Yes, I know Finn and Marceline are never gonna end up together, and yes, I understand that Marcy was already given a backstory in the Stakes miniseries, and that there was a Vampire King in it. But, 1. I haven't watched Adventure Time since The Cooler episode in Season 6, which was three years ago (I had lost a lot of interest in the series. Let's just say it wasn't really working for me, anymore, and leave it at that). And 2. Cut me some slack, will ya? I was writing this story a whole year before Stakes came out. It's also because of that miniseries that I decided NOT to watch the rest of the series until this story was done. I didn't want people to think I was ripping off Stakes, in any way, so if there are any similarities, I apologize. I never meant to rip off anything, and any and all similarities are complete coincidences.

Also, and I can't stress this enough, all episodes that take place after Escape from the Citadel are NOT canonical with these stories. While this is partially due to my dislike of many of the episodes that take place after it, it is mostly for the sake of ease. Trying to make every bit of my continuity somehow correlate with all of the continuity of the show is ni-impossible, especially if it's a Finnceline story, which already contradicts pre-established character dynamics, anyway. So, in short, Escape From the Citadel is the cutoff date, where the continuity of the show ends and my alternate timeline begins, of which I have titled the Disgruntled Fanonverse (or DFV for short). In any case, I hope you will come to appreciate this story for its own merits. And if you don't, hey! That's cool, too! I can't please everybody. ;)

Lastly, to all of my original peeps who read these chapters already, I'm so sorry about the deletion. In hindsight, it was kinda stupid, as I coulda just edited these chapters, later down the road, but I guess I just thought, in the moment, that if I deleted the whole story and then reuploaded them, it would feel like a new experience, especially with the establishment of my prologue story, Attraction that is Blossoming, which changed a few things from the original draft of Jerkwad. If this all seems pretty silly and nonsensical, I apologize. I have Asperger's Syndrome (a mild form of autism), so I think very differently from most people. Heck, I've deleted and remade records on videogames because I felt a few minor details and decisions didn't quite reach my expectations. :P But, from here on out, I will no longer delete any stories because of a few errors, and instead just edit the chapters like I have been, even if they were already posted. For any newcomers, I would highly suggest you go read Attraction that is Blossoming before you proceed with this story. With that all out of the way, let's begin (Or rather, let's re-begin)!

Chapter 1: Return of the King

Cinnamon Bun woke up to a bright early morning, stretching his arms and yawning in a restful manner. "Aw man!" He said, rather happily. "That was the best night sleep since last night's sleep! And the night before that!" He went to the side of his bed to pat his custom "Not-Too-Bright" nightlight that Princess Bubblegum made for him. "Hahahaha! Thanks for keeping my room in a comfortable atmosphere, nightlight!" He then put a finger to his mouth, thinking. "Now, what was I gonna do today?" He walked over to the other side of his house and looked at the calendar on wall. He squinted to look at the small lettering near the bottom square:

Dear, CB,

I hope you're enjoying the nightlight I made you. I'll just assume you are, considering you haven't made any complaints in over a month. Anyway, I understand it's your monthly picnic day, and since I'll be too busy with my research to supervise you and the guards will be too busy with border patrol to make sure you don't do something stupid, I wrote this note to tell you to KEEP THE FUDGE OUT OF THE CREEPY FOREST, TODAY!

Sincerely, Princess Bubblegum.

"Uuuuuh…" Cinnamon Bun held his mouth open, confused by all the lettering in the tiny square. His simple mind, coupled by his nearsighted vision, kept him from processing the information, properly. But, after a good ten seconds, he got something. "…Oh yeah! My monthly picnic day! A day where I get to have a picnic all to myself!" He jumped, excitedly. "Hurray! Huhuhuh! I'm gonna go make my picnic!" He ran into the kitchen to construct his ever-so-special picnic selection. For at least thirty minutes, he stumbled clumsily through his cabinets and fridge to find the ingredients for his "lettuce, tomato, and ice-cream sandwich," and then placed it on a plate. After finishing that, he spent another hour finding sugar and Kool-Aid mix for his delicious cherry beverage and poured it into a cup. And finally, for the last hour and a half, he brought out the picnic basket and the pitcher from the pantry, but he had trouble figuring out where the sandwich and the Kool-Aid went, respectively. He looked at the sandwich, then looked at the pitcher. "Uuuuh…that looks right!" He said, uncertainly. He then looked at the cup and the picnic basket. "And so does that!" He kept looking back and forth at the items until his head started hurting. "Aaaaaargh! Dang it!" He put his hands to his head. "How would the princess figure this out?" He thought hard, and an image of Bubblegum popped into his head.

