Senju Compound. Several hours after the Council meeting.
The compound and grounds of Senju Clan are considered to be near hollowed and divine, as they've served to house the entirety of the founding Clan of Konoha. It was also the home of 2 first Hokage, and a current residence of the current Fifth Hokage. People passing by would often gawk and stare at the place, or come inside to either pay respects or simply to say hello. At least, that's how it used to be until Naruto Uzumaki and his family, along with his friends, have moved in and made the compound their new home, until the contract had expired. Now, most people would rather avoid this place all together, as they didn't know when they would invoke the wrath of now returned Fox Demon.
Just a few mere hours have passed, yet it was enough to send shockwaves and ripple effects throughout the entire Hidden Village of Leaf. Not that it was without the reason, though, as the news of death of the entirety Clan Uchiha and its last official member were more than sufficient enough to send Konoha into a state of shock. However, death of Sasuke Uchiha wasn't the only thing that had everyone in the village on edge and shaking. The revelation of who it was that had dealt the lethal blows to Kiba Inuzuka, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha, was also another reason why there a sudden decrease in people wanting to look and stand near the compounds.
After all, the Civilian Council has spared absolutely nothing in ensuring that the populace knew that Naruto Uzumaki was back, and that he was far more dangerous than before, as well as warning about his demonic mistresses and spawns from their wombs, sired by Demon Fox. If there was ever one thing that Naruto found completely amusing, it would have to be the fact at how effective the civilian propaganda machine was. It must have took quite some effort, to keep the populace believing that a simple, orphaned poor boy was responsible for the deaths of thousands. Either the methods were that good, or the general populace was that stupid. Either way, Naruto knew that he and his family would not be receiving any love letters and bowing people from the locals, and they could live with that.
The problem, however, lay not with him or his wives, but with his children, Yasaka and Masamune. They may've largely kept close to the family and not liked to venture far away from it, but they still needed to have some company of the kids of their own age. Back in Wave, they could always easily find themselves other children to play with, and would be welcomed, as people of Wave were far kinder and gentler than Konoha. But here… Kurama and Yugito trusted practically no one in the Village, especially the civilians and major Clans, considering that their children can be made into an easy prey or a target. Naruto already had a full list of people within and outside of Konoha who would definitely take a chance at capturing them, so he needed to be prepared.
It also didn't help out the fact that entire village now knew that Naruto Uzumaki was back, and he had family. For all it's supposed secrecy and status of the Hidden Village, Konoha was absolutely terrible in keeping the secrets within its walls and borders. Back when he only started out as Hanzo Hattori, Naruto was able to pick up on rumors and news from Konoha, detailing how things were in his former home. Not only was that atrocious of a Hidden Village, to be so irresponsible in spread of information, but what made this situation even worse was the fact that Naruto knew that there were spies within the Village from other countries. He himself had completed several of survey missions near Konoha, without its knowledge of course, so he was well aware of the fact that every other Hidden Village had at least half a dozen spies each. And Kiri had eleven spies right in here, all of which were brought here, thanks to Naruto's information and training in stealth, urban recon and information gathering.
The bottom line was that before the day was over, all of Elemental Nations were going to be aware of Naruto's return, as well as his status as a married man and father. And now, as Naruto was standing in his new courtyard, thinking over the security measures for the house, he was also trying to figure out from where to start his work within the Village itself. He already had a couple of the general ideas on where to start, but he figured that first it would be best to either survey the situation within the place better, along with stopping the Akatsuki from striking at Gaara and Sunagakure. Tsunade was already putting together a plan and strike team for the latter, though he would've preferred to handle this on his own or with Pakura and Souji.
Unfortunately, the Council still had some sway over the such things, so Naruto had to endure this inconvenience, while focusing up on the upcoming dismantling of Sarutobi Clan, as well as arrival of Daimyo in a few days. Turns out, Lady Daimyo, after receiving the message from Naruto regarding her niece, decided to come to Konoha a bit earlier than anticipated, and to deal with Sarutobi as quickly as possible. Needless to say, Clan Sarutobi has quickly lost all of its previous prestige and friends, as none wanted to be anywhere near them when Daimyo came to Konoha to destroy it. Once one of the most respected and admired clans of Konoha, who had been one of the first to join it, now it became a pariah, left alone and without anyone to call upon. Their fate was all but sealed, as Naruto had figured, and all he needed to do now was to wait and see how it all comes to fruition.
