"Harry Potter" belongs to J.K. Rowling
AN: I want to extend my thanks to the great members of my Discord server, who have helped me with the writing of the chapter itself, but also re-igniting my passion for this.
Special thanks go to Meneldur, who has not only aided me with the crafting and editing of this chapter, but also the story as a whole.
With that out of the way, please enjoy the chapter!
"Foreign Language"
A Godfather's Promise
Chapter XXVIII: Princess
Harry knew that knocking on the door was useless. Daphne had barely answered them and when she did, the conversations were brief and hostile. He did not even bother to start another negotiation, nor was he in the mood to. With a simple wave of his wand, the door to Daphne's room unlocked and he strode inside.
Inside was the witch he was meant to marry for political games, the witch who had been eluding him for weeks, the witch who had made his loved ones cry.
Daphne had been sitting in front of her vanity, running a brush through her hair when he entered. Her head snapped toward him, her long black tresses flowing like water as she stood up from her seat, face set in that perennial cold facade she was known for. There was no sign of regret for what she had done, and that only made the storm inside Harry rage even harder.
"Potter," she started with an emotionless tone. "I believe it's proper to –"
"Incarcerous," Harry growled, ropes springing from the tip of his wand and heading towards Daphne's stunned form.
Before she had time to react, the ropes snaked around her, pulling her hands behind her back and her legs together. Daphne could only widen her violet eyes as she was quickly and thoroughly restrained. Her gaze darted between her bonds and Harry, her once stoic face shifting between shock, disbelief, and anger. Just as she was about to open her mouth, Harry waved his wand again and a discarded piece of cloth flew into her open mouth and was sealed by the ropes.
Daphne shifted uneasily around her bonds, finding her voice too late to try and speak, only for the words to be unintelligible. Muffled screams and curses were directed at him as she struggled. Just as she was about to lose her balance and fall over, Harry raised his wand to levitate her still wriggling body to the bed, laying her down on her back.
Standing in place, Harry did not move a muscle or say a word as Daphne continued to squirm and writhe, screeching muffled sounds coming from behind the makeshift gag. Her violet eyes were brimming with fury all the while, almost as if her fiery stare would incinerate him on the spot. But not once did he take his own furious, steely eyes away from hers. No matter the shouts, no matter the insults, no matter how much she struggled, even as sweat poured from her brow and her once silky smooth hair was ruined into a disheveled mess.
No storm can go on forever, and eventually Daphne's struggles became weak and tired. Breathing heavily, she eventually settled for staring at him with weary but still angry eyes. That's when Harry finally broke his silence.
"You've been a real pain, you know that?"
Daphne huffed and grit her teeth on the gag, yet did not go on another unintelligible verbal tirade. Bound and silenced like that, Harry gave her all the time to work out her frustrations.
"It's one thing to insult me, even Fleur. We can take it… but to do it against Luna? To bring up her dead mother? What has she ever done to you to deserve that?"
She gave a snarl again and slowly and awkwardly rolled over so that her back was to him, lying on her side on the bed. She might have been ashamed. He hoped she was, at least.
Harry grit his teeth again and continued saying what he had wanted to for weeks. "I know you didn't ask for this, but we didn't either. From the moment you've arrived, I told everyone to understand your situation and be accommodating to you. Fleur burned your things, and I punished her for that, but don't forget that you were the one who started it by insulting her. Even so, I've offered everything to make amends – new clothes, expensive furniture… everything. What do we get in return? Snide remarks, backhanded comments, and hostility. You've even made Luna cry… and Susan too. Those two have been the ones who have pleaded to me to give you patience and forgiveness. Now you've hurt them too. How is it possible that you never get tired of acting like a stuck up cunt every waking moment of your life?"
Daphne did not move a muscle, or even make a sound. He could not see anything with her back turned to him. Now that he said what needed to be said, he felt himself calm down a bit. But he was not done yet. He remembered what Susan had said, and he had no doubt that even now, Luna would want him to show empathy.
He slowly approached the bed and sat on the edge beside her bound body, staring at his hands. Daphne finally moved to curl her body as best she could in her bound state.
"I never met my parents," he finally said. "All that I knew about my family came from stories told to me by my godfather. From what I've heard, they would've been great parents… but you can never be sure. After hearing of my ancestors and discovering more about my roots, I always wondered if they would've pushed me to act a certain way, follow a certain path. If they would've accepted things about me that not many parents would be proud of… or if they would have pushed me to marry someone I didn't love. So I can't truthfully say that I know how you feel. The only thing I can do is try to understand."
Daphne once again stopped moving, though her back was still to him when he looked at her.
"I think that, without me realizing it, I was really living for my parents, my name, and my ancestors. All of my actions were for them and what they would've wanted, even if I didn't know what they would've wanted… but that changed this year."
"When I first met Fleur, I got a taste of something that I really wanted for myself, not for my family or my reputation, or what might be written in my place at the Ancestor Room. I wanted something more than honor and glory. I wanted to spend my life with somebody that loved and understood me for who I was… with all my flaws and secrets. Luna came after that, and I saw that while my life was never going to be normal, it didn't mean I had to sacrifice happiness. We worked on it with Susan, and I was hoping that we could extend some of that happiness we feel to you."
Once again, there were no movements, not even the grunts and insults from before. He felt free enough to continue.
"I've always liked you in a way, you know? You're unlike any other witch I've ever met. I admire your wit, you are stunningly intelligent, and have a sense of individualism that I can truly appreciate, especially coming from Slytherin. There is something truly unique about you that goes beyond just your name. I even like your bitchiness… in a way, of course."
Still hearing no response, he continued. "And you're beautiful. I'm probably not the first person to tell you that, but you truly are. Your hair and your eyes especially. Even if it has nothing to do with your character, it's part of what makes you attractive. Which honestly makes what you're doing even sadder. Depriving yourself of fresh air, food… happiness. It pains me to see you like that. Seeing you destroy yourself. I wish there was something I could do about it. Something to make you smile. Or at least to brighten your eyes."
Finally, there was some movement. Daphne curled her body even more until her face, hidden by her long, lustrous hair, was touching her legs.
"This Manor is the home of my ancestors. A place that kept them safe and secure in more ways than one. It is mine now, to do as I wish. So I decided to make it a haven for those that I love. Where we can feel free to be ourselves without judgment or fear. That is what I wanted for Luna, Susan, Fleur, and myself. A small part of the world where we don't have to worry about keeping up appearances, or fulfilling the expectations of others. We can't stay like this forever, true. We come from a noble class. Things are expected of us. But in this place, in these small little moments, we can escape that. Daphne… I can't have you destroying that. Especially for Luna and Susan."
He paused to let his words sink in. "Because I want to extend that same home to you."
Daphne continued to curl on herself until she was a trembling ball. He paused again to find his own words. To be firm like Fleur wanted, but also empathetic, for the sake of Luna and Susan.
"It was not easy to make the decision to marry you. Not because I hate you or want to make you miserable. I don't. But because I knew it would be hard for Fleur, and for you. I accepted because I thought that there was a way I could help you be happy, even if you never loved me. I still think that's possible. I hope it is, at least."
"I know things will be expected of us, of our marriage. That's what we have to show in public. It's unavoidable. But I will not force you to do or be anything else that you don't want to. If you wish to remain friends, that's fine. If you would prefer to find love with someone else behind closed doors, I will accept that too, for the sake of your happiness. Even with Susan, if that is your desire. There's a place for you in her heart that I have not been able to fill, never will… nor do I want to. Because you are you. Beautiful, intelligent, and unique."
