Earth in the time of the modern world has reached a state of overall peace. Hardship stills runs rampant in small parts of our world, but largely we've reached peace. The world is interconnected; countries communicate constantly between each other; cultures are shared.

But it's mundane.

One day after the other. Most people are just sitting behind a cubicle achieving nothing but the goals of their company, yet they do it only for the sake of a meager salary that lets them live. Only to go home, sleep, and do it again.

That's an awfully terrible way to look at it, but from a realistic perspective, that's kind of how it is.

I've always wanted more.

I lived through years of school, met one person after another, made relationships only to watch them drift away, and at the end of it all, I'm going to turn to dust.

That's pretty lame.

I want to live forever and to have the power to live that eternal life comfortably. I'm not saying that I'm willing to sacrifice a million people and three goats to Satan just so I can live forever, but I'm more than willing to work my ass off so that I can coast off into the glory of an infinite life.

Too bad that's unachievable in this day and age. The best that I can do is exercise and eat healthily, but that will only grant me a few more years tacked on to the end of my life. That's not really worth it.

Therefore, all I can really do is live out life as happy I can hope to be.

Life has been easy living in a first-world country on earth. I come from a middle-class family, I've been gifted with a smart head on my shoulders, and I'm pretty good looking too. Life is good for me. It isn't the best, but it's pretty good.

But that will end.

And I didn't think it would happen so soon.

All it took was me being a selfless idiot trying to throw an ignorant kid out of the way of a charging bus.

Pfft, so much for eternal life.

All I can see now is my crimson blood pooling around me as horrified spectators gather around to watch my last breath slip away from me. And clearly, no one's a god damn doctor either.


Well, you win some, you lose some. Am I right?


Ah, more blood.

You know, I figured this would be more painful, but I guess that's just the lack of oxygen speaking. That would also explain why my vision has gone dark and I can only hear buzzes.

Well, no more buzzes.

Just eternal darkness. I guess I finally got something that's eternal. Does this count as eternal life? My drifting soul stuck in an unknown abyss of time and space? Wait so this is the afterlife?

It kinda sucks. I was expecting a bit more… I don't know? Oomph.

At least I can maintain conscient thought. Does this happen to everyone? Or do I just have enough lingering thoughts to prevent my soul from dissipating? At least I have stuff to think about for the duration of my stay in god knows where this fucking place is.

At least souls are a proven theory. It would be a damn shame if I just poofed out of existence.

Why is it warm?

It's a welcome change and all, but it feels pretty weird. Wait… feels?

Why can I feel?

Better question, why do I hear people?

I'm surrounded by panicked voices in Japanese, and last time I checked I wasn't anywhere near Japan when I died. So I'm not a ghost nearby Japan or some shit. I'm pretty fluent in the language, so it's not inconvenient or anything, but when a man was previously dead and is suddenly surrounded by voices, it raises a couple questions.

Now I'm starting to feel a crushing pressure that wants to take me away from this warmth, and it's starting to piss me off.

It feels like I'm stuck in a slimy sleeping bag and my friend is trying to drag me out of it.

Not pleasant, not at all.

Konoha's general hospital

In a patient's room cursed with the sterile smell of a medical facility, the room is filled with doctors and nurses each in outfits as white as the room itself. All except for two people, one of which is an adult male with raven black hair in the standard leaf jonin flak-jacket holding the hand of the last person, a crimson-haired woman in a pink patient's gown laying spread-eagle on the hospital bed.

The woman herself was busy yelling at the man holding her hand, "HOLY FUCK THIS BABY BETTER BE WORTH IT YOU ASSHOLEEEEEEEEEEE!" Her face contorted in the pain associated with childbirth.

The man looked both panicked at the shout and pained from her crushing his hand. He wanted to yell back but wisely chose to vent his frustrations at another outlet, "Hey, Docter! You're the expert here, help my wife!"

The doctor turns blind eye at this, for he's experienced such attitudes many times in his career. He chose to continue calmly encouraging the woman instead, "Uzumaki-san, please just keep taking deep breaths and push."

The woman's hair seemed to float at that remark and her eyes turned aflame, "I'VE HEARD YOU SAY THAT SAME SHIT A THOUSAND TIMES ALREADY AND IT'S NOT GETTING ANY BETTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!"

Yet again, the doctor turned a blind eye to this and continued speaking, "That's good Uzumaki-san, you're almost there."

Sure enough, as the doctor foretold, a baby soon arrived in a few moments.

Crimson hair like his mother, and curious black orbs that searched for the light around him. Eyes like his father.

A hospital room comes into view after I lose the warmth that previously encompassed me.

I think I know how this goes.

Let me guess, I'm reincarnated into the past and soon I'll be able to use my knowledge of the future to become a multibillionaire right? HAHA I WIN THIS TIME FUCKERS!

But god damn, it's cold.

I mean really cold.

Like I know why babies cry when they're born because it's FUCKING COLD COLD COLD COLD!

"Haha! It's a healthy baby boy, Uzumaki-san and Uchiha-san!" said the dude with the Doctor's coat.

I'm quickly wiped down and wrapped in a blanket by one of the nurses. Ah, much better.

Wait, are my parents Naruto cosplayers or some shit? Aw, does this mean I'm not in the future? I was totally going to run Apple and call it Mango just so that I could laugh every time someone asked me if I was the CEO of Mango. Haha, gets me every time.

Wow, that dude is really dedicated to his role, he's even wearing the headband and everything. Soon he's talking too, "My son! He's going to be a genius and a proud Uchiha just like his cousin Shisui!"

Damn, will I have Uchiha as my last name? That's going be embarrassing. I'm going to be bullied for having otakus for parents. Oh well, it's still pretty cool sounding. Pfft, they even named my cousin Shisui.

The lady on the bed seems to have something to say too, "Shut up and hand me my son, I'm the one that almost tore my body apart letting him into this world."

The man that's apparently my Dad was quick to hand me over to my new mom.

She cradled me in her arms and held me close to her breast. She whispered under her breathe in the most gentle voice I've heard all day, "My son, my little Akakiryu."

My Dad looked at us with his black eyes shining with a gentle light.

But then his eyes morphed. A three tomoe sharingan quickly appeared in my father's eyes as he gazed upon my mother holding me. As if he wanted to capture the image forever.

I'm pretty sure contact lenses don't let you do that.




I'm forgetting something here.

All the death, the suffering, endless pain and horrors that encompasses the life of a shinobi.

Oh boy, this is going to be a bitch.


I can do it. And I have the chance to achieve what I've always wanted.


AN: This is my first fanfic, but it won't be half-assed. I've got it planned out for the most part, but I will still be taking opinions from the readers. It won't be YAOI, so please stay away from recommending that Akakiryu fucks Neji or something like that. Pairings are undecided so I'm up for hearing any opinions on that. I hope you'll like my story and that you will support me in my endeavors of creating a MaleOC story in the world of Naruto.