As he stood in thoughts, Naruto had suddenly felt how a detection barrier around the mansion was disturbed. He and Kurama had fortified the estate to its maximum capacity within an hour and a half with all kinds of Fuinjutsu. Naruto was expecting that someone would try their luck breaking in, but he didn't think someone would be either bold or stupid enough to do it on the first day. Regardless, whoever it was, he has sealed his fate, as Naruto teleported from his spot, and reappeared right behind the intruder. He must've leaped from the ground and landed on the roof of the estate, hoping to sneak up and strike at Naruto or his family. Whichever plan he had hoped to use, it was no longer of any use to him, as Naruto quietly crept onto him, before kicking him off the roof and onto the ground.
Leaping off the roof and landing right on top of the intruder, Naruto had two kunai ready and pointing at his throat, before he took a closer look at the Konoha Shinobi that intruded on his grounds. Blinking twice, the former blonde almost didn't recognize someone he had used to know.
"Konohamaru?" Naruto asked now grown up former loudmouthed grandson of the Third Hokage, who now grinned at Naruto, despite their position. "Is this some kind of a joke for you, because I fail to see why would you grin like that after this charade?"
"Oh c'mon, boss! Don't you remember that I and my gang used to do this all the time with you? And you've always busted us?" Konohamaru reminded to Naruto, who got up and put away his kunai, letting the younger Shinobi to get up on his feet. "Those were some good times, right?"
"For some, me… I wouldn't call them really good for me, or any time in this Village." Naruto simply remarked to Konohamaru, with continued smiling to him. "Now, what do you want, Konohamaru?"
"What, can't I just pay a visit to my surrogate big brother? The guy that had really taught me what it means to be a Shinobi?" Konohamaru asked Naruto like it was something completely obvious. "It's been near 8 years now, and I've heard that you've made yourself a really big name now. Just like I knew you would, boss. I myself haven't been sitting idle, and have already made into Special Jonin, so I guess I'm now almost as cool as…"
"Konohamaru, cut the chit chat, and get to the point already." Naruto interrupted him, with Konohamaru staring at his former idol with a questioning look. "As Shinobi of Konoha, you must've long been aware about Hanzo Hattori and his relations with this Village's Shinobi, which means, after you found out that I was that guy, you wouldn't be all that eager to see me. If you weren't, then the only reason you would want to come right here would have to be to ask me something on the behalf of your Clan, who must've sent you here in the first place, knowing of our relations in the past. Am I correct?" Naruto could clearly see how Konohamaru's expression changed from a goofball into one of a focused and concentrated Shinobi, before he spoke up.
"Nothing really escapes you now, huh?" He said with a bit of bitter. "I suppose I shouldn't be all that surprised, considering your reputation and what you have done for other nations."
"There were a couple of times that I had helped Konoha, but they were few and in between." Naruto remarked, with Konohamaru not even batting an eye. "So let me guess, you are here to convince me to stop Daimyo from effectively destroying Clan Sarutobi for their crime of killing Mikoto's father and mother, am I correct?" Konohamaru had stiffened up at hearing this, before continuing.
"Naruto, you've got to understand that not all of Clan Sarutobi is responsible for what had happened to previous Daimyo's son. Yeah, I know that my Clan has done a bad thing, but…"
"That is a very huge understatement on your part, Konohamaru." Naruto noted out to him. "Your Clan had openly broken the most sacred of laws in Land of Fire, interfered with the royal succession order, abducted a princess, killed the Crown Heir to the throne of Land of Fire, and made Mikoto Matsudaira into what accounts a war slave. And from what I understand, practically everyone in the Sarutobi Clan, including you, knew about Mikoto's real origin, yet you've done nothing… From where I see it, Konohamaru, your Clan is doomed, no matter what I say to her."
