oki so so tish is my frist sory so plz b nic!1111!1!1111!
btw teh aliances r the 1s whit firsar nd gaystip
Caphter Oen: Prlouge
N Tundhercln one day a quen was havin her kits n the hole caln was woriy abut her cuz they al luved her cuz she was kawaii and hot. So JayFeathar was n the nusrey delverin kits and than ti was over
"SparkleDust u hav for kits but tree deid" he siad sadily the hole clan creid 4 her. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!1!11111!1!1!1!1!11" BrakenFru creid he was SparlkeDusts mat "Taths oki cuz tihs was my fav nyway" Sparlkesust sid "wtha suld we nam sh" "Luk she haz a sun patreen on his shulder!1!1!111!1!1!2!" Spuderlud ceid
"Ohhhhhhhhh yah!1!111!1!" Sparlkedus t cerid "we'll call he Sunit!"
Soqw a new grat cat wuz bron butt none knu ti yet
hwo did u liek it pleaaaaaasaa leve a reveiew :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD