AN: Hello all my name if Greed720 and this is my first story for this kind of crossover. I decided to do a crossover between RWBY and Percy Jackson. This is mainly because I think such a crossover would be interesting, and also because there is a lack of such crossovers at the moment.
This story will feature an AU Percy. His history will follow canon up until the book The House of Hades, and then things will be different. These changes will be shown as the story progresses. Other than that I hope you all give this a chance and enjoy it.
I would really appreciate any feedback people would be willing to give me, as I find reviews are very useful when it comes to improving upon both your writing and your story.
Last edited: 11/04/2023 - There have been some minor changes to the story and a general clean-up of the text. The other chapters will be getting updated as and when they're ready. So until they are all done there might be some continuity errors.
Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or Percy Jackson.
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Chapter 1
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(With Percy)
"Good luck…"
Percy's eyes snapped open as he heard the familiar voice whisper in his ear.
He knew that voice.
He had heard it before.
But he couldn't remember just who the voice belonged to.
Letting out a groan, Percy pushed his aching body up and into a sitting position, his gaze surveying his surroundings as he tried to make sense of where was, and how he had come to be here.
The first thing he saw, were trees, lots and lots of trees.
Some of them looked huge.
Their trunks were wider than he was tall.
As for their height.
Craning his neck, Percy looked up at the thick tree canopy far above him, through which he could just about see the bright beams of silvery moonlight shining down upon him.
The trees must have been nearly one hundred feet high, and far bigger than anything he had ever seen before.
More than that, the dark forest was wild and untamed. There were no paths or well-worn trails. Instead, there was thick brush all around him, and the ground beneath him was buried beneath at least a half foot of mouldering leaf mulch.
"What in Hades…" Percy muttered to himself, as he tried to push himself to his feet. Only for his feet to slip on the loamy ground, as his legs gave way beneath him,
Collapsing back onto the soft, leaf-covered ground, a sudden wave of tiredness and nausea hit him all of sudden.
His stomach felt queasy.
His mouth was gritty and dry.
His back muscles and joints ached.
It felt like he had just been standing at the epicentre of an erupting volcano, and then was propelled halfway around the world by the ensuing blast.
Some people may think that that is a bit of a weird analogy. But the weird thing was, that he had been through just such an experience before. As such, he knew the bone-weary ache well enough to make the comparison.
Shaking his head at that thought, and letting out a grunt of irritation, Percy gritted his teeth and used both of his aching, shaking arms to push himself up to his feet; successfully this time.
Everything ached, from his arms and legs to his back and head.
Or at least, they did at the moment.
But perhaps more importantly, he didn't know where he was right now.
Nor did he know what was around him, and to make matters worse, even if he was in danger, he wasn't in any condition to fight at the moment either.
It was something he would have to change.
Closing his eyes at that thought, he took a breath and began to draw on the moisture in the air.
It was hard going, but after a minute or so of effort, he had managed to draw enough water to him to surround his body in a thin film of it.
For most people, such an act would look impossible.
But he was not most people, he was Perseus Jackson, a demigod, the son of Poseidon, and one of the Seven Great Heroes of Olympus.
For him, this level of hydrokinesis was as easy as breathing.
Keeping his eyes closed, Percy began to take slow and deep breaths; focusing intently as he kept drawing on the moisture in the air until eventually he started drawing more out of some of the nearby trees, and out of the ground itself, as he kept himself in a condensed cloak of constantly shifting water.
To the outside observer, he probably made quite a bizarre sight, as even to him, it looked like he had a second layer of skin made out of shimmering water.
Not that he cared what he looked like, as instead he simply focussed on the feeling of his latent demigod abilities activating and going to work.
He could already feel the cloak of water rapidly speeding up his recovery. His aches and pains were all but gone now.
More than that, however, his head also felt clearer as the water enhanced his senses and physical abilities, and gave him greater clarity.
He felt more alive than ever.
The only way he could feel better right now would be if he were in the ocean, his father's domain, as opposed to being in the middle of some unknown forest.
The ability to heal himself with water was one of the best things about being a son of Poseidon. After all, all he needed was a bit of water, and he could heal himself of all but the worst wounds, and immediately reinvigorate himself and enhance his body.
