Sorry I have been MIA for a while, just haven't felt up to writing much. I sit down to write, write a sentence or two, then my brain goes blank,,lol. Hopefully I can get myself back in the writing mood.

Please note I have messed with the timeline of Harry Potter a bit.

Hope you enjoy.

Please review


"Brothers, look, our sweet prince has received mail."

Caius' face scrunched up in disgust. "I don't understand why you encourage our son's friendship with those vile beasts? That envelope reeks of mutt!"

"Yes, the smell really isn't pleasant," Aro agreed as he held the envelope away from his face. "Still, our little boy adores the wolves and I encourage their friendship because you never know when our prince may need their assistance. Harry has a gift, a gift to make people fall in love with him and want to protect him, why not encourage it?"

"He needs no other protection then that of ours and his mates," Caius sneered.

"And yet he ended up in America in the hands of an abusive immortal without our protection," Aro reminded calmly. "Let Harry go out into the world and win everyone over, it will make him even more powerful."

"Aro has a point," Marcus said tiredly. "With Harry's love and compassion and gift for drawing people in, he could rule the world...and not in fear, but in love and respect."

"Let's not forget, brothers, that the magical world, once they find out about our prince, will try to steal him away from us. His eleventh birthday approaches." Aro said, a hint of anticipation, excitement and anger in his voice.

Marcus snorted. "The wand wavers are no concern, they are no match for us. Not only that, but they will not want to risk the peace treaty we have with them. Harry is a vampire, he is ours, if they try to kidnap him then they will break the treaty and magical blood will once again be ours to feast on."

Aro hungrily licked his lips. "It has been way too long since I last had magical blood. Such a delicacy!"

Aro looked to the clock on the wall when he heard excited steps heading towards the throne room. "Ah, brothers, it looks like it's our prince's lunch hour."

"And then!" Harry voice could be heard echoing throughout the stone walls. "The youngest brother gave his son the cloak of invisibility before greeting death as an old friend. How cool would an invisibility cloak be?"

"Awesomely cool," Emmett said as he entered the throne room, Harry dangling off of his muscular arm. "Just think of all the pranks we could pull off if we had a cloak like that."

"We could only play pranks on the humans though," Harry giggled. "Our hearing and sense of smell are too strong, even under the cloak a vampire would know we were there."

Emmett fake pouted. "I guess, though I was hoping to prank Felix."

Harry's emerald green eyes grew wide as he looked up at Emmett. "You don't want to prank Felix, he'd rip your head off and feed it to the birds."

Emmett scoffed. "Pfft, he can't rip my head off. Now that I'm drinking the good juice I'm stronger than him." He was two months into drinking human blood and the transition was going much smother than he had expected. In the beginning it had been hard. After his first glass of human blood he had lost it and would have torn Volterra apart for more blood if it hadn't been for Alec and his gift. Alec had taken all his senses away until he could gain control of his bloodlust. He still wasn't completely in control, he wouldn't trust himself walking the streets with humans anytime soon, but it had been three weeks since the last time Alec had to take him down. Essentially, he could be considered a newborn all over again. He had to relearn how to control his bloodlust, as well as his vampire enhancements. Now that he was consuming human blood he was faster and stronger then ever before. He actually had to be careful of his strength now, he has already ripped three doors off their hinges, broke five chairs and destroyed Harry's school table. It was a good thing Bill was a wizard who could easily fix the damage caused by him with his magic. Despite all that, and despite living with the kings and away from his family, he was happier then he ever imagined...and the human blood was amazing. He loved his family back in Forks and respected their lifestyle, but he would never go back to drinking animal blood ever again.

Standing up, Aro held his arms open. "Childe, how has your day been so far?"

With a blinding smile, Harry raced up to his daddy and into his arms. "It's been good, but I miss you."

"Childe, it has only been four hours," Aro chuckled as he carried his son back to his chair. "Now, tell me what you have learned today."

"Well, I got all my spelling words right, even the word license. I don't know why that stupid word kept giving me a hard time. Anyway, because I got all my spelling words right, as well as getting all my math problems right, Bill read me the story again about the three brothers who met Death. You know what story I'm talking about, it's my favorite one."

