Well this story was first uploaded in wattpad, it is the typisal Naruto gets banished and starts village stories; but i hope you find some variety in was a result of boredom and might not be much goo, but I've tried what I could.

Oh and Naruto doesn't belong to me at all.

Necessary Evil

"Naruto sama, you have visitors."

Naruto raised his head to look at the young brunette who just entered his office. Her name was Akira; Naruto's personal assistant. She was a beautiful pixie like woman a few years older than Naruto himself.

"Who is it?" Naruto asked softly, remembering that he had no appointments this evening.

"One Miss Sakura Haruno from Konoha, Naruto sama."

Naruto blinked; surprised.

"Sakura? Here?"

Seeing her boss's perplexed state the woman said worried, "I can tell her that you are not available."

"It's okay Akira. She won't leave until she see me... sent her in, in ten minutes... I need some time to organize my thoughts."

Akira nodded respectfully and exited the office.

Alone in his office again, Naruto leaned back in the executive chair and let his thoughts wander.

It has been ten years since his banishment from Konoha. All because of the same person who was currently 'visiting'.

They had kicked him out of his village, shattered his dreams, all because he bought back his traitorous teammate.

'Use of unnecessary force, murder attempt, disregard of orders...'

'Demon scum...'

'You lied to us you are a monster...'

'How dare you do that to Sasuke kun.'

'We risked our lives trying to bring him back and you try to kill him because you are jealous!'

'I am ashamed to say that you are my student, Naruto'

'Naruto I only asked you to bring him back... Not kill him...'

'Do you know how important Sasuke is to the village?'

'I am sorry Naruto; if I try to help you the council will banish me to...'

Accusations kept replaying in his mind like a broken record. Everyone he thought as his precious people had abandoned him. It hurt so much.

Those that didn't see him as a monster saw him as an irresponsible idiot run by his jealousy...

Tsunade, Iruka, Jiraya, every last one of them...

After all he had done they discarded him like trash.

So why are they here now? He knows for sure that Sakura didn't come alone.

What should he do? Act like she hadn't stabbed him in the back? Or be furious and try to smash her head in? Try as he might he couldn't be angry anymore. He had forgotten all his anger, a long time ago. Holding grudges was not Naruto's specialty anyway.

But no matter what he did... he knows... he knows that he needs to go back to Konoha.

There was a short knock.

"Come in..." he muttered preparing himself.

The door opened and Sakura Haruno entered in all her pink haired glory.

"Hello Naruto kun..." She said with a soft tone that was filled with something that sounded like guilt. Her beautiful emerald eyes filled with tears.

And Naruto couldn't help the gentle smile that spread on his lips.

That was all Sakura needed to launch herself towards Naruto and take him in a desperate and bone crushing hug. Her loud sobs echoing across the office as both of them fell out of the chair and on to the marble floor, but still in an embrace.

Naruto didn't mind. He just simply kept holding her silently, until the woman ran out of tears.


"Sakura, Hokage sama wishes to see you." Shizune told Tsunade's second apprentice.

"Huh, I wonder why?" Sakura pondered.

"It's about a mission." Shizune shrugged.

Sakura nodded and left to meet her teacher.

When she arrived at the hokage's office she saw that team 8, 9 and 10 along with their sensei were there. She saw her own teammates (Sasuke and Sai) and sensei as well.

"Now that Sakura is here. I'll explain the mission to you."

Everyone stood at attention.

"You all know that over the past ten years the condition of the village is steadily deteriorating. We have lost all our allies including Sand village, spring, Wave, Tea and Moon countries... And we all know that this is because of our own mistake."

Many of them lowered their heads remembering about how they disregarded Konoha's sunshine. Everything came crashing down when he was gone.

Naruto was banished as soon as news spread that Sasuke was in coma. Sasuke woke up a week after Naruto's banishment. They only understood the depth of what they had done once Inoichi had run a mental check up on Sasuke to make sure he was sane and had seen the memories of his fight with Naruto.

Inoichi was quick to explain everything to Tsunade who had been horrified that Naruto had came so close to dying, yet he held back so as not to harm Sasuke. And the thanks he gets was banishment.

But no matter how much she tried, the council kept her from revoking the banishment.

All of their ally countries and villages were thankful to the Uzumaki in many ways and once news spread of his banishment, their relationship with Konoha became strained.

Many of the rookies also felt guilty except a select few.

Jiraya had spent all his resources trying to locate Naruto and failed.

