April 12th, 2021

Today was the dawn of war. It was time for the most deadliest battle probably ever in our history since the Battle with Thanos. Doomsday is upon us.

Me: This is it guys. Doomsday is coming.

Princess Celestia: The darkest day of Equestria is almost upon us. We have to be ready for anything.

Princess Luna: But I am always ready for anything.

Me: We have to be ready for anything that the Doomsday 23 throws at us.

Nico: Those monsters will never rule Equestria as long as we have anything to say about it.

Vince: They want a fight, we'll give them a war like no other.

Vypra: Those monsters are gonna pay for their crimes against all of Equestria and to us.

Cozy Glow: Especially that evil version of me for making my life a living nightmare.

Me: Doomsday is almost upon us.

Twilight Sparkle: Those monsters are all gonna pay for trying to take over.

Laney: That's right!

Eddy: Don't tell me the war's about to happen!

Glumshanks: Actually, we still have about 4 hours.

Me: It's 5:00 AM Guys.

We were getting our weapons and gear ready.

Me: This is gonna be the biggest battle probably in the history of the universe.

Nico: I know. And we have to be ready for anything.

Varie: This is gonna be big.

Lola: And epic.

Lana: Yeah!

We were gonna go up against the most dangerous enemies in all of Equestria.


Tirek, also known as Lord Tirek, is one of the main antagonists of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. He appears as the main antagonist in Season 4's finale "Twilight's Kingdom", a minor villain in "Cutie Re-Mark", the secondary antagonist in Season 8's finale "School Raze", and one of the three main antagonists of Season 9 (alongside Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow). He is G4's incarnation of Tirac; the first villain of the original series. He is also one of Twilight Sparkle's archenemies.

He is a power-hungry centaur with the power to drain the magic and abilities out of other creatures, particularly ponies. In Season 4, he escaped from his imprisonment at Tartarus to steal magic and gain power to take over Equestria, before he was defeated and banished back to Tartarus by the Mane Six. In Season 8, he conspires with his new protégé, Cozy Glow for the sake of revenge, but his plan backfired, thus forcing him to help them escape. In Season 9, he and Cozy Glow were released from Tartarus and becomes a member of the Legion of Doom, a team of villains bend on conquering Equestria, but was defeated once more by the Mane Six and their allies.

He was voiced by Mark Acheson, who also played Unicron in Transformers: Armada and Transformers: Energon, Moses Tripoli in Fargo, and Sabretooth in Hulk Vs.


Along with his brother Scorpan, Tirek used to be one of the princes of their old kingdom. Their land was ruled by their parents, the Centaur King Vorak, and the gargoyle Queen Haydon. Despite their fearsome appearances, Vorak and Haydon were benevolent rulers who wanted peace with Equestria. They did their best to guide their children and keep them on the right path, but while Scorpan took after their examples, Tirek was shown to already be a delinquent who constantly got into trouble at a young age. Because of this, his father King Vorak disapproved of his behavior and actions, which caused Tirek to develop an intense hatred for his father. Tirek seemed indifferent to his mother, though it's mentioned in "Frenemies" that he did genuinely love his grandmother. Tirek was a prodigy among his land, born with more magic than any other being in their kingdom, though his father was fearful of this due to the fact that he could sense a thirst for power in Tirek, believing that Tirek would one day try to overthrow him. At some point in time, Tirek started meeting with an old evil centaur wizard called Sendak the Elder, and became his protegee.

One day, Tirek and Scorpan went to visit Sendak. Though at first Scorpan said they had to return to the castle because their parents could be worried for them, Tirek ignored Scorpan and entered Sendak's home. Sendak told Tirek everything about pony magic and how he captured a unicorn when he traveled to Equestria. Sendak further revealed that there was a spell that would allow him to drain magic from other beings and use it to increase his own power, and that he was planning to do this with the unicorn he captured, though not at the exact moment. Supposedly, Equestria had more magic than any other land, and draining all of the magic from the land would make someone an "indominable force". Sendak realized that Tirek wanted to drain the unicorn's magic for himself, but he informed Tirek that he was too young to properly perform the spell at the time, telling him to wait until he was older.

Tirek and Scorpan returned to the castle where their parents, King Vorak and Queen Haydon were arguing until they enter on. That night, Tirek and Scorpan talked about their parents relations with them and when everyone went to sleep, Tirek went out the castle to find out more about pony magic. Once in Sendak (who was taking a nap)'s home, Tirek tries to make the same ability that Sendak used to steal the pony's magic until Sendak woke up just to see how Tirek's spell of absorbing magic just causes a great explosion that traps Sendak under a pile of rubble. Sendak asks Tirek for help, but he abandons him and sneaks back to the castle.

The next day, it is revealed that Sendak was rescued by Vorak's guards, but was sentenced to work in the mines for the rest of his life as punishment for kidnapping the unicorn. Vorak asks Tirek where he was the night when the explosion happened and Tirek explains that he never left the castle. However, his father doesn't believe him and confines Tirek along with Scorpan to their chamber. Tirek is last seen on the balcony where he swears that one day he will overthrow his father and finish what Sendak couldn't: Rule over Equestria.

Since then, Tirek has used magic to compensate for the fact that deep down, he will never be enough to please King Vorak, as explained in The Ending of the End Part 2. It is unclear if Tirek has indeed overthrown his parents or if he just simply left them alongside his brother to conquer Equestria. The fact that Scorpan, who clearly loved them, was still on good terms with Tirek by the time they left their land to travel to Equestria, suggests the latter.

Invasion and Imprisonment

A thousand years prior to the series, a full-grown Tirek and his brother Scorpan traveled to Equestria so that Tirek could finally fulfill his dream of taking all the magic from the land and becoming all-powerful. But when Scorpan came to appreciate Equestria and became friends with Star Swirl the Bearded, he tried to turn Tirek away from his quest. Tirek refused, and Scorpan warned Celestia and Luna of his brother's ambitions, and, because of this, they were able to capture and imprison Tirek in Tartarus for his crimes while Scorpan returned to his homeland. Before leaving, Scorpan gave Tirek his amulet as a memento of their former bond.

Twilight's Kingdom

In "Twilight's Kingdom", it is revealed that when Cerberus left his post at the gates of Tartarus (in "It's About Time"), Tirek was able to escape. After spending his time free recovering his strength, he had eventually regained enough power to absorb a unicorn's magic. Celestia received a vision of this event and, after meeting with Luna, Cadence, and Twilight to assess the threat of his return, sent Discord after Tirek, as he could sense magical imbalances and therefore make it easy for him to find Tirek. Discord, using the guise of a unicorn, discovered Tirek in an alleyway and confronts him. Tirek initially commends Discord for his "escape" from his imprisonment, only for Discord to bind him with shackles, revealing that he had switched alignments and is reimprisoning Tirek for his friends. Taking advantage of this new revelation, Tirek convinced Discord that his friendship was a new form of prison and that, if they worked together, he could get the one this friendship could never give him; freedom. Discord, despite his friendship with Fluttershy, agrees. With Discord now at his side, Tirek began devouring the energy and magic from unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies alike from all across Equestria, regaining almost all of his strength.

Knowing that he would seek alicorn magic next, Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, with no options left, called upon Twilight and entrusted all of their magic to her, as Tirek was not aware of the existence of a fourth Princess. As expected, Tirek and Discord assaulted Canterlot in search of the Princesses' magic, only to find the three Princesses without it. Still assured of his victory, Tirek ironically banished the three Princesses to Tartarus and approached Discord, who was comically altering Celestia's stained glass windows. As a sign of gratitude for his efforts, Tirek gave Discord a medallion that he received from "somebody close to him", before seeing the window depicting Twilight and demanding to know why Discord didn't tell him about the fourth Princess. Discord stated that he wasn't sure if Tirek could be fully trusted, but now knowing that he is, tells him about Twilight and her friends. Tirek, though upset over his friend lying to him, does appear to forgive him. Tirek and Discord then headed to Ponyville and captured Twilight's best friends, Tirek draining their power before doing the same to Discord, telling him that he has outlived his usefulness, revealing that his medallion actually came from Scorpan, and that Discord is as worthless to him as his brother was.

Growing to tremendous size from the magic he absorbed with his power even surpassing that of Discord, Tirek sought out Twilight, obliterating her home of the Golden Oak Library in his search, enraging her and driving them to fight in an epic battle. The two were evenly matched, though Twilight seemed to have a slight advantage, and so Tirek revealed the other Mane 5, Spike, and Discord, imprisoned inside orbs. Tirek told Twilight to give him all the alicorn magic in Equestria in exchange for her friend's release, and she agreed, and Tirek released all except Discord, who Twilight then wanted to be released as well. Although not understanding why Twilight would want Discord after he betrayed her, Tirek complies and drained her of all the alicorn magic, increasing his size and strength to titanic proportions. To thank her for her kindness, Discord gave Twilight Scorpan's medallion, this time out of legitimate gratitude, making it the final key to the Tree of Harmony box.

Unlocking the box, the Mane 6 receive Rainbow Power, and confront Tirek with their new abilities. Tirek fires at them with a massive magical blast, only to be confused when his attack has no effect on them. A distressed Tirek asks how it is possible for the Ponies to be undamaged without magic, and Twilight responds by telling him that she possesses the most powerful magic of all; friendship. The Mane 6 then attacks Tirek, draining him of his stolen magic and reimprisoning him in Tartarus, undoing all of his actions.

The Cutie Map

In "The Cutie Map", Tirek is mentioned by Rainbow Dash when she reminds Twilight that they along with the rest of the Mane Six, have opened all six keys of friendship, defeated Tirek and received a castle of their own.

Crusaders of the Lost Mark

In "Crusaders of the Lost Mark", Tirek was mentioned again by Pipsqueak, who stated that his battle with Twilight was the cause of the poor conditioning of the schoolyard.

The Cutie Re-Mark

In "The Cutie Re-Mark", in the fourth alternate timeline created by Starlight Glimmer, without the Mane 6 to stop him, Tirek succeeds in draining all the magic in Equestria and is briefly seen causing destruction.

Shadow Play

In "Shadow Play", Pinkie Pie mentions Tirek while recounting the threats Equestria has faced over the last thousand years to Starswirl the Bearded.

The Mean 6

In "The Mean 6", while not mentioned by name, Pinkie Pie briefly recounts the battle between the Mane 6 and Tirek while talking to Twilight (who, in reality, was a clone created by Queen Chrysalis).

School Raze

Tirek reappears in Season 8's two-part finale, "School Raze", in which it's revealed that he is pen pals with Cozy Glow. He also conspired with Cozy for the sake of getting revenge. Cozy Glow was successful in trapping the Mane 6 in Tartarus, during which Tirek told them that Cozy Glow was behind it and his involvement in her plan. However, Twilight reminded him that if they were trapped in Tartarus, he'd be trapped with them for eternity. Pinkie Pie annoyed Tirek to the point of giving Twilight what remained of his magic so the Mane 6 could escape just to get rid of them.

After the Young Six broke Cozy Glow's spell, Tirek got his magic back, which hit him in the head and knocked him down. Later, a bored Cerberus lay next to Tirek with him remarking that it may be boring in Tartarus but at least Cerberus isn't in a cage. When Luna and two Royal Guards imprisoned Cozy Glow in Tartarus, in a cage next to Tirek, Cozy Glow asked Tirek if he wanted to be her friend, much to Tirek's dismay.

Season 9 The Beginnning of the End

In "The Beginning of the End", while still imprisoned with him, Cozy Glow annoys Tirek by continuing to try and befriend him, before the both of them are suddenly transported out of Tartarus. Emerging within a mysterious cavern, Tirek and Cozy Glow are met by Queen Chrysalis, who immediately accuses them of summoning her, though Cozy Glow assures her that they thought she freed them. As this happens, King Sombra suddenly appears, causing the three to accuse him of summoning them, only for Discord (disguised as the ancient tyrant Grogar) to reveal himself to be the one who was responsible for summoning them. Tirek, Chrysalis and Sombra are shocked to see him, as they believed he was only a legend, though "Grogar" assures them that he is real and states that he summoned them as part of his plan to rid Equestria of Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

Seeing that Cozy Glow doesn't know who he is, "Grogar" decides to demonstrate his power by giving Tirek a sample of magic that revives much of his strength. Tirek then tells Cozy Glow that "Grogar" is ancient and extremely powerful, as well as the former ruler of what would become Equestria, claiming that he had heard stories of his tyranny when he was younger. "Grogar" then tells the villains of how he created monsters that roamed the land and took whatever they wanted under his rule, before Chrysalis remarks how he was banished by Gusty the Great, although "Grogar" claims that he was only temporarily weakened when she took his bell; however, Cozy Glow points out that, since he has been weakened before even Tirek was born, he has a very different idea of what "temporarily" means, much to his annoyance. In reality, Gusty the Great really did banish the real Grogar into limbo, from where there is no return.

"Grogar" proceeds to tell the group that he has watched them and their failures to take over Equestria, and asks them why they have always been defeated by the same six ponies each time, Tirek claiming that it is because they are "annoyingly lucky". "Grogar" rebuffs their answers and claims it is because their enemies work together as a team, demanding that the villains join forces with him to take over Equestria. Sombra, however, refuses to serve "Grogar" and arrogantly proclaims that he will take over the Crystal Empire by himself, causing "Grogar" to send him off to the Empire on the conditions that, if he fails, he will serve him or be destroyed again. After this, "Grogar" tells the others to prepare to work together and leaves. Cozy Glow immediately compares working together to making friends, telling Tirek and Chrysalis that they are in luck since she knows "all about that", though the former only flicks her away in annoyance.

Cozy Glow tries to get Tirek and Chrysalis to work together by having them each say nice things to each other, though this falls apart when Chrysalis refuses to say anything nice about ponies. "Grogar" then approaches them and states that he hopes the three of them will be enough to help his plans along, causing Tirek and Chrysalis to ask about Sombra. "Grogar" shows them that Sombra had failed in his plans to conquer Equestria and had again been defeated by the Mane Six, remarking that he will at least serve as an example to them as what will happen if they don't submit to his plans. Having seen this, Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow unanimously agree to serve "Grogar", though are seemingly left nervous by the thought.


In "Frenemies", as "Grogar" is working, Cozy Glow approaches him and tattles on Tirek for leaving food out, Tirek quickly approaching "Grogar" and telling him not to trust anything she says afterwards; though "Grogar" is quick to point out that he already doesn't trust anything that they say. After being annoyed by Chrysalis, "Grogar" informs the villains that he is leaving and demands that they all stop fighting and find a way to work together so that they can accomplish their goals. Once "Grogar" leaves, Tirek, not listening to his orders, begins to work out by himself (seemingly in an effort to re-obtain his physique from when he had absorbed Equestria's magic). While doing so, he is approached by Cozy Glow, who states that she is organizing a team meeting, which he agrees to go to so long as she leaves him be. At the meeting, Cozy Glow encourages the fact that they all need to trust one another to work together, which Chrysalis finds hard to do as Tirek is trying to steal her magic. Tirek firmly denies doing such a thing (returning the magic he actually had stole to a cupcake that Chrysalis devours), and calls her out for constantly ranting to her log, before joining Chrysalis in telling Cozy Glow that she wasn't left in charge. Cozy Glow then tries to get them all to agree with one another over their common goals, leading them all into singing "Better Way to be Bad" with one another, only for them all to devolve into bickering.

"Grogar" returns at the same time, and, upset to see they have not yet resolved their differences, decides to send them off on a mission to retrieve his Bewitching Bell from Mt. Everhoof so that they can learn to work together. Tirek and the others fight over who should lead the mission based on their previous feats, only for "Grogar" to angrily overpower and remind them that they all failed before and cannot work alone. Upon arriving at the foot of the mountain, all of the villains immediately split off and begin to find their own ways of getting up; Tirek staying behind and making a camp for himself. He proceeds to laugh at Cozy Glow upon seeing her return, and explains to her that he had already deduced that getting up the mountain by himself would be impossible, and so had planned to wait for her and Chrysalis to fail so that he could take what they learned and use it to his advantage. Cozy Glow and Tirek proceed to bicker — Tirek calling her out for her fake cutesy persona and constant manipulations having found out that she was only pretending to befriend him long before they teamed up, and Cozy Glow criticizing his arrogance, while also mocking him for talking to his "Gram Gram" in his sleep — until they are approached by an Ophiotaurus, which they both blame each other for attracting. Suddenly, a female Ophiotaurus arrives and seduces the other one, Tirek quickly realizing that the former is actually Chrysalis in disguise, who admits that she needs their help, causing Tirek to gloat about his own strategy.

That night, Tirek and the others begin to bond with each other over their previous endeavors and hatred towards The Mane Six; him remarking on how he turned Discord against his friends and used their emotions against them, and that Cozy Glow's plan to destroy all magic would have been worthwhile if it meant seeing Twilight and her friends defeated, also admitting that working with Chrysalis and her may not be such a bad thing. The next day, the three villains proceed to combine their abilities in order to scale the mountain, only to find that the cave at the top is protected by a magical barrier, which Tirek cannot absorb since he can only take magic from living beings. With some convincing, Chrysalis allows Tirek to take her magic to become powerful enough to create an opening in the barrier, allowing Cozy Glow to enter the cave and retrieve the bell. Tirek then returns Chrysalis' magic, stating that he wasn't sure he would do so and that it seemed smarter to work with her than fight. The villains begin to reflect with one another over how it felt to rely on others for a change, before Chrysalis snaps them out of it, not wanting the friendship to infect her like it did her hive. Realizing that they almost reformed, the three vow to remain focused.

The three then concur that "Grogar" has grown too powerful and decides to betray him together, and Tirek agrees that they can all go back to trying to destroy one another afterward. He and the others later return to "Grogar's" lair and fool him into thinking that they failed while yet still becoming allies to his delight, though in reality have kept the bell for themselves.

A Trivial Pursuit

In "A Trivial Pursuit", Tirek is mentioned by Twilight and Mudbriar with him and Scorpan being the answer of who came to steal magic from Equestria.

The Summer Sun Setback

In The Summer Sun Setback, Cozy Glow sees "Grogar" leaving and asks where he is going. He reveals that since his minions "failed" to recover the Bewitching Bell for him, they will need another source of power to defeat Twilight and her friends. After "Grogar" leaves, Cozy Glow informs Chrysalis and Tirek that he is gone. The villains voice that they don't trust "Grogar" and try to figure out how to use his bell like ringing it but nothing happens. Cozy Glow then points out that Twilight mentioned that the Archives in Canterlot has a restricted area and the villains set off on their "road trip".

The three villains hide in Canterlot and only Chrysalis and Tirek notice so many ponies out in the night. Cozy Glow reveals that it's the Summer Sun Celebration with Chrysalis asking how many holidays these ponies have. She believes that it will be easy to get in until Tirek points out that Canterlot has increased security. After Chrysalis fails to enter through the main doors, she returns to her allies and informs that it will be more challenging. The villains then overhear Twilight's friends and Discord talking about their responsibilities for the holiday. Tirek believes it to be impossible since the security is increased with Twilight's friends "bumbling about". However, Chrysalis sees it as an advantage to use as a distraction since they heard everything and gives instructions to Tirek and Cozy Glow.

While Chrysalis and Cozy Glow secretly sabotage the unicorns and Pegasi, Tirek secretly sabotages the Earth ponies of Appleloosa who are prepare the catering by hiding in the bushes and discreetly absorbing the Earth ponies magic which turns him back into his third form. This causes Braeburn to assume that the food is contaminated, causing the rest of the Earth ponies to panic. Tirek laughs at this while stealing some food on the way.

The villains watch all the panic and chaos unfold before deciding to incapacitate the security. Cozy Glow distracts a guard while Tirek steals his magic and Chrysalis uses his star badge to the main doors for them to enter.

They search for the archives which also wakes up a security goose which follows them. However, Chrysalis disguises herself as another security goose to get it to leave and the villains finally find and break into the Archives. They search through the Archives until Cozy Glow finds a book about how to use the Bewitching Bell and uses another book to break it out of it's chains.

This gives the villains time to leave Canterlot back to "Grogar's" lair while Twilight and her friends are able to fix the holiday. "Grogar" also returns tells his cohorts that he has found success where they all find "failure". He reveals that he located what he wanted and will retrieve it the next day before they begin his plan to take over Equestria. Tirek is still sulking that he had to give the magic of the Earth ponies back to them, in which Chrysalis and Cozy Glow tell him to stop doing and remind him that "Grogar" would become suspicious if he found out about their "road trip" in which Tirek claims that he doesn't have to like it. Cozy Glow reveals that she didn't like it when the Mane Six managed to fix the holiday, until Chrysalis reveals that the goal was not to destroy but to distract in order to get the book. Tirek reminds them that they can't waste any more time because they must master the bell before "Grogar" returns. Chrysalis reveals that they managed to stay ahead of everyone so far until Cozy Glow remarks how easy it was to turn the Earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasi against each other, in which Chrysalis decides would be something to think about.

The Ending of the End

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow absorb "Grogar's" magic from his bell, turning Tirek back into his third form but much stronger. They then drain "Grogar's" current magic, revealing him to be Discord. When Chrysalis intends to take Discord's magic, Tirek says only Discord can control it. They agree to let Cozy Glow test this knowing that she can't go through with betraying them and take the magic back at her request when she can't control it, before setting out to conquer Equestria. Tirek drains the Pillars of Equestria and imprisons them in the caves beneath Canterlot with Starlight Glimmer, who was captured by Chrysalis, before both go to Canterlot to fight alongside Cozy Glow, during which they destroy half of Canterlot and almost kill Twilight twice, with Rarity stopping them the first time, and the other Mane 5, Spike, Celestia, Luna, and Discord holding their magic beam back the second time so Twilight can escape, and are eventually overpowered and imprisoned by the villains.

In Part 2, where Cozy Glow wants to kill the prisoners and Chrysalis wants to torture them, Tirek instead wants to hunt down Twilight as he knows that she is the biggest threat. They argue over Cozy Glow trying to take Celestia and Luna's magic from the bell, Tirek saying they must figure out Discord's magic first. Discord pretends to offer to tell them in exchange for the safety of the others, and insults Tirek into trying to blast him, which Discord reflects to release Starlight from her imprisonment, allowing her to release the others, and while the other Mane 5 and Spike run off to get Twilight, Starlight, Celestia, Luna, and Discord fight Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, who reimprison them.

When the Windigos return from the villains turning ponies against each other, Tirek says they are ancient magic and should be destroyed. Afterwards, the Mane 6 and Spike arrive. During an attempt to get the bell, Tirek chases after Twilight, who is trying to distract him, after which Tirek foils Applejack's attempt to get the bell. When Chrysalis threatens Spike, the villains nearly destroy the Mane 6, but many unicorns protect them and most of the ponies' allies enter the battle.

In the end, the Mane 6, Spike, the Young Six, and the Pillars unleash a rainbow which destroys the Windigos and takes away Grogar's power from Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, turning Tirek skinny and frail again. After Pinkie drops a giant cupcake on them with Discord's magic, which, along with Celestia and Luna's magic, is returned, Celestia, Luna, and Discord turn Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow to stone as punishment for their crimes after Celestia and Luna ponder over what they should do given the scope of their crimes. Thus, Tirek was finally defeated for good.

The Last Problem

The statue of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow, makes a cameo in the newspaper in this episode, but they do not appear beyond that. It is stated by Jim Miller that they were later moved into the Canterlot gardens much like Discord's statue. It is unknown if the effects of their stoning are permanent, or whether they would eventually be smashed to pieces, but it is stated by Jim Miller that they are in suspended animation, indicating they are asleep or unconscious for it. The use of present tense could imply that they are still trapped in stone as of the epilogue, though this has yet to be confirmed. Either way, they likely will never be able to hurt any creature again.

Queen Chrysalis

Queen Chrysalis (or also simply known as Chrysalis) is one of the main antagonists of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She appears as the main antagonist in the Season 2 finale "A Canterlot Wedding", the Season 6 finale "To Where and Back Again", the Season 8 episode "The Mean 6", and one of the three main antagonists of Season 9 (alongside Tirek and Cozy Glow). She is also the supporting antagonist in the Season 5 finale "The Cutie Re-Mark" and the overarching antagonist in the Season 6 episode "The Times They Are A Changeling". She is one of Twilight Sparkle's archenemies and also the archenemy of Starlight Glimmer.

She was also featured as the main antagonist in IDW's first comic arc, The Return of Queen Chrysalis, as an supporting antagonist in the ninth comic arc, Siege of the Crystal Empire, the main antagonist of The Guardians of Harmony in the IDW specials and one of the two main antagonists (alongside Megatron) of My Little Pony/Transformers.

She was the Queen of the Changelings who seeks to feed her subjects' hunger for love and later expand her rule across Equestria in the process. She then lost this title after the Changelings realized that they didn't need to feed on love to survive, have been replaced by Thorax. She later becomes a member of the Legion of Doom, consisting of Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow, and was formally led by "Grogar", who was actually Discord in disguise. After they dispose of Discord and learn of his secret, Queen Chrysalis becomes the de-facto leader of the team until she and her teammates were defeated by the Mane Six and their allies. She started out as the archenemy of both Princess Cadence and Twilight Sparkle, and then later became Starlight Glimmer's nemesis when she helped convince her hive to turn on her. But in the end after being defeated by Twilight and her friends for the last time and remained as both Twilight and Starlight's arch-nemesis.

She was voiced by Kathleen Barr, who also voiced Trixie Lulamoon in the same series, Kevin and Marie Kanker in Ed, Edd n' Eddy, and Gelorum in Hot Wheels: AcceleRacers. In her other forms, she was voiced by Britt McKillip in her Princess Cadance disguise, and Ashleigh Ball in her Applejack disguise.

In the Japanese dub from the series, she was voiced by Kaori Nazuka, who also voiced Zonda in Azure Striker Gunvolt and Margaret Mitchell in Bungou Stray Dogs.

Chrysalis first makes an appearance in the penultimate episode of the second season entitled "A Canterlot Wedding", disguised as Princess Cadance. Some time before the events of the episode, Queen Chrysalis somehow got through Shining Armor's shield spell and attacked Princess Cadance, then hid her in the caves below Canterlot and took her form.

When the Main 6 arrive from Ponyville to help with the wedding plans, Twilight encounters "Cadance" after reminiscing about what a great foal-sitter she was. However, to her surprise, Twilight finds that Cadance has no idea who she is and that she is now cold, uninviting, selfish, and cares little for the wedding plans. That night, Twilight expresses her frustrations with Cadance to her friends, who instead chalk up Cadance's bad behavior to stress of the wedding and Twilight's dislike of her as being possessive of her brother. Twilight visits Shining Armor in an attempt to talk to him about Cadance, only for her to show up and take him out of the room for a conversation. Whilst spying on the two, Twilight witnesses Cadance performing a spell on Shining Armor, and deems her as being evil on top of unpleasant, running back to the castle to warn her friends about her, only to realize that she had gotten her friends to replace her missing bridesmaids. The next day, Twilight confronts Cadance in front of her friends, Shining Armor and Princess Celestia, only to be humiliated and disgraced when she runs off crying and Shining Armor justifies all her seemingly mean spirited actions while not inviting her to the wedding. On top of this, her friends are shun her for her misguided actions. As Twilight, now alone, regrets her actions, Cadance returns and comforts her, only to then imprison her below the castle.

Chrysalis, still in Cadance's form, taunts Twilight and tells her that she's only using Shining Armor for her own ends. Chrysalis then attempts to manipulate Twilight into attacking the real Cadance, also trapped under the castle, although this fails when Cadance proves she remembers who Twilight is. As Twilight and the real Cadance attempt to escape, Chrysalis proceeds with her plans of marrying Shining Armor, whilst singing "This Day Aria". However, just as Chrysalis is about to be married, Twilight and Cadance arrive and reveal that she is a fake, causing Chrysalis to reveal her true form.

Chrysalis boasts and explains that, as Queen of the Changelings, she is tasked with finding food for her subjects, and that Equestria has more love to feed off of than anywhere they had encountered before. When Cadance argues that Shining Armor's protection spell will keep the Changelings out, Chrysalis reveals that she has been feeding off of Shining Armor's love, making him and the protection spell gradually weaker. Celestia begins dueling with Chrysalis, although the latter manages to overpower her, having grown stronger due to feeding off of Shining Armor. As the Mane 6 run off to get the Elements of Harmony, Chrysalis laughs and tells them they can run, but they can't hide.

Chrysalis continues to oversee Celestia (now trapped in a cocoon), the detained Cadance, Spike and the brainwashed Shining Armor, as the Mane 6 are brought back in by her minions. She then politely scolds them for not believing Twilight in the first place causing them to feel awful. After telling her remaining subjects to go and feed, Chrysalis reprises "This Day Aria" whilst looking over the destruction of Canterlot, not realizing that Twilight had freed Cadance, who subsequently helps Shining Armor break free of Chrysalis' brainwashing. He glares at her after he's freed, heavily implying he found out Twilight was right about her sometime between when he stormed out and when he was freed. Although both Shining Armor and Cadance are free, Chrysalis over confidently shrugs this off, believing that Shining Armor is too weak to repel them using his protection spell. However, Cadance and Shining Armor use their love to empower the protection spell, sending a shocked Chrysalis and her Changelings flying off to parts unknown. During the aftermath, everyone apologizes to Twilight for not believing her and getting mad at her.

Season 5 The Cutie Re-Mark

In "The Cutie Re-Mark", in the second altered timeline created by Starlight Glimmer, Chrysalis and her Changelings have taken over most of Equestria without the Mane 6 to stop them, and Zecora is leading jungle ponies (Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie among them) in a war against her. Chrysalis, disguised as Applejack, arrives at the jungle ponies' hideout while Zecora is explaining things to Twilight. Zecora is not fooled by Chrysalis' disguise, and Chrysalis unleashes the Changeling army on her resistance while she and Zecora duel. Although Chrysalis presumably wins the battle, the timeline is eventually restored, and she therefore never comes into power.

Season 6 The Times They Are A Changeling

In "The Times They Are A Changeling", Chrysalis briefly appears in Thorax's flashback to the Changeling kingdom. It was later implied that Chrysalis and the changelings all survived their fall from both Thorax having taken part in the invasion and his plans to reform the Changelings in their kingdom.

To Where and Back Again

Chrysalis returns in the Season 6 finale "To Where and Back Again". She with her Changelings capture the Mane 6, Spike, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart and take over Equestria. She is seen communicating with the Changelings impersonating the Mane 6 and Spike, and Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Thorax, and Discord travel to the Changeling kingdom to stop her.

Starlight and her team go through the Changeling hive to destroy Chrysalis's throne, which blocks all magic but Changeling magic. Discord and Trixie are captured and imprisoned in a chrysalis in Chrysalis's throne room, along with every other pony that was captured. Chrysalis arrogantly boasts about her assured victory to Starlight, only to realize that "Starlight" is actually Thorax, while the real Starlight is attempting to destroy the throne with a rock. Starlight attempts to convince Chrysalis that giving love to others is better for her subjects, however, Chrysalis denies this, stating that she knows what is best for her people. Chrysalis starts to drain Thorax of his love as punishment for betraying her, however, on Starlight's suggestion, Thorax willingly gives all his love to her, blasting her into the throne and obtaining a new transformation. All the other Changelings, realizing that there is a better option to stealing love, do the same, destroying Chrysalis' throne and releasing those imprisoned, also transforming. Chrysalis survives, and, outnumbered by the Mane 6, Spike, Starlight, the princesses, Discord, and those with them, including the entire changeling army, she is unable to do anything. Starlight offers her the chance of redemption, but Chrysalis rejects her offer, swears revenge on Starlight, and flies away.

Season 7 Celestial Advice

In "Celestial Advice", Chrysalis is mentioned a few times.

To Change a Changeling

Chrysalis is mentioned again in the episode "To Change a Changeling".

Shadow Play

In "Shadow Play", Pinkie Pie mentions Chrysalis while recounting the threats Equestria has faced over the last thousand years to Starswirl the Bearded.

Season 8 The Mean 6

In "The Mean 6", Chrysalis, disguised as a photographer for the Canterlot Historical Society, arrives at Twilight's castle to take the photos of the Mane 6, plucking a single hair out of each of them in order to supposedly make them look good for the photos. She then lazily takes pictures of each of them, and, as she prepares to leave, Pinkie Pie reminds her to take a photo of Starlight, which she reluctantly does. Upon leaving the castle, Chrysalis remarks that she now has everything she needs before transforming back to her original form.

Soon afterwards, in the Everfree Forest, Chrysalis pins the hairs and photos to six different trees (while talking to them as if they were people) and reveals her intentions to use the photos, the strands of hair and carvings of the Mane 6's Cutie Mark symbols in a spell that will create evil counterparts to the Mane 6, plotting to use the clones to take control of the Elements of Harmony, eliminate Twilight and her friends and destroy Starlight's relationships as revenge for turning the Changelings against her. Chrysalis then revels in the idea of recreating her hive with unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies and then taking over Equestria, before using her spell to create the Mean Six.

Chrysalis and her new minions begin prowling the forest in search of the Tree of Harmony, which contains the Elements, however, Chrysalis begins to realize that the Mane 6's evil forms are completely unfocused on their goals and do not listen to her orders. The group is accidentally separated during the search, and Chrysalis orders her remaining minions to find the ones that have been lost, resulting in them encountering the Mane 6 (who, coincidentally, had been separated as well). Chrysalis approaches the Twilight clone as she is searching for the others, and, frustrated with her, asks why she shouldn't destroy and replace her, causing the clone to reveal that she knows the location of the Tree of Harmony.

Once Chrysalis and the others are reassembled, they head to the Tree, spitefully destroying the Mane 6's campground as well. Upon approaching the Tree, Chrysalis overhears the Twilight clone goading the others to take the Elements for themselves and betray Chrysalis, leading to her and Twilight fighting each other in a magical duel. As Chrysalis begins to lose, the Tree senses the evil magic inside the clones, and captures all of them, withering away their bodies and reducing them to nothing but wood. Chrysalis admits defeat over her clones' betrayal, but is now aware about the additional power of the tree and still swears to get revenge on Starlight and the Mane 6 before she departing. Chrysalis is last seen escaping into the distance while Twilight tells her friends that they can overcome any obstacle together.

What Lies Beneath

In "What Lies Beneath", Ocellus takes on the form of Chrysalis out of fear that she will become just like her.

Season 9 The Beginning of the End

Queen Chrysalis appears in the Season 9 premiere "The Beginning of the End". She is still craving revenge on Twilight Sparkle and her friends for stealing her kingdom from her to carvings of changelings until she is mysteriously transported to a strange cavern in an unknown part of Equestria. After Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow mysteriously appear, she immediately accuses them of summoning her, though Cozy Glow assures her that they thought she freed them. As this happens, King Sombra also suddenly appears, causing the three to accuse him of summoning them, only for Discord (disguised as the ancient tyrant Grogar) to reveal himself to be the one who was responsible for summoning them. Tirek, Chrysalis and Sombra are shocked to see him, as they believed he was only a legend, though "Grogar" assures them that he is real and states that he summoned them as part of his plan to rid Equestria of Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

Seeing that Cozy Glow doesn't recognize him, "Grogar" decides to demonstrate his power by giving Tirek a sample of magic that revives much of his strength. Tirek then tells Cozy Glow that "Grogar" is ancient and extremely powerful, as well as the ruler of what would become Equestria, claiming that he had heard stories of his tyranny when he was younger. "Grogar" then tells the villains of how he created monsters that roamed the land and took whatever they wanted under his rule, before Chrysalis remarks how he was banished by Gusty the Great, although "Grogar" claims that he was only temporarily weakened when she took his bell; however, Cozy Glow points out that, since he has been weakened before even Tirek was born, he has a different idea of what "temporarily" means, much to his annoyance. In reality, Gusty the Great really did banish the real Grogar into limbo, from where there is no return.

"Grogar" proceeds to tell the group that he has watched them and their failures to take over Equestria, and asks them why they have always been defeated by the same six ponies each time, Chrysalis claiming that it is because they "cheat". "Grogar" rebuffs their answers and claims it is because they work together as a team, demanding that the villains join forces with him to take over Equestria. Sombra, however, refuses to serve "Grogar" and arrogantly proclaims that he will take over the Crystal Empire by himself, causing "Grogar" to send him off to the Empire on the conditions that, if he fails, he will serve him or be destroyed again. After this, "Grogar" tells the others to prepare to work together and leaves. Cozy Glow immediately compares working together to making friends, telling Tirek and Chrysalis that they are in luck since she knows "all about that", though the former only flicks her away in annoyance.

Cozy Glow tries to get Tirek and Chrysalis to work together by having them each say nice things to each other, though this falls apart when Chrysalis refuses to say anything nice about ponies. "Grogar" then approaches them and states that he hopes the three of them will be enough to help his plans along, causing Tirek and Chrysalis to ask about Sombra. "Grogar" shows them that Sombra had failed in his plans to conquer Equestria and had again been defeated by the Mane Six, remarking that he will at least serve as an example to them as what will happen if they don't submit to his plans. Having seen this, Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow unanimously agree to serve "Grogar", though are seemingly left nervous by the thought.

Sparkle's Seven

Chrysalis is mentioned in the episode "Sparkle's Seven", when Shining Armor and Starswirl the Bearded use leftover debris from Chrysalis' old throne to increase security in Canterlot.


In "Frenemies", as "Grogar" (Discord) is working, Cozy Glow and Tirek annoy him before Chrysalis approaches "Grogar" and impatiently asks when they are going to attack. "Grogar" informs the villains that he is leaving and demands that they all stop fighting and find a way to work together so that they can accomplish their goals. Once "Grogar" leaves, Chrysalis, not listening to his orders, continues to planning revenge (against Starlight Glimmer for turning her kingdom against her). While she was talking to the purple log that used to be Mean Twilight, she is approached by Cozy Glow, who states that she is organizing a team meeting, which she agrees to go so long as she has cupcakes. At the meeting, Cozy Glow encourages the fact that they all need to trust one another, which Chrysalis finds hard to do as Tirek is trying to steal her magic. Tirek firmly denies doing such a thing (returning the magic he actually had stole to a cupcake that Chrysalis devours), and calls her out for constantly ranting to her log, before joining Chrysalis in telling Cozy Glow that she wasn't left in charge. Cozy Glow then tries to get them all to agree with one another over their common goals, leading them all into singing "Better Way to be Bad" with one another, only for them all to return to bickering. Chrysalis like Tirek, also verbally abuses Cozy because of her inexperience and bratty nature.

"Grogar" returns to see this, and, upset to see they have not yet resolved their differences, decides to send them off on a mission to retrieve his Bewitching Bell from Mt. Everhoof so that they can learn to work together. Chrysalis and the others fight over who should lead the mission based on their previous feats, only for "Grogar" to angrily overpower and remind them that they all failed before and cannot work alone. Upon arriving at the foot of the mountain, all of the villains immediately split off and begin to find their own ways of getting up; Chrysalis heads through the forest, scaring creatures off and using her powers to turn into creatures to get to the mountain but the winds prevent her from reaching it's top. Later, after Tirek stays behind and makes camp, he explains to Cozy Glow that he had already deduced that getting up the mountain by himself would be impossible, and so had planned to wait for her and Chrysalis to fail so that he could take what they learned and use it to his advantage. Tirek and Cozy Glow bicker until they are attacked by an Ophiotaurus. Suddenly, a female Ophiotaurus arrives and seduces the other one, Tirek quickly realizes that the former is actually Chrysalis in disguise, who admits that she needs their help, causing Tirek to gloat about his own strategy. She then proceeds to cocoon the Ophiotaurus to save some of its love for the next day.

That night, Chrysalis and the others proceed to bond with each other over their previous endeavors; her remarking about how she cocooned Twilight and the others until Starlight Glimmer freed them and turned her kingdom against her. She even remarks that Discord was something until friendship redeemed him hinting that she respected him at one point. She also remarks about disguising herself as Princess Cadance and it would have been worthwhile if it meant seeing Twilight and her friends defeated, also admitting that working with Tirek and Cozy Glow may not be such a bad thing. The next day, the three villains proceed to combine their abilities in order to scale the mountain, only to find that the cave at the top is protected by a powerful magical barrier, which Tirek cannot absorb since he can only absorb magic from living beings. With some convincing, Chrysalis allows Tirek to take her magic to become powerful enough to create an opening in the barrier, allowing Cozy Glow to enter the cave and retrieve the bell. Tirek then returns Chrysalis' magic to her as promised, stating that he wasn't sure he would do so and that it seemed smarter to work with her than fight. The villains begin to reflect with one another over how it felt to rely on others for a change, before Chrysalis snaps them out of it, not wanting friendship to infect her like it did her hive like a "disease". Realizing that they almost reformed, the three vow to remain focused.

The three then concur that "Grogar" has grown too powerful and decide to betray him together, and Chrysalis tells that they can continue acting like his loyal servants and hatch their own plan before trying to destroy one another afterwards. She and the others later return to "Grogar's" lair and fool him into thinking that they failed while yet still becoming allies, though in reality have kept the bell for themselves and Chrysalis remarking that "Grogar" was right as they were more powerful when they work together.

The Summer Sun Setback

In The Summer Sun Setback, Cozy Glow sees "Grogar" leaving and asks where he is going. He reveals that since his minions "failed" to recover the Bewitching Bell for him, they will need another source of power to defeat Twilight and her friends. After "Grogar" leaves, Cozy Glow informs Chrysalis and Tirek that he is gone. The villains voice that they don't trust "Grogar" and try to figure out how to use his bell like ringing it but nothing happens. Cozy Glow then points out that Twilight mentioned that the Archives in Canterlot has a restricted area and the villains set off on their "road trip".

The three villains hide in Canterlot and only Chrysalis and Tirek notice so many ponies out in the night. Cozy Glow reveals that it's the Summer Sun Celebration with Chrysalis asking how many holidays these ponies have. She believes that it will be easy to get in until Tirek points out that Canterlot has increased security. After Chrysalis fails to enter through the main doors, she returns to her allies and informs that it will be more challenging. The villains then overhear Twilight's friends and Discord talking about their responsibilities for the holiday. Tirek believes it to be impossible since the security is increased with Twilight's friends "bumbling about". However, Chrysalis sees it as an advantage to use as a distraction since they heard everything and gives instructions to Tirek and Cozy Glow.

While Tirek and Cozy Glow secretly sabotage the Earth Ponies and Pegasi, Chrysalis takes on her photographer form named "Crackle Cosette" and sabotages the unicorns by convincing them not to waste their talents on something inconsequential and that they are destined for more than just performances. This causes all the unicorns, including Fire Flare, to cancel the fireworks performance, as it is "beneath" them.

The villains watch all the panic and chaos unfold before deciding to incapacitate the security. Cozy Glow distracts a guard while Tirek steals his magic and Chrysalis uses his star badge to the main doors for them to enter. They search for the archives which also wakes up a security goose which follows them. However, Chrysalis disguises herself as another security goose to get it to leave and the villains finally find and break into the Archives. They search through the Archives until Cozy Glow finds a book about how to use the Bewitching Bell and uses a another book to break it out of it's chains.

This gives the villains time to leave Canterlot back to "Grogar's" lair while Twilight and her friends are able to fix the holiday. "Grogar" also returns tells his cohorts that he has found success where they all find "failure". He reveals that he located what he wanted and will retrieve it the next day before they begin his plan to take over Equestria. Tirek is still sulking that he had to give the magic of the Earth ponies back to them, in which Chrysalis and Cozy Glow tell him to stop doing and remind him that "Grogar" would become suspicious if he found out about their "road trip" in which Tirek claims that he doesn't have to like it. Cozy Glow reveals that she didn't like it when the Mane Six managed to fix the holiday, until Chrysalis reveals that the goal was not to destroy but to distract in order to get the book. Tirek reminds them that they can't waste any more time because they must master the bell before "Grogar" returns. Chrysalis reveals that they managed to stay ahead of everyone so far until Cozy Glow remarks how easy it was to turn the Earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasi against each other, in which Chrysalis decides would be something to think about.

The Ending of the End

In the first part of "Ending of the End," the villains successfully betray "Grogar", using the bell to gain new forms and drain "Grogar" of his power. In doing so, they discover that "Grogar" was actually Discord in disguise. After being left exposed and powerless, Discord was forced to flee from the lair.

Chrysalis went after Starlight first, and after a fight, she defeated and captured her at the cost of not taking over her school. She and Tirek then came to Cozy Glow's rescue when the Mane 6 were about to defeat her. The three, after taunting her over her failure, shoot a combined magic blast at Twilight, which the other Mane 5, Celestia, Luna, Spike, and Discord held back so she could escape. Once the others were imprisoned in the caves beneath Canterlot, Chrysalis objected to Cozy Glow's plan to kill them despite her concerns, wanting instead to torture them. Discord, vowing to atone for his role, freed Starlight by mocking Tirek to the point where he almost attacked him, who released the other Mane 5, Celestia, and Luna, and while Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow fought the princesses, Starlight, and Discord, the other Mane 5 ran to find Twilight. The villains, with some trouble defeated and reimprisoned most of their opponents.

When the disharmony they caused between ponies caused the Windigos to return, Chrysalis intended to let them stay as it would give her an advantage over the ponies, though Cozy Glow couldn't stand the cold and Tirek insisted they destroy the Windigos as even he thought they were too out of control. Then the Mane 6 arrived, and when they tried to take Grogar's bell, Chrysalis went after Rarity and Spike, before capturing Spike and threatening to tear his wings off. The trio were about to finish off the Mane 6 with a magic beam when many unicorns blocked with a magic barrier.

After a fight, the Mane 6, Spike, Young Six, and Pillars of Equestria unleashed a rainbow which destroyed the Windigos and removed the power Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow had obtained from the bell. Pinkie Pie dropped a giant cupcake on them using Discord's magic before he took it back from the bell, and then Celestia, Luna, and Discord turned Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow to stone forever, set on a pedestal together. Thus, Chrysalis was finally defeated for good.

The Last Problem

It is uncomfirmed of what happen to Chrysalis in the future, as she (along with Tirek & Cozy Glow) are only briefly mentioned in the final episode along with a cameo in a newspaper. It's unclear if the stoning is permanent. It has been stated by Jim Miller that sometime after being turned to stone, their statues were likely moved into the Canterlot gardens like Discord's statue. He also confirmed that being turned to stone left them in suspended animation instead of letting them see\hear everything going on around them like Discord, and as he said it in present tense it is possible they are still trapped in stone by the epilogue, though that has not actually been confirmed yet. Either way, they likely will never be able to hurt any creature again.

Return of Queen Chrysalis Arc

In the first arc of the comics, Chrysalis and the Changelings are shown to have survived their fall, landing in an area called Wuvey-Dover Smoochy Land. Deciding to take advantage of this, Chrysalis and the other Changelings drained the town's open-hearted citizens of their love transformed the land into a Changeling Kingdom. As one of her lieutenants states that it could be a while before they can attack Celestia again, Chrysalis reveals that she no longer cares about Celestia and instead wants revenge on Twilight Sparkle for ruining her plan, explaining that she will bring Twilight and her friends to their kingdom at the time of the Secretariat Comet, and, when their emotions are peaked, she will drain Twilight of her magic.