Keeping his eyes closed, he directed the water to continue to swirl over his entire body. Some of it sank into his skin hydrating him and revitalising his organs.
It was a good feeling, a fresh feeling.
Already he could feel the tingling irritation that had previously covered his skin fading away.
With a final deep breath, Percy opened his eyes and allowed his control over the water to drop. Which in turn caused the cloak of water to collapse to the loamy, leaf-covered ground beneath him and soak into the forest floor. From prior experience, he knew it would be best to conserve his energy as much as possible until he had a better idea of just where he was, and what in Tartarus had happened to land him in this unfamiliar forest.
The moment he released his control over his power however, the tingling feeling along his skin returned, only now it was more noticeable than ever, as he was no longer as distracted by his other aches and pains.
Flexing his hands, Percy eyed them warily.
It felt like he was wearing a pair of rubber gloves.
Shaking his hands at that odd thought, Percy put the odd feeling to one side. He would deal with both it and the voice he had heard, later, after he had found his bearings.
Mentally nodding to himself at that thought, he frowned and began to look around and take stock of his surroundings.
Now that he had regained some semblance of his strength, he needed to work out what was going on.
Looking around, he once again noted that he was in a forest. A healthy verdant green forest that wouldn't look out of place in Maine, only this forest was wilder than those in Maine, it almost looked ancient and prehistoric.
Still, those differences aside, the climate at least matched that part of the world. Then again, he could also be in a forest in the middle of Europe too. It was a bit hard to say at the moment, especially without more to go on.
Either way though, one thing was for sure.
He wasn't in Greece.
Which was distinctly odd, after all the last thing he remembered he was fighting against the forces of Gaia, the Primordial Goddess of the Earth, and that had been in Southern Greece. A distinctly hot and arid country, and not a place which, as far as he knew, would have a forest like this in it.
Frowning at that thought, Percy continued to take stock of his current state too.
He was a little tired but had sustained no real injuries.
Or at least, he'd only had a few cuts and bruises, all of which had now been healed.
As for his equipment and attire.
He was wearing a pair of scuffed and dirty brown, leather boots, slightly worn out looking jeans, with Celestial Bronze plate armour strapped around his thighs and calves. All of which, while looking battered, was still very much serviceable.
On his top half, he wore a dirty, sweat-soaked Camp Half-Blood T-shirt, over the top of which he had a finely wrought Celestial Bronze cuirass. The armour had only recently been forged for him by the Cyclops' of Atlantis.
There were several scratches, and even a rent or two from where a blade had pierced, but it was for the most part still functional.
On both arms, he had a pair of just as finely made Imperial Gold bracers. Both of which had engravings of a trident on the forearms, a nod of respect to Poseidon. They had been gifted to him by one of his father's heralds back when he had been named the battle commander for the Greco-Roman army.
Not that he had ended up holding the position for long, in the end.
Apart from the usual signs of wear and tear, his bracers were perfectly fine though, as too was the bronze shield he still had looped around his left forearm – scratched and slightly dented, but otherwise fine.
Smiling to himself slightly at the memory of when he had been given the shield by his half-brother Tyson, – it felt like a long time ago now, back before he knew about the Romans, and before Hera conceived her ill-thought-out plan to unite the two camps of demigods-, Percy, now feeling a bit better, continued to give his gear a once over.
At a first glance, his equipment was all in pretty decent condition. Apart from a few small battle scars and rents, it was pretty serviceable.
Which, considering the length and ferocity of the battles he had taken part in during the campaign against Gaia and her forces, was a testament to the craftsmanship that had gone into forging his armour.
Especially since Gaia's forces had consisted of not just hordes of monsters, but Gaia's children, the Giants and the Titans, too. During the campaign, he had fought against some of the most dangerous, powerful and deadly beings that had ever come out of Tartarus' infernal depths.
Smiling to himself at this stroke of good fortune, he then checked his weapons. His hand was already shifting into the pocket of his jeans, as he grabbed the familiar pen-shaped object inside.
At a first glance, the pen looked like just a fancy ballpoint pen. But if one were to take the lid off, then they would see the pen extend to become a leaf-shaped, Celestial Bronze sword. Anaklumous, a blade that had almost become legendary since it had come into his hands.
Smiling to himself, Percy pulled Anaklumous, in its pen form, out of his pocket and extended it to its true form.