"I think it sounds familiar," Aro joked. "Didn't I read you that story last night?"

Harry eagerly nodded his head. "You did, but Bill can act it out with magic. It's like the brothers and Death are actually in the room with me. It's so cool! Did you know that invisibility cloaks are real? Bill says so. He said they're not as good as Death's cloak, that the ones made by wizards only last a few years and that there are ways to see through them, unlike Death's cloak, but it would still be wicked to have one."

"Indeed it would be wicked." Aro chuckled.

Scrunching his nose up, Harry started sniffing. "Why does it smell so bad in here? It kind of smells like Sam."

"That, young one, is because you received a letter from the alpha's mate."

"What?" Harry cried as he looked around for the letter, squirming when his daddy held him tighter. "Where's my letter? Can I please have it?"

"It's may I," Caius corrected. "May I please have my letter?"

"Sorry! May I please have my letter, daddy." Harry corrected as he looked up at Aro with big, puppy dog eyes.

Aro shook his head at his impossible childe. "After you feed."

Harry's pout only lasted a second, he stopped as soon as he spotted his glass of juice. Yes he knew it was blood, but calling it juice made it easier for him to drink. "Did this blood come from a donor or did Bill magic someone to get it?"

Aro sighed, Harry asking the source of his juice has been a thing ever since he found out the truth about being a vampire. Attaining blood humanly was a pain as far as he was concerned, it was much easier just to bite and drain, but he respected his son's wishes in not wanting humans to die in order to feed him. After returning from Forks he bought a building close by and turned it into a blood bank. To make it look legit he shared the donated blood with the local hospital, but he kept the bulk of the blood for his prince and Emmett. The blood bank was still new so they didn't always have enough blood, when that happened Bill would go out and use his magic to obtain blood. Once Harry comes of age and can perform the spells needed to obtain his own blood then he wouldn't have to worry about the farce of the blood bank anymore, but he had a feeling that his little prince was going to talk more immortals into switching to donated blood.

"This is donated blood, childe," Aro answered.

"Thank you," Harry said as he took the glass, remembering his manners. Leaning back against his father's chest, he took his time drinking his juice, savoring it. He was anxious to read the letter Emily sent him, but he also wanted to enjoy his time with his daddy. Daddy Aro, Demetri, Alec and Jane we're leaving in the morning to meet with a coven in Australia. They were hoping not to be gone long, but they were going to be gone for at least five days. He was going to miss everyone, but at least his other daddies were staying, along with Felix, Emmett, Benjamin and Bill. It wasn't going to be like last time when the bad people attacked.

"You have a birthday coming up soon, childe, is there anything special you want, or perhaps somewhere you would like to visit?" Marcus asked curiously.

Harry eagerly nodded his head. "I'd like to go visit the dragons where Bill's brother works, but I don't think you'll say yes to that, so how about Egypt? Bill and Benjamin are always telling me amazing stories about the pyramids, the tombs, the cool curses and all the other stuff there is to see and do in Egypt."

"I think that going to Egypt sounds like a wonderful trip," Aro said, happy that his son had chosen a vacation. With the uncertainty of the wizards and whether or not Harry was going to get an acceptance letter to Hogwarts or not, sending Harry away for a few weeks would be a good thing. He didn't want his prince here if the wizards came knocking.

"Really?" Harry cried in excitement.

"Of course, young one, we told you when we were at the Cullens that we wanted to get you out more, get your around nature."

Harry leapt off his father's lap, his smile lighting up his entire face. "I'm going to go tell Bill and Benjamin that we're going to go to Egypt for my birthday. Benjamin is going to be so happy."

Aro quickly reached out and grabbed his son's hand before he could run out of the throne room. "I thought you wanted to read this." He said, waving the letter from the alpha's mate in Harry's face.

Harry's mouth dropped open. "Oh right, I forgot about the letter in my excitement." Grinning sheepishly, he took the letter from his father.

Emmett chuckled at his young mate, shaking his head fondly. "What does Emily have to say?"