In Issue #1, the Changelings imprisoned the ponies of Ponyville in cocoons and replaced them with changelings, but the Mane 6 defeated the changelings and rescued all the ponies except the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Chrysalis, giving the Mane 6 an communication orb through Spike, reveals that she has the Crusaders trapped in her lair and that they will have three days to rescue them. Chrysalis then ends the transmission upon being interrupted by Scootaloo.

In Issue #2, Chrysalis, watching over the Mane 6, is disappointed by a troll they encounter, remarking that they are "the most idiotic creatures", only for the Crusaders to start annoying her again, afterwards stating that trolls are the "second most idiotic creatures". Chrysalis then sends six Changelings to cause a cave-in when the ponies were traveling under the Appleloosan Mountains, separating them into pairs, then the changelings impersonated the other ponies and each insulted one of the other pairs within earshot, turning them against each other. Chrysalis found this amusing, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders continued to annoy her.

In Issue #3, Chrysalis recounts what happened to her after her defeat in Canterlot, to the Crusaders. Scootaloo questions what happened to the citizens of Wuvey-Dovey Smoochy Land, and Chrysalis tells her, that if they don't shut up, she'll show them. Chrysalis uses the orb to watch over Twilight, and orders several other Changelings to report on the actions of the other ponies. Chrysalis' guards inform her of the status of the others, and the Crusaders begin laughing at how the Mane 6 will eventually reunite and Chrysalis' plan will be foiled. Now enraged, Chrysalis reveals that it wasn't part of her plan to turn the Mane 6 against one another, but an added bonus, explaining that her true intentions are to destroy Twilight after draining her magic, causing her friends' emotions to spike and making them a big meal for the Changelings, and, afterwards, they will go back to Canterlot and take over. Taunting the Crusaders for their innocence, Chrysalis takes one of the citizens of Wuvey-Dovey Smoochy Land and (off screen) violently murders it in front of them. After the Mane 6 get back together, Chrysalis, still bothered by the Crusaders, moans that it will soon be over.

In Issue #4, Chrysalis decided she was done with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and wanted to be rid of them; it is unknown whether it was to banish them, kill them, or use them as food. After the Mane 6 enter the Changeling's castle, Chrysalis tells them to find her behind one of many doors, from which Mola Ram, Pennywise, the twins from The Shining, and the Phantom of the Opera appeared in pony form. Twilight discovers the correct door and Chrysalis asks her and the others the riddle "How is a Pegasus like a writing desk?" While the others are confused, Pinkie Pie answers the riddle by literally not answering it, and Chrysalis opens the door. In her throne room, the Mane 6 confront Chrysalis as she is arguing with the Crusaders, and a battle ensues, with Chrysalis attacking Twilight.

As they battle, Chrysalis tries to monologue about how love is worthless, and, being interrupted constantly, traps the rest of the Mane 6 inside cocoons. Angry and empowered by the Secretariat Comet, Twilight unleashes a powerful magic beam on Chrysalis, destroying everything around her. Deciding to alter her plans, Chrysalis offers to make Twilight her apprentice instead of draining her magic, threatening to harm her friends if she doesn't comply. Twilight reluctantly agrees to Chrysalis' terms and she releases Twilight's friends, only to reimprison them immediately afterwards, revealing that she will still drain Twilight of her love to make her more subservient, and then she will drain her own friends. Twilight and Chrysalis battle again, and, with the encouragement of her friends and the magic of the Secretariat Comet, Twilight singlehandedly overpowers Chrysalis and the Changelings. Chrysalis and her Changelings are then imprisoned in the castle, with Pinkie Pie's costume standing in the doorway, endlessly annoying them with riddles and songs that never end.

FIENDship is Magic Mini-Series

In Issue 5 of Fiendship is Magic, which is in continuity with The Return of Queen Chrysalis, the Mane 6 visit the imprisoned Chrysalis in her castle, which is under guard by royal guards, to make sure that her imprisonment is going according to plan, as she is to receive a thousand-year punishment for her crimes (which includes being banned from cake). By now she is in an extremely weakened state, as she and her minions barely eat any of their food. It is mentioned that a thousand years ago she destroyed the city of Timbucktu. As more of her exploits are told and shown, she offers her origin in exchange for the newest Daring Do novel, which Rainbow Dash possesses. When Twilight is about to exchange it, she becomes trapped in the prison by the Changelings as it is revealed that the weakened Chrysalis was a Changeling and the true Chrysalis was hiding and she ambushes Twilight and she explains her origin. She came from a swamp where a rotten acorn was dropped into an eerie lake which grew into a tree that fed on insects and Starswirl the Bearded appeared and upon seeing the lake, he put a sign on the tree to keep ponies from entering the lake, but the nail releases the bugs, which have evolved into equine beings along with Chrysalis. She and her subjects then proceed to attack Twilight and before the ponies can stop them, the Changeling overpower them and escape the jail, leaving the defeated ponies and Spike wounded.

Siege of the Crystal Empire Arc

In Siege of the Crystal Empire, Issue 34 of the comics, Chrysalis is recruited by Radiant Hope along with the Flim Flam Brothers, Lightning Dust, and Iron Will to attack the Crystal Empire as a diversion to keep every pony out of the castle so Radiant Hope could revive King Sombra. Chrysalis duels Twilight, but is defeated when Rarity blasts Iron Will and his goat into her with a cannon, and is captured with her fellow conspirators.

In Issue 35, once Sombra is revived, he releases Chrysalis and helps her defeat Twilight. Celestia and Luna arrive and fight Sombra and Chrysalis, respectively; when Luna gains the upper hand on Chrysalis, Sombra turns both princesses to stone.

In Issue 36, when Chrysalis finds out Sombra plans to release the Umbrum, she is against it, having witnessed the Umbrum attacking the Crystal Empire and causing despair, which changelings cannot feed off of, but when Sombra threatens to turn her to stone, she says she'll help him. This was merely to buy her enough time to escape, knowing she and her changelings could be killed by the Umbrum. She taunts the powerless Twilight and throws her out of her cage so she can be attacked by the Umbrum, and then flies with her changelings across the sea to parts unknown, leaving Lightning Dust, Iron Will, and the Flim Flam Brothers behind.

My Little Pony: Guardians of Harmony Annual 2017

In The Shadow Bolts, Chrysalis is mentioned to be attacking the Crystal Empire, she sent two of her changelings to distract Rainbow Dash from reaching the Canterlot.

In Big Spike, Chrysalis and her changelings are said to be seen heading for the Mane Six and Spike. After Shining Armor arrives with a potion he'd found in castle of the Crystal Empire. Spike is the only one who knows that the potion is for him but Twilight uses a bit of the potion and armors herself, her friends and Shining Armor and still doesn't listen to Spike. When Chrysalis and her changelings arrive, The Mane Six and Shining Armor battle them but are outnumbered and overpowered by the changelings quickly. When Twilight finally grants Spike's wish to have the potion used on him, he grows into a giant armored dragon and he drives Chrysalis and her changelings away with his dragon breath.

The Dazzlings

The Dazzlings are the main antagonists of My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks and minor antagonists in the special Equestria Girls: Sunset's Backstage Pass. They are a musical group of magical Sirens, consisting of Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. Adagio is the leader and Aria and Sonata are her followers.

The three Sirens were once powerful threats to Equestria itself, sowing chaos with their enchanted voices and growing ever more powerful from feasting on negative emotions. Unable to defeat them, the great mage Starswirl the Bearded resorted to banishing them to another dimension, where magic was nonexistent and their power was nullified, or at least reduced to nothing but a pale shadow of what it once had been.

The three sirens are first seen in a city cafe, where they are observed absorbing negative energy from the customers there, complaining about the miserly amounts of power they gain from this. Then they witness the Harmony blast that defeated Sunset Shimmer in the previous movie. They realize that magic has been brought into the Human World (due to Sunset Shimmer's theft of the Element of Magic), and that their own power has returned as a result. Now once again in possession of their magical abilities, they decide to take over the Human World, starting with Canterlot High, the source of the magic.

The arrive in Canterlot High and Sunset Shimmer gives them a tour around the school, but she feels a bad vibe from them and notices that Adagio stops her from touching her crystal necklace. In the cafeteria, they sing a song that ignites the students' competitive spirits, turning a planned friendly singing festival into a Battle of the Bands. They also manipulate Principals Celestia and Luna into bending to their will.

Twilight discovers the true nature of the Dazzlings, but when she and the rest of the human Six attempt to defeat them, they realize that they are not able to unleash the Elements of Harmony at will. Instead, their failed attempt plays right into the Dazzlings' hands. The sirens realize that this group of students were not under their control and deduce that they must have great magic in them - and thus, great power to absorb, though they would have to turn them against each other without the use of their own magic first. This turns the Rainbooms into priority targets for the Dazzlings. In the meantime, they continue gathering energy from the other students.

When they see Sunset Shimmer again, they threateningly play with her emotions and intimidate her, claiming that "no one is going to remember her when they win". Feeling that simply getting the Rainbooms eliminated might not do the trick, the Sirens arrange that they pass to the finals instead despite a lackluster performance. This causes resentment in their opponent Trixie, who refuses to accept this. The Dazzlings then trick Trixie into removing the Rainbooms from the competition altogether by trapping them in a locked basement. However, thanks to Spike, the Rainbooms managed to escape.

Just as they are about to devour the combined energy of the students, the Rainbooms appear to stop them. In turn, the Sirens summon astral projections of their true forms for the battle. The Six overwhelm Aria and Sonata at first, but Adagio's desperate powerful sonic waves throw the girls off-balance, allowing the Dazzlings to gain the upper hand. With the Rainbooms down for the count, Sunset Shimmer steps in to help them out and the students begin to sing along with them. The Dazzlings appear shocked and outsmarted as Sunset's magic, combined with that of the Six, unleashes a giant rainbow alicorn, gaining much upper hand again and much more powerful magic song with everyone singing the Rainboom's song thats it more stronger than the Dazzlings song as they get enraged but then scared as they see a giant magic unicorn from the rainbow magic of harmony as a result that destroys their crystal necklaces, resulting in them losing their magical voices forever.

The Dazzlings are finally defeated and completely humiliated as they attempt to sing to fight back but it goes horribly off-key final, and the audience boo at the Dazzlings as they're all out of their spell and they all know the Dazzlings made them into complete jerks towards their good opponents and friends on different teams and they throw vegetables at them, forcing them to flee the stage.

Years later, the Dazzlings reappear at the Starswirl Music Festival, having being turned permanently human, something they resent deeply. Sunset Shimmer accuses them of being behind the time loop, but they are not the ones responsible, something Sunset confirms with her telepathy.

Powers and Abilities

The Sirens' magic lies in their enchanted, red-jeweled pendants that they wear, which contain the power of their true forms from Equestria. Their main power comes from their enchanted singing voices, which allows them to manipulate or control others' actions with its compelling tones. They usually use this ability to sow fighting and chaos among their victims, as the three also have the ability to feed on negative emotions to increase their power. The more negative energy they absorb, the more powerful their voice grows. At their apex, they could potentially subjugate an entire world to their will. The Elements of Harmony is the only magic that they cannot absorb directly, or control those who wield them.

When forced into battle, the Sirens can use their necklaces to summon ethereal projections of their true forms. Those apparitions are able to fly and use their voice offensively, unleashing beam projections or powerful shockwaves with their siren wails.

Despite their magical powers to force others to do their bidding, they are (especially Adagio Dazzle) also skilled manipulators of their own right, who can turn those they cannot control against each other with trickery, deceit, and by using the actions of those that they can control.

Their main weakness was the pendants themselves. Once destroyed, the Dazzlings have lost their singing magic forever.

Cozy Glow

Cozy Glow is one of the main antagonists in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She appears as the main antagonist of Season 8, first appearing as the supporting character in the episode "Marks for Effort", then later "Friendship University" and "What Lies Beneath", and then finally reveals her true nature as the main antagonist in the finale, "School Raze". She's also one of the three main antagonists of Season 9 (alongside Queen Chrysalis and Tirek). She is also the former friend and now one of Twilight Sparkle's archenemies.

Cozy Glow was once a friend of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Young Six, and the former top student of Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship as well as her Friendship Assistant. But then she revealed to also be Lord Tirek's protégé, who plotted to get rid of Twilight and her friends so that she can take her school and use it to rule Equestria. After she was stopped and exposed, she was then expelled from the school and imprisoned in Tartarus alongside her mentor, that becoming Twilight's new archenemy. Then they were released by "Grogar", (who was actually Discord in disguise) to join the Legion of Doom, but were ultimately defeated and petrified by the end of the series.

She was voiced by Sunni Westbrook.


Not much of Cozy Glow's past is known. What is known is that she was a young, but evil pegasus orphan who uses her wits and charm to get whatever she wanted. At some point, she enrolled at Princess Twilight's School of Friendship with sinister motives.

Marks for Effort

Cozy Glow first appeared in "Marks for Effort" where she was crying outside the Cutie Mark Crusaders' clubhouse. The Crusaders approached her and asked what's wrong. Cozy answers that she is having difficulty with her lessons at the School of Friendship and fears flunking out. The Crusaders, wanting to attend the School of Friendship too, decide to help Cozy with doing her homework and assignments.

The Crusaders teach Cozy how to be friendly while doing nice deeds for Sweetie Drops, Mrs. Cake, and Big Macintosh. After Cozy gets an "A" on her assignment, the Crusaders assist her further by helping her study for an upcoming friendship exam, during which she learns about the values of friendship represented by the Elements of Harmony. However, Cozy fails the test and runs away, which causes Twilight to accuse them of intentionally tutoring badly out of spite for not being allowed into the School of Friendship themselves.

After Cozy saw what she did to the Crusaders, she decides to go to the school's guidance counselor and confesses that she failed the exam on purpose so that the Crusaders would be allowed to enroll at the School of Friendship. When the truth was revealed, Cozy finally apologized to the Crusaders for what she did to them. Finally, the Crusaders were accepted at the School of Friendship; not as students, but as tutors. Cozy is last seen leaving with her new friends as they set out to tutor more students.

A Matter of Principles

Cozy Glow makes a background appearances in "A Matter of Principals".

The Hearth's Warming Club

She makes another background appearance in "The Hearth's Warming Club" just as Twilight dismisses the students for the holiday break.

Friendship University

She appears again in "Friendship University", giving Twilight the flyers that inform her about Friendship U, and later appears after Rarity questions how Flim and Flam could have gotten a hold of the School of Friendship's lesson plans.

Road to Friendship

Cozy Glow also appears waiting in line for Starlight's counseling in "Road to Friendship".

A Rockhoof and a Hard Place

She makes a background appearance in "A Rockhoof and a Hard Place".

What Lies Beneath

In "What Lies Beneath", Cozy stays behind to help Twilight organize the library when she notices the Young Six having a difficult time studying for a friendship test. She manipulates them into doubting their confidence in their friendship by saying terrible things about each of their races and claiming that friendship "isn't in their nature." She then leaves to fetch her study notes to help them. At the end of the episode, the Young Six meet Cozy upon completing their journey underneath the school, where she learns about the Tree of Harmony's test on their friendship skills, which worries her. When they consider telling Twilight, she begs them not to out of fear of getting in trouble for making them doubt themselves, which they agree to. As the Young Six drift off to sleep in exhaustion, Cozy ominously looks at the vent where the Tree of Harmony is hidden.

School Raze

By the season finale episode "School Raze", Cozy Glow had become Twilight's top student and official "friendship assistant", helping her out with several tasks such as reorganizing the school's artifacts. But then all the magic in Equestria begins to disappear, and within 3 days, all of it will be gone forever. By Cozy's theory, Twilight assumes that the magic-stealing centaur, Lord Tirek is responsible, and decides to go with her friends to Tartarus to investigate. Cozy Glow believed that Twilight will leave her in charge in her own absence, but instead gives control to Starlight Glimmer, to which she agrees to.

However, the next day, Cozy informs the rest of the school that Starlight had left to join Twilight in her quest and has left her in control. When the Young Six question this, Cozy punishes them with extra homework. That night, they witness Cozy exiting the vent that leads to the Tree of Harmony's roots and they decide to follow her. When they reach the main office, they discover Chancellor Neighsay sitting in Twilight's chair as he assumes control over the school. He imprisons the Young Six save for Sandbar, who goes to the Cutie Mark Crusaders to help stop Neighsay. He suggests that they convince Cozy Glow to also help, but when they follow her down the same vent as before, they discover the horrible truth: She was the one responsible for Equestria's disappearing magic by stealing the school's artifacts and using them as a magnet to gather it all and send it away into another realm, thanks to advice from letters she's received from her pen pal, who was none other than Tirek, and even trapped Starlight in the vortex. She then explains that it was all part of her insane plan to get rid of Twilight and her friends so that she can take control of the School of Friendship and establish herself as the "Empress of Friendship".

Cozy attempts to convince Chancellor Neighsay to leave the school, but he refuses, so she orchestrates a student uprising to take back her position as a school headmare. Locking him in chains in the office, she then brags to the disgraced Chancellor how becoming head of the Twilight's school will allow her to become the most powerful pony in all of Equestria. As she leaves the office, the Cutie Mark Crusaders try to distract Cozy while the Young Six free Neighsay and Equestria's magic, but then locks them in a hall closet, as she was already aware of their deception. She then leads her student army to the room with the magic vortex, where they find the Young Six, and lies to the students that they are attempting to destroy the school. In the scuffle that followed, Gallus gets trapped in the vortex and the others try to save him, only to be trapped as well. Then the portal opens and Starlight and the Young Six are dragged in with Equestria's magic. Seeing their willingness to save one-another, the students question if they should save them, but Cozy insists that they be left to their fates. But as they leave, the Tree of Harmony, which had been empowered by the Young Six's friendship, saves them all and frees the Young Six so that they can stop Cozy's vortex, much to her shock. Sandbar instructs the others to get clear of the resulting blast and they listen, despite Cozy's demands for them to stop.

When all the magic has been returned to Equestria, Cozy Glow, having been slightly singed by the blast, curses the Young Six for foiling her plans. At that moment, Twilight and the others appear and show their anger at the student who betrayed them all. Cozy tries to save face, but the Mane Six and Spike reveal that Tirek had told them everything and Twilight admonishes her for believing that power was all that friendship was about. Cozy shows no remorse for her actions and tries to escape, but she is caught between the other students, the princesses, and Chancellor Neighsay, and the royal guards, forcing her to surrender. For her crimes and is figured to be too dangerous to wander around other places, not only was she expelled from Twilight's school, but she was also sentenced to imprisonment within Tartarus. There, she tries to make friends with Tirek as she smiled evilly.

The Beginning of the End

In "The Beginning of the End", while still imprisoned with him, Cozy Glow annoys Tirek by continuing to try and befriend him, before the both of them are suddenly transported out of Tartarus. Emerging within a mysterious cavern, Tirek and Cozy Glow are met by Queen Chrysalis, who immediately accuses them of summoning her, though Cozy Glow assures her that they thought she freed them. As this happens, King Sombra suddenly appears, causing the three to accuse him of summoning them, only for Discord (disguised as the ancient tyrant Grogar) to reveal himself to be the one who was responsible for summoning them. Tirek, Chrysalis, and Sombra are shocked to see him, as they believed he was only a legend, though "Grogar" assures them that he is real and states that he summoned them as part of his plan to rid Equestria of Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

Seeing that Cozy Glow does not know who he is, "Grogar" decides to demonstrate his power by giving Tirek a sample of magic that revives much of his strength. Tirek then tells Cozy Glow that "Grogar" is ancient and extremely powerful, as well as the former ruler of what would become Equestria, claiming that he had heard stories of his tyranny when he was younger. "Grogar" then tells the villains of how he created monsters that roamed the land and took whatever they wanted under his rule, before Chrysalis remarks how he was banished by Gusty the Great, although "Grogar" claims that he was only temporarily weakened when she took his bell; however, Cozy Glow points out that, since he has been weakened before even Tirek was born, he has a very different idea of what "temporarily" means, much to his annoyance. In reality, Gusty the Great really did banish the real Grogar into limbo, from where there is no return.

"Grogar" proceeds to tell the group that he has watched them and their failures to take over Equestria, and asks them why they have always been defeated by the same six ponies each time, with Cozy Glow stating that she's just a kid. "Grogar" rebuffs their answers and claims it is because their enemies work together as a team, demanding that the villains join forces with him to take over Equestria. Sombra, however, refuses to serve "Grogar" and arrogantly proclaims that he will take over the Crystal Empire by himself, causing "Grogar" to send him off to the Empire on the conditions that, if he fails, he will serve him or be destroyed again. After this, "Grogar" tells the others to prepare to work together and leaves. Cozy Glow immediately compares working together to making friends, telling Tirek and Chrysalis that they are in luck since she knows "all about that", though the former only flicks her away in annoyance.

Cozy Glow tries to get Tirek and Chrysalis to work together by having them each says nice things to each other, though this falls apart when Chrysalis refuses to say anything nice about ponies. "Grogar" then approaches them and states that he hopes the three of them will be enough to help his plans along, causing Tirek and Chrysalis to ask about Sombra. "Grogar" shows them that Sombra had failed in his plans to conquer Equestria and had again been defeated by the Mane Six, remarking that he will at least serve as an example to them as what will happen if they don't submit to his plans. Having seen this, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow unanimously agree to serve "Grogar", though they are seemingly left nervous by the thought.


Cozy Glow does not appear in "Uprooted", but she is indirectly mentioned by Yona when she recalls how she and her friends defeated Cozy Glow.

She's All Yak

Cozy Glow also does not appear in "She's All Yak", but she is directly mentioned by Sandbar when he lists her and Sombra as two ponies worse than Yona.


In "Frenemies", as "Grogar" is working, Cozy Glow approaches him and tattles on Tirek for leaving food out, Tirek quickly approaching "Grogar" and telling him not to trust anything she says afterwards; though "Grogar" is quick to point out that he already doesn't trust anything that they say. After being annoyed by Chrysalis, "Grogar" informs the villains that he is leaving and demands that they all stop fighting and find a way to work together so that they can accomplish their goals. Cozy Glow assumes herself in charge and plans a team meeting. She approaches Tirek about it, which he agrees to go so long as she leaves him be. Cozy then approaches Chrysalis, who also agrees to go as long as there are cupcakes. At the meeting, Cozy Glow encourages the fact that they all need to trust one another, which Chrysalis finds hard to do as Tirek is trying to steal her magic. Tirek firmly denies doing such a thing (returning the magic he actually had stole to a cupcake that Chrysalis devours) and calls her out for constantly ranting to her log, before joining Chrysalis in telling Cozy Glow that she wasn't left in charge. Cozy Glow then tries to get them all to agree with one another over their common goals, leading them all into singing "Better Way to be Bad" with one another, only for them all to devolve into bickering.

"Grogar" returns to see this, and, upset to see they have not yet resolved their differences, decides to send them off on a mission to retrieve his Bewitching Bell from Mt. Everhoof so that they can learn to work together. Cozy Glow and the others fight over who should lead the mission based on their previous feats, only for "Grogar" to angrily overpower and remind them that they all failed before and cannot work alone. Upon arriving at the foot of the mountain, all of the villains immediately split off and begin to find their own ways of getting up; Cozy Glow trekking up the mountain path until she comes across the residence of Rusty Bucket. She tries to pretend that she's a lost little filly in order to get Rusty to take her to the peak of the mountain but he refuses. This causes her to lose her temper but Rusty tells her to stay quiet or she will cause an avalanche. She tries different ways of getting past but keeps failing. This causes her to become angry which causes a giant snowball to fall on her and take her back to the bottom. Cozy Glow returns and finds that Tirek made a camp for himself. He proceeds to laugh at Cozy Glow upon seeing her return and explains to her that he had already deduced that getting up the mountain by himself would be impossible, and so had planned to wait for her and Chrysalis to fail so that he could take what they learned and use it to his advantage. Cozy Glow and Tirek proceed to bicker — Tirek calling her out for her fake cutesy persona and constant manipulations, and Cozy Glow criticizing his arrogance, while also mocking him for talking to his "Gram Gram" in his sleep — until they are approached by an Ophiotaurus, which they both blame each other for attracting. Suddenly, a female Ophiotaurus arrives and seduces the other one, Tirek quickly realizing that the former is actually Chrysalis in disguise, who admits that she needs their help, causing Tirek to gloat about his own strategy.

That night, Cozy Glow and the others proceed to bond with each other over their previous endeavors; her remarking about how she almost caused all of Equestria's magic to disappear and it would have been worthwhile if it meant seeing Twilight and her friends defeated, also admitting that working with Chrysalis and Tirek may not be such a bad thing. The next day, the three villains proceed to combine their abilities in order to scale the mountain, only to find that the cave at the top is protected by a magical barrier, which Tirek cannot absorb since he can only take magic from living beings. With some convincing, Chrysalis allows Tirek to take her magic to become powerful enough to create an opening in the barrier, allowing Cozy Glow to enter the cave and retrieve the bell. Tirek then returns Chrysalis' magic, stating that he wasn't sure he would do so and that it seemed smarter to work with her than fight. The villains begin to reflect with one another over how it felt to rely on others for a change, before Chrysalis snaps them out of it, not wanting the friendship to infect her like it did her hive. Realizing that they almost reformed, the three vow to remain focused.

The three then concur that "Grogar" has grown too powerful and decides to betray him together, and Cozy Glow agreeing due to her love of backstabbing before wondering what they can do with the bell. She and the others later return to "Grogar's" lair and fool him into thinking that they failed while yet still becoming allies, though in reality have kept the bell for themselves.

The Summer Sun Setback

In The Summer Sun Setback, Cozy Glow sees "Grogar" leaving and asks where he is going. He reveals that since his minions "failed" to recover the Bewitching Bell for him, they will need another source of power to defeat Twilight and her friends. After "Grogar" leaves, Cozy Glow informs Chrysalis and Tirek that he is gone. The villain's voice that they don't trust "Grogar" and try to figure out how to use his bell-like ringing it but nothing happens. Cozy Glow then points out that Twilight mentioned that the Archives in Canterlot has a restricted area and the villains set off on their "road trip".

The three villains hide in Canterlot and only Chrysalis and Tirek notice so many ponies out in the night. Cozy Glow reveals that it's the Summer Sun Celebration with Chrysalis asking how many holidays these ponies have. She believes that it will be easy to get in until Tirek points out that Canterlot has increased security. After Chrysalis fails to enter through the main doors, she returns to her allies and informs that it will be more challenging. The villains then overhear Twilight's friends and Discord talking about their responsibilities for the holiday. Tirek believes it to be impossible since the security is increased with Twilight's friends "bumbling about". However, Chrysalis sees it as an advantage to using as a distraction since they heard everything and gives instructions to Tirek and Cozy Glow.

While Chrysalis and Tirek secretly sabotage the unicorns and Earth ponies, Cozy Glow sabotages the Pegasi by tricking Feather Flatterfly into letting her handle the "small stuff" while he focuses on the "big picture" and he allows her to handle the weather changes delicately. But instead, she makes several intentional mistakes that cause the weather to spiral completely out of control and the pegasi to become overwhelmed trying to contain it.

The villains watch all the panic and chaos unfold before deciding to incapacitate the security. Cozy Glow distracts a guard while Tirek steals his magic and Chrysalis uses his star badge to the main doors for them to enter. They search for the archives which also wakes up a security goose that follows them. However, Chrysalis disguises herself as another security goose to get it to leave and the villains finally find and break into the Archives. They search through the Archives until Cozy Glow finds a book about how to use the Bewitching Bell and uses another book to break it out of its chains.

This gives the villains time to leave Canterlot back to "Grogar's" lair while Twilight and her friends are able to fix the holiday. "Grogar" also returns tells his cohorts that he has found success where they all find "failure". He reveals that he located what he wanted and will retrieve it the next day before they begin his plan to take over Equestria. Tirek is still sulking that he had to give the magic of the Earth ponies back to them, in which Chrysalis and Cozy Glow tell him to stop doing and remind him that "Grogar" would become suspicious if he found out about their "road trip" in which Tirek claims that he doesn't have to like it. Cozy Glow reveals that she didn't like it when the Mane Six managed to fix the holiday until Chrysalis reveals that the goal was not to destroy but to distract in order to get the book. Tirek reminds them that they can't waste any more time because they must master the bell before "Grogar" returns. Chrysalis reveals that they managed to stay ahead of everyone so far until Cozy Glow remarks how easy it was to turn the Earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasi against each other, in which Chrysalis decides would be something to think about.

The Ending of the End

Cozy Glow turns pegasi against earth ponies and unicorns before she, Chrysalis, and Tirek use Grogar's bell to absorb his old magic, turning Cozy Glow into an alicorn. When "Grogar" returns, they drain his magic into the bell, discovering him to be Discord. When Chrysalis and Tirek debate whether to absorb Discord's magic, Cozy Glow volunteers to test this, to which Chrysalis and Tirek immediately agree. Cozy Glow is transformed into a giant demonic alicorn, but as she is unable to control Discord's magic she has Chrysalis and Tirek take it back into the bell, before they set out to conquer Equestria.

Cozy Glow goes after Celestia and Luna at Canterlot, and when they try to banish her in a similar style to King Sombra, she drains their magic into Grogar's bell. The Mane 6 gain the upper hand on Cozy Glow before Chrysalis and Tirek come to her rescue. They destroy half of Canterlot and try to kill Twilight together, but Rarity throws a chunk of rubble at them. They quickly recover and shoot a combined magic blast at Twilight, but the other Mane 5, Spike, Celestia, Luna, and Discord hold it back so Twilight can escape and think of a plan.

In Part 2, The other Mane 5, Spike, Celestia, Luna, and Discord are imprisoned in the caves beneath Canterlot along with Starlight Glimmer and the Pillars of Equestria. Cozy Glow sadistically plans to kill them but Chrysalis argues they should torture them and show Equestria that they've broken its heroes, while Tirek insists they should hunt down Twilight. Cozy Glow tries to take Celestia and Luna's magic with the bell, leading to an argument with Chrysalis and Tirek. Discord tricks Tirek and releases the others, and the other Mane 5 and Spike run off to get Twilight while the others fight Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Tirek as a distraction.

After their opponents are reimprisoned, the Windigos appear, to which Cozy Glow doesn't feel like doing much in the cold they cause. The Mane 6 and Spike return, and during a fight to try to get the bell back, Cozy Glow chases after Rainbow Dash, who was part of the distraction, and to protect the bell, she taunts Fluttershy and blasts her. When Chrysalis threatens Spike, the villains nearly destroy the Mane 6, but the unicorns protect them with a barrier, and most of their allies enter the battle.

In the end, the Mane 6, Spike, the Young Six, and the Pillars unleash a rainbow which destroys the Windigos and drains Grogar's magic from Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Tirek. After Pinkie Pie drops a giant cupcake on them with Discord's magic, which, along with the alicorns' magic, is returned to their owners, Celestia, Luna, and Discord turn Cozy Glow, along with Chrysalis and Tirek, to stone forever as punishment for their crimes, ending their threats for good. Thus, Cozy Glow was finally defeated for good.

The Last Problem

The statues of Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis, briefly appear in a newspaper Twilight Sparkle shows to Spike. It is unknown if she is still a stone statue after the timeskip, as their stone forms are only seen in the flashback portions. In response to a question as to whether she would be all right, Jim Miller said "Cozy's fine. Just in suspended animation." Indicating she, as well as Chrysalis and Tirek, are asleep for their stoning, unlike Discord. The use of present tense could imply they are still trapped in stone as of the epilogue, though this has yet to be confirmed. Either way, they likely will never be able to hurt any creature again.

King Sombra

King Sombra is one of the major antagonists of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. He appears as the main antagonist of the season 3 premiere "The Crystal Empire" and the season 9 premiere "The Beginning of the End". He is also the supporting antagonist in the season five finale "The Cutie Re-Mark", and a posthumous antagonist in the season six premiere "The Crystalling" and the rest of season 9. He is also one of Twilight Sparkle's archenemies.

He is a dark and tyrannical unicorn and the former ruler of the Crystal Empire who is bent on reconquering the empire and later taking over all of Equestria. In Season 3, he returned alongside the Empire and plans to retake it so he can regain his physical form and conquer Equestria with his army of mind-controlled slaves. However, his plans were thwarted by Cadance, Spike, The Mane Six, and the Crystal Ponies, and he was defeated and destroyed. In Season 9, Sombra was restored by Grogar (who is Discord in disguise) to join his team of villains so they can conquer Equestria together. However, Sombra refused to join the team and he goes out to conquer Equestria on his own. He managed to destroy the Tree and Elements of Harmony and succeeded in conquering both Ponyville and Canterlot. However, he was defeated once again by the Mane Six.

In the IDW MLP comics, he appears as the secondary antagonist in the 13th story arc Siege Of The Crystal Empire; the real main antagonist being his "mother" Rabia. In the IDW comics, it is stated that Sombra is actually an Umbrum created to destroy the Crystal Heart and release the Umbrum army trapped underneath the Crystal Empire; although this is considered to be non-canonical to the series.

He was voiced by Jim Miller in Season 3, and was voiced by Alvin Sanders in Season 9.


King Sombra's early life is left completely unknown in the TV series (unlike the comics). It can be speculated that Sombra was once a normal unicorn, possibly a resident of the Crystal Empire, until he began studying dark magic, and had delved so deep in it that it mutated him into the tyrannical abomination he is today. It is also implied that Sombra murdered the previous Queen of the Crystal Empire so he can take over the Empire.

What is known is that King Sombra was a powerful unicorn whose heart is said to be as black as night. He took control of the Crystal Empire and enslaved the crystal ponies, and most likely planned to do the same with the rest of Equestria. Fortunately, Celestia and Luna arrived and used their combined magic to depose him, turning him to shadow and banishing him to the Arctic North, ultimately sealing him into a crevice of ice which closed up. However, he foresaw this and placed a curse upon the Crystal Empire that caused it to disappear for a thousand years out of spite.

Season 3 The Crystal Empire

The Crystal Empire reappears, but the crystal ponies have no memory of their kingdom before Sombra took over, and the mere memory of him causes them pain. Sombra returns along with the Crystal Empire and tries to conquer it again, but Princess Cadance was able to cast a protection spell around it which kept him out. When Twilight Sparkle and her friends came to the Crystal Empire to protect it, Sombra chased after them in shadow form, but they got through the barrier, although he attacked Shining Armor he survived, his horn was cursed so that he could not use his magic.

When Cadance began to run out of power to perform the spell, the barrier briefly deactivated, allowing Sombra to invade. Sombra's horn was broken off as the barrier reactivated, and he transformed it into a dark crystal that began to create more dark crystals in the Crystal Empire.

Twilight and Spike searched for the Crystal Heart, the key to protecting the empire, inside the castle, where nobody would dare to look. They ran into a door enchanted by Sombra to hypnotize them into confronting their worst fears. In Twilight's case, she thought Celestia told her that she failed her test and wouldn't continue her studies, only for Spike to snap her out of the trance. Spike gets brainwashed too and thought Twilight was banishing him, but Twilight saw through the enchanted door's purpose and shuts it, releasing Spike from the spell and comforting him about his fear.

Eventually, they reached the Crystal Heart, but Sombra, was finally able to enter once Cadance was no longer able to perform her spell, trapping Twilight in a wall of dark crystals, keeping her from the Crystal Heart once she triggers a trap.

With no way out, Twilight entrusts Spike to take the Crystal Heart to Cadance. Returning to his physical form, Sombra tried to spear Spike with a dark crystal, but Cadance saved him from the attack. She then returned the Crystal Heart, and together with the crystal ponies used its power to unleash a wave of magic that restored the Crystal Empire and destroyed Sombra, shattering him to pieces.

King Sombra was briefly referenced in the episode, "Games Ponies Play". Twilight also briefly uses his magic in "Princess Twilight Sparkle".

Season 5 The Cutie Re-Mark

The first of many alternate timelines temporarily created by Starlight Glimmer, King Sombra is in power and ruling over the Crystal Empire with the iron hoof, having never been killed by Princess Cadance due to the change in the timeline, he made the crystal ponies fight for him against the rest of Equestria, fighting a war with Celestia. He was winning the war as he managed to take half of Equestria.

Season 6 The Crystalling

King Sombra was mentioned again a couple of times in the Season 6 premiere "The Crystallising". Spike mentions King Sombra while telling the Crystal Ponies about how he was defeated. Twilight later reveals the reason that King Sombra merely hid the Crystal Heart in his castle is to prevent the Frozen North's weather from breaching the Empire. This explains why Sombra never destroyed the Crystal Heart in the first place.

Season 7 Shadow Play

Pinkie Pie mentions Sombra while recounting the threats Equestria has faced over the last thousand years to Star Swirl the Bearded.

Season 9 The Beginning of the End

King Sombra is revived by Discord (who was in the form of the ancient tyrant Grogar) and is summoned to his lair, where Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow accuse him of being the one who summoned them there. However, "Grogar" reveals himself as being the one to summon them, much to the villains' astonishment, as they had all thought he was a legend (except for Cozy Glow, who had never heard of him before). "Grogar" proceeds to tell the group of his plans to eliminate Twilight Sparkle and her friends and demonstrates his power by giving Tirek enough magic to partially revive his strength, also causing him to tell Cozy Glow of the stories that he had heard of "Grogar" when he was younger and for Sombra to do the same afterwards. "Grogar" goes on to state that he's been watching over all of them and asks them why they think that they've always been beaten by the same six ponies, Chrysalis interrupting Sombra before he can respond. "Grogar" rebuffs all of their answers and points out that the Mane 6 have always won because they work as a team, and demands that they all do the same in order to take over Equestria.

However, Sombra refuses to join "Grogar", claiming that he will take the Crystal Empire back for himself and destroy anyone who gets in his way. Unphased by this, "Grogar" tells Sombra to go and try to take over the Empire again, even offering to transport him there on the conditions that he can keep it if he succeeds, but will serve him once he fails, claiming he will destroy him again if he refuses to abide by his terms. Sombra agrees and proceeds to arrogantly proclaim how he will overtake the Empire, before an annoyed "Grogar" whisks him away. Sombra proceeds to lay siege to the Crystal Empire with ease, brainwashing the crystal ponies and royal guards into serving him as he approaches the castle. Inside, Princess Cadence sends out a message to Twilight before she and Shining Armor notice that Flurry Heart is missing and find her in Sombra's clutches. Sombra then forces Shining Armor and Cadence to surrender, capturing the Crystal Heart and fully taking over the Crystal Empire afterwards.

Upon receiving Cadence's message and summoning her friends, Twilight decides to retrieve the Elements of Harmony from the Tree of Harmony to defeat Sombra. Back at the Empire, Sombra is seen relaxing on his throne, amused by Flurry Heart's attempts at attacking him, only for the Mane 6 to arrive to challenge him. Unconcerned, Sombra forces his opponents to endure their own worst fears (making Twilight see a vision of all of her friends being controlled by Sombra while Princess Celestia and Luna show disappointment in her, turning them into Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker as a result), and suggests that they should surrender, as nothing can beat their own fears. However, Twilight and the others overpower Sombra's visions with the Elements, revealing that they were only facing their fears long enough for Spike to free his captives.

Cadence then reclaims the Crystal Heart and uses it to dispel Sombra's influence from the Empire, freeing everyone from his control. In spite of this, Sombra proclaims that he will win in the end, before being seemingly destroyed by the Elements. Having saved the Empire again, Twilight and the Mane 6 return the Elements to the tree, only for Sombra to appear and destroy both.

Sombra reveals that his supposed demise back at the Crystal Empire was merely a ruse to fool the Mane 6 in so that he could trace them back to their source of power and destroy it; and now that he has done so, they will be unable to stop him. Despite this, the Mane 6, minus a disheartened Twilight, try to fight back against him, only for Sombra to imprison them all, realizing that, with them out of the way, he can conquer all of Equestria for himself, planning to overtake Ponyville first. Sombra then considers using his magic to brainwash the Mane 6 as well, but decides against it, as he is already forcing them to endure their worst fear by taking control of Equestria anyway before leaving. Sombra goes on to brainwash all of Ponyville — including Spike, Starlight Glimmer, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Mane 6's other friends—into becoming his slaves and takes them to conquer Canterlot, while the Mane 6 are forced to deal with the Everfree Forest's overgrowth thanks to the Tree's destruction.

Sombra storms Canterlot with ease thanks to his brainwashed army, and barges into the Princess' throne room, only to find that it is empty, making him believe that Celestia and Luna had run away from him in fear. Soon, the Mane 6 arrive in the Princess' throne room with Discord (back in his true form) and engages Sombra, who attempts to blast them with magic. However, Discord dispels all of Sombra's attacks with ease while commenting that, even though he expected Twilight and the others to handle things by themselves, they still win because he is their friend, though in doing so he accidentally prompts Sombra to target Fluttershy instead, making Discord take the blast for her. Sombra gloats at his victory and begins to decide how he will eliminate the rest of his enemies, while, at the same time, Discord gives his friends a heartfelt speech about how they don't need him or the Elements to beat Sombra since all they have ever needed to win is each other.

Disregarding Discord's claims, Sombra attacks the Mane 6, who, now inspired, begin to fight back, generating more magic than ever. Baffled, Sombra demands to know how the Mane 6 have the ability to stand up to him even when he destroyed the source of their power, although Twilight claims that he never did, with her and the others reminding him that friendship is magic, before using their power to destroy him once again and remove his influence from Equestria. Due to how powerful the Mane 6's magic was, Sombra's skin was tearing itself apart while he quickly turns to dust as well and disappears into the light, destroying him once and for all.

Later, Celestia and Luna return from fending off the Everfree Forest and state that they will hold off on making Twilight and her friends the new rulers of Equestria until Twilight feels she is ready, causing Discord to reveal that he faked his injuries in an effort to push Twilight to become the great leader he knows she is, additionally revealing that he could have defeated Sombra any time he wanted. Back at "Grogar's" lair, Tirek and Chrysalis ask him about how Sombra's plan went, and "Grogar" shows them that he had been defeated yet again. Choosing not to revive him a second time, Discord (back in his Grogar disguise) uses Sombra's destruction as an example to the others of what happens when they try to abandon his plans, making them nervously agree to serve him.


King Sombra is mentioned a few times in the episode, "Uprooted".

He is also mentioned in "Sparkle's Seven", where it is shown that Princesses Celestia and Luna decided to have Shining Armor increase security in Canterlot following Sombra's previous attack on it.

In "She's All Yak", Sandbar lists King Sombra and Cozy Glow as two ponies worse than Yona.

He is briefly mentioned in "The Last Crusade" by Mane Allgood, who lists him as one of the main reasons why she and her husband Snap Shutter decided to come to Ponyville and spend time with their daughter, Scootaloo.

In "The Ending of the End - Part 1", Sombra is mentioned a number of times when it is revealed that Discord had been posing as Grogar and was using him and the other villains to create a threat that would push Twilight and her friends into becoming confident rulers of Equestria. In "Part 2", Twilight has a picture of Sombra included in a thought chart when trying to come up with a way to defeat Tirek, Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow.


King Sombra of a parallel world appears in the seventh arc (Issues 17-20) of the comics. He is the polar opposite of the Sombra from the show, as he is a good ruler of the parallel world where Celestia and Luna are evil. He is in love with Celestia of Prime Equestria.

However, this version of Sombra would suffer a terrible fate in allowing himself to be taken by evil to protect his beloved Celestia and both their worlds from destruction, becoming just like the King Sombra from Celestia's world. But even after being taken by evil, this Sombra mourns his beloved Celestia, now lost to him, possibly forever.

In Friends Forever #4, it is shown how King Sombra captured a Crystal Bard and enslaved him, making him read books for him after the Crystal Bard escaped King Sombra with his royal guards trying to recapture him but the Crystal Bard became smarter than him.

Fiendship is Magic

In Issue 1, Sombra's backstory (at least in comic canon, in which Amore has a different cutie mark than described in the Journal of the Two Sisters) is revealed; he was an Umbrum disguised as a pony to enter Equestria and release the other Umbrum, who were imprisoned in another dimension. Sombra initially didn't want to turn evil, and was friends with Radiant Hope, and was affected by the power of the Crystal Heart, but after a talk with the Umbrum, he embraced his dark side. He turned Princess Amore to crystal and shattered her to pieces, before being banished by Celestia and Luna, but he threw Radiant Hope outside of the Crystal Empire. In the present, it is shown that Sombra is now a ghost tied to his horn.

Siege of the Crystal Empire

In Issue #34, Radiant Hope recruits Queen Chrysalis, Lightning Dust, Iron Will, and the Flim Flam Brothers to attack the Crystal Empire as a distraction while she finds Sombra's spirit and horn, and uses her healing magic to bring him back to life.

In Issue #35, Sombra releases the imprisoned villains, and he encrusts Twilight's horn with dark crystals, allowing Chrysalis to defeat her. Celestia and Luna arrive to fight Sombra and Chrysalis, but due to Hope's intervention, Sombra turns Celestia and Luna to stone.

In Issue #36, Sombra and Chrysalis get into an argument when Chrysalis is against Sombra's plan to release the Umbrum, knowing they will cause despair, thus preventing her from feeding off love. Threatened with being turned to stone, Chrysalis retreats with her Changelings. After Princess Cadance and Hope discover what the Umbrum are really like, Hope tries to convince Sombra not to release them. Twilight arrives, having been restored by the other Mane 5 with the power of friendship, and shoots a magic beam at Sombra, but Hope jumps in front of him and takes the hit. Sombra then releases the Umbrum.

In Issue #37, Sombra, now emperor, turns Shining Armor to stone at the command of Lady Rabia in a reference to Governor Tarkin destroying Alderaan. He is about to do the same to Twilight and Cadance when Twilight tells them to do this at the dais where the Crystal Heart is so everypony can see it happen. Sombra goes to take Hope with him, to which she reveals that her supposed destiny of becoming a princess did not come true because she left her training to look for him. Sombra was affected by the realization that not only was the Crystal Heart's prediction not true, but she chose him over becoming a princess. When the "rebels" attack the Umbrum, Rabia tells Sombra to eliminate Twilight and Cadance and Hope takes out the Crystal Heart. Rabia tells Sombra to smash it, but instead, he unleashes its power, re-imprisoning the Umbrum and saving the Crystal Empire. Sombra is disintegrated by the Crystal Heart's power, but before he can be completely destroyed, Hope saves him with her magic, and together she and all four princesses restore him to physical form, turning him into an actual pony similar in appearance to his mirror-world counterpart. Together, Sombra and Hope decide to restore Princess Amore.

Nightmare Moon

Nightmare Moon is a major antagonist of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She appears as the main antagonist of the Season 1 premiere, "Friendship is Magic", and as the secondary antagonist in the Season 5 finale, "The Cutie Re-Mark" and the Season 7 episode, "A Royal Problem". She also appeared as a flashback antagonist in the Season 4 premiere, "Princess Twilight Sparkle" and a minor antagonist in the Season 9 premiere, "The Beginning of the End".