Just the feeling of the familiar blade in his hand was enough to fill Percy with confidence. The blade was perfect for him, it had the perfect length, weight and grip.
It felt like an extension of his arm, and with it, Percy had slain Titans, Giants and eldritch monsters than had long haunted the nightmares of mankind.
However, holding it now, he couldn't help but get an odd feeling from the blade.
It seemed to shiver in his hand as it settled into its sword form. It was odd, but it almost felt like he could feel the blade thrumming excitedly in response to him, as his hand closed around the hilt.
Frowning, he eyed the sword warily.
Anaklumous had been with him since the start. It was the first sword he'd ever wielded and had been a faithful companion in all his adventures.
It had never once let him down.
But in all that time, neither had it ever reacted to him like it was currently doing.
It was odd.
But thankfully the feeling was only fleeting, as his sword quickly became inert once more.
Still frowning, he looked around at his leafy surroundings once more. It looked peaceful, or at least on the surface.
With that thought in mind, he began to take a few steps forward. His eyes narrowed as he kept his guard up and his blade held at the ready.
The last thing he remembered before waking up was leading the combined armies of the Greek and Roman demigods in a final charge down the slopes of Mount Olympus.
They had charged the enemy forces in a wedge formation, with Percy acting as the tip, with both Frank and Jason at his side.
That was the last thing he remembered clearly.
After that, all he could recall was the clash of blades, the screaming of monsters and demigods, the all-encompassing rage of battle as he brought death down upon the heads of his enemies, and then a final, loud ear-splitting shriek as the earth itself began to shake and then nothing but darkness, and a loud, almost familiar, laughing.
The next memory he could dredge up was waking up alone in the forest. With that same voice, the one that laughed, ringing in his ears as it said…
"Good luck," Percy muttered to himself, echoing the sinister words he had awoken to as his gaze shifted along the edges of the forest, even as he felt a sudden chill run down his spine.
What happened now…?
Well, that would have to wait until he found some kind of civilization.
After he did that, then maybe he could start to go about trying to get into contact with someone who might be able to help him, or at least someone who could answer some of the many questions he had brewing in his head.
Nodding to himself at that thought, he started towards the treeline, only to stop abruptly as he heard a beastly growl suddenly sound out from within the nearby bushes.
Narrowing his eyes at the sound, he quickly shifted his stance, his mind already racing as he tightened his grip on Anaklumous's hilt.
He was not just going to run in head first and start killing, not until he knew what he was up against and how many there were.
After all, the last thing he needed was to find himself surrounded by a pack of strong monsters.
It was a surefire way to get himself outnumbered, overwhelmed and gutted.
No, considering his current circumstances he needed to adopt a more wary approach.
Fortunately, he was patient.
It was a trait he had learned during the campaign against Gaia.
Drawing on his control over water, he began to extend his senses using the moisture in the air to sense the movement and vibrations of everything around him.
Raising his blade, he lowered himself into a fighting stance.
His free hand rose as he quickly started to pool water into it, drawing it from the air and nearby plant life.
There were close to a dozen large creatures nearby, all of them within fifty feet of his current position, or at least that was what he could sense within the extent of his amplified sensory range.
But that was just to begin with because even as he processed the numbers currently arrayed against him, he could sense even more entering his field.
They were gathering almost like a pack of wolves or a swarm of monsters. Hanging back for now as they likely prepared some kind of ambush. That, or they were waiting for some of their fellows to cut off his retreat so they could fully encircle him.
Which, considering he was outnumbered and in unfamiliar territory, was the worst thing that could happen.
Narrowing his eyes at that thought, he continued to keep close track of what was happening around him, even as he started to come up with a game plan.
The creatures he sensed were large; bigger than a full-grown man, and from what he could feel through the soft earth beneath him, heavier too.
Initially, he had thought that they might be Hellhounds.
Some of them were certainly the right size and shape for it.
But at the same time, they felt different.
Honestly, he wasn't sure what they were.
What he did know though, was that they were hostile.
In the end, he knew that there was no point in speculating what they were, after all soon enough his curiosity would be assuaged.
Already he could feel the sources of the growling beginning to approach him. He could hear their snarls rising in volume as they prowled forwards, the twigs and branches snapping under their clawed feet, and the surrounding bushes rustling as they talked forward.