Two years later when the hidden village of Demons were established, all of Konoha's allies cut their ties and instead became allies with the village. The council was furious at the loss of their allies and had ordered to attack Demon village which Tsunade was able to put a stop to, or else they would've been slaughtered.

The ninjas of demon village were more efficient as well as more compassionate. To all their surprise, demon village never attacked any other village, instead established a peace treaty with every village except Konoha.

Demon village was known for many things, their advanced technology, sealing techniques, kenjutsu and the main fact that they were a peaceful village in and out. They were powerful but compassionate. They became quite popular among small non shinobi villages and as well as shinobi villages. They had even attempted peace talks with Konoha, but sadly that ended in a disaster because of the council. It was only luck that the village didn't declare war on Konoha for such disrespect, but as it is; their kage was a very benevolent and peaceful man.

"Sound village has declared war on us... And we have no allies."

The rookies gasped.

"That is why I am giving you this mission. I and the council have come to a decision that all our problems was caused by the banishment of Uzumaki Naruto. So your mission is to retrieve him."

Again they all gasped, and then became happy.

"With Naruto back in the village, we can get back our allies and have the power of the Kyubi by our side." Tsunade said.

"We will bring the baka back Tsunade sama, you can count on us." Sakura said with a determined grin.

They searched for Naruto for a total of two months, yet they didn't get any clue as to where the blond is.

Their last place of searching was the famous Demon village.

They requested for a meeting with the onikage.

"The onikage will be meeting you now." A young red haired emerald eyed girl came and announced. She looked like the secretary of the kage. "But I cannot allow all of you to enter the office."

Kakashi nodded. In the end Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, Gai and Shikamaru entered the office. The rest were allowed to relax in the lounge near the office.

The onikage was a breathtaking sight. The young man looked to be around his mid twenties, had ruby red hair that was long and reached mid back with a spiky fringe framing his forehead. He had mesmerizing sunset orange eyes and aristocratic features that would make men and women drool alike. The pale milky skin and the slender neck... everyone present was disappointed that the rest of the skin was hidden inside his robes.

The onikage chuckled and only then did they realize that they were blatantly staring.

"I am Kyoshiro Kurama, the shodai Onikage. What brings Konoha shinobi to our humble village?" The deep husky voice had them shivering in delight.

They all bowed in respect.

"Onikage sama, we came in search of someone." Kakashi said.

"And who might that someone be?"

"Uzumaki Naruto a former member of our village." Asuma said.

They all saw the onikage become confused.

"What do you wish to do with him?"

"He's here?" Kakashi asked surprised.

"Yes and he is very much under my protection. So I ask again what your intention with him is." The onikage narrowed his eyes in suspicion and slight anger.

"We merely wish to speak with him, onikage sama. We intent no harm."

'It will be troublesome if Naruto is under the onikage's protection, we don't want to cause an international event.' Shikamaru thought.

"I see..." the onikage studied them for a moment. The heavy gaze was unsettling yet undeniably hot.

"One of my shinobi will escort you to his office... do not do anything that will bring my wrath upon you Konoha ninja... He is someone well respected within this village."

The onikage's words surprised the shinobi present. It seems that Naruto have a good life here.

This will surely reduce their chances of bringing him back. But hopefully Naruto still loves Konoha.

A shinobi appeared inside the office in a shunshin startling them.

"Ai, take these Konoha ninja to visit Naruto san."

Ai was a male with bright blond hair and bluish green eyes. He was pale and had boyish but handsome features.

He looked at the Konoha ninja suspiciously, before looking at the onikage with a little doubt. The onikage only nodded his head at Ai. The boy sighed and said,

"Follow me." And then he walked out of the office.

Once outside, the rest of the group joined them.

"Where are we going?" Sasuke asked annoyed.

"To meet Naruto" Kakashi said.

"He's here?" Sakura asked surprised.

"Apparently he is someone very well respected in this village." Asuma said. This caused some of them to frown.

"Obviously none of them knows about the Kyubi. If they did they wouldn't give him any respect." Sakura said with a scoff.

"Everyone in the village knows about Naruto sama and Kyubi sama, kunoichi-san." Ai who was walking ahead said causing their eyes to widen.

"So then obviously you are using him for his power. You only keep him here because he is a jinchuuriki." Ino said smugly, like she discovered some secret.

Ai gave her a look that meant, 'are-you-fucking-retarded?' This caused Ino to scowl.

"What?" she snapped.

Ai only shook his head and walked forward, "Why do you find it so difficult to believe that Naruto sama can find respect despite being a jinchuuriki?" Ai muttered so that only several of them really heard it.

