Fiona smiled at Hugh as he attempted to do as she had instructed.

She had been making flower crowns for Claire and Olive (although Olive would most likely prefer her own tiara) when Hugh had sat down next to her. Fiona had insisted that he learn how to make them, and Hugh, though reluctantly, agreed.

They were sitting in the garden and Fiona bent down and grew some Black-eyed Susans and daisies for Hugh to use. She showed him slowly how to weave the stems together to make a sort of ribbon. He tried it, and his first attempt was definitely a first attempt. Fiona held back a smile and nodded before laughing. Hugh put his "crown" down on the bench next to him and sighed. The petals of the flowers had been either mostly or completely torn off in his shot at weaving the stems. Fiona held up her crown to show him again. He sighed again.

"When am I ever going to need to make one of these?" He said, smiling at her.

She shrugged and leaned on his shoulder. She looked up at his face and smiled at him. Though she never spoke, Hugh knew what she was thinking.

It was time well wasted if I spent it with you.