Drawing on the damp loam beneath him, and the nearby plant life, he covered his sword blade with water, even as he bent his knees slightly and laid the flat of his blade on the rim of his shield, even as he looked out over it at the oncoming pack of monsters.
The water around his blade swirled and solidified around it, the edges vibrating slightly, even as the orb of water in his freehand, started to condense.
They were nearly on him.
Narrowing his eyes, Percy watched as the dappled moonlight that came through the overhead canopy revealed the monstrous forms of his would-be attackers.
At a first glance, they did indeed look similar to Hellhounds.
But that was only at a first glance.
A closer look quickly revealed that these creatures were far more humanoid and anthropomorphic than Hellhounds; with the monsters also having pale, white bony spikes and plates of armour protruding from their backs and arms, and odd twisting red markings across their black furred hides.
Most noticeably, however, they all also had white, bone-like masks covering their snarling, bestial faces. Their red glowing eyes shone through the sockets of their masks, and held nothing but malice, hatred, and hunger, as they locked on him.
Yeah, Percy thought, these beasts were similar to a Hellhound on the surface. He had killed enough of those monsters to know that much, but they weren't Hellhounds. These creatures were something else.
Narrowing his eyes, Percy tensed as he heard the first beast howl, even as it pounced towards him its jaws open in a snarl and its claws extended and ready to rend and tear his flesh.
Percy didn't pause for a second as instead he took a single step forward, Anaklumous moving in a bronze blur as he brought it up and round in a single strike. The water-enshrouded blade bisected the creature in a single swift smooth motion, causing the two halves of its now severed body to land on the forest floor behind Percy with a sickening crunch.
Glancing sideways, Percy couldn't help but blink in surprise as he saw the severed remains of the creature begin to disintegrate into wispy black vapour moments later.
Not that the creature's remains disappearing was what surprised him, monsters often disintegrated after they were slain as it signified their immortal souls being cast down into Tartarus where they would begin to slowly reform. Instead, what did surprise him was that monsters usually broke apart to become golden dust when slain. They didn't turn into wispy black mist.
It was an inconsistency that made him uncomfortable.
Still, he thought, tearing his mind away from this oddity; for now, he had more important things to think about, as from within the woods he could hear more twigs breaking and leaves rustling, followed by more howls and growls as the rest of this creature's pack charged in moments after their fellow monster had been slain.
They acted more like mindless beasts than intelligent monsters as they swarmed him.
Repositioning his blade, Percy didn't waste a second when the next creature burst out of the undergrowth, as he instead quickly swung his blade around and beheaded it. The creature's remains tumbled past him, as he followed his slash up with a brutal shield bash to the head of another beast, and then a backhanded swing which struck the skull of another of the beasts, sending it crashing to the floor.
Stamping his foot down on the wounded creature, and crushing its skull beneath his booted foot, Percy swung his left hand around, the condensed water within it exploding outwards as he rapidly created a scythe-like blade of water, which he then proceeded to use to slash a fourth creature in half, and then a fifth beast. Before he twisted and stabbed the sharpened tip of his d blade through the head of the beast he had previously knocked away with his shield.
Once again ignoring the disintegrating forms of the creatures around him, Percy repositioned himself into a ready stance as half a dozen more beasts exploded out of the foliage. With them rushing at him from all directions.
'Well…' Percy thought tiredly, as he watched the beasts charge him, their eyes burning red with rage and hate, and their maws open revealing sharp, dagger-like teeth. 'It looks like it's going to be one of those days?'
Hefting his sword, Percy let out a single loan battle cry before he threw himself forward, his water-sheathed blade already singing through the air as he cut down one of his foes, even as a second sword, a blade made entirely out of highly condensed ice, appeared in his other hand as he turned and struck down another creature that got in his way.
( - )
(Nearby at Beacon Academy)
In a large oval-shaped office, an older-looking man in his mid-forties took a sip from a cup of coffee as he looked over the list of students for the upcoming year at Beacon Academy.
The man had unkempt, tousled grey hair, and small round glasses and was dressed in a dark green suit. Leaning casually at the man's side was a black cane, one which had an intricate, ornate silver handle.
