A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this update, I certainly enjoyed writing it. Sometimes I sit down and write and when I sit back and look at what has appeared I am left thinking, "I did not see that coming." While this chapter went a different direction than I thought it would, I do hope that you guys like it. If you guys have questions, I will do my best to answer through PM.
Happy Reading
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Harry Potter
While Harry didn't hear much from the Winchesters after dealing with their ghosts, Bobby kept him pretty updated on what they were up to, and every once and a while it would be Harry that answered the phone when they were calling in to get information from Bobby.
Harry gave them whatever information they needed, but never had the chance to chat since John was always in a hurry to get off the phone when it was Harry on the other end. Harry had even had him hang up on him and attempt to call back to get Bobby until Harry finally explained that the calls were being forwarded to him while Bobby was out on his own hunts.
John had not been happy at having to deal with Harry at all and kept his and his boys calls short when Harry was the one answering the phone.
Thanks to a shapeshifter, John, Sam and Dean are on the radar of the FBI and Special Agent Henriksen. Though they were able to get away and head out to Rhode Island to deal with murders that people claim angels told them to commit, it created a lot irritating problems for Harry.
Darla called him only hours after his family had left Milwaukee to let him know that the FBI was taking an interest in them and was looking to pick them up at the first opportunity for the murders in St. Luis as well as anything else that they could pin on the Winchesters. The FBI actually had fairly detailed files on not just the Winchesters, but also quite a few others hunters.
This soon lead to Harry and Darla having meeting with various people at MACUSA that lasted hours long as they described Harry's research into Supernatural creatures so far and just what it was that these muggle hunters did for them and the No-Maj.
Eventually, the meeting was with the Magical President, which was much better than dealing with the Minister for Magic had ever been over in England.
Once everything had been explained again, they did it again, just for kicks, for the No-Maj President. Boy was he not happy that there was something that was Supernatural running around in his country that wasn't even part of the Magical Community.
Learning that the Magical community had been at a loss as to how to handle these creatures until Harry took up the position was a shock, but there was not a small amount of pride when he learned that had been No-Maj keeping this Supernatural threat at bay, even though most of their actions were outside the law.
The President even understood why the Magicals had not wanted to approach the Hunters as he had already known of their fear of something like the Witch Trials happening again. Having Harry, who was Magical but who had family among the Hunters had been the perfect opportunity for the Magicals to safely get involved. At least as safely as possible in this situation.
The President eventually made some calls and Harry and Darla were off to their next meeting…with Special Agent Henriksen.
They met in the FBI building in a conference room. Special Agent Henriksen had been told nothing of the meeting but had been told to bring all of his files for the Winchesters as well as others, some that had not even been included in his own case load. The files from other agents had been brought into the conference room in advance and been told by his boss that those files were now considered his.
He probably wouldn't have had a problem with this except for the fact that he had cases pulled and given to other agents just so that he could have these special cases. Victor Henriksen was not a happy camper.
Harry took his seat by Darla and watched as Henriksen stalked into the conference room, slam a stack of folders on the table and lean forward with both hands braced on the table so that he could better glare at Harry and Darla.
"I was told that you would be able to explain my new case load and that you may have information on where I can find the Winchesters." He would definitely be able to intimidate a criminal in an interrogation room.
"Not quite, Special Agent Henriksen, you are being reassigned as a liaison for the FBI for a set of special cases, which is what we are here to explain. The President has authorized this as he felt that it would be best to have Law Enforcement Agencies in the know for these types of cases. Because of your interest in the Winchesters and your skill in tracking them as well as your own personal history, you have been chosen for the position for the FBI and will be helping us choose agents from other departments to create a type of…Special Task force."
Henriksen narrowed his eyes and sat in his chair as he observed Harry and Darla from across the table.
"What are the Winchesters involved in that requires a Special Task Force that spans across multiple agencies, and what does it have to do with my personal history?"
Darla smiled. "Aside from your interest in the Winchesters and ability to track them despite how well they are at covering their tracks, the fact that your older sister was invited to Ilvermorny was a big draw. Quite simply, you already know of magic."
"The Winchesters are magical?" He was frowning now. Magical cases were always passed on to the Magical community as rare as they were.
Harry Snorted. "No, they are not. But they are involved in something that your highly trained agents would not be able to handle."