It sighed."Sandwich goes in the picnic basket and the Kool-Aid goes into the pitcher. We've been over this for years now, buddy. Also, DON'T GO INTO THE CREEPY FOREST!" Then it vanished.

"Uuuh…Oh yeah!" Cinnamon Bun shouted in remembrance. "Huhuhuhuh! Thanks, Princess!" He then did as the figment instructed. "Sandwich goes in the basket and Kool-Aid goes in the pitcher!" He then scratched his head at another conundrum. "Uuuuh...but, where the heck does the 'Don't go into the creepy forest' go?" He took another five seconds to ponder it but then shrugged. "Ah! I'm sure I'll figure it out, later!" He gathered his picnic stuffs, and made his way to the door. "Alright! Time for the greatest picnic, ever!" He stopped at the door when he saw another note:

Dear CB,


Seriously, Princess Bubblegum!

"Uuuuh…" Cinnamon once again took a moment to think it over. "Red?" He looked at his Kool-Aid and squinted his eyes at it. It then dawned on him. "Oh yeah!" He turned to see his coat rack, which held a red scarf. "I better wear this to keep warm!" He set the picnic stuff down and wrapped the scarf around his neckless body. "There we go! All warm and snuggly!"

Cinnamon crashed through the door, his squishy body and brainless personality ignoring the impact. He skipped merrily across the Candy Kingdom streets, humming "la la la" in a tone-deaf manner. As he traversed the streets, he saw his fellow Candy People walking happily along. "Hi, guys!" CB said, happily.

"Hey, Cinnamon Bun!" a Candy Man said. "Out for your monthly picnicking, today?"

"Huhuhuh! Sure am!" answered Cinnamon Bun. "And I'm gonna enjoy it all by myself!"

"Hahahaha!" the Candy Man laughed before rubbing his head like a child. "Well, you have fun, ya little rascal!"

"Huhuhuhuh! Thanks! I will!"

Cinnamon Bun then proceeded down the street, and was about thirty feet away before the Candy Man shouted, "Just remember not to go into the Creepy Forest, ok?!" the Candy Man shouted.

Cinnamon Bun stopped at that and became confused and a little agitated. "Uuuuh! Yeah! Ok! I will!" he called back, before continuing onward. "Why do people keep bringing up that part?" He thought hard once more but just shook his head. "Ah, whatever! I gotta picnic to eat!"

Cinnamon Bun made his way out from the Candy Kingdom, and into the colorful Candy Forests, still continuing his skipping and terrible singing across the Candy Path. The colorful Candy Forest became far greener until CB made it to a grassy plain where a fork in the road lay. He looked down one of the paths, which led to an ordinary picnic table with no apparent occupants. "Hmm! That looks good!" CB said. He stared at the table for a while, and then looked down the other path, which lead to a large, dark forest with ominous clouds, overhead, lightning bolts flashing.

"Hmm!" Cinnamon Bun thought aloud. "But that place looks even nicer! But it also looks kinda occupied!" He heard creepy laughter in the distance, as if to confirm his thought. Still, in his tiny brain, the creepy looking forest looked irresistible and comfy, but he also didn't like the idea of sharing space. He spent several minutes thinking about which area to have his picnic. "Oh man! This is so hard!" After one last, long look at the forest, its laughter seemingly getting louder and more menacing, he made a decision. "Ah! Why not?! That looks like the perfect place to have my picnic, occupied or not!" He strode down the path to the Creepy Forest, continuing his merry shtick.

He entered the forest, still happy and oblivious. The path seemed to continue farther down, surrounded by dead-looking trees with evil faces on them. The scary sounds of animals and demonic laughter could be heard, and the storm clouds seemed relentless. The farther CB went, the less light seemed to shine from the trees, until, eventually, he couldn't see a thing. Cinnamon Bun started freaking out. "Aaaah! Too dark! TOO DAAAARK!" CB said. He ran around in circles, before crashing into a tree. A flashlight spilled out of his chest, and as it hit the ground, the force flipped the switch on, and it shined brightly in his face, causing him to clutch his eyes shut. "Aaaah! Too bright! TOO BRIIIIIIGHT!" He grabbed the flashlight, bashing it on a rock until the lights dimmed. CB opened his eyes and smiled, once more. "Aha! There we go!" He simply plopped back up and continued onward as if nothing happened.