This man was known as Professor Ozpin, the current Headmaster of Beacon Academy; a school that was known throughout the world for producing some of the best hunters and huntresses in Remnant.
Letting out a tired sigh, and taking another sip of his coffee, Ozpin continued to peruse the many applications that had been sent in this year from the newest crop of would-be huntsmen and huntresses. The majority of the applications he had received were from the many training schools that were dotted around the kingdom of Vale, like Signal, but a number were also from those who had passed Beacon's gruelling independent combat tests.
Earlier in the day, he had been agonizing over how he had an uneven number of first years this year. Considering how those who were accepted were expected to find a partner and to be part of a four-person team, made things understandably tricky. After all, this meant one of the teams would only be three people strong, which was simply unacceptable.
The huntsmen teams were supposed to be made up of four individuals, no more and no less. This was not only because it was tradition, but also because four had proven to be the perfect number for both learning and for small, rapid-fire Grimm extermination operations.
Now, he had previously found an additional applicant who had the potential to become a hunter. The only issue, however, was that the transcripts he had sent to Beacon were patently false.
The application belonged to a boy called Jaune Arc…. The boy, Ozpin knew, came from a prestigious family known for producing skilled hunters and huntresses. He certainly had the pedigree.
Despite this though, the boy had not taken a combat test, nor had he been to any of the preparatory schools like Signal. Instead, he had tried to cheat his way into Beacon through faked transcripts.
Honestly, he could have quite easily cut the young Arc off the list of potential students like many of the others that hadn't made it through to this stage of the process, because simply put he didn't have the skills needed to qualify.
In fact, he would likely have already been cut, were it not for the transcripts fooling the computer algorithm that filtered the unworthy applicants out based on their scores, skills, and several other criteria.
But then, if he were to cut the young Jaune Arc, he would then have to cut a further two students as there wouldn't be enough for a full team. Which he really didn't want to have to do as the rest of the students on his list had proven themselves to be both ready and qualified for Beacon.
Fortunately though, due to events that had happened earlier this evening, an attempted robbery of a Dust shop, a robbery that was stopped by a Signal student who bravely put her life on the line to do what she thought was right, he was no longer in such a predicament.
With the young Miss Ruby Rose now invited to Beacon the numbers now made up to eight even teams of four. That being said though, he was still on the fence about allowing Mr Arc to continue on to Beacon, as he had lied and cheated. However at the same time, with his pedigree, the boy could have the potential to become a decent hunter.
It was a difficult decision for him to make, one that he had been stewing over for a few hours now.
Blinking out of his reverie as he heard someone knocking on the door to his office, he quickly dropped the student list on his desk and looked up in surprise.
It wasn't often that he got unexpected visitors, especially so late at night.
"Come in," Ozpin called out, taking another sip of coffee as he put his paperwork down for now, and instead settled himself more comfortably in his chair, his gaze fixed on the door.
Upon hearing his call, a tall blonde woman, with piercing green eyes and a statuesque figure, stiffly entered the room.
This was Glynda, Glynda Goodwitch, the Deputy Headmistress of Beacon and a long-time friend and confidant of his; and it was because of their connection, that he was able to notice the urgency with which she walked, and the seriousness of the expression on her usually strict, and uncompromising face.
"Ah, Glynda, what seems to be the problem?" Ozpin asked easily, getting right down to the point as he knew just from a glance that she was in no mood for small talk or dilly-dallying.
"There is an issue in the Emerald Forest. The Grimm seem to be more riled up and aggressive than normal. When I noticed this, I checked the camera network set up in the forest, and well…." Glynda began as she stalked across the room, her scroll, a portable tablet-like computer, in hand as she tapped a few buttons on the touch screen. Her actions, caused a large screen on the side of the office's wall to light up as it began transmitting the camera feed Glynda currently had running on her scroll.
Ozpin blinked in surprise at this action, carefully adjusting his glasses as he turned and saw what had Glynda so serious.
The cameras currently showed a young man, who looked to be in his late teens, or perhaps early twenties. The youth in question wore some kind of outdated bronze-coloured armour and wielded a simplistic, antiquated, bronze-coloured sword.
Despite the simplicity of his weapon and the archaic nature of his armour though, he was still noticeably cutting a bloody swathe through a large pack of Beowolves.
