A new story is born. A thing placed itself within the circle, chanting the words like poetry. Instantly, even if the commands are broken off in the middle of the sentence it had already changed its plans, and it would take too much effort now that the un-being had begun speaking the words like a lullaby.

The Holy Grail began to summon the Servant most suited for the thing that chanted. The compatibility of the two was perfect. Not only did the girl possess a compatibility with this Servant but there was a regent.

Her entire body was the summoning regent. Yes, it was only natural that these two would be placed together.

The summoning ritual was preceding uninterrupted. So the thing would meet yet another of it's kind that was just as disposable as it and its mother.

One master was replaced with another. The talentless trash being tossed aside to make way for a better one. Servants had to be changed. But all of it was for the best.

Only one puzzle remained that had yet to be answered. How did this thing, this artificial being ever grow the capacity to intrude on this competition when it had no command seals to call its own? As the Grail bestowed said seals onto her along with its servant the Grail understood.

Accursed Wishcraft. Damnable third magic.

It was an achievement indeed. That in the middle of the night, with the blue moon hanging over her that Illyasviel Von Einzbern just so happened to don the first prototype of the Dress Of Heaven. Built and made from the sacrifice of some nameless homunculus. This dress, along with the sheet of paper that she had found by their parents bedside had altered many things beyond imagination.

The fifth Holy Grail War was altered many times. A stark contrast to the Grail Wars that came before it. But now that had changed.

As all these events played out the celestial satellite devoted itself to watching these events.

The Moon Cell saw it all. The actions of those who were made to be disposable would split reality apart. And no one would realise it. No one would ever truly comprehend the impact that was to be created from this one lone summoning. Not even A2, who was most effected by this. The Moon Cell would come to alter a future that was millenniums ahead of the current year.

Homunculus and Android have succeeded in their missions far ahead of schedule. And no one would ever notice how many untold lives were saved by one girl simply acting out what she thought was naughty, mischievous behaviour. It was a blessing that was measured in numbers beyond mankind, beyond even Archimedes. Only the Moon Cell could define what the odds of this happening were.

It was a miracle that she mistakenly brought the ancient looking sheet of paper and believed it to be a lullaby. It was a peculiar happenstance that the paper was kept as a memento from when the three families joined together to make the Holy Grail. It was a happy mistake that Illyasviel Von Einzbern thought that her parents were following some fun festival traditions.

It was two and two equaling to four to realise that the paper and the strange, exotically painted circle within the Einzbern mansion were connected.

It was the greatest mistake that Illya had walked out with nothing much to wear, causing her to seek out the prototype of the dress of heaven.

It was destiny then, that a new future be written. Was it Aliyah's will that took care of the rest of the ritual? Or was it destiny that emboldened the power of the dress of heaven?

It was an innocent heart, mind and soul that saved countless others. It was with a sweet child's voice singing its fake lullaby that the earth did weep. It was to this beautiful sound that humanity raised its arms in adulation.

It was with this sound that love was secured.

The sounds of this little girl singing was the sound of a saviour of mankind.

It was the second coming of Jesus. The reappearance of The Saviour. When the son of God reformed itself would not quite be known. Was it his guiding hand that arranged events to be this way? Or was it his voice or knowledge that bade her sing? How was unknown. But with Jesus's swift second coming, untold amount of things occurred.

Humanity would live on. But no one would be able to wonder if it was a child who saved them, or if it was the promised religious figure.

Swift and melodious was the End of the Unknown.

"Woah..." Illyasviel murmured. To the wide eyed little child this spectacle was as strange as it was spectacular. Was daddy's musical sheet supposed to do this? Illya gasped at a realization she just had. Was this going to give her a "Umm..." What are daddy's called again?

"Ah! A husband! That's what they're called!" She banged her fist against her palm and smiled as brightly as was possible. She knew the myth with storks were nonsense! Only a gullible kid would think those were real! Those were so last century.

So did you summon a husband or wife then? Yes! That had to be it! She could already see a figure forming from the light.

"Wait a minute..." How were husbands named? "Wait...a...minute..." Wasn't this daddy's script? If she used something made by a man to get a parent, and thus a beautiful baby girl, then was she going to get a mummy instead?

"Wait...a..." Was that even okay? Wait a minute was she breaking the law?! Her breath started to pick up rather rapidly as the figure began to look less like her farther. "OH GOD! Have I done something illegal?! I-I-I'm not supposed to break the rules..." She mewled the last part out rather pathetically. She did a naughty thing. She had never done that before because she was told to never break the rules so she could be a good girl. So she never broke them.