Harry lifted his head, his eyes full of wonder. "Emily sent a picture of the twins...inside her tummy! How did they get a camera inside her tummy to get a picture of the babies?" Confused, Harry held up a black and white photo. "This doesn't look like any baby I have ever seen before. I don't even see a baby."

Laughing, Emmett approached his prince, kneeling down to his level. "That's called an ultrasound picture." He explained. "It's a machine that can take a picture of the inside of woman's tummy. The babies in pictures can be a bit hard to make out, especially this early in the pregnancy, but I should be able to help you. One of the perks of having a doctor for a father." Studying the picture, he pointed out the babies to his young mate.

"Oh, I see them now!" Harry cried excitedly. "Wow, that's so cool." Staring down at the picture, he carefully traced the babies with his finger. "Daddy, can I put this in a frame then write Emily a letter back?"

"Of course, childe. Maybe William can let you write the letter as part of your schooling." Aro suggested. "Why don't you run along and show Benjamin and William the babies as well as break the news to them that they will be accompanying you to Egypt for your birthday."

"This is the best day ever!" Harry cried as he took Emmett's hand, dragging him out of the throne room.

"Best day indeed." Aro smiled fondly, his dead heart overflowing with love for his son.


"William." Aro greeted.

"My king." Bill greeted back, trying to hide his nerves. He wasn't really scared of Aro anymore, but it was concerning being called to meet with him alone out of the blue. He hadn't done anything to upset the kings, at least he didn't think so, so hopefully he wasn't getting ready to have his head ripped off or blood sucked clean out of his body.

Scenting the wizard's nerves, Aro smirked down at the ginger. "Calm, William, you're not in trouble. My son adores you, he would be most displeased with me if I ate you. I called you hear to talk about my son's upcoming eleventh birthday and to learn more about his possible acceptance letter to that magnificence school of magic of yours."

"Hogwarts." Bill said with a grin. "What would you like to know, my king?"

"Do you still believe your prince will receive a letter on his birthday?"

"I do. As far as I know the magic that is used to detect young witches and wizards and then send out a school letter detects the child's magic, not life force. Harry's is a unique situation, I have never known a vampire to attend Hogwarts, but I believe Hogwarts magic will sense Harry's magic. Harry is extremely powerful, so much so that I can easily sense his magic pouring off of him. Harry may not be alive, but his magic very much is so."

"And when should we expect to see the letter? I'm assuming it will be delivered by an owl?" Normal owls wouldn't come near a vampire, but magical owls didn't care. The first time an owl flew into the throne room he had been shocked and excited by it. Wizards were so dramatic and flamboyant with their ways.

"Normally an owl will deliver the acceptance letter the morning of their eleventh birthday. Mine and my siblings all came while we were sitting down for breakfast."

Aro pursed his lips thoughtfully. "If Harry is in Egypt the morning of his eleventh birthday, will the owl find and deliver the letter to him there, or will it still deliver it here?"

"The owl will go where the witch or wizard is, so Egypt. There is also a chance one of the professors will personally deliver the letter, that happens sometimes with muggleborns, but technically Harry isn't a muggleborn. If I had to guess though, I'd say that Harry will receive his letter by owl, then if they don't hear from him, or he declines, then a teacher will personally come here. Harry is very special in my world, they'll come for him and demand him back."

A slow smile spread across Aro's face. "Oh, I do hope so. It's been so long since I have gotten to play with wizards. If, young William, a fight for Harry breaks out, which side will you be standing on?"

"Yours and my prince's, of course." William quickly answered honestly. "You are Harry's father and he loves it here. I'm not blind or stupid, I know they'll use Harry. My last visit home I overheard my parents talking with Headmaster Dumbledore, he was asking my mom to talk to my brother Ronald about befriending Harry right away. My parents have always been in awe of Dumbledore. They're good people, they're just blind to his faults and manipulations."

"Dumbledore is a manipulative bastard." Aro sneered. "I will have his head before I allow him to sink his wrinkly old claws into my son."

"May I suggest that Harry doesn't leave for Egypt until after he receives his letter, that way it will come here and not to where we will be staying. If Dumbledore or someone else comes here looking for Harry, he will safely be in Egypt and out of Dumbledore's reach. You were still planning on him spending a month in Egypt, correct?"