He looked at her again, her body was trembling now, with her bound hands curled into fists. "And if, at some point in time, you want to find happiness with us… I will try my best to make it work. To make you a part of our home and family. To make you smile. That's what I can promise you as your future husband."
Harry's voice became firm.
"But there is something that I must make clear while you are living under my roof, Daphne, that there is one thing I cannot allow you, or anyone, to do – hurt my loved ones. I hope you understand that."
A minute passed, and another. Harry lost count when he began to hear something at his side. Short, muted gasps followed by silent weeping.
Daphne was crying.
Harry grabbed his wand and undid her bindings, including her gag. The sobs increased in volume as Daphne used her now free arms to hug herself. He did not do more as she continued to weep into herself for more time than he bothered to count. The only thing that broke his composure was when she slowly uncurled herself and hesitantly reached out for him with a trembling arm. He did not push her away.
Taking her tall, slender form into his arms, Harry allowed her to cry as much as she wanted to. The way Daphne held onto him was as if she had never had anyone to let her emotions pour out to in her life. Not once did he let go, even as shirt was soaked in her tears. Luna had been right all along. Daphne had been hurting. Hurting for a long time. Never having anyone to hold her as he did. For fear of shame, or for pride. But that wall had crumbled now, and it revealed a vulnerability underneath that he would not mock or take lightly for the life of him.
He could not tell how much time passed as Daphne let out years of anguish, but eventually he heard her sobs lessen. That did not lessen her grip on him. It was only when silence had fallen in the room that he dared to speak again.
"Feeling better?" he asked softly, with his arms still around her in a comforting embrace. Daphne did not say anything, but he could feel her nod on his chest. "Anything you need?" This time, she shook her head.
Harry held her for a bit more. "You should eat, at least." Susan had told him that Daphne had stopped eating three days ago, and from the brief glimpses of her face he'd managed to see, she was thinner than usual. She even felt frailer.
"Not yet," she finally speaked with a strained, tired voice. "I fear that if I let you go, my words will be silenced again."
He sighed in relief. Finally, a chance to talk with her. "We can talk. Just you and me. I won't tell anyone that you don't want me to."
Daphne raised her head, showing off her puffy red eyes, with some tears still trickling down her face. "I… thank you… it's… it's hard to talk. But I'll try. Just… I want to know if I can trust you."
"You can."
"Very well… Lord Pott–"
"It's Harry, Daphne. You can call me Harry."
"Harry," she whispered, testing his name. It was the first time she said it. Before, it had always been Potter, Delacour, Lovegood. She even called Blaise and Tracey by their last names. "This is not easy for me, Harry. It goes against what I've been raised to do."
"This is not Greengrass Manor and I am not your lord father. Talk to me freely. Curse, joke, or cry. I will not shame you for what you wish to say. Nor will I use it against you. I promise you that."
"I… I wish to apologize to you. These past few weeks… I have not been myself. There was so much anger in me, so much sadness. It was as if I was being suffocated. I felt so alone… I saw enemies in every corner. My father, my mother… even my loved ones."
"You were hurting, Daphne." It was as Luna had said. "I can understand that, and I accept your apology. Though I think there are others who will appreciate it more."
"Lovego… Luna. I should not have said those things. It was below me." She curled her head deeper into his chest. "I lashed out. Pushed everyone away… because I'm afraid. I was afraid of a marriage that would crush me… and I was tired. Tired of being Daphne Greengrass. The Daphne Greengrass that everyone expects me to be. All I could imagine was me being forced to be that person for all eternity, trapped in a golden cage. I could never be that Daphne. Not for the rest of my life."
Harry kept her hold on her as she poured out her feelings. "What does the real Daphne want?"
"I want to be free!" she cried. "I want to be free of what is expected of me… even for just a moment. To have someone know me and accept me. But I can't do it on my own. I can't be free… never! I'm always trapped no matter how much I try. I… I want to look in the mirror, and see myself, see who I truly am."
"Is the Daphne I know nothing like the real you?" he asked calmly.
"It's not a complete falsehood… I will not deny that I like to play the pureblood heiress. I am proud of myself, my heritage, and my skill. It's just that… that's the side of me that I always show, but not the whole of me. There's another part that is shameful. A hidden layer that would disgust every person that ever appreciated me. It's the part of Daphne Greengrass that I wanted to destroy… for the sake of everyone… but I can't! That is me! I can't ignore that!"
Harry gave her another tight hug as he saw tears well up again. "You have seen Fleur, I presume? Luna as well? They have their own hidden side. Susan has it, too. Fleur and I tried to suppress it for a long time. Told ourselves that we could never indulge in our secret desires… until we found each other. We gave our hidden sides life and we have been happy in return." He pulled her back and looked into her eyes. "What do you really want me to do, Daphne? Say it without fear."
"I wish to be spanked!" she blurted out, her pale face turning rosy. "Spanked until my ass turns red. I wish to be tied up and have my nipples pinched and bitten while my breasts are slapped. I'd like my hair to be yanked and be told I'm a slut while I'm sucking cock or worshiping pussy, then have the juices spray all over my face. I want to be stripped naked and be led on all fours like a bitch. I wish to be used by men and women alike as if I were a Knockturn Alley whore. I desire to be slapped, paddled, degraded, humiliated, and spat on…"
Desire after desire came out of Daphne's mouth, each one more depraved than the last. The more she said the more Harry was surprised. This was the real Daphne Greengrass, the same witch who always looked down on others, both literally and figuratively. The heiress of one of the oldest and most noble houses in their world. Here she was, telling him her basest desires. The part of him that enjoyed his bedroom role couldn't help but get excited as all of her secret kinks and fetishes were laid bare.
But as she went on, some doubt emerged within him. The desires she had were… quite a bit more extreme than anything Fleur or even Luna had asked out of him. He was even beginning to doubt his own ability to make some of these fantasies come true. While he had been getting experience as a dominant, he always made sure to respect limits, but now he was starting to think that he also had limits of his own.
Like with Susan, he would need to approach this carefully… but in a whole different way.
"Alright," he said, as her words ran out, leaving her panting for breath in his lap. "I think that should cover a lot of things, for now. But I imagine that you must also have some limits. Things you would not want me to do."
Daphne gave a nod. "I don't want anything to do with human waste", she said weakly but firmly.
Harry gave a small sigh of relief. "We can both agree on that."
"It's… hard to say more than that. I only have experience with what I've done with myself. I've never… surrendered before, so it'd be difficult for me to say everything for now."
He nodded. "I guess that makes sense. Some things you might want to do, but would want to take them slowly? Maybe if we have a three alarm system. Green for if you're fine with it. Yellow for when you don't object, but want to take it slowly. Red for a full stop."
"That… would work."
"You'd be free to scream and curse as much as you want without me worrying. Especially if you're a screamer," he said in a lighter tone, biting his lip to hold back a smile as Daphne's face reddened.
"One more thing," he continued. "I'm getting to know some of the things you like. But I also have some additions of my own. I don't want this to turn into some arrangement where I treat you like trash, Daphne. That's now what you are to me. I hope you don't think that way of yourself. I'll try to indulge in your fantasies as best I can, so long as they remain that, fantasies. You can be the slut you want to, but when that's over, you're still my wife, and my friend. You'll be just as valuable to me as everyone else is. Are you alright with that?"
Daphne sat silent for a moment until she gave a small but decisive nod.
He gave a small smile in return and finally let go of her. "Well, since this relationship is going to mean more than just the two of us, I think it's time that we call the others, hmm? They need to know this as well."
His words made Daphne's back stiffen almost immediately. Usually, it was a challenge to see any clear emotions in her stoic face, yet now he could see a mixture of fear and regret, subtle as it might be.