"There has to be some kind of way to prevent her from dismantling my Clan, Naruto! Look, if this is a matter of money, then my Clan is prepared to pay you up any amount you want. Just name the price and we'll give it to you." Konohamaru had hoped that it would placate Naruto, but he was mistaken.
"You really think that money is going to change my mind on this subject?" Naruto asked of him with a narrowed eye look. "Konohamaru, in case you haven't noticed, money isn't something I have an immediate need in. As a Ronin, I've already managed to collect enough of a fortune to allow my grandchildren to have a life of luxury and peace. Add to that what I have as an Uzumaki Clan Head and what I have been granted from my participation in Mizu's Civil War, I can literally buy an Island of Uzu, rebuild it and make it into a populated place once again, and I'll still have enough to buy enough orange color paint to decorate the entire Hokage mountain five times over. And before you ask, I've already counted it, twice."
"Ugh, fine, have it your way, Naruto!" Konohamaru seemed to be losing his cool, with Naruto not batting an eye. "Just tell me, what my Clan has to give to you to save us? You want land? Take all the land outside and inside our Village! Our Jutsu, scrolls and all the knowledge gathered? We'll deliver them to you within an hour! Our women? You can have all of them, all of our virgins, daughters, wives, all of them! If that's what it takes to save our Clan, we'll do anything just to make sure that Clan Sarutobi isn't destroyed!" Despite the clear despair and honesty, Naruto was actually finding Konohamaru's begging to be a little bit amusing.
"Konohamaru, have you considered the possibility that I want your Clan gone?" Naruto could clearly see the morbid surprise on his face. "Apparently, Asuma and the others have failed to fill you in on the details. It's not exactly my place to tell you about it, nor explain my motives and reasoning, so I'll simply cut to the chase. Your Clan and I have a very eventful history together, brim filled with violence and near death experiences for me, especially from Asuma Sarutobi. Now, I understand that there are some among Sarutobi Clan that are innocent, and I'll see to it that only those that have committed crimes were punished, but as for the general Clan, there's nothing I will do for it."
"Damn it, Naruto, what the hell is wrong with you?! You've never been this selfish or cruel to anyone, never!" Konohamaru was practically furious with his former idol turning on his clan just like that. "Even with the people that had berated and beat you, you would always just laugh it off like a goof and do the right thing! Why the hell can't you do the same damn thing with my Clan?! What in the fucking hell had changed that you can't just let it all go and give my Clan what it wants?!" Naruto narrowed his eyes on Konohamaru, before speaking in cold and steel voice.
"And what would that be, let your Clan have Mikoto silenced? Or me obeying like an idiot every order?" Naruto could see that Konohamaru wasn't against that. "You know, Konohamaru, ever since I've busted you, all you've been doing is just ask me about saving your Clan, like you don't even care why Daimyo was going to end it. And from what Mikoto had already told me, you were acting towards her just like the rest of the Clan, if not even worst, considering that she had told me that you were chosen as her future husband. From her tales to me and Souji, about the same she became a Genin, you've started make rather… unfitting moves on her."
"And what is so bad about this? It is my Clan's internal affair, and neither you, nor Daimyo can affect it." Konohamaru was now finally dropping his façade, as Naruto could clearly now see the true colors of a young Sarutobi. "This decision was made by my gramps, our Third Hokage, and it is customary in my Clan for future husband and wife to practice their duties to each other, even if one party disagrees. Mikoto should've been glad that she was allowed this honor, considering what her mother did."
"First, this was never an internal affair of your Clan, not after how you've betrayed Daimyo." Naruto reminded to Konohamaru, who simply stiffened up. "Second, the Daimyo can and will affect whatever decision made in Clan, if it concerns her and her safety. And third, I've got absolutely no intention of changing the mind of Daimyo on this matter, Konohamaru. The only thing I can honestly recommend you do is simply give away those that were directly involved in deaths of Daimyo son, his wife, and kidnapping of Mikoto. That way, Daimyo will at least grant life of exiles to the rest of your Clan, which is better than the alternatives."