He finally reached the end of the path, which led to the entrance of a cemetery. There was now some sky and some visibility, but it was grey and dingy. Still, he walked closer to it, until he finally stopped at the entrance. He looked to the side to see a wooden sign near the gate. He walked over to it to better see the writing. It read:



"Uuuuuuuh…" Finally, after so many warnings, it dawned on the little numskull what exactly the Princess was trying to say. "Oh yeah!" said Cinnamon Bun. "This is the place that the Princess told me NOT to have a picnic! Hahahaha! Says it's full of bad things!" He stood smiling, absent-mindedly, for a few seconds. It was as if he forgot what happened in the past ten seconds, because after a long pause, he proceeded into the cemetery, anyway. "La la la la la la la la!" he began to sing again.

He strode through the cemetery, which appeared darker and creepier than the forest. The clouds were grayer than the ones he saw outside the forest, while the thunder and lightning were louder and flashier, and the demonic laughter much more sinister. Even worse, as he walked across the muddy ground, he could see tombstones, all of which appeared to have the words Turn back! chiseled on them, as if to tell Cinnamon Bun of the upcoming terrors that lay ahead. Still, he was unfazed by any of this, and still he strode forward. Eventually, however, he stopped when he noticed that it was starting to rain.

"Ah, poo-bags!" he exclaimed. "Now I'll never get to enjoy my picnic! My day is ruined!" He hung his head in defeat and started to turn away and head for home. But, something caught the corner of his eye: a large, stone mausoleum, with windows and a doorway that contained nothing but the inky blackness of the dark. "Oh goodie!" Cinnamon Bun shouted. "A warm place to have my picnic! My day is finally looking up!" With renewed vigor, he ran into the mausoleum.

His flashlight brightened up the dark place to reveal the inner workings of the mausoleum. It was not particularly elaborate. It consisted of a single, very grey room, the floor covered in the skeletons of humanoid figures with varying weapons and armor. Of course, those weren't the features that caught the eye of Cinnamon Bun, but rather, he turned his attention to the strange, brown rectangle at the farthest end of the mausoleum. "Oh boy! A bench!" He exclaimed. "Now, I can rest my butt while I eat my picnic!" So, he ran to what an absent mind such as his (particularly one perusing a mausoleum) presumed to be a bench and plopped his caboose down. He laid the flashlight at his side, took out his lettuce, tomato, and ice-cream sandwich, and took a bite of it. However, he bit off a little too much, and began to choke. He took a swig of his cherry Kool-Aid, and he felt better. "Aaah! That hit the spot! I just really hope I don't spill my drink over this bench!" And just as soon as he said that, he knocked over the pitcher, and the contents started seeping into the bench. "Aaaaargh! Dang it!" shouted Cinnamon Bun. "It took me forever to make that!"

However, little did Cinnamon Bun know that the bench was actually a sarcophagus, containing the ashy remains of an ancient evil. The Kool-Aid spilt onto the ashes, the contents seeming to be sucked up by the pile with a disgusting, slurping sound. Within seconds, the ashes began to configure into a horrific, humanoid creature with shriveled, pale skin, sharp teeth, pointed ears, strands of wispy brown hair, and a short, scraggly beard. It suddenly opened its eyes, revealing nothing more than the black holes of its eye sockets, and it began to shriek. It flew upward and punched through the sarcophagus, sending Cinnamon Bun flying through the air. His red scarf fell off his body and onto the side of the sarcophagus, whereas he came crashing down on the mausoleum floor right on his head.

"Hehehe. Good thing I landed on my head!" said Cinnamon Bun. Then, he simply flipped himself back to his normal stance, picking up his flashlight to see the terrifying figure.

"I'm…I'm so hungry," said the creature in a raspy, vaguely Russian-sounding accent. It then stopped dead in tracks, seeming to be confused by its current predicament. It flew around the room, sniffing the air. "What? Where am?" It felt its eyeholes, scared. "I-I can't see! Why can't I see anything?!"