Harry took her hand. "Do not worry. Susan still loves you despite everything, and I believe Luna will forgive you… especially if you're willing to indulge in some of her own kinks."
"What about Delacour?"
"Fleur," Harry said firmly. "You must learn to call her by her first name. She… might take some convincing. Do not worry, though. I have your back. If you are still willing to give this arrangement a try. And the same stipulations will apply to them."
"I… I am," she said, her voice dropping to a whisper.
He gave her another hug as he sent out a Patronus, asking for everyone to come to Daphne's room. The Slytherin witch tightened her fingers on his, still sitting in his lap as they both waited for what seemed like an eternity until finally, they heard the door's handle turn and three figures walk slowly and carefully inside.
Luna had stopped crying, but the smile she usually had was still missing, and her eyes were still red and puffy. The same was true for Susan, whose dress was wet around her chest with what could only have been tears. Behind them stood Fleur, her face like sculpted ice as she looked at Daphne with coldness in her eyes.
It seemed like the room froze in time for countless minutes as everyone stared at each other, nobody moving a muscle or even daring to speak a word. It was difficult to know what to say, and Harry imagined the same doubts were crossing everyone's minds. Even Fleur, usually the first to speak her mind, had her lips closed in a thin line. He knew it was once again up to him to take charge, to be the Lord, and he only hoped that he didn't mess it up. Things were already fragile as they were. Harry gently forced Daphne to stand up before doing so himself, still holding her hand. He looked at the three witches before him, all waiting for him to speak.
"Beautiful, sweetheart, little moon. I believe Daphne has something she wants to tell you."
There was another moment of silence as all eyes turned towards Daphne and she was visibly struggling to get out the words she wanted to say. Harry thought her father had drilled her in many things, but heartfelt apologies were not included.
Even so, Daphne finally raised her eyes and aimed them towards Luna. "I… wish to apologize, Lady Lovegood. You have been nothing but accommodating to me since I have arrived, and my actions have been unworthy of your kindness. I know I do not deserve your forgiveness yet, but I hope that you will allow me to earn it in the future."
Daphne spoke like a politician. Something she had learned from her father, no doubt. Yet Harry had known her long enough to hear the honesty beneath her words. It was yet another side he hadn't known about her, and could only hope he could learn more about.
She waited for Luna to give a nod before she turned towards Susan. The redhead's lips were trembling still, and her eyes were misty, but she still managed to force out a smile for Daphne's sake.
"I believe that you are the one I need to apologize to the most," Daphne started, her voice even more strained by emotions she was struggling to keep back. "You have been the only person I have shown my most hidden side to, and you did the same for me. We comforted each other when our lives were hard, but I did not show the same loyalty."
Susan let out a breath and tears rolled down her cheeks, and yet she maintained the same smile. Harry could see Daphne's eyes get misty as well but she held it back as she turned towards Fleur.
"Lady Delacour… I know you and I have had a fractious relationship from the beginning. You have already apologized for your actions and I must do the same." She took a deep breath and looked at Susan before turning back to Fleur. "It was quite… hypocritical of me to slander your personal life choices, when I have my own desires that the wider world would consider to be perverse, devious, and shameful. I know that closing the gap between us will be hard, but I am willing to start anew, if you accept to do the same." Another breath, this time closing her eyes for a few seconds. "And I wish to join your relationship… if you find it in your hearts to accept me."
Fleur's eyes widened and looked over to him, but he only gave her a firm nod. That was all she needed to understand what had happened. Even so, he could see the hesitation in her face. Hesitation that was not present in the other two witches.
"Oh, that is truly wonderful!" chirped Luna, all of the previous signs of her sadness completely gone as her dreamy smile returned. "I knew there were quite a bit less Wrackspurts buzzing around your ears."
Susan's lips broke into a wide smile, tears of happiness pouring from her deep gray eyes. "Of course we will accept you! I promise you will find happiness with… us…" Her words trailed off when she looked towards Fleur's frozen face.
The French witch looked at Daphne with her piercing blue eyes. "I 'ope you don't zink I will be forgetting ze zings you 'ave done. Luna and Susan are sweet, eet is in zeir nature. You will find my acceptance to be 'arder to get."
Daphne did not waver at all. "I am willing to do what is necessary to make amends." Her voice was lower than usual, but no less firm.
Fleur looked at Harry again with raised eyebrows. He responded with another nod and placed his arms on Daphne's shoulders.
"Daphne has reached an understanding with me. I know forgiveness will be hard to obtain for her, and perhaps it's not something you will give tonight. But she will earn it. If you are having any doubts, we can test her willingness immediately."
Before doing so, he turned to the other three. "If she says red, we stop immediately. Yellow is slow down and check, and green is all good. Clear?" He smiled when they all nodded, Fleur smirking back at him. Before continuing, he added one last warning. "And remember. How we treat each other and Daphne here is not what we really feel for her. I expect you all to respect her and be cordial, when you're not playing, and definitely when we're in public."
Finally, Fleur dropped her stony face and her lips curled into a smirk. "Oh… I believe zat is a wonderful idea, Maître." She turned to Luna and Susan. "Ma petite lune, would you please get ze equipment I use to prepare you. Susan, ma cheríe, go heat up some water while we prepare ze newcomer."
He nodded towards them, reinforcing the order, and turned towards Fleur. "I'll need the rope, beautiful. The soft type. We don't want to hurt her skin." He didn't have to wait long for Fleur to return with the rope. It was a quick task compared to Susan and Luna's.
Harry placed himself behind Daphne and gently put his hands on her shoulders. "We're going to take off your clothes now. Remember what we said? If you want to stop?"
Daphne gave a slow nod and he was free to continue. With that, Harry placed his thumbs under the shoulder straps of Daphne's gown and let gravity do the rest. Her bare skin was even paler than Luna's, without any blemishes, like perfectly crafted ivory. Wanting to see more, he unhooked her bra and pulled down her panties. He could hear her breath get heavier, and hugged her from behind softly, placing his mouth by her ear.
"I'm going to start tying you up now." Another nod and he pulled her hands behind her back.
He was glad that both Luna, Susan, and Fleur were always more than happy to indulge his fondness for rope bondage. Tying up Daphne was a breeze, but he made sure to take it slowly for her sake. Once her hands were bound behind her, he tested her arms' flexibility. While not on the level of Luna's, he was still comfortable enough to bind her elbows loosely. Gasps came as he finished off everything with a rope harness around her breasts. As he finished tying off the knots, he passed his fingers across her nipples and lightly pinched them for a brief moment. A little teasing for what was to come in the future.
With her arms done, he focused on her legs. Not a hogtie like he usually practiced with Luna and Fleur. Instead, he sat her on the bed, then folded both of her legs so they were meeting her thighs and bound them together, forcing her on her knees. Moreover, he spread her legs, tying each knee off to the posters of the bed. Holding her from behind, it would be impossible for her to struggle away even if she wanted to.
Fleur took off her shoes and knelt on the floor,right in front of Daphne's crotch. Harry felt Daphne's spine go straight as a board and he held her tighter. With a devilish smirk, Fleur examined the juncture of her frogtied legs, looking intently at how Daphne's womanhood was fully exposed, especially the patch of dark hair resting above and around her pussy.
When Susan returned with a bowl of warm water, and Luna followed with a tray containing a brush, some shaving cream and a pink razor, Daphne's eyes widened with realization, her lips pressing closely together.