"Before we explain exactly what the Winchester and these others," Darla gestured to the other files, "Are involved in, let us introduce ourselves. We are to be your contacts. My Name is Darla Dearlove and I will be your contact for the Magical Government and this." She made to gesture towards Harry.
Harry interrupted her before she could introduce him. "And I am Harry Potter Black Winchester." At the look he was getting from Henriksen he smiled. "Yes. We are related. Unlike John and my brothers, I have magic. They know nothing of our relationship and only a little of the Magical World due to the fact that people like John do not react well to things outside the norm."
Darla leaned forward. "The Winchesters and others are providing a service that both of our governments are simply incapable of doing at this time."
"What could they possibly be doing then?" Henriksen's jaw was jumping as he clenched his teeth together.
"You already know of the Magical side of the world, how much do you know about Magical Creatures?" Harry questioned.
"Not much. I read through some of Amy's books. Dragons and unicorns and others that are straight out of fairly tails. I know that they are real but not much more."
Harry nodded. "They are. When I came to America I found out that America also has a large number of what are called Supernatural Creatures. Things that are similar to Magical Creatures but are something else. Something the Magicals didn't know much about. Even those that have counterparts in the Magical World are fundamentally different, so they had no idea what to do about them. In addition, due to being exposed to those Supernatural Creatures, No-Maj have been fighting them."
"The Winchesters are hunting monsters?" Henriksen asked.
"Yes." Darla nodded. "We didn't approach those that were hunting them as the witches that the hunters come across are No-Maj that have actually sold their souls to demons for demonic power. Having someone with magic show up would have caused more problems, so we watched and monitored and tried to find out as much as we could. When Harry came to America, it presented us with an opportunity and we offered him a job. He hunts and provides us with samples of the creatures so that we can learn more, both about what they are and where they come from, and how they can be used for medical and magical purposes. In the process he has made contact with two hunters that work closely with him, and now know more of the magical world than most hunters. They are Robert Singer and Caleb Mockery."
They paused as Henriksen dug through the files on the table and pulled two in front of him so that they were with his Winchester files. He also made a few notes on a legal pad. "Both have are wanted for questioning in multiple states and known under a few names. Robert Singer shot and killed his father, though it looks like that was written of as self-defense since his father was abusive and currently beating his mother at the time."
Harry was not surprised at the information. "Both have been hunting for a long time. "Bobby started hunting when his wife was possessed and killed. Most hunters start hunting after experiences like this. He is now one of the most knowledgeable hunters in America and provides information and support for a good number of hunters. Caleb started hunting after leaving home once he was old enough to do so. As a child he had witnessed a creature stealing his twin from their room at night, and had never forgotten even though people told him it was a nightmare to deal with the trauma of the kidnapping. He went looking, and stumbled onto the supernatural while looking for the thing that took his brother. He is still looking."
More notes were written down. Henriksen asking a few questions here and there for clarification as they spoke.
"And the Winchesters?"
Harry looked at the table. "When Sam was just a baby, a demon came into their home and killed Mary Winchester by holding her to the ceiling over Sam's crib, slashing into her stomach, and lighting their home on fire. John has been hunting since. Sam and Dean were raised learning about everything Supernatural. While Sam was at college, his girlfriend was killed in the same way as his mother, just above their shared bed. For some reason, the Winchesters are being targeted, though most hunters and those that know of the Supernatural are more likely to become targets themselves, this seems to be more."
"I see." Henriksen leaned back in his chair and stared at Darla and Harry. "What I don't get is what you want me to do other than let them go around breaking the law." He held up a hand. "If what you say is correct, I am sure that there a people out there that owe their lives to these men, but they are breaking the law."
"We understand that. The Presidents understand that. But these men are acting as a very unofficial militia right now. We cannot risk making them official, or giving them jobs because some of them are very dangerous and should be closely monitored and removed from public if needed. These men do not trust the No-Maj government at this time and contacting them could create problems that we are not ready for. But it is the hope of both of our Presidents that they can eventually be pulled into this task force that we creating."
Darla leaned forward with a grin. "Our goal here is not to make a task for that spans agencies, but one that spans agencies in both our governments as well as the civilian hunters."
Harry smiled at the look on Henriksen's face. "That is a tall order." He cleared his throat. "Do you actually think that it is possible?"