She is the corrupted form of Princess Luna, the younger sister of Princess Celestia who was consumed by her own jealousy toward her older sister. As Nightmare Moon, she acted as Celestia's archenemy until she was restored to her normal form by the Mane Six.

It is unclear if "Nightmare Moon" is an entity that possessed Luna or not; the show seems to lean that Nightmare Moon is Luna's alternate personality but the comics state that Luna was corrupted during her time on the moon.


Long ago, Luna and Celestia were both the rulers of Equestria, a land inhabited by ponies. Every morning, Celestia would raise the sun, and every evening, Luna would raise the moon. Together, they kept the balance perfectly. However, as time went on, Luna grew jealous: the ponies would be awake to enjoy the day and love, admire, and appreciate Celestia's work, but would always "shun" Luna's night by sleeping through it.

One day, Luna finally became fed up with Celestia's success. Not only did she refuse to lower the moon, but also challenged Celestia for the sole rulership of Equestria. At that moment, the bitterness in Luna's heart manifested and consumed her, transforming her into Nightmare Moon, a black mare of pure darkness. Celestia did not want to fight Nightmare Moon and begged her to lower the moon, but Nightmare Moon said her only royal duty was to destroy Celestia, and shot at her elder sister with magic beams, eventually knocking her down. Seeing no other way, Celestia reluctantly used the Elements of Harmony to overpower Nightmare Moon and banish her into the moon, creating the phenomenon known as "the Mare in the Moon" (a unicorn's face imprinted upon the surface of the moon).

Since then, Celestia took full responsibility of raising the sun and the moon, and a holiday was created to celebrate Celestia's victory over Nightmare Moon called the Summer Sun Celebration. However, Celestia only felt loneliness and regret for having to send her own sister away. In addition, it was prophesied that in a thousand years, on the longest day of that year, Nightmare Moon would be free of her imprisonment to seek her revenge.

Season 1

Upon reading an ancient legend, Twilight Sparkle realized Nightmare Moon is about to return, however her mentor, Princess Celestia, encouraged her to make friends instead of worrying about the supposed "old pony's tale". Unfortunately, Twilight turned out to be right and Nightmare Moon was released during the Summer Sun Celebration, replacing Celestia who was supposed to attend it. Twilight and her soon-to-be friends chased Nightmare Moon into the forbidden Everfree Forest.

After conquering many obstacles left by Nightmare Moon in their path, they finally found the twisted mare herself along with the ancient Elements of Harmony, now reduced to inert stones. As Nightmare Moon whisked the Elements away, Twilight followed her into the portal and confronted her alone. She tried to use the Elements of Harmony as Celestia did, but for that, she had to find the "spark" that would make a sixth Element appear. However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make the spark, and Nightmare Moon destroyed the Elements.

Fortunately, when Twilight heard her new pony friends calling for her, she felt a different spark in her heart; making her realize that the real Elements are not just some stones: they exist in the hearts of her friends. That spark triggered the final element: Magic (also known, of course, as Friendship), and reanimated the shattered Elements, converting them into jewels for the six friends to bear. Using the Elements of Harmony, Twilight activated a spell that struck Nightmare Moon, exorcising the darkness from her and transforming her back into Princess Luna.

Celestia arrived in the ruins where the battle took place, admitting that she knew of Nightmare Moon's return, but knew the only way to defeat her was for Twilight to understand the importance of friendship. Celestia walked over to a cowering Luna, who apologized in tears for her actions, and was granted forgiveness. Later at the celebration (held by Pinkie Pie), even the other ponies forgave Luna, gifting her with a flower necklace.

Season 2

In the season 2 episode "Luna Eclipsed", Princess Luna, now uncorrupted (And with a new look. Lauren Faust, the show's creator, stated that this was because when Nightmare Moon was defeated, Luna was reborn with very low magic levels, and she transformed after getting her good powers back), returns to Ponyville during the holiday Nightmare Night, a holiday dedicated to Nightmare Moon depicting her as a scary bogeyman. Luna, with Twilight's help, tries to change her image from that of the terrifying Nightmare Moon, to a favorable one as Princess. Unfortunately, the nature of the holiday, combined with Luna's outdated mannerisms and flair for the dramatic, make her subjects more scared of her than ever. Her first attempts end disastrously, prompting her to decree Nightmare Night canceled, but Twilight persuades her to give Ponyville another chance. When Luna discovers that the residents actually enjoy being scared as part of the night's festivities, she uses the Nightmare Moon persona to help them have fun and thus gains their trust and friendship, particular that of a colt named Pipsqueak.

Season 4

During the Season 4 premiere two-parter, "Princess Twilight Sparkle", Twilight attempts to figure out the source of the chaos seizing Equestria by drinking a potion which gives her flashbacks of the past. One of the flashbacks she experiences is of Luna becoming Nightmare Moon and assaulting Princess Celestia. At first, Celestia is reluctant to fight her sister, but Nightmare Moon assaults her with dark beams and eventually wounds her, sending her plummeting to the ground. However, Celestia promptly recovers and arms herself with the Elements of Harmony, the power of which she channels into a powerful beam that overwhelms Nightmare Moon's defenses and seals her inside the moon.

Season 5

In the episode "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?", it is revealed that Luna never truly forgave herself for her transformation into Nightmare Moon and created a creature known as the Tantabus to punish her by turning her dreams into nightmares about Nightmare Moon. However, when the Mane 6 mysteriously show up and try to defeat the Tantabus, it becomes aware of their existence and leaves Luna to infiltrate their dreams. Luna and the Mane 6 try to fight off the monster, but the problem becomes worse when Pinkie Pie dreams of sharing a giant ice cream sundae with all the ponies in the entire town, giving the monster knowledge of all the residents of Ponyville. Luna uses her power to bring all of the citizens of Ponyville into the same dream and they try to use their dream abilities to bring down the Tantabus and prevent it from reaching the real world. Despite their best efforts, the monster becomes too powerful for them to fight off and it heads for the real world. Twilight realizes that Luna's guilt is what's fueling the monster and causing it to grow bigger. Twilight and her friends make her see that she and Nightmare Moon are not the same, that Luna is doing everything she can to save Equestria from the Tantabus at her own risk and that she is not alone, that everyone from the Mane 6 to all of Ponyville and beyond trust her completely and implore her to trust them on this. A tearful Luna finally lets go of the past and is now able to finally forgive herself, destroying the Tantabus, and sleeping happily and peacefully for the first time in a millennium.

In the third of many alternate timelines created by Starlight Glimmer in the season finale "The Cutie Re-Mark", Nightmare Moon is in power, having imprisoned Celestia in the moon for years and with Rarity and Rainbow Dash working for her. When Twilight mentions time travel, Nightmare Moon tries to force her to lead her back in time to stop the Elements of Harmony from being found, threatening Spike. She shatters the Timberwolves that attacked Twilight and Spike, but with teleportation, Twilight gets Spike away from Nightmare Moon and travels back in time again in another attempt to fix the timeline.

Season 7

In "A Royal Problem", Starlight Glimmer has a nightmare in which her fears of accidentally driving Celestia and Luna farther apart by switching their cutie-marks result in Luna transforming back into Nightmare Moon. As Celestia (having taken over Luna's duties) prepares to fight Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker, an evil version of Celestia, emerges, stating that, if Luna can turn into Nightmare Moon, Celestia can turn into Daybreaker. Daybreaker then states that Celestia doesn't need Luna and then engages Nightmare soon in battle, stating that she shouldn't have banished her, but destroyed her instead. Celestia tries to stop the fight, however, Daybreaker refuses and continues trying to destroy Nightmare Moon, forcing Celestia to visit Luna's dream and get her help. As Celestia and Luna return to Starlight's dream and reconcile, Daybreaker manages to overpower Nightmare Moon and begins blasting at her again, however, Celestia teleports between their beams, and erases both of them from Starlight's dream.

Season 9

In "The Beginning of the End - Part 1", Nightmare Moon appears briefly alongside Daybreaker in Twilight's vision caused by King Sombra's fear spell. This brief scene is also Nightmare Moon's final appearance in the series.

Other appearances

Luna becomes a recurring heroic character in the series. At the beginning of Seasons 2 and 3, it's revealed that Luna, alongside Celestia, turned Discord to stone with the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned King Sombra in ice while turning him to shadow, about a thousand years ago sometime before her transformation into Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon in comics

In Issue 6 (Part 2 of the second arc), Nightmare Moon is depicted as a separate entity from Luna, originating from the moon (as evidenced by her speaking to Rarity while possessing her, and speaking as if she were the original Nightmare Moon). It is said she convinced Luna to let her possess her (Luna also says "the Nightmare Forces" told her what to do to make ponies fear her), and that she promised the Nightmare Forces a kingdom of their own. When the Mane 6 restored Luna, Nightmare died, but was revived through the cycle of the new moon, and corrupted the inhabitants of the moon into new Nightmare Forces.

Nightmare herself convinced Rarity to let her possess her, becoming Nightmare Rarity.

In Issue 7, Nightmare Rarity imprisons the ponies in her dungeon once the Nightmare Forces defeat them, and resists Spike's attempts to get through to her. She tries to trick him with an illusion, but he realizes her deception. She has Shadowfright and his sidekick capture him and says the nightmare has only begun.

In Issue 8, the ponies escape the dungeon and de-corrupt Shadowfright's sidekick, Jerome, with the power of friendship. Luna does the same to Shadowfright and his army, turning them back into the denizens of the moon. The ponies then use this power of friendship on Nightmare Rarity to weaken her, and with this, them thinking of memories of Rarity, and Spike's love for her along with his restored Fire Ruby, the Nightmare Energy and spirit of Nightmare Moon are destroyed, releasing Rarity from their control.

Luna appears in the comics as well, though not as Nightmare Moon, and with her mane and tail the way they were after she was restored.

In issue 32, moon rocks from the battle between Celestia and Nightmare fall down to the planet and cause some apples to come to life.

FIENDship is magic issue 4 explains what Nightmare Moon did on the moon. She came across some creatures who make ponies' dreams. She tried to invade Celestia's dream to haunt her, but it was too strong. So she invades other ponies' dreams to spread rumors about Celestia. Celestia quickly put a stop to this. When Nightmare finally reaches her dream, Celestia banishes her permanently. Nightmare then turns the creatures into the nightmare forces.


There are several theories about Nightmare Moon and Luna which say they're not the same entity. This was confirmed by Lauren Faust herself (though she also gave a speech in an interview about Nightmare Moon's "reformation"). Nightmare Moon could be in fact an embodiment of dark magic possessing Luna and keeping her prisoner under her evil influence till she was finally released by the Elements of Harmony. However, this theory has been debunked by the episode "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?".

As King Sombra made the Crystal Empire disappear for a thousand years, it was speculated that he had something to do with Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon. He could have magnified her existing jealousy and bitterness into a dark transformation, or, in accordance with the above theory, a manifestation that possessed her. This theory may have been proven wrong as it was revealed that Celestia and Luna defeated Sombra in the past and imprisoned him, though that does leave the possibility that Sombra only started a more gradual transformation from Luna into Nightmare Moon. This theory was expressed in the youtube video, Fall of the Crystal Empire.

It has also been speculated by G1 fans that Tirac exists in Friendship is Magic and was the one behind Nightmare Moon's transformation, since Nightmare Moon shared Tirac's motivation of bringing the night that never ends. However, when Lord Tirek finally appeared he displayed no such power or interesting in a neverending night.

It has been said that there was an outside force behind Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon, who also might have had a hand in Discord's escape. In the comics it is implied that this force was the Nightmare Forces, directly possessing her while exploiting the bitterness in her heart to get her to accept them (although it also could be that the Nightmare Forces in the comics are the spirit of Nightmare Moon since she still seems to be Luna, or at least a part of her).

Some believe Nightmare Moon to be an apocalyptic villain since eternal night would cause the world to freeze. Lauren Faust has said that eternal night was Nightmare Moon's first step to a plan to "usher in an era of evil".

It has also been speculated that she is now a ghost and that she is the mysterious Shadow Pony haunting Celestia and Luna's old castle in the Season 4 episode "Castle Mane-ia", although recent comments have made this figure more likely to be Tirek.

Due to Stygian having a similar backstory and transformation into the Pony of Shadows, which occurred through him merging with a sort of "Shadow" strongly resembling a symbiote, it is possible (and, aside from the Nightmare Rarity comics, it is implied by the Legends of Magic comics) that Luna similarly merged with a "Nightmare" symbiote (though one weaker than the Shadow, as the Pony of Shadows was not purified by the Elements of Harmony while Nightmare Moon easily was), which she would have let in out of jealousy, to become Nightmare Moon.


Nightmare Moon received a mostly positive reception from critics and fans of the series. As the first antagonist of the series, she is praised for her actions, personality, backstory, and her motives. Her alter-ego, Princess Luna, became one of the show's most beloved and popular characters of the series and the Brony Fandom. Her voice actress, Tabitha St. Germain, received praise for her performance as Nightmare Moon.

Diamond Dogs

The Diamond Dogs (named Rover, Fido, and Spot) are minor antagonists in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. They are trio of greedy jewel finding dogs.

Rover was voiced by Scott McNeil, Fido was voiced by Garry Chalk, and Spot was voiced by Lee Tockar.

They appear only in the season 1 episode "A Dog, and Pony Show". They are the main antagonists of the episode. They kidnapped Rarity to find gems for them after seeing her using her gem-finding spell, though the first attempt to kidnap Spike, thinking that he was the gem finder. In the end, Rarity makes them regret kidnapping her until her friends arrived to rescue her with spoils.

Rover is a medium-sized dog and the leader of the trio. His two followers are Fido, a large-sized dog, and Spot, who is a bulldog-like a small dog. Their name is taken from David Bowie's album Diamond Dogs.".


The Mane-iac is a fictional character that appears in the fourth season of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and is the main antagonist of the episode entitled "Power Ponies". The Mane-iac appears to be an earth pony with a violet coat, a mane consisting of large green hair tendrils, and green eyes with red pupils.

At the beginning of the episode, Spike shows Twilight Sparkle a couple of pages of a Power Ponies comic book on which the Mane-iac is depicted.

She is stated to be the Power Ponies' "most evil nemesis". Originally, she was the power-mad owner of a hair-care product company, she was the victim in an accident at her shampoo factory and fell into a vat of green liquid and was electrocuted by a downed power line. The accident had given her strange new powers and caused her to go insane. Another page shows the Mane-iac breaking into the Maretropolis Museum and stealing something called the Electro-Orb.

When Spike and his friends are sucked into the comic book and become the Power Ponies, they're brought to the point in the story at which the Mane-iac has just stolen the Electro-Orb. She watches in amusement as they grow accustomed to their newfound superpowers before leaving the scene. When the Power Ponies track the Mane-iac down to her headquarters—her abandoned shampoo factory—she dispatches the ponies with her "Hairspray Ray of Doom", freezing the ponies in place and rendering their powers useless. She then takes the Power Ponies prisoner, but leaves Spike/Humdrum alone, considering him pointless. The Mane-iac uses the Electro-Orb to power her doomsday device, with which she plans to cause the manes of every pony in Maretropolis to grow wild. As she gloats to the Power Ponies over her apparent victory, Spike traps some of her henchponies and helps in freeing his friends. Just before the Mane-iac can use her weapon on Fluttershy/Saddle Ranger, a firefly enters her line of fire, and she swats it away. This action incurs Saddle Ranger's wrath, and she single-handedly does away with both the Mane-iac and her weapon.

As the result of being struck by her own weapon, the Mane-iac's mane grows out of control, ensnaring her in it like a straitjacket, while seemingly tickling her as she was laughing.

IDW Comics

In issue #54 of the IDW comics, Shadow Lock brings the Mane-iac out of Twist's comic book to distract Applejack and Pinkie Pie while he erases the information from all of the books in the school. The Mane-iac is presumably sent back into the comic book off-screen.

Starlight Glimmer

Starlight Glimmer is a former major antagonist in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She acted as the main antagonist of Season 5, first appearing in the premiere "Cutie Map", then made some cameos in the episodes "Amending Fences" and "What About Discord", and then made her next full appearance in "Cutie Re-Mark". She then redeemed herself and became on of the supporting protagonists for the remainder of the series. Her counterpart, Snowfall Frost, appeared as the main antagonist of "A Hearth's Warming Tail".

Starlight Glimmer started out as the leader of an unnamed village near the edge of Equestria, where she convinced everypony to give up their cutie-marks, which was a result of her childhood friend, Sunburst, abandoning her when he gained his own mark. When the Mane Six arrived and exposed her the tyrant she was, she escaped and sought her revenge later on by traveling back in time and interfering with their past, until Twilight Sparkle inspired her to seek friendship again. She then became Twilight's student, Trixie Lulamoon's assistant, then the guidance councilor of Twilight's School of Friendship, and then finally Headmare of the school.

She is voiced by Kelly Sheridan, who also voiced Svetlana Petranova in Barbie in Rock 'N Royals.

The Cutie Map Part 1

In her episode debut, she is the head of a village where all the ponies have equal signs for Cutie Marks. She greets the Mane 6 when they enter the village. She and the townsfolk explain their philosophy - that being equal is what brings true happiness. The Mane 6 (except Fluttershy, who is warmed by the townsfolk's benevolence, and especially Pinkie Pie, who is adamantly suspicious of the location), find this odd. They promptly meet a trio of ponies who miss their Cutie Marks, showing that Starlight's village is not as happy as it seems. The trio informs the group of a vault inside a mountain which contains the taken marks. Starlight leads the ponies to the vault and shows them a wooden staff, which she dubs the Staff of Sameness. She claims that it's a magical item she uses to take away ponies' Cutie Marks. When Pinkie Pie prematurely discloses that a group of ponies told them about the vault, Starlight immediately sees the Mane 6 as threat to the town's lifestyle and steals their Cutie Marks with the staff, placing them in the vault.

Part 2

She imprisons the ponies in a house, wherein she condemns them to remain until they resign themselves to their fate of living in her town, markless and talentless forever. Unable to break out, the ponies persuade Fluttershy to feign having converted. Starlight is initially not convinced and commands Fluttershy to denounce the ponies who told her about the Vault. Fluttershy hesitates, but one of the free-thinking ponies - named Party Favor - voluntarily confesses that he was responsible for this, subsequently causing him to be imprisoned with the rest of the Mane 6. That night, Fluttershy intends to break into the Vault, but before she can get going there, she finds out that Starlight has ordered Double Diamond to deliver their Cutie Marks to her house so she can guard them personally. She also discovers that in reality, Starlight still has her cutie mark and her equal mark is fabricated.

The following morning, Fluttershy convinces Twilight to claim that she'll join Starlight and the rest of the village to distract Starlight's attention. While this is going on, Fluttershy tries to splash water on Starlight to reveal her cutie mark, but she dodges this as she had known Fluttershy was just acting her conversion. However, a drop of water wipes a smudge off the mark. Party Favor notices this and further wipes off the Equal mark, revealing Starlight's cutie mark and shocking the town. Starlight admits that the Staff of Sameness is just a regular staff she discovered in a desert, and that the Equalizing is the product of her own magic, which she hid from the town. Despite Starlight finally losing her temper and telling she created harmony, the townsfolk were really furious on how she lied to all of them, Starlight tries to save face by claiming she did it all for the sake of establishing harmony, but the townsfolk turn on her for her deception, forcing her to retreat back into her house.

A group of ponies breaks into the Mark Vault and throws the Staff of Sameness at the glass, breaking it and releasing the population's Cutie Marks. Meanwhile, Starlight hides in her house and takes a secret passage, trying to make off with the Mane 6's cutie marks as revenge for exposing her. While the Mane 6 is failing to catch up with her since their forced equality causes them to move slowly, Party Favor and other ponies set out to apprehend Starlight and retrieve the marks (and in the process, use their individual talents to counter Starlight's obstacles). Just before reaching the caves, wherein she could have lost her pursuers, the villain winds up being covered in snow, forcing her to release the marks. Starlight emerges and tries to blast her former followers, but Twilight defends them and says to Starlight that her groups' individuality was what led her to become a princess. Starlight rebukes this and insists that her actions presented the townsfolk with a kind of friendship they couldn't have obtained otherwise, but is shot down by Double Diamond, who claims that she never gave them a chance to be friends before converting them to her beliefs. Enraged and defeated, and having lost all her followers, she uses her magic to escape. Twilight hopes that Starlight will consider what the townsfolk have taught her.


Starlight makes a cameo appearances in "Amending Fences", when she was hiding behind a menu she was holding in the cafe. She has a second cameo in "What About Discord?", hiding behind a bush and spying on the Mane Six and Discord with a pair of binoculars. Pracitcally spent through out season 5 trying to find a way to get revenge on the Mane 6 by finding the source of their friendship.

The Cutie Remark

Starlight returns as the main antagonist of the season finale The Cutie Remark. After listening to Twilight's speech of how she and her friends obtained their cutie marks through Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom, Starlight appeared in Twilight's castle and used an altered version of Star Swirl the Bearded's time travel spell with the Cutie Map to travel back in time. She blasted Rainbow Dash away before she could do the Sonic Rainboom, altering time so that King Sombra ruled Equestria and was at war with Princess Celestia. Twilight's attempts to stop Starlight only led to Starlight crystallizing her and then convincing the jock bullies not to pick on Fluttershy, creating a timeline in which Queen Chrysalis is in power and at war with Zecora. Twilight tried to fight Starlight, but it distracted Rainbow Dash, creating a timeline in which Nightmare Moon was in power, with Rainbow Dash and Rarity working for her and Celestia imprisoned.

Twilight's attempts continued to be in vain; Starlight tripped Rainbow Dash, putting Tirek in power; Starlight got Twilight to crystallize Rainbow Dash, putting Discord in power; she made Fluttershy fly with her magic, putting the Flim Flam Brothers in power, making everything look a game to Starlight as she kep taunting Twilight.

When Starlight blasted Rainbow Dash away again, after an argument, Twilight decided to force Starlight to come with her by taking her to the new apocalyptic future of Equestria when Twilight wondered what made Starlight think cutie marks were evil.

When they were in the altered future Starlight finally gets serious, frowns and demands to know where she is, as Twilight tells her they're in the present, that the cause of her actions of preventing Twilight and her friends from getting their cutie marks also prevents them from saving Equestria from thier villains.

Starlight was in denial even though Twilight was right, Starlight was devastated that she was practically defeating herself and she never intended to destroy millions of lives, but she still denies and finally loses her temper and takes Twilight and Spike to when she was a filly and her friend Sunburst got his cutie mark and left for Celestia's magic school, which began her vendetta against cutie marks. Returning to the Rainboom, Starlight attempted to foolishly destroy the spell so Twilight could never travel through time again as she finally no longer playing around and just about had enough of Twilight getting in her way, but Twilight convinced her that she can't and why her friends are so special, and told Starlight to make new friends and give friendship a chance. So, Starlight finally saw the error of her foolish actions and allowed the Sonic Rainboom to take place, and she, Twilight, and Spike returned to the present, where everything is back to normal, as the Mane 5 popped in, Applejack angerily asked what is Starlight doing here, Twilight explained to her friends to what happened and Starlight came in accepting a punishment she deserves but Twilight offered her to become her first new student instead and became friends with the Mane 6 and Spike now and Twilight's student, and reconciled with her village.

Season 6

Though reformed and trying to learn Friendship as Twilight Sparkle's apprentice, Starlight has a few struggles against her former inclinations.

A Hearth's Warming Tail

Starlight is unenthusiastic about celebrating Hearth's Warming Eve and considers it no different from any other day. However, Twilight reads her the story "A Hearth's Warming Tale", an allusion to "A Christmas Carol" with Starlight depicted in the Ebenezer Scrooge-like role who has to gain a proper appreciation for the holiday.

Spice Up Your Life

Starlight Glimmer briefly appears in Spice Up Your Life, helping Twilight to reactivate the Cutie Map which she had disabled in the events of The Cutie Re-Mark. This is a milepost in her redemption.

Every Little Thing She Does

Starlight has a major slip in her new life. In an effort to correct her tendency of avoiding friendship lessons, she takes on several friendship problems at once with Twilight's friends in order to impress her. In an effort to make things easier, she backslides into her old ways by using a newly made Fiducia Compelus spell to mind-control the ponies into following her orders. Unfortunately, the ponies follow her orders so exactly and literally that things quickly spiral out of Starlight's control.

After Twilight helps fix her mess, Starlight confesses that she avoids her friendship problems out of fear of failing and being a disappointment to Twilight. With Twilight and Spike's guidance, Starlight apologizes to her friends for using magic on them, and she learns to address her friendship lessons more naturally.

Season 7 Rock Solid Friendship

While trying to befriend Maud Pie, it is also revealed that she and Maud had met before the initial founding of Starlight's village. Maud had inadvertently helped Starlight by pointing her to a particular rock with the magical properties needed to remove cutie marks.


Rabia is the leader of the Umbrum in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comics, and the main antagonist of the comic Siege of the Crystal Empire.


Hundreds of years prior to the series, Rabia and the Umbrum army attacked the Crystal Empire, terrorizing Crystal Ponies and burning their homes for fun. Unknowingly, Rabia and the Umbrum's actions were witnessed by Queen Chrysalis, who initially wanted to rule the Empire but decided against it upon seeing the Umbrum. Eventually, Rabia and the Umbrum were imprisoned in another realm.

Fiendship is Magic Issue 1

In Sombra's comic backstory, it is shown that Rabia disguised the Umbrum King Sombra as a pony so he could go through the prison door and release them. When Sombra did not want to turn evil and ran, Rabia communicated with him through the Crystal Heart and he embraced his dark side, although he instead decided to rule the Crystal Empire instead.

Siege of the Crystal Empire

It is shown that after Sombra was banished, Radiant Hope found Rabia and the Umbrum, and when she entered their prison, they made her think they were good, and were simply misunderstood by ponies. This led her to form a team of past villains (the Flim Flam Brothers, Iron Will, Lightning Dust and Chrysalis and her Changelings) to distract the Empire's defenders while she resurrected Sombra so he could release the Umbrum. However, when Hope brought Cadence to the Umbrum prison to show her that they weren't evil, Cadance's light revealed their true selves. The Umbrum attacked Hope and Cadence, but they escaped.

Eventually, Sombra released the Umbrum, and Rabia put Twilight and Cadance on trial, and demanded to know where the rebel ponies were, threatening Shining Armor to be turned into a statue if not told. When Cadance told her they were on Canterine, Rabia had Sombra turn Shining Armor to stone anyway. Twilight convinced them to take them to the dais where the Crystal Heart was before turning them to stone so the Crystal Ponies could witness their defeat. Then the rebels attacked, the other Mane 5 among them, but Rabia defeated Rainbow Dash and other pegasi with a flyswatter and told Sombra to destroy the Crystal Heart. However, after hearing of how Hope chose a different destiny than the one the Crystal Heart showed her, and chose him over becoming a princess, Sombra switched sides and used the Crystal Heart to banish the Umbrum, including Rabia, back to their prison.

Demon Shimmer

Sunset Shimmer is the main antagonist of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls and a major protagonist in the sequels, some of the short films, and a main protagonist of the entire web series. She is Twilight Sparkle's former arch-nemesis and Snips and Snails' former leader and boss.

She is voiced by Rebecca Shoichet, who also provided Twilight's singing voice.

Sunset's backstory is explored deeper in the comics. Here, it is shown she had a very troubled and apprehensive relationship with her mentor Princess Celestia, which explains her descent into evil (though she was already extremely cynical, arrogant, traitorous, self-centered, tricky, and antisocial, thus her mentor's short patience with her). Sunset had previously appeared in the form of a toy and as an NPC in the MLP Gameloft game. In both versions, she was merely a neutral character and not a truly evil one. Sunset's desire was to gain princess hood and have everyone in Equestria recognize her. However, she felt Celestia's tutelage was not getting her anywhere fast enough. During the night, she took it upon herself to do research on the crystal mirror Celestia had shown her some time ago. Just as she found information about the mirror, Celestia and two royal guards arrived on the scene. At first, Celestia tried to console Sunset, but Sunset retaliated by demanding to be crowned a princess. It was then Celestia saw that Sunset lacked all the qualities needed to be a true princess, and deemed the young unicorn unworthy of such a status. Celestia then expelled Sunset from the school, banished her from the castle, and had the guards escort Sunset out. Sunset told her former mentor that this would be the greatest mistake ever made, but of course, it was only one of many. When the chance came, Sunset took the guards by surprise and jumped through the mirror, emerging as a teenage girl on the other side.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls

Sunset Shimmer first appears as the main antagonist in the first film.

Sunset Shimmer steals Twilight Sparkle's element of harmony: her magic crown, and in a tussle with Twilight Sparkle, the crown is thrown into a mirror that acts as a portal to another world, which Sunset goes through to retrieve the crown.

In this other world, she is depicted as a human who mocks Twilight Sparkle when they first encounter each other. They meet again in a dark hallway where Sunset bullies Twilight into being discouraged from retrieving her crown. Several years have passed since Sunset ran away from home. In the past, she drove the human counterparts of Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity apart, but Twilight reunites them.

She tries to keep Twilight from becoming Princess of the Fall Formal, like humiliating her through an Internet video and implicating but Twilight Sparkle still easily beats her in the competition. When this attempt backfires, she makes her henchmen Snips and Snails vandalize the gymnasium and implicates Twilight for it through photoshopped photos. Vice-Principal Luna falls victim to this deception, but Sunset's former beau Flash Sentry exonerates Twilight at the last second and Twilight is dubbed Fall Formal Princess after she and the student body clean and redecorate the gym.

However, Sunset steals the crown from Twilight, puts it on, and transforms into a demonic-looking winged humanoid due to her wickedness in her heart. In this form, Sunset becomes purely evil. With her new powers, she plans to use them and her army of mind-controlled teenagers to conquer Equestria. Sunset attempts to kill Twilight, but Twilight and her friends use the power of the Elements of Harmony to return her to human form. She is reduced to tears and apologizes for everything that she has done and Twilight believes her friends can help teach her the magic of friendship. Afterward, the human counterpart of Princess Luna, Vice Principal Luna, hands her a masonry trowel to repair all the damage that she caused.

Midnight Sparkle

Midnight Sparkle is a character from the series of movies, Equestria Girls.

She is a corrupted version of the series's main protagonist, Twilight Sparkle.


She debuted in the movie "Friendship Games" and haunts the human Twilight in "The Legend of Everfree".

Midnight is the AU version of what would have happened if Sunset Shimmer didn't intervene. Twilight would have stayed Midnight and destroyed the human realm to get to Equestria's magic. She is almost Equivalent to Demon Sunset.


Midnight looks somewhat similar to the human Twilight Sparkle, she has an aqua blue fire around her eyes, in place of her counterpart's glasses. She wears a dress, showing off the colors and cutie mark associated with Twilight Sparkle.

Her hair color is the same as Twilight's purple with a pinkish streak and it floats upwards. She has a long, purple tail, and her skin is Purple, just like her eyes. She has a glowing turquoise horn with a black magical aura. She has black, feathery wings that slightly glow.


Midnight can be described as hungry for knowledge. She would destroy anything that gets in the way of her understanding magic, as shown by the Friendship games, where she starts to tear apart Canterlot High to get to Equestria. She is cocky. She believes that she can have anything that she wants, which is true. She seems to be an alternate personality altogether to Twilight, who has a hard time overcoming Midnight.

Abacus Cinch

Principal Abacus Cinch, simply known as Principal Cinch, is the main antagonist of the third film in the "Equestria Girls" full-length film franchise My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. She was the headmistress of Crystal Prep Academy.

She was voiced by Iris Quinn.

Principal Cinch first appears, calling Twilight to her office through Dean Cadence. She talks with Twilight about her application for the Everton Independent Study Program, admiring her as the best student the academy ever had. However, she then points that Twilight has to compete in Friendship Games, which will strengthen the academy's influence, as it always was. When Twilight tries to say that she's just a researcher and doesn't want to compete, wasting her time, Cinch tells her that she has influence due to the academy's high social status. The principal points that she can use that influence to get Twilight's application approved faster or even denied at once if she won't take part in Friendship Games, forcing Twilight to do so.

In Canterlot High School, Principal Cinch first spends some time talking with Principal Celestia, as the latter shows her the school upgrades. They end up seeing Human Five and Sunset Shimmer chatting with confused Twilight, only for Cinch to reveal that the one is her best student, apologizing for her curiosity. After that incident, Cinch forbids Twilight to make friends with the Canterlot High students. Principal Cinch also ruins Pinkie Pie's welcoming party, forbidding her students to have fun, and Pinkie actually couldn't do anything at the moment, as Twilight accidentally drained her Laughter Magic which makes Pinkie to tired to oppose the principal (though she actually the one who could do that with her personality).

During the main action of the games (in song "Acadeca"), Cinch observes her students' work and gets angry or disgusted anytime they fail to win, like in bakery competition, which was won by Pinkie Pie and her tremendous "Mona Lisa" cake. While Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna and Dean Cadence judge the most of the competitions, Principal Cinch judges the last one, math competition between Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, pointing out that Sunset's answer is incorrect.

Then, Principal Cinch instructs the remained Shadowbolts before Tri-Cross Relay, inspiring them to victory and hoping that Twilight could deal with the first part of the relay, which is actually the P.E. standard for Crystal Prep Academy. However, Twilight fails miserably, not being able to high the bulls-eye with and arrow, which enrages her classmates, but she is helped by Applejack, who then gets pony-up for her honesty, which was accidentally drained by Twilight. The latter drops her pendant which opens several random portals to Equestria, releasing the Everfree Forest into this dimension. It crushes the track, nearly killing Sunset Shimmer and Sugarcoat in process, as Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap prove themselves to be more competent racers. However, Rainbow saves Sunset, getting pony-up, and then Sunset wins the race. Principal Cinch blames the Wondercolts for magic cheating, however, Celestia tries to convince Cinch that no one had advantage due to that. A bit later, Principal Cinch witnesses Twilight draining Rainbow Dash's magic and Sunset yelling at Twilight about all the magic, learning that she drained much magic yet and decides to use it to her advantage.

Before the final competition, Principal Cinch and the Shadowbolts trying to convince Twilight in releasing the magic to the point of enforcing her to do it in their villain song "Unleash the Magic". However, the magic goes unstable and corrupts Twilight, as everyone, including Cinch, look at that in horror. Twilight transforms into horrifying Midnight Sparkle, and Cinch, understanding what monster has been created, retreats in save position, advising the Shadowbolts to do the same when Sunny Flare actually catches her, but her students see the error of their ways for what they've done to Twilight, and decided to help everyone.

After Midnight Sparkle is defeated, Cinch accuses the Canterlot High School for magic cheating once more and demands that Celestia and Luna forfeit the Friendship Games, threatening to report the incident to the school board. However, she is mocked by the others, as even the Shadowbolts turn on Cinch, implying that she was the real monster responsible for Midnight Sparkle's creation, and point out that there is no way the board would believe her claims about "flying girls, magic or talking dog (referring to Twilight's Spike)". Though Cinch is enraged, she than saves her face and leaves in defeat, most probably leaving to Crystal Prep the next day with the other students and Dean Cadence.

Equestria Girls Specials

In the special "Dance Magic," Sour Sweet mentions that Cadance has taken over as the Principal of Crystal Prep, meaning that Principal Cinch either quit, retired, or was fired by her superiors for her actions. It's also quite plausible that she was arrested on numerous charges.


Daybreaker is a supporting antagonist in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series, appearing as the main antagonist of the Season 7 television episode A Royal Problem, and again in the comic series as the secondary antagonist of the Nightmare Knights saga. She is depicted as the evil alter-ego of Princess Celestia, the same as Nightmare Moon being the alter-ego of Princess Luna.

She is voiced by Nicole Oliver, who also voices her good counterpart and Cheerilee.

Royal Problem

In the episode, Starlight Glimmer is sent by Twilight's map to the royal palace in Canterlot to solve a friendship problem between Princesses Celestia and Luna, who each believe that their own responsibilities are harder than the other's, and are unintentionally hurting each-other's feelings because of it. To resolve this problem, Starlight uses her magic to switch their cutie-marks, so that they can experience what it's like in each-other's horseshoes. After Luna exhausts herself with Celestia's duties during the day, she retires to her chamber for the evening, and Celestia takes charge of Luna's duties of managing everypony's dreams. Celestia initially believes Luna's job to be easy, but then stumbles upon Starlight's nightmare of being unable to solve the Royal Sisters' friendship problem; upon which, Nightmare Moon appears. Celestia prepares herself to battle Nightmare Moon, but is then stunned to see another evil alicorn similar to herself.

The alicorn reveals herself to be Daybreaker, the dark form of Celestia. Both Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon represent Starlight's fear of her attempt to solve Royal Sister's crisis making it even worse. After goading Celestia into giving into her darker temptations, she then begins her fight with Nightmare Moon. Starlight tries to talk them out of it and Celestia attempts to intervene, but both fail to stop their quarrel. Celestia then brings Luna from her own nightmare of failing her older sister's duties so that they can stop Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon before Starlight's mind is damaged forever, but Luna is unable to help since she has Celestia's magic. After Celestia tearfully admits that Luna's duties are so difficult, Luna admits the same about Celestia's duties. Just then, Daybreaker subdues Nightmare Moon and sets the throne room ablaze. Before she can finish her off, however, Celestia, after being encouraged by Luna, stands in the way of both of their attacks. Daybreaker taunts that Celestia can't bring herself to destroy her since she is everything Celestia wants to be, but Celestia denies this and dispels both her and Nightmare Moon for good.

Luna congratulates Celestia for defeating both of their dark selves, and they reconcile. Starlight's cutie-mark glows, indicating that her mission was complete.


Daybreaker made a brief cameo in the Season 9 premiere, The Beginning of the End - Part 1, when King Sombra shows Twilight and her friends their worst nightmares while confronting him at the Crystal Empire.


In Legends of Magic Annual 2018, Celestia and Luna are abducted by Pony of Shadows from an alternate dimension, who seeks to corrupt them into becoming Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon.

In My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights, a Celestia from an alternate universe, corrupted into Daybreaker, is enslaved by Princess Eris and used to lure Princess Luna into a casino. Daybreaker also serves as Eris' head of the security, but breaks free and takes over her position of power and helping Luna and her team defeat her.

Mean 6

The Mean Six are the titular secondary antagonists of the MLP: FiM episode of the same name. They are clones of the Mane Six created by Queen Chrysalis and lead by Mean Twilight before they end up turning against her. They are voiced by the same people that voice the original Mane Six.

Season 8

In "Mean Six" Queen Chrysalis created the Mean Six from trees using pictures she took of the Mane 6, hairs from their manes (in Rainbow Dash's case, her tail), and magically carving their cutie marks into the trees. Their purpose was to take the Elements of Harmony and destroy the Mane 6 in front of Starlight Glimmer as revenge for taking away her army and kingdom and then destroy Starlight as well.

However, because of Chrysalis' evil magic, the clones ended up flawed, acting opposite to the original counterparts. Evil Twilight could tell that Chrysalis couldn't do much without them. Chrysalis sent the Mean Six to search for the Elements of Harmony in the Everfree Forest.

During the search, Evil Fluttershy got distracted picking on a bird, while Evil Rainbow Dash got bored and flew off. Evil Applejack lied to Chrysalis as to where they were, and Chrysalis gave her and the other three permission to split up and search for them.

Evil Twilight took note of the fact that Chrysalis needed them more than they needed her and planned to lead the other Mean 5 so they could take the Elements for themselves instead of Chrysalis. She ran into the real Pinkie Pie, who inadvertently revealed to her that the Elements were inside the Tree of Harmony, and told her the location of the Tree.

Evil Rainbow Dash ran into Fluttershy, snubbed her, and flew off.

Chrysalis found Evil Pinkie Pie, laying bored on the ground, while Evil Rarity hoarded random objects, and Evil Applejack continued lying. Chrysalis got angry at them and commanded them to find the other three and bring them back.

Evil Fluttershy treated the animals badly, causing them to get angry at the real Fluttershy (during which a bird curses at her).

Evil Rarity mistook the real Rainbow Dash for her clone and started stealing the items that Applejack packed for Starlight.

When Evil Twilight and Pinkie ran into Fluttershy, Evil Twilight was mean to her and left to get the others, causing the real Twilight to think Pinkie upset Fluttershy, and Pinkie accused Twilight of doing so. Twilight was offended that Pinkie seemingly found the trip boring (when it was Evil Pinkie that made the remarks earlier).

Chrysalis overheard Evil Twilight's plan to betray her and confronted her, saying she should kill them and start over, but Evil Twilight told her she knew where the Elements were.

Evil Rarity tried to run with Starlight's items but became tangled in vines. Rainbow Dash tried to help her out with a shovel, but Evil Rarity accused her of trying to take it from her. After she got free, she pulled Rainbow Dash to the ground by her tail and ran off.

Evil Applejack ran into Starlight and Rarity, telling more lies and insulting Starlight, hurting her feelings. After Starlight ran off and Rarity ran after her, Chrysalis and the other Mean 5 reunited with Evil Rarity, telling Evil Twilight to lead her to the Tree of Harmony.

As the Mane 6 and Starlight met up, argued, and reconciled, Chrysalis and the Mean 6 reached the campsite where the Mane 6 and Starlight were headed for, and the Mean 6 trashed the tents for fun, with Evil Rarity stealing everything. Evil Twilight told the other five about her plan, and they got to the Tree of Harmony. The other Mean 5 fought amongst themselves, and Evil Twilight said they needed the Elements to take out Chrysalis. Chrysalis heard this and engaged Evil Twilight in a beam struggle while the other five attempted to take the Elements. As Evil Twilight was about to overpower Chrysalis, the Tree sensed the Mean 6's evil and captured them, melting their bodies before destroying them in a flash of light, leaving only fragments of the trees used to create them.

After the Mean Six's destruction, Chrysalis remarks how servants can't be depended on, but ensures that she will have her revenge on Starlight one day.

Season 9

In "Frenemies", it is shown that Chrysalis kept Evil Twilight's log as something to "talk to" when she needs it.

Storm King

The Storm King is the main antagonist of the 2017 animated film My Little Pony: The Movie, based on the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series, the posthumous overarching antagonist of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Spring Breakdown and a posthumous antagonist in the rest of the series. He is the former master of both Tempest Shadow and Grubber and one of Twilight Sparkle's archenemies.

He was a tyrannical satyr-like creature who commanded a formidable army in his quest for power. He and his army invaded Canterlot so he can steal the magic of the Alicorn Princesses with the Staff of Sacanas in order to make himself all-powerful without anyone-else to help serve him. However, he met his end at the hooves of his former commander, Tempest Shadow, who he had betrayed earlier when he attempted one last attack on the Mane Six.

He was voiced by Liev Schreiber, who also played Sabretooth/Victor Creed in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Stu Wargle in Phantoms, Ray Donovan in the series of the same name, Ted Winter in Salt, Colonel Alexander Vosch in The 5th Wave, and Kingpin/Wilson Fisk in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.


While the exact origins of the Storm King are completely unknown, it can be presumed that he took over many lands beyond Equestria, before learning of Equestria's princesses and their alicorn magic. At some point, he met up with Grubber from an unknown destination, making him his smallest servant. He destroyed many other kingdoms as well, including Capper's home and the kingdom of the hippogriffs, and enslaved many others, including Captain Celaeno and her crew. He also met up with Tempest Shadow and told her that if she helped him steal the alicorn magic, he would use it to restore her horn.

The Invasion

The Storm King's invasion of Equestria begins during Canterlot's Friendship Festival, where Twilight Sparkle and her friends are preparing for a concert. The Storm King's henchmen, Tempest Shadow and Grubber, arrive ahead of him intending to capture` the four princesses for his upcoming arrival. During the ensuing chaos, Tempest manages to use obsidian orbs to petrify Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, while Twilight and her friends manage to escape. The Storm King calls Tempest to learn of her progress, during which he assures her that if Twilight is not captured and brought to him within three days, she will be severely punished.

Even though not a physical appearance, a bobblehead of the King is held by Murdock when Tempest interrogates the pirates on the Mane Six's whereabouts.

Stealing the Magic

The Storm King later arrives in Canterlot, with Tempest having fulfilled her promise of successfully delivering the Princess Twiligh after she screwed up their chances of getting help from the Hippogriffs, getting into a fight with Pinkie, hurting her feelings and her friends abandoning her, as the result of their fight gave Tempest the opportunity to finally capture her with no friends to save her this time. The Storm King uses the Staff of Sacanas to absorb the magic of all four princesses, much to his glee. As he begins experimenting with his new abilities by taking a shot at a de-powered Twlight, then rapidly accelerating the day and night cycle of the world, Tempest attempts to ask when he will restore her broken horn, only to be set aside. Then Twilight's friends all came back to save her, accompanied by the con-cat Capper, the Parrot Pirates, and Princess Skystar, infiltrate Canterlot and fend off the Storm King's soldiers, after he sees Twilight's friends coming, he uses his staff to create a massive hurricane, blowing away the rest of his army and shielding the castle to keep the Mane 6, Spike and Capper from getting closer. When Tempest tries to persuade him to fulfill their bargain, the Storm King scoffs and betrays her, revealing that he had only been using her and that she has outlived her usefulness. He attempts to kill Tempest but is blown back when she blasts him back with her magic. Twilight sees an opportunity to get the staff away from the Storm King but chooses to save Tempest instead. The Storm King laughs at this gesture and then prepares to murder them both as Twilight and Tempest are both no longer of use to him anymore.

Final Battle

Just as he is about to kill Tempest and Twilight, Twilight's friends launch themselves out of a massive cannon, ramming the Storm King out of the way and lodging the Staff of Sacanas into the mosaic above the throne room. Twilight and her friends make up as they apologise for what they never should've done to each other at a terrible time. As Twilight and her friends work together again, they fight against the raging winds of the hurricane and the falling debris of the collapsing throne room in an attempt to retrieve the staff. Right behind them, The Storm King emerges from underneath some of the fallen rubble and desperately climbs in pursuit of the staff. Fighting against the Mane 6 in the race for the staff, he hurls himself at the staff in a fit of desprate rage, just as Twilight grabs it first just in time, but the strong winds pull Twilight, the staff, and himself through the window and out into the hurricane. As Twilight and the Storm King are presumed dead, as the Mane 5 and Spike are sad that Twilight is gone.


Just when the ponies think Twilight is dead, and mourn for her, she emerges from the eye of the storm with the staff, still alive, and uses it to end the chaos the Storm King began. As she and her friends embrace each other, the Storm King survived the storm too and sneakingly climbs back up over the balcony and hurls an obsidian orb at them in a last attempt to retrieve the staff and defeat Twilight and her friends once and for all. Tempest, however, spotted him and saw what he was about to do. Having had a change of heart after being saved by Twilight and realizing the king is too dangerous to be kept alive, she leaps in front of the princess and her friends and onto the Storm King, taking the hit and transforming them both into obsidian statues. While Twilight uses the staff to save Tempest, The Storm King's petrified body plummets down to the courtyard below and shatters into pieces upon impact, killing him and ending his oppressive tyranny over Equestria, all the lands he took over the years and his plan to rule the world before it could truly begin.