Aro inclined his head. "The prince deserves a nice long vacation. His other father's and I are even discussing a short trip to Forks after Egypt. It will only be a week or two, but being around the trees and wilderness there really helped him connect with his gift. He also has family there with the Cullens, I would like for him to get to know them better."

"Someone will most definitely come here within that month and half looking for him."

"How is it that they don't already know that he is here if they have his address to send his school letter to?"

"Magic." Bill said simply. "There's a magical quill that was created by the four founders of Hogwarts. The quill won't write Harry's name and address until it's time to send the letter, then all Professor McConagall does is hand the addressed letters over to an owl. After all these years I doubt she even looks at the names and addresses."

"Incredible! Thank you, young William, I will think about the advice you have given. I don't want anyone from your world finding Harry yet, at least not until a few more years. Harry has come a long way from the severely abused and terrified little boy who was killed by his uncle, but he's not yet ready to stand on his own and deal with someone like Dumbledore. Not that my son will ever truly be on his own, but he still needs more time to find his confidence and grow into his gifts, both magical and elemental."

"I agree. I don't think there is anyone in the wizarding world who will stand against Dumbledore, his reputation is too great. They say that Dumbledore was the only person the dark wizard Lord Voldemort was afraid of."

"Humans." Aro mumbled rolling his eyes. "I welcome the old fool and I dare him to try to take my son from me. I will slaughter every witch and wizard to protect Harry."

Bill knew that Aro wasn't just talk, he could see in his eyes that he meant every word. Before coming to Volterra he would have favored the Wizarding world in a war against the vampires, but after seeing some of the gifts they possess, especially Jane and Alec, he wasn't so positive anymore that they would win. Alec alone could easily strip hundreds of their senses at the same time, while Jane can cause pain ten times worse than that of the cruciatus curse. How can you defeat that? It made him nervous, he didn't want to lose any family, but his parents were blind Dumbledore followers.

"Don't worry about what could happen now, young William" Aro said, sensing his unease. "I believe your people will want their little savior back, but I don't believe they will risk breaking a treaty we have had with them for over seventy years. It may be wise though, after the wizards come knocking on our door looking for Harry, to advise any loved ones of yours to not stand against us. You have been loyal to me and my son, but that loyalty won't save your family if they fight against me for my precious son."

William bowed his head. "I understand, my king. My brother Charlie I'll be able to talk out of moving against you, but my parents worship Dumbledore too much to deny him."

"I am sorry to hear that."

"Me too." Bill sighed heavily. "If you have a minute, I do have something I need to discuss with you."

Aro waved his hand. "Go ahead." He ordered curiously.

"After Harry's eleventh birthday, he'll be able to get a wand. Normally everyone who attends Hogwarts gets their wands at Ollivanders in Diagon Alley, but there are other wand makers around the world. I personally recommend Ollivanders. I read somewhere that you should get your first wand in the country you're born in, it has something to do with the magic in you and your country and the perfect match. I honestly don't know, there's not a lot known about wand lore. Wand makers like to keep their secrets close to their chests."

Aro's face lit up at the thought of his little prince getting his first wand. Harry has come so far, overcome so much, he deserved only the best wand. "Thank you, William, I will consult with Sanguine, but I want the best for Harry, if that means going into Diagon Alley, then so be it." He didn't know if it would be safer to go before or after the wizards came looking for his son, this was something he was going to have to discuss and strategize with his brothers, his son's mates, and Sanguine.


Bill grimaced as he read the letter from his mother. "This is not good." He moaned, as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Everything alright back home?" Benjamin asked in concern. He had yet to meet Bill's family, they weren't ready to announce that his mate was a vampire yet and that in a few years he would be taking the bite, but he knew how much his mate loved his family and looked forward to any letters or care packages from them. Bill's mother was always sending food, sweets, and handmade wearables like sweaters and scarves. It warmed his heart knowing that his mate had such a loving and close family. He didn't remember much of his human family, his mother died when he was young and he never knew his father, he was mostly raised by different family members until Amun discovered him performing using his elemental gifts.