Harry grinned widely. "Our Presidents are currently in talks about creating a new Agency that this task force will evolve to. Within a few years you may not even be associated with the FBI excepting in a reverse liaison position. You very well may end up being a part of the Supernatural Crimes Investigative Service or SCIS. At least that was what they had come up with the last I heard." Harry enjoyed the look of shock on Henriksen's face. "It could be official as in as soon as a few months."
"Who is going to be leading the task force and who else will be brought in?" He looked more than interested once the shock had worn off.
"Harry will be leading the task force and will eventually be the Director of the Agency once it has firmly and officially been established. He will report directly both Presidents. I am only here to provide introductions as I have been recently promoted to the head of my own department within MACUSA." Darla smiled at Harry. "While he first reported to me, it has been decided that Harry is in the best position at this time for such a position and the Supernatural will have its own Department outside of the Department of Magical Creatures though this agency."
"No offence, but aren't you a bit young?" Henriksen looked at Harry with a brow raised.
"I am, but my history is a bit of a factor as well. Before coming to America, I was involved in the Magical War in England, and helped defeat a Magical Terrorist who had first became active in the late sixties. He had come after me when I was a baby and then again yearly once I reached eleven. I have magic but grew up in the non-magical world and still live and interact within the non-magical world as well as the world of the Supernatural. I have contact and insight and even some trust with the hunters, and have empathy for those that are exposed to the Supernatural or Magical worlds in violent ways. I have trained an army and lead them into battle and did so before I was legally an adult. Training both those with and without magic to interact with each other and to deal with Supernatural creatures that endanger our societies is not just something that needs to be done, but something that I am more than capable of doing and doing well."
Henriksen just stared for a moment before blurting out. "Damn. Who the hell are you?"
"I am just Harry, soon to be Director Harry Potter Black Winchester of the SCIS. Who are you?" Harry smiled and held out his hand to the man studying him from across the table. Eventually Henriksen stood and shook his hand.
"Victor Henriksen, pleasure to meet you. I hear you have a job offer for me?"
Once Henriksen was on board, Darla left them to it and they got busy going though files of agents in different agencies that had already been cleared or had knowledge about the Magical world due to having family that was magical.
It was not a long list at all, which made it that much harder to choose as those agencies needed those in the know so that relevant cases could be passed on when cases involving magic came up. They could not afford to take everyone.
In the end, they agreed on eight additional personnel that had no magic of their own and five Magicals from their magical personnel files of people that had been cleared to work with No-Maj already.
Four of their magical personnel were actually Aurors and Obliviators, all four having already been aware of the Supernatural Hunters. Due to their experience already, they would be perfect for the task team and for future interactions with the hunters and the victims of the supernatural. Elliott Nelson, Waylon Wright, Aurora Perry, and Madelyn Forsythe were excited to be chosen for such an endeavor as nothing like this task force or possible Agency had ever even been thought to be possible.
The other Magical, Maxwell Hill, had only been cleared to interact with the No-Maj as he had been required to approach curators of museums and professors for MACUSA in the past thanks to his duties as a linguistics and research expert. There were just somethings that an Auror could not talk about and not sound like an idiot, and apparently the lost carvings of the Majjorja tribe of the Tobla Plains was one of them.
Maxwell Hill would be working with his non-magical counterpart from the CIA, Ethan Cox. Harry honestly wasn't sure why Cox agreed since he gave nothing away in their meeting. Eventually Harry had to make clear that this task force would be sworn to secrecy just like Cox's knowledge of the Magical World had been. He would not be able to speak to about what he was doing to anyone else in the CIA, and if that would be a problem then he didn't need to agree to the position. Cox had just smirked and agreed that he was in.
Harry was still trying to get some kind of read on the man.
He eventual just decided to think of him as a Slytherin type so that he wouldn't have to think about it too much. Oddly enough, it made him feel a bit better.
Also on the non-magical side of things, aside from Henriksen, they chose two other Special Agents from the FBI that were cleared for knowledge of the Magical World. Logan Collins and Emma King were Leary of the fact that they would eventually probably be leaving the FBI, but came around once they had been briefed on their future plans for the SCIS.
Oliver Bennett, the Technical Analyst, was just as excited at the opportunity as his counterparts from NCIS, Michael Baker and the DEA, Charlotte Bailey who was also a Lab Technician, once they realized that they would need to setup a detailed database from scratch as well as set up search parameters to track Supernatural incidents across the US and to track Hunters. Apparently having full control over the systems and how they would be laid out was a big draw for both agents who looked forward to the challenge.