"Hahahaha! That's 'cuz you don't have eyes!" said Cinnamon Bun, quite proud of his observational skills, and not the least bit afraid of the monster.

"What?! Who said that?!" The creature's ears twitched about to find the source.

"I did! My name is Cinnamon Bun! What's yours?"

The creature finally turned to him. "Cinnamon Bun?" it inquired. "I don't remember any of my servants having that name. But, then again, I don't remember any of their names." It then smiled, its nostrils enlarging and filling with air. "Tell me, Cinnamon Bun. Are you…filled with blood?" The creature started to advance upon him.

Cinnamon Bun put a finger to his mouth and thought hard. "Uuuuh…." Was all he could say.

"GOOD ENOUGH!" Shouted the creature as it lunged at Cinnamon Bun. It tackled him to the ground with a hard thud and bit into his side.

"Hahahaha! Stop it! That tickles!" laughed Cinnamon Bun.

The creature ceased its assault, finally realizing that Cinnamon Bun did not, in fact, have any sort of blood in him. It spat out the sugar in its mouth. "Ack! This is not what I need!" said the creature. "I need red! He flew up into the air and shouted. "Servants! Where is my red?! Give me my red!"

Cinnamon Bun looked at the skeletons on the ground, and back to the creature. "Uh…I think your servants might be dead."

"Dead?" the creature asked, looking in the general direction of Cinnamon Bun. It looked around in fear "How? Where am I?" It felt for its eyes, again. "Why can't I see anything?" It felt its belly. "Why am I so hungry? And where are my washboard abs?"

"I dunno," said Cinnamon Bun. "But…maybe I could be your new friend, ya know? One who's not dead?"

"You?" asked the creature. "Make friends with a creature like you? What use would you be to me?"

"Uuuuh…" Cinnamon Bun thought.

"Aaaaargh! Never mind!" The creature interrupted. "I don't have time for this! I'll find some red, myself!" It felt around the room, sniffing for any potential food. While the creature roamed about, Cinnamon Bun simply went into a corner and began chewing on a bone from one of the skeletons. After a while, the creature looked under him, where the remains of the sarcophagus lay and began to sniff more hardily. It went down and grabbed the scarf that Cinnamon Bun once wore, sniffing at the sweet "delicacy," and drove its teeth into it, sucking the red right off, turning it grey. Soon, the hideous monstrosity turned into a handsomer version of itself, its hair and beard now fuller, its body more toned, and its eyes more…well, dottish. It was a man. "Aaaah. That was refreshing," said the creature happily, his voice now clear and silky. He felt his abs once more, and gave a satisfied smile. He turned to Cinnamon Bun, and raised his hands. "Now, mortal scum! Prepare to bow down to your new ruler! Before you stands GUNMOR: THE VAMPIRE KING!"

"Aaaahhhhh!" screamed Cinnamon Bun, covering his eyes in what appeared to be fear.

"Aha!" shouted Gunmor. "It seems my reputation has preceded me! But, your screams for mercy have fallen on deaf ears, doughnut beast! For you shall be my first…"

"You're naked!" interrupted Cinnamon Bun, turning away.

"What?" asked Gunmor. He then looked down his body, realizing that he had exposed his "happy bits." He covered his crotch with his hands and blushed. "Oh my. This is…" He thought for a moment, and then pointed to Cinnamon Bun. "You! Find me some clothes, now!"

"Ok!" said Cinnamon Bun, happily. He then started scraping bits of himself off and knitted them together, while Gunmor stared at him in disbelief. In a few seconds, Cinnamon Bun knitted a t-shirt and shorts, and presented them to Gunmor. "Here ya go!" Cinnamon Bun said.

Reluctantly, Gunmor grabbed the clothing. "Well, I suppose it's better than nothing," said Gunmor, and cringed as he put them on. "Thank you, strange, sugar creature."

"No problem!" said Cinnamon Bun.

Gunmor put a finger to his chin and thought for a moment. "Ya know," he finally said. "You're a pretty resourceful individual. How would like to be my new thrall?"

"Uuuuh…" Cinnamon Bun hesitated. "Is that gonna hurt?"

"Oh no! Not at all, my little friend! All you need did to do is look deeply into my eyes."