In the credits, while still in pieces in stone form, his eyes were seen moving while trying to dance before his body was reduced to rubble again.

Role in the Series Season 8

In the premiere episode "School Daze Part 1", he is mentioned when Twilight says that Tempest left Ponyville to spread the word of the Storm King's defeat. He was also mentioned by Sandbar when reminds the creature students that the Mane Six saved Equestria.

In the episode "Surf and/or Turf", the Storm King is mentioned several times to recount the events of the film and when he attacked the Hippogriff Kingdom during his reign.

In the episode "The Hearth's Warming Club", the Storm King makes a cameo in Silverstream's story about how she and the other hippogriffs celebrate the "Three Days of Freedom".

In the episode "What Lies Beneath", the Storm King appears as an illusion formed from Silverstream's deepest fears.

In the episode "Father Knows Beast", the Storm King is mentioned.

Role in "Equestria Girls"

In the special "Spring Breakdown", taking place between the movie and Season 8 of the series, the Storm King is mentioned multiple times, and his leftover magic is the source of the havoc that happens in the human world.

Role in the Comics

The Storm King appears as the main antagonist in IDW's My Little Pony: The Movie Prequel. It depicts what he did during his reign, conquering many lands, including the Abyssinian capital of Panthera. His second-in-command at the time was Strife, a cloud creature who secretly planned to betray him and side with the Pirates.

In Issue #1, he and Strife invaded Panthera, plundering all the palace treasure and setting fire to the rest of the city. However, Strife later betrays the Storm King and allies with Captain Celaeno and her crew of parrot pirates. The Storm King, enraged by this betrayal, appoints Grubber as his new second-in-command.

In Issue #2, the Storm King catches up with Celaeno's ship, tosses Strife overboard for his betrayal, and forces Celaeno and her crew to work for him as cargo haulers.

He does not appear in Issue #3, but he was mentioned.

In Issue #4, the Storm King tracks down Tempest Shadow, who has had the Misfortune Malachite while fleeing from his Storm Creatures. The two then allies, with Tempest agreeing to become the Storm King's new lieutenant in his search for magical power in exchange for the Storm King healing her broken horn.

The Storm King is also mentioned during the Convocation of Creatures on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #61 page 15.

The Storm King is also seen in a flashback in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #68.

Pony of Shadows

Stygian, better known as the Pony of Shadows, is a major antagonist in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, appearing as the main antagonist in the Season 7 finale, "Shadow Play".

He is a unicorn scholar and the founder of the Pillars of Equestria, who was also their friend as he brought them together to save his home and Equestria. After a terrible misunderstanding led him to be outcasted by the pillars, he was then transformed into a monstrous pony made entirely of shadows who desired to cover the entirety of Equestria in darkness before he was reverted back to his original form by the pillars as well as the Mane Six.

He was voiced by Bill Newton, who also played Bright Macintosh and Pharynx in the series.


The Pony of Shadows was originally a male unicorn named Stygian, who lived in Equestria more than 1,000 years prior to the events of the series. One day, Stygian's village was attacked by the Sirens, who used their magic to turn everypony against each other in order to feed off their negativity to become even more powerful. In order to save his home, Stygian traveled across old Equestria in search of the country's greatest heroes, which included Rockhoof, Flash Magnus, Mistmane, Somnambula, Mage Meadowbrook and Star Swirl the Bearded. Together, they formed the Pillars of Equestria and fought the Sirens, banishing them into a different dimension and saving Stygian's home.

After vanquishing the Sirens, the Pillars stuck together and continued to defend Equestria from future threats. During this time, Stygian provided assistance by studying their foes and planning strategies for them. However, while the others were hailed and respected by all, Stygian wasn't recognized in the slightest for his own contributions because he always watched from sidelines while his friends did all the work. Desperate to be noticed and wanting to prove himself a hero as well, Stygian secretly borrowed a treasured belonging from each of the other Pillars and brought them all to Ponehenge in order to perform a spell that will create copies of the artifacts so that he can fight alongside them. However, the others discovered this and believed he was trying to take their power for himself. After taking back their artifacts and stopping Stygian's spell, they then banished him from the team without even giving him the chance to explain the reasons for his actions. At the time, Stygian believed that the Pillars were just being selfish and didn't want to share their power with him, causing him to despise his former friends.

Shortly afterwards, a heartbroken and embittered Stygian discovered the Well of Shade in the Hollow Shades. There, he encountered a mysterious and shadowy entity known as "The Darkness", which promised Stygian the power to take his revenge on those who supposedly betrayed him in return for helping the entity plunge the world into eternal darkness. Enticed by this promise, Stygian agreed to this deal, and the two merged into a single shadowy being; the Pony of Shadows.

The Pony of Shadows then attacked the Pillars of Equestria and began spreading darkness and chaos across the land, desiring every pony to feel the pain he had. Realizing that they couldn't defeat him conventionally, the Pillars then decided to perform a ritual to banish him to the space between dimensions known as Limbo. However, the ritual would require them to banish themselves along with their former friend to accomplish this. Willing to sacrifice themselves to save Equestria, all the Pillars agreed to this plan. But before they did, they each poured their essence into a seed and planted them in a cave underneath the Castle of the Two Sisters, which would eventually grow into the Tree of Harmony that would help future heroes in defending Equestria.

The Pillars gathered around Ponehenge, where they first banished Stygian. There, Starswirl casted a spell to bring the Pony of Shadows to them. Immediately, the Pony of Shadows attacked them and prepared to plunge the world into complete darkness, but the Pillars then performed the ritual and willingly banished themselves and the Pony of Shadows to Limbo, where they all remained for the next millennium.

Shadow Play Pt. 1 and 2

Over a thousand years later, the Pony of Shadows was inadvertently released from Limbo by Twilight Sparkle, who with the help of her friends freed the Pillars from the dimensional gap as well. The Pony of Shadows then destroys Stonehenge and Starswirl's spell book so he can't be sent back and attempts to attack Starswirl. However, Twilight and Starlight Glimmer counter his attack, forcing him to retreat to shadowy areas of Equestria to regain his power.

Due to the industrialization of Equestria over the past millennium, many of the areas that were once known to be dark are now populated and bright, thus buying Twilight and her friends time to come up with a plan on how to locate and re-contain him. The initial plan was to sacrifice the Elements of Harmony in place of the Pillars, but Starlight suggested that they should try to make peace with Stygian to regain his friendship, only to be rebuffed by Starswirl who firmly believed that Stygian was beyond redemption.

Eventually, the ponies are led by the castle's map to the Hollow Shades, which is now an abandoned ghost town on the edge of Equestria. After traveling there, the entire town collapses into the ground to reveal the Well of Shade, where Stygian first became the Pony of Shadows. The Pony of Shadows explained how Stygian and the Darkness met and fused into one before attacking Starswirl again. At that moment, the Mane Six and the Pillars open a portal to banish the Pony of Shadows and the Elements of Harmony into Limbo. However, as the Pony of Shadows begins to slip into the portal, Twilight sees Stygian himself struggling from within the black mass that is his body and dives in.

She then finds Stygian, sitting alone in the darkness. There, he revealed his true intentions for stealing the Pillars' artifacts. The Pillars and the rest of the Mane Six overheard their conversation, and the Pillars were shocked and horrified to learn that Stygian truly was their friend and that banishing him led him down the darker path. As the darkness begins to overtake Stygian again, Twilight urges him to forgive his friends and abandon the darkness. When Stygian questions why Twilight would believe he can be saved, Starlight joins Twilight and explains that she was like Stygian until Twilight managed to convince her of the power of friendship. Stygian then states that while he wants to believe what they say, he then becomes possessed by the Darkness again and boasts that it can never be defeated.

Twilight then takes a more forceful approach by lassoing Stygian's foreleg with her magic to pull him out of the Darkness while urging him to fight it. It was then that Starlight, the Mane Six and the Pillars combine all of their magic to pull Stygian out of the Darkness, which they succeed in doing. As a result, the Darkness was left without a host and could not prevent itself from being sucked into the portal on his own, causing it to be banished back into Limbo for good.

With the Darkness gone and the Elements of Harmony and Pillars of Old Equestria both intact, the land was at peace once again, and Starswirl apologizes to Stygian and rekindles their friendship.


The Pillars and Stygian encountered an alternate version of the Pony of Shadows after he abducted a young Celestia and Luna, intending to turn them into Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon. Despite his power, the alternate Pony of Shadows was thwarted due to Stygian's inexplicable ability to command his creatures. When he attempted to blast Stygian, their magics reacted and caused an explosion, and Stygian announced himself before departing for home with the Pillars. The alternate Pony of Shadows, who had recognized all of the heroes except Stygian, was then revealed to be the Stygian of that universe.

Me: All of our training has prepared us for this. We have been preparing for this ever since Laney had her dream about it.

Laney: And justice will be brought to those monsters.

Me: We are ready for them.

Nico: Yes we are.

Me: But our forces are still not enough. We need more of them and we need to be at our ultimate max when we take them down.

Eddy: I'm going to where Chrysalis and the other villains are to buy you guys some time.

Winona: Don't be crazy, Eddy. We're in this together!

Nico: Remember what I always say. Never fight alone!

Dark Spicer: He won't be alone. I'm going to help him.

Me: Okay. That will give us plenty of time to gather our forces.

Nico: And from the looks of things we're going to need all the help we can get.

Starfire: And lots of it.

Eli: Definitely.

Me: Be careful you two. We'll be there shortly.

Eddy and Dark teleported.

Me: Okay you guys are gonna think I'm crazy but we need Mac's brother Terrance and Eddy's brother Tyrone to help us.

Mac: Are you crazy!? Terrance hates me!

Me: I'm well aware of that Mac. And I'm sorry he does but he deserves a chance at redemption. It's better than Brad.

Kick Buttowski: I agree J.D. But if you think Terrence and Tyron can be redeemed then we are not one to judge you.

Me: Good.

Apeface went to the Jupiter prison to get Terrence and Freeway went to Atlanta to get Tyrone. They came back with them.

Terrence: So, can you explain to me why you're giving me a chance to help out in this war and redeem myself instead of Brad Buttowski?

Apeface: Because Brad's too far gone. But you, on the other hand, still have your humanity.

Me: That's right Terrance. Brad is a monster. You on the other hand still have your humanity.

Mac: But don't think that this will be the easiest way for me to forgive you after everything you did to me.

Terrence: I know Mac and I didn't expect it to be that easy. I'm sorry I did all those things to me. I was a terrible big brother to you.

Me: Yes you were but you still have honor and that's good.

Nico: Yes he does.

Tyrone: Are you saying Eddy's going with his archenemy to fight off Chrysalis and her forces by themselves?!

Freeway: At least until we can gather all our forces.

Lisa: Fortunately, I've been working on rebuilding an armor from a past enemy for you to use here.

Tyrone: Really?

Lisa pulled out a remote and pressed a button and a wall opened up and in it was THE IRONMONGER SUIT!

Me: WHOA! The Ironmonger Suit!

Tyrone: AWESOME!

Me: You are going to love it Tyrone.

?: He sure is.

10 figures came out and they were THE RONIN WARRIORS: Ryo of Wildfire, Kento of Hardrock, Cye of Torrent, Sage of Halo, Rowen of Strata, Anubis of Cruelty, Cale of Corruption, Sekhmet of Venom, Dais of Illusion and Lady Kayura of the Stars!

Ryo Sanada

Voiced by Takeshi Kusao (Japanese), Matt Hill (English)

Ryo Sanada (真田 遼, Sanada Ryō) is the unofficial leader of the Ronin Warriors who is often accompanied by the large white tiger, White Blaze (白炎, Byakuen). Known to be brash and impulsive at times, he is nonetheless goodhearted and fiercely loyal. A tenacious warrior, Ryo was the first of the five rōnin to arrive in Shinjuku confront the forces of the Evil Dynasty during their first invasion. He was also the first to be rescued by companions Mia and Ully after their initial siege on Talpa's castle. Though they manage to regroup and defeat Talpa, the Evil Dynasty resurfaced and captured Ryo's fellow rōnin Sage, Kento and Sai. With his only remaining comrade, Rowen, Ryo ventures into the Nether Realm with Mia and Ully to rescue their fellow warriors, ultimately vanquishing Talpa in one final battle. Ryo would then confront other villains with the other Ronin including the warrior of the Black Inferno Armor and the revenant Suzunagi. He was last seen in new armor, choosing to continue his role as a Ronin Warrior.

Guided by the virtue of "Jin" (仁, benevolence, righteousness), Ryo commands the red Armor of Wildfire (烈火の鎧, Rekka no Yoroi), which draws power from heat and flame. As owner of this armor, Ryo inherits the epithet and title Ryo of Wildfire (烈火のリョウ, Rekka no Ryō), the Warrior of Flames (炎の戦士, Honō no Senshi). When equipped, Ryo becomes immune to the effects of extreme heat and flames. This armor is equipped with a pair of katana called the Swords of Wildfire (烈火剣, Rekkaken, lit. Wildfire Swords) which can connect at the kashira to form a double-bladed sword style weapon. From this weapon formation, Ryo unleashes his finishing move, the "Flare Up Now" (双炎斬, Sōenzan, lit. Twin Fire Cut) ("Fury of Wildfire" in the OVA), a giant column of white-hot energy. Ryo later acquires the white Armor of Inferno (白い輝煌帝, Shiroi Kikotei, lit. White Sun Emperor), which requires the additional energies of four other armors to summon. Wielding this armor proved a great challenge for Ryo until he acquired the twin Swords of Fervor (剛烈剣, Gōretsuken, lit. Unyielding Swords) from the Nether Realm warlord, Lord Sabrestryke. Together with the Inferno Armor, Ryo uses these swords to unleash the "Rage of Inferno" (超弾動閃煌斬, Chō-dandō Senkōzan, lit. Ultra-Ballistic Flash Cut), which releases the armor's power as rays of light and flame. Following the battle with Mukala and the Black Inferno Armor, the White Inferno and Wildfire armors were destroyed, though Ryo would later acquire new armor from the spirit Suzunagi; though the nature and abilities of this new armor were never explored.

Ryo comes from the ninja school of the Sanada Ten Braves, a legendary band of ninja who were believed to have assisted Sanada Yukimura, a real samurai who died in 1615. He is frequently depicted as wearing red armor, and is widely considered a hero. The crest on Ryo's armor is actually a slightly stylized version the family symbol of the Takeda clan. In a Newtype poll, Ryo ranked #17 for the top 30 most popular male anime character from the 1980s.

Kento Rei Fang

Voiced by: Tomohiro Nishimura (Japanese), Jason Gray-Stanford (English, TV), Andrew Francis (English, OVA)

Kento Rei Fang, known in Japan as Xiu Lihuang (秀 麗黄, Shū Reifuan), wears the orange and brown Armor of Hardrock (金剛, Kongō, lit. Stone), which represents the element of Earth and the guiding virtue Gi (義, Gi, lit. Justice). It is said to be the most violent of the armors. His rival is Dais, the Dark Warlord of Illusion. Kento is the warrior of Earth (Chi no Senshi - 地の戦士).

When the Ancient One sent Kento to Mt. Aso to unlock his Armor's true power, Dais followed him with the Sand Strikers. Kento defeated them by learning to focus his power.

His weapon is a combination of a three-section staff and a naginata which he sometimes wields like a pair of nunchakus in close combat. The armor's surekill is Iron Rock Crusher (岩鉄砕, Gantetsusai, lit. Rock-Iron Smash) which causes a massive earthquake-like disruption around him. Kento gains a new suit of Armor in the 3rd OVA, Message, but its powers and abilities are unknown.

Sage Date

Voiced by: Daiki Nakamura (Japanese), Michael Donovan (English, TV), Matt Smith (English, OVA)

Sage Date, known in Japan as Seiji Date (伊達征士, Date Seiji), wears the green Armor of Halo (光輪, Kōrin, lit. Nimbus), which represents the element of Light and the guiding virtue of Rei (礼, Rei, lit. Courtesy, translated as Grace in the OVA). In the English dub of the series, his guiding virtue is Chi (Wisdom). His rival is Cale, the Dark Warlord of Corruption. He is considered the most mature and aloof member of the team. When the Ancient One sends him to the Catasota Gulch Pinnacles to unlock his armor's true power, Sage realized the armors can be used for good or evil. He speaks formally in the original "Samurai Troopers" series. Sage as warrior of Light (Hikari no Senshi - 光の戦士).

Sage fights with a nodachi, a Japanese broadsword. His surekill is the Thunderbolt Cut (Lightning Strike in the OVA) (雷光斬, Raikōzan, lit. Thunder Lightning Thrust), an energized thrust thunder power attack; it also appears as a burst of energy beams.

Sage is captured by Shikaiden and the Mad Scientist in the OVA Gaiden. His Armor of Halo is used to kill people in New York, including Runa's brother. Sage gains a new armor in the last OVA, Message, but its abilities are unknown.

Sage's family name, Date, comes from a real-life samurai called Date Masamune. Date Masamune is famous for being blind in one eye, and has the nickname "The One-Eyed Dragon." As an intentional nod to this, Sage's hair is styled so that his bangs always cover one eye.

Cye Mori

Voiced by: Nozomu Sasaki (Japanese), Michael Donovan (English)

Cye Mouri, known in Japan as Shin Mouri (毛利 伸, Mōri Shin), wears the light blue Armor of Torrent (水滸, Suiko), which represents the element of Water and the guiding virtue Shin (信, Trust). In OVA, Shin as Trust, or a Faith. His rival is Sekhmet, the Dark Warlord of Venom. He is the oldest member of the Warriors and one of the calmest, this is like Kento of big best friends. But in OVA, Kikotei, Cye deslike of fight, a Kento and Rowen hungry for Cye now power uses. When the Ancient One sent him to the Sea of Toyama to unlock his armor's true power, he encountered a clone of himself called Red Torrent. He defeated the clone by purifying the water around himself, which strengthened him. He speaks with an English accent in the English dub. Cye as warrior of Water (Sui no Senshi - 水の戦士).

His weapon is a Jūmonji yari, whose prongs can close, allowing him to grab opponents from afar or cut through obstacles. The armor is also equipped with a tantō dagger and a claw-like weapon on the gauntlet, but he has, apparently, never used either of those. His surekill is Super Wave Smasher (超流破, Chōryūha, lit. Super Wave Crush), a powerful burst of water. In the 3rd OVA, Message, Cye receives a new suit of Armor, but its abilities are unknown.

Cye's family name, Mouri, possibly came from the real-life Japanese daimyo Mouri Motonari.

Rowen Hashiba

Voiced by: Hiroshi Takemura (Japanese), Ward Perry (English)

Rowen Hashiba, known in Japan as Touma Hashiba (羽柴 当麻, Hashiba Tōma), is the rational and level-headed member of the Ronin Warriors. He often acts as a voice of reason to Ryo and Kento's hotter tempers. Rowen is close friends with Sage, as they share similar interests. He and Kento are childhood friends, having met through Kento's paternal grandfather. He is said to have an IQ of 250, making him the most intelligent of the Ronin Warriors.

Guided by the virtue of Chi (智, Wisdom) (originally Inochi (命, Life) in the original dub), Rowen commands the indigo Armor of Strata (天空の鎧, Tenkū no Yoroi, Armor of the Heavens/Sky), which draws its power from the air and wind. As owner of the armor, Rowen inherits the epithet and title "Rowen of Strata" (天空の当麻, Tenkū no Tōma, Tōma of the Heavens), "Warrior of Sky" (空の戦士, Sōra no Senshi). This armor comes equipped with a collapsible, golden bow and a small, back-mounted quiver which supplies an virtually endless amount of arrows. Rowen has demonstrated great expertise using this weapon and displayed exceptional marksmanship. His finishing move is the "Arrow Shockwave" (真空波, Shinkūha, Vacuum Breaker) (Heaven's Shockwave in the OVA), an extremely powerful light arrow. (The first use of which demolished a large section of a mountain). Other abilities include Rowen can erect protective barriers of around himself to slow his descent. Rowen gains a new suit of Armor in the third OVA, Message, but its powers are unknown.

His enemy is Anubis, the Darklord of Cruelty. The English dub of the series gives him a thick Brooklyn accent, but that went missing in the OVAs.

Rowen's name Hashiba is most likely from Toyotomi Hideyoshi's original surname, Hashiba. Toyotomi was Oda Nobunaga's successor, and unified Japan under his rule for a short while.


Voiced by: Kiyoyuki Yanada (Japanese), Paul Dobson (English)

Anubis, the Dark Warlord of Cruelty, known in Japan as Shutendouji, the Ogre Demon General (鬼魔将・朱天童子, Oni Mashō Shutendōji), was the leader of the Four Dark Warlords at the beginning of the series. Four hundred years ago, he was a warrior named Toshitada Koma (狛 俊忠, Koma Toshitada), whose ambition and blood-lust made him susceptible to Talpa's influence.

He was the first of the Warlords to fight the Warriors in modern times. He nearly defeated them until the Ancient One intervened. He later appeared to stop Mia and Ully from saving Ryo, and then to stop Ryo from saving Rowen. When he challenged Ryo and Rowen to a battle, he defeated them but could not bring himself to destroy them. Rowen shattered his mask with an Arrow Shockwave, exposing his human face to them. Talpa sensed that Anubis was showing weakness and used Nether Spirits to turn his mind back to the Dynasty. Anubis was saved when Kento defeated the Nether Spirits. The Ancient One then showed Anubis how Talpa regarded him as a tool. Anubis then renounced the Dynasty.

Anubis disappeared after Talpa's first defeat, but he later returned to take on the Ancient One's role as protector. While the Warriors initially distrusted him, Anubis proved himself by aiding them in battle, usually by helping Ryo summon the Inferno Armor. He also met Lady Kayura, whom he recognized as the last living member of the Ancient One's clan and sought to redeem her. He sacrifices himself to free her from the control of Lord Badamon; before his death, he passed on his armor and the Ancient One's staff to her.

Anubis wears the Armor of Cruelty, also known as the Armor of the Ogre - Bear (貴力, Riki, lit. Noble Power), which represents Spring. Its guiding virtue is Chū (忠, Loyalty). His weapon is a kusari-gama and his surekill is Quake With Fear (紅雷閃, Kōraisen, lit. "Red Lightning Flash"), in which he sends his chain into the ground, which then bursts out into the form of several chains.

Anubis' Japanese name, Shutendōji, is a reference to a demon from Japanese folklore, notable for hating beans (as did the YST version of the character).


Voiced by: Yasunori Matsumoto (Japanese), Richard Newman, Peter Wilds (Episode 2 Only), Scott McNeil (Episodes 31, 32 and 35; uncredited) (English)

Cale, the Dark Warlord of Corruption, known in Japan as Anubis, the Darkness Demon General (闇魔将・悪奴弥守, Yami Mashō Anubis), formerly Kujūro Sasaki (佐々木九十郎, Sasaki Kujūro), is the third Warlord to fight the Warriors. He has powers over darkness. He primarily fights Sage of the Halo, who controls light. His armor of Darkness-Corruption/the Jackal (漆黒, Shikoku, lit. "Jet-Black") represents Winter and the guiding virtue Kou (考, filial piety), which is changed to Tei (Obedience) in the English dub. His weapons are a Nodachi and claw-like armor spikes. His surekill is Black Lightning Slash (暗黒跳飛斬り, Ankoku Chohigiri, lit. "Darkness Leaping Slash"), where he fires a number of black lasers.

According to The Encyclopedia of YST, if Cale was to use his powers for good, he would be the Eyes for people lost in the darkness. No matter how powerful his enemies may be, he will be persistent and continue to fight.


Voiced by: Jūrōta Kosugi (Japanese), Matt Smith and Peter Wilds (Episode 2 Only) (English)

Dais, the Dark Warlord of Illusion, known in Japan as Rajra, the Phantom Demon General (幻魔将・螺呪羅, Gen Mashō Rajura), formerly Gorō Kurodajirō (黒田次郎五郎, Kurodajirō Gorō), is the oldest of the Four Dark Warlords and the fourth Warlord to confront the Warriors. His main opponent is Kento Rei Faun. Dais was the first of the Warlords to confront Anubis when he re-emerged. Anubis tried to sway Dais from evil, but Dais stayed with the Dynasty until Talpa was destroyed for good. His Armor of Illusion/the Spider (夢幻, Mugen, lit. Infinity) represents Summer and the guiding virtue Nin (忍, lit. "to endure"), which is rendered as "Serenity" in the English dub. It has six Kamas on its back resembling spider legs, which he can extend to any length he sees fit. The Kamas are connected to a single handle attached to his back, which he can remove at any time. He also has a flail on his right gauntlet and a nunchaku on his left. His armor allows him to spin webs and create illusions. His surekill is Web of Deception (投蜘網, Tōchimō, lit. "Spider's Webcast"), in which he throws his Kamas.

According to The Encyclopedia of YST if Dais were to use his powers for good, he would be able to create peaceful illusions.


Voiced by: Issei Futamata (Japanese), Ward Perry (English)

Sekhmet, the Dark Warlord of Venom, known in Japan as Nahza, the Poison Demon General (毒魔将・那唖挫, Doku Mashō Naaza), formerly Naotoki Yamanouchi (山之内直時, Yamanouchi Naotoki), is the second Warlord to fight the Warriors. He has pale skin, purple eyelids, and beady black eyes. He is Cye Mouri's main opponent. His armor is the Armor of the Venom/the Snake (薬師, Yakushi, lit. Doctor in archaic Japanese), which represents Autumn and the guiding virtue Tei (梯, Obedience), which is changed to Kou (Piety) in the English dub.

Sekhmet fights with six katanas, which exude a deadly poison that can also cause blindness. He can also move his arms at speeds that allow him to seemingly grow four extra arms. His surekill is Snake Fang Strike (蛇牙剣・六節大蛇, Jagaken Rokusetsu Orochi, lit. Snake Fang Sword Six-Segmented Serpent/Serpent's Fang), where he connects his swords together into a whip-like weapon and swings it around before attacking.

According to The Encyclopedia of YST, if Sekhmet were to use his powers for good, he would be able to heal injuries and illnesses. He would also be able to turn venom into medicine.

Lady Kayura

Voiced by: Masako Katsuki (Japanese), Jane Perry (English)

Lady Kayura (迦遊羅, Kayura) is the last known member of the Ancient One's clan. For this reason, she was abducted from her home by the Dynasty at a young age. Talpa kept Kayura under his control with a magical amulet worn around her neck and raised her to be his ultimate weapon against the Ronin Warriors. In her first appearance, she battled Ryo and Rowen while the others were captured by the Dynasty. The Warriors were no match for her until Anubis appeared and summoned the Inferno Armor. Ryo and Rowen faced her several times during their quest through the Nether Realm, and were always at a disadvantage unless they could use the other Warlords' armors to summon the Inferno.

When Ryo inadvertently destroyed Kayura's amulet, she remembered her past and ultimately rejected Talpa's control. At Talpa's behest, Badamon, the leader of the Nether Spirits, possessed Kayura's body to keep her evil. This time, Badamon-Kayura conquered the White Armor's near infinite power. She nearly gained control of the Jewel of Life before White Blaze made a last second swipe at her to force her to drop it to dodge his attack. Kayura was ultimately released from Badamon's control by Anubis's sacrifice, turning the energy from her own surekill attack back on her which, combined with Anubis' armor, shattered Badamon's possession of Kayura, expelling him from her permanently, and putting her back on the side of good. Kayura took up the Ancient One's staff and Anubis's armor to help fight Talpa in the final battle. After Talpa's ultimate destruction, Kayura and the Warlords returned to the Nether Realm to help rebuild the Dynasty into a benevolent empire.

Kayura is several centuries old, though her physical age is 12 according to official publications. She possesses near-infinite supernatural powers, due to her ancestry as a member of the Clan of the Ancients. She wields the twin sai she called Starlight Swords. Her surekill is called Star Sword Scream (嵐星斬, Ranseizan, lit. Storm Star Cut), which summons a massive barrage of stellar energy from the sky. Apparently, the attack had some dependency on water, as she never seemed to use it unless a considerable amount was present. Kayura was also given Anubis' Cruelty armor, and gained the Ancient One's staff, but whether she used them afterwards or not is in question. Because of her new role, Kayura should be referred to as the Ancient One.

In the YST manga, Kayura's Virtue is "ai" (愛, love). In the Shin Yoroiden Samurai Troopers manga, Kayura serves as the mentor to the new wearer of the Armor of Wildfire. She also appears in the YST novel, Shinkon-Hen, which is about the history of the Ancient One's clan.

Me: Oh wow! The Ronin Warriors!

Ryo: It's an honor to meet you J.D.

Me: Same here Ryo. I've read so many awesome stories about you all.

Kento: We wouldn't miss this awesome opportunity to help you out.

Sekhmet: Especially after we heard so much about all your adventures.

Cale: You are a truly noble warrior.

Me: I get that all the time. But it's a great honor to have you all with us.

Lady Kayura: Same here J.D.

Cye: We heard that you have amazing skills in our techniques.

Me: Your techniques have been a huge contributing factor and power to us in our adventures.

Nico: They are so awesome and they REALLY pack a punch.

Eli: They sure do.

Sage: We're honored that you would use them.

Me: Thanks.

We gathered a lot of our forces.

In the hideout of the Doomsday 23, Eddy and Dark Spicer were facing Chrysalis and her massive horde of Changelings!

Chrysalis: (to Eddy and Dark Spicer) There you two are.

Dark Spicer: Alright. Let's settle this right here. Right now!

Dark then turned into Prionrock.

Prionrock: Here's your warning: Your insect asses are about to be kicked!

Chrysalis: Bring it on! CHARGE!

Eddy and Prionrock went at Chrysalis and the Changeling horde and blasted them all over and quickly gained a strong foothold over them as they were blasting them into nothing. They were doing really well against them!

Dark Spicer then turned into ALIEN Ξ and blasted them all over with a massive energy wave and blew them apart. They blew them apart all over the place with indiscriminate fury and then they were exhausted.

Dark and Eddy looked at Chrysalis and her army as they panted in exhaustion. Alongside Chrysalis were the rest of the Doomsday 23.

Chrysalis: (grins evilly) In all my years of conquest... violence… slaughter... It was never personal. But I'll tell you both now– what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet– I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.

Dark and Eddy looked at one another.

Eddy: Well, at least we'll go down fighting.

Dark Spicer: We sure will. So, let's make this a final battle to remember!

But just as they both take one step...

?: (from Eddy's communicator) Hey, bro. Can you hear me?

Dark and Eddy stopped in place, confused and shocked as crackling came into Eddy's communicator.

?: Eddy, it's Tyrone. Can you hear me?

Eddy: Bro? Where are you?

Tyrone: On your left.

Dark and Eddy looked to their left and were shocked at what they saw.

They saw Eddy's Brother Tyrone in the Ironmonger's suit.

Tyrone: Hey Pipsqueak.

Eddy: Bro wow! You look awesome!

Dark Spicer: Wow!

Tyrone: And it's not just me.

Me: (On Eddy's Communicator) Sorry we're late guys.

(Imperatrix Mundi by Jo Blankenburg plays at 1:35)

Many portals suddenly appeared all over and out of them came all of us. We were a massive army in the tens of thousands. We had all of the Avengers, Justice League, Digimon, Pokemon, the worlds of Monster Rancher, Mon World, The Ghosts of the Ghost Zone, The Kaiju, The Jedi, Aliens from all over the Universe, The Plumbers, The Lantern Corps, The Fairies of Fairy World, Hunter's friends, The World Gundam Federation, The Voltron Force, The Z-Fighters, Sailor Soldiers, Creatures from All over Equestria, the Gene-Slammers, Many Shinobi, friends from all over the universe! And we had all of the Saiyans, Nameks, Nintendo Stars, Skylanders, and many more friends.

It wasn't just them either. Wolf's old teammates Panther and Leon were there too. And King Stefan and his army.

May: (to Maria) Is that all of them?

Maria: (smirks at May) What, you wanted more?

?: Don't forget us.

We saw that the ships of Star Trek, Star Wars, The Storm Hawks and many more were there too!

Aerrow: Looks like all the Sky Knights are here too.

Captain Kirk: And us too.

Han Solo: Thought you all would like some help.

Zhuqiaomon: This is gonna be epic!

Sora: This is gonna be awesome!

Laney: Yeah it is!

Lord Tirek: Uh oh.

Evil Cozy Glow: This is gonna be brutal.

Me: It's more than just gonna be brutal. It's the final hour of your lives! You're all going to pay for your crimes! ∞-Fold!

The Psycho Rangers just arrived as well.

Psycho Red: (smirks at Andros) You and your friends can't seem to stay out of trouble, can you, Red Ranger?

Andros: No we can't.

The Masters of Evil arrived too.

Vypra: Looks like we're here too.

Rabia: That's not fair!

Lord Tirek: We handled worse than this.

King Sombra: I'm not scared of a bunch of pompus peons.

Me: You guys will pay for everything you did to Equestria!

Queen Chrysalis: If we can't have Equestria then NO ONE WILL!

We all stood ready to fight Chrysalis and her forces.

Twilight: Knights of the Friendship Table! (smirks) Friendship is Magic.

Edzilla: ED SMASH! (Roars)


With that, we all yelled and charged at Chrysalis and her forces.

We went at them roaring at the very top of our lungs and I snapped my fingers and we were on the planet DATHOMIR, Darth Maul's Home Planet and we collided with them and a massive fiery explosion went off!



Abacus Cinch was first and

Abacus Cinch: You all would dare to attack your own headmistress!?


Lemon Zest: You abused and tortured us with incredible malice!

Sugarcoat: We were only weapons and pawns to you and you never cared one bit about us!

Sunny Flare: We are now with Team Loud Phoenix Storm and you can kiss your life goodbye!

Sour Sweet: That's right! Goodbye Cinch!

Frosty Orange: And good riddance!

They went at her and pulverized and brutally smashed her all over.

Sunny Flare kicked her in the face and Frosty Orange smashed her fist into her face and Lemon Zest and Sour Sweet blasted her all over with energy arrows and smashed her down.

Dark Spicer and Eddy blasted her all over with their blasters and more and then they hid.

Cinch was looking for Eddy and Dark as they hid behind rocks.

Cinch: Come on out, you two! We all have to die eventually!

Dark Spicer: Well, we're dying of old age. You're dying right now!

Cinch turned to the sound of the voice but it was too late. Dark and Eddy came out and fired their blasters at her head, klling her.

Eddy: (high fives Dark Spicer) Nice one, dude!

Dark Spicer: Thanks.

Indigo Zap: You plagued our lives for far too long you bitch!

Lemon Zest: Yeah! No one uses us as weapons and gets away with it!

Mane-Iac was facing Fluttershy.



Fluttershy punched and brutally smashed Mane-iac all over the place and ripped some of her hair off.

Mane-Iac was about to charge at Eddy and Mac when Tyrone and Terrence stopped her.

Tyrone: Stay away from my little brother!

Terrence: Same goes for mine as well!

Terrence punched Mane-Iac a few times before Tyrone formed a minigun from his armor and fired a quick barrage of shots that killed her instantly.

Mac: Take that you Joker Wannabee!

Eddy: Yeah! Anyone that impersonates the Joker dies!

Tyrone: Well said bro!


Tyrone smashed a Changeling as it was about to hit him from behind.

Lord Tirek was kicked in the face by me.


Me: You have no right to decide that!

Star Swirl: I will never allow you to take all the magic in Equestria all for yourself!

Tirek: There is nothing you will do about it!

Star Swirl punched him and blasted his horns off!

Tirek: YOU MONSTER! Any last words, fools?

Dark Leo: We've got 5!


Hulk and the Dark Turtles jumped on Tirek and beat him to a pulp.

They smashed him and killed him.

Me: Take that Tirek!

Nico: Yeah!

Luan blasted King Sombra with light blasts.

Sage: (Echoing) THUNDERBOLT CUT! 雷光斬

He fired a blast of lightning and it hit King Sombra and electrocuted him all over.

King Sombra: Is that all you got!?

Princess Cadance: You killed my mother and I will never forgive you for everything you did!

King Sombra: That monster deserved it for ruining my life!

Flurry Heart: SHUT UP!


Flurry Heart smashed his face in and punched his horn off and Shining Armor blasted him with magic!

Me: Take this you monster of hatred! LIGHT STYLE VENGEANCE ART: FURY OF THE FORCE OF LIGHT!

I fired a massive blast of rainbow light and it hit King Sombra and burned him all over with incredible force and fury.

Mittens and CatDog approached the Diamond Dogs.

Rover: We're not scared you two.

Dog: Three if you count me!

Mittens: And you should be scared!

Mittens and CatDog jumped on the Diamond Dogs and started biting them.

And ripping them apart.

Rarity then blasted them all over.

Diamond Dog 1: Well if it isn't our favorite mule!


She smashed and pulverized the Diamond Dogs with incredible fury!


He smashed the ground with his spear and smashed the Diamond Dogs in mountains of rubble.

Pony of Shadows: (British Medieval Accent) Do you think you can kill me?!

Kairi: We know we can!

Dr. Light: Time for you to see the light! Literally!

Kairi and Dr. Light fired beams of light at the pony of shadows.

The blasts hit the Pony of Shadows and burned him all over.

Pony of Shadows: I gave you everything you wanted!


Stygian blasted the Pony of Shadows with light blasts!

Lady Kayura: You are no master of the stars like me! (Echoing) STAR STORM SCREAM! 嵐星斬

She fired waves of purple lightning from the stars and they hit the Pony of Shadows and exploded with incredible power!


Evil Cozy Glow: Do your worst!

Duncan: Gladly!

Scorpion: I'll stab her shoulder! You can have her head!

They punched and smashed Evil Cozy Glow all over.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders attacked and punched Evil Cozy Glow all over with incredible power.

Apple Bloom: You took our trust and betrayed us!

Scootaloo: We'll make sure you pay for that 100-fold!

Sweetie Belle: Yeah! What you did is unforgiveable!

Evil Cozy Glow: I don't care! Your friendship will never be a match for...


Apple Bloom punched her in the face and fired a blast of energy at her. It hit her and exploded!


Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo smashed and blasted her all over.

Cye: (Echoing) SUPER WAVE SMASHER! 超流破

He fired a wave of water and energy from his Jūmonji yari and it hit Evil Cozy Glow and exploded all over.


Mean Applejack: C'mon, Lincoln. You wouldn't hurt your own girlfriends, would you?

Lincoln: No. I wouldn't.

Electro: But you girls aren't his girlfriends!

Electro and Lincoln fired lightning blasts at the Mean 6.

And electrocuted them all over.

Princess Amore: You give Twilight and her Friends a really bad name!

Mean Twilight: Do we look like we care!?

Mean Fluttershy: So shut the hell up!

Princess Amore: You first!

She blasted them with a massive blast of magic.

Anubis: You think you know Cruelty, Try me on for size! (Echoing) QUAKE WITH FEAR! 紅雷閃

He fired waves of red lightning and they formed into more deadly chain hammers.

Cale: And taste this Corruption! (Echoing) BLACK LIGHTNING SLASH! 暗黒跳飛斬り

Cale fired waves of black lightning from his sword.

Sekhmet: Feel the burn of this poison! (Echoing) SNAKE FANG STRIKE! 蛇牙剣・六節大蛇

He swung his swords like a whip and fired an energy whip sickle.

Dais: And see the Illusions your worst nightmares! (Echoing) WEB OF DECEPTION! 投蜘網

He fired his illusion Kamas.

The blasts all hit the Mean 6 and exploded with incredible power!


Evil Starlight Glimmer: Are those cars?!

Vert: (to LaGrange) Ready?

LaGrange: I was born ready.

They drove all over her and smashed her down and she saw Gusty the Great.

Evil Starlight Glimmer: Your cutie mark is nothing but trouble!

Gusty the Great: You will never touch another Cutie Mark again!

Gusty punched Evil Starlight Glimmer.

Rowen: You will never be a good leader! (Echoing) ARROW SHOCK WAVE! 真空波

He fired a powerful energy arrow and it hit Evil Starlight Glimmer and exploded with incredible power!


Evil Sonata: You boys think you can take on all 3 of us?

Ben: You're right.

Billy Numerous: (smirks) The two of us can't kill you three!

Ben turned into Echo Echo before he and Billy made an army of duplicates.

Echo Echo: (Techno Voice) But lots of us can!

The Billy Numerous Army smashed and pulverized the Evil Dazzlings all over and the Echo Echo Army blasted them with sound blasts.

Nico: You girls have messed around with our emotions for far too long!

He fired a Kamehameha blast and obliterated them in a massive and powerful explosion!


Rabia: You fools are no match for me!

Cyborg: Technus, how about you merge with my body?

Technus: (unsure) Well, I can try!

He merged with Cyborg and they got an awesome new upgrade! He had an awesome variation of Technus's suit from Attack of The Killer Garage Sale! He was now called CYTECH!

Cyborg: BOOYAH!

Technus: Awesome! I, Technus, CAN do that with you.

Cyborg: This is awesome! Lets get this freak!

He blasted Rabia all over the place.

Rabia: You would dare attack your own General!?

Swift Foot: I was NEVER your soldier!

Swift Foot smashed Rabia all over!

Ryo: Taste the flames! (Echoing) FLARE UP NOW! 双炎斬

He had his swords ignite with white hot fire and he slashed Rabia and he bursted into intense flames!

Nora was using her hammer to fight Daybreaker.

Daybreaker: How long can you keep this up?!

Nora: (smirks) Long enough.

Po Kong then jumped up and flattened Daybreaker in a massive thunderous crashing flop!

Po Kong: (mockingly) Oops! Looks like I sat on something!

She moved and got up and Daybreaker was flat as a pancake.

Daybreaker: I will always be more powerful than you!

Princess Celestia: You will NEVER be more powerful than me in a million years!

Princess Celestia fired a massive blast of fire and magic and it hit Daybreaker and blew her horn and wings off!

Me: Try this fire on for size! (Echoing) RAGE OF INFERNO! 超弾動閃煌斬

I fired a massive vortex of fire and light and it hit Daybreaker and exploded with incredible power!


Demon Shimmer: I'll kill all of you!

Hydro Man: Oh really?

Luna: Fat chance of that happening you bitch!

Hydro Man and Luna fired blasts of water at Demon Shimmer.

And a massive cloud of steam came off of her and knocked her down. Sunset Shimmer came and faced her.

Demon Shimmer: You don't need Princess Celestia or anyone! All you need is me!

Sunset Shimmer: Because of you, I betrayed Princess Celestia and Twilight and her friends saved me from you! You are a monster I NEVER WANTED!

Demon Shimmer: I am your true self!

Sunset Shimmer: You will never be a reminder of what I once was ever again!

She punched and blasted Demon Shimmer all over with incredible brutality!

Sunset performed a Shoryuken and it was sharp enough to cut her vertically.


Nico fired a ball of fire and it hit Demon Shimmer and exploded with incredible power in a massive pillar of fire.


Storm King: You all are no match for me!

Weather Wizard: You call yourself the Storm King?

Shane Clarke: Let's show you what a real storm is!

They fired a massive blast of lightning and electrocuted the Storm King All over!

Weather Wizard: Without your staff you're nothing!

Tempest Shadow blasted him all over!

Storm King: YOU TRAITOR!

Tempest Shadow: I did my best to serve you and you backstabbed me! You will pay for everything you've done!




They punched and smashed and brutally pulverized the Storm King!

Pinkie Pie blasted him with her party cannon and Somnambula smashed him all over and Rainbow Dash and Flash Magnus pulverized him all over.

Sage: (Echoing) THUNDERBOLT CUT!

He fired a wave of lightning from his sword.


I fired a Kamehameha Wave and mine and Sage's blasts combined and they hit the Storm King and exploded with incredible power!


Midnight Sparkle started to strangle Rice.

Midnight Sparkle: (mockingly) What's that? I can't hear you!

Rice: (snarls) You just made a big mistake!

Rice's teeth got sharp as her hair started to fall out.

Killer Shrike: (chuckles) Shouldn't have done that.

Me: Now she's in for it!

Rice laughed maliciously as she smiled and her grin grew wider and wider as she was laughing malevolently and she then ripped out of her skin and turned into RAZORFIST and slashed Midnight Sparkle all over.

Twilight Sparkle kicked Midnight Sparkle off of her and she got up and saw her.

Midnight Sparkle: I will always be part of you because I AM you!

Twilight Sparkle: You will never be me! Because J.D. forgave you long ago!

Twilight Sparkle punched her in her face and smashed her horn off.

Razorfist slashed Midnight Sparkle all over some more.


She fired a wave of water and smashed Midnight Sparkle down.

Nightmare Moon: How do you fools expect to beat me?

Molten Man: With a candle.

Kaz: A really large candle.

Molten Man and Kaz threw fireballs at Nightmare Moon.

And they hit her all over and exploded.

Princess Luna kicked Nightmare Moon down.

Princess Luna: You are a fiend!


Princess Luna: You will never torment the Night Again!

Princess Luna blasted her with a massive blast of blue energy and blew her wings off.

Snowdrop: No one takes over the night!

Gari: And lives! Especially if that someone is an evil version of Mother Luna!

Cheese and the Mascots jumped on King Sombra, pinning him down.

Cheese: I like chocolate milk!

Poliwag: You will never take over the Crystal Empire Again! (Bites his butt)

Tentacool: No one takes over Equestria without a fight! (Stings him)

Poromon: You make me sick Sombra! (Echoing) LIGHTNING JAVELIN!

He fired a wave of lightning and electrocuted him.

Manaphy: Anyone without a heart is a worthless monster! (Slaps Sombra all over)

Horsea: And needs to be destroyed! (Squirts ink into his eyes and blinds him)


Chrysalis: Any last words before-

Carmen: GET HELP!

Carmen was carrying Maria off in front of Chrysalis.

Carmen: Get help! Please! My sister's dying! Get help! Help her!

As Chrysalis approaches them, Carmen throws Maria at her, knocking her down.


Chrysalis got up and stars were swirling around her head.

Starlight Glimmer: I gave you a chance to redeem yourself and all you did was spit it back in my face!

Queen Chrysalis: I don't need to redeem yourself! VENGEANCE IS ALL I WANT!

Starlight Glimmer: Your heart is so full of hatred! I will make sure you die with all of your colony!

She went at Chrysalis and punched her in the face and kicked her in the face and broke her horn off!

I punched Chrysalis in the face and Eli slashed her wings off.

We had the villains down.

Nico: Alright. I think that's the last of them.

Maria: Guys, I don't think it's over yet.

The Doomsday 23 then spun around in a vortex of darkness and merged together.

Me: Equestria we have a problem.

We saw them turn into a terrifying 23-Headed DRAGON!



Coop: We'll hold them! Me and Megas haven't had a chance to shine yet!

Me: I'll form the Spirit Bomb!

Twilight Sparkle: Let us help too!

Me: Lets all weaken it with our techniques and give Megas a chance. Then I'll form the Spirit Bomb.

Nico: Good idea!

