Season 3, Episode 3 (57 pages)
"Happy New Year, PA 1"
"Lindsey Stirling – Carol of the Bells (Violin)" (from beginning)
( watch?v=EKkzbbLYPuI )
EXT. WOODS – DUSK (snowing, few inches on ground)
Someone holds open a snowy tree branch, peeking out at that same family of deer (from opening scene of EP 3.1) who go running off into the woods…
The person now turns and walks through the woods, looking out into the snowy field to her left, with a view of the compound walls (camouflaged by brush), as the person remains in the brush, heading toward the part of the compound wall that runs into the woods, where the field ends…
Music hits .10 mark, as POV cuts into guard tree house, and that same half-eaten cookie (green frosting/cut in shape of xmas tree) that sits on a plate. POV moves upward, as Abino comes from the bathroom/outhouse room, walking right toward the POV/cookie. He arrives and reaches down for the cookie...
Music .17, (revealing yet again the same beat/song as last 2 opening scenes), as Abino bites into the cookie, and then peeks out into the beautiful snowy mess, while shoving the rest of the cookie into his mouth, and chewing. He moves his head around, as if seeing something, then moves a branch and looks right at someone, who is staring back at him from down below, at the tree line. He waves at her.
Music .26, cut to her waving back up at him, then lowering her hand and revealing her face, as the woman who Mason saw walking with the dead, and same woman who tracked them back to the compound, also the same woman who rang the bell, to warn them, when Zane and his convicts arrived, over a year earlier…
She turns and walks back into the brush, walking through the snowy branches and darkness, and begins using a flashlight, as she continues through the enchanted scenery of the falling flakes. The area she walks through is very brushy, but with more clearing ahead. She looks down at her past snowtracks, and begins stepping directly inside of them, as she shines her light ahead, where movement can be seen, through the brush. She begins stepping through the last of the extreme brushy area, into the semi/clearing.
Music .43 (becoming more intense), right as she shines light over the huffs that are tied/chained from one tree to another. They are everywhere, and reacting to her as she enters the area, walking along in her old snowtracks, following them exactly…
She is almost dancing, as she moves gracefully through the area, just out of reach of one huff after another. They desperately snap at her, coming as close as they possibly can, at times, but she appears to know exactly what she is doing, and even teases them with her hands as she walks along…
They are simply everywhere, appearing as either her pets, or her bodyguards, or both…
Music 1.04, (changing in intensity), cut inside compound, to Joshua coming out of his hug with Gia, who quickly runs over to hug Rich, as Joshua stands there staring at her, until hit in the back with a snowball, and instantly turning, bending, making a snowball, and launching it at Eli and the group of Rough Riders. Joshua quickly continues making and launching snowballs, as all those kids begin throwing them at each other…
DJ and Rich are hugging Trisha and Ashley, as a snowball splatters against Trisha's head/hood. POV Griffey taking notice of that, and quickly bending down to make a snowball. DJ and Rich are quick to make snowballs and join in on the fun. Griffey nails Eli with one, and runs to hide behind Jason, who is now making snowballs and handing them to Griffey…
Griffey shouts over at Renee, to come join, but Renee and the other little girl are suddenly taking kisses from Sandy (German Shepard), with both Marlana and Todd quick to join in and help Griffey, as they and Jason, begin bombing Eli and his friends…
Mayday and his girlfriend are launching snowballs from clear over on the other side, at Eli and them. Mayday begins charging like a madman, with Gia taking notice, as her and Doc go running with him, all launching snowballs at the Rough Riders. More and more adults are joining in on the fun, and all at once. It almost looks like sudden panic and all-out war!
Wyatt blocks his baby just in time, from taking a snowball. Grandpa is suddenly bombed with one, throwing a dirty look over at Gunner. Joshua dodges an incoming snowball, then charges at Gia who turns, screams, and runs. The little kids August, Jax, Bo, and Kat are doing their best to join in, as Renee laughs, and then is hit with a snowball, by Marlana, and then again and again, by Scout and both her daughters, as they all crack up, and Sandy barks…
In slow-motion, now, snowballs are flying every which way, as the entire family and friends are at war with each other…
Music 1.55, quick 2.5 second shot of the woman outside the gates, as she walks past more tied/chained huffs, and right down into a hidden staircase, that goes underground. Another quick 2.5 second clip of her reaching bottom of staircase, igniting a wall torch.
Music 2.00, (becoming more intense), as the light from the wall torch reveals a long gate (very long) with hundreds and hundreds of huffs behind it, all excitedly coming up against gate, near the woman, who looks them over, while walking along the long gate, with her hand just within their reach, for only a moment, before walking up the wide, but fairly short hill/ramp, that leads outside.
She reaches the top and glances out over the snow-covered field, with snow falling hard. The compound wall is right behind this ramp/tunnel. The area is still basically behind the trees/brush, with the field a few feet away. She turns and walks back down the ramp, to the bottom, and turning down a hallway, that leads into a living room, with a couch, dartboard, bed, and a fireplace, with one burning.
Music 2.38 (final seconds remaining), as she sits comfortably at a small table next to the fire, and munches on the Christmas-shaped cookies, that sit in a box on her table, as the song comes to an end…
Shots of all the chaos in the city, on day 1 of the "zombie" apocalypse, followed by bumper-to-bumper traffic on the highways, and tons of angry/nervous people honking or trying to pull off the road. Shot of Mt. Hood, followed by shots of a huge tree house overlooking a lake, which dissolves into the Columbia River, and traveling down it, through a huge forest fire, before reaching the Bonneville Dam. POV continues down the river, past the Glen Jackson bridge, flowing by tons of houseboats where the dead are falling into the river, chasing after whoever is drifting by…
POV of the Willamette River as it goes under the St. Johns bridge, and up into the hills of Portland. It travels over them, into the Beaverton area, crossing over the top of the Nike World Headquarters, and keeps traveling over farmlands, and into the coast range, finding the Glenwood Market, and a large camp with log walls, across the creek and behind the store…
POV speeds over the Tillamook Forest, Highway 26, and a bunch of other lands, before coming to the Columbia River, traveling west, under the Megler bridge, and into the ocean. It continues along the shoreline, past Astoria, the Haystack Rock of Cannon Beach, coming to a pair of jetties, and following through the channel between them. POV continues up into the nearby hills, finding a large camp, protected by a large log wall…
POV travels back down to the shoreline, and over a huge hotel, with a shot of the Twin Rocks in the ocean. POV travels by the bay of Tillamook, and along Highway 6, back into the coast range, until leaving the road, back into the Tillamook Forest, until coming to a very large compound, hidden away by all the brush and mountain-side, as opening credits roll…
POV traveling through the entire family of compounders, tossing and dodging snowballs, with tons of laughter, as Samantha delivers her voiceover.
Other than missing my dad, and all the others we've
lost, along with the trauma of it all…the last fourteen
months have not only been productive, they've been
Eli and Blake work together to bomb some other Rough Riders, cracking up laughing and sharing high-fives, but then running while suddenly chased and bombed by DJ and Rich, who are followed by Griffey, Trisha, and Ashely, all laughing. POV falls back over the entire magical, snowy Christmas scene.
I've shared in that excitement, and know I should be
sharing in it now. I love Christmas, and I love snow,
and I love dreaming of snow at Christmas, but… Zane
made a promise to be here., and having him around
me is the best cure for missing my dad. Missing them
both, is too hard. It has me thinking about them all,
and what this magical scene in front of me would
look like, if they were all a part of it…
Sam begins to imaginate, and her expression resembles it. The scene in front of her remains the same, but with Zane appearing, and drilling Blake and others, with snowballs. They begin bombing Zane, but then Fish (dead) appears, coming to Zane's rescue, with all sorts of laughter between them all…
Greg (dead) now appears, also helping Zane and Fish, followed by the arrival of Greg's brother, Mark (dead), and father, Vincent (dead), also launching snowballs, with the entire family. Jagger (dead) and Katie (dead) appear out of nowhere, hit with incoming snowballs, before throwing their own…
Troy (dead) arrives, holding his baby (never born), before handing over to Angela (dead) and then coming to the aid of Zane, Fish, and Greg. Angela's baby smiles at another baby (never born), held by Amy (dead), as Rhett (dead) arrives behind her, planting a kiss on her forehead, before dashing off to join the massive snowball fight…
A snowball is going right for Amy and her baby, but is blocked by Scott (dead), who smiles at his daughter, before making and launching a snowball…
Marlana dodges a snowball, thrown by her husband Noah (dead), who throws another, as it hits her, while she begins doing that same dance she did at Glenwood, while drinking moonshine. Her husband can't help but to watch, with a laugh…
Benny (dead) is tossing snowballs, as Sandy is excitedly barking at each one. Mrs. Pederson (dead) is sitting with her husband (dead) and family (dead), with Bailey in her lap. Aiden (dead) is throwing snowballs at his wife Blair, and then at others…
Grandpa Sam comes toward POV, looking right at it…
His POV of Samantha, with a zoning stare, out at the big family snowball fight, but not even noticing her grandfather, staring at her. Both her moms arrive close to Grandpa, looking from him, with smiles, to Samantha…
She's someplace else, right now. I've seen that
look before. I've had that look before.