All but Charlotte Bailey had been in the field as Special Agents, so that was also a plus.
Alexander Moore was one of the last two pulled from NCIS and had to be briefed before he was willing to even think about leaving his position at NCIS as he was hopping to one day be assigned to the Major Crimes Response Team. He eventually came around after hours and hours of meetings with Harry about what they would be dealing with and what they were hoping to accomplish.
Their final pick from NCIS was a Medical Examiner who was also a practicing doctor that had studied under the head Medical Examiner at NCIS. She had not decided if she wanted to follow her mentor and be a ME or if she wanted to start her own practice at that point. By joining Harry, she would get to kind of do both, just with a supernatural twist.
She would be the doctor for the agents along with an on call Healer called Willow Pacolet, and she would start doing all the dissections for the creatures with Harry before sending everything off to the relevant departments for study.
It was opportunity to apply her medical knowledge to help provide new information on new creatures that made her decision for her as she hoped that there would be little need for her to provide medical help to the agents all that much. Plus, she got to study potions and such from Willow Pacolet so that she could provide limited magical services if a situation were easy to deal with and work with Harry who was considered a Creature expert (He was practically the only one in the Magical World with his knowledge). Since she was the only one in her family with no magic, it was a dream come true for her, even if she couldn't tell them.
Once everyone had agreed, more planning was needed. Everything, even the resulting agency that would develop, would be covert. Not even the Magicals were to know outside of a few. Darla would end up being their most used contact as they would sometimes run in to Magical Creatures and she was still the person that would take delivery of any parts they could send for study outside their own testing. (Everyone wanted to run Creature goo through a Mass Spec. which Harry was intrigued about.)
The only other person they would really be in contact with other than the Magical President in Harry's case, was the Head of the DMLE, though he would have no authority over the Magicals under Harry's command.
Due to the covert nature of the project, Harry had asked for and received agreements that were magically binding from both Presidents as to where the Agency would be based. While the bunker was perfect for their needs, it was also his home and his inheritance, and he only agreed once he had it in binding contract that it would remain his property even if the department eventually had to be moved and he was no longer involved.
Arranging for everything to be moved and for equipment for labs and their new computer systems that would be installed, Harry was apparating back and forth to create said labs. Thankfully, there was plenty of room for everything they would need at the bunker, and he was able to use expansion charms and runes to make the bedrooms larger so that no one would feel like they were staying in a hotel. Each bedroom for the team members eventually had sitting areas attached. He expanded rooms so that they would have plenty of lab space, meeting rooms, and offices as well.
In the middle of one of their planning meetings, Harry got a panicked phone call from Sam. He and Dean had been on a hunt for a werewolf while their dad took care of something else, and the girl that Sam liked was still a werewolf even after they had killed her neighbor who had turned her and killed a lot of people. For some reason they thought killing the werewolf that turned her would cure her. Apparently, Madison wanted them to kill her as they could not find any other way to cure her.
And they had just called him.
Feeling frustrated, he had Sam hand the phone over to Madison, where he immediately told her that her life was not over and that he would help her. While he spoke to her on speaker phone, the rest of his new team watched as he talked Madison away from wanting to die and into wanting to take the Wolfsbane Potion while under supervision.
Once she agreed, he gave her the contact information of Darla, who he would be sending to her to get her situated and then gave her his number so that she could contact him if she needed to.
After hanging up, he turned to his team and pointed at his phone. "That right there is why this task force, and this Agency needs to happen. This woman, as long as she does not resort to taking her own life is a possible future hunter. Even if she does not try to hunt, she may start to seek out ways to help others like her. If we can track situations like this, we can find them before they go off to hunt and live outside the law as paranoid, bitter people that die too soon. They can be taught and trained into becoming new agents and new technicians, all inside the law of both worlds."
"Had they not called me, Sam and Dean may have helped her and felt that the best way to do so was to kill her, and if we can keep a single hunter from making that decision in the future, it will be well worth the effort of tracking them. Even with us not approaching them at first, just keeping track of them can prevent a lot. Having an actual FBI agent on the phone when they are working a case and the local departments call, will give them not only information on what they are hunting, but give each of you on the other end an opportunity to direct them in their actions, hopefully leading to less law breaking. Consider them all under deep cover when working with them even if they have no idea that we are acting with government approval."
