Lovi was not having a good night. First he finds out that his little brother managed to lose a big weapons shipment, then he gets word that Antonio has called a meeting for all the territory bosses under his rule. And probably worst of all he walked in on his sweet innocent little brother and Gilberts hulk of a little brother doing the deed.
Defiantly not a good night. How could things get any worse?
"Aww Lovi you look all stressed, if it's about me a Ludwig I promise we used pro-"
"Shut it bastard, I really don't want to hear this!" Lovi snapped cutting of Felencio before he said something to make him hate that German bastard even more. "Just go play with your cat or something, I need some time alone"
"Ok big brother" Felencio chirped hugging him before skipping off.
Him and his stupid hug therapy, the kid may have meant well but Lovi isn't exactly the touchy feely kind…well unless it's Antonio.
Let's just say he didn't get to be second in command because he was a tactical genius.
He sat at his desk lined with monitors which allowed him to keep an eye on the whole perimeter of the building. No one could get passed this system or the best sniper in the business keeping an eye on things for him.
No one could get passed Eagle eye Tino.
A shadow across the monitor momentarily caught Lovi's attention. He did a double take when he spotted the same shadow progressing through the perimeter and showing no sign of slowing down.
Lovi scrambled for his radio. "Tino! What the hell is that I see on my monitor?!"
A crackling came from the other side of the radio. "I'm not sure boss. It looks like a person but…"
"But what?"
"I've never seen a person move that fast, should I take the shot?"
Lovi thought for a moment, if this was one of his people with important news and he has them shot it could be bad. If it's one of Antonio's people it could be even worse. But he just couldn't take the risk of a security breach. No one gets past his defences.
"Take the shot, aim to stop them not to kill." Lovi didn't need to hear a response to know that Tino would carry out his orders. Loyalty and skill, the two things Lovi respected most in this world.
The familiar crackling came from the radio, Lovi expected it to be Tino with news of who exactly he had just taken out. However the voice on the other end was not one he recognised.
"Hello, can I assume I'm talking to Lovi? …I'll take that silence as a yes"
The voice was American with a cocky and arrogant tone to it, the one Lovi had heard a thousand times before.
"Who are you bastard? Where's Tino?" He demanded knowing if anything happens to his Finnish sniper a certain Swede would be very unhappy.
"Oh so that his name. Well it's actually kind of funny. He tried to follow the rabbit and ended up in wonderland."
Lovi could hear more voices in the background, the use of the word rabbit worried him. It couldn't be her though. She had disappeared years ago… right?
"See you soon Lovi, and don't be rude by trying to escape." Lovi could almost hear the smirk in the voice "We have the exits covered."
Lovi scrambled for the gun he kept in the bottom draw of his desk. This can't be happening, no one can get passed her security. No one…
Except her.
"Aww Lovi you really have gone up in the world from Tony's little lap dog. Still keeping his bed warm for him?"
He knew who it was even before she walked into his office. He knew those eyes and he certainly knew those legs. "Rabbit…" He breathed. This couldn't be real. She couldn't be back, not now. Not when they were so close to what they always dreamed of.
"I'm so glad my surprise visit wasn't ruined by that little patrol group of yours. I see you still demand apostolate loyalty from your men, good good. Though I would suggest making sure the next lot have some balls. Goodness not even in the old days did I see a gang go running with their tails between their legs." She strolled confidently to his desk casually leaning on the corner.
"W-what do you want" deep down he already knew the answer to that question. He knew why she was here, why she was back.
"Well isn't it obvious" the lower half of her face may have been covered but Lovi could still tell she had a large grin spread across her face. "I'm back to reclaim what is mine. Did you really think Tony and Gil could brag about creating the largest gang empire and I wouldn't hear about it? And quite insultingly did you really think I wouldn't do anything about it?"
Lovi opened his mouth then closed it again. There was no response to that, that wouldn't result in him being put in intensive care.
"Now to get to details. As Tony's main squeeze you know where he will be for the treaty signing" She leaned forward on his desk.
Lovi gulped nervously "I-I would never rat on him"
"I know that. I always did admire that about you, but we will get it out of you. I was never really one for interrogation. My friend on the other hand"
The door opened again and a cold feeling of dread settled in the pit of Lovi's stomach. "F-frog…"He breathed as the man carrying a black briefcase came towards him.
"Please leave this to me Mon Cher. I would hate for you to see this."
She patted him on the side of the face as she slipped outside the room to the waiting Alfred.
"The last of the guards are taken care of, but I have to know how did you dodge the sniper? I thought he was the best in the business. "Alfred asked wiping some of the blood off his bat.
Alice chuckled "Its quiet simple love. Lovi is incredibly paranoid, he demands total loyalty from his men. But in the end that was his downfall. It never crossed his mind that his most loyal soldier may in fact be loyal to a different leader."
Twenty minutes later Francis slipped out of the office "Tomorrow night there's going to be a big party, at midnight Gilbert and Antonio will sign the treaty to combine their territories."
Alice pulled her scarf down and grinned up at the two men. "Well I guess that just leaves one question."
The two exchanged a confused glance.
"Who wants to be my date?"