Kayla picks up some snow, making it into a ball, as Grandpa and Brianna do the same. They all share a smile, before tossing three snowballs right at her, snapping her out of her daze. She looks at all 3 of them, and forms a subtle smile, quickly turning to anger, after drilled with another snowball, this time splattering somewhat into her face. With a dead serious expression, she rises, forms a snowball, and charges right for Eli, who is already running for dear life!
Grandpa/moms are all laughing, and joining in on the fun. Snow is falling harder, and snowballs are flying every which direction…
Majority of the compounders are gathered/gathering in the compound field, just outside the long corridor of Baker Lane. Everyone is all worked up over the revelation of Zane as the new Grover. Some people are angry, including Mason. Hunter and Grandpa stand together, out in front of everyone…
We're really going to just let these criminals run off
with valuable supplies of ours? I know it's Zane, but
he took things we need here!
Listen, it's not as bad as it seems, I -
We don't have enough. We aren't as prepared for
this as we were supposed to be!
Those were some real serious dudes!
Who now have access to some real serious weapons!
Mason, I -
He took a damn 50-cal!
He took nothing! I gave the supplies to Pepsi, along
with consent to deliver them to Zane. Do you really
think she could have done that all on her own?
Then what the hell kind of game are you playing?!
If you'd allow me to explain, I -
Explain how you just helped support your nephew's
possible illness?! We've all seen what kind of shit
that disease has made his father do.
Mason -
Hunter -
STOP interrupting your CL!
Everyone goes silent and looks at Grandpa…
There's a reason we have a leader here, and that's to
prevent chaos, like what I'm listening to right now!
Everyone silent, as Sam looks them all over, before looking to Hunter…
The mission you all know Zane to have been on, was
only half the mission. Dad and I, wanted him to use
those special skills of his, to gain their trust, and to
become one of them. We had no idea he'd over-excel,
and become their freaking leader. But, now that he
has, I hope you can see the advantage of that. Rather
than simply having eyes on this wild pack of dogs, we
have control of them.
We also have a letter.
POV Jason holding a radio.
Porter says it was left here by Zane. (looking toward
Grandpa) Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.
I know how concerned you all are of Zane and what's
going on, so when Porter delivers the letter, I'll read it
to you all. We decided for Zane's safety, that we'd keep
you all from that part of the mission. Due to these new
developments, and information provided by Conner, we
now know Zane has a trusted friend there, and feel they
are in control of the situation.
Porter cruising Baker Lane, parking next to the group. He exits his hummer, waving the letter, as he approaches Hunter and Grandpa…
He knows what he's doing. He's not his father's son.
He says there are more "Conners" among his army of
criminals, and is using them to rebuild, and carry out
his plans, all while separating (a look at Conner) the
"Conners" from those who belong back in their cages.
He says ten of them are already back in a cage, and
were voted there by their own men, but it was Zane's
moves that set it in motion.
He arrives at Hunter.
(handing over the letter)
His entire plan is all in there…but first things first
(looking right at Grandpa/Hunter). Who the hell
rang that bell?
Curious looks from both Grandpa and Hunter…
Mason is exiting the tunnel, into the woods, as Chasin is already standing there, speaking into his radio. Mason is followed by Wyatt and Gunner.
(into radio)
Just hold your position. We'll be right there.
(over radio)
Rodger that.
(speaking to Mason)
They have eyes on a camp and at least one person.
Apparently so.
This guy's been camping in our backyard, without
us knowing? For how long?
I'd say at least since Samantha's been home, since
whoever it is, knew about the bell.
Didn't just know about it, knew where to find
and ring it.
Which means he watched them arrive, just like
he did Zane and his new buddies.
At least we know he appears to be on our side.
Appears… My question is, why hasn't he come
knocking at our door?
Maybe he preferred to ring the bell…
Both Mason and Chasin staring at Gunner, annoyed with his attempt to be funny…
Seriously, how are we related?
Mason and others, arriving to a spot where Porter, Jason, Doc, and a few others are knelt down, hiding in the brush, while carefully keeping their eyes over toward the camp…
Still just the one?
Unless she has friends, nearby.
(grabbing binoculars)
Mason looking through binoculars…
Jeeesuuuus Christ!
Everyone looking at Mason, coming out of binoculars…
That's her! That's the one.
From the highway that night, the creepy lady walking
with the dead! How the hell did she end up here?
She somehow follow us?
Track us?
Mason/Doc looking through binoculars again…
You sure that's her?
Oh yeah! It's the second time that woman has
given an erection to every damn hair on my arm.
Everyone just staring at Mason…
His POV through binoculars, of the woman moving around, inside the camp area.
Damn, Mason.
Suddenly, the woman comes outside her camp, staring straight toward Mason and them…
They all just stare back at her, before Mason gives the men a look, and then stands up, exiting the brush, heading toward her.
Samantha begins delivering a voiceover, as Mason and the others approach the woman, with their guns on her. She just stands there, revealing her empty palms, with her arms slightly raised…
Although she appeared friendly, she had very little
to say about who she was, her past, and where she
came from. What she did make clear, was that the
world was broken long before the rise of the dead,
which explains their rise.
Mason walks right up to her, just staring at her, as the others carefully enter her camp…
She eventually walks into the camp, simply sitting down on a wooden bench, she had constructed, as they all watch her, before Mason eventually begins speaking to her…
She said it was the sight of me and the other children,
that made her realize this was a good place, and that
those children would grow to see the world become a
much better place, than at any time in the past,
especially the children who are too young to remember
the old world, or be tainted by it…
Scene dissolves to the compound wall, near the underground area she was walking through at the beginning of this episode. Grandpa is there, supervising men, as tractors are digging large holes…
This, of course, made Grandpa a quick fan of hers,
even after she declined her invite to stay behind the
walls. She chose to remain on the outside, and in
return for supplies and construction of a home, she
swore to become the outer guardian of the walls.
Scene dissolves to men deep inside the area, cementing, drilling, plastering, and everything else it takes to construct such a place…
This put Grandpa's imagination to work, as he began
constructing that home of hers, underground, along
with several underground facilities, for the dead, to
be used for defense…
Dissolve to its completion, as tons and tons of huffs are being led down into the underground corridor, and into the huge holding facility…
It didn't take long for her to become known as,
the Guardian of the dead…
Samantha continues to deliver her voiceover, as a caravan of vehicles with tractors and equipment is parking along the highway, as Zane, Mason, convicts, compounders, loggers, and even Portlanders and Nike World people, are also there, ready for work…
The next month or so, would be all about projects
like this one. From Grandpa's imagination to Zane's,
along with the resources and manpower, the things
we're accomplishing is providing hope for all those
involved, and all those who live in our little corner,
of the apocalyptic world, and a forest becoming
knows as…Forest Grover…
Samantha sitting on her bed, just staring ahead, in a zone…
As exciting as all this progress was for me, it didn't
begin that way. You'd have to take the anxiety that
Eli used to suffer from, and multiply it by the anxiety
that Renee still suffers from, to match what I was
feeling, after Zane's dramatic revelation of his new
commitment to Glenwood, and some of the scary
people who live there.
Samantha watching Eli pack into a hummer, with DJ, Dakota, and Cleo, before dissolving to her walking down by the lake, alone, thinking…
Watching Eli join the mission to UPS, the next day,
and hearing about him on a ship to Multnomah Falls,
and then to the ocean, wasn't making me feel a
whole lot better. I felt like a helpless child, and after
surviving my experiences on the mountain, a child is
the last thing I should feel like…
Dissolve to her at the Baker complex, arguing her case to Grandpa, as her moms stand close-by…
My first act as an adult, was arguing my case to my
mothers, and then my grandfather… After winning
those arguments, like I knew that I would, I found
myself at the Sand Series Hotel, awaiting Zane, Eli,
and the others, where I even got to meet the
Queen of Nike World…
Dissolve to a large room at Baker complex, where the Queen, her father (Shawn) and sister (Nikki), Bonnie (officer), Solis, Marshall, Zane, Stix, Kemp, Mason, Hunter, and Grandpa, are all meeting, and shaking hands…
A meeting between the leaders of the three camps
was scheduled for the following day, and guess who
got to be a part of that meeting?
POV comes to Samantha, also shaking hands with the other leaders…
I know she seems young, and she is, but she's one of
us, and after you read (waving folders in his hand) her
story, you'll understand why I've asked her to be here.
Stix is shaking her hand.
It's nice to see you again, Samantha.
It's even nicer to hear how much you have my
cousin's back, out there. Thank you for that.
Kemp can't help but to smile, as he shakes her hand.
We never really met before, but it's an honor.
Thank you, and thank you for being someone my
cousin can trust.
Now Harris can't help but to smile.
Kid sure seems like a leader, to me.
Grandpa is already handing folders to them all, while Hunter also hands them each a folder.
After you read the diaries of her experiences out there,
you'll see that a kid, is something she has the right to
no longer claim to be. The folder I'm handing out is
exactly that, while my son Hunter is handing you the
details to the things we'll be discussing, here today.
If you can open them up, we'll go ahead and get started.
Save the diaries for later, but we are asking that you
all take the time to read through it, and see for
yourself what is going on out there. See for yourself,
what we're building here, to avoid.