As they placed the shaving equipment by the bed, Fleur guided them to either side of Daphne's bound form and instructed them to pin her bound legs in place. All eyes were fixed on the dark patch between her legs. Except for Luna, who was much more fascinated by Daphne's toes curling back and forth, one of the only parts of her body that were able to move freely. Harry was still holding Daphne, and spoke to her then, making sure the others could hear as well. "Daphne. Your color?"
Her lips trembled before parting, and he could feel the tension in her body, but her response was firm, if stuttered. "G-green."
Harry waited in a moment of silence before turning his eyes towards Fleur. "Beautiful. You can do the honors."
"Eet will be my pleasure, Maître." Fleur giddily grabbed the brush and lathered it with shaving cream, then slowly and gleefully spread it all over Daphne's womanhood, making sure every single black hair was covered in white foaminess. He continued to hold her body even as she shivered, while Luna and Susan kept her legs open as she instinctively tried to close them, though Susan did so while looking at Daphne reassuringly.
"You are so cute when you struggle. I bet nobody 'as touched you down 'ere before like zis, oui? Even your 'airs are trimmed and soft. Eet's almost a shame zat we 'ave to get rid of zem," Fleur teased with a playfully condescending tone.
Daphne said nothing, but a small whimper escaped her mouth as Fleur grabbed the pink razor and dangled it playfully in front of her. With a grin, Fleur lowered the blade and slowly dragged it between Daphne's legs.
The Greengrass heiress' whimpers were louder as she watched the razor sweep over the shaving cream, leaving only her pale skin where there was once hair. Her eyes could not let go of the spectacle, and she still twitched her body, but was held firmly by her bonds as well as Harry, Susan, and Luna.
Aside from Daphne's moans and Fleur cleaning the razor after every pass, there was only silence.
After she finished with the first round, Fleur coated the brush with even more cream and reapplied it to the skin around Daphne's sex, wanting to be as thorough as possible. Though Fleur was clearly enjoying the power she held over the Slytherin, if her wide grin was any indication.
When she was finally satisfied, Fleur continued by spreading some lotions on the bare skin, which if anything, made Daphne whimper even louder, but there was something else in that tone. Something that became evident when Fleur, after furrowing her brows, trailed her fingers on the pink slit between Daphne's legs. Her blue eyes widened and she turned to Daphne with a haughty smirk.
"By Aphrodite… is ze leetle putain getting wet by 'aving 'er flower shaved? Is she getting excited as everyone watches 'er womanly 'air vanish? Oh… zat is quite a zing, non?" gushed Fleur with an almost cackle in her voice. She stood up, looking down on Daphne, before lowering her face until her lips were next to Daphne's ear. "I'm going to 'ave so much fun wiz you", she said, before moving to kiss Harry's lips lightly. "Zank you for ze new toy, Maître."
Daphne's pale face got even redder, and she let out the breath she'd been holding as Fleur finished cleaning between her legs with a strangled gasp. Where there was once a generous dark patch of hair, there was now only bare white skin and the sensitive flesh of her salmon pink womanhood.
Harry slowly traced his fingers over her slit, drawing an audible gasp and the attention of her amethyst eyes.
"This belongs to me now. Unless I say otherwise, you do not have permission to grow hair down there. Understood?"
Daphne's violet orbs widened further and she opened her mouth, yet any protests she may have had died in her throat, and she gave him a slow nod. His dominant personality could not be more elated at how obedient she was now. He was going to have so much fun with the real Daphne Greengrass.
"Good girl." He began to untie Daphne's body, surprised to see her mouth opening as if to protest. Perhaps he shouldn't be too surprised, considering what she had told him about her desires.
"No more for tonight," Harry declared with a firm voice before she could say anything. "You need your nourishment and some rest." He turned towards Susan. "Is it too late for you to give her a meal?" When the redhead shook her head with a smile, he continued. "Good. You can stay with her for the night. But no playing together, sweetheart. Make sure she is ready… but desperate."
Susan's grin got even wider as she scurried towards Daphne's side and helped him untie her legs.
As soon as her arms were free, the Slytherin witch's hand went between her legs to rub at the now bald, smooth skin. Harry could still see a bit of glisten from her folds. Fleur hadn't lied about the wetness. She had gotten excited by the humiliating act. He remembered some of the walks he had taken with Fleur and Luna in either a collar or bondage while at Hogwarts. Daphne was even a step beyond that. Just as she needed her rest, he needed his as well. That, and time to plan.
He waited until Susan returned with food and he saw Daphne eating, the glares from before gone. Finally he was starting to see glimpses of the Daphne that Susan had fallen in love with. But there was still more to explore. More walls he would have to break to see the real Daphne Greengrass emerge from the prison she had made for herself.
"We expect your presence at breakfast tomorrow," he told her as she finished her supper. "Don't bother with clothes. Your fantasies will truly begin to come true tomorrow." Daphne gave a small nod as he moved to the door, before giving her a final command. "And remember… no playing with your cunt… it's mine now," he proclaimed, before he closed the door behind him and retreated for the night.
Fleur woke up with a grin, stretching out in her and Harry's bed.
Yesterday's events had been a whirlwind of emotions. From anger to shock and ending with excitement. She never thought that things would progress as they had when the Greengrass heiress had arrived at the Manor, but here they were. Now, she had the daughter of the most powerful political figure in Britain at her mercy, and she even shaved her pubic hair. The humiliation had been exquisite, and there was more to come!
She went to her wardrobe and grabbed a new outfit for the occasion. A flowing black rubber dress with a leg slit that framed her body tightly. A daring choice, but one that was conservative in comparison to Susan's latex maid outfit and Luna's leather harness. Not to mention the nudity that had been enforced on Daphne.
She couldn't wait to get the pureblood heiress into something from her closet.
Breakfast was served at the usual time. With a grin, she gave a light slap to Susan's rubbery behind, and kissed her when she inevitably turned around with an adorable squeak. "Zis is a good morning, isn't it, ma cheríe?"
"I-Indeed it is, Ma'am," stuttered Susan, blushing. "Ma'am… I know that you must still be angry with Daphne. But I beg of you to please find it in your heart to have mercy for her. I want her to see the beauty of this life."
Before she could respond, Luna skipped into the dining room, wearing her leather harness, the straps framing her breasts as they bounced freely in the air.
"Good morning, Mistress! Good morning, maid! It smells delicious. I do hope there's pudding for dessert."
Harry arrived just behind her, wearing a more elaborate, lordly outfit than he usually did. No doubt of the same mind as Fleur. It did get her to think about his fashion, though. She didn't think rubber would be his style. Remembering a previous thought, she pictured him in dark leather that would sell the image of a dom. Not to mention that he would doubtless look amazing in it.
A project for a later date.
The current project didn't take too long to come down. As Luna knelt down on her usual place at her feet and Susan sat on the pillow next to Harry's place, Daphne entered the room slowly, fully nude like she had been ordered to. Her pale skin betrayed the redness of her cheeks as she maintained her hands over her bald pussy. The dark-haired witch looked at the table with pursed lips, as if unsure on where she belonged in this dynamic.
Deep inside, Fleur had lost track of the things she wanted to do. Last night, as she was holding onto a weeping Luna, she had thought of ways to punish Daphne severely, as it was properly deserved. She wanted to curse, slap, and burn her, and those thoughts still simmered in her imagination.
But one look from Harry brought her back to reality. That subtle yet dominating gaze she both loved and feared reminded her of what she needed to do.
'I am his submissive,' she thought to herself as she turned her eyes towards Daphne. 'But I am to be her domme.' As a domme, she couldn't let her passions rule over her. At least, not those that would cause harm to the ones that placed her trust in her.
"We already saw your body last night, princesse. Zere is no need for modesty," she said with a gentle enough voice, though one that still carried iron underneath. "I want to see ze work we did last night."