Sitting back in his chair, he watched as the boy decapitated one Beowolf with a single swift swing of his sword, before moments later he turned and shoulder-charged another. This action gave him enough time to sweep his sword around and bisect a third before lunging forward again. His sword was a bronze blur as it impaled the second.
Three large Beowolves dead in less than five seconds, it was remarkable.
The boy's strikes were swift, accurate and economical.
There was no wasted movement.
Every strike he delivered was meant to kill, maim or disable.
Even as Ozpin watched, the boy scythed through another five Beowolves. With him not stopping for a second as he continued on, leaving behind a trail of close to twenty dead Beowloves to disintegrate.
Now Beowloves were not the strongest of Grimm, they were deadly to an untrained civilian, but to a hunter, even a first year, they were easy prey to kill.
That being said the boy was fighting an entire pack, something that could overwhelm even a fully trained hunter, and yet he did not seem at all perturbed as he bulldozed through them.
Ozpin raised an eyebrow.
The boy was clearly highly skilled, but judging by his age and the fact Ozpin didn't recognize him, it was a safe bet that he was not a qualified hunter. Which of course begged the question of what he was doing in the Emerald Forest alone, and how he had gotten there in the first place.
Looking closely, Ozpin could see that despite the sorry state his armour was in, the boy looked mostly uninjured. But at the same time, he could also see that the teen was beginning to show definite signs of fatigue.
His blows were still deadly and precise but they were beginning to slow, as with every Grimm he killed two more seemed to appear.
The fight looked to be turning into a battle of attrition, which against the hordes of Grimm, was not a fight any normal person could hope to win.
It was for this reason that huntsmen often fought in teams, as no matter how skilled a huntsman was, they were still mortal, they were still tired, and they could still get overwhelmed by sheer numbers.
Especially when the bigger and more powerful Grimm got involved, which seemed to be the case here. Looking at the feed he could already see Ursai, bear-like Grimm, beginning to appear from out of the forest as they joined the snarling pack of Beowolves in surrounding, corralling and wearing down their foe.
Watching as the armoured teen sliced off an Ursai's leg, before lashing out with his blade and ramming the four-foot-something blade through another Ursai's skull, even as he used his shield to fend off a leaping Beowulf, Ozpin decided he had seen enough.
"Glynda, go pick the boy up. Get him out of there before he gets overwhelmed, and bring him here. Take a Bullhead." Ozpin said quickly as he clasped his hands together in front of him, his fingers steepling as he focused on the camera feed.
Glynda nodded curtly in response, there were no words needed, and quickly turned and strode out of the office, her hands already in motion as she used her scroll to call for a Bullhead to be prepared for her use.
Watching the woman leave for a moment, Ozpin hummed to himself thoughtfully, before he looked back to the screen as the ongoing fight continued to play out.
Nodding his head, Ozpin then looked down at the roster for the upcoming first years at Beacon Academy, a new thought coming to mind.
( - )
(With Percy in the Emerald Forest)
Percy let out a grunt of irritation as he cut through yet another one of the black-furred creatures.
The tide of monsters seemed to be never-ending.
For everyone he cut down, another two seemed to take their place.
More than that though, it appeared as though tougher versions of the creatures were now appearing. No longer were there just the wolf-like creatures attacking him. Instead, there were now hulking, bear-like creatures beginning to engage him too.
These new creatures were colossal masses of black fur and muscle. On top of which, like the smaller ones, the bear-like creatures also had large bone-like masks, plates of armour and white spines sticking out of their backs and shoulders. Also like the other ones, when slain the creatures seemed to slowly break apart into black mist too.
Unlike the first creatures though, the next ones he faced were noticeably stronger, more durable and more ferocious, which when added to their foot-long, razor-sharp claws, make them quite a pain to deal with.
Gripping the hilt of his blade tightly, Percy took a step back his intense green eyes narrowed as he saw the creatures beginning to swarm him once again.
They were coming from in front of him, behind him and from the sides, and if that were not bad enough he was still within the dense forest meaning that the moonlight from overhead, now shrouded as it was by the forest canopy and clouds, provided barely any light for him to see with. He was fighting in almost pitch-black darkness.
The only light he could see by now came from the faint glow coming from his armour and weapons, and the few shafts of moonlight that managed to penetrate through the forest's thick canopy.
