To all readers.
I am sorry.
I have kept you waiting for a year and have nothing to show for it, nothing but a completely different story that has no traces of either Nier or Fate in them.
Am I going to continue this story? Probably.
Is it worth wairing for about two years? No.
Probably 4 years or more if I'm honest.
I haven't even rewritten the previous chapters! I haven't even wrote another word about this story and I haven't even adjusted the stats like I said I would.
Quite frankly I'm surprised I got new readers despite me sleeping on the job.
18k words versus 86k.
I suppose I should advertise my new Bleach story despite you all feeling bummed out that the story you actually came for is no longer being written. Which is 86k words as it is right now.
Hell, I doubt I'll actually continue it in two, or even four years.
So I'll go ahead and say that I've discontinued the story.
Have I stopped writing for Fate? Not really, but it's not my passion as you can clearly feel.
I'll write crossovers of Fate and Odin Sphere before continuing this though.
If you're still reading then I suppose I'll say my writing got much better in my Bleach Story: Strangle To Death, Anaconda! Just give it five chapters or so.
I'm sorry.
Maybe I will continue this years down the line. Maybe.
If you want to take over the story then go ahead. A mention in the summary or the authors note would be nice.
Just do it better than I did. 18k words in about 9 chapters with all those errors was embarrassing.
Sorry to all my readers and reviewers. Especially you grammer man. Mind if I ask you to check that on my other story? No one reading it has brought spelling mistakes or such up yet, but I know there are some. Would you mind that daimahou?
It'd be great if the rest of you see it as well. Cuz...well I'm clearly not writing for this anymore, not soon enough to be worth it however.
It's the second damn time I've put this kinda crap out.
Nero Claudius is the best BTW.