front of him asking what they could do for him. "I was wondering if Dobby was here, and I'd like to talk to the Head Elf. I'd like to ask a few questions," Harry said to the group of elves.
"Dobby is being here, Harry Potter, sir. What can Dobby be doing for the Great Harry Potter?" Dobby asked, bouncing with excitement that his favorite wizard wanted to talk to him.
"Dobby, I was wondering if you are still a free elf. I also wanted to ask the Head Elf if they are bound to the headmaster or the school?" Harry asked as he put his hand on the elf shoulder to keep him from bouncing too much so he could look him in the eye.
"Dobby is still being a free elf, sir," the excitable house elf said.
"Misty is being the Head Elf, and we is being bound to the school, Harry Potter, sir," an old female elf said as she came to stand by Dobby's side, shooing away the other elves back to their jobs.
"Great, I need a few things and it'll probably benefit the school in the long run. I was wondering if you folks could help me." Harry looked at his little friend and said, "Dobby, I was wondering if you wanted to work for me when I leave the school. I can pay you what you are making here, or I can pay you more. It's up to you." He had a plan, and if it worked that would benefit him greatly. If he wanted to be heard, and then escape he needed to have the elves' help. What he wanted was beyond his capabilities and he knew the elves had far more power than people gave them credit for.
Everyone underestimated elves. They saw them as little more than slaves and creatures. They were stupid. Only beings of intelligence could do what elves did on a daily basis. Only beings of great magic could pull off what elves did all the time. Why the others couldn't see that was mindboggling. Harry could see that though, and he was going to ask these magical beings a favor.
"Dobby would be very happy to be working for Harry Potter, sir. Dobby is not asking for any more than Dobby is making now," said the excitable elf. It was his greatest dream to work for Harry Potter. It had been even when he was a lowly slave for the Malfoys.
Harry looked around and saw that there were more than enough house elves to do what he needed to be done.
"Alright," he said, looking at all the eager faces, "I need to know if you can freeze and hold the professors and students, without hurting them," he added in a rush, "long enough for me to say what I need to say. I promise that this won't hurt anyone. When I'm done and have left the castle you can release them," he said this to Misty, and then turned to the newly hired elf. "Dobby, I want you to pack all my things and then wait for me to call you."
Misty was wringing her hands together. She was bound to protect the students after all. She pondered about what had been said about this student in front of her, and then she said, "We can be doing that, Harry Potter sir. I is warning yous if yous hurt anyone we will be protecting them." Misty wagged her finger at Harry looking very stern.
"Dobby will be doing that right away, Harry Potter, sir. Dobby will wait for Harry Potter to tell Dobby when he is wanting all his things to be moved," Dobby replied, more than happy to finally be working for his hero.
"Misty, I promise I just want to talk. Dobby you're a very good friend and I think we'll work well together," Harry said, then they all sat at the table in the corner, that was reserved for students, and started planning.
The next day after dinner, in the Great Hall, the professors and students alike found themselves unable to move or talk with all heads pointed toward the Head Table. All except Harry Potter.
Harry made his way to the front and stood facing the students. He cast a Sonorus and started talking.
"You all know who I am," he said in a loud firm voice. He was standing tall and staring at them with a firm look that said that he was tired of their bullshit. "What you may or may not know is what I've done. I know that rumors fly through these halls faster than Peeves. I also know most of them are false. I'm tired of being a hero to you losers one day and an attention seeking brat the next. I want to point out a few truths to you people and then you can make up your minds." He raised his wand and held it to the side of his head so everyone could see it, "but first:
"I, Harry James Potter, do swear on my magic and my life that what I'm about to say is the truth. I hold this vow for the next hour. So mote it be." He lowered the wand back to his side but didn't put it away; he knew he would need it later.
He looked around at the students, then at the professors. He especially glared at Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall and Umbridge. They were the ones that had made his life hell in this school, particularly this year. He then turned back to the front and started his very long speech.
"Most of you were raised on the books that were sold about me growing up in a castle and fighting dragons and such at the age of three," he started, sighing heavily. "I'd like to inform you that those of you that believed that, are complete and total idiots. You were also raised to believe that I defeated Voldemort at the age of fifteen months, again, if you believe that, you are morons.
"All I remember is my dad telling my mom to take me and run. Then my mom begged for my life and for Voldemort to take hers instead, then there was a flash of green light and a laugh and then it was all black. I don't remember anything after that. The only reason I remember any of that is because of the dementors. It is my worse memory. So, thanks, Fudge, for that," he chuckled bitterly and then turned and conjured a glass of water and took a sip. He placed it on the Teachers' Table and turned back to the student body.