Hearing the creatures growling around him, Percy once again drew on his demigod abilities, pushing away the mounting feelings of fatigue he could feel building within him as he instead focused on surviving the night.
Raising his foot, Percy stamped his booted heel on the ground, drawing on his geokinetic abilities, courtesy of his father being the God of Earthquakes, as he did so.
In response to his actions, the ground around him exploded, even as a surge of energy flowed through him and into the earth. Moments later great spires of rock erupted from the ground all around him, pointing out in every direction as they impaled the surrounding, swarming monsters. The ground itself noticeably shook and cracked, as a sudden localised earthquake also caused nearby monsters to stumble, and trees in the vicinity to uproot and collapse.
Smiling, Percy's gaze flickered over to the palisade of stone spikes that now surrounded him. It provided him with a defensive buffer between him and the swarming creatures of darkness. Which in turn gave him space to breathe, or at least for the moment as already he could see more of the black-furred monstrosities appearing, and clambering over their impaled and dying brethren as they mindlessly invaded his defences.
They didn't even flinch at his geokinetic onslaught, nor did they seem concerned at so many of their pack mates being slain. Instead, they continued their assault. The beasts were inexorable, driven on by mindless hatred and insatiable hunger.
Taking a deep breath, Percy drew on his powers again as he stamped his foot on the fractured earth beneath him once more.
This time, instead of more spikes, a shockwave exploded out from the point of impact. The shockwave blasted the spikes of rock out of the ground and sent them hurtling outward, like rockets, at the surrounding creatures.
Watching the path of one of the stone spikes, Percy saw that it tore through four of the creatures before it struck one of the surrounding, still standing, trees only for it to rip through the massive tree too, causing it to fall as it did so.
All around him, Percy could see nothing but mayhem as more than two dozen of the swarming, black-furred creatures died, either due to being impaled or from having the trees collapse on top of them.
He had no time to think about the success of his attack though, as he suddenly felt something hit him from behind. The screeching sound of sharp claws being run along metal followed soon after as he was knocked forward a few steps.
Luckily though, his armour held.
Twisting around Percy's blade struck the creature attacking him in the juncture between its neck and shoulder, the blade cutting at least a foot deep into the creature before he proceeded to unceremoniously boot it off the end of his blade.
Sweeping his sword around, Percy drew more water out of the destroyed trees around him, increasing the density of the water cloaking both himself and his blade as he did so.
Narrowing his eyes, he extended the water and enveloped his sword to add an extra two feet of length, even as he once again raised his shield.
Gritting his teeth he allowed the water to soak through the gaps in his armour and the clothing beneath, and directly into his body through the pores on his skin. The cold, clean water quickly invigorated him and brushed his fatigue temporarily away as he used the water to give himself a sudden adrenaline high.
Being the son of Poseidon had a lot of perks.
Lashing out with his now extended sword blade, Percy began to cut through the masses of creatures, not even paying attention now as he haphazardly sliced and hacked at away anything that got in his way.
There were too many of them, the last time he had faced this many monsters by himself had been years ago, in the depths of Alaska, and back then he had nearly been overwhelmed and killed.
In fact, he probably would have died there had it not been for his quest mates, Frank and Hazel, fighting through the ranks of his enemies and coming to his aid
Fortunately, he had learned from that mistake though, and he was no longer as foolish and arrogant as he had once been, and right here and now, he knew he was about to be overwhelmed.
There were too many of the creatures, and even though he had destroyed a few of the trees, letting more moonlight in, the forest was still dark and he was still running on fumes.
Lashing out with his sword, Percy began to cut through the horde. He needed to create an opening so he could get away from the main group attacking, and either flee to safety or find a more defensible position.
Biting back a snarl as he rammed his blade up and through one of the bear-like monster's chests, Percy felt one of the beast's claws raking across his face, as he tried to dodge around its falling form.
Grimacing in pain, he fell back and forced the water still clinging to his form, to converge on the wound, washing away the dribbling blood from the wound, even as it soothed his pain, and started to knit his flesh back together.
There were too many of them, and they were almost as fast as they were deadly.
Pushing that concern to the side for one moment, he instead continued to focus on the ongoing fight, even as he lunged forward his free hand and rammed a reinforced blade of ice into another wolf's heart, killing it, even as he twisted the blade and hurled its disintegrating form into several of its fellows.