"My Clan will never be rendered to some roaming exiles in search of place to live! This is our home, OUR Village, the Village that Hiruzen Sarutobi has built, and we will not allow some bigheaded feudal lord order us around!" Konohamaru was seething with anger and malice, with Naruto readying himself in case thing took a turn for the worst. "Now, Naruto, give me back Mikoto and stop Daimyo from destroying my Clan, or I can assure you, that the day Daimyo comes into this village will be the day you'll have to bury those two brats of yours."
Throughout the entire conversation, Naruto has been holding his rising anger and fury in check, even though it was tough for him to do so with Konohamaru around him. Just looking at him was making Naruto have an unyielding desire to strangle the boy. There was once time when he had considered Konohamaru a good boy and a nice lad, but that was long before he had saved Mikoto from death and learned from her the true colors of Clan Sarutobi. The treatment she had to endure from them, not to mention being always humiliated, pushed around like a piece of garbage, constant berating and beatings for no good reason but because Sarutobi had considered her to be unworthy of their name.
While all of this was more than enough for Naruto to forget his respect and admiration for the Third Hokage, whatever he had left for him, it didn't immediately deter him from considering Konohamaru as a good boy and a friend. That is, until Mikoto had revealed to him and everyone else that Konohamaru that Naruto had known wasn't the entire person. Clan Sarutobi, for the sake of their public image and reputation, has always put a nice and kind front for everyone to see and admire, so that their far more hideous and malicious true inner self was well hidden from public. And Konohamaru was no different, and even as a child, berating and beating Mikoto for him was nothing out of the ordinary.
When it became known that Mikoto was to be his bride, however, that is when for Mikoto Clan Sarutobi had become a practically living hell. Women in some of the Clans, mostly in the more orthodox and conservative ones, were often "trained" to please their future husbands in various ways. Clan Sarutobi was no different in that regard with its women, as females from lower branches were subjected to such treatment from when they were capable enough of this, and members of Shinobi Clans often grew up and matured very early on in their lives. What Mikoto had described was simply horrendous and atrocious, and finding out that Konohamaru had taken part in this was… It was enough for Naruto completely forget and put behind him any positive feelings he had for Konohamaru.
The only thing that had stopped Naruto from killing him right now was just that little ghost of a former blond idiot, ever present in him, reminding him that this was once one of his only friends. However, the moment Konohamaru had made this threat towards Yasaka and Masamune, that ghost was silenced by the ever present essence of an Uzumaki father. Uzumaki had always treasured their family and cherished it above all. It was the most important thing for them, and the greatest honor every Uzumaki had considered to hold was being able to start one of his own, with loving partner or partners at his side and children of their own. To threaten the safety of his family and in such an open manner…
This was something that Naruto would never let go of.
"You've crossed the line here, Sarutobi." Naruto's voice was now dangerously low, with Konohamaru flinching at it. "Out of simple mercy, I'll let you leave this place alive, but if you or your Clan takes even a literal step towards my family or Mikoto, then I won't wait for Daimyo to come here. I'll make sure that Clan Sarutobi is not just destroyed, but utterly annihilated, eradicated and rendered none existent."
"My Clan has survived worse threats and greater enemies than you, Naruto, so what makes you think that this will even scare us?" Konohamaru arrogantly asked of him. "My Clan was the one that had put the current Daimyo's dynasty in power centuries ago, and we'll make sure as hell to remind that woman of our role in their rise to power. And once she realizes it, there'll be nothing stopping us from taking care of Mikoto and you along the line."
"Except the fact that Daimyo won't even give a damn about this. You think that it matters anymore, that Clan Sarutobi has helped Matsudaira Clan in becoming rulers of this land centuries ago?" Naruto seriously asked of Konohamaru. "You've long been repaid for your services, and now it is just that, history. Now, Konohamaru, get the fuck out of here, or I'll start my cleanup or Sarutobi from you." Zangetsu materialized in Naruto's hand, as he gripped the handle of his sword, waiting for his opponent to make his move.