"I was taken to my mother's sister's house and was raised basically as a house elf," he stated darkly. "I even spent ten years living in a cupboard under the stairs. My Hogwarts letter was addressed there. I moved to the smallest bedroom after that. I was locked up, starved, and made to do chores the amount of which no one should have to do in one day. So that was my life growing up. Lumos," he intoned, a bright light showed at the tip of his wand. "Nox." The light went out, thus proving he was telling the truth.
He looked around at all the faces to see what was in their eyes. Most looked at him with pity, some with skepticism. It was easy to fake a vow if you knew the way to do it. And those that didn't trust him had grown to believe that Harry Potter was a liar and an attention seeking psycho. He didn't care what they thought. He was telling the truth and they could take from it what they wanted. Most would walk away with some semblance of reality.
He continued, "Now here is a quick rundown of the last five years in this school. In my first year there was a troll in the castle on Halloween, a friend of mine, and I went to find a girl who wasn't at the feast. She didn't know she was in danger. We never intended to fight the monster; we were only first-years.
"All we wanted to do was get the girl and go back to the common room. Somehow, we did wind up fighting it and it was my friend that finally knocked it out. And for some God knows why reason only I was given credit. My question is where were the professors? They showed up pretty quick after the troll was knocked out." He shot a glare at the frozen professors, then turned back to the student and continued his testimony. "That was how it works around here. I, or in that case, someone, saves the day and the staff shows up after the fact. Well, that's neither here nor there, I guess."
"And then there was the Philosopher's Stone," he said, continuing on, "that was hidden in this school behind some not so hard traps. Three first-years went through these traps with little to no problem. I was alone after the last trap and found Quirrell with Voldemort sticking out of the back of his head. We argued and my hands burned and probably killed him. Why?" He gave a shrug as if it was a puzzle to him as well. "Well Dumbledore says it was the protection of my mother that gave me the ability to do that. I don't know for sure, so I cannot say whether this is true or not.
"I woke up in the hospital wing days later after Voldemort's disembodied form rammed through me. I asked Dumbledore why Voldemort wanted me dead and was told I was too young to know. To this day I still don't know, and now I don't care. He's your problem."
He glared at Umbridge at that since she was the loudest one to deny that the man was back.
"To finish up, let's not forget that the professors sent four first years into the Forbidden Forest to find something that can kill a unicorn. If it had not been for the centaurs, I'd have died then too. That would make it three times I almost died." He said with disgust.
He glared at Snape, Dumbledore, and McGonagall again. They had been there and hadn't prevented that from happening. As a matter of fact, they had participated in the events to some extent in one way or another.
"I'd also like to point out the unfair points given at the end of that year. Slytherin should've won the cup, but the headmaster showed his bias to all the students and put the limelight on those of us that broke the rules. I had nothing to do with that and I didn't want the attention that followed. So ends my first year."
He showed his revulsion at how the year went and how it ended. Now that he was older, he saw what a crock it had been. He had been led like a pig to slaughter. He had followed along blindly, but he didn't blame himself. He had been just a kid that was blinded by the wonders of magic. It had been a whole new world to him.
He took another sip of his water and thought about how to go about telling the next year's adventure. He didn't want to name names. The Weasleys didn't need notoriety. They had enough trouble being poor blood-traitors. The twins being troublemakers didn't help.
"Second year, one of the students here was possessed by a dark object created by Voldemort. They released the basilisk from the Chamber of Secrets. I was shunned and tormented for most of that year, called the Heir of Slytherin because I'm a parselmouth. I didn't even know what that meant. None of the professors stopped the shunning, and I have to wonder why? It was not me. Lumos. Nox. As you can see, I'm still standing and haven't lost my magic.
"A student found out what the creature was. I and another student along with Lockhart went into the Chamber of Secrets to rescue the possessed student. Due to a cave-in, I had to go alone. I found a sort of ghost of a younger Voldemort draining the student's soul and trying to come back to life. This ghost had told me his name was Tom Marvolo Riddle, and if you change the letters around it becomes the sentence 'I am Lord Voldemort.'"
He demonstrated this with his wand, making bright fire like letters appear in the form of the first name, and then rearranged them to the second. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that what he said was true after that.