I powered up to Super Angel-Ebonwu-Phoenix-Harmony 500,000,000 at full power, Eli went Super Human 3, Nico went Super Saiyan 4, Goku, Vegeta, Goten, Trunks, Nikiya, and Gine went Super Saiyan 2 and 3!

Me: (Divine Echoing Elemental Voice) You have plagued all of Equestria and the universe for far too long!


Eli fired a wave of earth by punching the ground and it formed into the meanest dinosaur that ever lived from 68 million years ago: Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Tyrannosaurus is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur. The species Tyrannosaurus rex, often called T. rex or colloquially T-Rex, is one of the most well-represented of the large theropods. Tyrannosaurus lived throughout what is now western North America, on what was then an island continent known as Laramidia. Tyrannosaurus had a much wider range than other tyrannosaurids. Fossils are found in a variety of rock formations dating to the Maastrichtian age of the upper Cretaceous period, 68 to 66 million years ago. It was the last known member of the tyrannosaurids, and among the last non-avian dinosaurs to exist before the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.

Like other tyrannosaurids, Tyrannosaurus was a bipedal carnivore with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. Relative to its large and powerful hind limbs, Tyrannosaurus forelimbs were short but unusually powerful for their size and had two clawed digits. The most complete specimen measures up to 12.3 meters (40 feet) in length though T. rex could grow to lengths of over 12.3 m (40 ft), up to 3.66 m (12 ft) tall at the hips, and according to most modern estimates 8.4 metric tons (9.3 short tons) to 14 metric tons (15.4 short tons) in weight. Although other theropods rivaled or exceeded Tyrannosaurus rex in size, it is still among the largest known land predators and is estimated to have exerted the strongest bite force among all terrestrial animals. By far the largest carnivore in its environment, Tyrannosaurus rex was most likely an apex predator, preying upon hadrosaurs, armored herbivores like ceratopsians and ankylosaurs, and possibly sauropods. Some experts have suggested the dinosaur was primarily a scavenger. The question of whether Tyrannosaurus was an apex predator or a pure scavenger was among the longest debates in paleontology. Most paleontologists today accept that Tyrannosaurus was both an active predator and a scavenger.


Hunter fired a wave of black fire and it formed into the largest and meanest carnivorous dinosaur that ever lived from 112 million years ago in Egypt: Spinosaurus!

Spinosaurus (meaning "spine lizard") is a genus of spinosaurid dinosaur that lived in what now is North Africa during the upper Albian to upper Turonian stages of the Cretaceous period, about 112 to 93.5 million years ago. This genus was known first from Egyptian remains discovered in 1912 and described by German paleontologist Ernst Stromer in 1915. The original remains were destroyed in World War II, but additional material has come to light in the early 21st century. It is unclear whether one or two species are represented in the fossils reported in the scientific literature. The best known species is S. aegyptiacus from Egypt, although a potential second species, S. maroccanus, has been recovered from Morocco. The contemporary spinosaurid genus Sigilmassasaurus has also been synonymized by some authors with S. aegyptiacus, though other researchers propose it to be a distinct taxon. Another possible junior synonym is Oxalaia from the Alcântara Formation in Brazil.

Spinosaurus was among the largest of all known carnivorous dinosaurs, nearly as large as or even larger than other theropods such as Tyrannosaurus, Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus. Estimates published in 2005, 2007, and 2008 suggested that it was between 12.6 to 18 meters (41 to 59 ft) in length and 7 to 20.9 metric tons (7.7 to 23.0 short tons) in weight. New estimates published in 2014 and 2018, based on a more complete specimen, supported the earlier research, finding that Spinosaurus could reach lengths of 15 to 16 meters (49 to 52 ft). The latest estimates suggest a weight of 6.4 to 7.5 metric tons (7.1 to 8.3 short tons). The skull of Spinosaurus was long, low and narrow, similar to that of a modern crocodilian, and bore straight conical teeth with no serrations. It would have had large, robust forelimbs bearing three-fingered hands, with an enlarged claw on the first digit. The distinctive neural spines of Spinosaurus, which were long extensions of the vertebrae (or backbones), grew to at least 1.65 meters (5.4 ft) long and were likely to have had skin connecting them, forming a sail-like structure, although some authors[who?] have suggested that the spines were covered in fat and formed a hump. Spinosaurus's hip bones were reduced, and the legs were very short in proportion to the body. Its long and narrow tail was deepened by tall, thin neural spines and elongated chevrons, forming a flexible fin or paddle-like structure.


Axel fired a wave of ice and it formed into the famous and widely known ancestral elephants from 800,000 years ago: The Woolly Mammoth.

The woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) is an extinct species of mammoth that lived during the Pleistocene until its extinction in the Holocene epoch. It was one of the last in a line of mammoth species, beginning with Mammuthus subplanifrons in the early Pliocene. The woolly mammoth began to diverge from the steppe mammoth about 800,000 years ago in East Asia. Its closest extant relative is the Asian elephant. The appearance and behaviour of this species are among the best studied of any prehistoric animal because of the discovery of frozen carcasses in Siberia and Alaska, as well as skeletons, teeth, stomach contents, dung, and depiction from life in prehistoric cave paintings. Mammoth remains had long been known in Asia before they became known to Europeans in the 17th century. The origin of these remains was long a matter of debate, and often explained as being remains of legendary creatures. The mammoth was identified as an extinct species of elephant by Georges Cuvier in 1796.

The woolly mammoth was roughly the same size as modern African elephants. Males reached shoulder heights between 2.7 and 3.4 m (8.9 and 11.2 ft) and weighed up to 6 metric tons (6.6 short tons). Females reached 2.6–2.9 m (8.5–9.5 ft) in shoulder heights and weighed up to 4 metric tons (4.4 short tons). A newborn calf weighed about 90 kg (200 lb). The woolly mammoth was well adapted to the cold environment during the last ice age. It was covered in fur, with an outer covering of long guard hairs and a shorter undercoat. The colour of the coat varied from dark to light. The ears and tail were short to minimise frostbite and heat loss. It had long, curved tusks and four molars, which were replaced six times during the lifetime of an individual. Its behaviour was similar to that of modern elephants, and it used its tusks and trunk for manipulating objects, fighting, and foraging. The diet of the woolly mammoth was mainly grasses and sedges. Individuals could probably reach the age of 60. Its habitat was the mammoth steppe, which stretched across northern Eurasia and North America.

The woolly mammoth coexisted with early humans, who used its bones and tusks for making art, tools, and dwellings, and the species was also hunted for food. It disappeared from its mainland range at the end of the Pleistocene 10,000 years ago. Isolated populations survived on St. Paul Island until 5,600 years ago and on Wrangel Island until 4,000 years ago. After its extinction, humans continued using its ivory as a raw material, a tradition that continues today. With a genome project for the mammoth completed in 2015, it has been proposed the species could be revived through various means, but none of the methods proposed are yet feasible.


Dana fired a wave of ice and it formed into the ancestral cats of 42 million years ago: The Saber-Toothed Cats!

A saber-toothed cat (alternatively spelled sabre-toothed cat) is any member of various extinct groups of predatory mammals that are characterized by long, curved saber-shaped canine teeth which protruded from the mouth even when closed. The saber-toothed cats have been found almost worldwide from the Eocene epoch to the end of the Pleistocene epoch 42 million years ago (mya) – 11,000 years ago (kya). The first saber-toothed cat fossil in Canada was found in Medicine Hat, Alberta.

One of the best-known genera is Smilodon, species of which, especially S. fatalis, are popularly, but incorrectly, referred to as "saber-toothed tigers". However, usage of the word cat is in some cases a misnomer, as many species referred to as saber-toothed "cats" are not closely related to modern cats (Felidae). Instead, many are members are classified into different families of Feliformia, such as Barbourofelidae and Nimravidae; the oxyaenid "creodont" genera Machaeroides and Apataelurus; and two extinct lineages of metatherian mammals, the thylacosmilids of Sparassodonta, and deltatheroideans, which are more closely related to marsupials. In this regard, saber-toothed cats can be viewed as examples of convergent evolution. This convergence is remarkable due not only to the development of elongated canines, but also a suite of other characteristics, such as a wide gape and bulky forelimbs, which is so consistent that it has been termed the "saber-tooth suite."

Of the feliform lineages, the family Nimravidae is the oldest, entering the landscape around 42 mya and becoming extinct by 7.2 mya. Barbourofelidae entered around 16.9 mya and were extinct by 9 mya. These two would have shared some habitats.


Lana fired a wave of ice and it formed into the Ice Age ancestors of modern day Rhinoceroses from 3.6 Million years ago: The Woolly Rhinoceros!

The woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) is an extinct species of rhinoceros that was common throughout Europe and northern Asia during the Pleistocene epoch and survived until the end of the last glacial period. The woolly rhinoceros was a member of the Pleistocene megafauna.

The woolly rhinoceros was covered with thick and long hair, which allowed it to survive in the extremely cold, harsh mammoth steppe. It also had a massive hump reaching from its shoulder. It fed mainly on herbaceous plants that grew in the steppe.

Mummified carcasses preserved in permafrost and many bone remains of woolly rhinoceroses have been found. Images of woolly rhinoceroses are found among cave paintings in Europe and Asia.


Killer Frost fired a wave of ice and it formed into the largest deer ever known that lived 2.5 million years ago: The Irish Elk.

The Irish elk (Megaloceros giganteus) also called the giant deer or Irish deer, is an extinct species of deer in the genus Megaloceros and is one of the largest deer that ever lived. Its range extended across Eurasia during the Pleistocene, from Ireland to Lake Baikal in Siberia. The most recent remains of the species have been carbon dated to about 7,700 years ago in Siberia.

Although abundant skeletal remains have been found in bogs in Ireland, the animal was not exclusive to Ireland nor closely related to either of the living species currently called elk: Alces alces (the European elk, known in North America as the moose) or Cervus canadensis (the North American elk or wapiti). For this reason, the name "giant deer" is used in some publications, instead of "Irish elk". Although one study suggested that the Irish elk was closely related to the red deer (Cervus elaphus), most other phylogenetic analyses support that their closest living relatives are fallow deer (Dama dama).


Maggie fired a wave of ice and it formed into the Ice Age bear from 1.8 million years ago: The Short-Faced Bear.

The short-faced bear (Arctodus sp.) is an extinct bear genus that inhabited North America during the Pleistocene epoch from about 1.8 Mya until 11,000 years ago. It was the most common early North American bear and was most abundant in California. There are two recognized species: the lesser short-faced bear (Arctodus pristinus) and the giant short-faced bear (Arctodus simus), with the latter considered to be one of the largest known terrestrial mammalian carnivores that has ever existed. It has been hypothesized that their extinction coincides with the Younger Dryas period of global cooling commencing around 10,900 BC.


Khalyaka fired a wave of earth and it formed into the terrible theropod of 70 million years ago: Tarbosaurus!

Tarbosaurus (meaning "alarming lizard") is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that flourished in Asia about 70 million years ago, at the end of the Late Cretaceous Period, considered to contain a single known species, Tarbosaurus bataar. Fossils have been recovered in Mongolia, with more fragmentary remains found further afield in parts of China.

Although many species have been named, modern paleontologists recognize only one, T. bataar, as valid. Some experts see this species as an Asian representative of the North American genus Tyrannosaurus; this would make the genus Tarbosaurus redundant. Tarbosaurus and Tyrannosaurus, if not synonymous, are considered to be at least closely related genera. Alioramus, also from Mongolia, has previously been thought by some authorities to be the closest relative of Tarbosaurus, though this has since been disproven with the discovery of Qianzhousaurus and the description of the Alioramini.

Like most known tyrannosaurids, Tarbosaurus was a large bipedal predator, weighing up to 5 metric tons (5.5 short tons) and equipped with about sixty large teeth. It had a unique locking mechanism in its lower jaw and the smallest forelimbs relative to body size of all tyrannosaurids, renowned for their disproportionately tiny, two-fingered forelimbs.

Tarbosaurus lived in a humid floodplain criss-crossed by river channels. In this environment, it was an apex predator, probably preying on other large dinosaurs like the hadrosaur Saurolophus or the sauropod Nemegtosaurus. Tarbosaurus is represented by dozens of fossil specimens, including several complete skulls and skeletons. These remains have allowed scientific studies focusing on its phylogeny, skull mechanics, and brain structure.


Lynn fired a wave of Earth and it formed into the famous sauropod from 158 million years ago: Apatosaurus!

Apatosaurus is a genus of herbivorous sauropod dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Jurassic period. Othniel Charles Marsh described and named the first-known species, A. ajax, in 1877, and a second species, A. louisae, was discovered and named by William H. Holland in 1916. Apatosaurus lived about 152 to 151 million years ago (mya), during the late Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian age, and are now known from fossils in the Morrison Formation of modern-day Colorado, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Utah in the United States. Apatosaurus had an average length of 21–22.8 m (69–75 ft), and an average mass of 16.4–22.4 t (16.1–22.0 long tons; 18.1–24.7 short tons). A few specimens indicate a maximum length of 11–30% greater than average and a mass of 32.7–72.6 t (32.2–71.5 long tons; 36.0–80.0 short tons).

The cervical vertebrae of Apatosaurus are less elongated and more heavily constructed than those of Diplodocus, a diplodocid like Apatosaurus, and the bones of the leg are much stockier despite being longer, implying that Apatosaurus was a more robust animal. The tail was held above the ground during normal locomotion. Apatosaurus had a single claw on each forelimb and three on each hindlimb. The Apatosaurus skull, long thought to be similar to Camarasaurus, is much more similar to that of Diplodocus. Apatosaurus was a generalized browser that likely held its head elevated. To lighten its vertebrae, Apatosaurus had air sacs that made the bones internally full of holes. Like that of other diplodocids, its tail may have been used as a whip to create loud noises.

The skull of Apatosaurus was confused with that of Camarasaurus and Brachiosaurus until 1909, when the holotype of A. louisae was found, and a complete skull just a few meters away from the front of the neck. Henry Fairfield Osborn disagreed with this association, and went on to mount a skeleton of Apatosaurus with a Camarasaurus skull cast. Apatosaurus skeletons were mounted with speculative skull casts until 1970, when McIntosh showed that more robust skulls assigned to Diplodocus were more likely from Apatosaurus.

Apatosaurus is a genus in the family Diplodocidae. It is one of the more basal genera, with only Amphicoelias and possibly a new, unnamed genus more primitive. While the subfamily Apatosaurinae was named in 1929, the group was not used validly until an extensive 2015 study. Only Brontosaurus is also in the subfamily, with the other genera being considered synonyms or reclassified as diplodocines. Brontosaurus has long been considered a junior synonym of Apatosaurus; its type species was reclassified as A. excelsus in 1903. A 2015 study concluded that Brontosaurus is a valid genus of sauropod distinct from Apatosaurus, but not all paleontologists agree with this division. As it existed in North America during the late Jurassic, Apatosaurus would have lived alongside dinosaurs such as Allosaurus, Camarasaurus, Diplodocus, and Stegosaurus.


Laney fired a wave of trees and leaves and it formed into the famous sauropod from 154 million years ago: Diplodocus!

Diplodocus is a genus of diplodocid sauropod dinosaurs whose fossils were first discovered in 1877 by S. W. Williston. The generic name, coined by Othniel Charles Marsh in 1878, is a neo-Latin term derived from Greek διπλός (diplos) "double" and δοκός (dokos) "beam", in reference to the double-beamed chevron bones located in the underside of the tail, which were then considered unique.

This genus of dinosaurs lived in what is now mid-western North America at the end of the Jurassic period. It is one of the more common dinosaur fossils found in the middle to upper Morrison Formation, between about 154 and 152 million years ago, during the late Kimmeridgian age. The Morrison Formation records an environment and time dominated by gigantic sauropod dinosaurs, such as Apatosaurus, Barosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Brontosaurus, and Camarasaurus. Its great size may have been a deterrent to the predators Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus: their remains have been found in the same strata, which suggests that they coexisted with Diplodocus.

Diplodocus is among the most easily identifiable dinosaurs, with its typical sauropod shape, long neck and tail, and four sturdy legs. For many years, it was the longest dinosaur known.


May fired a wave of ice and it formed into the Australian dinosaur from 118 million years ago: Leaellynasaura!

Leaellynasaura is a genus of small herbivorous ornithischian dinosaurs from the Albian stage of the Early Cretaceous (dated to between 118 and 110 million years ago), first discovered in Dinosaur Cove, Australia. The only known species is Leaellynasaura amicagraphica. It was described in 1989, and named after Leaellyn Rich, the daughter of the Australian palaeontologist couple Tom Rich and Patricia Vickers-Rich who discovered it. The specific name, amicagraphica, translates to "friend writing" and honours both the Friends of the Museum of Victoria and the National Geographic Society for their support of Australian paleontology.


Lori fired a wave of wind and it formed into the vicious theropod from 155 million years ago: Allosaurus!

Allosaurus is a genus of carnivorous theropod dinosaur that lived 155 to 145 million years ago during the late Jurassic period (Kimmeridgian to late Tithonian). The name "Allosaurus" means "different lizard" alluding to its unique concave vertebrae (at the time of its discovery). It is derived from the Greek ἄλλος (allos) ("different, other") and σαῦρος (sauros) ("lizard / generic reptile"). The first fossil remains that could definitively be ascribed to this genus were described in 1877 by paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh. As one of the first well-known theropod dinosaurs, it has long attracted attention outside of paleontological circles.

Allosaurus was a large bipedal predator. Its skull was large and equipped with dozens of sharp, serrated teeth. It averaged 9.5 meters (31 ft) in length, though fragmentary remains suggest it could have reached over 12 m (39 ft). Relative to the large and powerful hindlimbs, its three-fingered forelimbs were small, and the body was balanced by a long and heavily muscled tail. It is classified as an allosaurid, a type of carnosaurian theropod dinosaur. The genus has a complicated taxonomy, and includes three valid species, the best known of which is A. fragilis. The bulk of Allosaurus remains have come from North America's Morrison Formation, with material also known from Portugal. It was known for over half of the 20th century as Antrodemus, but a study of the copious remains from the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry brought the name "Allosaurus" back to prominence and established it as one of the best-known dinosaurs.

As the most abundant large predator in the Morrison Formation, Allosaurus was at the top of the food chain, probably preying on contemporaneous large herbivorous dinosaurs, and perhaps other predators. Potential prey included ornithopods, stegosaurids, and sauropods. Some paleontologists interpret Allosaurus as having had cooperative social behavior, and hunting in packs, while others believe individuals may have been aggressive toward each other, and that congregations of this genus are the result of lone individuals feeding on the same carcasses.


Leni fired a wave of water and it formed into one of the largest dinosaurs from 173 million years ago: Omeisaurus!

Omeisaurus (meaning "Omei lizard") is a genus of sauropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic Period (Bathonian-Callovian stage) of what is now China. Its name comes from Mount Emei, where it was discovered in the lower Shaximiao Formation of Sichuan Province.

Like other sauropods, Omeisaurus was herbivorous and large. It measured 20.2 metres (66 ft) long, and weighed 9.8 tonnes.


Luna fired a wave of water and it formed into the ferocious spinosaurid dinosaur from 125 million years ago: Suchomimus!

Suchomimus (meaning "crocodile mimic") is a genus of spinosaurid dinosaur that lived between 125 and 112 million years ago in what is now Niger, during the Aptian to early Albian stages of the Early Cretaceous period. The animal was named and described by palaeontologist Paul Sereno and colleagues in 1998, based on a partial skeleton from the Erlhaz Formation. Suchomimus's long and shallow skull, similar to that of a crocodile, earns it its generic name, while the specific name Suchomimus tenerensis alludes to the locality of its first remains, the Ténéré Desert.

Suchomimus was 9.5 to 11 metres (31 to 36 feet) long and weighed between 2.5 to 5.2 tonnes (2.8 to 5.7 short tons), although the holotype specimen may not have been fully grown. Suchomimus's narrow skull was perched on a short neck, and its forelimbs were powerfully built, bearing a giant claw on each thumb. Along the midline of the animal's back ran a low dorsal sail, built from the long neural spines of its vertebrae. Like other spinosaurids, it likely had a diet of fish and small prey animals.

Some palaeontologists consider the animal to be an African species of the European spinosaurid Baryonyx, B. tenerensis. Suchomimus might also be a junior synonym of the contemporaneous spinosaurid Cristatusaurus lapparenti, although the latter taxon is based on much more fragmentary remains. Suchomimus lived in a fluvial environment of vast floodplains alongside many other dinosaurs, in addition to pterosaurs, crocodylomorphs, fish, turtles, and bivalves.


Stella fired a wave of fire and it formed into the Iguanodont from 100 million years ago: Ouranosaurus.

Ouranosaurus is a genus of herbivorous iguanodont dinosaur that lived during the Aptian stage of the Early Cretaceous of modern-day Niger. Ouranosaurus measured about 7 to 8.3 metres (23 to 27 ft) long. Two rather complete fossils were found in the Elrhaz Formation, Gadoufaoua deposits, Agadez, Niger, in 1965 and 1970. The animal was named in 1976 by French paleontologist Philippe Taquet; the type species being Ouranosaurus nigeriensis. The name is a combination of the Arabic word for "courage" and the country of discovery, although ourane is also the Tuareg name for the desert monitor.


Becca fired a wave of water that formed into the Colombian giant snake from 60 million years ago: Titanoboa!

Titanoboa (/tiˌtɑːnoʊˈboʊə/) is an extinct genus of very large snakes that lived in what is now La Guajira in northeastern Colombia. They could grow up to 12.8 m (42 ft) long and reach a weight of 1,135 kg (2,500 lb).

Fossils of Titanoboa have been found in the Cerrejón Formation, and date to around 58 to 60 million years ago. The giant snake lived during the Middle to Late Paleocene epoch, a 10-million-year period immediately following the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event.

The only known species is Titanoboa cerrejonensis, the largest snake ever discovered, which supplanted the previous record holder, Gigantophis.


Syd fired a wave of water and it formed into the Ichthyosaur from 165 million years ago: Ophthalmosaurus!

Ophthalmosaurus (meaning "eye lizard" in Greek) is an ichthyosaur of the Middle Jurassic period (165-160 million years ago), named for its extremely large eyes. It had a graceful 6 m (19.5 ft) long dolphin-shaped body, and its almost toothless jaw was well adapted for catching squid. Major fossil finds of this genus have been recorded in Europe and North and South America.


Girl Jordan fired a wave of water and it formed into the huge long-necked plesiosaurus from 80.5 million years ago: Elasmosaurus!

Elasmosaurus is a genus of plesiosaur that lived in North America during the Campanian stage of the Late Cretaceous period, about 80.5 million years ago. The first specimen was discovered in 1867 near Fort Wallace, Kansas, US, and was sent to the American paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope, who named it E. platyurus in 1868. The generic name means "thin-plate reptile", and the specific name means "flat-tailed". Cope originally reconstructed the skeleton of Elasmosaurus with the skull at the end of the tail, an error which was made light of by the paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh, and became part of their "Bone Wars" rivalry. Only one incomplete Elasmosaurus skeleton is definitely known, consisting of a fragmentary skull, the spine, and the pectoral and pelvic girdles, and a single species is recognized today; other species are now considered invalid or have been moved to other genera.

Measuring 10.3 meters (34 ft) long, Elasmosaurus would have had a streamlined body with paddle-like limbs, a short tail, a small head, and an extremely long neck. The neck alone was around 7.1 meters (23 ft) long. Along with its relative Albertonectes, it was one of the longest-necked animals to have lived, with the largest number of neck vertebrae known, 72. The skull would have been slender and triangular, with large, fang-like teeth at the front, and smaller teeth towards the back. It had six teeth in each premaxilla of the upper jaw, and may have had 14 teeth in the maxilla and 19 in the dentary of the lower jaw. Most of the neck vertebrae were compressed sideways, and bore a longitudinal crest or keel along the sides.

The family Elasmosauridae was based on the genus Elasmosaurus, the first recognized member of this group of long-necked plesiosaurs. Elasmosaurids were well adapted for aquatic life, and used their flippers for swimming. Contrary to earlier depictions, their necks were not very flexible, and could not be held high above the water surface. It is unknown what their long necks were used for, but they may have had a function in feeding. Elasmosaurids probably ate small fish and marine invertebrates, seizing them with their long teeth, and may have used gastroliths (stomach stones) to help digest their food. Elasmosaurus is known from the Pierre Shale formation, which represents marine deposits from the Western Interior Seaway.


SpongeBob fired a wave of water and it formed into the ferocious marine reptile from 166 million years ago: Liopleurodon!

Liopleurodon (/ˌlaɪoʊˈplʊərədɒn/; meaning 'smooth-sided teeth') is a genus of large, carnivorous marine reptile belonging to the Pliosauroidea, a clade of short-necked plesiosaurs. The two species of Liopleurodon lived from the Callovian Stage of the Middle Jurassic to the Kimmeridgian stage of the Late Jurassic Period (c. 166 to 155 mya). It was the apex predator of the Middle to Late Jurassic seas that covered Europe. The largest species, L. ferox, is estimated to have grown up to 6.4 metres (21 ft) in length.

The name "Liopleurodon" (meaning "smooth-sided tooth") derives from Ancient Greek words: λεῖος leios, "smooth"; πλευρά pleurá, "side" or "rib"; and ὀδόν odṓn, "tooth".


Salar fired a massive wave of fire and it formed into a herd of the ostrich-like egg-eaters from 70 million years ago: Gallimimus!

Gallimimus (/ˌɡælɪˈmaɪməs/ GAL-i-MY-məs) is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived in what is now Mongolia during the Late Cretaceous period, about seventy million years ago (mya). Several fossils in various stages of growth were discovered by Polish-Mongolian expeditions in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia during the 1960s; a large skeleton discovered in this region was made the holotype specimen of the new genus and species Gallimimus bullatus in 1972. The generic name means "chicken mimic", referring to the similarities between its neck vertebrae and those of the Galliformes. The specific name is derived from bulla, a gold capsule worn by Roman youth, in reference to a bulbous structure at the base of the skull of Gallimimus. At the time it was named, the fossils of Gallimimus represented the most complete and best preserved ornithomimid ("ostrich dinosaur") material yet discovered, and the genus remains one of the best known members of the group.

Gallimimus is the largest known ornithomimid; adults were about 6 metres (20 ft) long, 1.9 metres (6 ft 3 in) tall at the hip and weighed about 440 kilograms (970 lb). As evidenced by its relative Ornithomimus, it would have had feathers. The head was small and light with large eyes that faced to the sides. The snout was long compared to other ornithomimids, although it was broader and more rounded at the tip than in other species. Gallimimus was toothless with a keratinous (horny) beak, and had a delicate lower jaw. Many of the vertebrae had openings that indicate they were pneumatic (air-filled). The neck was proportionally long in relation to the trunk. The hands were proportionally the shortest of any ornithomimosaur and each had three digits with curved claws. The forelimbs were weak while the hindlimbs were proportionally long. The family Ornithomimidae is part of the group Ornithomimosauria. Anserimimus, also from Mongolia, is thought to have been the closest relative of Gallimimus.

As an ornithomimid, Gallimimus would have been a fleet (or cursorial) animal, using its speed to escape predators; its speed has been estimated at 42–56 km/h (29–34 mph). It may have had good vision and intelligence comparable to ratite birds. Gallimimus may have lived in groups, based on the discovery of several specimens preserved in a bone bed. Various theories have been proposed regarding the diet of Gallimimus and other ornithomimids. The highly mobile neck may have helped locate small prey on the ground, but it may also have been an opportunistic omnivore. It has also been suggested that it used small columnar structures in its beak for filter-feeding in water, though these structures may instead have been ridges used for feeding on tough plant material, indicative of a herbivorous diet. Gallimimus is the most commonly found ornithomimosaur in the Nemegt Formation, where it lived alongside its relatives Anserimimus and Deinocheirus. Gallimimus was featured in the movie Jurassic Park, in a scene that was important to the history of special effects, and in shaping the common conception of dinosaurs as bird-like animals.


Andropov fired a wave of ice and it formed into the ancestral big-horned rhinoceros of the Ice Age from 2.6 million years ago: Elasmotherium!

Elasmotherium is an extinct genus of large rhinoceros endemic to Eurasia during the Late Pliocene through the Pleistocene, existing from 2.6 Ma to at least as late as 39,000 years ago in the Late Pleistocene. A more recent date of 26,000 BP is considered less reliable. It was the last surviving member of Elasmotheriinae, a distinctive group of rhinoceroses that had separated from the ancestry of living rhinoceroses by at least 35 million years ago according to fossils and estimated around 47.4 million years ago based on molecular clock.

Four species are recognised, which were largely confined to the Pontic–Caspian steppe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The best known, E. sibiricum, known as the Siberian unicorn, was the size of a mammoth and is thought to have borne a large, thick horn on its forehead. Like all rhinoceroses, elasmotheres were herbivorous. Unlike any other rhinos and any other ungulates aside from some notoungulates, its high-crowned molars were ever-growing. Its legs were longer than those of other rhinos and were adapted for galloping, giving it a horse-like gait.

Golova: (Russian Accent) ICE STYLE NINJA ART: CAVE LION!

Golova fired a wave of ice and it formed into the Ice Age lions of 500,000 years ago: Cave Lions!

Panthera spelaea, also known as the "Eurasian cave lion", "European cave lion", or "steppe lion", is an extinct Panthera species that evolved in Europe probably after the third Cromerian interglacial stage, less than 600,000 years ago. Phylogenetic analysis of fossil bone samples revealed that it was highly distinct and genetically isolated from the modern lion (Panthera leo) occurring in Africa and Asia. Analysis of morphological differences and mitochondrial data support the taxonomic recognition of Panthera spelaea as a distinct species that diverged from the lion about 1.9 million years ago. Nuclear genomic evidence suggests a more recent split approximately 500,000 years ago, with no subsequent interbreeding with the ancestors of the modern lion. The oldest known bone fragments were excavated in Yakutia and radiocarbon dated at least 62,400 years old. It became extinct about 13,000 years ago.

Maverick: (Canadian Accent) ICE STYLE NINJA ART: NANUQSAURUS!

Maverick fired a wave of ice and it formed into the arctic theropod from 69 million years ago: Nanuqsaurus!

Nanuqsaurus (meaning "polar bear lizard") is a genus of carnivorous tyrannosaurid theropod known from the Late Cretaceous (early Late Maastrichtian stage) Prince Creek Formation of the North Slope of Alaska, USA. It contains a single species, Nanuqsaurus hoglundi, known only from a partial skull.


Matthias fired a wave of wood and leaves and it formed into a swarm of the ancestor of the Elephant Shrew that lived 50 million years ago: Leptictidium!

Leptictidium (a Latinized diminutive of the name of its close relative Leptictis, which means "graceful weasel" in Ancient Greek) is an extinct genus of small mammals that were likely bipedal. Comprising eight species, they resembled today's elephant shrews. They are especially interesting for their combination of characteristics typical of primitive eutherians with highly specialized adaptations, such as powerful hind legs and a long tail which aided in locomotion. They were omnivorous, their diet a combination of insects, lizards and small mammals. One of the first branches to split from basal eutherians, they appeared in the Lower Eocene, a time of warm temperatures and high humidity, roughly fifty million years ago. Although they were widespread throughout Europe, they became extinct around thirty-five million years ago with no descendants, probably because they were adapted to live in forest ecosystems and were unable to adapt to the open plains of the Oligocene.


Kanaloa fired a wave of sand and water and it formed into the theropod dinosaur from 163 million years ago: Eustreptospondylus!

Eustreptospondylus (/juːˌstrɛptoʊspɒnˈdaɪləs/ yoo-STREPT-o-spon-DY-ləs; meaning "true Streptospondylus") is a genus of megalosaurid theropod dinosaur, from the Oxfordian stage of the Late Jurassic period (some time between 163 and 154 million years ago) in southern England, at a time when Europe was a series of scattered islands (due to tectonic movement at the time which raised the sea-bed and flooded the lowland).


Fiona fired a wave of wind and it formed into the ostrich-like dinosaur from 92.5 million years ago: Ornithocheirus!

Ornithocheirus (from Ancient Greek "ὄρνις", meaning bird, and "χεῖρ", meaning hand) is a pterosaur genus known from fragmentary fossil remains uncovered from sediments in the UK and possibly Morocco.

Several species have been referred to the genus, most of which are now considered as dubious species, or members of different genera, and the genus is now often considered to include only the type species, Ornithocheirus simus. Species have been referred to Ornithocheirus from the mid-Cretaceous period of both Europe and South America, but O. simus is known only from the UK, though a specimen referred to O. cf. simus is also known from Morocco.

Because O. simus was originally named based on poorly preserved fossil material, the genus Ornithocheirus has suffered enduring problems of zoological nomenclature.

Fossil remains of Ornithocheirus have been recovered mainly from the Cambridge Greensand of England, dating to the beginning of the Albian stage of the early Cretaceous period, about 110 million years ago. Additional fossils from the Santana Formation of Brazil are sometimes classified as species of Ornithocheirus, but have also been placed in their own genera, most notably Tropeognathus.


Becky fired a wave of fire and it formed into one of the first ever dinosaurs from 216 million years ago: Coelophysis!

Coelophysis (/sɛˈlɒfɪsɪs/ seh-LOF-ih-sis traditionally; /ˌsɛloʊˈfaɪsɪs/ SEL-o-FY-sis or /ˌsiːloʊˈfaɪsɪs/ SEE-lo-FY-sis are heard more commonly in recent decades) is an extinct genus of coelophysid theropod dinosaur that lived approximately 216 to 196 million years ago during the latter part of the Triassic Period in what is now the southwestern United States and also in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Coelophysis was a small, slenderly-built, ground-dwelling, bipedal carnivore, that could grow up to 3 m (9.8 ft) long. Coelophysis is one of the earliest known dinosaur genera. Scattered material representing similar animals has been found worldwide in some Late Triassic and Early Jurassic formations.

The type species C. bauri, originally given to the genus Coelurus by Edward Drinker Cope in 1887, was described by the latter in 1889. The names Longosaurus and Rioarribasaurus are synonymous with Coelophysis. Another dinosaur genus, Megapnosaurus, has also been considered to be a synonym. This primitive theropod is notable for being one of the most specimen-rich dinosaur genera.


Jackie fired a wave of explosions and they formed into the carnivorous Permian therapsid from 265 million years ago: Inostancevia!

Inostrancevia is an extinct genus of carnivorous therapsids, containing the largest members of the family Gorgonopsidae, predators characterized by long, saber-tooth-like canines. The various species inhabited northern Russia during the Upper Tatarian (Vyatskian), a Russian regional stage equivalent to the Wuchiapingian stage of the Late Permian period, dating from approximately 265 to 252.3 million years ago. It is known from several skulls and two almost-complete skeletons.


Mandee fired a wave of wood and leaves and it formed into the Iguanodont from 105 million years ago: Muttaburrasaurus!

Muttaburrasaurus was a genus of herbivorous ornithopod dinosaur, which lived in what is now northeastern Australia sometime between 105 and 103 million years ago during the early Cretaceous Period. It has been recovered in some analyses as a member of the iguanodontian family Rhabdodontidae. After Kunbarrasaurus, it is Australia's most completely known dinosaur from skeletal remains. It was named after Muttaburra, the site in Queensland, Australia, where it was found.


Paige fired a wave of fire and it formed into the Antarctic dinosaur from 193 million years ago: Cryolophosaurus!

Cryolophosaurus (/ˌkraɪoʊˌloʊfoʊˈsɔːrəs/ or /kraɪˌɒloʊfoʊˈsɔːrəs/; "CRY-oh-loaf-oh-SAWR-us") is a genus of large theropods known from only a single species Cryolophosaurus ellioti, known from the early Jurassic period of Antarctica. It was about 6.5 metres (21.3 ft) long and 465 kilograms (1,025 lb) in weight, making it one of the largest theropods of its time. Individuals of this species may have grown even larger, because the only known specimen probably represents a sub-adult. Cryolophosaurus is known from a skull, a femur and other material, the skull and femur of which have caused its classification to vary greatly. The femur possesses many primitive characteristics that have classified Cryolophosaurus as a dilophosaurid or a neotheropod outside of Dilophosauridae and Averostra, whereas the skull has many advanced features, leading the genus to be considered a tetanuran, an abelisaurid, a ceratosaur and even an allosaurid. Since its original description, the consensus is that Cryolophosaurus is either a primitive member of the Tetanurae or a close relative of that group.

Cryolophosaurus possessed a distinctive "pompadour" crest that spanned the head from side to side. Based on evidence from related species and studies of bone texture, it is thought that this bizarre crest was used for intra-species recognition. The brain of Cryolophosaurus was also more primitive than those of other theropods.

Cryolophosaurus was first excavated from Antarctica's Early Jurassic, Sinemurian to Pliensbachian aged Hanson Formation, formerly the upper Falla Formation, by paleontologist Dr. William Hammer in 1991. It was the first carnivorous dinosaur to be discovered in Antarctica and the first non-avian dinosaur from the continent to be officially named. The sediments in which its fossils were found have been dated at ~194 to 188 million years ago, representing the Early Jurassic Period.


Lateefa fired a wave of sand and it formed into the deadly carnivorous dinosaurs from 78 million years ago: Velociraptor!

Velociraptor (/vɪˈlɒsɪræptər/; meaning "swift seizer" in Latin) is a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived approximately 75 to 71 million years ago during the latter part of the Cretaceous Period. Two species are currently recognized, although others have been assigned in the past. The type species is V. mongoliensis; fossils of this species have been discovered in Mongolia. A second species, V. osmolskae, was named in 2008 for skull material from Inner Mongolia, China.

Smaller than other dromaeosaurids like Deinonychus and Achillobator, Velociraptor nevertheless shared many of the same anatomical features. It was a bipedal, feathered carnivore with a long tail and an enlarged sickle-shaped claw on each hindfoot, which is thought to have been used to tackle and disembowel prey. Velociraptor can be distinguished from other dromaeosaurids by its long and low skull, with an upturned snout.

Velociraptor (commonly shortened to "raptor") is one of the dinosaur genera most familiar to the general public due to its prominent role in the Jurassic Park motion picture series. In real life, however, Velociraptor was roughly the size of a turkey, considerably smaller than the approximately 2 m (6 1⁄2 ft) tall and 80 kg (180 lb) reptiles seen in the films (which were based on members of the related genus Deinonychus). Today, Velociraptor is well known to paleontologists, with over a dozen described fossil skeletons, the most of any dromaeosaurid. One particularly famous specimen preserves a Velociraptor locked in combat with a Protoceratops.


Nataša fired a wave of earth and it formed into the state dinosaurs of Utah from 139 million years ago: Utahraptor!

Utahraptor (meaning Utah's predator) is a genus of large dromaeosaurid dinosaur that lived in North America during the Early Cretaceous period. It was a heavy-built, ground-dwelling, bipedal carnivore. It contains a single species, Utahraptor ostrommaysi, which is the largest-known member of the family Dromaeosauridae.

In 2018, it was proposed that Utahraptor be the Utah state dinosaur, an act that was approved by the Senate. Initially Utahraptor would have replaced another dinosaur, Allosaurus, as the state's official fossil, but it was decided that Utahraptor would be another symbol of the state.


Suwailim fired a wave of sand and it formed into the Ceratopsian from 75 million years ago: Protoceratops.

Protoceratops (/ˌproʊtoʊˈsɛrətɒps/; from Greek proto-/πρωτο- "first", cerat-/κερατ- "horn" and -ops/-ωψ "face", meaning "first horned face") is a genus of sheep-sized (1.8 m long) herbivorous ceratopsian dinosaur, from the Upper Cretaceous Period (Campanian stage) of what is now Mongolia. It was a member of the Protoceratopsidae, a group of early horned dinosaurs. Unlike later ceratopsians, however, it was a much smaller creature that lacked well-developed horns and retained some basal traits not seen in later genera.

Protoceratops had a large neck frill which was likely used as a display site to impress other members of the species. Other hypotheses about its function include protection of the neck and anchoring of jaw muscles, but the fragility of the frill and the poor leverage offered by possible attachment sites here makes these ideas implausible. Described by Walter W. Granger and W.K. Gregory in 1923, Protoceratops was initially believed to be an ancestor of the North American ceratopsians. Researchers currently distinguish two species of Protoceratops (P. andrewsi and P. hellenikorhinus), based in part by their respective sizes.

In the 1920s, Roy Chapman Andrews discovered fossilized eggs in Mongolia that were interpreted as belonging to this dinosaur, but which turned out to be those of Oviraptor. However, it wouldn't be until 2011 that a genuine Protoceratops nest was discovered, with the remains of the neonates inside suggesting parental care in this dinosaur.


Woya fired a wave of wind and it formed into the famous pterosaur from 86 million years ago: Pteranodon!

Pteranodon (/tɪˈrænədɒn/; from Greek πτερόν (pteron, "wing") and ἀνόδων (anodon, "toothless")) is a genus of pterosaur that included some of the largest known flying reptiles, with wingspans over 7 meters (23 feet). They lived during the late Cretaceous geological period of North America in present-day Kansas, Alabama, Nebraska, Wyoming, and South Dakota. More fossil specimens of Pteranodon have been found than any other pterosaur, with about 1,200 specimens known to science, many of them well preserved with nearly complete skulls and articulated skeletons. It was an important part of the animal community in the Western Interior Seaway.

Pteranodon was a pterosaur, meaning that it is not a dinosaur. By definition, all dinosaurs belong to one of the two groups within Dinosauria, i.e. Saurischia or Ornithischia. As such, this excludes pterosaurs. Nonetheless, Pteranodon is frequently featured in dinosaur media and are strongly associated with dinosaurs by the general public. While not dinosaurs, pterosaurs such as Pteranodon form a clade closely related to dinosaurs as both fall within the clade Avemetatarsalia.


Leyati fired a wave of wind and it formed into the largest prehistoric bird ever to grace the skies from 9 million years ago: Argentavis Magnificens.

Argentavis magnificens was among the largest flying birds ever to exist, quite possibly surpassed in wingspan only by Pelagornis sandersi, which was described in 2014. A. magnificens, sometimes called the Giant Teratorn, is an extinct species known from three sites in the Epecuén and Andalhualá Formations in central and northwestern Argentina dating to the Late Miocene (Huayquerian), where a good sample of fossils has been obtained.


Edwayl fired a wave of water and it formed into the one of the first whales of the Eocene epoch from 41.3 million years ago: Basilosaurus!

Basilosaurus (meaning "king lizard") is a genus of large, predatory, prehistoric archaeocete whale from the late Eocene, approximately 41.3 to 33.9 million years ago (mya). First described in 1834, it was the first archaeocete and prehistoric whale known to science. The first fossils were discovered along the Gulf Coast of the United States, along with a few fossils in the eastern U.S., attributed to the type species B. cetoides. They were originally thought to be of a giant reptile, hence the suffix "-saurus", Ancient Greek for "lizard". The animal was later found to be an early marine mammal, which prompted attempts at renaming the creature, which failed as zoological nomenclature dictates using the original name given. Fossils were later found of the second species, B. isis, in 1904 in North Africa, more specifically the countries of Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia and Morocco. Basilosaurus has a possible record in Seymour Island in Antarctica.

Basilosaurus is considered to have been common in the Tethys sea. It was one of the largest, if not the largest, animals of the Paleogene. It was the top predator of its environment, preying on sharks, large fish and other marine mammals, namely the dolphin-like Dorudon, which seems to have been their predominant food source.

Basilosaurus was at one point a wastebasket taxon, before the genus slowly started getting reevaluated, with many species of different Eocene cetacean being assigned to the genus in the past, however they are invalid or have been reclassified under a new or different genus, leaving only 2 confirmed species. Basilosaurus may have been one of the first fully aquatic cetaceans (sometimes referred to as the pelagiceti). Basilosaurus, unlike modern cetaceans, had various types of teeth–such as canines and molars–in its mouth (heterodonty), and it probably was able to chew its food in contrast to modern cetaceans which swallow their food whole.


Rusty fired a wave of sand and it formed into the one of the ancestral rhinoceroses from 34 million years ago: Paraceratherium!

Paraceratherium is an extinct genus of hornless rhinoceros. It is one of the largest terrestrial mammals that has existed and lived from the early to late Oligocene epoch (34–23 million years ago). Its remains have been found across Eurasia between China and the Balkans. It is classified as a member of the hyracodont subfamily Indricotheriinae. Paraceratherium means "near the hornless beast", in reference to Aceratherium, the genus in which the type species A. bugtiense was originally placed.

The exact size of Paraceratherium is unknown because of the incompleteness of the fossils. The shoulder height was about 4.8 metres (15.7 feet), and the length about 7.4 metres (24.3 feet). Its weight is estimated to have been about 15 to 20 tonnes (33,000 to 44,000 lb). The long neck supported a skull that was about 1.3 metres (4.3 ft) long. It had large, tusk-like incisors and a nasal incision that suggests it had a prehensile upper lip or proboscis (trunk). The legs were long and pillar-like. The lifestyle of Paraceratherium may have been similar to that of modern large mammals such as the elephants and extant rhinoceroses. Because of its size, it would have had few predators and a slow rate of reproduction. It was a browser, eating mainly leaves, soft plants, and shrubs. It lived in habitats ranging from arid deserts with a few scattered trees to subtropical forests. The reasons for the animal's extinction are unknown, but various factors have been proposed.

The taxonomy of the genus and the species within has a long and complicated history. Other genera of Oligocene indricotheres, such as Baluchitherium, Indricotherium, and Pristinotherium, have been named, but no complete specimens exist, making comparison and classification difficult. Most modern scientists consider these genera to be junior synonyms of Paraceratherium, and it is thought to contain at least three discernible species; P. bugtiense, P. transouralicum, and P. huangheense. The most completely-known species is P. transouralicum, so most reconstructions of the genus are based on it. Differences between P. bugtiense and P. transouralicum may be due to sexual dimorphism, which would make them the same species.


Zach fired a wave of sand and leaves and it formed into the ancestors of the wild boar from 33.9 million years ago: Entelodon!

Entelodon (meaning "complete teeth", from Ancient Greek ἐντελής entelēs "complete" and ὀδών odōn "tooth", referring to its "complete" eutherian dentition), is an extinct genus of entelodont artiodactyl endemic to Eurasia. Fossils of species are found in Paleogene strata ranging in age from the Houldjinian (37.2–33.9 mya) until the Rupelian epoch of the early Oligocene (33.9–28.4 mya).


Liam fired a wave of sand and leaves and it formed into the ancestors of the hyena from 42 million years ago: Hyaenodon!

Hyaenodon ("hyena-tooth") is the type genus of the Hyaenodontidae, a family of extinct carnivorous fossil mammals from Eurasia, North America, and Africa, with species existing temporally from the Eocene until the middle Miocene, existing for about 26.1 million years.

The various species of Hyaenodon competed with each other and with other hyaenodont genera (including Sinopa, Dissopsalis, and Hyainailurus), and played important roles as predators in ecological communities as late as the Miocene in Africa and Asia and preyed on a variety of prey species such as primitive horses like Mesohippus and early camels. Species of Hyaenodon have been shown to have successfully preyed on other large carnivores of their time, including a nimravid ("false sabertooth cat"), according to analysis of tooth puncture marks on a fossil Dinictis skull found in North Dakota.