"If we come across a hunter that is out of control and is a danger to society, it will be us that go to remove the threat and contain them while both presidents are presented with their cases. If their cases are not able to be heard in open court, then they will be detained at GTMO."
Everyone in the room nodded and seemed even more determined to get everything set up after the phone call from Sam and things started moving quickly, each agent filling out paperwork and moving to the bunker with the help of Kreacher, who Harry called just to expedite getting everyone moved in. Since they didn't see how he did it, no one said anything about Kreacher or their disappearing items since it made their lives easier and no one liked to move halfway across the country unless they were crazy.
They were still getting everything set up for operations in the bunker when they were notified that John, Dean and Sam had all arranged their own arrest. They had been moving to arrange their release when they had noticed that there seemed to be something going on in a newly opened cell block. The Winchesters dealt with the ghost of notorious killer, Mark Moody, before having to deal with the ghost of Nurse Glockner, who apparently used to kill prisoners in the infirmary and had been killed in a riot.
They were able to find out about all this because Ethan Cox, their CIA Spook and Linguist, went undercover so that he could keep an eye on the Winchesters. He was very good at eavesdropping and immediately upon his return requested that he be allowed to train the others in undercover work once the Agency was finalized, which was looking to happen in a few months.
Harry had no problem with approving the training and thought it a great idea. What he was not happy about was the possibility of the paperwork it would generate. This project was a lot more work and responsibility than he had been planing on, but he was content when he thought about how much it would help.
It was about this time that Bobby and Caleb had come back from a hunt and found out what Harry had been up to. After introductions and a whole lot of yelling, Bobby settled into telling the agents how he helped the hunters and agreed that he would allow them to see his set up as he was not in trouble and they would eventually be taking over his fake official calls and making them official. Caleb just asked that no one touch his stuff and asked if they needed help with anything.
Harry was pleased.
The next time he heard about the Winchesters was when Bobby called to tell him that Sam had gone missing and it looked like demons had taken him. Bobby had called in the hopes that Harry would be able to track Sam magically somehow.
Harry was quick to grab a knife and a US Map book before telling his team where he would be. The bunker was always busy now and it was easy to find someone before driving over to the Roadhouse where the others would meet him.
He was horrified to find the place in flames when he arrived, and with the flames being demonic in nature, he couldn't put them out. Seeing no other option, he quickly sent off a Patronus to his magical team mates requesting back up and started apparating into the bar and apparating out with the unconscious bodies of everyone he could find. Soon he was joined by his team members, and by the time Bobby, John and Dean pulled up, it was to see soot blackened Magicals popping out into the yard with bodies only to disappear back into the flames moments later.
They saved fourteen people before they could not risk re-entering the building again. They quickly started checking for injuries while keeping the survivors unconscious so that they would not see the magic being performed. No one wanted to deal with the Hunters after what they had just been through.
While they were checking the survivors, they learned that Ash had some information but had only wanted to provide it in person. Unfortunately, he was not one of the survivors that was laying out on the ground.
John immediately started berating the Magicals for not saving him, despite the risk they had taken with their own lives, and the fact that they had not even seen Ash's body while they had been searching the building for survivors.
Eventually, Bobby interrupted them, not even letting on that he knew the other Magicals, and turned his attention to Harry. "Harry, please tell me you have a way to find Sam." He took his hat off and ran his hand through his thinning hair.
"Sure, that's fairly easy, though I don't understand how the demons would have even found him after the ritual cleansed his blood. He should have been hard to find." Harry moved over to place his US Map book on the hood of the impala.
Dean had been right behind Bobby as he followed Harry over to his car when he processed what Harry said. He was totally ignoring the other Magicals that his father was glaring at. "Wait, what ritual?"
His question had Harry freezing over the book. After a moment, he slowly turned so that he was facing John. "You didn't do the ritual?" He asked in shock.
"I will no expose my son to your freakishness. He didn't need your magic."
Harry shook his head when he saw one of his teammates reach for his wand before turning his attention back to John, who was doing a good job of ignoring all the glares that were being aimed his way and Dean's cursing. "That is some major hate and bigotry you have going on there. That magic could have prevented him from being taken in the first place. Now we have to use magic to track him." There was absolutely no expression on Harry's face. He held up a knife. "As his father, you need to drop five drops of blood on the map while thinking about Sam and soon you will know where your son is."