Everyone silently stares at Harris, a half-smile forms from Zane, as he awaits her to finish…
No asking about it. Make it a requirement. (holding
up folder) Print more and demand that every man,
woman, and child read these diaries. If they're too
young to read, then read it to them.
Zane's half smile is now in full force, as he nods his head…
I haven't read it myself, but Zane told me all about
it, and it's stories like that, in which saves lives, and
prepares our young, and old, for the world they now
live in.
Grandpa looks from her to Zane…
I see why my grandson is so fond of you, and why people
would follow you.
Shawn and Nikki smiling…
So, first thing on the list, relay posts…nice ones…
Most importantly, ones that are…above the dead…
Mason is supervising men who are building a tree house, not extremely high off the ground, but in a camouflaged location, hidden from the highway, by the brush. It has no ladder, but also camouflaged is a walkway/bridge that leads to another tree house, and then yet another hidden walkway/bridge, to another tree with a ladder built to it, leading down into more brush…
Not far from the brush, is another brushy spot, where an underground hiding place is being built. Chasin and Gunner stand nearby, supervising the men…
And what is this, again?
It'll be an extra place to hide, in case some kind of
urgent situation presents itself. There will be extra
weapons stashed and ready to go, and food, in case
hiding there for a long while is necessary.
Is a big screen, some wifi, and a nearby pizza joint,
too much to ask for?
Same type of scene, this time with Zane supervising, as men are hard at work. GW is on the highway, smashing on some random huffs, as a few others watch.
(into radio)
Another half hour and we'll be ready to move on.
(over radio)
Same here. See you in thirty…
POV moves over the men, and up into the tree house, looking very much like the last one. One man is constructing a cabinet, with weapons being locked inside of it. One man works on a fireplace, with stacks of wood right next to it. There are strategically built windows, with excellent views of the highway, and ground below. Through one window, a few men from the ground are using ropes to lift a couch up into the tree house…
Closer to Beaverton with less trees/brush, a large group of Zane's people are now at work near a farm house, with a random patch of trees/brush, where men work hard on another tree house, as well as an underground hiding area…
Porter, Jason, and Colton, supervising a large group who are collecting tree house supplies…
As they head outside, where more supplies are being loaded up, GW and a bunch of the other cons are killing off huffs, who continue to approach the scene…
POV of the bay, falling back to a spot off the highway, on the brushy hillside, where Mason's men are hard at work on yet another tree house, and underground hiding area, with a motorcycle being planted, ready for emergency escape, if necessary…
(over radio)
This is it. From Nike to Glenwood, Glenwood to
the compound, and from there to the SSH, we
have communications!
(into radio)
Not to mention a constant eye on the surroundings
of everything we work to protect.
(over radio)
It's coming together…
Zane is supervising men up on the hill, above the Vista ridge tunnels, where they work at setting up an escape route from an apartment structure…
Zane begins walking inside the building, and up into one of the rooms, where men are working. He looks over a part of the room where they knocked out a hole in the wall, as a secret passage into another apartment, where an escape route leading outside, is being built…
Zane goes to the window, looking out over the highway, with a the view of downtown Portland, and the river…
POV of the river, panning back through the window and into a ballroom, with tons of dancing, and a band singing 50's music, and 1958 New Year's decorations…
The song comes to an end, with people applauding, before someone on stage begins speaking over the microphone…
(over mic)
Alright, everybody, we warned you the song would end
with only twenty seconds until the New Year, which is
now down to ten seconds!
POV travels through the people, as they all begin counting down along with the man on stage…
Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, ONE!
Everyone screaming wildly and celebrating the stroke of midnight, and the new year. POV moves through the excited people, cheering, kissing, hugging, making noise, jumping around, and finally coming to a young couple, embraced and kissing, and coming out of the kiss, as the man continues smiling directly into her eyes, while kneeling down, pulling out a ring, as she instantly screams with joy, jumping up and down, already screaming yes, over and over!
Balloons instantly begin dropping over them, as the man on stage shouts over the microphone.
I believe she said yes, folks!
Laura still jumping up and down, before jumping into his arms, and again kissing, to the applause from everyone surrounding them…
Some of the Rough Riders are riding horses, as Eli is climbing off his, with Blake also climbing down off his…
(speaking to Eli)
Getting much better, kid.
Screw horseback riding. We should be out there
with Zane.
I been where you're at. Frustrated and wanting to
be at Zane's side, but with him somewhere else,
and especially with most our army out working, we
have a job to do here. There will come a time when
we have to defend what we have here, maybe plenty
of times, and if that happens when the army is out,
it's on us to hold this place. I don't know about you,
but I take a ton of pride in that…
I get that, but I like working with my bat. How am
I going to defend this place with that? I should be
out killing huffs, while they build those tree houses.
So, you're all about the fastball, eh?
Eli a skeptical look at Blake, as Joshua comes riding his horse by them, slowing down and turning around, coming back to them…
Let's get a game going today. I need me some ball time!
Blake is hitting ground balls to the infielders, who make their plays. He then hits one to the outfield, where Joshua comes charging, diving for the ball, making the amazing catch, to the applause of his teammates, and even several people in the stands, watching…
Seems like more teenage girls than anything, as Scout's daughters and many other girls are watching the ball players. Some older folks are also there, watching as Blake continues hitting balls at the players…
Dissolve to Blake now tossing batting practice, as Eli is taking rips, and smashing one ball after another, to the applause of many of the girls, some of whom are now distracted by some of the Rough Riders, who are taking breaks and talking with the girls. Scoop and Hope are chatting…
DJ is hustling off the field, toward the stands, where Ryder, Griffey, Renee, Trisha, and Ashley all sit near the dugout…
Griffey, you look like a ball player, how come
you're not out there taking some rips?
I never played. I play basketball.
I've seen the gym here. Maybe after this, I will
take all you guys there for a workout?
They all express interests, as DJ smiles and looks to Ryder.
I heard Rich is moving around more and more.
He should come hit the gym, let the kids energy
rub off him, a little.
I'll tell him you said so.
Ryder smiling as DJ hustles to the plate, to replace Eli, who just took his last rip…
The compound gym is a solarium, as is the swimming pool next to it. DJ and many others are now there, shooting hoops. DJ is with the kids, helping them work on taking shots. The little girls are nowhere close to making shots, but hilariously trying. Many others, including teenage girls, are sitting in the bleachers, watching, laughing and hanging out. Not all of them are laughing or smiling. Some are just watching, perhaps trying to be more involved, but with their minds elsewhere…
So, what's up with the New Year's thing, you mentioned?
The goal is to spend the rest of this year making our
surroundings as safe as they can possibly be. New
Year's will be about celebrating the new world, and
the return of the things we love. I heard even the
Sand Series is being planned.
Hell yeah!
Many of the other kids express excitement, as Joshua shares a high-five with a pair of friends (Wong and Pav, both 15)…
Our best baseball squad against those guys at Nike
and Glenwood? We have to do that!
Or something like it, 'cause baseball is definitely on
the list. They want people excited about life again.
More excitement from the others…
Best apocalypse, ever!
DJ is smiling at the excitement, and then at the sight of Rich, entering the gym, with help from Ryder (Scout's daughter) and Jaelyn (Mason's daughter, Rich/Chasin's sister), who receive smiles from some of the boys…
In the background, a caravan of vehicles can be seen entering the field, from Baker Lane. Blake takes notice, as both he and Abino go outside, walking toward the Baker garage, where the caravan arrives…
Porter, Jason, Mayday, Gia, and many others are coming out of the vehicles, exhausted. More people are coming from the gym, including Griffey and the girls. Jason smiles at Griffey, and throws out his hand for a five-slap, as Griffey delivers. DJ is keeping a close eye from the gym, and is approaching, but stops, as Jason is now heading that direction, with Griffey and the girls…
Porter puts his arm around an older guy, his father. Some of the others are being hugged or greeted by loved ones…
Jason enters and begins shooting hoops with Griffey, as the girls watch. Blake, Porter, and some of the others are now arriving back at the gym, and taking off their shirts, getting ready to organize some games. More and more people are heading toward the gym, excited to watch/join…
Dissolve to a very competitive game now going, as the teams run back and forth, playing full court, with fans cheering the shots…
Samantha, Renee, and Marlana are all now there, in the bleachers. Samantha is talking to Renee, as they both work on writing things down in their journals. They are much more into whatever they are working on, than they are the game, with a smile from Marlana, who then watches the court…
Joshua is on the sideline, shouting excitedly at his teammates, as they score a basket. He glances at Gia, who is giving him a smile, as he continues showing off for her, and even finds time to peek over at a girl his own age, who is also smiling at him. He continues cheering on his teammates, who now steal away the ball…
Grandpa is with Hunter, over by the garage, and the vehicles, as Mason, Chasin, and another caravan has arrived…
Many of them are now walking over to the gym, to get in on all the action, including Hunter…
Grandpa remains there with Scout, who comes in close as he places his arm around her, and they just stare at the gym and the excitement of everyone over there, and inside, as a great shot is made, with massive cheering/applause/excitement. Todd is over by the door, watching, with Sandy…
Dick Clark is counting down as the ball is dropping.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one,
and it is exactly 1981. Happy New Year!