Clyde fired a wave of sand and leaves and it formed into the ancestor of the wolf from 14.3 million years ago: Amphicyon!

Amphicyon ("ambiguous dog") is an extinct genus of large carnivorous bone-crushing mammals, popularly known as bear dogs, of the family Amphicyonidae, subfamily Amphicyoninae, from the Burdigalian Epoch until the late Pliocene. They ranged over North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa from 16.9–2.6 Ma ago, existing approximately 14.3 million years.


Mollie fired a wave of lightning and it formed into the ferocious theropod from 98 million years ago: Giganotosaurus!

Giganotosaurus (/ˌdʒaɪɡəˌnoʊtəˈsɔːrəs/ JY-gə-NOH-tə-SOR-əs) is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived in what is now Argentina, during the early Cenomanian age of the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 98 to 97 million years ago. The holotype specimen was discovered in the Candeleros Formation of Patagonia in 1993, and is almost 70% complete. The animal was named Giganotosaurus carolinii in 1995; the genus name translates as "giant southern lizard" and the specific name honors the discoverer, Rubén D. Carolini. A dentary bone, a tooth and some tracks, discovered before the holotype, were later assigned to this animal. The genus attracted much interest and became part of a scientific debate about the maximum sizes of theropod dinosaurs.

Giganotosaurus was one of the largest known terrestrial carnivores, but the exact size has been hard to determine due to the incompleteness of the remains found so far. Estimates for the most complete specimen range from a length of 12 to 13 m (39 to 43 ft), a skull 1.53 to 1.80 m (5.0 to 5.9 ft) in length, and a weight of 4.2 to 13.8 t (4.6 to 15.2 short tons). The dentary bone that belonged to a supposedly larger individual has been used to extrapolate a length of 13.2 m (43 ft). Some researchers have found the animal to be larger than Tyrannosaurus, which has historically been considered the largest theropod, while others have found them to be roughly equal in size, and the largest size estimates for Giganotosaurus exaggerated. The skull was low, with rugose (rough and wrinkled) nasal bones and a ridge-like crest on the lacrimal bone in front of the eye. The front of the lower jaw was flattened, and had a downwards projecting process (or "chin") at the tip. The teeth were compressed sideways and had serrations. The neck was strong and the pectoral girdle proportionally small.

Part of the family Carcharodontosauridae, Giganotosaurus is one of the most completely known members of the group, which includes other very large theropods, such as the closely related Mapusaurus and Carcharodontosaurus. Giganotosaurus is thought to have been homeothermic (a type of "warm-bloodedness"), with a metabolism between that of a mammal and a reptile, which would have enabled fast growth. It may have been relatively fast moving, with a calculated maximal running speed of 14 m/s (50 km/h; 31 mph). It would have been capable of closing its jaws quickly, capturing and bringing down prey by delivering powerful bites. The "chin" may have helped in resisting stress when a bite was delivered against prey. Giganotosaurus is thought to have been the apex predator of its ecosystem, and it may have fed on juvenile sauropod dinosaurs.


Luan fired a wave of leaves and grass and it formed into one of the first apes from 2 million to 300,000 years ago: Gigantopithecus!

Gigantopithecus is an extinct genus of ape from the Early to Middle Pleistocene of southern China, represented by one species, G. blacki. Potential identifications have also been made in Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia. The first remains of Gigantopithecus, two third molar teeth, were identified in a drugstore by anthropologist Ralph von Koenigswald in 1935, who subsequently described the ape. In 1956, the first mandible and over 1,000 teeth were found in Liucheng, and numerous more remains have since been found in at least 16 sites. Only teeth and 4 mandibles are known currently, and other skeletal elements were likely consumed by porcupines before they could fossilise. Gigantopithecus was once argued to be a hominin, a member of the human line, but it is now thought to be closely allied with orangutans, classified in the subfamily Ponginae.

Gigantopithecus has traditionally been restored as a massive, gorilla-like ape, potentially 200–300 kg (440–660 lb) when alive, but the paucity of remains make total size estimates highly speculative. The species may have been sexually dimorphic, with males much bigger than females. The incisors are reduced and the canines appear to have functioned like cheek teeth (premolars and molars). The premolars are high-crowned, and the fourth premolar is very molar-like. The molars are the largest of any known ape, and have a relatively flat surface. Gigantopithecus had the thickest enamel by absolute measure of any ape, up to 6 mm (a quarter of an inch) in some areas, though was only fairly thick when tooth size is taken into account.

Gigantopithecus appears to have been a generalist herbivore of C3 forest plants, with the jaw adapted to grinding, crushing, and cutting through tough, fibrous plants; and the thick enamel functioning to resist foods with abrasive particles such as stems, roots, and tubers with dirt. Some teeth bear traces of fig family fruits. It primarily lived in subtropical to tropical forest, and went extinct about 300,000 years ago likely due to climate change and the retreat of preferred habitat, and potentially archaic human activity by Homo erectus. Gigantopithecus has become popular in cryptozoology circles as the identity of the Tibetan yeti or the American bigfoot, humanlike monsters in local folklore.

Fletcher: (Scottish Accent) ICE STYLE NINJA ART: DIRE WOLVES!

Fletcher fired a wave of ice and it formed into a pack of the first wolves from 125,000 to 9,500 years ago: the Dire Wolves!

The dire wolf (Canis dirus, "fearsome dog") is an extinct species of the genus Canis. It is one of the most famous prehistoric carnivores in North America, along with its extinct competitor, the sabre-toothed cat Smilodon fatalis. The dire wolf lived in the Americas during the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene epochs (125,000–9,500 years ago). The species was named in 1858, four years after the first specimen had been found. Two subspecies are recognized: Canis dirus guildayi and Canis dirus dirus. The dire wolf probably evolved from Armbruster's wolf (Canis armbrusteri) in North America. The largest collection of its fossils has been obtained from the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles.

Dire wolf remains have been found across a broad range of habitats including the plains, grasslands, and some forested mountain areas of North America, and in the arid savannah of South America. The sites range in elevation from sea level to 2,255 meters (7,400 ft). Dire wolf fossils have rarely been found north of 42°N latitude; there have been only five unconfirmed reports above this latitude. This range restriction is thought to be due to temperature, prey, or habitat limitations imposed by proximity to the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets that existed at the time.

The dire wolf was about the same size as the largest modern gray wolves (Canis lupus): the Yukon wolf and the northwestern wolf. C. d. guildayi weighed on average 60 kilograms (132 lb) and C. d. dirus was on average 68 kg (150 lb). Its skull and dentition matched those of C. lupus, but its teeth were larger with greater shearing ability, and its bite force at the canine tooth was the strongest of any known Canis species. These characteristics are thought to be adaptations for preying on Late Pleistocene megaherbivores, and in North America its prey are known to have included horses, ground sloths, mastodons, bison, and camels. As with other large Canis hypercarnivores today, the dire wolf is thought to have been a pack hunter. Its extinction occurred during the Quaternary extinction event along with most of the American megafauna of the time, including a number of other carnivores, that occurred soon after the appearance of humans in the New World. Its reliance on megaherbivores has been proposed as the cause of its extinction, along with climate change and competition with other species, but the cause remains controversial. Dire wolves lived as recently as 9,500 years ago, according to dated remains.


Atchara fired a wave of leaves and grass and it formed into the theropod from 97 million years ago: Mapusaurus!

Mapusaurus ("Earth lizard") was a giant carcharodontosaurid carnosaurian dinosaur from the early Late Cretaceous (late Cenomanian to early Turonian stage) of what is now Argentina and possibly Chile.


Alex fired a wave of fire and it formed into the largest dinosaur that ever lived from 96.2 million years ago: Argentinosaurus!

Argentinosaurus is a genus of giant sauropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period in what is now Argentina. Although it is only known from fragmentary remains, Argentinosaurus is one of the largest-known land animals of all time, if not the largest, with length estimates ranging from 30 to 39.7 metres (98 to 130 ft) and weight estimates from 50 to 100 tonnes (55 to 110 short tons). It was a member of Titanosauria, the dominant group of sauropods during the Cretaceous.

The first Argentinosaurus bone was discovered in 1987 by a farmer on his farm near the city of Plaza Huincul. A scientific excavation of the site led by the Argentine palaeontologist José Bonaparte was conducted in 1989, yielding several back vertebrae and parts of a sacrum—fused vertebrae between the back and tail vertebrae. Additional specimens include a complete femur (thigh bone) and the shaft of another. Argentinosaurus was named by Bonaparte and the Argentine palaeontologist Rodolfo Coria in 1993; it contains a single species, A. huinculensis. The generic name Argentinosaurus means "Argentine lizard", and the specific name huinculensis refers to its place of discovery, Plaza Huincul.

The fragmentary nature of Argentinosaurus remains makes their interpretation difficult. Arguments revolve around the position of the recovered vertebrae within the vertebral column and the presence of accessory articulations between the vertebrae that would have strengthened the spine. A computer model of the skeleton and muscles estimated this dinosaur had a maximum speed of 7 km/h (5 mph) with a pace, a gait where the fore and hind limb of the same side of the body move simultaneously. The fossils of Argentinosaurus were recovered from the Huincul Formation, which was deposited in the middle Cenomanian to early Turonian ages (around 96 to 92 million years ago) and contains a diverse dinosaur fauna including the giant theropod Mapusaurus.


Shamrina fired a wave of fire and it formed into one of the ancestral wild boars from 29 million years ago: Daeodon!

Daeodon is an extinct genus of entelodont artiodactyl that inhabited North America between 29 and 19 million years ago during the middle Oligocene and early Miocene epochs. The type species is Daeodon shoshonensis, the last and largest of the entelodonts; known adults of this species possessed skulls about 90 cm (3 ft) in length. It had a broad distribution across the United States, but it was never abundant.


Tshibangu fired a wave of leaves and grass and it formed into the ancestor of the sloth from 5 million years ago: Megatherium or Giant Ground Sloth!

Megatherium (/mɛɡəˈθɪəriəm/ meg-ə-THEER-ee-əm from the Greek mega [μέγας], meaning "great", and therion [θηρίον], "beast") is an extinct genus of ground sloths endemic to South America that lived from the Early Pliocene through the end of the Pleistocene. It is best known for the elephant-sized type species M. americanum, sometimes called the giant ground sloth, or the megathere, native to the Pampas through southern Bolivia during the Pleistocene. Various other smaller species belonging to the subgenus Pseudomegatherium are known from the Andes. Megatherium is part of the sloth family Megatheriidae, which also includes the similarly elephantine Eremotherium, which was native to tropical South America and southern North America. Only a few other land mammals equaled or exceeded M. americanum in size, such as large proboscideans (e.g., elephants) and the giant rhinoceros Paraceratherium. Megatherium was first discovered in 1788 on the bank of the Luján River in Argentina. The holotype specimen was then shipped to Spain the following year wherein it caught the attention of the esteemed paleontologist Georges Cuvier, who was the first to determine, by means of comparative anatomy, that Megatherium was a sloth. Megatherium became extinct around 12,000 years ago during the Quaternary extinction event, which also claimed most other large mammals in the New World. The extinction coincides with the settlement of the Americas, and a kill site where a M. americanum was slaughtered and butchered is known, suggesting that hunting could have caused its extinction.


Lang punched the ground and a bunch of bamboo grew in seconds and they formed into the ancestor of the Giant Panda from 2 million years ago - the Dwarf Panda!

Ailuropoda microta is the earliest known ancestor of the giant panda. It measured 1 m (3 ft) in length; the modern giant panda grows to a size in excess of 1.5 m (5 ft). Wear patterns on its teeth suggest it lived on a diet of bamboo, the primary food of the giant panda. The first discovered skull of the animal in a south China limestone cave is estimated to be 2 million years old. The skull found is about half the size of a modern-day giant panda, but is anatomically very similar. This research suggests that the giant panda has evolved for more than 3 million years as a completely separate lineage from that of other bears.


Mao punched the ground and a bunch of bamboo grew and formed into the theropod from 160 million years ago: Guanlong!

Guanlong (冠龍) is a genus of extinct proceratosaurid tyrannosauroid from the Late Jurassic of China. The taxon was first described in 2006 by Xu Xing et al., who found it to represent a new taxon related to Tyrannosaurus. The name is derived from Chinese, translating as "crown dragon". Two individuals are currently known, a partially complete adult and a nearly complete juvenile. These specimens come from the Oxfordian stage of the Chinese Shishugou Formation.


Brock fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ancestral armadillo from 2 million to 7,000 years ago: DOEDICURUS!

Doedicurus, or Dædicurus, is an extinct genus of glyptodont from South America containing one species, D. clavicaudatus. Glyptodonts are a member of the family Chlamyphoridae, which also includes some modern armadillo species, and they are classified in the order Xenarthra alongside sloths and anteaters. Being a glyptodont, it was a rotund animal with heavy armor and a carapace. Averaging at an approximate 1,400 kg (3,100 lb), it was one of the largest glyptodonts to have ever lived. Though glyptodonts were quadrupeds, large ones like Doedicurus may have been able to stand on two legs like other xenarthrans. It notably sported a spiked tail club, which may have weighed 40 or 65 kg (88 or 143 lb) in life, and it may have swung this in defense against predators or in fights with other Doedicurus at speeds of perhaps 11 m/s (40 km/h; 25 mph).

Doedicurus was likely a grazer, but its teeth and mouth, like those of other glyptodonts, seem unable to have chewed grass effectively, which may indicate a slow metabolism. Doedicurus existed during the Pleistocene. Before this, South America had been isolated from the rest of the world, but the formation of the Isthmus of Panama allowed North American fauna to invade South America in the Great American Interchange, including big cats, bears, elephants, camels, and horses. Doedicurus seems to have inhabited the relatively cold and humid Chaco-Pampean plains of northeastern Patagonia. It may have been the latest-surviving glyptodont, with remains suggested to date to 8,000–7,000 years ago during the middle Holocene, though these dates have been questioned. It may have gone extinct due to some combination of human hunting and climate change.


Nora fired a wave of grass and leaves and it formed into the ferocious theropod from 72 million years ago: Carnotaurus!

Carnotaurus /ˌkɑːrnoʊˈtɔːrəs/ is a genus of large theropod dinosaur that lived in South America during the Late Cretaceous period, between about 72 and 69.9 million years ago. The only species is Carnotaurus sastrei. Known from a single well-preserved skeleton, it is one of the best-understood theropods from the Southern Hemisphere. The skeleton, found in 1984, was uncovered in the Chubut Province of Argentina from rocks of the La Colonia Formation. Carnotaurus is a derived member of the Abelisauridae, a group of large theropods that occupied the large predatorial niche in the southern landmasses of Gondwana during the late Cretaceous. The phylogenetic relations of Carnotaurus are uncertain; it might have been closer to either Majungasaurus or Aucasaurus.

Carnotaurus was a lightly built, bipedal predator, measuring 7.5 to 9 m (24.6 to 29.5 ft) in length and weighing at least 1.35 metric tons (1.33 long tons; 1.49 short tons). As a theropod, Carnotaurus was highly specialized and distinctive. It had thick horns above the eyes, a feature unseen in all other carnivorous dinosaurs, and a very deep skull sitting on a muscular neck. Carnotaurus was further characterized by small, vestigial forelimbs and long, slender hindlimbs. The skeleton is preserved with extensive skin impressions, showing a mosaic of small, non-overlapping scales approximately 5 mm in diameter. The mosaic was interrupted by large bumps that lined the sides of the animal, and there are no hints of feathers.

The distinctive horns and the muscular neck may have been used in fighting conspecifics. According to separate studies, rivaling individuals may have combated each other with quick head blows, by slow pushes with the upper sides of their skulls, or by ramming each other head-on, using their horns as shock absorbers. The feeding habits of Carnotaurus remain unclear: some studies suggest the animal was able to hunt down very large prey such as sauropods, while other studies find it preyed mainly on relatively small animals. Carnotaurus was well adapted for running and was possibly one of the fastest large theropods.


Timmy fired a wave of earth and it formed into the Permian reptilian mammal from 295 million years ago: Dimetrodon!

Dimetrodon (/daɪˈmiːtrədɒn/ (About this soundlisten) or /daɪˈmɛtrədɒn/, meaning "two measures of teeth") is an extinct genus of non-mammalian synapsid that lived during the Cisuralian (Early Permian), around 295–272 million years ago (Ma). It is a member of the family Sphenacodontidae. The most prominent feature of Dimetrodon is the large neural spine sail on its back formed by elongated spines extending from the vertebrae. It walked on four legs and had a tall, curved skull with large teeth of different sizes set along the jaws. Most fossils have been found in the southwestern United States, the majority coming from a geological deposit called the Red Beds of Texas and Oklahoma. More recently, fossils have been found in Germany. Over a dozen species have been named since the genus was first erected in 1878.

Dimetrodon is often mistaken for a dinosaur or as a contemporary of dinosaurs in popular culture, but it became extinct some 40 million years before the first appearance of dinosaurs. Reptile-like in appearance and physiology, Dimetrodon is nevertheless more closely related to mammals than to modern reptiles, though it is not a direct ancestor of mammals. Dimetrodon is assigned to the "non-mammalian synapsids", a group traditionally called "mammal-like reptiles". This groups Dimetrodon together with mammals in a clade (evolutionary group) called Synapsida, while placing dinosaurs, reptiles and birds in a separate clade, Sauropsida. Single openings in the skull behind each eye, known as temporal fenestrae, and other skull features distinguish Dimetrodon and mammals from most of the earliest sauropsids.

Dimetrodon was probably one of the apex predators of the Cisuralian ecosystems, feeding on fish and tetrapods, including reptiles and amphibians. Smaller Dimetrodon species may have had different ecological roles. The sail of Dimetrodon may have been used to stabilize its spine or to heat and cool its body as a form of thermoregulation. Some recent studies[citation needed] argue that the sail would have been ineffective at removing heat from the body due to large species being discovered with small sails and small species being discovered with large sails, essentially ruling out heat regulation as its main purpose. The sail was most likely used in courtship display with methods such as threatening rivals or showing off to potential mates.


Delizia fired a wave of leaves and water and it formed into the small elephant from 2 million years ago: The Sicilian Dwarf Elephant!

Palaeoloxodon falconeri, also known as the pygmy elephant, Maltese pygmy elephant, or Sicilian dwarf elephant, is an extinct Siculo-Maltese species of elephant that was derived from the straight-tusked elephant.


Nantan fired a wave of wind and it formed into one of our human ancestors on our evolutionary chain from 3 million years ago: Australopithecus Afarensis!

Australopithecus afarensis is an extinct species of australopithecine which lived from about 3.9–2.9 million years ago (mya) in the Pliocene of East Africa. The first fossils were discovered in the 1930s, but major fossil finds would not be discovered until the 1970s. In the 1972–1977 expedition in Hadar, Ethiopia, the International Afar Research Expedition led by anthropologists Maurice Taieb, Donald Johanson, and Yves Coppens unearthed several hundreds of hominin specimens, the most significant being the exceedingly well-preserved skeleton AL 288-1 ("Lucy") and the site AL 333 ("the First Family"). Beginning in 1974, Mary Leakey led an expedition into Laetoli, Tanzania, and recovered notably fossil trackways. In 1978, the species was first described, but this was followed by arguments for splitting the wealth of specimens into different species given the wide range of variation which had been attributed to sexual dimorphism (normal differences between males and females). A. afarensis probably descended from A. anamensis and possibly gave rise to Homo, though the latter hypothesis is not without dissent.

A. afarensis had a tall face, a delicate brow ridge, and prognathism (the jaw jutted outwards). The jawbone was quite robust, similar to that of gorillas. The living size of A. afarensis is debated, with arguments for and against marked size differences between males and females. Lucy measured perhaps 105 cm (3 ft 5 in) in height and 25–37 kg (55–82 lb), but she was rather small for her species. In contrast, a presumed male was estimated at 165 cm (5 ft 5 in) and 45 kg (99 lb). A perceived difference in male and female size may simply be sampling bias. The leg bones as well as the Laetoli fossil trackways suggest A. afarensis was a competent biped, though somewhat less efficient at walking than humans. The arm and shoulder bones have some similar aspects to those of orangutans and gorillas, which has variously been interpreted as either evidence of partial tree-dwelling (arboreality), or basal traits inherited from the human–chimp last common ancestor with no adaptive functionality.

A. afarensis was probably a generalist omnivore of both C3 forest plants and C4 CAM savanna plants—and perhaps creatures which ate such plants—and was able to exploit a variety of different food sources. Similarly, A. afarensis appears to have inhabited a wide range of habitats with no real preference, inhabiting open grasslands or woodlands, shrublands, and lake- or riverside forests. Potential evidence of stone tool use would indicate meat was also a dietary component. Marked sexual dimorphism in primates typically corresponds to a polygynous society and low dimorphism monogamy, but the group dynamics of early hominins is difficult to predict with accuracy. Early hominins may have fallen prey to the large carnivores of the time, such as big cats and hyenas.


Ronnie Anne fired a wave of leaves and grass and it formed into the famous sauropod from 154 million years ago: Brachiosaurus!

Brachiosaurus (/ˌbrækiəˈsɔːrəs/) is a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Jurassic, about 154–153 million years ago. It was first described by American paleontologist Elmer S. Riggs in 1903 from fossils found in the Colorado River valley in western Colorado, United States. Riggs named the dinosaur Brachiosaurus altithorax; the generic name is Greek for "arm lizard", in reference to its proportionately long arms, and the specific name means "deep chest". Brachiosaurus is estimated to have been between 18 and 21 meters (59 and 69 ft) long; weight estimates range from 28.3 to 58 metric tons (31.2 and 64 short tons). It had a disproportionately long neck, small skull, and large overall size, all of which are typical for sauropods. Atypically, Brachiosaurus had longer forelimbs than hindlimbs, which resulted in a steeply inclined trunk, and a proportionally shorter tail.

Brachiosaurus is the namesake genus of the family Brachiosauridae, which includes a handful of other similar sauropods. Most popular depictions of Brachiosaurus are in fact based on Giraffatitan, a genus of brachiosaurid dinosaur from the Tendaguru Formation of Tanzania. Giraffatitan was originally described by German paleontologist Werner Janensch in 1914 as a species of Brachiosaurus, B. brancai, but moved to its own genus in 2009. Three other species of Brachiosaurus have been named based on fossils found in Africa and Europe; two are no longer considered valid, and a third has become a separate genus, Lusotitan.

The type specimen of B. altithorax is still the most complete specimen, and only a few other specimens are thought to belong to the genus, making it one of the rarer sauropods of the Morrison Formation. It is regarded as a high browser, possibly cropping or nipping vegetation as high as 9 meters (30 ft) off the ground. Unlike other sauropods, it was unsuited for rearing on its hindlimbs. It has been used as an example of a dinosaur that was most likely ectothermic because of its large size and the corresponding need for sufficient forage, but more recent research suggests it was warm-blooded. Among the most iconic and initially thought to be one of the largest dinosaurs, Brachiosaurus has appeared in popular culture, notably in the 1993 film Jurassic Park.


Alexis fired a wave of ice and it formed into the theropod from 95 million years ago: Australovenator!

Australovenator (meaning "southern hunter") is a genus of megaraptorid theropod dinosaur from Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous)-age Winton Formation (dated to 95 million years ago) of Australia. It is known from partial cranial and postcranial remains which were described in 2009 by Scott Hocknull and colleagues, although additional descriptions and analyses continue to be published. It is the most complete predatory dinosaur discovered in Australia.

Ryan Holland: (British Accent) ICE STYLE NINJA ART: ANTHROPORNIS!

Ryan fired a wave of ice and it formed into one of the first giant penguins and ancestor of the Emperor Penguin from 45 million years ago: Anthropornis!

Anthropornis is a genus of giant penguin that lived 45-33 million years ago, during the Late Eocene and the earliest part of the Oligocene.[1] It reached 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in) in height and 90 kg (200 lb) in weight. Fossils of it have been found in the La Meseta Formation on Seymour Island off the coast of Antarctica and in New Zealand. By comparison, the largest modern penguin species, the emperor penguin, is just 1.2 m (3 ft 11 in) tall.

The type species, Anthropornis nordenskjoldi, had a bent joint in the wing, probably a carryover from flying ancestors.


Eloá fired a wave of leaves and grass and it formed into the terror bird of 56 million years ago: Gastornis!

Gastornis is an extinct genus of large flightless birds that lived during the late Paleocene and Eocene epochs of the Cenozoic era. The genus is currently thought to contain three or four distinct species, known from incomplete fossil remains, found in western-central Europe (England, Belgium, France and Germany). More complete specimens are known from a fourth, North American species, which had previously been classified in the distinct genus Diatryma. Many scientists now consider Diatryma to be so similar to the other species of Gastornis that it should also be included in that genus. A fifth species, also previously classified in its own genus, is known from China.

Gastornis species were very large birds, and have traditionally been considered to be predators of small mammals. However, several lines of evidence, including the lack of hooked claws in known Gastornis footprints and studies of their beak structure have caused scientists to reinterpret these birds as herbivores that probably fed on tough plant material and seeds.


Lucy fired a wave of darkness and it formed into the Terror Bird of 20 million years ago: Phorusrhacos!

Phorusrhacos (/ˌfɔːrəsˈrɑːkɒs/ FOR-əs-RAH-koss) is an extinct genus of giant flightless terror birds that inhabited Argentina during the Miocene epoch. Phorusrhacos was one of the dominant land predators in South America at the time it existed. It is thought to have lived in woodlands and grasslands.


Haiku fired a wave of darkness and it formed into the ferocious giant terror bird of 5 million years ago: Titanis!

Titanis is an extinct genus of giant flightless terror birds that inhabited North America during the early Pliocene to early Pleistocene epochs. The generic name, Titanis, refers to the titans, Ancient Greek gods that preceded the Twelve Olympians, in allusion to the bird's size. The specific name, T. walleri, honors the holotype's collector, Benjamin I. Waller, an avocational underwater archaeologist. Titanis was thought to be carnivorous and most likely preyed on the many small mammals of the time period. This giant flightless bird was one of the most efficient predators of its time in North America.


Dante fired a wave of darkness and it formed into the first ever ancestral bats from 52.2 million years ago: Icaronycteris!

caronycteris is an extinct genus of microchiropteran (echolocating) bat that lived in the early Eocene, approximately 52.2 million years ago, making it the earliest known definitive bat. Four exceptionally preserved specimens, among the best preserved bat fossils, are known from the Green River Formation of North America. There is only one thoroughly described species of bat in the genus, I. index, although fragmentary material from France has also been tentatively placed within Icaronycteris as the second species I. menui. I. sigei is based on well-preserved fragments of dentaries and lower teeth found in Western India.


Persephone fired a wave of darkness and it formed into the Terror Bird from 15 million years ago: Kelenken!

Kelenken is a genus of giant flightless predatory birds of the extinct family Phorusrhacidae, or "terror birds". The type and only species is K. guillermoi, first formally described in 2007 after the find in 1999. It is the largest known member of the family.


Lola fired a wave of fire and it formed into the newly discovered dinosaurs from 140 million years ago: Bajadasaurus!

Bajadasaurus is a genus of sauropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous epoch (late Berriasian to Valanginian stages) of northern Patagonia, Argentina. It was first described in 2019 based on a single specimen found in 2010 that includes a largely complete skull and parts of the neck. The only species is Bajadasaurus pronuspinax. The genus is classified as a member of the Dicraeosauridae, a group of comparatively small and short-necked sauropods that lived from the Early or Middle Jurassic to the end of the Early Cretaceous.

Bajadasaurus sported bifurcated, extremely elongated neural spines extending from the neck vertebrae. Similar elongated spines are known from the closely related and more completely known Amargasaurus. Various possible functions have been proposed for these spines in Amargasaurus, with the 2019 description of Bajadasaurus suggesting that they could have served as passive defense against predators in both genera. The skull was gracile and equipped with around 44 teeth that were pencil-shaped and restricted to the front of the jaws. The eye openings of Bajadasaurus were exposed in top view of the skull, possibly allowing the animal to look forwards while feeding. Bajadasaurus was discovered in sedimentary rocks of the Bajada Colorada Formation, and its environment resembled a braided river system. It shared its environment with other dinosaurs including the sauropod Leinkupal and different theropods.


Lily fired a wave of water and it formed into the marine reptile from 87 million years ago: Mosasaurus!

Mosasaurus (/ˌmoʊzəˈsɔːrəs/; "lizard of the Meuse River") is the type genus of the mosasaurs, an extinct group of aquatic squamate reptiles. The genus lived from about 82 to 66 million years ago during the Campanian and Maastrichtian stages of the Late Cretaceous. The earliest fossils known to science were found as skulls in a chalk quarry near the Dutch city of Maastricht in the late 1700s, which were initially thought to have been the bones of crocodiles or whales. One particular skull discovered at around 1780, and which was seized during the French Revolutionary Wars for its scientific value and transported to Paris, was famously nicknamed the "great animal of Maastricht". In 1808, naturalist Georges Cuvier concluded that it belonged to a giant marine lizard with similarities to monitor lizards but otherwise unlike any animal known today. This concept was revolutionary at the time and helped support the then-developing ideas of extinction. However, Cuvier did not designate a scientific name for the new animal; this task was completed by William Daniel Conybeare in 1822 when he named it Mosasaurus in reference to its origin in fossil deposits near the Meuse River. The relationships between Mosasaurus and modern reptiles are controversial and scientists continue to debate whether its closest living relatives are monitor lizards or snakes.

Traditional interpretations have estimated the maximum length of Mosasaurus to be up to 17.6 meters (58 ft), making it one of the largest mosasaur genera. Its skull, which was either broad or slender depending on the species, was equipped with robust jaws capable of swinging back and forth and strong muscles capable of powerful bites using dozens of large teeth designed for cutting prey. Its tail was long and ended in a paddle-like fluke that bent downwards. Mosasaurus was a predator that had excellent vision to compensate for its poor sense of smell, and a high metabolic rate that suggests it was warm-blooded, an adaptation found in other mosasaurs but no other squamates. The classification of Mosasaurus was historically problematic due to an unclear diagnosis of the type specimen. As a result, over fifty different species have been attributed to the genus in the past. A rediagnosis of the type specimen in 2017 helped resolve the taxonomy issue and confirmed at least five species to be within the genus and another five species still nominally classified within Mosasaurus are planned to be reassessed in a future study. Each species was variable with unique anatomical features differentiating them from the robustly-built M. hoffmannii to the slender and serpentine M. lemonnieri.

Fossil evidence suggests that Mosasaurus inhabited much of the Atlantic Ocean and the seaways adjacent to it. Continents that have recovered Mosasaurus fossils include North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Western Asia, and Antarctica. This distribution encompassed a wide range of oceanic climates including tropical, subtropical, temperate, and subpolar climates. Mosasaurus was a common large predator in these oceans and a dominant genus positioned at the top of the food chain. Scientists believe that its diet would have included virtually anything; it likely preyed on bony fish, sharks, cephalopods, birds, and other marine reptiles including sea turtles and other mosasaurs. It likely preferred to hunt in open water near the surface. From an ecological standpoint, Mosasaurus probably had a profound impact in the structuring of marine ecosystems; its arrival in some locations such as the Western Interior Seaway in North America has been marked with a complete turnover of faunal assemblages and diversity. Mosasaurus faced competition with other large predatory mosasaurs such as Prognathodon and Tylosaurus—which are known to feed on similar prey—though they were able to coexist in the same ecosystems through niche partitioning. There were conflicts among them, as an attack on Mosasaurus by Tylosaurus has been documented. Several discovered fossils illustrated deliberate attacks on Mosasaurus individuals by another of the same species. Infighting likely took place in the form of snout grappling, similarly seen in modern crocodiles today.


Qin punched the ground and a bunch of bamboo grew and formed into one of the largest sauropods from 161 million years ago: Mamenchisaurus!

Mamenchisaurus (/mɑːˈmɛntʃiˈsɔːrəs/ mah-MUN-chi-SAWR-əs, or spelling pronunciation /məˌmɛntʃiˈsɔːrəs/) is a genus of sauropod dinosaur including several species, known for their remarkably long necks[3] which made up half the total body length. It is known from numerous species which ranged in time from 160 to 145 million years ago, from the Oxfordian age of late Jurassic Period in China. The largest species, which according to Gregory S. Paul was M. sinocanadorum, may have reached 35 m (115 ft) in length and possibly weighed 50-80 tonnes (55-88 short tons).


Omi fired a wave of water and it formed into the marine reptile from 166 million years ago: Cryptoclidus!

Cryptoclidus (/krɪptoʊˈklaɪdəs/ krip-toh-KLY-dəs) is a genus of plesiosaur reptile from the Middle Jurassic period of England, France, and Cuba.


Rainbow Dash fired a wave of wind and it formed into the one of the ancestral eagles from 1.8 million to 700,000 years ago: The Haast's Eagle!

The Haast's eagle (Hieraaetus moorei, synonym Harpagornis moorei) is an extinct species of eagle that once lived in the South Island of New Zealand, commonly accepted to be the pouakai of Maori legend. The species was the largest eagle known to have existed, with an estimated weight of 15 kilograms (33 lb) nearly double that of the Harpy eagle at 9 kilograms (20 lb). Its massive size is explained as an evolutionary response to the size of its prey, the flightless moa, the largest of which could weigh 230 kg (510 lb). Haast's eagle became extinct around 1400, after the moa were hunted to extinction by the first Māori.


Shrek fired a wave of water and it formed into one of the first crocodiles from 82 million years ago: Deinosuchus!

Deinosuchus (/ˌdaɪnəˈsjuːkəs/) is an extinct genus of crocodilian related to the modern alligator that lived 82 to 73 million years ago (Ma), during the late Cretaceous period. The name translates as "terrible crocodile" and is derived from the Greek deinos (δεινός), "terrible", and soukhos (σοῦχος), "crocodile". The first remains were discovered in North Carolina (United States) in the 1850s; the genus was named and described in 1909. Additional fragments were discovered in the 1940s and were later incorporated into an influential, though inaccurate, skull reconstruction at the American Museum of Natural History. Knowledge of Deinosuchus remains incomplete, but better cranial material found in recent years has expanded scientific understanding of this massive predator.

Although Deinosuchus was far larger than any modern crocodile or alligator, with the largest adults measuring 12 meters (39 ft) in total length, its overall appearance was fairly similar to its smaller relatives. It had large, robust teeth built for crushing, and its back was covered with thick hemispherical osteoderms. One study indicated Deinosuchus may have lived for up to 50 years, growing at a rate similar to that of modern crocodilians, but maintaining this growth over a much longer time.

Deinosuchus fossils have been described from 10 U.S. states, including Texas, Montana, and many along the East Coast. Fossils have also been found in northern Mexico. It lived on both sides of the Western Interior Seaway, and was an opportunistic apex predator in the coastal regions of eastern North America. Deinosuchus reached its largest size in its western habitat, but the eastern populations were far more abundant. Opinion remains divided as to whether these two populations represent separate species. Deinosuchus was probably capable of killing and eating large dinosaurs. It may have also fed upon sea turtles, fish, and other aquatic and terrestrial prey.


Lincoln fired a wave of ice and it formed into the Theropod from 76.6 million years ago: Gorgosaurus!

Gorgosaurus (/ˌɡɔːrɡəˈsɔːrəs/ GOR-gə-SOR-əs; meaning "dreadful lizard") is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived in western North America during the Late Cretaceous Period (Campanian), between about 76.6 and 75.1 million years ago. Fossil remains have been found in the Canadian province of Alberta and possibly the U.S. state of Montana. Paleontologists recognize only the type species, G. libratus, although other species have been erroneously referred to the genus.

Like most known tyrannosaurids, Gorgosaurus was a bipedal predator weighing more than two metric tons as an adult; dozens of large, sharp teeth lined its jaws, while its two-fingered forelimbs were comparatively small. Gorgosaurus was most closely related to Albertosaurus, and more distantly related to the larger Tyrannosaurus. Gorgosaurus and Albertosaurus are extremely similar, distinguished mainly by subtle differences in the teeth and skull bones. Some experts consider G. libratus to be a species of Albertosaurus; this would make Gorgosaurus a junior synonym of that genus.

Gorgosaurus lived in a lush floodplain environment along the edge of an inland sea. It was an apex predator, preying upon abundant ceratopsids and hadrosaurs. In some areas, Gorgosaurus coexisted with another tyrannosaurid, Daspletosaurus. Although these animals were roughly the same size, there is some evidence of niche differentiation between the two. Gorgosaurus is the best-represented tyrannosaurid in the fossil record, known from dozens of specimens. These plentiful remains have allowed scientists to investigate its ontogeny, life history and other aspects of its biology.


Lisa fired a wave of earth and it formed into Permian Therapsid from 260 million years ago: Gorgonops!

Gorgonops (from Greek Γοργών 'Gorgon' and ὤψ 'eye, face', literally "Gorgon eye" or "Gorgon face") is an extinct genus of therapsid which lived about 260-254 million years ago, during the Late Permian. It was a typical representative of the suborder Gorgonopsia, the dominant predators of their day, which in the largest forms grew to over three metres long.


Lynn Jr. fired a wave of earth and it formed into the Permian Therapsid from 270.6 million years ago: Lycaenops!

Lycaenops ("wolf-face") is a genus of carnivorous therapsids. It lived during the late mid-Permian to the early Late Permian, about 270.6-251 mya, in what is now South Africa.


Warren fired a wave of earth and it formed into the parareptile from 265 million years ago: Scutosaurus!

Scutosaurus ("Shield lizard") was a genus of parareptiles. It was an armor-covered pareiasaur that lived around 265–254 million years ago in Russia, in the later Permian period. Its genus name refers to large plates of armor scattered across its body. It was a large anapsid reptile that, unlike most reptiles, held its legs underneath its body to support its great weight. Fossils have been found in the Sokolki Assemblage Zone of the Malokinelskaya Formation in European Russia, close to the Ural Mountains.


Bart fired a wave of earth and it formed into the Gorgonopsid from 259 million years ago: Dinogorgon!

Dinogorgon is a genus of gorgonopsid from the Late Permian of South Africa and Tanzania. The generic name Dinogorgon is derived from Greek, meaning "terrible gorgon", while its species name rubidgei is taken from the surname of renowned Karoo paleontologist, Professor Bruce Rubidge, who has contributed to much of the research conducted on therapsids of the Karoo Basin. The type species of the genus is D. rubidgei.

Dinogorgon is part of the gorgonopsian subfamily Rubidgeinae, a derived group of large-bodied gorgonopsians restricted to the Late Permian (Lopingian). The Rubidgeinae subfamily first appeared in the Tropidostoma Assemblage Zone, and reached their highest diversity in the Cistecephalus and Daptocephalus assemblage zones of the Beaufort Group in South Africa.


Homer fired a wave of earth and it formed into Dimetrodon-like synapsid from 303.4 million years ago: Edaphosaurus!

Edaphosaurus (/ˌɛdəfoʊˈsɔːrəs/, meaning "pavement lizard" for dense clusters of teeth) is a genus of extinct edaphosaurid synapsids that lived in what is now North America and Europe around 303.4 to 272.5 million years ago, during the late Carboniferous to early Permian periods. American paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope first described Edaphosaurus in 1882, naming it for the "dental pavement" on both the upper and lower jaws, from the Greek edaphos έδαφος ("ground"; also "pavement") and σαῦρος (sauros) ("lizard").

Edaphosaurus is important as one of the earliest-known, large, plant-eating (herbivorous), amniote tetrapods (four-legged land-living vertebrates). In addition to the large tooth plates in its jaws, the most characteristic feature of Edaphosaurus is a sail on its back. A number of other synapsids from the same time period also have tall dorsal sails, most famously the large apex predator Dimetrodon. However, the sail on Edaphosaurus is different in shape and morphology. The first fossils of Edaphosaurus came from the Texas Red Beds in North America, with later finds in New Mexico, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Ohio. Fragmentary fossils attributed to Edaphosaurus have also been found in eastern Germany in Central Europe.


Tabby fired a wave of leaves and water and it formed into the theropod from 193 million years ago: Dilophosaurus!

Dilophosaurus (/daɪˌloʊfəˈsɔːrəs, -foʊ-/ dy-LOHF-o-SOR-əs) is a genus of theropod dinosaurs that lived in what is now North America during the Early Jurassic, about 193 million years ago. Three skeletons were discovered in northern Arizona in 1940, and the two best preserved were collected in 1942. The most complete specimen became the holotype of a new species in the genus Megalosaurus, named M. wetherilli by Samuel P. Welles in 1954. Welles found a larger skeleton belonging to the same species in 1964. Realizing it bore crests on its skull, he assigned the species to the new genus Dilophosaurus in 1970, as Dilophosaurus wetherilli. The genus name means "two-crested lizard", and the species name honors John Wetherill, a Navajo councilor. Further specimens have since been found, including an infant.

Footprints have also been attributed to the animal, including resting traces. Another species, Dilophosaurus sinensis from China, was named in 1993, but was later found to belong to the genus Sinosaurus. It was designated as the state dinosaur of Connecticut based on tracks found there.

At about 7 m (23 ft) in length, with a weight of about 400 kg (880 lb), Dilophosaurus was one of the earliest large predatory dinosaurs and the largest known land-animal in North America at the time. It was slender and lightly built, and the skull was proportionally large, but delicate. The snout was narrow, and the upper jaw had a gap or kink below the nostril. It had a pair of longitudinal, plate-shaped crests on its skull, similar to a cassowary with two crests. The mandible was slender and delicate at the front, but deep at the back. The teeth were long, curved, thin, and compressed sideways. Those in the lower jaw were much smaller than those of the upper jaw. Most of the teeth had serrations at their front and back edges. The neck was long, and its vertebrae were hollow, and very light. The arms were powerful, with a long and slender upper arm bone. The hands had four fingers; the first was short but strong and bore a large claw, the two following fingers were longer and slenderer with smaller claws; the fourth was vestigial. The thigh bone was massive, the feet were stout, and the toes bore large claws.

Dilophosaurus is a member of the family Dilophosauridae along with Dracovenator, a group placed between the Coelophysidae and later theropods. Dilophosaurus would have been active and bipedal, and may have hunted large animals; it could also have fed on smaller animals and fish. Due to the limited range of movement and shortness of the fore limbs, the mouth may instead have made first contact with prey. The function of the crests is unknown; they were too weak for battle, but may have been used in visual display, such as species recognition and sexual selection. It may have grown rapidly, attaining a growth rate of 30 to 35 kg (66 to 77 lb) per year early in life. The holotype specimen had multiple paleopathologies, including healed injuries and signs of a developmental anomaly. Dilophosaurus is known from the Kayenta Formation, and lived alongside dinosaurs such as Megapnosaurus and Sarahsaurus.

Dilophosaurus was featured in the novel Jurassic Park and its movie adaptation, wherein it was given the fictional abilities to spit venom and expand a neck frill, as well as being smaller than the real animal.


Kipo fired a wave of red and purple energy and it formed into the Ice Age lions from 340,000 to 11,000 years ago: The American Lions!

The American lion (Panthera atrox), also known as the "North American lion", or "American cave lion", is an extinct pantherine cat that lived in North America during the Pleistocene epoch and the early Holocene epoch, about 340,000 to 11,000 years ago. Its fossils have been excavated from Alaska to Mexico. Genetic analysis has shown that the American lion and the Late Pleistocene Eurasian cave lion (Panthera spelaea) are sister lineages. It was about 25% larger than the modern lion, making it one of the largest known felids.


Nelson fired a wave of earth and it formed into the sauropod from 155 million years ago: Camerasaurus!

Camarasaurus (/ˌkæmərəˈsɔːrəs/ KAM-ər-ə-SAWR-əs) was a genus of quadrupedal, herbivorous dinosaurs. It was the most common of the giant sauropods to be found in North America. Its fossil remains have been found in the Morrison Formation of Colorado and Utah, dating to the Late Jurassic epoch (Kimmeridgian to Tithonian stages), between 155 and 145 million years ago.

Camarasaurus presented a distinctive cranial profile of a blunt snout and an arched skull that was remarkably square. It likely travelled in herds, or at least in family groups.

The name means "chambered lizard", referring to the hollow chambers in its vertebrae (Greek καμαρα (kamara) meaning "vaulted chamber", or anything with an arched cover, and σαυρος (sauros) meaning "lizard").


Naruto fired a wave of wind and it formed into the largest flying reptile that ever lived from 68 million years ago: Quetzalcoatlus!

Quetzalcoatlus /kɛtsəlkoʊˈætləs/ is a pterosaur known from the Late Cretaceous of North America (Maastrichtian stage) and one of the biggest known flying animals of all time. It is a member of the family Azhdarchidae, a family of advanced toothless pterosaurs with unusually long, stiffened necks. Its name comes from the Aztec feathered serpent god, Quetzalcoatl. The type and only species is Q. northropi.


Hinata fired a wave of ice and it formed into the ceratopsian from 73.5 million years ago: Pachyrhinosaurus!

Pachyrhinosaurus (meaning in Greek "thick-nosed lizard", from Παχυ (pachy), thick; ρινό (rinó), nose; and σαυρος (sauros), lizard) is an extinct genus of centrosaurine ceratopsid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous period of North America. The first examples were discovered by Charles M. Sternberg in Alberta, Canada, in 1946, and named in 1950. Over a dozen partial skulls and a large assortment of other fossils from various species have been found in Alberta and Alaska. A great number were not available for study until the 1980s, resulting in a relatively recent increase of interest in Pachyrhinosaurus.

Three species have been identified. P. lakustai, from the Wapiti Formation, the bonebed horizon of which is roughly equivalent age to the upper Bearpaw and lower Horseshoe Canyon Formations, is known to have existed from about 73.5–72.5 million years ago. P. canadensis is younger, known from the lower Horseshoe Canyon Formation, about 71.5–71 Ma ago and the St. Mary River Formation. Fossils of the youngest species, P. perotorum, have been recovered from the Prince Creek Formation of Alaska, and date to 70–69 Ma ago. The presence of three known species makes this genus the most speciose among the centrosaurines.


Kiba fired a wave of earth and it formed into the rauisuchid from 221 million years ago: Postosuchus!

Postosuchus, meaning "Crocodile from Post", is an extinct genus of rauisuchid reptiles comprising two species, P. kirkpatricki and P. alisonae, that lived in what is now North America during the Late Triassic. Postosuchus is a member of the clade Pseudosuchia, the lineage of archosaurs that includes modern crocodilians (the other main group of archosaurs is Avemetatarsalia, the lineage that includes non-avian dinosaurs and their descendants, birds). Its name refers to Post Quarry, a place in Texas where many fossils of the type species, P. kirkpatricki, were found. It was one of the apex predators of its area during the Triassic, larger than the small dinosaur predators of its time (such as Coelophysis). It was a hunter which probably preyed on large large bulky herbivores like dicynodonts and many other creatures smaller than itself (such as early dinosaurs).

