Disclaimer, Story and original characters are owned by E.L. James - This story and any new characters are mine.
Chapter One
I groan as the light from outside shines through the windows of my- practically peeling one eye open, I take in the room I'm currently in, okay so not my room. Oh god, I feel like I've been hit by a Mac truck. I manage to prop myself on my elbows, which that move alone has my stomach churning. Light snoring comes from the right of me, I turn and frown at the man laying beside me, I can't remember this ones name. Nice, Ana, real nice.
The grip on my waist from the guy on my left tightens and it's takes what little energy I have to not kick his ass out of bed. Peeling his arm off of me, I manage to awkwardly crawl down the bed and stumble ungracefully on the floor. The rooms starts spinning so I decide to chill down here for a second. The coolness of the floorboards feels so fucking good on my bare back.
Shit, I got pretty fucked last night and in more ways than one it seems. I sit up slowly and look around the space expecting to find male number three but to my luck, there isn't. Not that two is any better, well actually it is. For me. I must've been off my fucking face last night. The last thing I remember was meeting up for a drink with Jose, everything after that is a blur, a messy blur. Speaking of messy blurs I can only imagine what I look like right now. I bravely finger my hair and yep, sure enough a nest has formed.
Groaning, I finally manage to get off my naked ass and search for a bathroom. You'd think after years of drinking my body would become accustomed to the poison and adapt, but nope. My hangovers are still as bad as the first. I walk out into what I think is the living room and trip over something hard-a person. I manage to keep myself up right only to take another step and stub my toe on a table. I curse out loud and earn a couple of groans from the zombies around me. I look down at my foot and notice a little blood on my pinky toe. My knees weaken and I start to feel dizzy. I can't stand the sight of the blood, it makes me fucking woozy, no matter how much or how little blood is there. Although I'm pretty sure the dizziness I'm feeling is 80% sourced from the hangover.
I step over bodies and furniture and get to my destination and great, there's a head in the toilet. I walk towards the toilet but my reflection in the mirror grabs my attention. First thing I notice, my hair; so much hair and in so many different directions. Second thing I notice, I'm naked. Funny how that's the second thing I notice. I move towards the toilet and as gently as I can, move the passed out girl of the way. Her body thumps hard on the tiled floor and I cringe. "Sorry" I whisper.
I wipe the toilet seat down and crouch over it to do my business, trying my hardest not to actually sit on the sit. You sit on more dirtier things than a toilet you know. I manage to make my way back to the bedroom without inflicting any more damage upon myself or anyone else. I need something for my head, and I need it now. I search the room for my belongings, finding my bra and dress first, I slip them on. Shit, where's my other heel? I kneel down and look under the bed but it's not there.
I eye my purse on the dresser, along with my panties. I decide to go commando and shove them in my purse. I see my phone light up inside, fuck what time is it? Pulling my phone out I see it's 11:46AM, I also see some texts and missed calls from Jose, Kate and Mia. I open the text from Jose first, it's a picture of me caught between two guys, one of them licking salt off my neck and the other sucking the lime out of my mouth. I look over to the guys in bed, and sure enough it's them. Hm. Cute. Shame I can't remember them,
I open the latest text from Kate.
Jesus Ana, where the fuck r u? Answer my calls or txt me back. We're leaving for the Grey's now. If u decide to come then u have to find ur own way there. - KATE
Damn it. I totally forgot about lunch at the Grey's. Mia came back from Paris yesterday and they're having a little get together for her. Fuck. I look for my other shoe one more time then decide to ditch it. Grabbing a hair tie and some Advil out of my purse, I swallow the Advil dry and put my hair up in a messy, what I hope will pass as a bun and make my way out of the apartment. I don't even know where the fuck I am, and I only have 4% battery left on my phone. Kate is going to kill me. The moment I make it out of the apartment building, I feel as though my retinas have caught flame. I shield my eyes and look down the street. An elderly lady walking her poodle stares at me with disdain as I hail down a cab. I know what this might look like to her, and she's completely right. I'm a walking cliche. I give her a wink and climb into the cab, leaving her flustered with disgust. My day just got a little better.
An hour and $120 later, I'm making my way up to Grey's house. That cab was the biggest rip off but at the time I just didn't care and I needed him to wait. In that hour I managed to shower, brush my teeth, wash my face, reapply some makeup and make my hair somewhat presentable. I thank all the years of practice. I look at all the cars parked and mostly everyone is here. I have to admit, it's been a while since I've been here, or seen the Grey's. I've been dodging the brunches, dinner and functions for a while now, not for any particular reason but I do feel a tad guilty. This was my second home at a time but now, it's nothing but a reminder of my parents.
I push my sunglasses up the bridge of my nose, quickly pop two more Advil and ring the bell. A moment later the double doors open and I'm face to face with my Godmother, Grace. She's smiles excitedly at me and pulls me in for a hug before I can say hi.
