Hope ya like this story... I ain't really a mai + joey fan... but my friend is! so i doin this for her!! lol well hope u like this!! ttyl
Mai couldn't get to sleep that night. She turned over to look at her clock. It was 2:41 AM.
"Oh god, I'm never getting to sleep."
She couldn't get something off her mind. What happened this afternoon.
"Mai, I really do love you! If you love me back, then except this ticket. It's for a cruise, couples only."
"I... I don't know..."
"Think about it. Call me once you've decided."
With that Joey kissed Mai on the cheek and ran off. Mai looked down at her hands. She was holding the ticket. What to do?
~*Flashback Ends*~
"Well, I better get to sleep, if I want to ace that History test tomorrow."
Mai finally got to sleep after 1 hour of thinking. Tomorrow was a big day and she needed her beauty sleep.
~*The Next Day*~
"Oh man, I'm scared to what Mai is gonna say!" Joey said to his friends Tea, Yugi, Tristan, Seto, and his sister, Serenity.
"Came down Joey. Your a great guy, I don't think I know any girl that won't go out with you." Serenity said, trying to cheer him up.
"Your only saying that cause your my sister!" Joey pouted.
"Oh, and what's that supposed to mean?"
"Uh, nothing."
Joey and Tristan were the only guys that were single out of there friends. Serenity x Seto and Yugi x Tea (A/N i hate yugi//tea).
"Uh, Joey..."
Joey turned around to see Mai.
'Maybe she wants to tell me her answer.'
"Um, can I talk to you alone for a second?"
"Sure." Joey answered walking off into the park.
"I've thought about what you asked me..."
0.0 cliff hanger!! MWAHAHAHAHA!! lol i'm known for that. lol hope you like the story so far! stay tuned for chapter 2 -.^
Mai couldn't get to sleep that night. She turned over to look at her clock. It was 2:41 AM.
"Oh god, I'm never getting to sleep."
She couldn't get something off her mind. What happened this afternoon.
"Mai, I really do love you! If you love me back, then except this ticket. It's for a cruise, couples only."
"I... I don't know..."
"Think about it. Call me once you've decided."
With that Joey kissed Mai on the cheek and ran off. Mai looked down at her hands. She was holding the ticket. What to do?
~*Flashback Ends*~
"Well, I better get to sleep, if I want to ace that History test tomorrow."
Mai finally got to sleep after 1 hour of thinking. Tomorrow was a big day and she needed her beauty sleep.
~*The Next Day*~
"Oh man, I'm scared to what Mai is gonna say!" Joey said to his friends Tea, Yugi, Tristan, Seto, and his sister, Serenity.
"Came down Joey. Your a great guy, I don't think I know any girl that won't go out with you." Serenity said, trying to cheer him up.
"Your only saying that cause your my sister!" Joey pouted.
"Oh, and what's that supposed to mean?"
"Uh, nothing."
Joey and Tristan were the only guys that were single out of there friends. Serenity x Seto and Yugi x Tea (A/N i hate yugi//tea).
"Uh, Joey..."
Joey turned around to see Mai.
'Maybe she wants to tell me her answer.'
"Um, can I talk to you alone for a second?"
"Sure." Joey answered walking off into the park.
"I've thought about what you asked me..."
0.0 cliff hanger!! MWAHAHAHAHA!! lol i'm known for that. lol hope you like the story so far! stay tuned for chapter 2 -.^