Blood magics wasn't something that many people knew how to do as it was so highly regulated, but Harry had access to a lot of old books and had been given permission for pretty much anything as long as he wasn't being reckless by both Presidents. With him casting the spell it wouldn't even register at the Ministry anymore with the new spell allowances he had been given.
John's face reddened before he yelled at Harry. "I am not giving you my blood, witch."
"Wizard, again, not a girl." Harry deadpanned. "And I am not asking that you give it to me, I am telling you to put it on the map, which you can keep." He held the knife out, handle pointing to John.
"No." John crossed his arms.
Getting fed up with his dad, Dean stepped forward. "I'll do it." All he wanted was to find Sam.
Before he could take the knife and while his dad was 'forbidding him' from giving his blood to the witch, Harry shook his head.
"Sorry Dean, it should be your father. Parents can use less blood, only requiring five drops for one child. For a sibling, it takes a lot more blood and will track not just siblings but parents as well. It uses a lot more blood" Harry had looked into this before, just in case.
Harry ignored how John paled as he realized that it would track Adam too, though Harry was more interested in keeping himself secret.
Even as John continued to argue with both Dean and Bobby now, things got worse. Harry received a Patronus along with his teammates. After a quick word that he would join them in just a moment, the four Aurors disappeared with a sharp crack even as Harry made his way back over to the others.
"Look, something has come up and I have to get to San Francisco in the next few minutes." Harry clenched his jaw.
"What happened Harry?" Bobby asked Concerned.
"Someone decided that transporting Dementors via ship was a good idea." Seeing the look on the Dean and Johns faces, he gave them a comparison. "Granddaddy Shtriga, except they actually consume full souls." He ignored the paling faces. "So, are we doing this or not, because I have to go." Merlin, this day couldn't get worse.
When John once again declined with all the courtesy of Bellatrix coming to tea, Harry nodded while trying not to grind his teeth down to dust before moving to apparate away. It was Bobby grabbing his hand and whispering furiously to him that made him stop before disappearing.
Both John and Dean were watching and trying to listen in, though Bobby was speaking too low for them to hear.
"Harry, are you really just going to disappear while Sam is missing and in the hands of Demons. I know you, and this is not you. Trying to keep your daddy from knowing about you and not helping your little brother when you can do something to help is going to destroy you." Bobby didn't let go of Harry's arm until Harry yanked it away with a hiss of fury as he glared at Bobby, more because of the situation than because he was mad at Bobby, and he knew that Bobby understood thanks to the look of sympathy he was getting.
Furious at what he was being forced to do, he turned his glare to John before moving over to the map that was still spread out on the hood of the impala. Still glaring at John, who was trying his best to glare back even with his confusion at the look he was getting, Harry held his hand over the map and before anyone could say anything, pulled the knife through his hand deep enough that the blood poured out at a horrifying rate.
Even as Dean and Bobby exclaimed in worry and rushed forward and John stood sock still as Harry never removed his glare from his father, Harry spoke in harsh sounding German. "Das Blut meines Körpers zeigt mir Blut aus meinem Blut." Which was translated to the blood of my body shows me blood from my blood."
After a few moments, the blood stopped flowing and the wound closed even as everyone watched. Harry shoved the map at his father with one last hiss of anger before tossing his keys to Bobby and disappearing. "It will last forty-eight hours."
As he disappeared, John watched one of the three dots that had been together on the map disappeared only to show up on the West Cost at the San Francisco Bay. Moving his eyes over the map, he could see another dot in Wisdom, Minnesota that he knew was Adam. Not far away from where there were still two dots on the map was another in Cold Oak, South Dakota.
Ripping the map with its dots away from his dad, Dean shoved his nose close before raising his head and glaring at his dad. He may play stupid sometimes to get people to underestimate him, but he was smart enough to figure out what those two extra dots meant especially since one had hopped around as Harry had left.
Yeah, they would be having a talk later. He continued to glare as he climbed into the impala with the map still clutched in his hand while not saying one word.
As the door slammed behind his son, he looked over at Bobby, who just shook his head and muttered "Idjit" at him before moving to Harry's car.
His mind was absolutely churning with thoughts as he made his way to his truck to follow the others.