


At first, there was nothing but darkness. Such is the way of the birth of dreams. They begin with darkness. But… from the darkness… light can be born.

Gradually, my eyes drifted open. There was nothing to see but inky black. For a long time, I stared into the emptiness. It was so quiet, so still. Eventually, I decided it shouldn't be so empty. At this realization, I felt something beneath my feet. Slowly, the invisible current gently placed me down on this new surface. I decided it looked like… grass. Yes, grass. It was beautiful in its simplicity. Raising my head, I gazed out at the black void ahead of me. It was so vast, so empty, yet… I felt no fear.

Looking back down, I hesitated slightly. Then I took a tentative step forward in innocent confidence that I wouldn't fall. Just as my momentum started to pitch me forward, my foot found solid ground. Another grass block had materialized. So I took another step. And another. And another! Soon I was running, smiling, laughing! Land spread in all directions, growing faster and faster, like my footfalls. The darkness was clearing. In my mind, I found the image of a great, golden brightness—

Over the edge of the horizon, there was an explosion of white and pink and yellow as the sun rose for the first time, bathing this new land with radiant light. Slowing from my haphazardous sprint, I gazed in rapture at the red and purple announcing the arrival of the sun, and the blue trickling into the sky soon after.

Username? _

- Notch

Welcome Dreamer.