Bill placed the letter on the table then looked up at his mate. "My dad won some money in our wizarding world newspaper's drawing and him and mom want to treat everyone to a trip to visit their big brother, who they think works and lives in Egypt."

Benjamin's eyes widened. "When?"

"The first two weeks of August."

"Oh, you're right, that's not good. You can't bail on Harry, you'll break his heart, and if you break his heart Aro will literally break you. For the past two weeks you and Harry have spent hours talking about and planning this trip, and even if you wanted to get out of being with us the first two weeks while we're in Egypt, there's no way Aro will let you. You're not just Harry's teacher, you're also part of his guard."

Bill rubbed his head, he could feel a migraine coming on. "There's no way I'd bail on Harry, I wouldn't do that to him, but I also can't tell my family no, especially since they already bought portkeys to Egypt. My family is poor, my brothers and sister have never been on a real vacation before. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for them."

Benjamin took a seat across from his mate. "What are you going to do? Your family will know right away that we're vampires. They'll learn that your mate is a vampire."

Bill took Benjamin's hand and gave him a soft smile. "I'm not ashamed that my mate is a vampire, Benjamin. You are the love of my life and as much as I love my family, I'll always choose you over them. I have been wanting to tell my parents about you for a very long time, it's time I come clean about you, and about who I really work for. I'm not going to tell them who Harry really is, but I'm going to tell them that I'm working for the vampire kings as a teacher."

Benjamin gave Bill's hand a gentle squeeze. "You're going to have to get permission from Aro. Harry handled himself amazingly around the alpha wolf's mate, but he's still considered a newborn and could easily lose himself to bloodlust. It would destroy Harry if he hurt someone, especially someone you love."

Bill grimaced again at the thought of having to talk with the kings about his family being in Egypt at the same time as Harry. He was hoping to find a way to keep his family away from the vampires, but unless he can find a way to clone himself, that was going to be impossible. He really wasn't worried about Harry around his family, he trusted that the prince wouldn't hurt them, but he didn't have as much trust in the guard, especially Emmett. Emmett was getting better with his bloodlust, but he still made him nervous.

"There's a spell my family can use that will dull their scent, but it's not a hundred percent effective."

Benjamin tilted his head to the side thoughtfully. "Why have you never used it?"

Bill shrugged his shoulders, his face turning red. "You love my scent, it's what first attracted you to me. I was going to use it when I first came here, but Sanguine was against it, at least for the introductions. He said the kings wouldn't like me not having a scent, it would make them uneasy, but I had planned on getting permission to use after."

"And then I showed up." Benjamin said with a big grin, remembering being shocked and thrilled when he first saw Bill standing in front of the kings. He honestly thought he was hallucinating. After leaving Bill to protect him from Amun, he thought he'd never see him again. The last thing he ever expected was to find his mate, a human wizard, standing in front of the vampire kings.

Benjamin's face grew serious. "Bill, you don't have to tell your family about me if you're not ready, I'd understand. You still have about six or so years before Aro experts me to bite you. If your family rejects you now because of me, that's six years you'll lose that you could have had with them."

Getting to his feet, Bill walked up to Benjamin's chair then dropped to his knees. Reaching out, he cupped his mate's cool cheek. "Benjamin, I love you and I want my family to get to know you and see how insanely happy I am with you. I hope that they accept that I'm with a vampire, my family has never shown hate or discrimination against creatures, but if they do then that's their loss. I know Charlie and the twins won't turn their backs on me, they're not like that, but if the others do then at least I have them."

"I love you too." Benjamin said, his voice cracking with emotion. "I'd like to meet your parents and siblings, even if only it's to tell your mom and dad what an amazing job they did raising my mate."

Blowing out a loud rush of air, Bill reluctantly got to his feet. "Then I guess I better go and talk to Aro. He's going to kill me isn't he?"

"No!" Benjamin said as he nodded his head yes, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Great." Bill grumbled as he turned to leave. "Why couldn't have my dad won that prize money a month or two ago?"

Benjamin started chuckling. "I love you, please don't get eaten by the scary vampire kings. I was hoping to have a repeat tonight of what we did last night."

Bill groaned. "Great, now I'm going to have last night stuck in my head as I talk to Aro."