The ball drops and lights up the big 1981, with massive excitement, and a huge crowd, that the POV travels through, until it finds Sam, Laura, and all their children, only 6 months older than they were in the opening scene of this series…
They are all going wild, jumping up and down, screaming with excitement! Scout is near her father, with his arm around her, just like in the previous scene…
Hunter and Leo are jumping/screaming together, while Mason has a girlfriend with him. Fish and Vincent are next to each other, screaming at top of their lungs. Laura moves in for a kiss from Sam, but Scout makes it a short one, requiring their attention, a little frightened by all the other people and noise…
Confetti is falling all over them, as they all begin waving, at the stage in front of them, where Dick Clark is waving at everyone their direction…
Zane, Stix, Porter, Grandpa Sam, Hunter, Mason, Scout, and Chasin are all coming together for a meeting, as they shake hands…
Hunter picks up a folder, and speaks to Zane.
So, Dad and I have studied your plan (waving folder),
and have some ideas of our own, but are absolutely
on board with everything you're suggesting here, or
have already set in motion.
What you're doing at Glenwood, and how you're
making those men earn their second chance at life,
might just be the most amazing thing going on in
the world, right now. I'm very proud of you, son.
I have to admit myself, that the effect you've had on
most of those men, is something to certainly brag
about, nephew…but you had better stay sharp. You
still have some bad seeds in there.
Zane and Mason sharing a nod…
It's a work in progress, and I already know which men
to keep my eyes on, but for now, they still see me as
someone on their side, and are taking pride in their
responsibilities to the forest, and the communities of
it. Most of them want their names going down in the
new history.
And all weapons are secured, with only those I've
appointed as "Marshalls", with the right to carry at
all times.
And they're okay with this?
Zane shrugging…
Speaking of "new history," your New Year's plan is
perfect, even brilliant.
It's really hard waiting for the right time, but I believe
having everyone in the same place, while somewhat
festive, is the right way to go.
I think the more of us who choose to celebrate at
Glenwood, will go a long way in building more
chemistry with our convict army.
I agree. Share the holiday and the news of the new
year to come, and they'll begin seeing the rest of
you, as they do Zane.
Agreed… Now, I do have one idea of my own, Zane. I'd
like you home, after the new year, every other week.
Leave Stix in charge the week's you're here, and consider
yourself an area-supervisor of the Forest.
An excuse to be home, once a week, I'm sold! I
can (nodding) be ready for that, by then…
Zane sharing a smile with his grandpa, before a more serious expression, develops…
Now, there is something suspicious to bring up. Solis
and Marshall are certain that Grover took a dozen
nurses and four doctors to Glenwood, when they first
took it over. Problem is, they only have one of those
doctors, and three of the nurses.
Son of a…
Grandpa just staring off, in thought, before looking at Zane…
There's another camp?...
Zane nodding…
That would be my guess, probably the same group
from the highway, who attacked Nike World, before
we did.
It can't be Leo's group…can it?
Everyone looking around at each other, fairly skeptical of that thought…
No one at Glenwood recognizes Leo. It can't be
him, and if it was his group, or Grover was still
alive, it seems they would have made some kind
of move, by now. So, my best guess is that Grover
is dead, and his other camp either doesn't know,
or doesn't care about Glenwood.
Regardless…I think it's time to pay my son's group
a visit…
Zane and others looking at each other, and then Grandpa…
Mason, Porter, Jason, Chasin, and many others are armed and standing guard, as Grandpa Sam is approaching them, walking away from the gates, not looking pleased…
Did you even see him?
(shaking head)
I spoke to his number two, Anthony, who said if it
was up to him, Leo would not only see me, but take
his medication.
Grandpa looks unsettled, as Mason takes notice…
What is it?
Grandpa shaking head…
I don't know…it just felt like…like that guy wasn't
speaking for himself.
Because he was speaking for Leo?
Maybe…I guess… I just want to see my son…
I know, Dad…I know…
Everyone piling into vehicles, and pulling away, as guards with guns are watching from the camp walls…
A football is sailing through the rainy air, a long way, before finally landing into Abino's arms, as he's chased by Bryant, but easily runs into the end zone for the touchdown, and met by his teammates who celebrate with him, including Gunner who begins doing the most ridiculous dance, with laughs from the family and tons of people watching, in the rain!
Everyone is a muddy mess, as scene dissolves to everyone cleaned up, and sitting around multiple large tables, inside of a huge solarium mess hall, next to the lake. It's connected to the large Baker cabin, with a platform where their family and closest of friends are gathered, with the other groups down below, tabled and ready for a feast…
Zane has just arrived, with hugs and handshakes from his family and friends, a huge hug from Samantha…
There are large and even small separate groups, as there are tons of people. April, Jennifer, Rachel, Marlana, and many others are now bringing out dish after dish, spreading out the Thanksgiving food, from one group to the next…
Grandpa Sam watches over it all, standing there with a microphone, eyeing anyone who is tempted to touch that food, before he begins to speak, and his family knows it, as they dare not touch a thing!
(over mic)
The food is warm, which is why I've already given most
of my appreciation speech for the day. Christmas this
year will not be about presents or decorations, but as
a day to remember all those we have lost, which is why
today is about appreciation, of those who survive in
their honor, and something I left out earlier, is the
appreciation we have for the future, and the progress
we've made toward this new world of ours. A new year
is coming, and we have plans of bringing traditions and
entertainment back to that new world of ours. I for one,
appreciate the people I love, the people who have
survived this with me, and bringing the little things back
into their lives, the kind of things that are actually so very
far from little, and the kind of things we work so hard, to
have in our lives. I will be thinking about that, as I sit and
eat, and appreciate the feast we all share. Thank you for
listening, I love you all, and please enjoy your food.
Everyone begins clapping, and then looking around, as one, then two, and then everyone simply begins rising, and clapping in full force, showing their extreme appreciation for Grandpa, his wonderful speech, and his part in the life they all have…
Grandpa nods, waves, and is brought to tears, by the ongoing appreciation and standing ovation…
Scout is crying, as is Samantha, while appreciating all the appreciation the people are showing Grandpa…
Hunter is on the radio.
(into radio)
Relay one east, come in…
(over radio)
Relay one east, here…
(into radio)
CL here. SSH reports strong winds at the coast. They're
hunkering down and even calling in relayers five and six
west. Relayer four will stay on duty, weather permitting,
and keep us posted on what's going on, out there.
INT. RELAY 2 EAST (tree house) – DAY
Relayer writing down what Hunter is reporting over the radio, as a second man stands close by, listening.
(over radio)
It's been a nice break in the rain today, but with it
already going grey on the coast, flooding in Tillamook
will certainly be an issue, if it's another heavy stretch
of rain, like the last couple of weeks, on top of all that
snow that just melted away.
(into radio)
Relayer one east, copies.
(into radio)
CL out…
Hunter walks away from the quiet spot near the woods, and down onto the rocky banks of the fast-flowing stream that runs through the compound. There are still small snow banks in certain spots. Eli, Blake, and other Rough Riders, along with Samantha, Renee, Marlana, and Griffey, are all fishing, and successfully…
So, losing communication with the beach?
Yeah, without a weather report, we just can't take
any chances. The wind there can get crazy this time
of year, and Tillamook is infamous for its flooding.
Heavy rain is falling, as water is at least a foot deep and running throughout the town of Tillamook. The city streets, parking lots, stores, fields, and even the large holes where the beach caravan team held the bonfires, now filling up with water…
A random huff even floats along, trying to rise, but unable…
Cut to a shot of the Tillamook Cheese Factory, surrounded by water…
POV travels to a brushy spot with trees, and up into those trees, finding a hidden tree house, with a sign reading "Relay Station 5"…
POV travels inside, where it appears vacant. There is a fireplace, but nothing burning…
POV goes back outside, over the flooding waters…
Dissolve to wet highway 101 road, with heavy rain but no more flooding waters…
POV goes upward, toward the large hills, and the big "G" (for Garibaldi) on the hillside…
POV travels into the brush/trees of the hillside that lies under the "G", coming to another tree house with a sign reading "Relay Station 6"…
No one appears inside, and no fire is burning…
Ocean waves crashing up against the SSH pier, as well as the rock barrier that lays in front of the SSH, protecting it from the rising/stormy sea…
Near the city and in between the SSH and other hotel/motels, and beachfront property, the high tide is actually making its way over parts of the bluff, and spilling into the streets of downtown Rockaway, where the flooding is ocean water/debris, and not as deep or wide-spread as the flooding in Tillamook…
Doc and Gus are on the inside of the SSH, at the windows, looking out at all the weather, without any sign of huffs…
Cut inside to them…
It's like…the end of the world, out there…
Doc throwing a sarcastic look at Gus…
Nice… So, where's Bunk and those guys? They
didn't really go out in this, did they?
They did indeed. Out there, going Lieutenant Dan
on this freaky weather.
Cut back outside, into the garage of the condos next to the SSH, which lies on the bluff above the beach, where the ocean waves are crashing up against. One huge wave is crashing right into the parking garage, spraying water all over Bunk (in raingear) who is screaming with wild excitement, and standing there taking it like a champ, totally soaked by the incoming water that pushes into the garage.
