Emby Quinn ([email protected])

Author's Notes
Wherein questions are answered,
answers are questioned,
and credit is given where credit is due.

• The song "Little Earthquakes" is the title track of Tori Amos' first solo album. All of my Gatchaman fics get their titles from her songs.

• Miyae Washio has been my personal character of choice since 1979, when I discovered Gatchaman. Yes, this makes her roughly as old as the Gatchaman F series.

• I wrote my first Gatch fic in 1980. Thankfully, it has long since vanished. The stories you have read here are very different, and I would hope, vastly improved. (But Miyae has always been Ken's big sister. Some things never change.)

• Shinya Arashi is the RP character of my housemate and is used with permission.

• KayeKytte, aka Nikki Raven, my very best friend in the whole wide world, helped me with the plotting of this story and contributed a lot of Joe's best lines and actions. She also beta-read the story for me to make sure it didn't totally suck.

• A lot of people are going to protest that, after a year in the ground, Nambu's corpse would have decayed to a skeleton. This is not true. Because of modern embalming techniques, interred bodies are often preserved for a very long time in a more or less intact state. Besides, this is anime (or based on anime anyway). I have an artistic license if you need to see it.

• I stole a lot of lines from my favorite books and movies and sprinkled them throughout my various fanfics.

• All the people who died in this story are modeled after people who pissed me off. No, I'm not naming names, but those who know me well can probably make a guess at one or two of them.

• Shuko Kamimura, not to put too fine a point on it, is me. (One of my nicknames is "Shuko", which means "little pearl"--the translation of my birth given name, Maggie.)

• The God Phoenix III (or GP3 for short) is modeled after the God Phoenix from the 1994 OAV series. It's the one thing I really, really liked about the remake. (Well, that and Joe's shower scene. Yummers.)

• "Little Earthquakes" is the last Gatch fic I ever plan to write, chronologically speaking. However, there are other stories that fill in some of the gaps that I may yet write.

• No llamas were harmed in the making of this fanfic.

Emby Quinn

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