"Uuuh...ok!" And so he did just that, trying to focus his eyes into those of Gunmor's. Gunmor's eyes turned into swirling vortices and he rose his hands, wiggling his fingers.

"Look into my eyes, and you will clearly see

That the only meaning of your pitiful life is to serve me!"

"Hahahaha! Your eyes look like tiny Peppermint Butlers!" Cinnamon blurted out, and he proceeded to lick Gunmor's face.

Gunmor recoiled in disgust, and pushed Cinnamon Bun so hard into a wall that it cracked. "Aaaargh! Why didn't that work?" snarled Gunmor. He boiled up with anger, but then took a few breaths to calm himself down. "You know what? Forget it. I don't even want to bother with you. I'm out of here." And, just like that, he was out of the mausoleum.

Cinnamon Bun simply pulled himself off the wall and waved his hand. "Ok! Bye! Bye! Goodbye! Bye! Bye!" Cinnamon Bun said to the now vacant spot that Gunmor had been. "Wow! He was a really nice guy! I think he's my new best friend!"

Gunmor made his way over the graveyard and into the woods, trying to to get as far away from that "thing" as possible. "I can't believe it!" He said to himself. "The first thing I see when I wake up in Grund knows how long, and it's a talking bagel with the mind of a zombie! A brain-dead zombie!" He looked around the place as he floated along, hearing the noises of creepy laughter. "Where am I, anyway? These are not the beautiful, creepy forests of Bulgeria. The trees and scary laughter are far less menacing. Almost as if forest and fake or something." When Gunmor felt he had gained enough space between him and Cinnamon Bun, he decided, out of morbid curiosity, to check behind one of the trees and found that a tape recorder was strapped onto it by few loose pieces of duct tape. He picked up the device, examined it, and looked to his side to see that the rest of the trees were also strapped with recorders. He scoffed, crushed the tape in his hand and tossed it aside. "Amateurs!" And with that, he continue on his way.

As Gunmor finally reached to the clearing of the forest, mumbling grumpily to himself, he was greeted with the familiar enemy known as "UV radiation." It took only a drop of sunlight, and he recoiled, hissing in pain, back into the cover of the forest. "AAAARGH! GRUND OF A BILK!" he cursed. He took a moment to gain his composure from the pain, and then put his fists to his now sugar-covered hips. "Well, that's just great! Just when I need to escape from that 'Pretzel Beast', the Groosh Darrnk sun has to be out! He folded his arms, and sat down in the air, thinking of a way to get around the sunlight. He put a finger to his chin and pondered. "Didn't I have a power that allowed me to get past this little problem?" he asked himself. He put his hands to his head, closed his eyes, and tried to massage the memory out. "I remember black. And puffiness. Lots and lots of puffiness." His concentration was severed when he heard Cinnamon Bun laughing his way to his location. Gunmor gasped, open his eyes, and turned to see the Candy Person just about half a football field away from him.

"Hahahahahaha! Wait! Take me with you!" Cinnamon Bun shouted.

"Oh Grund! Oh Grund! Oh Grund! Oh Grund!" Gunmor exclaimed. He went back to his memory-finding posture, and thought even harder than before. "Think! Think! Think! What was that power?" He stood there for a moment, Cinnamon Bun only a few feet away from him. After a long time thinking, he finally remembered. "Oh, yeah!" he said. "My 'Cloud of Shroud!'" He raised an index finger above his head, and focused his energy into forming a black cloud. "There we go!" he said in triumph, and, as soon as he made it, he flew away into the sunny sky, leaving Cinnamon Bun behind.

"Ah! Dang it! He's too fast!" Cinnamon Bun said in a frustrated tone. He sat on the ground, feeling defeated. He then noticed some stuff on the ground leading out of the forest. It was bits and pieces of his sugary epidermis that fell off of the clothes he made for Gunmor. He perked up at the sight of them. "Oh boy! Now I can find my best friend!" He got up and followed the path, licking up his sugary bits as he went.

Gunmor made his way out of the forest, Going as high as he could so that Cinnamon Bun could not reach him. He wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead as he sighed in relief. "Phew! That was close." After catching his breath, Gunmor finally took notice of the strange, colorful world that now surrounded him. "Wha-what t is this place?" He flew up even higher than before, to the point where he could see the almost the entirety of his strange new world. Being so high up, he could see everything, from pink trees and yellow dirt of a sweet-smelling kingdom, to the greens and browns of a grassy plain and the blues and whites of a frozen tundra. Gunmor took in the sight with both disgust and awe.