Mike is right behind him, being slightly more cautious, while cracking up laughing at Bunk, while Virgil is also laughing, and running off hiding back behind the corner of a wall, while Bunk and Mike brace for another wave. This wave forcefully picks up a huge log that was wedged down on the rock. As Bunk and Mike see the log coming for them, they race off for Virgil's spot, just as the log is wedged right in between the rocks and the top of the basement ceiling, and right in front of where Bunk was standing, as they look with awe, and laughter, from their safe spot next to Virgil…
You guys are nuts!
At least we have some!
This black man doesn't like water. The blood of
my ancestors flows with memories of the sea
and slave ships, which has its effects!
Bunk and Mike cracking up, as they head back out for more thrills. They choose a spot away from the wedged log, as another wave sprays past it. They watch wide-eyed as another wave instantly crashes against the rocks, pushing more water into the garage, and another log down a ways from them, goes right up and inside…
Virgil is also watching it, from his corner…
I don't know, man. We're toast if one of those
hits us.
They both flinch, as a wave sprays them, at same time that a voice is shouting at them, from behind.
What the hell are you guys doing?!
They all turn to look at Doc, then Bunk and Mike quickly look back toward ocean, now worried about incoming logs, before heading direction of Doc.
Dude, this storm is sick!
Suddenly, Doc is watching someone else go running by him, dressed in raingear, and running over to Bunk and Mike, who become excited.
Leon, not you too!
Leon arrives just in time to brace for a wave, while both Sage and Skyler also come running to the scene, for some excitement…
Virgil peeks from behind wall, as they all stand there taking it, with Doc left shaking his head…
Doc simply turns and begins walking away…
OH shiiiiiitttt!
Doc suddenly turns to see all of them running for their lives, right toward him, as back behind them a huge wave forcefully pushes into the garage, even taking down the wedged log, pushing both logs, and even moving a few of the parked cars…
Virgil is hiding behind the wall and completely stranded there, with the wave pushing through entire garage, and catching Bunk and them, knocking most of them down, momentarily, as they quickly rise, and protect themselves from possible logs or cars…
Doc is the only one who makes it out without being caught by the wave, and is on the outside, reaching higher ground, and peeking back inside, where Virgil's face is pale, as he is completely trapped. Another wave pushes through, only bringing in more water, as Virgil decides to begin walking through it, trying to make his way to the others, who are now suddenly over the fear, and begin cracking up over what just happened…
Their laughter is heard while POV travels over the area, and all the crashing waves. POV goes over entire SSH complex, as the heavy rain falls…
Dissolve to evening, where the laughter fades, but the intense weather remains…
Dissolve to night, same POV but with darkness, and the sound of heavy rain and wind, and crashing waves…
Dissolve to daytime, with more of the same weather…
Heavy rain falling over the flooded town, where the water has risen even deeper…
POV of the heavy rain falling onto the soaked highway…
POV moves upward, and can find smoke coming from the brushy trees…
Cut to a burning fire, inside the fireplace of a tree house, and panning back to a guy and woman at the window, looking out at the empty soaked highway road…
Funny thing is, this is normal. It always rains like
this here. Yet, due to everything else, I keep
thinking the weather is affected, too. Like Oregon
is capable of hurricanes now, or something.
I know, me too! Like anything is possible.
Woman leaves window, for bookshelf, glancing through books/magazines.
Maybe it is…
Something made the dead do what they're doing.
Whatever it was, doesn't seem like a stretch, that
it would offset other aspects of the world…
She finds her choice of reading material and sits on the sofa next to the fire, while the guy is pondering what she just said, with another look out the window, while gripping his gun…
POV shoots out the window, and about five miles down the road, coming to yet another tree house window, where a different man keeps watch, with the sound of another man snoring, from inside…
POV begins shooting down the road, another five miles, until reaching some brush, and going through, to another tree house window, where a man and his teenage son are playing cards, with some snacks, and guns within reach…
POV exits through other window, shooting down the road, with a shot of a huff, tied to a tree, near the highway, and wearing a Forest Grover hat, with a red R added at the end. POV then shoots another five miles down the road, coming to the Glenwood camp. Guards are keeping watch at the gates, in rain gear, as the heavy rain pounds the area, which is an empty camp, with everyone indoors…
POV finds the DC, where a large new indoor structure is built, providing shelter. As POV keeps going through the camp, it comes to a brand-new cabin, and a nice one. POV goes inside, where everything is quiet. It comes to a ladder, leading up to a loft, where Zane is in bed, making out with Pepsi, as they stop and stare at each other, with Pepsi then taking a look around the loft.
I can't believe how quickly you guys put this thing
up, not to mention all the amazing tree houses,
and this loft is my favorite part.
Eventually, we'll all need to be sleeping in lofts, above
the dead. Everyone turns when they die. People die in
their sleep, sometimes. When that happens, we need
to be out of their reach.
So, you're seriously going to build lofts for everyone,
And supply them with whistles. We literally have
thousands of them now, contributed by UPS.
Zane stares at Pepsi's expression…
What are you thinking?
I'm just picturing that horrific scenario. Waking up
to someone I know or love, now dead, and having
to blow a whistle for help.
It's not a pretty thought, yet better than waking
to the pain of them snacking on your flesh.
Pepsi stares at him…
Not helping…
I know. I'm sorry. That was bad.
You think?
I just have to think about those kind of things…
it's the best way of preventing them…and look at
it this way, soon you'll have your very own loft to
sleep in…
(staring at him)
I'd rather sleep in yours…
Zane staring back at her with a smile…
You would, eh?
They share a few kisses, before she stops, and stares at him with a smile…
So, you realize this'll never work, right?
There had better be a punchline to this?
Your family still hates me after what you made me do.
Are you kidding me? You were part of the crew who
returned Samantha to them. You're in for life, even
after you realize you can do better than me.
I don't know, I still get an evil eye from Mason,
whenever I see him…and I've always known I can
do better, but it's the apocalypse, I can't be picky.
Yeah, he's still not thrilled about the 50-cal, but
knows it has nothing to do with you…and why do
you think I took over a bunch of criminals, I knew
I'd be the catch of the camp.
Here you are, sure, but I'm leaving my options open,
when it comes to the other groups, and what kind of
"catches" they might have.
They share a few more kisses, before Pepsi begins speaking…
So, what about this Gia, I've heard so much about?
(growing smile)
Ah, so that's where you were guiding this conversation.
Gia hasn't had any evil in her eye, has she?
Not at all, and quite the opposite, actually. Guess
I'm just curious about what happened, or didn't
happen, between you two?
Zane looks seriously into her eyes…
You have nothing to worry about with Gia. I promise
that next time I'm at the compound, I'll break it off
with her.
Pepsi a smile and playful punch at his shoulder.
Wrong answer!
They laugh/joke a bit…
Seriously though, her, Mayday, and those other soldiers,
risked their lives to set us free, up there…and then a
few moments later, I found myself in the worst state of
mind of my life, which didn't truly change until shortly
before I met you, and after the miracle of Samantha's
return. (looking right at her) So, who knows, maybe if
fate didn't interfere with our lives the way it does, or if
she was as beautiful as what I'm looking at right now,
then she woulda' had a shot.
Pepsi smiles, and leans back in to kiss.
Right answer…
They begin kissing…until suddenly someone comes over the radio…
(over radio)
Relayer 1 East, reporting for Queen Nike…
Zane reaching for radio…
(into radio)
Glenwood, here.
The Queen has a Teddy Smith, in custody for sexual
assault. Requests for him to be picked up and held at
Glenwood. Over…
Zane already getting up.
(into radio)
Grover's on his way, in fifteen minutes. Over and out.
(over radio)
Copy that…
Pepsi throws Zane a look as he quickly comes back in bed for one last slow kiss and hug, before quickly getting dressed, as Stix comes over radio…
(over radio)
Get dressed, Grover. I'll have a team ready to roll,
before you can complete your walk of shame.
Pepsi cracking up while covering her face with a pillow, as Zane laughs with a nod…
I knew that guy had some wit…
Heavy rain falls, as Zane, Stix, and GW are driving through the gates of Nike World, followed by a couple other vehicles…
Solis is holding an umbrella and waving them through…
Dissolve to them coming in, out of the rain, to a large area where many people are gathered, along with the Queen and her family, as well as Bonnie and Marshall. Solis leads Zane, Stix, and GW toward them, with many of the people eyeing Zane, then GW and his massive size, as everyone watches them arrive at the other leaders, shaking hands…
There is a man handcuffed and held by Bonnie, who shakes his head as he's looked over by Zane and Stix…
Zane listens to the Queen chatting to him, before sharing a few words and then leaving her at the microphone, ready to address everyone…
(speaking over mic)
For those who aren't here, I want you all to make
them aware of what goes down here today.
(motioning toward handcuffed man) This man is
guilty of sexual assault and has done nothing to deny
these accusations, so proving them is not necessary.
He knows he's a threat to others, and has done things
that the old world, nor the new, will not put with. He
didn't rape, but only because he was stopped. In the
old world, he'd get sympathy for that, but in this one,
he will not. Laws and peace among ourselves are
more crucial than ever before, and so shall the
consequences for failing to follow such laws. It is my
judgment that he will spend the next year behind bars,
at which time a final decision toward his future, will be
made. If anyone objects, the floor is yours…
The Queen, Zane, and others look among everyone, with nothing but silence, until someone shouts out from the crowd…
Make it twenty years!