What was going to happen? She hunched over and almost came to tears before remembering that she was also told to carry herself with pride by her more mean family members. And daddy and mummy told her that family was always right. As it is she started to hate the dimming of the room and this stupid dress with its stupid tacky rings and this dumb big house for not having and furry, warm shoes handy.

"Ugghhhh." She groaned when she finally looked up and beheld the figure that was before her. Yep. That was a face of a mother. Or the face of a woman as mummy sometimes told her. Apparently not every woman was not a mother or something ridiculous like that?

But as she looked at this figure she had to grudgingly concede that there was further proof to that. "Hmm..." She started biting on her thumb before finally wondering if she was missing something. How could you summon a mummy with no daughter.

As she started to bite on her nail with a bit more force she pieced it together. She rocketed up on her feet and pointed at the "woman" who was finally formed at last and was looking stupefied.

"You're a man!" Of course "she" was. There were these things called appearances! Of course!

The man turned to look at her and although he looked pretty, he was also quite menacing. But after a few seconds of staring at him he began to look heroic to Illya's innocent little mind. She began imagining him holding her like a princess with a twinkle in her eye.

But her dreams were just a little dashed when her man began speaking with a VERY unmanly voice. "What the hell are you going on about?"

"Huh? Daddy doesn't sound like that? My husband is supposed to sound manly!" Was daddy just special or was mine? "Oh right, I don't know your name! I-I can't believe I don't know my own husbands name! Uh, please tell me!" Illya quickly did one of those fancy bows that she seen some people do. Bowing with her hands on her knees was supposed to be a fancy thing right?

He was silent for a while, only speaking once a handful of seconds had passed. "I'm A2 kid." He spoke quietly.

Illya looked up at that. "Eh? But that...doesn't seem like a mans name...or a woman's?"

Her hero stared at her for a second. "Its an androids."

"Eh? And-er-roid? What is that?"

He sighed and closed his pretty eyes. Know that she got a closer look at his face he began to resemble one of her dolls. Pretty and perfect. With long hair and a beautiful face. Yeah...he looked like one of her barbie dolls! The pretty eyelashes and perfect everything was so dreamy!

"To think this is a human. Now I'm kinda regretting getting off of the factory at all." He sighed again. "Look it doesn't matter. Just stop calling me a man alright, I'm a woman can't you tell? Or are you just being bratty on purpose?"

"A-a-a woman?! Then...then I really did do a bad thing! Oh no..." Illya began curling up into herself.

"Ugh, I can't believe I got summoned by some kid." She looked around hoping to see someone else and sighed when she found no one else. "Great. Do you even know what you've gotten yourself into kid?"

Above her shoulder something rose up into the air. It was instantly cute in Illya's little mind. The cute little arms and hands on this cute little pristine white box made stars twinkle in her eyes.

"Negative. Information provided by the Holy Grail indicates-"

"Shut up. I know that already."

"Pod 042 has serious concerns if unit A2 is posing rhetorical questions to a seven year old lifeform."

"Shut. Up!"


A2 growled and looked around the room. "What's this?"

"Judging by the structure of this room and the iconography along with the benches that are large enough to classify as pews, it is likely that this is a room dedicated to religious practices. However, it was also used to summon unit A2 and Tactical Support Unit Pod 042, indicating that it may also have some hidden purpose."

A2 sighed. "Looks like you've still got a ways to go before being good huh? Well whatever."

She turned back to look at her..."Master" again. "You really don't know what you've gotten yourself into huh? Ah well..." She deliberated on what to do. Telling a kid she could die was pretty stupid. Telling someone that they're not in danger was also pretty dumb too.

She began speaking again, more slower this time. "Look kid, you're in pretty big danger you know that?"

"W-what do you mean? Does something really bad happen when a girl summons a wife?"

"A wife?! What the hell were you-no." She heaved yet another disappointed sigh at this whole situation. "I'm not telling you how its done. Look you're in real trouble kid, like, you're gonna get hurt and...Pod? What's she doing?"

"Moisture within the eyes are indicative that crying is eminent. Theory: The cause is likely due to Illyasviel Von Einzbern misinterpreting the last sentence that was spoken by A2."

Just as A2 was about to get a word in a loud sniffle interrupted her. Illya finally spoke again. "You mean mum and dad aren't disappointed in me Pod?"

A2 rushed to get a word in but couldn't manage it before Pod said something stupid.


"Oh godammit Pod!"

Illya's parents first introduction to her Servant was not a good one.