"He told me that he was a half-blood, born from a muggle father and a squib mother. He released the basilisk on me and had full control of it. My parseltongue didn't help at all. It was with the help of Fawkes, the sorting hat and Godric Gryffindor's sword I fought it and won. I stabbed the dark object with the tooth that had embedded in my arm and the ghost disappeared. Fawkes cried in my wound, and I lived.
"We left the Chamber of Secrets, and I told my story to the headmaster. I should have gone to the Hospital Wing but was detained for questioning and then sent to bed. I was hurt and confused. On the way I acquired a house elf after once again having to fight for my life, but that's a story I think I'll keep to myself.
"I tell you this to point out that I once again almost died, and you bastards turned on me without any proof that I had done anything wrong. I also wanted to point out the logic that I have a muggleborn as my best friend, so me being the Heir of Slytherin made absolutely no sense. So ends my second year."
He turned to the table behind him and drank the rest of his water. He then filled the glass with pumpkin juice. He took a drink to sooth his dry mouth and continued keeping the glass at hand.
"Third year Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban. The dementors were placed around the school because of the idiot Fudge." He sent a loathing look to Umbridge, who glared right back at him with pure malice. He shrugged, not really caring what she thought, then continued, "I almost got kissed three times. One of the students in this school had a pet that was an animagus. He had been living with this student's family for over ten years as a rat. That rat's name was Peter Pettigrew.
Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, I, two other students and a teacher all found ourselves in the Shrieking Shack. I heard Pettigrew confess to selling out my parents, framing Sirius and hiding with this student's family.
"That night was a full moon, and as all of you know Professor Lupin is a werewolf. In his hurry to protect me and my friends, he hadn't taken his wolfsbane potion and if it had not been for Snape, we would've died. I will give Snape credit for attempting to save our lives that night. However, he also attempted to murder an innocent man, so that negates that."
He had no problem calling the adults out. Just the kids. The adults could take care of themselves. That and Snape was an arse.
"Pettigrew escaped in the confusion," he explained, anger in his voice. "When I told the Minister what had happened, he told me we were confounded by Black. Thanks, Snape. I and another student, with magical aid, helped Sirius Black escape. That year I was a hero that needed to be protected and again I almost died. So ends year three."
Once again drinking to ease his parched throat, he continued. Going faster now since his time was quickly running out.
"Year four, the Triwizard Tournament, what a fucking nightmare," he spat, and glared at Dumbledore. The man who he felt was responsible for everything that had happened to him in all his time at Hogwarts. It was that year that cemented that belief. "I didn't enter my name. Lumos. Nox.I didn't want to be in the tournament. Lumos. Nox. I was entered by a Death Eater posing as one of our professors. This professor was told by Voldemort to make sure that I won the tournament so that I'd take the champion cup.
"Unfortunately, Cedric and I both took the cup at the same time and it port-keyed us to a graveyard. Pettigrew, on the orders of Voldemort, killed Cedric. I still have nightmares hearing him say in that snake-like voice, 'Kill the spare'."
Here he stopped for a moment and hung his head in silence. The room looked on and could see that he was still shaken up by what had happened to the other boy. He lifted his head with watery eyes and continued.
"I watched Cedric die for no reason. Only the fact that he was there, and Voldemort didn't need him. After Cedric died, I was stunned and tie to a headstone and then I was used in a ritual that brought Voldemort back. He called his Death Eaters to him, I saw them, and he called them by name and ridiculed them for not believing he'd come back.
"The ones that I saw were Malfoy Sr., Goyle Sr., Crabbe Sr., Nott Sr., and McNair." He raised his eyebrow to the children of the named Death Eaters, practically begging them to deny this to the others when they were released.
"He had them release me, give me my wand and we fought. Our wands connected with a strange beam that turned into a golden dome. Then the spirits of the people that Voldemort had killed started coming out of his wand and gave me encouragement to win. Cedric's spirit asked me to return his body to his parents. My parents encouraged me to hold on and escape. With the help of these spirits, I got the chance to get the port-key and Cedric's body."
Once more he stopped for a moment and took a few deep breaths. He was still coming to grips with what happened that night in the graveyard. He had not adjusted to it, and with all the ridicule he had received from the people staring at him now, he wasn't going to if he stayed here.