Biting her lip, Daphne's shaky hands withdrew from between her legs, moving to behind her back, as if by instinct. Fleur grinned as she was once again greeted with the completely hairless pussy, matching perfectly with her modest chest, at the center of each was an erect nipple. She was the picture of ancient beauty with her long dark hair and pale skin, just like the fae she had seen in the old stories.
"Come on 'ere, princesse," she ordered while pointing at the place beside her, playing with the nickname, meant to be a jab, but it did fit her perfectly. Daphne Greengrass truly did seem like a princess.
But just as the naked witch was about to reach for the chair next to her, Fleur put up her legs on the seat. "Oh… I zink you got ze wrong idea, princesse. Zis is not where you will be sitting."
With her wand, she levitated the silver plate that was in front of the chair Daphne had reached for and made it spin around, transfiguring it mid-air. What was once a large plate soon became a shiny silver bowl, similar to those used for dogs. While the bowl was still floating, words were slowly etched onto the front. "Princesse," it read. She then placed the bowl right on the floor in front of her.
"Zis," she drawled, pointing at the place at her feet, "is your place, princesse."
Fleur could see Daphne's fists tightening, yet the girl did not say anything. Her grin got even wider when the violet-eyed witch gracefully knelt in front of her.
Now that everyone was seated, they all began their routine. Susan began to serve food for all of them, including leaving a bowl for Luna on the floor next to Fleur before going back to her place on the pillow next to Harry's seat. Daphne's previously empty bowl was now filled with yogurt, oatmeal, and fresh fruit. Fleur felt Luna kissing and licking her toes as she usually did and nodded. Just right for what she had planned to do.
When Harry took the first bite and hand fed Susan a piece of his biscuit, they were free to start her meal.
Fleur looked at Daphne expectantly. Just as the Slytherin's hands were going to reach for a fork, she raised her voice.
"Non. Zere is still somezing missing, leetle putain." Before anyone could say anything, Fleur drove her bare foot onto the bowl, her toes crushing the fruits and mixing Luna's saliva with the rest of the food. She looked down to smirk at a surprised Daphne, grinding the mixture like a potion until she lifted her foot and placed it directly in front of the pureblood witch's face.
From the corner of her eye, she could see Harry placing a hand on Susan's shoulder as the redhead protested. He whispered something inaudible in her ear and patted her red hair.
"B-But… she ruined my food," whimpered Susan. "I wanted Daphne to taste it."
"Don't worry, ma cheríe," sang Fleur, wiggling her toes in front of Daphne with a grin. "Ze leete princesse is not going to let any of zis delicious food go to waste. Is she?"
Fleur had been expecting Daphne to give up at this point. Knowing the pureblood girl, her entire being was against this kind of debasement. To her surprise, there was only a moment's hesitation, accompanied by a furious full body blush before she felt her toes engulfed by Daphne's mouth.
The pureblood heiress did what Luna was always thrilled to do, but in a far different manner. Instead of the blonde's excited licks, Daphne was slow and methodical, making sure to start from one place and finish cleanly, not once breaking her somewhat proud posture, as proud as someone could be in the situation. But what really caught Fleur's attention was the way the Slytherin looked at her with those twin purple orbs.
Daphne's eyes were almost taunting her.
Oh… she couldn't wait for Harry to spank that ass red… or even herself, if it came down to it…
Fleur plopped her wet foot out from Daphne's mouth and curled her leg around Daphne's head, ignoring the surprised look as she simultaneously wiped the spit from her foot onto the silky black hair while driving Daphne's face down into the bowl, grinning as she heard the most unladylike squelch sound coming from beneath.
"Now you may eat like an actual bitch, princesse," she mocked with a giggle, animal slurping sounds soon following, Daphne's body trembling. "By Athena, eef only all of your 'Ogwarts friends could see you like zis. Can you imagine eet? Maybe when you return you can do eet. So everyone can see just how much of a debased leetle putain you actually are."
The girl's formidable tongue was too occupied with eating the food to actually respond, and when Fleur's foot finally let go of her head, she only looked back at her with the same taunting eyes. By Hera's sake, she might even have a little smile hidden beneath that stoic face covered in food.
Fleur reached down and grabbed Daphne's chin, forcing her blue eyes on her violet ones. She gave her one good look and smirked. "We'll see 'ow long eet will take for us to break zat stony face of yours, princesse."
She stood up and made to exit the room, but turned one last time to see Susan crawling towards Daphne, offering her pillow and refilling the bowl with some fresh food. The Slytherin's face was wiped and a chaste kiss was exchanged, though Daphne clearly ached for more, her thighs rubbing together.
"Make sure she 'as 'er energy for tonight, ma cheríe," Fleur declared to the sweet redhead. "She will need eet."
Harry took a long look at himself in the mirror.
Black had always suited him. It was half of the color scheme of his house, and that of his hair as well. With black pants and shirt, the only part that broke the rhythm was the white shade of his skin and the emerald green of his eyes. In the dim lighting of his room, most of his body almost shimmered into the background.
Everything was perfect for tonight.
He had spent the entire day planning what to do, based on what Daphne had told him the night before. It was clear that the daughter of Cygnus Greengrass was unlike any of the subs he had ever seen before. Fleur wanted to let go of the control she had to keep with someone she trusted, Luna desired to be treated as a precious object and had a penchant for sensory deprivation and tight bondage, while Susan wanted to be dominated by someone that held and cared for her.
Daphne was almost the complete opposite. She desired pain, degradation, and humiliation. "I wish for everyone to see me for my first time," she had told him. This witch was going to push him to his own limits.
Well, he certainly had planned something for tonight. He just hoped it would be enough.
He turned around to see the three witches that had already assembled. Fleur was wearing one of her latex outfits, this time a red minidress, transparent enough that he could easily see the erect nipples even with the dim illumination offered by the burning candles.
Luna wore an almost see through white dress. Beneath that was her harness, a new one this time, comprised of smaller but more numerous black rubber straps. It was the most clothed she had been for several days now. She had worked on her makeup for the occasion, having done so on her own accord as she proudly told her Mistress Fleur, with her now ruby red lips and dark eyeliner.
As for Susan, she had been helped into her outfit for the night by Fleur, and was by far the most clothed and yet least covered. The latex top she was wearing had holes from which her generous breasts popped out, made even more prominent thanks to the tight corset around her waist. The rubber panties also had a similar hole for her shaved pussy, followed by black latex stockings and capped off with a pair of four inch crimson heels. Her face had also been prettied up by Fleur, similar to her first day with her. Her full lips were now colored a deeper red than her hair, though the makeup also enhanced the cuteness of her freckles.
"We are ready to begin?" he asked. Once he saw all of them nod, he turned towards Susan. "Very well, sweetheart. Go to her room and bring her back. Remember, she has to be naked. Though, make sure she has prettied herself as was instructed."
"Yes, Sir." Susan gave a small nod and a bow, much more practiced now even in her heels. Still, her cheeks reddened as she gave herself a brief look in the mirror.
They waited a few minutes in silence, with Harry holding Fleur's hand as they heard the loud sound of Susan's heels clacking back in their direction. The door opened slowly and Susan was the first to come back inside, her face even redder than before. He smiled at her, both for following orders and for bravely showing herself to another person in such a state of dress.
Behind Susan, holding her hand, entered Daphne.
Even barefoot, the dark-haired witch towered over the heeled redhead, her willowy body naked for everyone to see, much like it had been in the morning. Even without any clothing, Daphne had clearly worked on her long, lustrous black hair until it shone in the candlelight. She had even applied light makeup to her face. Black eyeliner contrasting against her natural alabaster skin.