The skeleton of Postosuchus is large and robust with a deep skull and a long tail. The total body length is about 4 to 5 metres (13 to 16 ft). The extreme shortness of the forelimbs relative to the hind limbs, the very small hands, and measurements of the vertebrae suggest that Postosuchus may have been committed to bipedal locomotion.


Rock Lee fired a wave of earth and it formed into the therapsid from 265 million years ago: Moschops!

Moschops (Greek for "calf face") is an extinct genus of therapsids that lived in the Guadalupian epoch, around 265–260 million years ago. They were heavily built plant eaters, and they may have lived partly in water, as hippopotamuses do. They had short, thick heads and might have competed by head-butting each other. Their elbow joints allowed them to walk with a more mammal-like gait rather than crawling. Their remains were found in the Karoo region of South Africa, belonging to the Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone. Therapsids, such as Moschops, are synapsids, the dominant land animals in the Permian period, which ended 252 million years ago.


Tenten fired a wave of earth and it formed into the armored dinosaur from 68 million years ago: Ankylosaurus!

Ankylosaurus is a genus of armored dinosaur. Its fossils have been found in geological formations dating to the very end of the Cretaceous Period, about 68–66 million years ago, in western North America, making it among the last of the non-avian dinosaurs. It was named by Barnum Brown in 1908; the only species in the genus is A. magniventris. The genus name means "fused lizard", and the specific name means "great belly". A handful of specimens have been excavated to date, but a complete skeleton has not been discovered. Though other members of Ankylosauria are represented by more extensive fossil material, Ankylosaurus is often considered the archetypal member of its group, despite having some unusual features.

Possibly the largest-known ankylosaurid, Ankylosaurus is estimated to have been between 6 and 8 meters (20 and 26 ft) long and to have weighed between 4.8 and 8 metric tons (5.3 and 8.8 short tons). It was quadrupedal, with a broad, robust body. It had a wide, low skull, with two horns pointing backward from the back of the head, and two horns below these that pointed backward and down. Unlike other ankylosaurs, its nostrils faced sideways rather than towards the front. The front part of the jaws was covered in a beak, with rows of small, leaf-shaped teeth farther behind it. It was covered in armor plates, or osteoderms, with bony half-rings covering the neck, and had a large club on the end of its tail. Bones in the skull and other parts of the body were fused, increasing their strength, and this feature is the source of the genus name.

Ankylosaurus is a member of the family Ankylosauridae, and its closest relatives appear to be Anodontosaurus and Euoplocephalus. Ankylosaurus is thought to have been a slow-moving animal, able to make quick movements when necessary. Its broad muzzle indicates it was a non-selective browser. Sinuses and nasal chambers in the snout may have been for heat and water balance or may have played a role in vocalization. The tail club is thought to have been used in defense against predators or in intraspecific combat. Ankylosaurus has been found in the Hell Creek, Lance, Scollard, Frenchman, and Ferris formations, but appears to have been rare in its environment. Although it lived alongside a nodosaurid ankylosaur, their ranges and ecological niches do not appear to have overlapped, and Ankylosaurus may have inhabited upland areas. Ankylosaurus also lived alongside dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, and Edmontosaurus.


Neji fired a wave of earth and it formed into the armored dinosaur from 139 million years ago: Gastonia!

Gastonia is a genus of herbivorous ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of North America, around 125 million years ago. It is often considered a nodosaurid closely related to Polacanthus. Gastonia has a sacral shield and large shoulder spikes.


Ino fired a wave of fire and it formed into the sauropodomorph dinosaur from 200 million years ago: Massospondylus!

Massospondylus (/ˌmæsoʊˈspɒndɪləs/ mas-oh-SPON-di-ləs; from Greek, μάσσων (massōn, "longer") and σπόνδυλος (spondylos, "vertebra")) is a genus of sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Early Jurassic Period (Hettangian to Pliensbachian ages, ca. 200–183 million years ago). It was described by Sir Richard Owen in 1854 from remains discovered in South Africa, and is thus one of the first dinosaurs to have been named. Fossils have since been found at other locations in South Africa, Lesotho, and Zimbabwe. Material from Arizona's Kayenta Formation, India, and Argentina has been assigned to this genus at various times, but the Arizonan and Argentinian material are now assigned to other genera.

The type species is M. carinatus; seven other species have been named during the past 150 years, but only M. kaalae among these is still considered valid. Early sauropodomorphs systematics have undergone numerous revisions during the last several years, and many scientists disagree where exactly Massospondylus lies on the dinosaur evolutionary tree. The family name Massospondylidae was once coined for the genus, but because knowledge of early sauropodomorph relationships is in a state of flux, it is unclear which other dinosaurs—if any—belong in a natural grouping of massospondylids; several 2007 papers support the family's validity.

Although Massospondylus was long depicted as quadrupedal, a 2007 study found it to be bipedal. It was probably a plant eater (herbivore), although it is speculated that the early sauropodomorphs may have been omnivorous. This animal, which was 4–6 metres (13–20 ft) long, had a long neck and tail, with a small head and slender body. On each of its forefeet, it bore a sharp thumb claw that was used in defense or feeding. Recent studies indicate that Massospondylus grew steadily throughout its lifespan, possessed air sacs similar to those of birds, and may have cared for its young.


Haku fired a wave of ice and it formed into the ancestral elephant of the Great Ice Age from 5.3 million to 10,000 years ago: The American Mastodon!

A mastodon (Greek: μαστός "breast" and ὀδούς, "tooth") is any proboscidean belonging to the extinct genus Mammut (family Mammutidae) that inhabited North and Central America during the late Miocene or late Pliocene up to their extinction at the end of the Pleistocene 10,000 to 11,000 years ago. Mastodons lived in herds and were predominantly forest-dwelling animals that lived on a mixed diet obtained by browsing and grazing, somewhat similar to their distant relatives, modern elephants, but probably with greater emphasis on browsing.

M. americanum, the American mastodon, and M. pacificus, the Pacific mastodon, are the youngest and best-known species of the genus. Mastodons disappeared from North America as part of a mass extinction of most of the Pleistocene megafauna, widely believed to have been caused by overexploitation by Clovis hunters.


Sasuke fired a wave of lightning and it formed into the fast carnivore from 150.8 million years ago: Compsognathus!

Compsognathus (/kɒmpˈsɒɡnəθəs/; Greek kompsos/κομψός; "elegant", "refined" or "dainty", and gnathos/γνάθος; "jaw") is a genus of small, bipedal, carnivorous theropod dinosaur. Members of its single species Compsognathus longipes could grow to around the size of a turkey. They lived about 150 million years ago, during the Tithonian age of the late Jurassic period, in what is now Europe. Paleontologists have found two well-preserved fossils, one in Germany in the 1850s and the second in France more than a century later. Today, C. longipes is the only recognized species, although the larger specimen discovered in France in the 1970s was once thought to belong to a separate species and named C. corallestris.

Many presentations still describe Compsognathus as "chicken-sized" dinosaurs because of the size of the German specimen, which is now believed to be a juvenile. Compsognathus longipes is one of the few dinosaur species whose diet is known with certainty: the remains of small, agile lizards are preserved in the bellies of both specimens. Teeth discovered in Portugal may be further fossil remains of the genus.

Although not recognized as such at the time of its discovery, Compsognathus is the first theropod dinosaur known from a reasonably complete fossil skeleton. Until the 1990s, it was the smallest-known non-avialan dinosaur, with the preceding centuries incorrectly labelling them as the closest relative of Archaeopteryx.


Sakura fired a wave of earth and it formed into the huge sauropod from 70 million years ago: Titanosaurus!

Titanosaurus (meaning 'titanic lizard' – named after the mythological Titans, deities of Ancient Greece) is a dubious genus of sauropod dinosaurs, first described by Lydekker in 1877. It is known from the Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) Lameta Formation of India.


Fu fired a wave of energy and it formed into the Silurian early scorpions from over 423 million years ago: Brontoscorpio!

Brontoscorpio anglicus is a species of fossil scorpion. Its remains were discovered in Upper Silurian-aged sandstone from Trimpley, Worcestershire, and the species was described on the basis of an incomplete single free finger of a pedipalp, almost 10 centimetres (3.9 in) long. The complete animal is estimated to have been at least 90 centimetres (35 in) long.

The remains were found in terrestrial sediments, but it is believed, that due to its size, Brontoscorpio had to enter the water to molt. Possibly it lived a semi or fully aquatic life.


Shino fired a wave of energy and it formed into the Carboniferous Trilobite from 345 million years ago: Arthropleura!

Arthropleura (Greek for jointed ribs) is a genus of extinct millipede arthropods that lived in what is now northeastern North America and Scotland around 345 to 295 million years ago, from the Viséan stage of the lower Carboniferous Period to the Asselian stage of the lower Permian Period. The larger species of the genus are the largest known land invertebrates of all time, and would have had few, if any, predators.


Zabuza fired a wave of water and it formed into the largest crocodilian dinosaur ever known from 133 million years ago: Sarcosuchus!

Sarcosuchus (/ˌsɑːrkoʊˈsuːkəs/; meaning "flesh crocodile") is an extinct genus of crocodyliform and distant relative of living crocodylians that lived during the Early Cretaceous, from the late Hauterivian to the early Albian, 133 to 112 million years ago of what is now Africa and South America. It was one of the largest crocodile-line reptiles, reaching an average estimate of 9 m (30 ft) and 3.5 metric tons (3.9 short tons), but estimated to grow up to 9.5 m (31 ft) in body length and weigh up to 4.3 metric tons (4.7 short tons). It is known from two species, S. imperator from the early Albian Elrhaz Formation of Niger and S. hartti from the Late Hauterivian of northeastern Brazil, other material is known from Morocco and Tunisia and possibly Libya and Mali.

The first remains were discovered during several expeditions led by the French paleontologist Albert-Félix de Lapparent, spanning from 1946 to 1959, in the Sahara. These remains were fragments of the skull, vertebrae, teeth, and scutes. In 1964, an almost complete skull was found in Niger by the French CEA, but it was not until 1997 and 2000 that most of its anatomy became known to science, when an expedition led by the American paleontologist Paul Sereno discovered six new specimens, including one with about half the skeleton intact and most of the spine.


Kabuto fired a wave of water and it formed into a herd of beautiful hadrosaurs from 76.5 million years ago: Parasaurolophus!

Parasaurolophus (/ˌpærəsɔːˈrɒləfəs, -ˌsɔːrəˈloʊfəs/; meaning "near crested lizard" in reference to Saurolophus) is a genus of herbivorous ornithopod dinosaur that lived in what is now North America and possibly Asia during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 76.5–73 million years ago. It was an herbivore that walked both as a biped and as a quadruped. Three species are universally recognized: P. walkeri (the type species), P. tubicen, and the short-crested P. cyrtocristatus. Additionally, a fourth species, P. jiayensis, has been proposed, although it is more commonly placed in the separate genus Charonosaurus. Remains are known from Alberta (Canada), New Mexico and Utah (United States), and possibly Heilongjiang, (China). The genus was first described in 1922 by William Parks from a skull and partial skeleton found in Alberta.

Parasaurolophus was a hadrosaurid, part of a diverse family of Cretaceous dinosaurs known for their range of bizarre head adornments. This genus is known for its large, elaborate cranial crest, which at its largest forms a long curved tube projecting upwards and back from the skull. Charonosaurus from China, which may have been its closest relative, had a similar skull and potentially a similar crest. Visual recognition of both species and sex, acoustic resonance, and thermoregulation have been proposed as functional explanations for the crest. It is one of the rarer hadrosaurids, known from only a handful of good specimens.


Finn fired a wave of water and it formed into a heard of hadrosaurs from 76 million years ago: Lambeosaurus!

Lambeosaurus (/ˌlæmbioʊˈsɔːrəs/ LAM-bee-o-SAWR-əs; meaning "Lambe's lizard") is a genus of hadrosaurid dinosaur that lived about 75 million years ago, in the Late Cretaceous period (Campanian stage) of North America. This bipedal/quadrupedal, herbivorous dinosaur is known for its distinctive hollow cranial crest, which in the best-known species resembled a hatchet. Several possible species have been named, from Canada, the United States, and Mexico, but only the two Canadian species are currently recognized as valid.

Material relevant to the genus was first named by Lawrence Lambe in 1902. Over twenty years later, the modern name was coined in 1923 by William Parks, in honour of Lambe, based on better preserved specimens. The genus has a complicated taxonomic history, in part because small-bodied crested hadrosaurids now recognized as juveniles were once thought to belong to their own genera and species. Currently, the various skulls assigned to the type species L. lambei are interpreted as showing age differences and sexual dimorphism. Lambeosaurus was closely related to the better known Corythosaurus, which is found in slightly older rocks, as well as the less well-known genera Hypacrosaurus and Olorotitan. All had unusual crests, which are now generally assumed to have served social functions like noisemaking and recognition.


Jake fired a wave of water and it formed into a herd of hadrosaurs from 70 million years ago: Tsintaosaurus!

Tsintaosaurus (/tʃɪŋdaʊˈsɔːrəs/; meaning "Qingdao lizard", after the old transliteration "Tsingtao") is a genus of hadrosaurid dinosaur from China. It was about 8.3 metres (27 ft) long and weighed 2.5 tonnes. The type species is Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus, first described by Chinese paleontologist C. C. Young in 1958.

A hadrosaur, Tsintaosaurus had a characteristic 'duck bill' snout and a battery of powerful teeth which it used to chew vegetation. It usually walked on all fours, but could rear up on its hind legs to scout for predators and flee when it spotted one. Like other hadrosaurs, Tsintaosaurus probably lived in herds.


Flame Princess fired a wave of fire and it formed into theropod from 100 million years ago: Carcharodontosaurus!

Carcharodontosaurus /ˌkɑːrkəroʊˌdɒntoʊˈsɔːrəs/ is a genus of carnivorous carcharodontosaurid dinosaurs that existed during the Cenomanian stage of the mid-Cretaceous Period in Northern Africa. It is currently known to include two species: C. saharicus and C. iguidensis, which are among the larger theropods, nearly as large as or even larger than Tyrannosaurus, Giganotosaurus, and Spinosaurus.

The genus Carcharodontosaurus is named after the shark genus Carcharodon, itself composed of the Greek karchar[os] (κάρχαρος, meaning "jagged" or "sharp") and odōn (ὀδών, "teeth"), and the suffix -saurus ("lizard").


Mario fired a wave of water and it formed into the hadrosaur from 77 million years ago: Corythosaurus!

Corythosaurus /ˌkɒrɪθoʊˈsɔːrəs/ is a genus of hadrosaurid "duck-billed" dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous Period, about 77–75.7 million years ago. It lived in what is now North America. Its name means "helmet lizard", derived from Greek κόρυς. It was named and described in 1914 by Barnum Brown. Corythosaurus is now thought to be a lambeosaurine, related to Nipponosaurus, Velafrons, Hypacrosaurus, and Olorotitan. Corythosaurus has an estimated length of 9 metres (30 ft), and has a skull, including the crest, that is 70.8 centimetres (27.9 in; 2.32 ft) tall.

Corythosaurus is known from many complete specimens, including the nearly complete holotype found by Brown in 1911. The holotype skeleton is only missing the last section of the tail, and part of the forelimbs, but was preserved with impressions of polygonal scales. Corythosaurus is known from many skulls with tall crests. The crests resemble the crests of the cassowary and a Corinthian helmet. The most likely function of the crest is thought to be vocalization. As in a trombone, sound waves would travel through many chambers in the crest, and then get amplified when Corythosaurus exhaled. A Corythosaurus specimen has been preserved with its last meal in its chest cavity. Inside the cavity were remains of conifer needles, seeds, twigs, and fruits: Corythosaurus probably fed on all of these.

The two species of Corythosaurus are both present in slightly different levels of the Dinosaur Park Formation. Both still co-existed with theropods and other ornithischians, like Daspletosaurus, Brachylophosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Scolosaurus, and Chasmosaurus.


Luigi fired a wave of energy and it formed into a swarm of the Carboniferous dragonflies from 305 million years ago: Meganeura!

Meganeura is a genus of extinct insects from the Carboniferous period (approximately 300 million years ago), which resembled and are related to the present-day dragonflies. With wingspans ranging from 65 cm (25.6 in) to over 70 cm (28 in), M. monyi is one of the largest-known flying insect species. Meganeura were predatory, with their diet mainly consisting of other insects.

Wing venation of Meganeura monyi, redrawn after Brongniart (1893, Pl. XLI)

Fossils were discovered in the French Stephanian Coal Measures of Commentry in 1880. In 1885, French paleontologist Charles Brongniart described and named the fossil "Meganeura" (large-nerved), which refers to the network of veins on the insect's wings. Another fine fossil specimen was found in 1979 at Bolsover in Derbyshire. The holotype is housed in the National Museum of Natural History, in Paris.


Mei fired a wave of water and it formed into the largest and most meanest shark ever to swim the ocean and the ancestor of the Great White Shark from 23 million years ago.

Megalodon (Carcharocles megalodon), meaning "big tooth", is an extinct species of shark that lived approximately 23 to 3.6 million years ago (mya), during the Early Miocene to the Pliocene. It was formerly thought to be a member of the family Lamnidae and a close relative of the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias). However, it is now classified into the extinct family Otodontidae, which diverged from the great white shark during the Early Cretaceous. Its genus placement is still debated, authors placing it in either Carcharocles, Megaselachus, Otodus, or Procarcharodon. This is because transitional fossils have been found showing that Megalodon is the final chronospecies of a lineage of giant sharks originally of the genus Otodus which evolved during the Paleocene.

While regarded as one of the largest and most powerful predators to have ever lived, megalodon is known from fragmentary remains, and its appearance and maximum size are uncertain. Scientists differ on whether it would have more closely resembled a stockier version of the great white shark, the basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) or the sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus). Most estimates of megalodon's size extrapolate from teeth; with maximum length estimates up to 18 meters (59 ft) and average length estimates of 10.5 meters (34 ft). Estimates suggest their large jaws could exert a bite force of up to 110,000 to 180,000 newtons (25,000 to 40,000 lbf). Their teeth were thick and robust, built for grabbing prey and breaking bone.

Megalodon probably had a major impact on the structure of marine communities. The fossil record indicates that it had a cosmopolitan distribution. It probably targeted large prey, such as whales, seals and sea turtles. Juveniles inhabited warm coastal waters and fed on fish and small whales. Unlike the great white, which attacks prey from the soft underside, megalodon probably used its strong jaws to break through the chest cavity and puncture the heart and lungs of its prey.

The animal faced competition from whale-eating cetaceans, such as Livyatan and other macroraptorial sperm whales and possibly smaller ancestral killer whales. As the shark preferred warmer waters, it is thought that oceanic cooling associated with the onset of the ice ages, coupled with the lowering of sea levels and resulting loss of suitable nursery areas, may have also contributed to its decline. A reduction in the diversity of baleen whales and a shift in their distribution toward polar regions may have reduced megalodon's primary food source. A 2019 study reviewed newer evidence suggesting that competition from the modern great white shark may have also contributed to the extinction of megalodon, coupled with range fragmentation resulting in a gradual, asynchronous extinction as a result of cooling oceans around 3.6–4 million years ago, far earlier than previously assumed. The extinction of the shark appeared to affect other animals; for example, the size of baleen whales increased significantly after the shark had disappeared.


Carol fired a wave of Earth and it formed into the awesome dinosaur from 155 million years ago: Stegosaurus!

Stegosaurus (/ˌstɛɡəˈsɔːrəs/), from Greek stegos (στέγος), which means roof, and sauros (σαῦρος), which means lizard, is a genus of herbivorous thyreophoran dinosaur. Fossils of this genus date to the Late Jurassic period, where they are found in Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian aged strata, between 155 and 150 million years ago, in the western United States and Portugal. Of the species that have been classified in the upper Morrison Formation of the western US, only three are universally recognized; S. stenops, S. ungulatus and S. sulcatus. The remains of over 80 individual animals of this genus have been found. Stegosaurus would have lived alongside dinosaurs such as Apatosaurus, Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus, Allosaurus, and Ceratosaurus; the latter two may have preyed on it.

These were large, heavily built, herbivorous quadrupeds with rounded backs, short fore limbs, long hind limbs, and tails held high in the air. Due to their distinctive combination of broad, upright plates and tail tipped with spikes, Stegosaurus is one of the most recognizable kinds of dinosaurs. The function of this array of plates and spikes has been the subject of much speculation among scientists. Today, it is generally agreed that their spiked tails were most likely used for defense against predators, while their plates may have been used primarily for display, and secondarily for thermoregulatory functions. Stegosaurus had a relatively low brain-to-body mass ratio. It had a short neck and a small head, meaning it most likely ate low-lying bushes and shrubs. One species, Stegosaurus ungulatus, is the largest known of all the stegosaurians (bigger than related dinosaurs such as Kentrosaurus and Huayangosaurus).

Stegosaurus remains were first identified during the "Bone Wars" by Othniel Charles Marsh at Dinosaur Ridge National Landmark. The first known skeletons were fragmentary and the bones were scattered, and it would be many years before the true appearance of these animals, including their posture and plate arrangement, became well understood. Despite its popularity in books and film, mounted skeletons of Stegosaurus did not become a staple of major natural history museums until the mid-20th century, and many museums have had to assemble composite displays from several different specimens due to a lack of complete skeletons. Stegosaurus is one of the better-known dinosaurs, and has been featured in film, postal stamps, and many other types of media.


Beast Boy fired a wave of earth and it formed into the fierce dinosaur from 68 million years ago: Triceratops!

Triceratops is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsid dinosaur that first appeared during the late Maastrichtian stage of the late Cretaceous period, about 68 million years ago (mya) in what is now North America. It is one of the last known non-avian dinosaur genera, and became extinct in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 66 million years ago. The name Triceratops, which literally means "three-horned face", is derived from the Ancient Greek words τρί- (tri-) meaning "three", κέρας (kéras) meaning "horn", and ὤψ (ōps) meaning "face".

Triceratops has been documented by numerous remains collected since the genus was first described in 1889 by Othniel Charles Marsh. Specimens representing life stages from hatchling to adult have been found. As the archetypal ceratopsid, Triceratops is one of the most popular dinosaurs, and has been featured in film, postal stamps, and many other types of media.

Bearing a large bony frill and three horns on the skull, and its large four-legged body possessing similarities with the modern rhinoceros, Triceratops is one of the most recognizable of all dinosaurs and the best-known ceratopsid. It was also one of the largest, up to 9 meters (29.5 ft) long and 12 metric tons (13 short tons) in weight. It shared the landscape with and was probably preyed upon by Tyrannosaurus, though it is less certain that the two did battle in the fanciful manner often depicted in museum displays and popular images. The functions of the frills and three distinctive facial horns on its head have long inspired debate. Traditionally, these have been viewed as defensive weapons against predators. More recent interpretations find it probable that these features were primarily used in species identification, courtship and dominance display, much like the antlers and horns of modern ungulates.

Triceratops was traditionally placed within the "short-frilled" ceratopsids but modern cladistic studies show it to be a member of the Chasmosaurinae which usually have long frills. Two species, T. horridus and T. prorsus, are considered valid today, from the seventeen species that have ever been named. Research published in 2010 concluded that the contemporaneous Torosaurus, a ceratopsid long regarded as a separate genus, represents Triceratops in its mature form. This view was immediately disputed with examination of more fossil evidence needed to settle the debate.


Linka fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ceratopsian from 68 million years ago: Torosaurus!

Torosaurus ("perforated lizard", in reference to the large openings in its frill) is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsid dinosaur that lived during the late Maastrichtian stage of the Cretaceous period, between 68 and 66 million years ago, though it is possible that the species range might extend to as far as 69 million years ago. Fossils have been discovered across the Western Interior of North America, from Saskatchewan to southern Texas.

Torosaurus possessed one of the largest skulls of any known land animal. The frilled skull reached up to 2.77 metres (9.1 ft) in length. From head to tail, Torosaurus is thought to have measured about 8 to 9 m (26 to 30 ft) long and weighed four to six tonnes. Torosaurus is distinguished from the contemporary Triceratops by an elongate frill with large openings (fenestrae), long squamosal bones of the frill with a trough on their upper surface, and the presence of five or more pairs of hornlets (epoccipitals) on the back of the frill. Torosaurus also lacked the long nose horn seen in Triceratops prorsus, and instead resembled the earlier and more basal Triceratops horridus in having a short nose horn. Three species have been named, Torosaurus latus, T. gladius and T. utahensis. T. gladius is no longer considered a valid species, however.

In 2010, the validity of Torosaurus was disputed. A study of fossil bone histology combined with an investigation of frill shape concluded that Torosaurus probably represented the mature form of Triceratops, with the bones of typical Triceratops specimens still immature and showing signs of a first development of distinct Torosaurus frill holes. During maturation, the skull frill would have been greatly lengthened and holes would have appeared in it. In 2011, 2012 and 2013 however, studies of external features of known specimens have claimed that morphological differences between the two genera preclude their synonymy. The main problems are a lack of good transitional forms, the apparent existence of authentic Torosaurus subadults, different skull proportions independent of maturation and the assertion that hole formation at an adult stage is not part of a normal ceratopsian maturation sequence.


Paula fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ceratopsian from 75.9 million years ago: Nasutoceratops!

Nasutoceratops is an extinct genus of ceratopsian dinosaur. It is a basal centrosaurine which lived during the Late Cretaceous Period (late Campanian, about 76.0-75.5 Ma). Fossils have been found in southern Utah, United States. Nasutoceratops was a large, ground-dwelling, quadrupedal herbivore with a short snout and unique rounded horns above its eyes that have been likened to those of modern cattle. Extending almost to the tip of its snout, these horns are the longest of all the members of the centrosaurine subfamily. The presence of pneumatic elements in the nasal bones of Nasutoceratops are a unique trait and are unknown in any other ceratopsid. Nasutoceratops, Diabloceratops, and Machairoceratops are the only three centrosaurine dinosaurs from the American southwest.


Margo fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ceratopsian from 76.5 million years ago: Centrosaurus!

Centrosaurus (/ˌsɛntroʊˈsɔːrəs/ SEN-tro-SAWR-əs) is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsian dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of Canada. Their remains have been found in the Dinosaur Park Formation, dating from 76.5 to 75.5 million years ago.


Hulk fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ceratopsian from 75.5 million years ago: Styracosaurus!

Styracosaurus (/stɪˌrækəˈsɔːrəs/ sti-RAK-ə-SOR-əs; meaning "spiked lizard" from the Ancient Greek styrax/στύραξ "spike at the butt-end of a spear-shaft" and sauros/σαῦρος "lizard") is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsian dinosaur from the Cretaceous Period (Campanian stage), about 75.5 to 75 million years ago. It had four to six long parietal spikes extending from its neck frill, a smaller jugal horn on each of its cheeks, and a single horn protruding from its nose, which may have been up to 60 centimetres (2 feet) long and 15 centimetres (6 inches) wide. The function or functions of the horns and frills have been debated for many years.

Styracosaurus was a relatively large dinosaur, reaching lengths of 5.5 metres (18 feet) and weighing nearly 3 tonnes. It stood about 1.8 meters (5.9 feet) tall. Styracosaurus possessed four short legs and a bulky body. Its tail was rather short. The skull had a beak and shearing cheek teeth arranged in continuous dental batteries, suggesting that the animal sliced up plants. Like other ceratopsians, this dinosaur may have been a herd animal, travelling in large groups, as suggested by bonebeds.

Named by Lawrence Lambe in 1913, Styracosaurus is a member of the Centrosaurinae. One species, S. albertensis, is currently assigned to Styracosaurus. Another species, S. ovatus, named in 1930 by Charles Gilmore was reassigned to a new genus, Rubeosaurus, by Andrew McDonald and Jack Horner in 2010.


She-Hulk fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ramming dinosaur from 70 million years ago: Pachycephalosaurus!

Pachycephalosaurus (/ˌpækɪˌsɛfələˈsɔːrəs/; meaning "thick-headed lizard," from Greek pachys-/παχύς- "thick", kephale/κεφαλή "head" and sauros/σαῦρος "lizard") is a genus of pachycephalosaurid dinosaurs. The type species, P. wyomingensis, is the only known species. It lived during the Late Cretaceous Period (Maastrichtian stage) of what is now North America. Remains have been excavated in Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming and Alberta. It was a herbivorous creature which is primarily known from a single skull and a few extremely thick skull roofs, though more complete fossils have been found in recent years. Pachycephalosaurus was one of the last non-avian dinosaurs before the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event. Another dinosaur, Tylosteus of western North America, has been synonymized with Pachycephalosaurus, as have the genera Stygimoloch and Dracorex in recent studies.

Like other pachycephalosaurids, Pachycephalosaurus was a bipedal herbivore with an extremely thick skull roof. It possessed long hindlimbs and small forelimbs. Pachycephalosaurus is the largest-known pachycephalosaur. The thick skull domes of Pachycephalosaurus and related genera gave rise to the hypothesis that pachycephalosaurs used their skulls in intra-species combat. This hypothesis has been disputed in recent years.


Pinkie Pie fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ramming dinosaur from 80 million years ago: Prenocephale!

Prenocephale was a small pachycephalosaurid dinosaur genus from the Late Cretaceous (Campanian) of Mongolia and was similar in many ways to its close relative, Homalocephale, which may simply represent Prenocephale juveniles.


Rarity fired a wave of crystal and it formed into the protosauropod from 214 million years ago: Plateosaurus!

Plateosaurus (probably meaning "broad lizard", often mistranslated as "flat lizard") is a genus of plateosaurid dinosaur that lived during the Late Triassic period, around 214 to 204 million years ago, in what is now Central and Northern Europe and Greenland, North America. Plateosaurus is a basal (early) sauropodomorph dinosaur, a so-called "prosauropod". As of 2011, two species are recognised: the type species P. engelhardti from the late Norian and Rhaetian, and the slightly earlier P. gracilis from the lower Norian. However, others have been assigned in the past, and there is no broad consensus on the species taxonomy of plateosaurid dinosaurs. Similarly, there are a plethora of synonyms (invalid duplicate names) at the genus level.

Discovered in 1834 by Johann Friedrich Engelhardt and described three years later by Hermann von Meyer, Plateosaurus was the fifth named dinosaur genus that is still considered valid. Although it had been described before Richard Owen formally named Dinosauria in 1842, it was not one of the three genera used by Owen to define the group, because at the time, it was poorly known and difficult to identify as a dinosaur. It is now among the dinosaurs best known to science: over 100 skeletons have been found, some of them nearly complete. The abundance of its fossils in Swabia, Germany, has led to the nickname Schwäbischer Lindwurm (Swabian lindworm).

Plateosaurus was a bipedal herbivore with a small skull on a long, flexible neck, sharp but plump plant-crushing teeth, powerful hind limbs, short but muscular arms and grasping hands with large claws on three fingers, possibly used for defence and feeding. Unusually for a dinosaur, Plateosaurus showed strong developmental plasticity: instead of having a fairly uniform adult size, fully grown individuals were between 4.8 and 10 metres (16 and 33 ft) long and weighed between 600 and 4,000 kilograms (1,300 and 8,800 lb). Commonly, the animals lived for at least 12 to 20 years, but the maximum life span is not known.

Despite the great quantity and excellent quality of the fossil material, Plateosaurus was for a long time one of the most misunderstood dinosaurs. Some researchers proposed theories that were later shown to conflict with geological and palaeontological evidence, but have become the paradigm of public opinion. Since 1980 the taxonomy (relationships), taphonomy (how the animals became embedded and fossilised), biomechanics (how their skeletons worked), and palaeobiology (life circumstances) of Plateosaurus have been re-studied in detail, altering the interpretation of the animal's biology, posture and behaviour.


Zuko fired a wave of fire and it formed into the stegosaur from 160 million years ago: Tuojiangosaurus!

Tuojiangosaurus (meaning "Tuo River lizard") is a genus of herbivorous stegosaurid dinosaur from the Late Jurassic Period, recovered from the Upper Shaximiao Formation of what is now Sichuan Province in China.


Azula fired a wave of lightning and it formed into the stegosaur from 152 million years ago: Kentrosaurus!

Kentrosaurus (/ˌkɛntroʊˈsɔːrəs/ KEN-tro-SAWR-əs) is a genus of stegosaurian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of Tanzania. The type species is K. aethiopicus, named and described by German palaeontologist Edwin Hennig in 1915. Often thought to be a "primitive" member of the Stegosauria, several recent cladistic analyses find it as more derived than many other stegosaurs, and a close relative of Stegosaurus from the North American Morrison Formation within the Stegosauridae.

Fossils of K. aethiopicus have been found only in the Tendaguru Formation, dated to the late Kimmeridgian and early Tithonian ages, about 152 million years ago. Hundreds of bones were unearthed by German expeditions to German East Africa between 1909 and 1912. Although no complete skeletons are known, the remains provided a nearly complete picture of the build of the animal.

Kentrosaurus generally measured around 4.5 metres (15 ft) in length as an adult, and weighed about one tonne (1.1 tons). It walked on all fours with straight hindlimbs. It had a small, elongated head with a beak used to bite off plant material that would be digested in a large gut. It had a, probably double, row of small plates running down its neck and back. These plates gradually merged into spikes on the hip and tail. The longest spikes were on the tail end and were used to actively defend the animal. There also was a long spike on each shoulder. The thigh bones come in two different types, suggesting that one sex was larger and more stout than the other.


Volcana fired a wave of lava and it formed into the Stegosaur from 150 million years ago: Miragaia!

Miragaia (named after Miragaia, the parish in Portugal and geologic unit where its remains were found) is a long-necked stegosaurid dinosaur. Its fossils have been found in Upper Jurassic rocks in Portugal. Miragaia has the longest neck known for any stegosaurian, which included at least seventeen vertebrae.


Meowth fired a wave of earth and it formed into the early ancestors of the Rhinoceros from 38 million years ago: Brontotherium!

Megacerops ("large-horned face", from méga- "large" + kéras "horn" + ōps "face") is an extinct genus of the prehistoric odd-toed ungulate (hoofed mammal) family Brontotheriidae, an extinct group of rhinoceros-like browsers related to horses. It was endemic to North America during the Late Eocene epoch (38–33.9 mya), existing for approximately 4.1 million years.


Jessie fired a wave of earth and it formed into the first wild boar from 43 million years ago: Andrewsarchus!

Andrewsarchus (/ˌændruːˈsɑːrkəs/) is an extinct genus of mammal that lived during the middle Eocene epoch in what is now Inner Mongolia, China. Only one species is usually recognized, A. mongoliensis, known from a single skull of great size discovered in 1923 during the expeditions to central Asia by the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). Generally classified as a mesonychid since its original description, most recent studies classify it as an artiodactyl, in one study specifically, as a member of the clade Cetancodontamorpha, closely related to entelodonts, hippos and whales.


James fired a wave of earth and it formed into the Dicynodont from 255 million years ago: Lystrosaurus!

Lystrosaurus (/ˌlɪstroʊˈsɔːrəs/; 'shovel lizard'; proper Greek is λίστρον lístron 'tool for leveling or smoothing, shovel, spade, hoe') was a herbivorous genus of dicynodont therapsids from the late Permian and Early Triassic epochs (around 250 million years ago). It lived in what is now Antarctica, India, China, Mongolia, European Russia and South Africa. Four to six species are currently recognized, although from the 1930s to 1970s the number of species was thought to be much higher. They ranged in size from that of a small dog to 2.5 meters long.

Being a dicynodont, Lystrosaurus had only two teeth (a pair of tusk-like canines), and is thought to have had a horny beak that was used for biting off pieces of vegetation. Lystrosaurus was a heavily built, herbivorous animal, approximately the size of a pig. The structure of its shoulders and hip joints suggests that Lystrosaurus moved with a semi-sprawling gait. The forelimbs were even more robust than the hindlimbs, and the animal is thought to have been a powerful digger that nested in burrows.

Lystrosaurus survived the Permian-Triassic extinction, 252 million years ago. In the Early Triassic, they were by far the most common terrestrial vertebrates, accounting for as many as 95% of the total individuals in some fossil beds. Researchers have offered various hypotheses for why Lystrosaurus survived the extinction event and prospered in the early Triassic.


Star fired a wave of earth and it formed into one of the first ever ancestors of the elephant from 24 million years ago: Deinotherium!

Deinotherium ("terrible beast" derived from the Ancient Greek δεινός, deinos meaning "terrible" and θηρίον, therion meaning "beast") was a large prehistoric relative of modern-day elephants that appeared in the Middle Miocene and survived until the Early Pleistocene. During that time, it changed very little. In life, it probably resembled modern elephants, except it had downward-curving tusks attached to the lower jaw.


Marco fired a wave of wood and it formed into the ancestor of the leopard from 5 million years ago: Dinofelis!

Dinofelis is a genus of extinct sabre-toothed cats belonging to the tribe Metailurini. They were widespread in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America at least 5 million to about 1.2 million years ago (Early Pliocene to Early Pleistocene). Fossils very similar to Dinofelis from Lothagam range back to the Late Miocene, some 8 million years ago.


Kitten fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ancestor of the llama from 7 million years ago: Macrauchenia!

Macrauchenia ("long llama", based on the now superseded Latin term for llamas, Auchenia, from Greek "big neck") was a large, long-necked and long-limbed, three-toed native South American mammal in the order Litopterna. The genus gives its name to its family, the Macraucheniidae or "robust litopterns". Like other litopterns, it is not closely related to any living mammal, being most closely related to the group containing horses, rhinos and tapirs (the Perissodactyla), from which litopterns diverged approximately 66 million years ago. The oldest fossils in the genus date to the late Miocene, around seven million years ago, and M. patachonica disappears from the fossil record during the late Pleistocene, around 20,000-10,000 years ago. M. patachonica is one of the last and best known member of the family and is known primarily from the Luján Formation in Argentina, but is known from localities across southern South America. Another genus of macraucheniid Xenorhinotherium was present in northeast Brazil and Venezuela during the Late Pleistocene. The type specimen was discovered by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle. In life, Macrauchenia may have resembled a humpless camel, though the two taxa are not closely related. It fed on plants in a variety of environments across what is now South America. Among the species described, M. patachonica and M. ullomensis are considered valid; M. boliviensis is considered a nomen dubium; and M. antiqua (or M. antiquus) has been moved to the genus Promacrauchenia.


Tuddrussel fired a wave of earth and it formed into the theropod from 71 million years ago: Albertosaurus!

Albertosaurus (/ælˌbɜːrtəˈsɔːrəs/; meaning "Alberta lizard") is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaurs that lived in western North America during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 70 million years ago. The type species, A. sarcophagus, was apparently restricted in range to the modern-day Canadian province of Alberta, after which the genus is named, although an indeterminate species ("cf. Albertosaurus sp.") has been discovered in the Corral de Enmedio and Packard Formations in Mexico. Scientists disagree on the content of the genus, with some recognizing Gorgosaurus libratus as a second species.

As a tyrannosaurid, Albertosaurus was a bipedal predator with tiny, two-fingered hands and a massive head that had dozens of large, sharp teeth. It may have been at the top of the food chain in its local ecosystem. While Albertosaurus was large for a theropod, it was much smaller than its larger and more famous relative Tyrannosaurus rex, growing 9 to 10 m (30 to 33 ft) and possibly weighing 2.5 tonnes (2.8 short tons) or less.

Since the first discovery in 1884, fossils of more than 30 individuals have been recovered, providing scientists with a more detailed knowledge of Albertosaurus anatomy than is available for most other tyrannosaurids. The discovery of 26 individuals at one site provides evidence of pack behaviour and allows studies of ontogeny and population biology, which are impossible with lesser-known dinosaurs.


Larry fired a wave of earth and it formed into the Iguanodont from 73 million years ago: Edmontosaurus!

Edmontosaurus (/ɛdˌmɒntəˈsɔːrəs/ ed-MON-tə-SAWR-əs) (meaning "lizard from Edmonton") is a genus of hadrosaurid (duck-billed) dinosaur. It contains two known species: Edmontosaurus regalis and Edmontosaurus annectens. Fossils of E. regalis have been found in rocks of western North America that date from the late Campanian stage of the Cretaceous Period 73 million years ago, while those of E. annectens were found in the same geographic region but in rocks dated to the end of the Maastrichtian stage of the Cretaceous, 66 million years ago. Edmontosaurus was one of the last non-avian dinosaurs, and lived alongside dinosaurs like Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus, Albertosaurus and Pachycephalosaurus shortly before the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.

Edmontosaurus included some of the largest hadrosaurid species, measuring up to 12 metres (39 ft) long and weighing around 4.0 metric tons (4.4 short tons). Evidence does exist in the form of two fossilized specimens housed at the Museum of the Rockies for an even greater maximum size of 15 m (49 ft) and weighing 9.07 metric tons (10.00 short tons) for Edmontosaurus annectens. Several well-preserved specimens are known that include not only bones, but in some cases extensive skin impressions and possible gut contents. It is classified as a genus of saurolophine (or hadrosaurine) hadrosaurid, a member of the group of hadrosaurids which lacked large, hollow crests, instead having smaller solid crests or fleshy combs.

The first fossils named Edmontosaurus were discovered in southern Alberta (named after Edmonton, the capital city), in the Horseshoe Canyon Formation (formerly called the lower Edmonton Formation). The type species, E. regalis, was named by Lawrence Lambe in 1917, although several other species that are now classified in Edmontosaurus were named earlier. The best known of these is E. annectens, named by Othniel Charles Marsh in 1892; originally as a species of Claosaurus, known for many years as a species of Trachodon, and later as Anatosaurus annectens. Anatosaurus and Anatotitan are now generally regarded as synonyms of Edmontosaurus.

Edmontosaurus was widely distributed across western North America. The distribution of Edmontosaurus fossils suggests that it preferred coasts and coastal plains. It was a herbivore that could move on both two legs and four. Because it is known from several bone beds, Edmontosaurus is thought to have lived in groups, and may have been migratory as well. The wealth of fossils has allowed researchers to study its paleobiology in detail, including its brain, how it may have fed, and its injuries and pathologies, such as evidence for tyrannosaur attacks on a few edmontosaur specimens.


Skipper fired a wave of earth and it formed into the dicynodont therapsid from 253.8 to 251 million years ago: Dicynodon!

Dicynodon ("two dog-teeth") is a genus of dicynodont therapsid that flourished during the Upper Permian period. Like all dicynodonts, it was herbivorous. This animal was toothless, except for prominent tusks, hence the name. It probably cropped vegetation with a horny beak, much like a tortoise, while the tusks may have been used for digging up roots and tubers.

Many species of Dicynodon have been named, and the genus is considered a wastebasket taxon. A 2011 study of the genus found most of the species to represent a paraphyletic grouping, with the only valid members of Dicynodon being D. lacerticeps and D. huenei. A 2019 study named a new species D. angielczyki, but simultaneously transferred D. huenei to the genus Daptocephalus.


Kowalski fired a wave of earth and it formed into the dicynodont from 221 million years ago: Placerias!

Placerias (meaning 'broad body') is an extinct genus of dicynodonts that lived during the late Carnian age of the Triassic Period (221-216 million years ago). Placerias belongs to a group of dicynodonts called Kannemeyeriiformes, which was the last known group of dicynodonts before dicynodonts became extinct at the end of the Triassic.


Rico fired a wave of earth and it formed into the Dicynodont from 242 million years ago: Dinodontosaurus!

Dinodontosaurus (meaning "terrible-toothed lizard") is a genus of dicynodont therapsid. It was one of the largest herbivores of the Triassic (about 2.4 metres (7.9 ft) long and weighing a few hundred pounds) and had a beak corneum. It lived in the Middle Triassic but disappeared in the Upper Triassic.


Private fired a wave of earth and it formed into the dicynodont from 259.8 million years ago: Diictodon!

Diictodon was a genus of pylaecephalid dicynodont. These mammal-like synapsids lived during the Late Permian period, approximately 255 million years ago. Fossils have been found in the Cistecephalus Assemblage Zone of the Madumabisa Mudstone of the Luangwa Basin in Zambia and the Tropidostoma Assemblage Zone of the Teekloof Formation, Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone of the Abrahamskraal Formation, Dicynodon Assemblage Zone of the Balfour Formation, Cistecephalus Assemblage Zone of the Middleton or Balfour Formation of South Africa and the Guodikeng Formation of China. Roughly half of all Permian vertebrate specimens found in South Africa are those of Diictodon. This small herbivorous animal was one of the most successful synapsids in the Permian period.


Tails fired a wave of earth and it formed into one of the first crocodilian dinosaurs from 231 million years ago: Saurosuchus!

Saurosuchus (meaning "lizard crocodile") is a genus of large loricatan pseudosuchian archosaur that lived in South America during the Late Triassic period. It was a heavy, ground-dwelling, quadrupedal carnivore, being the major predator in the Ischigualasto Formation.


Numbuh 2 fired a wave of earth and it formed into the dicynodont from 231 million years ago: Ischigualastia!

Ischigualastia is an extinct genus of dicynodonts (a group of synapsids), that lived during the Carnian age of the Late Triassic Period. The genus was found in and named after the Ischigualasto Formation (Cancha de Bochas Member) of the Ischigualasto-Villa Unión Basin in northwestern Argentina. It has been placed in the family Stahleckeriidae.


Numbuh 1 fired a wave of earth and it formed into one of the first ever known dinosaurs from 231 million years ago: Eoraptor!

Eoraptor (/ˈiːoʊˌræptər/) was one of the earliest-known dinosaurs, living approximately 231 to 228 million years ago, during the Late Triassic in Western Gondwana, in the region that is now northwestern Argentina. It was a small, lightly-built, basal saurischian dinosaur. It is known from several well-preserved skeletons. When first described in 1993, it was considered to be the earliest or one of the earliest known dinosaurs. Eoraptor has heterodont dentition, which suggests that it was omnivorous and that the feeding strategy had evolved early on in dinosaurs.


Liberty fired a wave of earth and it formed into the theropod dinosaur from 158 million years ago: Torvosaurus!

Torvosaurus (/ˌtɔːrvoʊˈsɔːrəs/) is a genus of carnivorous megalosauroid theropod dinosaur that lived approximately 153 to 148 million years ago during the Late Jurassic Period (Kimmeridgian to Tithonian) in what is now Colorado and Portugal. It contains two currently recognized species, Torvosaurus tanneri and Torvosaurus gurneyi.

In 1979 the type species Torvosaurus tanneri was named: it was a large, heavily built, bipedal carnivore, that could grow to a length of about 10 m (33 ft). T. tanneri was among the largest carnivores of its time, together with Epanterias and Saurophaganax (which could be both synonyms of Allosaurus). Specimens referred to Torvosaurus gurneyi were initially claimed to be up to twelve metres long, but later shown to be smaller. Based on bone morphology Torvosaurus is thought to have had short but very powerful arms.


Lyra fired a wave of earth and it formed into the cynodont from 251 million years ago: Thrinaxodon!

Thrinaxodon is an extinct genus of cynodonts, most commonly regarded by its species T. liorhinus which lived in what are now South Africa and Antarctica during the Early Triassic. Thrinaxodon lived just after the Permian–Triassic mass extinction event, its survival during the extinction may have been due to its burrowing habits.