They all looked around. The village was very different from theirs. The buildings were all built differently and uniquely. They were really beautiful.

"What is that?" Ino asked seeing a woman tapping on some rectangular piece of device. Now that she noticed most people here had something similar to those.

Ai looked at what she was looking and said, "That's the latest iPhone. Released just yesterday. Lucky lady... stock was all out by the time I went to buy." the last part was grumbled out.

"An iPhone?" Sakura asked confused.

"It's a device used for communication and many other things." Ai said rolling his eyes.

Kiba scoffed, "I don't see what's so special. It's obviously like wireless communicators... only that iPhone s is way bulkier and inconvenient."

His opinion soon changed when she saw another man doing a video chat and some other's taking selfies.

They were all looking around amazed as tall sky scrapers came into view.

"This is the Research and development zone." Ai drawled. The Konoha ninja were again surprised. An entire part of the city was dedicated to research and development.

"Oh you said something about Naruto's office. Why does he have an office? Isn't he a shinobi?" Kakashi asked.

"No, he is not a shinobi. Didn't you know that?"

This surprised all of them. Did Naruto quit being a shinobi?

Sasuke scoffed, 'So the dobe quit because he finally understood that he won't be a good shinobi.'

The others thought that this was because Naruto didn't want to become shinobi of any country other than Konoha's.

"So what does he do exactly?" Sakura asked as she snapped out of her stunned state.

"Architecture" 'And many other things that you don't need to know about.' Ai added inside his mind.

They were led before a grand building that was built beautifully. It was more innovative and very beautiful.

"Ask at the reception and they will show you to his office." with that Ai vanished in a Shunshin.

They all stood there for a second.

"Well come on lets go see the dobe."

"Wait, I think it would be better if Sakura goes first." Kakashi said. Sakura nodded.

"Yeah, after all I am his Sakura chan." Sakura said in a sing song voice.

They decided that Sakura will go and convince Naruto.

Sakura changed from her shinobi clothes into a sexy black short dress and did a little make up. It would be easier to convince the baka that way. Add some water works and he will be putty in Sakura's hands.

With everything set, Sakura entered the building. She had to admit that Naruto was very skilled as an architect. The inside of the building gave of a serene yet bright atmosphere. Maybe once he was back in the village, she can have him build a mansion for her.

"Can I help you Miss?" The man sitting at the reception asked. And Sakura had to wonder why every one of these village was so damn hot...

"Umm, yes, I want to meet Naruto Uzumaki." She said in a cute voice. Seduction was really Ino's field but Sakura was not bad at it.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Umm, no. But I was sent here by the onikage."

"I see... What is your name and purpose of visit?"

"Well, my name is Sakura Haruno and I am an old friend of Naruto."

"You are a Konoha ninja?" the man asked suspiciously.

"Yes..." She said quietly.

"I see...One moment." The man took a phone and dialed a number.

"Akira, there is a woman here to see Naruto sama... She says Onikage sama sent her... Her name is Sakura Haruno and is a ninja from Konoha... Alright." He put the receiver down and looked at Sakura again only this time more coldly.

The phone rang and the man took it. "...Okay."

"His office is on the ninth floor. His secretary will be waiting for you there."

Sakura nodded and went to the ninth floor.

There she met the beautiful pixie like woman who introduced herself.

"My name is Akira and I am Naruto sama's personal secretary. He will be seeing you now."

The woman had led her to an office.

Sakura prepared herself; this was her moment to shine.

Naruto... was not what she expected... She didn't expect him to be so... fucking gorgeous.

His golden blond hair framed a handsome face; more tamed but still slightly spiky. His azure eyes were sharper and more beautiful than she remembered. Surprisingly the scars on his cheeks had vanished, but Sakura thought nothing of it. Strong narrow jaws and soft looking pink lips and that delicious tan... He was Adonis reincarnate. The suit he was wearing made her want to jump on him and ride him like no other. He looked so beautiful and ethereal...untouchable.

But she kept her act together. She couldn't get horny and forget her mission. And just like that, with one word. She had him in her palms.

That soft kind smile he gave was enough permission for her.

As she had him in her grasp, she could feel the well defined body beneath that suit, and she had to disguise her moans into sobs.

Naruto... kind and naive as always... bought her trick like she wanted him to.

Well, at least that's what Sakura believed.

Tell me how you like it. Naruto is going to be very powerful and manipulative in this and its going to be kyunaru. Hope you enjoyed.