"When Blue Clashed With Blue"
Lady Rinehart

I'm starting a new story. No one seemed to interested it my last, 'What would happen' so I've started this one. Don't worry though, I'll finish the others also.

Ranma 1/2, SM Crossover, so be warned.

Summary: What if Ranma and Usagi meet? What if they meet at two in morning? What if both decided to start life over? Read and find out. I like this a lot, so be kind.


A lone pig-tailed boy walked the streets of Juuban. 'Stupid Pop.' He thought angrily. Stupid Akane. Stupid promise.' He kicked a rock along the road. 'Why is it always MY fault.' He thought back to last week.

Ranma stopped and sighed. He would need a place to stay tonight. He looked around and saw many houses. 'I wonder if someone would take in a stranger...'

He continued to walk, until he was in front of a bench. 'Maybe I should just stay here.' He sat down and was preparing to sleep went a cool breeze swept by. 'Oh...It's going to be cold tonight. Just great.' He stood and began walking away when something caught his eye.

He steeped up to the phone booth and looked down. There, in a heap of blue and gold, slept a girl. He opened the door slowly and reached for the girl. She stirred slightly when the cool air hit her. Her eyes opened.

Blue clashed with blue. Large, beautiful blue eyes. Long, dark eyelashes. Silky, golden hair. Large pouty lips. This is what greeted Ranma's gaze. He gulped. She backed up.

"Uh…who are you?" She asked. A soft, sweet voice greeted Ranma and brought him back from dreamland. 'God, she beautiful. Way cuter than Akane....'

"I'm Ranma." He said. He purposely left of the Saotome part. 'I'm not apart of that family anymore.' "What are you doing out here? Its, like, two in the mornin'."

"It is?" She asked gently. She began to stand and Ranma held out a hand. She smiled and graciously took it.

"Thanks. By the way, I'm Usagi." Again no last name was used. 'I'm leaving that life behind.' "What are YOU doing out here this late?"

Ranma looked away and downcast. "Have you ever just wanted to run away? Just leave all responsibility behind?"

"To just screw Destiny and everything that's planned for you? To shout NO at the top of your lungs?" She finished. Ranma gazed at her.

"Yeah..." They both said at the same time. They stood in silence, just staring at each other. Usagi was the one to break the silence.

"You do? Are you leaving?"

"Yes. I'm going away. Far away from here and Japan." Ranma answered, making his mind up.

"Can I come with you?" Usagi asked. Ranma's eyes widened.

"But, why? We don't even know each other. We're strangers!"

"So!" Usagi answered back. "In the past five minutes it seems I found a friend who has more in common with me than the ones I've had for years!" She took his hand. "I won't be a burden. Please? Two is better than one."

"I don't know..." Ranma replied, while placing his other hand on his forehead. "You're a girl and all..."

"So?!" Usagi insisted again. "I'm a girl, big deal. I could help you. We could start over. Don't you want that?"

"Well, yes. I want a new life." 'Away from fiancés and honor-less fathers.' Ranma thought.

"Well, what better way to start over than with a friend?" She smiled and gave his hand a squeeze. "I'm not too bright and I'm really clumsy, but I promise to always be there for you. It's all I can offer."

Ranma looked at her again. Looking her down, he saw small feet incase in back shoes. White socks, and really long legs. Ranma gulped. 'Yep. She even out does Shampoo.' A blue pleated skirt. Womanly hips. A very tiny waist. A white blouse with a low neckline. Ranma gulped again. 'Wow. She really is gorgeous.' Past a creamy neck. On to pouty lips. Past a button nose. And locked with two Beautiful blue eyes.

"Okay." He replied. She smiled brightly. Locking eyes with him she raised their interlocking hands.

"I'm your friend and you're mine." She whispered.

"To escape." He said softly.

"To be free." She replied.

"To survive..." He started.

"Together." She finished.

Now, two figures walk the streets of Juuban. Both minds set on leaving. With hands interlocked, neither knows of the bond they just created. And neither knows what strange places they may see. Both one thing is certain.

When blue clashed with blue, a new adventure began. And they were going to take the world one, together.

I hoped you like it. Should I make this a multi-parter or keep it the way it is? I'm not sure if Ranma and Usagi should end up together. Also, if anyone has some ideas on why Usagi and Ranma would want to leave, let me know.

Lady Rinehart