Make it life, and save your decision-making, for
more important things!
Yeah! Give him life!
(over mic)
The options are endless, and will be decided on
a year from this day. Thank you…
The Queen begins to exit, followed by the other leaders, and Bonnie, who hands the prisoner over to GW, who shows no respect in the way he handles him…
Dissolve to the Queen and Zane walking alone together, coming to a large window where they can see her father, Shawn, teaching a self-defense class, of very young kids. He is pretending to be a huff, with a few laughs from the kids who are watching, but the ones teaming up to defend themselves against him, are taking him very seriously, and work together to pretend to stab him in the brain, while then congratulated by him…
Zane nods his head, very impressed with what he's seeing, as they turn and walk away.
I am more than impressed, and the kids of the
compound, along with those from Glenwood, should
not only work with your father, but do so with these
same kids. They all need to know and respect each
other, before growing to do the work that we now do.
I agree, they can't be strangers. They need time
around each other. The more they care, the tougher
they'll fight for one another…
Zane watches GW put the prisoner into a squad car, as he then smiles at Harris…
I couldn't have said it any better. (hugging her)
Thank you, Harris, and thanks for the squad car.
I'll get it back you…maybe.
They share one last smile as he gets in the squad car, turns on the flashing lights with a smile, and drives away…
POV pans over to some windows, where many children are watching the flashing lights of the squad car, as it drives away, with the gates closing on it…
Heavy rain pours down over the field in front of the gates. The guards in the tree houses are dry, but rain falls all around them and through the brush/branches, and down onto the catwalks that lead along the wall…
POV of the Baker lake, where the rain pours down into…
No one is around, as POV moves over the soaked area, and over to the Baker complex, finding its way to Grandpa's office window, and inside, where he is at his desk, just staring off into space, for several moments, before suddenly moving, and writing his thoughts down onto paper…
He then looks back up, with a tear developing, and more thought, before continuing to write his thoughts…
A single tree is lit for Christmas, as the compounders are gathering around, watching Grandpa Sam, who is arriving in front of the tree and a microphone, looking over them, and preparing to deliver a speech…
He just looks over them a moment, taking a deep breath, and gesturing toward the lit/decorated tree…
(over microphone)
As you can see, I've broken my own rule… I figured we
owed it to the meaning and the spirit of Christmas, to
light this single tree, in honor of what it's always been,
and what it will be again… Of course, we all know it to
be a birthday. It's no secret that I believe the way
families come together for this holiday, is the best gift
the birthday boy can ask for…
Grandpa's POV of the family/crowd, as they watch him deliver his speech…
This year is different…as every family left in the world,
is missing a part of that family, if not the majority of it.
POV begins traveling by the people, and the expressions of Sam's family members and closest friends, as well as the Rough Riders, Blake, Abino, Scoop, Trav, Nate, Pav, and Wong, standing close to Mayday and Gia…
I find myself wanting to believe in the existence of that
birthday boy, more than ever before… I want to believe
all those missing family members have become one
family, and are celebrating this great holiday, face to
face, with said birthday boy…
Emotion begins to take over their expressions…
I want to believe that every Christmas they've ever
experienced and loved, cannot top the magic of their
first one with him…in a place where we shall all meet
them again, and experience it for ourselves, right
alongside them…
More emotion coming from the faces and expressions of his loved ones, as POV continues from Hunter, his wife, April, daughter in law, Jennifer and her children, August, Jax, and Maddox, along with Gunner, his son, Blaze, and Wyatt, with wife, Sarah.
A place where my son Fish, can come face-to-face
with Eli's brother, Rhett, his wife, Amy, her baby boy,
and her father, Scott. I'm envious of the instant love
and appreciation my son got to express to these
people, for their major role in providing us with one
less family member to mourn. I love my
granddaughter, and give her all the credit in the
world for her own role in returning safely to us, but
she could not have accomplished such a miracle,
without that help. It comforts me to know my boy is
with these amazing people.
The emotion continues as POV comes to Mason and his girlfriend, Missy, then to Chasin and wife, Catherine, and kids, Bo and Kat…
Nothing helps more with the pain of those I've lost,
than to imagine them all together, creating new family,
with those lost by the people we now consider family.
Eli is standing near DJ, Renee, Marlana, Jason, Griffey, Trisha, and Ashley. Also nearby, is Blair, and her grandparents Owen and Wendy…
Whereas Eli, Griffey, Trisha, Ashley, DJ, Renee, Marlana,
Blair, Owen, and Wendy have all become our family,
and helped ease the pain of our missing loved ones, it's
the family they've lost, who now do the same with those
who we have lost…
POV finds Scout, emotional and holding her son Bryant. Her daughters, Hope and Ryder are close by. Next to them, is Dakota (sobbing), being held by Cleo…
So, we take this year off from the gifts and decorations,
and instead spend the holiday together grieving, crying,
laughing, sharing stories, whatever it is you need to do,
to dedicate this Christmas to those who are not with us,
but very much on our minds, and in our hearts, during
this so very special night, of the year.
POV now finds Zane, with Pepsi (crying), her son Coke, and Chance. Also close-by, is Brianna and Kayla, with tears running down their faces…
The only gift I desire, is one I give myself, when I close
my eyes and view the image of a snowy Norman
Rockwell painting, taking place on the Eve of Christmas,
with the faces of all our missing loved ones, engaged in an
epic snowball fight, with the birthday boy leading the way…
POV finally finds Samantha, close to her moms, and Zane. She is bawling over her grandfather's words, as the sound of a piano beginning a song, can be heard…
Rich, Joshua, Rachel, and others are standing by the person on the piano, as they begin singing, "Christmas in Heaven"…
"December hasn't changed
this town looks the same"
POV Grandpa, being greeted by Scout, with the lit Christmas tree behind them…
"They still light that tree
in the city square"
Scout leads him toward Samantha and Zane, where their other family members are meeting, hugging, and crying…
"There's red, white and green
shining everywhere"
"And I wish you were here"
"And I wonder…"
POV of the entire group, hugging, crying, and watching the singers…
"Is the snow falling down
on the streets of gold"
"Are the mansions all
covered in white"
POV of the singers…
"Are you singing
with angels"
"Silent Night
POV Samantha hugging her grandfather, as her family around is all in tears…
"I wonder"
"What Christmas in
heaven is like"
INT. GLENWOOD (Moonshine Complex) – NIGHT
The singers can still be heard, as the song cuts a few lines and only the piano plays, while Moon and Shine are handing out drinks to the convicts, loggers, women, and even the young teens. Many of the women and children are emotional, and being comforted by the men…
"Cause I know you are there"
"And I wonder"
POV Stix, off alone, with a drink, hiding his tears…
"Are you kneeling with shepherds
before him now"
Singers still heard, as Harris reaches forward, brushing her hand against Isaac's face, while on a stage with her family, Bonnie, Solis, and Marshall…
"Can you reach out
and touch his face"
Their POV of all their people, down in front of them, silent, and holding burning candles…
"Are you part
of that glorious
Holy night"
Singers still heard as the entire group is arm in arm, watching them sing, while thinking about their families…
"I wonder"
"What Christmas in
heaven is like"
Song goes instrumental a moment, while POV travels through the group, and their expressions…
It comes to Jennifer, thinking of Miles, as are her children…
Hunter embraces his wife…
Dakota remembers her dead brothers and sisters, with support from Cleo…
Blair weeps, with support from her grandparents…
Eli tries to remain strong, with some compassion from DJ, who has his arm around his sister…
Marlana is smiling, with tears, and looking upward…
"Is the snow falling down
on the streets of gold"
"Are the mansions
all covered in white"
"Are you singing
with angles"
"Silent Night"
POV coming to Zane, Grandpa, and Samantha, all in support of each other, and their emotions…
"I wonder"
"What Christmas in
heaven is like…"
Song fades to an end, as does the scene, to the expressions of their emotion…
Zane (11 years younger, 15), Fish, Scout, her daughters close-by, and Grandpa, are all full of smiles and excitement, as they stand on the catwalk of the compound wall, with the sound of loud fireworks, blowing up in the sky…
Grandpa looks up and out toward the sound of the fireworks, as Fish runs over to where Miles (19), his girlfriend Jennifer (20), Greg (9), Mark (7), Troy (13), Jagger (8), Kate (12), Chasin (17), Gunner (17), Wyatt (16) and Dakota (10), are all excitedly lighting fireworks. Mason, Vincent, and his wife are helping the younger kids…
POV fireworks, blowing in the sky, as down below, vehicles are lined up and driving toward and through the gates of the compound. Some of the vehicles are limousines, with people/kids standing through the rooftops, cheering on the fireworks, and excited to be entering the compound, which has banners at the gates, reading, "Grand Opening", and, "Happy New Year, Happy Y2K!"…
Dissolve to the compound field, and Baker Lane, where a much younger Porter, Jason, Colton, and Weston (all mid/upper 20's) are signaling the vehicles where to park, as tons of the people are exiting the vehicles, looking around with excitement and awe…
There are a lot of unfamiliar faces, along with younger versions of some of the cousins, like Doc, Mike, Bunk, and Virgil…
Dissolve to the barn, where Grandpa Sam is watching over the people and children, as they look over the barn, petting some of the horses and other animals. Grandma Laura comes to his side, as he wraps his loving arm around her, and they watch with pride…
Dissolve to Scout leading a bunch of people to the lake and campsites. The kids excitedly look over the beach area, and the kid-friendly swimming area, and of course the rope swing. Some kids are skipping rocks over the lake, as Scout's daughters run and join in on the fun…
Dissolve to Hunter and his wife April, leading a large group of random people, over a trail, as they reach the back of the compound and the large stream that flows through it…
No way! You guys have a river running though this
freaking place!?