"What is all this? It's so...garish, so tacky, so…so…pleasant. I don't like the look of it. Not one bit. When I plan my next invasion..." He slammed his fist in his opposite hand. "I'll have all this architecture destroyed and replaced with the macabre! He chuckled evilly to himself. "Yes! that is exactly what I will do!" Gunmor then started to think about something else. "Hmm. This place seems familiar. Almost as if I had heard of it before. A colorful country beyond the lands of Bulgeria. What was it? Eeh…Uuuh...Denver?" He shook his head. "Whatever. It's as good as conquered when I get my comrades down in Bulgeria." He looked around the country below. "Speaking of which, where is Bulgeria, anyway? Hmm." His Vampire eyes did not grant him the eyesight of a bird, and his sense of smell him was completely useless from this elevation. However, where his other senses would fail him, his hearing would not. Like a radar dish, his ears jerked in all directions, searching for the familiar sounds of his homeland. Soon enough, he picked up the sound of faint creepy laughter, far different than the forest he was in earlier. He smiled. "Aha! There it is!" And with that, he flew in the direction of the sound.

Gunmor made his way across the icy mountains and reached a very large sea. As he flew above the open waters, he finally spotted a familiar sight: a gigantic island, with an enormous, black cloud hovering above towering, dark trees, with a large mountain overlooking them, even piercing the cloud above. And of course, the best part, Gunmor could hear the sweet sounds of evil laughter reverberating across the island. There was no mistaking. Gunmor had found Bulgeria. "Ah." He sighed. "Home sweet home."

Gunmor flew through the cloud, and into the dark atmosphere of Bulgeria's skies. No longer fearing the sun, he deactivated his Cloud of Shroud, took in the sight of the beautifully dark country and inhaled the sweet scent. As he scanned the horizon, he marveled at his many accomplishments. To the Southwest, he smiled at the smoking ruins of the Werewolf Kingdom. Haha! Those mutts had it coming! They should've surrendered when they had the chance! To the East, he saw the large tower of the Checkomatchlockia, home of the Gunpeople. That's a nice looking tower, but, man those Gunpeople were volatile. He looked at the giant mountain to the North, the home of the Wizards of Oterplace. Useful dudes, those Wizards. Poor taste in clothes, though. Finally, he turned to the South, and hissed at the golden Kingdom of Nordsgath, the only kingdom not to be conquered yet. You'll get yours, soon! But, Gunmor quickly dismissed the kingdom, just happy to be back in familiar territory. "Ah, it is good to be back. Strange. I didn't even realize that I had left. But, now that I am here, I will greet my people once more."
Gunmor flew to a small, stony outpost in a ring-like pattern, bearing the red banner of his conquest. But something was wrong. The outpost was old and crumbled, almost as if it had been for centuries. Even stranger, there were no signs of any Vampires or slaves. "What happened?" Gunmor question. "Where is everybody?" Gunmor was very confused. Surely, there had to be someone down there. But, as he flew closer, He didn't see anybody. He decided to take a closer look at the snowy slopes of Oterplace. Sadly, it was also abandoned, and only the sounds of wind were heard. He then flew to Checkomatchlockia, which was equally empty. Gunmor began to worry a bit, but he also tried to cheer up and think of another possibility. "P-perhaps the others just had a wild party that went a little too far. Maybe they're all waiting to greet me back in…"

Gunmor was stopped by a sudden pain in his chest. "Aaargh! What is this?!" He shouted. "Something feels wrong! Very wrong!" Gunmor started to sink closer to the ground, grabbing at his chest. "My chest…it hurts! But…why?!" Then, painful memories began flowing back into Gunmor's mind. They were fragmented, but Gunmor could make out some of them. "Fire…everywhere! People screaming! My people screaming! A sharp pain in my left breast!" With each memory, Gunmor seemed to be in more pain, to the point that he had to rest on the ground below. After a moment of his painful episode, Gunmor immediately rose to the sky and turned to the direction of his Kingdom. "Transylsvasmia!" he said concernedly. "I must go see if it is safe!" And with that, he took off, with great haste.