A gentle breeze blew, ruffling Tsumiki's bangs. The rhythmic crunching of leaves beneath her shoes was somehow calming as she walked alongside Io. The nerves that always accompany Io's presence were calmed slightly due to the serenity of the day. Leaves fluttered down from their places atop trees, the world taking on a crimson hue.
A soft sigh escaped her lips as she relaxed into the walk, moving slightly closer to the one she so desired to be with. It was cool, but with a crispness in the air that left one's body warm but nipped at their fingers and their nose. Tsumiki was draped in a rather large cream sweater that with sleeves that hung down to cover her fingers and a pastel pink that flowed around her legs as she walked.
They were supposed to meet Mayoi and Hime for a drink at a cafe nearby, but both called to cancel. Io suggested that the two of them still go, and she couldn't bring herself to say no, despite the anxiety chewing at her.
"Tsumiki," the quiet work broke her trance, startling her back to reality. Tsumiki tilted her chin up to meet Io's eyes. "We're here," he stated, turning to face the cafe window. She hummed in recognition, heading inside. The comforting aroma of coffee was the first thing to reach her as she opened the door. As she walked in, other smells began to become apparent. There were notes of sweet chocolate and the more subtle spice of cinnamon and clove. The corners of her mouth drifted up slightly as she was enveloped in the warmth of the room.
Tsumiki made her way to a table, while Io got in line to order their drinks. Settling in at a table by the window, she removed her scarf, folded it up, and set it in her lap. Io came to the table, a matcha latte in one hand and a classic latte in the other. He knew she had an affinity for matcha lattes, and always ordered them for her. Tsumiki accepted the drink, her cheeks heating up as their fingers brushed. She stared down into the frothed milk, avoiding eye contact. Busying herself with sipping the latte, Tsumiki savored the comfortable silence. Before long, she found herself looking up to Io over the rim of her mug. With both of their mugs having been emptied, Tsumiki stood.
"Io," the word slipped out, barely louder than a whisper. He looked to her a slight smile on his face. "I… um, Thank you" She offered, her hand drifting across the table to brush his arm in a fleeting moment of boldness. He nodded, standing to match her. Taking a stride toward the small girl in front of him, Io pressed his lips to the top of her head, placing a kiss to her hair. Freezing to the spot she was standing, Tsumiki's eyes went wide, her whole face flaming. She sputtered, trying to speak, but Io shushed her, and twined his fingers into hers, leading Tsumiki back into the cool autumn air. But this time, she didn't even feel the cold.