So this is an update you all might not want to see.

As you might have guessed, I'm not going to be updating this story anymore. I started writing it years ago by this point, and I have improved a lot as an author since then. While I won't be deleting this, I feel that I cannot continue writing for it in its current form.

However, this is not to say that I am done writing A Mewtiful Brockton Bay in any form! As a matter of fact, I have decided to rewrite the story from the ground up, and while I sadly won't be uploading it to this site, I have already uploaded the first chapter to other sites. Just search 'A More Mewtiful Brockton Bay' and you should be able to find it with relative ease.

Before I sign off though, I just want to thank you all so much for reading this fic. A Mewtiful Brockton Bay was the first fic I wrote that got a lot of attention, and that really meant a lot to me as a novice writer. Even now, even with all its flaws, I look back on this fic with so much fondness. It was the positive reaction to this fic that convinced me to keep writing, and for that I am incredibly grateful, to all of you. Even now, more and more people are finding this fic, and that honestly just warms my heart.

So once again, I thank all of you, and I hope that, in another time at another place, we may meet again. Until then, keep living your best lives, everyone!