"Thank you, sweetheart. You may take your place next to your Mistress."
"Understood, Sir." Susan squeezed Daphne's hand one last time and made her way to sit on the edge of the bed next to Luna and Fleur.
Harry kept his eyes on Daphne as he wordlessly walked around her, inspecting every inch of her form, from her slender legs to her slim body, and her elfin face. This was the jewel of House Greengrass, the most valuable witch of their world, the daughter of the most powerful political figure in the Wizengamot.
And she was all his.
He finally placed his hands on her hips, trailing upward towards her chest as he lowered his lips to her ear.
"Do you remember your colors, princess?"
"Have you decided on what you will call me?"
"Yes… my Lord."
His fingers found her nipples and pinched hard. A pained gasp erupted from her ears, but there was something else. A barely noticeable purr of pleasure.
"That's a good little princess," he whispered into her ear, letting go of her nipples and going back to exploring her body.
There were absolutely no flaws or blemishes to be found on her pale skin. It was as if she had been crafted from marble. His finger played with the smooth tresses. It felt wonderful in his hands, almost as if touching silk. Not a single knot or unplucked hair to be found. As his palm reached near her scalp, he suddenly gripped a handful of her long mane and pulled her to the floor.
Giving only a moment to adjust to her new position, Harry looked into her wide violet eyes and yanked on her long black hair, forcing her to awkwardly follow him, crawling on all fours like an animal towards the bed where the three witches were sitting still, just as he had ordered. He stopped just at the foot of the bed, next to their feet, and pulled her hair back so her face was looking up at him.
"I think it is time to give your formal apologies, princess."
"Yes, my Lord," she whined through her lips.
He thrust his hand in front of her, his signet ring right in her face. "Do you, Daphne Greengrass, swear yourself as my vassal and subordinate? Do you vow to serve me in the name of your family and forefathers?"
Daphne looked at the ring with wide eyes, turning her gaze from it to him and the other witches. There was a moment of uncertainty before she turned back to him and kissed his ring.
"I do, my Lord."
Harry gave a nod but still did not let go of her hair. Instead he pushed her further down until her face was almost on the floor, right next to his legs.
"Now, beg for forgiveness."
Daphne took a deep breath. "I am sorry… for acting like a spoiled, stuck up cunt, my Lord. I am sorry for insulting your home and abusing your hospitality."
Harry gave a nod. "Kiss my boot, princess."
There was less hesitation this time as Daphne carefully moved her lips to the tip of his boot and kissed the rich leather loud enough for him to hear.
He yanked on her hair roughly once again, pulling her up to look into her violet eyes, his lips close enough to kiss. Instead, he used his other hand to pinch her nipple again while the tip of the boot she had just kissed was pressed deeply against her bald cunt. It was only then that he met her lips with his own. He enjoyed the fragrance of lavender that clung to her perfume as he dominated her tongue, not even giving her a moment to take charge. When he finished, he looked once again into her face.
"I accept your apology, princess." His hold on her hair tightened again, and he forced her to look towards the bed. "But there's three witches you still need to beg for forgiveness from." He first led her next to Susan's heels and pointed at them. "Well then. Let's start with your loving girlfriend."
Daphne quickly kissed the vinyl shoe in front of her. "May I have your forgiveness, Susan?"
"Of course!" Susan responded immediately. "Of course you have, my love." She smiled beatifically down at Daphne, the love clear in her eyes, matched by that in Daphne's.
With a nod, Harry tugged on Daphne's hair to the next in line. Luna wasn't wearing any shoes, as usual, only her bare feet with her silver colored toes.
Daphne took a deep breath and planted a kiss on Luna's foot. "May I have your forgiveness, Lady Lovegood?"
Luna twirled her toes playfully. "Aww, that's no fun. I cleaned my foot all for you so you could have as much fun as you had with Mistress."
Understanding the blondes' desires quickly, Daphne spilled out her tongue and began to lick and suckle on the blonde's toes, laying kisses on each one. When that was still not enough, she passed her tongue between them, and towards the sole, covering it with her spit. Only then did Luna stop.
"That was wonderful. I do hope to return the favor soon. I'll even share my polish with you… and the name is Luna, by the way. Either that or slave. Whichever is fine."
"Call me Daphne, then." Daphne replied, giving Luna a small smile. Her head was soon pulled back and towards Fleur.
The French witch couldn't have had a wider smile than now, seeing Daphne reduced at her feet. She quickly presented the black heels to her and wasted no time in giving instructions.
"Clean zis shoe wiz your tongue. Ze entire shoe, from tip to 'eel, and ze same for ze second one. Go on zen, putain, get to work."
And Daphne did just that. Using her tongue, she made sure to completely cover the shoes with her saliva, and no matter how thorough she was, Fleur always pointed to a missing spot with a smirk, or told her that she had done a sloppy job. Even when she was satisfied, she took off her shoes and made it clear she expected the Luna treatment, only more thoroughly.
"Non!" she snapped. "Zat is not enough!" She pulled Daphne's hair hard, forcing her head up and away from her shoes and gave a firm, loud slap to her face, provoking Susan to open her mouth, but a look from Harry prevented her from protesting. "Lick eet wiz enthusiasm!" Fleur held her foot back up and grinned as Daphne was forced to practically slobber over the soles. Like in the morning, Fleur wiped her feet clean on increasingly messy hair.
"May I have your forgiveness?" asked Daphne, an edge in her voice, face still downturned by Fleur's feet.
Grabbing her hair once more, Fleur forced her eyes to meet with the Slytherin's. "Zat is 'my Lady' to you, princesse." She slapped Daphne's face again, and a second time, one on each cheek. Suddenly, she spat on Daphne's face and rubbed the saliva over her makeup with a grin. "But oui… you are forgiven."
Harry grabbed Daphne by the hair again and led her back to the sofa. He placed her on her lap, face down, and all of the other witches knew exactly then what he was going to do.
"Alright, princess. We may have forgiven you, but the lesson still needs to stick." He rubbed her ivory white ass with a grin. "I once joked if you've ever been spanked before, but I very much doubt you have been… well, this is going to be a new experience for you."
"P-please, Sir! Have mercy on her!" cried Susan, tears welling in her eyes. "We've forgiven her already. There's no need for you to hurt her." Harry stopped for a few moments, the room in complete silence aside from Daphne's gasps.
"But sweetheart," he whispered, looking into her gray eyes with a smile. His hand rubbing Daphne's cherry red ass, going further down… until he jammed his fingers inside of her cunt. The Slytherin yelped in surprise as his digits swirled inside until they were filled with what he wanted. He withdrew his now glistening fingers and presented them to Susan. "Can't you see how wet the little slut is?" He pushed his digits between the Hufflepuff's lips for her to suckle them. "Can't you taste how horny this is making her?"
Susan's cheeks turned pink as she looked on, but she didn't stop her protests yet. "B-but Sir… this is h-hurting her…"
"Susan!" snapped Daphne, her eyes turning to the redhead. "Please… this is what I want."
"Don't worry, sweetheart," he hummed, rubbing Daphne's ass again. "This dirty little slut is my princess now. I'm going to take! Good! Care! Of! Her!" with each word, he gave her a swift, hard spank.
"You see, sweetheart, there's something you need to understand about this little cunt. She gets aroused from pain. She is excited when she's humiliated. The slut treats everyone like dirt because secretly she has wanted people to put her in her place… just like I am doing now. This is what she has always yearned for. Now I'm giving it to her. I'm going to spank her until her ass is red. I'm going to slap her breasts until they swell to your size. I'm going to force my cock in her mouth until all she can see is my crotch. I'm going to fuck her like a Knockturn Alley whore, and when I finish, I'm going to spray my cum all over her beautiful, perfect face for all of you to see her shame… because that is what she wants."