Similar to other synapsids, Thrinaxodon adopted a semi-sprawling posture, an intermediary form between the sprawling position of pelycosaurs (not unlike current Crocodylia) and the more upright posture present in current mammals. Thrinaxodon is prevalent in the fossil record in part because it was one of the few carnivores of its time, and was of a larger size than similar cynodont carnivores.


Lee fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ceratopsian from 76.5 million years ago: Chasmosaurus!

Chasmosaurus (/ˌkæzmoʊˈsɔːrəs/ KAZ-mo-SAWR-əs) is a genus of ceratopsid dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous Period of North America. Its name means 'opening lizard', referring to the large openings (fenestrae) in its frill (Greek chasma meaning 'opening' or 'hollow' or 'gulf' and sauros meaning 'lizard'). With a length of 4.3–4.8 metres (14.1–15.7 ft) and a weight of 1.5–2 tonnes (1.7–2.2 short tons), Chasmosaurus was a ceratopsian of average size. Like all ceratopsians, it was purely herbivorous. It was initially to be called Protorosaurus, but this name had been previously published for another animal. All specimens of Chasmosaurus were collected from the Dinosaur Park Formation of the Dinosaur Provincial Park of Alberta, Canada. C. russelli comes from the lower beds of the formation while C. belli comes from middle and upper beds.


Po fired a wave of water and it formed into the Permian reptile from 252 million years ago: Proterosuchus!

Proterosuchus is an extinct genus of archosauriform reptiles that lived during the Early Triassic. It contains three valid species: the type species P. fergusi and the referred species P. alexanderi and P. goweri. All three species lived in what is now South Africa. The genus was named in 1903 by the South African paleontologist Robert Broom. The well-known genus Chasmatosaurus is a junior synonym of Proterosuchus.

Proterosuchus was a mid-sized quadrupedal reptile with a sprawling stance that could reach a length of up to 3.5 meters (11 ft). It had a large head and distinctively hooked snout. It was a predator, which may have hunted prey such as Lystrosaurus. The lifestyle of Proterosuchus remains debated; it may have been terrestrial or it may have been a semiaquatic ambush predator similar to modern crocodiles.

Proterosuchus is one of the earliest members of the clade Archosauriformes, which also includes crocodilians, pterosaurs, and dinosaurs, including birds. It lived in the aftermath of the Permian–Triassic extinction event, the largest known mass extinction in Earth's history.


Fluttershy fired a wave of earth and it formed into the therapsid from 256 million years ago: Euchambersia!

Euchambersia is a genus of therocephalian therapsid that lived during the Late Permian, approximately 255 million years ago, in what is now South Africa. The genus contains a single species, Euchambersia mirabilis, named by paleontologist Robert Broom in 1931 from a skull missing the lower jaws; a second skull, belonging to an immature individual, was later described. It is a member of the family Akidnognathidae, which historically has also been referred by as the synonymous Euchambersiidae (named after Euchambersia).

Euchambersia was a small and short-snouted therocephalian, possessing large canines as is typical of the group. However, it is notable among therocephalians for possessing ridges on its canines and a large indentation in the side of the skull. Under the erroneous assumption that the canines are grooved instead of ridged, it has been proposed that these structures supported a venom delivery mechanism. More recently, the internal structure of the skull of Euchambersia has been used as stronger evidence in favour of the hypothesis that it was venomous; other possibilities, such as the indentation supporting some sort of sensory organ, still remain plausible.


Jimmy fired a wave of wind and it formed into the flying reptiles from 150.8 million years ago: Rhamphorhynchus!

Rhamphorhynchus (/ˌræmfəˈrɪŋkəs/, "beak snout") is a genus of long-tailed pterosaurs in the Jurassic period. Less specialized than contemporary, short-tailed pterodactyloid pterosaurs such as Pterodactylus, it had a long tail, stiffened with ligaments, which ended in a characteristic soft-tissue tail vane. The jaws of Rhamphorhynchus housed needle-like teeth, which were angled forward, with a curved, sharp, beak-like tip lacking teeth, indicating a diet mainly of fish; indeed, fish and cephalopod remains are frequently found in Rhamphorhynchus abdominal contents, as well as in their coprolites.

Although fragmentary fossil remains possibly belonging to Rhamphorhynchus have been found in England, Tanzania, and Spain, the best preserved specimens come from the Solnhofen limestone of Bavaria, Germany. Many of these fossils preserve not only the bones but impressions of soft tissues, such as wing membranes. Scattered teeth believed to belong to Rhamphorhynchus have been found in Portugal as well.


Kick fired a wave of earth and it formed into the Permian seymouriamorph from 275 million years ago: Seymouria!

Seymouria is an extinct genus of seymouriamorph from the Early Permian of North America and Europe. Although they were amphibians (in a biological sense), Seymouria were well-adapted to life on land, with many reptilian features—so many, in fact, that Seymouria was first thought to be a primitive reptile. It is primarily known from two species, Seymouria baylorensis and Seymouria sanjuanensis. The type species, S. baylorensis, is more robust and specialized, though its fossils have only been found in Texas. On the other hand, Seymouria sanjuanensis is more abundant and widespread. This smaller species is known from multiple well-preserved fossils, including a block of six skeletons found in the Cutler Formation of New Mexico, and a pair of fully grown skeletons from the Tambach Formation of Germany, which were fossilized lying next to each other.

For the first half of the 20th century, Seymouria was considered one of the oldest and most "primitive" known reptiles. Paleontologists noted how the general body shape resembled that of early reptiles such as captorhinids, and that certain adaptations of the limbs, hip, and skull were also similar to that of early reptiles, rather than any species of modern or extinct amphibians known at the time. The strongly-built limbs and backbone also supported the idea that Seymouria was primarily terrestrial, spending very little time in the water.[9] However, in the 1950s, fossilized tadpoles were discovered in Discosauriscus, which was a close relative of Seymouria in the group Seymouriamorpha. This shows that seymouriamorphs (including Seymouria) had a larval stage which lived in the water, therefore making Seymouria not a true reptile, but rather an amphibian which was closely related to reptiles. Though no longer considered the most primitive reptile, Seymouria is still an important transitional fossil documenting the acquisition of reptile-like skeletal features prior to the evolution of the amniotic egg, which characterizes amniotes (reptiles, mammals, and birds).


Kendall fired a wave of water and it formed into the Devonian creature from 365 million years ago: Hynerpeton!

Hynerpeton (/haɪˈnɜːrpətɒn/; from Hyner, Pennsylvania and Ancient Greek ἑρπετόν herpetón, "creeping animal," meaning "creeping animal from Hyner") is an extinct genus of early four-limbed vertebrate that lived in the rivers and ponds of Pennsylvania during the Late Devonian period, around 365 to 363 million years ago. The only known species of Hynerpeton is H. bassetti, named after the describer's grandfather, city planner Edward Bassett. Hynerpeton is known for being the first Devonian four-limbed vertebrate discovered in the United States, as well as possibly being one of the first to have lost internal (fish-like) gills.

This genus is known from few remains discovered at the Red Hill fossil site in Hyner, Pennsylvania. The most notable fossil is a large endochondral shoulder girdle consisting of the cleithrum, scapula, and coracoid (but not the interclavicle and clavicles), all connected into one shoulder bone. The inner surface of this shoulder bone possesses an array of depressions believed to have been attachment points for a unique set of powerful muscles around the chest. This may have given Hynerpeton improved mobility and weight-bearing abilities compared to other Devonian limbed vertebrates such as Ichthyostega and Acanthostega. The cleithrum (upper blade of the shoulder) is fused to the scapulocoracoid (lower plate of the shoulder, in front of the shoulder socket), unlike in most tetrapods, but the shoulder girdle is independent of the skull, unlike in most fish.

Early four-limbed vertebrates are sometimes referred to as tetrapods (using a trait-based definition of the term), although animals like Hynerpeton, Ichthyostega, and Acanthostega are placed outside the crown group Tetrapoda by the vast majority of paleontologists. From a cladistic (relations-based) point of view, a more accurate term would be "stem-tetrapod" or "stegocephalian", indicating that they were part of the lineage of animals that would lead to true tetrapods such as modern amphibians (Lissamphibia), reptiles, mammals, and birds.

Hynerpeton hails from the Red Hill fossil site, which, during the Late Devonian, was a warm floodplain inhabited by a diverse ecosystem of aquatic fish and terrestrial invertebrates. Hynerpeton was one of several genera of four-limbed vertebrates known from the site, although it was the first to be discovered. It has been theorized that animals like Hynerpeton were able to use their amphibious lifestyle to find shallow pools where they could spawn, isolated from predatory fish which inhabited the deeper rivers.


Mindy fired a wave of water and it formed into the Devonian Creature from 360 million years ago: Hyneria!

Hyneria is a genus of large prehistoric predatory lobe-finned fish which lived during the Devonian period around 360 million years ago.


Ryu fired a wave of earth and it formed into the scorpion from the Carboniferous Period at 336 million years ago: Pulmonoscorpius!

Pulmonoscorpius kirktonensis is an extinct species of scorpion that lived during the Viséan age of the Carboniferous period during the Viséan 336.0 – 326.4 million years ago.

Juandissimo: (Spanish Accent) WATER STYLE NINJA ART: TIKTAALIK!

Juandissimo fired a wave of water and it formed into the Devonian Sarcopterygian from 375 million years ago: Tiktaalik!

Tiktaalik (/tɪkˈtɑːlɪk/; Inuktitut ᑎᒃᑖᓕᒃ [tiktaːlik]) is a monospecific genus of extinct sarcopterygian (lobe-finned fish) from the Late Devonian Period, about 375 Mya (million years ago), having many features akin to those of tetrapods (four-legged animals).

Unearthed in Arctic Canada, Tiktaalik is technically a fish, complete with scales and gills - but it has the flattened head of a crocodile and unusual fins. Its fins have thin ray bones for paddling like most fish, but they also have sturdy interior bones that would have allowed Tiktaalik to prop itself up in shallow water and use its limbs for support as most four-legged animals do. Those fins and a suite of other characteristics set Tiktaalik apart as something special; it has a combination of features that show the evolutionary transition between swimming fish and their descendants, the four-legged vertebrates - a clade which includes amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

It and similar animals may possibly be the common ancestors of the broad swath of all vertebrate terrestrial fauna: amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

The first well-preserved Tiktaalik fossils were found in 2004 on Ellesmere Island in Nunavut, Canada.


Chloe fired a wave of water and it formed into the Devonian Shark from 382.7 million years ago: Stethacanthus!

Stethacanthus is an extinct genus of shark-like Holocephalian which lived from the Late Devonian to Late Carboniferous epoch, dying out around 298.9 million years ago. Fossils have been found in Asia, Europe and North America.


Littlefoot fired a wave of water and it formed into the Jurassic Shark from 260 to 66 million years ago: Hybodus!

Hybodus ("humped tooth") is an extinct genus of Chondrichthyans. First appearing towards the end of the Permian period, and disappearing during the Late Cretaceous, during the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods the hybodonts were especially successful and could be found in shallow seas across the world. For reasons that are not fully understood, the hybodonts became extinct near the end of the Late Cretaceous period.


Patrick fired a wave of water and it formed into the first ancestral sperm whale from 9 million years ago: Livyatan!

Livyatan is an extinct genus of sperm whale containing one species: L. melvillei. The genus name was inspired by the biblical sea monster Leviathan, and the species name by Herman Melville, the author of the famous book Moby-Dick about a white bull sperm whale. It is mainly known from the Pisco Formation of Peru during the Tortonian stage of the Miocene epoch, about 9.9–8.9 million years ago (mya); however, isolated teeth from other locations such as Chile, Argentina, South Africa, and Australia implies that either it or a close relative survived into the Pliocene, around 5 mya, and was present throughout the Southern Hemisphere. It was a member of a group of hyper-predatory macroraptorial sperm whales (or "raptorial sperm whales") and was likely an apex predator, preying on whales, seals, and so forth. Characteristic of raptorial sperm whales, Livyatan had functional, enamel-coated teeth on the upper and lower jaws, as well as several adaptations for hunting large prey.

Livyatan's total length has been estimated to be about 13.5–17.5 m (44–57 ft), similar to the modern sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), making it one of the largest predators to have ever existed. The teeth of Livyatan measured 36.2 cm (1.2 ft), and are the largest biting teeth of any known animal, excluding tusks. It is distinguished from the other raptorial sperm whales by the basin on the skull, and how it spans the entire length of the snout. The spermaceti organ, contained in that basin, is thought to have been used in echolocation and communication, or for ramming prey and other sperm whales. The whale may have interacted with the large extinct shark megalodon (Carcharocles megalodon), competing with it for a similar food source. Its extinction was likely caused by a cooling event at the end of the Miocene which resulted in a drop in food populations. The formation where the whale has been found has also preserved a large assemblage of marine life, such as sharks and marine mammals.


Dawn fired a wave of leaves and wood and it formed into the hadrosaur from 155 million years ago: Dryosaurus!

Dryosaurus (/ˌdraɪoʊˈsɔːrəs/ DRY-o-SAWR-əs; meaning 'tree lizard', Greek δρῦς (drys) meaning 'tree, oak' and σαυρος (sauros) meaning 'lizard'; the name reflects the forested habitat, not a vague oak-leaf shape of its cheek teeth as is sometimes assumed) is a genus of an ornithopod dinosaur that lived in the Late Jurassic period. It was an iguanodont (formerly classified as a hypsilophodont). Fossils have been found in the western United States and were first discovered in the late 19th century. Valdosaurus canaliculatus and Dysalotosaurus lettowvorbecki were both formerly considered to represent species of Dryosaurus.


Duncan fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ornithischian dinosaur from 156.3 million years ago: Camptosaurus!

Camptosaurus (/ˌkæmptoʊˈsɔːrəs/ KAMP-toh-SAWR-əs) is a genus of plant-eating, beaked ornithischian dinosaurs of the Late Jurassic period of western North America. The name means 'flexible lizard' (Greek καμπτος (kamptos) meaning 'bent' and σαυρος (sauros) meaning 'lizard').


Mike fired a wave of wood and leaves and it formed into the theropod dinosaur from 154 million years ago: Ornitholestes.

Ornitholestes (meaning "bird robber") is a small theropod dinosaur of the late Jurassic (Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation, middle Kimmeridgian age, about 154 million years ago) of Western Laurasia (the area that was to become North America).

To date, Ornitholestes is known only from a single partial skeleton with a badly crushed skull found at the Bone Cabin Quarry near Medicine Bow, Wyoming, in 1900. It was described by Henry Fairfield Osborn in 1903. An incomplete hand was later attributed to Ornitholestes, although it now appears to belong to Tanycolagreus. The type (and only known) species is O. hermanni. The specific name honors the American Museum of Natural History preparator Adam Hermann.


Fuzzy fired a wave of wood and leaves and it formed into the neornithischian dinosaur from 155 million years ago: Nanosaurus A.K.A. Othnielia!

Nanosaurus ("small or dwarf lizard") is the name given to a genus of neornithischian dinosaur that lived about 155 to 148 million years ago, during the Late Jurassic-age. Its fossils are known from the Morrison Formation of the south-western United States. The type and only species, Nanosaurus agilis, was described and named by Othniel Charles Marsh in 1877. The taxon has a complicated taxonomic history, largely the work of Marsh and Peter M. Galton, involving the genera Laosaurus, Hallopus, Drinker, Othnielia, and Othnielosaurus, the latter three now being considered to be synonyms of Nanosaurus. It had historically been classified as a hypsilophodont or fabrosaur, types of generalized small bipedal herbivore, but more recent research has abandoned these groupings as paraphyletic and Nanosaurus is today considered a basal member of Neornithischia.


Magnolia fired a wave of wood and leaves and it formed into the theropod dinosaur from 66 million years ago: Dakotaraptor.

Dakotaraptor is a potentially chimaeric genus of large dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Cretaceous period. The remains have been found in the Maastrichtian stage of the Hell Creek Formation, dated to the very end of the Mesozoic era, making Dakotaraptor one of the last surviving dromaeosaurids. The remains of D. steini were discovered in a multi-species bonebed. Elements of the holotype and referred specimens were later found to belong to trionychid turtles, and further analysis of potential non-dromaeosaurid affinities of the holotype and referred material have not yet been conducted. Phylogenetic analyses of D. steini place it in a variety of positions in the Dromaeosauridae.


Darcy fired a wave of wood and leaves and it formed into the theropod from 80 million years ago: Dromaeosaurus!

Dromaeosaurus (/ˌdroʊmiəˈsɔːrəs, -mioʊ-/, "swift running lizard") is a genus of theropod dinosaur which lived during the Late Cretaceous period (middle late Campanian), sometime between 80 and 72.8 million years ago, in Alberta, Canada and the western United States. The type species is Dromaeosaurus albertensis, which was described by William Diller Matthew and Barnum Brown in 1922.


Goku fired a wave of earth and it formed into the deadly pack-hunting theropods from 115 million years ago: Deinonychus!

Deinonychus (/daɪˈnɒnɪkəs/ dy-NON-i-kəs; from Greek: δεινός deinós, 'terrible' and ὄνυξ ónux, genitive ὄνυχος ónuchos 'claw') is a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur with one described species, Deinonychus antirrhopus. This species, which could grow up to 3.4 meters (11 ft) long, lived during the early Cretaceous Period, about 115–108 million years ago (from the mid-Aptian to early Albian stages). Fossils have been recovered from the U.S. states of Montana, Utah, Wyoming, and Oklahoma, in rocks of the Cloverly Formation, Cedar Mountain Formation and Antlers Formation, though teeth that may belong to Deinonychus have been found much farther east in Maryland.

Paleontologist John Ostrom's study of Deinonychus in the late 1960s revolutionized the way scientists thought about dinosaurs, leading to the "dinosaur renaissance" and igniting the debate on whether dinosaurs were warm-blooded or cold-blooded. Before this, the popular conception of dinosaurs had been one of plodding, reptilian giants. Ostrom noted the small body, sleek, horizontal posture, ratite-like spine, and especially the enlarged raptorial claws on the feet, which suggested an active, agile predator.

"Terrible claw" refers to the unusually large, sickle-shaped talon on the second toe of each hind foot. The fossil YPM 5205 preserves a large, strongly curved ungual. In life, archosaurs have a horny sheath over this bone, which extends the length. Ostrom looked at crocodile and bird claws and reconstructed the claw for YPM 5205 as over 120 millimetres (4.7 in) long. The species name antirrhopus means "counter balance", which refers to Ostrom's idea about the function of the tail. As in other dromaeosaurids, the tail vertebrae have a series of ossified tendons and super-elongated bone processes. These features seemed to make the tail into a stiff counterbalance, but a fossil of the very closely related Velociraptor mongoliensis (IGM 100/986) has an articulated tail skeleton that is curved laterally in a long S-shape. This suggests that, in life, the tail could bend to the sides with a high degree of flexibility. In both the Cloverly and Antlers formations, Deinonychus remains have been found closely associated with those of the ornithopod Tenontosaurus. Teeth discovered associated with Tenontosaurus specimens imply they were hunted, or at least scavenged upon, by Deinonychus.


Vegeta fired a wave of earth and it formed into the theropod from 77 million years ago: Daspletosaurus!

Daspletosaurus (/dæsˌpliːtəˈsɔːrəs/ das-PLEET-o-SAWR-əs; meaning "frightful lizard") is a genus of tyrannosaurid dinosaur that lived in western North America between about 77 and 74 million years ago, during the Late Cretaceous Period. The genus Daspletosaurus contains two species. Fossils of the earlier type species, D. torosus, have been found in Alberta, while fossils of the later second species, D. horneri, have been found only in Montana. A possible third species, also from Alberta, awaits formal identification. Daspletosaurus is closely related to the much larger and more recent tyrannosaurid Tyrannosaurus rex. Like most tyrannosaurids, Daspletosaurus was a multi-tonne bipedal predator equipped with dozens of large, sharp teeth. Daspletosaurus had the small forelimbs typical of tyrannosaurids, although they were proportionately longer than in other genera.

As an apex predator, Daspletosaurus was at the top of the food chain, probably preying on large dinosaurs like the ceratopsid Centrosaurus and the hadrosaur Hypacrosaurus. In some areas, Daspletosaurus coexisted with another tyrannosaurid, Gorgosaurus, though there is some evidence of niche differentiation between the two. While Daspletosaurus fossils are rarer than other tyrannosaurids', the available specimens allow some analysis of the biology of these animals, including social behavior, diet and life history.


Bulma fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ceratopsian from 79.5 million years ago: Xenoceratops!

Xenoceratops (meaning "alien horned face") is a genus of centrosaurine ceratopsid dinosaur known from the Late Cretaceous (middle Campanian stage) of Alberta, Canada. The genus has one known species, Xenoceratops foremostensis. Its remains were discovered in the Foremost Formation.


Gohan fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ceratopsian from 73.5 million years ago: Sinoceratops!

Sinoceratops /ˌsaɪnoʊˈsɛrətɒps/ is an extinct genus of ceratopsian dinosaur that lived approximately 73 million years ago during the latter part of the Cretaceous Period in what is now Shandong province in China. It was named in 2010 by Xu Xing et al. for three skulls from Zhucheng, China. The name of its type species Sinoceratops zhuchengensis means "Chinese horned face from Zhucheng", after the location of its discovery.

Sinoceratops was a medium-sized, averagely-built, ground-dwelling, quadrupedal herbivore. It could grow up to an estimated 6 m (19.7 ft) length and 2 metres (6.6 ft) height, and weigh up to 2 tonnes (2.0 long tons; 2.2 short tons). It was the first ceratopsid dinosaur discovered in China, and the only ceratopsid known from Asia. All other centrosaurines, and all chasmosaurines, are known from fossils discovered in North America, except for possibly Turanoceratops. Sinoceratops is also significant because it is one of the largest known centrosaurines, and is much larger than any other known basal members of this group.

Sinoceratops was discovered in the Xingezhuang Formation, which was deposited during the late Cretaceous. It lived alongside leptoceratopsids, saurolophines, and tyrannosaurines. The most common creature in the formation was Shantungosaurus, to which most of the material has been assigned. The animals living alongside Sinoceratops and Shantungosaurus were Zhuchengceratops, Zhuchengtitan, and Zhuchengtyrannus.


Goten fired a wave of earth and it formed into the therizinosaurid dinosaur from 70 million years ago: Therizinosaurus!


Blossom fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ornithopod dinosaur from 126 million years ago: Iguanodon!


Bubbles fired a wave of earth and it formed into the titanosaurid dinosaur from 70 million years ago: Saltasaurus!


Buttercup fired a wave of earth and it formed into the theropod from 85 million years ago: Aucasaurus!


Jeffy fired a wave of spirit energy and it formed into the mammoth from 1.5 million to 11,500 years ago: The Columbian Mammoth!


Sandy fired a wave of earth and it formed into the egg-stealing dinosaur from 75 million years ago: Oviraptor!


Mr. Krabs fired a wave of earth and it formed into the oviraptorosaurian from 96 million years ago: Gigantoraptor!


Jenny fired a wave of earh and it formed into the tyrannosaurid from 70 million years ago: Raptorex!


Brad fired a wave of earth and it formed into the gobiconodontid mammal from 125 million years ago: Repenomamus!


Tuck fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ceratopsian dinosaur from 126 million years ago: Psittacosaurus!


Wolf fired a wave of earth and it formed into the theropod from 70 million years ago: Alioramus!


Benson fired a wave of earth and it formed into the sauropterygian reptile from 240 million years ago: Nothosaurus!


Dave fired a wave of earth and it formed into the sauropod dinosaur from 167 million years ago: Spinophorosaurus!


Alex fired a wave of earth and it formed into the marine reptile from 245 million years ago: Placodus!


Marty fired a wave of earth and it formed into the Ichthyosaur from 247 million years ago: Mixosaurus!


Melman fired a wave of earth and it formed into the sauropodomorph from 215 million years ago: Pantydraco!


Gloria fired a wave of earth and it formed into the neotheropod dinosaur from 228 million years ago: Liliensternus!


King Julien fired a wave of earth and it formed into the theropod from 77 million years ago: Majungasaurus!


Maurice fired a wave of earth and it formed into the devil frog Beelzebufo from 70 million years ago.


Mort fired a wave of earth and it formed into the large sauropod fro 70 million years ago: Rapetosaurus!


Ed fired a wave of wind and it formed into the flying reptile from 112 million years ago: Anhanguera!


Edd fired a wave of earth and it formed into the diplodocid sauropod from 160 million years ago: Dinheirosaurus!


Eddy fired a wave of ice and it formed into the bird-like dinosaurs from 67 million years ago: Pectinodon!


Hilda fired a wave of leaves and grass and it formed into the sauropod from 159 million years ago: Shunosaurus!


Riley fired a wave of wind and it formed into the theropod from 70 million years ago: Rahonavis!


Tommy fired a wave of earth and it formed into the theropod from 160 million years ago: Sinraptor!


Choji fired a wave of earth and it formed into the sauropodomorph from 189 million years ago: Glacialisaurus!
























Jazz fired a wave of wood and leaves and it formed into the egg-stealing dinosaur from 67 million years ago: Ornithomimus.



Simon fired a wave of leaves and wood and it formed into the egg-stealing dinosaur from 95 million years ago: Struthiomimus!





Natilee fired a wave of leaves and wood and it formed into one of the first ever horses from 45 million years ago: Propalaeotherium!

Propalaeotherium was an early genus of equid endemic to Europe and Asia during the Early Eocene.


I fired a blast of blue fire and it formed into one of the largest sauropod dinosaurs ever discovered from 150 million years ago: Amphicoelias!

Amphicoelias (/ˌæmfɪˈsiːliəs/, meaning "biconcave", from the Greek ἀμφί, amphi: "on both sides", and κοῖλος, koilos: "hollow, concave") is a genus of herbivorous sauropod dinosaur that lived approximately 150 million years ago during the Tithonian (Late Jurassic Period) of what is now Colorado, United States. An herbivore, Amphicoelias was moderately sized at about 25 m (82 ft) long–roughly the same length as Diplodocus, to which it was related. Its hindlimbs were very long and thin, and its forelimbs were proportionally longer than in relatives.

The namesake fossil of the type species Amphicoelias altus, American Museum of Natural History 5764, is uncertain in included material. When described by Edward Drinker Cope shortly after its discovery in 1877, Amphicoelias was noted to include many back vertebrae, a single pubis, and a femur. However, after purchase and cataloging of the material by the AMNH, Henry Fairfield Osborn and Charles Mook described that the specimen had only two vertebrae, a pubis, femur, tooth, scapula, coracoid, ulna and a second femur. The additional material, not mentioned by Cope, was found close in proximity to the holotype and was similar to Diplodocus, a relative of Amphicoelias. Their assignment was questioned by subsequent authors Emanuel Tschopp et al. in an analysis of Diplodocidae.

During the description of Amphicoelias altus in 1877, Cope additionally named A. latus, for a femur and tail vertebrae. Following its description, Osborn and Mook in 1921 reidentified the material as a specimen of Camarasaurus, an assignment followed by other authors who reviewed the material. A year later 1878, Cope named the third species of Amphicoelias, A. fragillimus for a gigantic dorsal vertebra that was subsequently lost. Measuring approximately 2.7 m (8.9 ft) if reconstructed based on Diplodocus, early estimates for the length of the animal in life were between 40 and 60 m (130 and 200 ft) long. Due to the incomplete nature, such lengths–the longest of any known dinosaur and sauropod–were largely ignored. In 2018, Kenneth Carpenter renamed Amphicoelias fragillimus as the new genus Maraapunisaurus, and reclassified it from Diplodocidae to Rebbachisauridae.


Sonic fired a wave of wind and it formed into the flying reptile from Italy that lived 210 million years ago: Eudimorphodon!

Eudimorphodon was a pterosaur that was discovered in 1973 by Mario Pandolfi in the town of Cene, Italy and described the same year by Rocco Zambelli. The nearly complete skeleton was retrieved from shale deposited during the Late Triassic (mid to late Norian stage), making Eudimorphodon one of the oldest pterosaurs known. It had a wingspan of about 100 centimetres (3.3 ft) and at the end of its long bony tail may have been a diamond-shaped flap like in the later Rhamphorhynchus. If so, the flap may have helped it steer while maneuvering in the air. Eudimorphodon is known from several skeletons, including juvenile specimens.


Aylene fired a wave of fire and it formed into the stegosaur from 76 million years ago: Heilongjiangosaurus!

Heilongjiangosaurus" (meaning "Heilongjiang lizard") is the informal name given to an as-yet undescribed genus of duckbilled dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous. It possibly was a lambeosaurine, and may in fact be the same animal as Charonosaurus. The fossils were found in Maastrichtian-age rocks in Heilongjiang, China. As a nomen nudum, it is unclear what material it was intended to be based on, but might be connected to the nomen nudum "Mandschurosaurus" jiainensis, informally named in a 1983 publication.

The "type species" is "H. jiayinensis", and it was coined in 2001 in a faunal list by Li and Jin.


Cera fired a wave of earth and it formed into the ceratopsian from 68 million years ago: Ojoceratops!

Ojoceratops ( meaning "Ojo Alamo horned face") is a genus of ceratopsian dinosaur which lived in what is now New Mexico, United States. Ojoceratops fossils have been recovered from strata of the Ojo Alamo Formation (Naashoibito Member), dating to the late Cretaceous period (probably Maastrichtian age, 68 million years ago). The type species is Ojoceratops fowleri. It is very similar to its close relative Triceratops, though it is from an earlier time period and has a more squared-off frill. Nick Longrich, in 2011, noted that the squared-off frill is also found in some true Triceratops specimens and that Ojoceratops is probably a junior synonym of Triceratops, while Holtz (2010) noted that it is probably ancestral to Triceratops and possibly synonymous with the contemporary Eotriceratops.


Ducky fired a wave of earth and it formed into the hadrosaur from 80 million years ago: Gryposaurus!

Gryposaurus (meaning "hooked-nosed (Greek grypos) lizard"; sometimes incorrectly translated as "griffin (Latin gryphus) lizard") was a genus of duckbilled dinosaur that lived about 80 to 75 million years ago, in the Late Cretaceous (late Santonian to late Campanian stages) of North America. Named species of Gryposaurus are known from the Dinosaur Park Formation in Alberta, Canada, and two formations in the United States: the Lower Two Medicine Formation in Montana and the Kaiparowits Formation of Utah. A possible additional species may extend the temporal range of the genus to 66 million years ago.

Gryposaurus is similar to Kritosaurus, and for many years the two were thought to be synonyms. It is known from numerous skulls, some skeletons, and even some skin impressions that show it to have had pyramidal scales projecting along the midline of the back. It is most easily distinguished from other duckbills by its narrow arching nasal hump, sometimes described as similar to a "Roman nose," and which may have been used for species or sexual identification, and/or combat with individuals of the same species. A large bipedal/quadrupedal herbivore around 9 meters (30 feet) long, it may have preferred river settings.


Petrie fired a wave of wind and it formed into the flying reptile from 112 million years ago: Tropeognathus!

Tropeognathus (meaning "keel jaw") is a genus of large pterosaurs from the late Early Cretaceous of South America. This genus is considered to be a member of the Ornithocheiridae, a diverse group of pterosaurs known for their keel-tipped snouts and large size. Tropeognathus is regarded as the largest pterosaur found in the Southern Hemisphere, only rivaled by the huge azhdarchids. The type and only species is Tropeognathus mesembrinus. Fossil remains of Tropeognathus have been recovered from the Romualdo Formation, which is a Lagerstätte located in the Santana Group of the Araripe Basin in northeastern Brazil.


Spike fired a wave of earth and it formed into the Dravidanidu dinosaur from 90 million years ago: Dravidosaurus!

Dravidosaurus (meaning "Dravidanadu lizard", Dravidanadu being a region in the southern part of India where the remains were discovered) is a controversial genus of prehistoric reptile. It was first described as the last surviving stegosaurian, the group of "plated" dinosaurs. With an estimated length of three metres (10 ft), it would have also been the smallest member of the group. More recent studies, however, have shown that the bones actually belonged to a plesiosaurian marine reptile, and that none of the remains are demonstrably dinosaurian in origin.

Dravidosaurus lived in the Late Cretaceous period (Coniacian stage) of what is now India. It is only known from disassociated remains that were originally described as comprising a partial skull, a tooth, a sacrum, an ilium, an ischium, a dermal plate, and a spike. The badly weathered remains were discovered in marine deposits near Ariyalur in the state of Tamil Nadu in South India. They were in 1979 named by P.M. Yadagiri and Krishnan Ayyasami as the type species Dravidosaurus blanfordi, the specific name honouring William Thomas Blanford. The holotype partial skull is catalogued as GSI SR Pal 1, while other specimens are catalogued GSI SR Pal 2-7.

In 1991, Sankar Chatterjee visited the site and claimed, without presenting concrete morphological evidence, that Dravidosaurus was based on plesiosaurian pelvic and hindlimb elements, the species being a nomen dubium. However, this claim was rejected by Galton and Upchurch (2004), who noted that the skull, tooth and plate of Dravidosaurus are certainly not plesiosaurian as illustrated. Galton and Ayyasami (2017) reaffirmed the stegosaurian classification of Dravidosaurus, claiming the remains do not look like plesiosaurian pelvic and hindlimb elements. They announced that stegosaurian remains from the Dravidosaurus type locality are under study by one of the original describers of Dravidosaurus.


Chomper fired a wave of fire and it formed into the theropod from 73.5 million years ago: Zhuchengtyrannus!

Zhuchengtyrannus (meaning "Zhucheng tyrant") is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur known from the Late Cretaceous period of Shandong Province, China. It belongs to the tyrannosaurinae subfamily, and contains a single species, Zhuchengtyrannus magnus.


Emerald fired a wave of emerald crystal and it formed into the marine reptile from Australia that lived 120 million years ago: Kronosaurus!

Kronosaurus (/ˌkrɒnoʊˈsɔːrəs/ KRON-o-SAWR-əs; meaning "lizard of Kronos") is an extinct genus of short-necked pliosaur. With an estimated length of 9 to 10.9 meters (30 to 36 ft), it was among the largest pliosaurs, and is named after the leader of the Greek Titans, Kronos. It lived in the Early Cretaceous period (Aptian to Late Albian). Fossil material has been recovered from the Toolebuc Formation (middle to late Albian) and Wallumbilla Formations (Aptian) of Queensland and New South Wales in Australia, and from the upper Paja Formation (late Aptian) in Boyacá, Colombia, and assigned to two species.

We all fired elemental blasts that formed into said creatures from over the course of millions of years and they hit the dragon and exploded with incredible power!



Goku fired a massive Red Kamehameha Wave and it hit the 23-Headed Dragon and exploded with incredible power!



Vegeta fired a massive yellow energy blast and it slammed into the dragon and exploded with incredible power!



He fired an energy ball at the dragon and it hit it and exploded!



I fired a Pitch Black Energy ball and it slammed into the dragon and exploded with incredible power!



Nico fired a massive red energy ball and it hit the dragon and exploded with incredible power!



He fired a massive blast of fire and it slammed into the dragon and exploded with incredible power!


Megas was punching the dragon.

Edzilla: ED SMASH DRAGON! (Punches and smashes the 23-headed dragon!)



Devastator was formed.

G1 Devestator: Devestator crush dragon!

He smashed the dragon 23 all over the place with incredible fury!

Magnaboss and Tripredacus blasted it all over and so did all the Combiners.

Coop: Watch this one! SUPER DESTRUCTOR MODE!

He activated Super Destructor Mode and many laser cannons, missile cannons and machine guns and a huge death ray cannon popped out!

Me: WHOA! That is cool!


Keith: Get him Coop!

Coop: FIRE!

He fired many missiles and lasers and more and the blasts all hit the dragon all at once and exploded!


Coop: You're in big shit now!

May: Woohoo! Give em Hell, Megas!

Nico: YEAH!

Big O Roger Smith: BIG O! FINAL STAGE!

Big O got a massive cannon ready to fire!

Nico: Uh oh! Get out of the way guys!

They did so!

The Big O fired his huge cannon and a massive energy blast hit the huge dragon and exploded with incredible power!


When the smoke cleared the dragon was still standing but it was incredibly weak.

Motormaster: Stunticons, merge into Menasor!

They merged into Menasor.

G1 Silverbolt: Aerialbots, merge into Superion!

They merged into Superion.

Prowl (BW): Lets merge into Magnaboss!

Ironhide (BW): Right!

Silverbolt (BW): Lets do it!

They merged into MAGNABOSS!

Sea Clasp: Lets merge into Tripredacus!

Ram Horn: Lets do it!

Cicadacon: Right!

They merged into TRIPREDACUS!

Onslaught: Combaticons, merge into Bruticus!

They merged into Bruticus.

G1 Hot Spot: Protectobots, merge into Defensor!

They merged into Defensor.

Razorclaw: Predacons, merge into Predaking!

They merged into Predaking.

Hun Gurrr: Terrorcons, merge into Abominus!

They merged into Abominus.

G1 Scattershot: Technobots, merge into Computron!

They merged into Computron.

Keith: Ready to form Voltron. (Turns a handle) Activate Interlock, Dynotherms connected, Infracells up, Megathrusters are go!

Voltron Force: GO VOLTRON FORCE!

The 6 Lions flew into the air and transformed.


The lions transformed into said components and Voltron was ready for action!

Eli: Lets do it Domon!

Domon: Yeah!


They fired a massive ball of energy and it hit the dragon and exploded with incredible power!


















































































Earthworm Jim: TECH STYLE: BFG 9000 BARRAGE!






Vinyl Scratch used a technique called MUSIC STYLE: MUSICAL CHAIR MAYHEM.



























We also had a bunch of new villains that were gonna join the Masters of Evil in the future!










Neopolitan (RWBY) used a technique called GLASS STYLE: MIRROR BARRAGE!

Roman Torchwick: FIRE STYLE: FIREBALL!

























We all fired massive waves of elemental blasts and they formed into said things and they hit the dragon and exploded with incredible power!


Glumshanks, Apeface, Winona and Freeway used the Skylands, Earth and Pokemon Cyber Planet Keys and they enhanced Glumshank's powers he had when he was Evilized, Apeface's Sonic Boomer Gun, Winona's metal powers and Freeway's Sonic Land Mines 100-fold.

Glumshanks and Apeface: DARKNESS SONIC BLAST!

Winona and Freeway: METAL SONIC MINESTORM!

Glumshanks and Apeface fired waves of darkness and sonic boom blasts.

Winona fired waves of metal and Apeface fired waves of sonic mines.











We fired massive waves of elements and energy blasts and they smashed into the dragon and exploded!


Me: Time for the grand finale! Lets form a Spirit Bomb!

I held my hands up!


Voltron formed its sword.!





















Megas, Big O, Voltron, The Transformers Combiners, The Power Rangers Megazords, Lincoln and all of Equestria: ULTIMATE TEAMWORK SUPERBLAST OF FRIENDSHIP!

They fired massive waves of energy and elemental blasts and the blasts all hit the dragon and exploded with incredible power!


(Goku's Spirit Bomb Theme Plays)



We formed a massive Spirit Bomb.

Me and my kids formed a massive rainbow Spirit Bomb and it had many more Spirit Bombs of different colors orbiting around it in an atomic formation.

Nico: WHOA!

Goku: Wow! That Spirit Bomb is incredible!

Vegeta: What power!

Lincoln: Lets take this monster down for good!


They fired Kamehameha blasts which then merged into one gigantic kamehameha blast and the Doomsday 23 fired a massive blast of energy. The blasts collided and Lincoln's blast was pushing it back.

Me: Take this you monster! FRIENDSHIP SPIRIT BOMB STRIKE!

We fired the massive Spirit Bomb!


Just as Lincoln's blast hit the dragon the Spirit Bomb hit the dragon too and the blasts all exploded with incredible power!


The explosion was so powerful, so massive, so devastating and destructive that it blew half of the entire planet to smithereens and it then blew the entire planet of Dathomir to space dust. It was totally gone. We were back on Earth safe and we powered down.

We saw the explosion from far away.

Twilight: It's over. We won!



The Doomsday 23's spirits then came.

Me: Girls, Lincoln, lets give them their final goodbye.

Twilight Sparkle: With pleasure.

Lincoln: Count me in!

We went up to them!

Princess Celestia: All the punishments are not worthy of all that you have done!

Me: But this one is!

Discord: May I help?

Me: Sure Discord.

Me, Lincoln, Mane 9, Discord, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Princess Amore, Apple Bloom and Nico: HAKAI!

The Doomsday 23 glowed purple and screamed as they were obliterated and erased from existence forever!

Me: Now it's over!

We all cheered wildly and erupted in a massive roar of applause.

Later at Canterlot we were kneeling before the Princesses and we were given Equestria's highest honor: the Medal of Harmonious Valor and Friendship and it was a great honor. We were made the greatest heroes in the world and all of Equestria.

Me: We are honored Princess. We are honored.

Princess Celestia: We are all forever in your debt J.D. You and all your friends have saved us all.

Me: It wasn't just Team Loud Phoenix Storm, Princess. It was everyone from all over the universe. We all banded together and helped save the universe from Total Destruction.

Nico: We sure did.

Rainbow Dash: You deserve a reward, Lincoln.

Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Starlight Glimmer kissed him and left lipstick marks on his face and steam shot out of his eyes as his face was glowing atomic red.

Lincoln: (Laughs goofily)

Me: This calls for a celebration everyone!

Pinkie Pie: LETS PARTY!

We all cheered!

We had an awesome party!

King Stefan made it clear that after everything that happened, he will never go after Maleficent 2014 again.

Guard 1: (to King Stefan) Well, sire. The only thing to do now is to go back to your castle and prepare for our own upcoming battle.

Stefan: No. There will be no more fighting from me here. There will be no more fighting from me ever again.

Maria: Say what?

Stefan: We've all experienced the horror of oppression and war. And I specifically have lost my taste for inflicting it.

Guard 2: Sire, you've clearly been traumatized. I'm sure a long nap and a nice training run against dummies of Maleficent will help you get back on track.

Stefan: ENOUGH! (to his guards) My war against Maleficent is over. And that is final!

All of us were shocked to hear this. But then, we looked at Stefan's guards.

Guard 3: (nervously) Well, we all have a lot to think about, don't we?

With that, the guards run back to Stefan's castle.

Me: Wow. King Stefan we really owe you one for helping us out. Thank you your majesty.

King Stefan: Anytime J.D. Anytime.

We shook hands.

Nico: It was really awesome though.

King Vegeta: Indeed it was Bokrua. You have made your people very proud.

Vegeta: He sure has father. He is a great Saiyan.

Fasha: Just like so many of us.

Me: I'm so sorry about what Frieza did to you all. I think I can fix that for you all.

I snapped my fingers and King Vegeta and all the Saiyans were brought back to life!

Nico: Awesome!

Vegeta: Father you're home now!

Psycho Blue: (to Vypra) Look, Vypra. We're not going to join you right away. Right now, the 5 of us need go on a journey of self reflection.

Vypra: I understand.

Psycho Black: (chuckles) But you don't mind if we... tie up loose ends for you guys, do you?

Me: Not at all.

Nico: But we greatly appreciate your help. All of you.

Psycho Yellow: No problem. It was so fun.

Me: It sure was.

Back in Stefan's kingdom the Guards were contemplating.

Guard 4: What shall we do now?

Guard 5: We pick up where King Stefan left off and find a way to end Maleficent once and for all. Without provoking Team Loud Phoenix Storm, of course.

Suddenly, they saw the Psycho Rangers teleport into the castle.

Guard 6: (nervously) Of course, our throne where King Stefan sat on would be suitable for much more powerful people like you 5.

Psycho Yellow: Oh, we're not here to seize thrones.

Psycho Pink: We're here to help Team Loud Phoenix Storm settle old scores!

The guards had horrified looks on their faces as the Psycho Rangers approached them while laughing maniacally.

They were in hot water.

And then their screams were heard as the Psycho Rangers killed them!

Back at the World Tree Estate, we were having an awesome party.

Nico: J.D. I don't understand. How come you brought back my people?

Me: Because after everything that Frieza put them through when he made them his pawns in his quest for Universal Domination, I figured they deserve a second chance and a shot at redemption. They didn't deserve to be wiped out like that. If Frieza does come back he will regret it.

Nico: Thank you J.D. Thank you.

Me: Anytime Nico.

Laney: Great Party.

Me: It's for all of us. We ALL earned it.

Ryo: We sure did.

Me: And we owe you big time for helping us Ryo. We can't thank you enough.

Ryo: Anytime J.D.

Me: If Emperor Talpa comes back we will gladly help you destroy him forever.

Ryo: Thanks man.

We shook hands.

Sean: (to Razorfist) Are you alright, babe?

Rice reverted back.

Rice: Yeah I'm fine. It'll take more than Midnight Sparkle to kill me.

Sean: Good. Thank goodness.

Me: You all did a great job today. I'm so proud of all of you.

Nico: Thanks man.

Vegeta: It was great.

Goku: And it was awesome taking down the Doomsday 23.

Gine: It sure was. But I don't see Bardock anyway.

Me: If he is not here then that must mean that he's not dead and he is still out there in the universe somewhere. We will find him when the time comes.

Nico: Wow.

Laney: Don't worry Master Goku, we will find Bardock.

Me: Yep.

Maria: (to King Stefan) So, what will you do now?

King Stefan: We'll still fight later this month. But I will not go after Maleficent anymore as I said. I'm a man of my word.

Me: Thank goodness. But you did great today your majesty.

King Stefan: Thank you lad. And I'm so sorry for everything I did to Maleficent. It was a terrible darkness and hatred in me.

Me: I understand your majesty.

Twilight Sparkle: (To the viewers) All of our major enemies have been destroyed forever. Now we still have the minor enemies to take down.

Me: And we will Twilight. This was an epic battle.

Lola: Yeah it was!

We partied hard into the night.

We then saw Lincoln in his room sleeping and he had Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rainbow Dask, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie with him sleeping in his bed.

Mane 9 were asleep with Lincoln while snuggling up to them.

Kairi: Let's not disturb them.

Me: (Whispers) They are so cute like this.

Lori: (Whispers) They sure are.

Me: Shh.

We closed the door and left.

It was a big victory for all of us and for everyone on the team. Equestria and the universe were saved and the Doomsday 23 had been silenced forever. April 12th was a big day for us all. We destroyed the Doomsday 23, resurrected the Saiyans, Terrence and Tyrone redeemed themselves and got their sentences cut down to community service, Pikkon was resurrected, had new villains join the Masters of Evil and more.


Another awesome fanfiction complete.

WOOHOO! This was epic! I hope you all loved this action packed chapter. NicoChan11, JediAvatarOfShinobi, Omegahatchiyak12, XP4Universe, Drako1234658, and ninjakingofhearts all gave me the ideas for this one. Thanks guys. Next up is a chapter that's based on a game from my childhood. It's called Astal and it takes place on a planet made of crystal and it's being terrorized by the forces and monsters of the evil god Jerado and make him pay for his crimes. We're going to see if we can defy the impossible and kill a god.

See you all tomorrow.