"The cup brought us back to Hogwarts," he continued after a moment. "I was confronted by the Death Eater, who was posing as Mad-eye Moody, and was saved by the staff. Once again, I told my story to the Minister, including who I saw with Voldemort, and was again told I was lying. This year, you asshat's turned on me again, not believing me when I said that I didn't enter myself. Again, I almost died. Many times. So ends my fourth year."
Here his face got hard again remembering the nightmares that had happened since he returned from the graveyard. Everyone responsible, bar Fudge and Voldy, was in this room.
"Now it's my fifth year and so far, I've been tortured by one professor, mind raped by another, vilified in the paper, and ridiculed by my fellow students again. Let's not mention being set upon by dementors this summer, put on trial for protecting myself and my cousin.
"When I went to a professor to explain what was happening in my detention and how it was given to me unfairly, I was told to 'keep my head down and not cause trouble.' I can't talk to the headmaster because every time I try, he leaves the room. I don't have a guardian that can come and get me, so I'm stuck at this hellhole that I use to call home, with no support and no help.
"So, I ask you why the fuck should I stay and help you fight a war that you don't believe is happening? I'll answer that myself. I shouldn't.
"Oh, it looks like my hour is up. Lumos. Nox. I can still do magic and I'm still alive. So, I say to all of you that have not believed me.
"Piss off.
"I'm leaving and when you discover all I've said was true and try and make me your hero again; too bad. You should have thought of that when you were treating me so poorly." He glared at the students and staff alike.
Taking another drink to give himself a few moments to calm down and think straight he continued, "Now that my vow is over, I want to point out a few home truths to you idiots. Purebloods make up one quarter of the population of the Wizarding World. Half-bloods are half that population. That leaves muggleborns in the last quarter. So, for all you purebloods, guess what, you're outnumbered. The only reason you stay on top of the food chain is because of the bigoted Ministry and your family money. You are nothing special. You are the same as everyone else in this room.
"A few more things than I'm done. There are around 5.7 billion muggles worldwide and only around a couple million magicals. That is about 4000 to 1. So, you Death Eater wannabes might want to remember that.
"The muggles have walked on the moon. They're also exploring space to see if they can understand the planets up there. All magicals have done is look at stars. We've never even broken the atmosphere. I'm not even sure that most of you know what an atmosphere is.
"Muggles have communication devices that they can carry and talk to anyone in the world, with just a few pushes of the buttons. Right now, these are new, but I hear they are getting better and cheaper, soon everyone will have one. Magicals are still using the floo, which you can't use on the street. There are some magical devices that can be used like the phones, but I hear that most magicals won't use them because they are not 'traditional'." He made quote marks with his fingers and sneered showing just what he thought of their tradition.
"I've even heard they have a system that'll be in most homes," he added, thinking of the home computers. "With a touch of their fingertips they can find out anything in the world. Meaning if they want to know about China. All they have to do is look in this computer and type a few words then pages of information will show them everything they want to know about China. Magicals have nothing like that. You don't even have a spell that can search the libraries to find the book you need. How soon until a fed-up muggleborn makes an entry in these computers and lets the whole world know about magicals?
"Soon there'll be cameras on almost every corner of the streets in Britain. Everything will be recorded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Someone will always be watching and reporting anything that looks like a crime. If they see a magical cast a spell on someone, they'll report it. You can't Obliviate a recording.
"I also heard that the cellphones will soon have cameras on them. Those recordings can then be downloaded onto the computers for the whole world to see. How soon will it be until the Wizarding World, in all its wisdom, is exposed just because of the false belief that muggles are stupid and lower than magicals? I pity you." He looked at them with false sadness.
"I also wanted to let you know that there are weapons that can wipe out thousands of people. Whole cities, gone, with the push of a button. No spell that will stop that. These weapons release gas and fire that'll kill anyone who breathes the gas or is near the fire. There's no shield that'll stop it, no medicine will cure it. You people have no clue, to what you could be fighting if the muggles think you're a threat. Don't believe me? Ask a muggleborn.
"The Muggles also have cameras in space that can see the whole earth. They can focus on people from the sky, unless you find a way to block your hidden areas, you will be seen. If they see you as a threat, you will be destroyed. Don't believe me? Then get off your lazy arses go to a muggle library and see for yourselves.
"I'm leaving now. I wish you all the best. Well, not really, because you're not my problem anymore. You'll all be released after I've left Hogwarts." He ignored the pleading looks he saw in Hermione's eyes as he walked towards the doors of the Great Hall. If she was smart, she'd do the same thing he was doing.
With that Harry Potter walked out of the Great Hall.