"Oh, Ana, it's so good to see you my girl. We've missed your presence around here." I laugh and rub Graces back, ignoring the pounding in my head.
"I've missed you too, Grace." She pulls away and holds me at arms length, taking me in. I'd take off my sunglasses but I don't want my eye balls to fry.
"Sorry I haven't been able to visit recently, just been really busy."Yeah, busy fucking and drinking.
She smiles warmly and links arms with mine, leading us through the house.
"Well I'm not going to fib and say I'm okay with that, because I really have missed you sweetie. It's bad enough I hardly see one of my other children as it is."
And there it is again, the guilt. "I promise I'll make more of an effort." I smile reassuringly.
Grace chit chats about the hospital and Mia as she leads us to the back.
As soon as I make it outside my legs are hit with such force I have to lean on Grace for support.
"Aunty Ana! Aunty Ana! You're here!" I laugh out loud at the chubby blonde bundle of joy looking up at me. She's hugging my legs like a damn tree hugger, she's obviously got Elliot's strength. I crouch down and give her a tight hug.
"How's my princess doing? Gosh you've grown so much since I seen you last, are you sure you're my Ava?" I look around the yard pretending to look for the real Ava. She laughs and kisses me on the cheek.
"It's me Aunty Ana! I pinky promise!"
She wraps her pinky around mine and I can't help but smile. Ava was the best thing to ever happen to Elliot and Kate. All of us growing up together, we always knew Kate and Elliot we're going to be together and they never fought it, which is why they've been together for seven years. And had Ava four years ago.
Ava goes to pull my sunglasses off but I gently grab her chubby hands and kiss them.
"Oh no sweetie, Aunty Ana needs these so her eyes don't fall out." I tell her as I pat her head and stand back up.
"Well at least you don't smell like a bottle of whiskey, I'll give you that." Kate voices from behind me.
I roll my eyes and curse her under my breath."I'm so lucky to have you as a best friend, Kate. You always think so highly of me."
I lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek. She's never been fond of my sarcasm.
"You know, you could of at least called or replied to my texts letting me know whether you were coming or not. I hate worrying about you." She scolds. I stroke Ava's curls as she hangs on to my leg.
"Sorry, mom, but my phone died." I reply sarcastically. Kate huffs and looks down at her daughter affectionately. Ava releases me and runs into the yard.
"Mia's going crazy asking for you." She tells me. I look around.
"Where is she?" Not a second later I'm being pretty much tackled to the ground by a screaming Mia. I'm surprised I didn't pass out.
"Where have you been?! Why didn't you answer my calls or texts?!" Kate's laughter rings through the air, oh God, don't spew, Ana. Don't. Spew. Kate helps me up, clearly still amused.
"Easy, Mia. Wild over here is still recovering." Kate tells Mia. I brush the grass off my ass and embrace Mia.
"I've missed you, Mia." And I have, I've always had a certain connection with Mia. Kate's my best friend and all but with Mia, I could always completely be myself. Plus it helped that we're the same age and love the same things. Partying.
"I've missed you too, I was ready to burst through your door if you didn't show up today." We pull away and smile at each other.
"You know" Mia starts, "They say the cure to a hangover is to drink more." She leans in closer and whispers, "I spiked the punch in the kitchen, you thinking what I'm thinking?" She wriggles her brows suggestively and I burst out laughing while Kate scoffs. Kate's never been a fan of Mia and I when we get together, says we both enable each other.
"As tempting as that sounds, from past experiences I think we should stray from getting drunk at family events." I hear Kate murmur in agreement and Mia pout.
Elliot's voice comes booming behind me "Ana banana!"
He picks me up and swings me around. I squeeze my eyes shut. My stomach starts to churn and my throat begins to burn, oh no, no no no,
"Elliot, please stop.. I'm begging you, I'm gonna-" I try to get him to stop but it happens.
I spew. I spew out all the contents of last night. I hear all three of them laugh at my expense as I lean on my knees and retch. It's only then I realize what they're exactly laughing at. I eye the pair of very expensive dress shoes covered in vomit and fight the urge to throw up again from embarrassment. I look up and cringe when I'm met when icy grey eyes. Great.
Kate hands me a tissue and I wipe my mouth. "Uh... Nice shoes, were they expensive? They look... They look expensive... Well not so much now..."
Grace comes rushing towards us, Elliot and Mia are still laughing and Kate's trying to stop Ava from getting too close.
"Oh dear" Grace looks sympathetically at me and I turn away.
I've never been close to Christian so I wouldn't exactly call us friends or family friends. He and I hardly ever spoke, but from what I know, he's like that with everyone. Closed off, doesn't talk much, is hardly around. He was just so closed off as a kid that I didn't really bother trying to get close to him or get to know him.