"You want to what?" Caius hissed, his eyes flashing with anger.

Marcus held his hand up. "Easy brother, this may be good for our little prince."

"Good? How can this be a good thing? You want to expose our son to humans, not just humans, but wizards? Have you forgotten that it's wizards who will want to take our son from us?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten, but I think it will do our prince good to expose him to others, especially children his own age."

"And if he drains them?" Caius raged. "What of our treaty with the wizards then?"

"Harry has remarkable control." Aro said calmly. "He has the most compassionate soul of anyone I have ever met. He doesn't have it in him to hurt others, at least not innocents. His dreams are still being haunted by what he did to the tracker."

"All the more reason not to throw temptation in his face." Caius snapped.

"I'm sorry about this." Bill apologized. "I will do my best to keep my family away from Harry, but I have very curious younger brothers, especially the twins."

"Our prince is also a curious little thing." Aro said with a fond chuckle. "William, I am finding myself not entirely against the idea of Harry meeting your family. Like with Marcus, I believe it will do him good to socialize with others. What does concern me is how your family might treat him. I know how prejudiced and cruel wizards can be, and how much they despise creatures they consider dark. Now your prince my have a gentle soul, but the rest of us do not. If your family were to insult Harry or hurt his feelings in front of Felix, shall we say, he wouldn't hesitate to rip their throats out. You will be going to Egypt with a full guard, a full guard of highly gifted immortals who are very, very protective of their prince, are you sure you want to risk your family?"

"Perhaps you should discuss this with your family." Marcus suggested wisely. "Explain to them that you already had plans of entertaining vampire royalty."

"Leaving out your prince's last name." Aro warned. "You know we have little care for human life so killing your family won't matter to us, but it will to Harry. If your family insists on spending time in Egypt, warn them of the consequences of upsetting our son. I will grant you this, William, your family will be safe from us as long as they don't upset Harry."

Bill swallowed nervously. He knew the kings could be ruthless, he had heard plenty of stories about them from the goblins and Sanguine had warned him before he accepted the job, but to hear them talk so nonchalantly about killing his family sent a cold chill racing down his spine. "Thank you," he said, not sure what else to say. "With your permission, I will leave now for the nearest wizarding district so I can floo my parents."

Aro inclined his head. "Safe travels, my young friend."

"This is a bad idea." Caius said after Bill left the room.

"Perhaps." Aro said thoughtfully, "or perhaps not. We can't hide Harry away forever, he must learn how to interact with others, both humans and with other creatures. He also hasn't seen another child since his death. Who knows, your prince may find himself a playmate in William's siblings. This could be good for him."

"Let's not forget, the more people Harry wins over, especially the wizards, the better." Marcus pointed out. "A war with the wand wavers would be entertaining, but there will be a great many losses on our side if it comes to that. The less people fighting on their side the better."

Aro looked to his brother, his bottom lip pulled down in a pout. "You always take away my fun, brother, but you are right. As much as I would love to feast on magical blood again, it has been nice not having to deal with hunters from the magical world these past seventy or so years. Make no mistake, if they attempt to steal our son from us I will call upon every immortal to stand and fight, but if Harry can win them over with his kindness and compassion, it will just make him even more powerful."

"I still don't like it." Caius protested. "Harry is only ten years old, he is still just a child. If William's family still insist on vacationing in Egypt, we should at least ask Harry how he feels about possibly sharing his vacation with not only strangers, but also with other children. Harry didn't have any positive experiences with children when he was human, especially his bullying cousin and his friends. Being around William's siblings may stress him out, or even trigger him. I agree that he should socialize more outside of us, his mates and the guard, but this vacation is for his birthday, it should be a time for fun and adventure."

"You are right, brother." Aro sighed. "We should not be making these decisions for our son. I will talk to him before bed tonight and see what he has to say. If he is uncomfortable with the idea of meeting Bill's family, then Bill is just going to have to make other arrangements for them. I'm sure he'd feel dreadful if we ended up snacking on his loved ones if he decided to defy me by allowing them to come."

Caius smirked. "I'm sure they'd taste absolutely delightful."

"Indeed brother." Aro agreed, licking his lips.