He was getting tired, and sloppy.
He needed to get to a more defensible position.
Raising his shield and his sword, he surged forward once again, only this time he only managed to make it a few metres before he was distracted by a loud, roaring sound. Only, this roaring sound didn't feel like any beast or monster. Instead, it sounded like the roar of an engine.
Looking up, Percy quickly spotted a large vehicle, a kind he had never seen before, appearing overhead, a large floodlight attached to the bottom of the flying craft shining down upon him from above.
From the looks of it, his fighting had drawn the attention of some mortals.
Swinging his sword around once more, Percy decapitated one of the creatures that dared to get too close to him, even as he raised his other hand up in the air as he waved to get their attention.
Due to the Mist, the magical veil that hid the divine form of the mortals, he wasn't entirely sure what these mortals were seeing. But hopefully, they would be able to at least tell he needed help.
In response to his waving the large craft shifted around to face him as Percy watched, his mind only partially on hacking and slashing away at anything that got too close to him now as he instead tracked where the aircraft was going.
It appeared they had seen him.
What then followed was the sound of gunfire.
Percy blinked in surprise as he saw what looked like two Gatling guns attached to the bottom of the vehicle begin to spin, even as they started to rain down heavy fire on the swarm of creatures surrounding him.
It was a futile act, or at least that was what he thought, after all only divine metal could kill monsters.
That said, however, he was quickly taken by surprise as the mortals' guns began to actually cut down the creatures. The aircraft's guns thankfully aimed for around him as they drove the swarm of creatures away, leaving Percy free of attackers for the moment.
Turning in mid-air the aircraft soon showed it had bay doors on its side too.
Which upon opening revealed a tall, green-eyed, blonde woman, who appeared to be holding a riding crop….
Percy blinked in surprise as he saw the woman's weapon of choice. But only for a moment, before he pushed his bemusement aside as he saw some of the creatures had gotten bolder and were once more advancing on him.
Turning back to look up at the woman, Percy was once again surprised to see that, as she waved the riding crop at the horde of monsters, several purple beams shot forth from her. The beams of purple light struck the surrounding creatures around him, decimating at least a dozen of the ones closest to him.
"Quickly, get in!" The woman shouted at him, her voice barely audible above the sound of the vehicle's engines as it hovered closer to the ground and the roaring sound of the Gatling guns as they continued to bombard the horde of voracious creatures that even now still tried to get at him.
Percy nodded in response.
He didn't need to be told twice.
Without a word, he ran forwards, slashing out with his blade and cutting through the head of a nearby creature as he did so, before using its dying and quickly disintegrating body as a springboard.
His leap propelled him up and into the vehicle.
He didn't know who this woman was, but at the moment he didn't care.
She was offering him help, and right now he would gladly accept any help offered.
On top of which, he thought as the guns continued to bombard the monsters below, she might have some answers about just what these monsters are. Because after killing so many of them now, he was pretty damn sure they were not like the monsters he was used to killing.
Staggering forwards as he felt the aircraft suddenly lurch, Percy was only just aware of the woman calling out "Pilot, get us out of here." Her voice was stern and uncompromising before the aircraft began to turn away from the battlefield.
Pushing himself to his feet, Percy felt a sudden wave of exhaustion pass over him as he released his control on the cloak of water surrounding him and instead allowed it to spill onto the metallic floor of the vehicle.
Staggering slightly, Percy ignored the woman for now, trusting in his well-honed danger sense, and instead looked out of the still open doorway as the vehicle began to pull away and then rise up and out of the forest.
Letting out a tired sigh, Percy looked up only to stop and stare as he saw the moon.
Or at least as he saw what was left of it.
Because, as he looked up, he could only do so in shock and horror, as from where he was standing the moon looked like it had been shattered.
( - )
AN: So what do you all think? Did you like it, is there anything I can improve upon? As I said this is my first story for this type of crossover, and although I love both the RWBY series and the Percy Jackson books I am willing to admit my knowledge of them is not flawless. Nor is my writing anywhere near that of a professional.
As for pairings, I have not decided on any yet, but I would be open to other peoples opinions if they can state a good reason behind it. Thanks.
Thanks a lot for reading!