"Christian, darling take your shoes off." Graces say. I glance towards Christian as he takes his shoes off and puts them into the plastic bag she's holding. She turns her attention to Elliot.
"Elliot, go get the hose please." Before anyone else can say anything, I scram.
"Ana, where are you going?" Mia ask's from behind me. I wave her off and mumble something about a bathroom.
I lock the door behind me and turn the taps on. God, I'm so embarrassed. I grab some toothpaste and squirt some on my finger. I clean my mouth as best I can and rinse my mouth. I haven't seen these people in like a year and I show up here late, hungover and I manage to throw up on their billionaire son's pair of shoes. Class act.
I stare at myself in the mirror. "Okay, Ana. You're okay. Just walk out there with your head held high. God, I wish I was high."
I wipe my hands and when I open the door to leave I slam into something hard. God, you'd think with my coordination and reflexes I was still drunk.
"Anastasia? Are you alright?"
I clear my head and look up at Christian. Perfect.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Hey, I'm really sorry about your shoes, I'll have them cleaned, better yet replaced I'll-
Christian cuts me off, "It's fine. They're just a pair of shoes. But are you sure you're okay? You're not ill?"
Wow, I think this is the longest conversation I've ever had with the guy. I'm kinda shocked.
"No no, not ill, just a bit hungover." I take my sunglasses off and chuckle lightly. I look up at Christian and swear I hear his breath catch.
"Well I'll get out of your way." I tell him as I go to leave but he remains standing there, blocking my way. "Uh, Christian? Can you... Can you move?"
"Oh right, of course."
He shakes his head lightly and I leave the bathroom. I decide to step out to the front for a quiet breather. The musky smell of tobacco hits my nostrils and I walk down the steps and around the corner to see Ethan leaning against the boot of his car having a cigarette.
I walk up behind him, "Those things will kill ya you know."
He laughs and turns to face me. He pulls the packet out of his leather jacket and offers me one. I place it in my mouth, and he lights it.
I take a drag and savour the taste in my mouth before exhaling. I don't smoke that much, well not as much as I used to but I like to have one here and there.
"How are ya, Ethan?" I ask then take another drag.
"Oh you know, can't complain. How you doing Annie?" He replies. Apart from my dad, Ethan was the only one who called me Annie. I got close to him after my parents died, reason being he ran in the same crowd I started to run in. Ethan was always the bad boy, his sculptured body, messy dark blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, he left girls in puddles. He didn't give a shit about anything or anyone or so he makes you think. He knew he couldn't stop me from doing what I was doing so the least he could do was watch over me and make it known that I wasn't to be fucked with. The last year of high school, we got into all kinds of shit. Whatever shit I wanted to get into he told me to do it with him and no one else. He took care of me as much as he could. I'd probably be in ditch somewhere if he weren't around to keep an eye on me. I don't expect people to get that, but I don't really care. Ethan was there for me, in ways Kate, Mia, Grace and Carrick couldn't be. He was even my first time.
"Oh you know, the usual... Hungover." He laughs out loud and throws an arm around my shoulder. "So who's bed did you bless last night?" he asks, I roll my eyes take another drag. Next thing I know I'm being picked up and placed on the boot of Ethan's car, him between my legs. He takes the cigarette out of my mouth and puts it in his. Taking a drag, he exhales to the side, never taking his eyes off of mine.
"I've missed you, Annie." He tells me softly, leaning his forehead on mine. I rub my fingers along the stubble on his jaw.
"I've missed you too." I admit.
Ethan and I aren't a thing. There was a time when we thought might be but we weren't ready then. Well, I wasn't ready then. Ethan never pushed me though, to which I'm grateful for. That doesn't mean we don't take a walk down memory lane every once in a while, we both have needs and we're very good at appeasing them. But there'll be nothing more than that.
Ethan's phone starts ringing, he looks at the caller I.D and curses under his breath. I smirk knowing exactly who's calling him.
"Yeah, Kate I'll be there in a minute." He tells her.
I jump off the boot and make my way back inside. When I round the corner to head up the stairs I see Christian standing there, his face as impassive as ever. He looks at me then glares behind me. Ethan comes to my side and glares straight back at Christian. I never knew why these two didn't get along.
"Grey" Ethan acknowledges.
"Kavanagh" Christian nods.
I stare between the two, the tension becoming so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"Are you leaving, Christian?" I ask, moving the attention elsewhere. It takes a moment before his eyes leave Ethan's that he answers me.
"Yes, I am. It's was good seeing you, Anastasia." I offer a smile and apologize again for his shoes. He waves it off and walks toward a black SUV, his head of security, Taylor I think his name was, opens the door and he gets in.
"Guy seriously needs to get fucking laid." I smack Ethan in the stomach and we both head back inside.
Please let know what you guys think and if this is a story you'd continue to read.