It's a stream, but yes, we do.
One of the random adults is walking over where the stream flows right under the wall of the compound, with large bars that prevent people from getting in or out of the compound, and just enough room for the water to flow through…
Hunter standing there proudly, with his arms around April, as they both watch the people, who are all in complete astonishment…
Dissolve to Mason leading a group through the neighborhood, as they look over all the random houses…
Do people actually live here?
Some do, and others just vacation here. There are still
plenty of homes available. The idea is to have a sense
of what life used to be like, if this place does indeed
provide a new start, for a new world…
I heard there's even a "city" area? And a Town Center?
Someday maybe even a full-sized building, as a
resort, once we build the theme park.
Excitement from the others, as scene dissolves to Mason now leading that same group, into the Town Center area, where they look around at the different shops and even small buildings…
Many people go over to the statue of Grandpa Sam, looking it over…
Dissolve to Grandpa Sam standing inside the Baker complex, next to his wife, Fish, Brianna (holding newborn baby Samantha), and Kayla, watching outside where a crowd of people is gathering in the backyard area, which has large canopies providing cover, and the pool water is steamy. There is a very large screen TV mounted, with New Year's festivities playing from it…
Dissolve to Zane leading tons of people (mostly teens) out into the baseball stadium, all in complete awe…
This is completely sick!
Wrong time of year to get out on the field, but
we can take live BP in the cages. (glances over at
Troy, with a cocky smile) You guys can watch me
blaze strikes by Troy.
Dissolve to Dusk, and Doc inside the solarium basketball court, sinking a 3-pointer, with applause from spectators, as he hustles back down court, sharing a high-five with Virgil and Bunk…
Dissolve to the swimming pool solarium, as Miles prepares to dive into the pool, with a couple of other unknown teens, and plenty of others already in the pool…
Don't be scared, just follow me, and know that
you'll find oxygen on the other side…
Miles dives into the pool, followed by the teens, who swim down deep after him. They follow him near the bottom, over by the end of the pool/building, and disappear…
POV finds them all rising on the other side, finding that oxygen, and a whole new "hidden" room, dark without windows, and tiki lights, around the swimming hole, and random hot tubs…
Dissolve to Zane in the batting cages (with lights), winding up and delivering a blazing fastball, right by Troy, who swings and misses, with cheering from the others, as Zane shows competitive emotion toward Troy.
YEAH BABY! It's like it's Y2K or something, 'cause
it's lights out for you, baby!
Laughter from the others…
People are everywhere in the backyard area, in the steamy pool, sitting at tables, on the large decks that surround the area. Dick Clark is on the big screen TV, as everyone is drinking and having a great time…
POV begins following a random guy, who walks by the pool, and toward opposite side of the Baker complex, where the pool runs into a large hill, and goes right inside (like a cave), where other rooms/areas appear to be…
The man walks right inside, and sits at a table with friends, as POV scans the entire area, of random tables, people, the extended swimming pool, and many random hot tubs…
Grandpa Sam sits at a table, with his wife, Mason, and his wife (Sandra), who looks like she's suffering from cancer.
Edward (ship captain), Garrett, and a few others (Tom, Sabrina, and Jack) are also present…
You've done some amazing things, my friend,
but you've simply outdone yourself with this
masterpiece of yours.
Everything before this was all about making a fortune,
that would provide security for my family. Once I
achieved that, it was all about making another fortune,
to provide some world-ending security, all while using it
to keep making more fortune.
You intend to share it with the world?
Not just yet, but in another decade or so, once we get
the green light for the theme park, across the street,
then yes, that's the direction believe I want to go.
Screw inviting the rest of the world. I say let the lights
go out at midnight, and let's keep this to ourselves.
Grandpa smiles as he takes notice of Porter, approaching. He listens as Porter arrives and speaks into his ear. Grandpa then begins to rise, while excusing himself.
Well, amazing or not, it doesn't prevent family drama.
Leo and Zane?
And Mary…
Mason rolling his eyes and leaving the table, kissing his wife, and following after Grandpa…
Cut to Grandpa/Mason arriving in a back room, where Vincent and Fish are speaking privately with Leo…
I get it, Leo. It's been over a year. The way the kids
lost their mother is the most tragic thing this family
has been through. You moving on is fine, but with
her…bringing her here, without anyone having any
idea the two of you were reuniting.
Vincent just shaking his head, staring at Leo…
Zane deserved a heads up. All your kids did.
I deserve to be happy…I deserve to have something
in my life that helps ease the pain of MY LOSS!
If she was such a loss, then WHY ARE YOU HERE
Fish and Grandpa instantly preventing Zane from reaching his father, as he enters the room.
You destroyed her with that bitch! My mom was
never the same! How dare you bring her here!
Cut to Mary outside in other room, holding back a smile, with the faint sound of more yelling…
Zane, Dakota, Miles, Gunner, and Chasin all hanging out in the tree house. All of them except Dakota, have beers, as Zane is chugging his…
Well, even Grandpa probably wouldn't mind you
drinking, after all that.
I want one!
Oh, come on. It's New Year's!
I'm thinking she'd be a funny drunk…
Dakota staring at Miles, pleading with her eyes…
Miles looks like he is about to give in, before Zane answers…
Hell no… (chugging rest of his beer)
Zane grabs and opens another beer, staring out over the compound wall, toward the field and woods…
Mom was never the same, after that woman…
Everyone excitedly counting down, and staring toward the large screen TV, as the ball in Downtown Portland, is seconds from dropping…
Everyone wildly cheering, and pointing to the lights, which are still burning…
Doc is holding his drink in the air, celebrating with plenty of girls around, as well as Bunk, Virgil, Mike, Sage, and Skyler, among others…
We survived Y2K!
The lights are still on!
POV finds all the different Baker family members, kissing/hugging/smiling with loved ones, until it finally comes to Zane, way up on one of the balconies, with just Dakota, and staring down toward his dad, who is happily celebrating with Mary, as well as Troy, Jagger, and Kate…
Massive amounts of vehicles are going through the gates, as Solis supervises, with many other armed guards…
Dissolve to tons of young kids excitedly running for the slides, and other attractions or neat looking parts of the Nike scenery, as well as the games that are set up, as part of a fair type event…
Grandpa Sam is smiling, as he watches his great-grandchildren, August, Jax, Maddox, Blaze, Bo, and Kat, all in awe, over the kid-friendly setup. Griffey, Samantha, Renee, Trisha, and Ashley are also entering the scene, as well as many other kids…
Even Eli and the older teens, have some athletic type of events to participate in, and are curiously looking around, and even meeting some of the other teens, from both Nike World and Glenwood. They are being watched by many of the girls, from the other camps. Scoop and some of the other Rough Riders are already introducing themselves…
The Queen arrives, with looks of awe from all the people who have heard more about her…
She moves toward Grandpa, shaking his hand, as well as Bonnie and Marshall. Zane, Stix, and Kemp arrive, also shaking hands with everyone…
Joshua is standing next to Mayday and Gia, staring at the Queen…
So, that's the Queen, eh?
I heard her, her father, and sister are all half ninja.
Rumor I heard, is that they are making everyone
here, half ninja…
Joshua still staring at her in awe…
I wanna' be half ninja…
Dissolve to a montage of several scenes throughout the Nike World, where people are playing sports, games, participating in fair events, winning/receiving brand new Nike shoes, kids sliding down the slides, someone dressed as a Nike character, entertaining the little kids…
Everyone is having a great time, as if the world was not in apocalyptic devastation…
The gym is empty, except for someone inside of a netted batting cage, throwing batting practice to a young 6-year-old boy, with a 4-year-old boy (Troy) standing on the outside, watching…
The man is about to throw another pitch, before stopping and giving instructions to the kid.
Back shoulder, keep it up.
He throws the pitch, and the kid takes a mighty rip, making great contact, with excitement from Leo.
That a boy, Zane!
A woman walks into the gym, holding baby Dakota, and shouting over at Leo.
The ball's dropping in like two minutes!
Zane removes his helmet as Leo approaches, with an excited look at Troy.
You did it, Troy. You stayed up for the new year!
Hurry, Daddy! I don't want to miss it, again. I
stayed up all night this year!
Leo grabs/lifts the netting of the batting cage, as he and Zane climb under, but then drops it down over Troy, tangling him up.
Oh, no! Now you're all tangled up, and will never
make it out of there in time for the new year!
Troy desperately trying to get out.
Daddy, no!
Zane begins trying to help him, before Leo lifts it up off him, with a laugh.
I'm just giving you a hard time, buddy.
They quickly begin walking toward exit of gym.
Dad? Can I play on your team in the Sand Series,
in 1990?