Susan's mouth was wide open, her entire face even redder than Daphne's slapped cheeks. Her lips opened and closed, but she couldn't even get a word out.
Harry smirked and yanked on Daphne's hair. "What do you say to that, princess? We already made our agreement, right? What is your color?"
"That's a good little cunt," he praised as he petted her hair, almost like a dog. He drove his fingers back between her legs to bring her to full attention. "Now then, princess. In order to not lose count, I'm going to need you to keep track of your spankings… twenty in all, and with each spank, you need to say something true about yourself. Be honest about who you truly are. Is this understood?"
"Yes, m-my Lord."
"Good, let's begin." Harry raised his hand in the air, letting the anticipation build. Only when he felt her body trembling on his legs did he bring his palm down. The crack thundered across the room, heralding Daphne's cry.
"One!" she sobbed. "I am a stuck up cunt!"
He grinned and rubbed her sore behind, following with another spank.
"Tw-two! I am a shameless slut!"
"Ah! Th-three! I am a d-deviant!"
Another smack.
"F-four… I am a pain loving whore!"
Four more spankings followed, each with their own sentences. He could see Daphne's tears spilling on the floor.
"Oww… ahh… e-eight. I am an arrogant bitch!" Another hit. "Nine! I am an unworthy cunt." Her sobs would barely let her form words now, but with the following smack, she released her lungs. "Ten! I am a coldhearted, worthless, useless waste of space!"
He stopped right there, and heard her increasingly erratic breathing. This was not what he meant to do now. He wanted to bring the real Daphne out and celebrate her, not to humiliate and belittle this beautiful side of her. He patted her head then and rubbed her back as she let out more sobs and the floor got wet with tears.
"Now it's my turn. Is that alright with you, princess?"
Daphne did not say anything through her moans and sobs, but she did nod. Not satisfied with that, Harry gently turned her head to look at him. "Color, Princess?" he demanded firmly but gently.
"G-green", Daphne finally managed to get out, through her sobs and tears. He patted her cheek, before letting her head drop down once more, moving his hand to rub her now crimson ass as he brought his hand down again, softer this time.
"Eleven. You are brilliant at Potions."
Immediately, he could feel Daphne's breath give a surprised hitch.
"Twelve. You are the brightest witch in Slytherin. You are a strong person that will refuse to let others shoulder burdens for you."
Daphne began to let out small sobs again, but not from the pain or from self-hatred. These tears were filled with suppressed sorrow.
"Fourteen, you have an independent spirit that refuses to bend to the flow of others. Fifteen, you can talk down to that asshole Draco Malfoy as easily as breathing. Sixteen, you are able to be honest with yourself about what you desire. Seventeen, you always think of all the possible solutions to your problems before you act. Eighteen, you are stunningly beautiful and take great pride in preserving that beauty. Nineteen, you have a big heart too big to be filled by just one person."
With each strike, Daphne struggled less, and instead lay face down in his lap, but her twitching and crying were still audible even as her ass began to glow red from all the slaps he'd been giving it. His own hand took a toll, as it was going numb from the pain. But it was worth it. He rubbed the palm on her crimson red behind once more and prepared for the final strike.
"Twenty. You are a wonderful witch who deserves to be loved for who you are."
Daphne's entire body jerked with the force of the last spank and let out a sharp, primal scream that drowned every other sound. It went on until her lungs gave out and her face went red and purple. When the scream finally faded into a whimper, she hung lifelessly on his lap.
When she found her voice again, Daphne erupted into sobs and tears. With his arms, Harry pulled her into his lap, holding her tightly as she screamed and cried all of her frustrations and fears away.
"Shh… it's alright, my beautiful princess. Let it all out. I'm here."
He rocked her back and forth for what seemed like an eternity, but he held for every moment. The others were still with him, Susan also crying softly but with a smile. Luna leaping into action with the cream and helping to put it on Daphne's crimson red ass. Fleur stood silent, but gave him a nod, finally welcoming Daphne as one of their own.
Finally, Daphne stopped her sobs, but held onto him tightly, wiping her tears on his shirt. Her eyes looked upward and turned to the others, lips still quivering, before turning back towards Harry, waiting for him.
"Are we still green, princess?" he asked softly, wiping away the remaining tears.
Daphne gave him a nod in return, a small, tremulous smile on her lips. "Yes, my Lord."
Harry smiled and cupped her cheek before carrying her towards the bed, laying her down on it. He grabbed three markers he had prepared and gave one to each of the sitting witches. "Let's write all of the truths our princess told us into her skin."
Fleur enthusiastically grabbed the marker and leapt toward Daphne, with Luna following closely behind, but Susan stayed behind, her eyes on the floor.
"I'm sorry, Sir," she whispered. "As much as I love her, even as I'm starting to understand her fully… I still can't do it."
Harry caressed her cheek and gave her a chaste kiss, taking the marker from her. "I understand, sweetheart. Leave it to me. Be with your lover instead, kiss and hold her."
By the time he turned back towards Daphne, Fleur and Luna had already been marking her body with letters. Fleur didn't hold back at all. Across her breasts, the word "painslut" had already been written, followed by "fuck toy" on her stomach and "cum hole" write over her bald pussy. She wrote the letters WH on the cheeks of one side and RE on the other, forcing Daphne to open her mouth so the O shape completed the word.
Luna went straight for her feet, writing "meanie" with a frowny face on the soles of one foot and on the other one she wrote "yummy" with a face extending its tongue towards her toes. Fleur continued with her writing, but in French this time. Putain, chienne, salope, and conne were etched on her body. By the end, much of her body was filled with derogatory words, even as Susan caressed her hair and whispered loving words in her ear.
Now it was Harry's turn. The space on her forehead was still left free, and on it he wrote the word "brilliant". On her neck, he etched "perfect", followed by the place above her chest, marked with "princess". "Mine" was carved right on top of her stomach and finally, using both thighs, he finished with "Property of Harry Potter".
Daphne's white skin was now marred with dozens of words, both of praise and humiliation. Harry grabbed Daphne's arm and pulled her up from the bed towards the mirror.
"What do you see?" he asked.
She looked in silence at her reflection, opening and closing her mouth, finding it difficult to say any words. Finally, she spoke with a hoarse voice. "This is how they see me. They put things that are terrible and wonderful."
"And do you disagree with any of them?" He waited for her to shake her head. "This is you. The way you are. Both the good and the bad. Those two things are part of you. The real Daphne Greengrass."
He grabbed both of her arms and called Susan for some rope. Like the previous night, he bound her arms, but in a more intricate fashion this time, adding a harness for her breasts and connecting the rope that bound her hands to her waist.
Seeing that she had recovered some of her energy, he grabbed her mane and forced her head down, pulling her until he reached the bed and threw her on top of it. His hand reaching for more rope, he then pulled one leg up towards the corner and fastened it to the canopy. The other was given the same treatment. Daphne looked around her and the realization of her vulnerability was clear in her eyes, which widened even more when he pulled down his pants to reveal his erect manhood, aiming right between her helplessly spread legs.
"I am going to fuck you, princess," he said, hands running down her chest until he roughly groped her sex. "I'm going to fuck you raw."
Daphne let out a breath, her eyes looking at him, begging for something, though he didn't know what exactly. As he lined up his cock with her entrance, he met her gaze.
"Do you have anything to say about that, princess?"
He pushed in then, swiftly and decisively.
Daphne's violet eyes widened and her mouth opened, but she did not scream or shout, not even a single sound coming out as his tool got used to the sopping wet warmth between her legs. The only noise that eventually came out was a whine that could almost blend with the wind, almost as if her soul escaped, even her body going slack on the bed.
When he was sure she had gotten used to him, and the little trickle of blood stopped flowing from her entrance, he felt comfortable enough to continue. He was glad for the practice he'd had before. Now he felt experienced enough to be rough without hurting her.
Once he had fully hilted himself, he withdrew until only the tip remained and slammed back inside. So he continued his motions, back and forth, each cycle punctuated by a meaty smack as his hips crashed against her still red behind. He could hear rough, animalistic noises coming from her, mixed with unintelligible pleads. But no safewords or warnings, only pleasure.
When she finally found her voice back, he knew he had been right. Daphne was a screamer.
"Oh! Oh, M-Morgana!" she screamed as he slammed his cock fully inside. "Yes, my L-Lord! Fuck me like a whore! Take me like the bitch I am!"
And Harry was more than happy to oblige, turning into half an animal himself. Fulfilling his own primal needs with each thrust into her warm gap. It was almost impossible to think of Daphne as a person now, and not as a set of holes for him to sate his hunger. His eyes found the words bracketing her pussy. Cum Hole. Property of Harry Potter. That was it, she was his. His to fuck, degrade, and humiliate, and she would enjoy it.
But when Susan crawled back on the bed, cradling Daphne's head gently, he slowly regained control, coming back to his senses.
"Do you want to cum, princess?" he asked with a growl.
"Yes, m-my L-Lord!" she shrieked. "I need to cum!"
He hilted himself fully and slapped her breasts, waiting for her to gasp in pain, eyes opening wide open. He slapped them again until his hand was printed in red, and twisted her nipples.
"Not yet, my little slut. First you need to bring the others to climax. Only then will you earn your cum. Go on, let's start with sweetheart."
He looked towards Susan and ordered her to sit right on top of Daphne's mouth. The redhead did so reluctantly, making sure she did not hurt Daphne at all or block her breathing.
Daphne took several deep breaths through her mouth, but slowly let out her tongue until it reached Susan's own sex. Harry gave a grin, and to encourage her further, he resumed his fucking, but slowly this time, just enough pleasure to keep her on the brink, as his hands moved from Daphne's breasts to Susan's to stimulate her nipples.
Susan gave a low moan, her gray eyes closing as she was stimulated from all sides. Harry knew this was a soft spot for her, enjoying sexual pleasure with multiple partners. Susan's heart was too big for just one person. As Daphne, out of pure sexual frustration or genuine pleasure for giving oral sex, increased her ministrations, it didn't take long for the redhead to let out a throaty whine and climax on top of the witch she loved.
"You're next, little moon," he ordered as soon as Susan rolled over to enjoy the afterglow of her orgasm, staying next to Daphne as she gazed at her lovingly.
Luna leapt excitedly on the bed, her dreamy smile wide enough to light up the room. She threw off her flimsy dress to reveal the harness underneath, the two rubber straps between her legs framing her pussy as she sat down where Susan had been.
Daphne took a deep breath before resuming her task. Whereas Susan had whimpered and moaned, Luna giggled as the Slytherin's tongue worked between her legs.
"Yes, this is good," she sighed between breaths. "This is quite good indeed. You can learn so much from tasting things. I would very much like to know how you taste, fellow slave."
The dark-haired witch gave a groan and increased her efforts, moaning as Harry did not stop his own ministrations even for a second, keeping her in a frustrating edge. She used her entire head now to lick the blonde Ravenclaw into an orgasm, which just like Susan, did not take much to erupt.
By now, Daphne's face was a complete mess. Sweat, drool, and fluids had made her dark makeup mix with the marker's ink, spreading across her skin. She truly looked like some porn star out of a hardcore production. It was hard to see the pureblood heiress then.
He turned towards Fleur. "Beautiful."
Fleur didn't need any more convincing, though she did approach the bed slowly, with a wide, mischievous smirk. "Ze leetle putain is quite ze licker, non?" Settling on top of her, Fleur pulled up the hem of her skirt and her latex panties to the side, revealing her own sex, wet with sweat and the evidence of her arousal. "You seem to want zis, oui? Well, beg for eet!"
Daphne took a sharp breath. "Please… can I lick your pussy?" she said, through gritted teeth, though whether from frustration at the denial or from anger at Fleur, Harry couldn't say.
"Can I lick your pussy…?"
Another breath. "Can I lick your pussy, my lady?"
Fleur seemed to consider it, swaying her hips just out of reach of Daphne's head. "That didn't sound like begging to me…" she said, smirking down at Daphne.
Daphne let out a frustrated huff, her volume increasing as she almost demanded. "Please, I'm begging you, grant me the honor of licking your pussy, my lady!"
Fleur smiled victoriously, lowering her entire body, grinding her sex on the witch's nose. "Drown in eet, salope!"
Daphne did just that, her mouth immediately filled with Fleur. Out of her mouth came the most unladylike slurping sounds as she seemed to try and force the French Veela to orgasm immediately. Her entire head was moving back and forth, left and right. Even Fleur couldn't help the throaty moans that escaped from her mouth.
"Now zat is a quality cunt-licker. I zink you 'ave been fantasizing about doing zis, hmm? Quite ze leetle slut that fell into our bed, Maître! Oh… I am going to enjoy you so much!" When it seemed that Fleur was about to reach her climax, she raised her entire body, just out of reach from Daphne's face. "Come 'ere, show me 'ow much you like pussy, princesse! You 'ave to work to earn your Lady's divine sex!" Her fingers found Daphne's nipples and twisted.
With an animalistic howl, Daphne stretched her head until she reached Fleur, all sense of decency gone as she did everything to lick, as if Fleur's lips were the only source of water in the desert. She didn't stop until the French witch let out a scream of her own and turned Daphne's face into a wet ruin.
Finally, as Fleur fell to the side and joined the other girls in their post-orgasmic glows, Harry was left alone with Daphne.
"Good girl. Is the slut ready for her orgasm?"
She groaned, clearly desperate. "Yes, my lord."
He pumped inside again, his palm slapping her breasts and kneading them, followed by the light pinching of her nipples. "Then cum, princess."
It didn't take long for her to do so, and with another high-pitched scream, she rode her orgasm with eyes wide open, her voice withering with every moment until it was a ghostly sigh, but even then her mouth remained open, completing the word "WHORE" that was smeared across her mouth.
Grabbing his wand, he removed her bindings with a wave of it and yanked her back on the floor, almost dragging her back to the mirror.
Harry aimed his still erect cock in front of her and with one hand, he pumped it back and forth, all while holding her head with his other hand, forcing her to look at it. When he felt his own release coming, he aimed it right on her face and fired. Ropes of his seed flew through the air and landed all across her hair, forehead, and even in her open mouth.
With a grunt of pleasure, he forced her head to turn to the mirror, and let Daphne look at herself.
Daphne looked into the mirror to behold her reflection. There was nothing left of the perfect pureblood heiress. With her spit, sweat, and cum stained face, messy hair, drenched makeup, her still red ass, sore breasts, and the vulgar writing all over her body, she seemed more of a pornographic model or cheap whore than the daughter of Cygnus Greengrass. But as she continued to look at herself in silence, Harry saw her do something that he had never seen in all of the years he had known her, before she collapsed in exhaustion into his body.
She smiled.
AN:If you liked this chapter and the story, please leave a review, and if you want, join my Discord server. I respond to messages faster over there.
Link: FEKnu79
Until next time!
The Metal Sage