Here is a special wedding outtake for you guys! It's short and sweet and I just wanted to share it with you!
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Wedding Outtake
"What do you think Bella?"
Alice has outdone herself, truly, outdone herself. The dress is incredible, a rare gem that Alice had found after months of searching. It's incredible…no, incredible would not do the dress justice…it's divine. I look like a stranger, never have I looked this beautiful. My hair curled and falls down my back, with the addition of baby's breath Alice added. My make-up is both beautiful and understated, and my ivory skin looks like cream against my white dress.
"It's wonderful Alice," I tell her with teary eyes.
Rene is gushing about everything from my dress, to the decor, to money we must have spent. I have to keep myself from rolling my eyes, but I'm happy that she is so happy. She has been great through this whole process and was eager to get involved, whether it meant watching the kids or helping with decorations, Rene was always there.
"Mommy! Pretty dress mommy," Anthony comments, as he stares at my reflection in the mirror.
"Doesn't your mommy look beautiful?" Esme asks him, as she rocks Emma in her arms.
"You pretty mommy," he comments with a huge grin.
Picking him up, I hold him close and shower him with affection. Now that he is in preschool, he has been my little shadow whenever he is home. Dropping him off that first day had been difficult. He didn't want me to leave the classroom, and when I finally did, I was told by his teacher that he spent most of the day in tears. I was hoping he would acclimate much easier. It is better now, but whenever he comes home, he is stuck to me like glue.
"Thanks baby," I smile at him, allowing him a moment to enjoy my attention.
"Bella, are you ready," a gruff voice asks.
Tears prick my eyes as I turn to find Charlie standing in the doorway. He has been in Europe with his new wife Sue, and I didn't know if they would return in time. For so long, the most communication we had, has been a few phone calls and messages here and there. Seeing him in front of me in a suit and a shy smile on his face is overwhelming.
"Daddy," I giggle, before running toward him with Anthony still in my arms.
He embraces me, in a way only my awkward father can. "You look beautiful Bella," he comments, with tears in his eyes as well. It's just going to be one of those days…filled with happy tears.
"Thanks Dad. I was worried you wouldn't make it."
"I had to walk you down the aisle; I wouldn't miss that for the world."
The ceremony passes in a blur. I'm so happy, I feel as if I'm floating above my body, watching the events occur below. I smile so much my cheeks ache. From the moment Charlie walked me down the aisle, toward the man I love more than anything, I couldn't wipe the smile from my face. I barely took in the scenery that we had spent countless hours on, the prairie gentian and the wildflower arrangements that the aisle is lined with, look like a colorful blur through my teary eyes.
If I could see Edward clearly, I would see that he was crying as well. We probably looked like such saps to all of our family and friends. But, it couldn't be helped. It was an emotional day for both of us, although we were married already. We choose to stand with our children; we wanted them involved in this special day. So we said our vows, with Emma in my arms, and Aiden in his, with Anthony standing between us with the rings in his little pocket.
When it came time for him to produce the rings, Anthony had been shaking with excitement, happy to have such an honor bestowed upon him I suppose. Now that he was four, he loved the extra responsibilities he had, and loved every chance he had at showing us that he was a "big boy" now.
The babies behaved well enough, although when it came time for Edward and me to share a kiss, they grew a bit fussy. After the ceremony, I changed into a shorter dress, which allowed me to play with our children during the reception. After my first dance with Edward, which I amazingly did not stumble through, Anthony joined us. He stood on his father's feet and held, onto my hands.
"Look it mommy, I dance too!"
Anthony had blushed when he saw all the adults staring at him, but we encouraged him to continue dancing. It was too cute to let him quit. He is such a blessing in our lives, cute, well-behaved, and a perfect older brother. He deserves all the positive attention he gets.
The night has been amazing, friends, family, drinks, and dancing under the stars. It's exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. The amount of people here is overwhelming, and with Esme and Rene watching my children, I walk through the woods where our reception is being held, to escape. Sitting down on a log, which is a good distance from the dance floor, I can finally breathe.
I can meditate on the evening in peace, while I enjoy the night on my own. I hear the crunching of leaves behind me, and I cringe hoping it's not another guess seeking me out. When I catch a glimpse of my handsome husband, I am instantly relieved. It's our special day, and I just want time to share it with him.
"I was wondering where you escaped to."
I move over so Edward can join me. He kisses my forehead and his lips linger, "Tonight," he tells himself with a chuckle, before pulling away.
"I just had to get away for a second," I sigh, leaning against his sturdy frame, "It's all so overwhelming."
"Yeah, Alice really outdid herself," Edward laugh.
I smile at him, enjoying the way his emerald eyes sparkle in the night sky. He's handsome, giving, and all mine. "It's incredible, but all I've been able to pay attention to is you," I admit with a blush.
"I've felt the same," Edward grins, "You look so beautiful Bella. I still can't believe you're mine. I'm sure, when we are both old and grey, I'll look at you and think, is this amazing woman truly my wife? Even then it will be a shock."
A/N: Don't remember to cast your vote for this story at . Also, if you haven't already, friend me on facebook at Lizzie Lee and join my group The Highlander Princess's Clan! I post a lot and love to talk to you guys . Please review!