(with laugh)
Not this year. You have to be sixteen before playing
with the big boys, but we'll have a junior series, this
year. Maybe by the time you're old enough for the
real series, it'll be played at Grandpa's new hotel.
The one he wants to build with a field in the
middle of it?!
That would be the one.
Well, both the compound and the Baker Boardwalk
have to come to fruition, first, but I'm sure he'll
achieve that dream, too.
Suddenly, a large crowd of people can be heard from the other room, beginning to chant the New Year's countdown.
Daddy, hurry!
Leo laughing as he picks up Troy and they begin hustling toward the doors.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five.
They disappear around the corner and join in on the countdown.
Four, three, two, one, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
A dozen men are locked up in the DC, staring out at all the cons, loggers, and other men/women, who are standing around, as others have arrived, and are piling out of their vehicles, near the gate…
The others are people from both the compound and Nike World, who are shaking hands with some of the people from Glenwood…
Solis is there, along with a few Beaverton police officers. Porter, Jason, Colton, Chasin, Zane, Doc, and all the other cousins, are also all there. They are receiving moonshine from the Glenwood members, as well as Moon and Shine, who are handing out drinks to everyone…
Everyone now more festive/drunk, playing cards/drinking games, music/dancing, dogs barking and involved in the wild fun, lots of laughter and all-out fun…
Chasin is with Porter, Jason, Colton, Stix, Kemp, Lester, Divit, Deon, Ned, Floyd, and others, all drinking/talking. Random cons and others are introducing themselves, shaking hands with Chasin and others…
Damon, Geno, and a handful of other cons, are huddled up together, over on other side of room. They're looking over toward the others, and taking notice of Chasin, now heading their direction…
Ahhh, shit…
Chasin arrives and offers his hand…
Don't believe I've had the honor, yet.
Damon is the first to take his hand, followed by Geno and the others. One of them (Jones) is the first to speak.
So, are you an actual Baker, or just a friend of the
An actual Baker, indeed. Your fearless leader would
be my cousin.
(looking him over)
I don't know, you look pretty fearless, yourself. I
already had "Grover" pegged as the black sheep
of the family, but with those tats of yours, maybe not.
Actually, it was "Zane" who kept me from becoming
that black sheep. His influence on me went a long
way toward who I am today. There's a long line of
people behind me, who would tell you the same.
It's what he does.
Is that what he's doing here? Influencing us convicts
on how to be model citizens?
I don't know, for sure, but what I do know is that
he had been offered leadership of the compound,
and turned it down to lead here, and help prove
that we all need to work together.
So, what do you think? Can a family like yours,
actually share this new world with the kind of
men who'd give your children nightmares?
A few more convicts begin arriving, as Chasin looks around at them…
What do you think? Can a group like yours, actually
share this new world with the kind of people who
will expect you not to make the same mistakes, you
did in the old one?
Jones just looking him over, as Stix, Porter, and the others begin arriving…
Damon smiles with a nod…
Jones a skeptical look at Damon…
Besides, the real nightmare is (motioning toward
gates) out there… And the real "Grover" chose you
guys for a reason, and from what we've heard, he
appeared to be a man who knew what he was doing.
That he did…
Hence the DC he had built, out there…
Some intense looks from some of the convicts…
What's that supposed to mean?
That your man knew the importance of it.
Sounds like you're saying a little more than just that.
Nope, just that you'd have nowhere to hold those
men, if not for the DC. Convict in the old world or
not, breaking the law in the new world, will have
consequences…hence the reason we have bars,
here and at the compound.
Grover knew it would be men like us, like (motioning
toward Jones) yourself, who would have no problem
providing aid, in forcing those laws.
Jones laughing then taking a swig of his moonshine…
I honestly can't tell if you're talking shit or kissing
our asses, but either way, an interesting new world
it's going to be.
Chasin and Porter smiling with a nod toward Jones, and taking a drink of their own…
Damon looks and speaks to both Porter and Chasin.
Hey bro…you know Cleo?
POV Twin Rocks (same POV of opening shot of this series), panning back over the rough ocean waves, and onto the quiet beach, before coming over the walls of the Sand Series Hotel (logs from storms pushed up onto the rocks that lay in front of Hotel wall)…
POV continues panning back, over the sand of the quiet wiffleball field, but as the quiet gives way to the sound of loud music, coming from inside. POV goes in, to the instant sound of tons of festive people and loud music…
People are everywhere, and celebrating. Some familiar faces can be seen, as POV goes down the long corridor, heading for the basement and the rooms where Leo found his dead huff children. Doc, Bunk, Mike, Virgil, Leon, Sage, Skyler, and other cousins, can be seen drinking and having a good time. Now some of the Bakers and their families can be seen, even the younger kids.
Almost all of the Bakers, along with many others, are eventually seen, but not Zane, until he finally goes running through the room, holding a wiffleball bat, and followed by Samantha (around 8-9 months before the apocalypse). Fish is walking after them, with a laugh, as Troy, Jagger, Kate, Miles, Greg, Mark, Rich, and Gunner, go chasing after them…
Cut outside to the quiet wiffleball field, where Zane comes charging out the doors, followed by Samantha and the others, as well as Fish, Doc, and the cousins. Half of them take the field, while the other half prepare to hit, while Fish turns on the ballpark lights, and stands to the side watching, as Scout and her children join him…
They watch as Samantha goes to the plate with a bat, with cheers from her cousins…
Everyone piled on the pier, and chanting…
Fireworks instantly begin blowing up above them, lit by Gunner and others, at the end of the pier…
There is commotion coming from the entire town of people, celebrating the stroke of midnight…
POV goes through the crowd, and all the friends and happy family members, including lost loved ones, like Miles, Greg, Mark, Vincent, Troy and his wife, Jagger, and Kate, even Leo with his wife Mary…
POV comes to Zane, celebrating with his arms around Fish and Samantha…
POV travels over the faces of all the Nike people, and all the others who are there for the new year, as they all stare forward, listening to someone speak.
(OS, over mic)
I'd say most of us, but I believe it's for every last one
of us, that this year has been the longest of our lives.
What we did or where we were, just one year ago at
this moment, feels like a lifetime ago, and a different
world ago. I myself, was surrounded by a ton of loved
ones, who I still have in my life, and a ton more, who
I do not… I remember saying it was going to be the
best year ever…but it was the worst… It was so bad,
and so many were lost, that the few of us left behind,
are forced to start over. We mourned together for
Christmas, but now it's time to begin healing, and
looking forward to life, again…
POV Zane, looking over the entire crowd, before his next words…
(over mic)
It won't be just about surviving…that's not the new
world my grandfather envisioned. He has done
everything he can to help his family, friends, and
those he has crossed paths with, to make it through
the worst of the worst… But being the dreamer who
he is, much more has been set in motion. He wanted
the survivors of his new world to feel excitement and
share in annual traditions, just as they did in the old
one. He dreamed of a world and a life, worthy of
surviving in, and worthy of fighting for. A world where
good things, helped prevent the bad…
POV Grandpa (tear running down his face), in the corner, with Scout and her kids, and Mason, and most of his great-grandkids, as well as Griffey, Trisha, Ashley, and Jason…
(OS, over mic)
Right here, and at the compound, on our ball fields
and basketball courts, is where that excitement
begins, and the traditions become anticipated. I
mean…we have some ball players here, right?
Many teens raising hands or shouting excitement. Blake and Joshua whistling with excitement, along with other Rough Riders, and of course Eli…
(over mic)
We aren't just talking about random games or
tossing a ball around, but actual challenges, with
bets, trash talk (more excitement from the teens),
football, basketball, tennis, baseball, wiffleball
(more excitement), regular seasons, playoffs! (more
excitement) The Thanksgiving Bowl! (excitement)
Basketball and softball tournaments (excitement),
the Sand Series!
POV Joshua and others, exploding with excitement, as well as other random teens from Nike World…
(over mic)
And what better way to keep everyone updated on
events, than to have a monthly newspaper! We
have writers at the compound! The Monthly Forester,
it will be called, and for those of you lucky enough to
win a tournament or Sand Series Championship, will
have your ugly mugs, posted in that monthly addition!
Samantha excitedly watching all the teens/people cheer…
Chasin and Stix are basically doing the same thing as Zane, while standing up in front of all the convicts, pumping them up, for the year ahead, as they cheer at what they're hearing.
(over mic)
And there are some guys at Nike World, who claim
they can out-hoop a bunch of convicts, any day!
(over mic)
And you'll have your chance to prove them wrong,
because the first tournament there, will be in just
two weeks!
Convicts/others exploding with excitement…
(over mic)
And screw simply bragging rights, you'll also be
playing for prizes!
More cheering…
(looking at Chasin, over mic)
I hear the compound also has a court, and some
ball fields?
(sarcastically, over mic)
Like these guys can take any of my people at
basketball or softball.
More cheering…
(looking out at convicts, over mic)
Way more cheering…
Zane is still on stage, with the Queen, counting down the new year over the microphone, along with the entire crowd.
(over mic)
Happy PA 1!
Fireworks blowing up in the sky above the camp, with tons of excitement from everyone below…
A handful of huffs are outside the gates, but not too many…
Fireworks blowing up over the Nike World gates, with excitement down below, from all the people, as a bunch of huffs are on the outside, falling down into the large trenches…