Konohamaru had believed himself to be an extremely powerful and potent Shinobi, one of the best in this Village and an obvious pick as the future Hokage, or at least he believed himself. He was molded into being the perfect inheritor of Sarutobi Clan's tradition and name, and this alone was more than enough to make him one of the best Shinobi of this Village. And while Naruto may've made himself the name of one of the most fearsome and terrifying Ronin of this time and era, he was confident enough that he could take him.
Or at least that would've happened, had the Elders of his Clan not instructed him to not engage Naruto directly and merely try to stop him diplomatically. This was something that Konohamaru couldn't understand, as in the past while his grandfather was around, Clan Sarutobi was completely undisputed in their power and influence. Not only that, there were simply no one who could even say a word against them, but now… For his Clan to become fearful of what amounted to a single Ronin, even with the Kyuubi trapped inside of him, this was something completely appalling for him. But, traditions dictated that he followed the commands.
Naruto could see that Konohamaru had dropped from his battle stance, while he still gripped Zangetsu in his hand, waiting for the next move from young Sarutobi Clan member. Konohamaru walked to the grass and towards the wall surrounding the estate, before he stopped and spoke up again.
"This isn't over, Naruto. My Clan will have its due." And with this said, Konohamaru leapt out of the estate's grounds, leaving Naruto alone, as he returned his weapon back to where it came from.
"I'm counting on it, Konohamaru." Naruto simply said out loud, before he had noticed that he was not alone. "I take it you heard everything he had to say to me, Kura-chan?" Naruto turned to face his first wife, as she walked to him from the house.
"Not all, but I've heard enough." She simply stated to him. "I'm actually quite surprised that you've let him go, Naruto. Had it been up to me, I would've long wiped the floor with him and his Clan. I remember that he used to be your friend and all, but that was before Mikoto, so why you've been so… neutral to him, so to speak?"
"Truth be told, I'm kinda surprised that I was talkative towards him at all." Naruto honestly admitted to his wife. "I personally suspect that it has something to do with who I used to be, or rather, what I was rendered to be in the past. Didn't think that any traces of that blond idiot had remained in me, but…"
"He was always inside of you, even if you not realize or ignore it, Naruto." Kurama said to him, with Naruto looking at her. "Because no matter what this place and it's people have done to you, they were never able to destroy the very core of your personality: the unbreakable will and determination to lead a good life. Naruto they had molded still had those qualities, and you practically embody them in your own way." Kurama smiled to him, while Naruto let out a small chuckle.
"I guess there's no point about arguing on this subject with you, is there?"
"I've spent most of my life living inside of you, my love, so I know you better than anyone." Kurama stepped closer to Naruto, leaning to him and embracing him, with Naruto hugging and holding his wife close to him. "I know your heart, Naruto, and I know what you think about. We both had talked about it, and Yugito with Mata-chan have agreed to it, and there is no way that we will leave you in this nest of vipers. As for children, we'll be sure to take care of them, and explain to them what is going on around here. Plus it's not like they'll be all alone here, especially with Tsunade, Karin, Guren and Mikoto near them, not to mention their new aunties Kurenai and Anko. Although the latter seems to be quite interested in becoming a closer relative to them~." Kurama playfully purred to Naruto.
"I've noticed that too." Naruto sighed at this. "We'll discuss this with Yugito and Matatabi later."
"There's not much to discuss, to be honest with you. Matatabi already likes her, and Yugito trusts my word on her, as she had asked me about Anko. And as for me, I myself have nothing wrong with Anko joining in our family. She is loyal, caring, has a bit of spunk and gall in her, but it's something I appreciate in people, plus she's already smitten by you and cares for kids." Kurama reasoned with Naruto.
"That, and I'm pretty sure that she won't take a no for answer." Suddenly, came a voice in Naruto's head, belonging to his father. "Plus, knowing her kind of women, I wouldn't be too surprised that she had "accidentally" found her way in your bedroom, stark naked and tied your hands and legs to bedposts. That, at least, has happened to me, once…"
'Please tell me that this isn't how Kushina had gotten you, Dad.' