It slipped through unseen cracks, miniscule and impossible to find, save for such as he.

With a low crack, a young man with strange green eyes and black messy hair was standing in an empty street.

He looked around curiously, only for his scan to be foiled by shattering glass. A man in a button down with a red tie and matching shades was kicked through a window. The assailant, a young girl who flew out of the building after him.

A low groan escaped from the man, but he didn't attempt to move.

The girl pulled a red metallic device from her belt, unfolding it with a deliberate twirl that allowed it to expand into an enormous scythe.

"That's unexpected." Harry Potter said dryly.

The girl didn't react, which was easily explained as she pulled off some headphones and paused her music.

"Really?" a man asked, exasperated. He gestured to a few more men in identical clothing. "Well? Get her." he said.

Harry watched curiously as the girl eliminated her opponents easily, and non lethally, while the man who spoke, a ginger with a white suit and a bowler hat, aimed a cane at her and shot a glowing mass at her.

Harry, now certain about who was in the right of it, deflected the mass into the air with a wave of his hand.

"More?" the man growled. He shot again at the ground in front of him, before vanishing in the explosion.

An old man limped into the street, yelling about the theft, which reinforced Harry's inclination and helped the girl refocus.

"Up there!" she cried, though it seemed to be instinctively.

With a blast from the end of her scythe, and the clear kick and recoil to indicate that a high powered round had been fired, the small girl in black and red was launched into the air, up to the roof.

Harry watched with some amusement, before he waved his hand dramatically. A flurry of glass floated up, and the window was repaired like new.

He gave a friendly smile to the thankful shop owner, before ascending the building.

Only to find that the girl was alone with another woman, a blonde with a strict aura.

The criminal was floating in a flying vehicle, and Harry could barely make out the man at the pilot's controls.

A shadowed woman in the back was launching fire at the two fighters on the roof, and Harry watched the woman block the hit with some power, and return with a glass like attack.

The girl with the scythe was dug in, and shooting bolts into the flying vehicle.

Harry raised his hands and power pulsed. The vehicle froze, as did the shards of molten glass and concrete that were being directed.

"That's a bit much for city limits, huh?" he asked, bemused.

The shadowed woman's eyes narrowed, and another blast of fire made its way from her, which Harry responded with a flex of his fingers, dissipating the fire and making the vehicle creak.

She dissapeared into the depths of the ship, and suddenly rounds of colored crystal were launched towards him. There were hundreds, and Harry shrugged and focused his attention on them, floating them slowly to his feet.

When he surveyed his surroundings again, he found to no surprise, they were gone.

Line Break

"That was so irresponsible!" the blonde woman crowed. Harry and the girl, who introduced herself as Ruby Rose, were sitting in a dark room with a single low hanging light.

"If it were up to me, you would be sent home..." Ruby perked up brightly. "With a pat on the back." Ruby smiled innocently as the woman turned to look at her sternly. "And a slap on the wrist."

She accentuated her statement with a slap of her weapon, a riding crop, to the table just next to Ruby's hands.

The girl flinched back, retracting her hands fearfully.

The woman sighed. "Unfortunately, it is not up to me." she said, disappointed.

A man in a black suit with a green button down stepped into the room, the door closing silently behind him. He stepped into the light, revealing gray and white hair, brown eyes with glasses, and a neutral expression.

"That would be my cue." he said calmly. There was a certain slowness to his words, every syllable was deliberate and thought out.

"You know who I am." he said to Ruby, who nodded enthusiastically.

"You're Professor Ozpin. The Headmaster at Beacon." she said.

The man turned to look at Harry, who grinned and shrugged.

"Ruby Rose. You have silver eyes." the man, Ozpin, stated. "And who are you?" he finally asked, turning to look at Harry.

"Harry Potter." he replied. "A pleasure, I'm sure."

Ozpin nodded. "Likewise. Tell me, young man..." Ozpin hesitated, before shaking his head as if to clear it. "What do you know of Aura? Of Hunters and Huntresses? Of Grimm?"

Harry shrugged, mirth dancing in his emerald eyes. "Nothing on all accounts."

The woman clearly wished to interrupt, as did Ruby, but Ozpin stared him in the eyes for a long few minutes, before he raised his hand.

"For it is in living that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a leader of creation and life. Infinite in wisdom, and free from death, I release your soul, and by my hand, raise you." Ozpin incanted, and Harry grinned widely as his eyes started to glow brighter, power emanating.

"His aura was locked?" the woman said.

"It would seem so, Miss Goodwitch." Ozpin said, sipping from his mug. "He has quite the reserves."

Harry was admiring his hand as it glowed, glimmering the same shade as his eyes.

"How would you two like to attend my school?" Ozpin inquired.

Hope and Mischeviousness met him from the two, and Ozpin silently hoped he had guessed correctly.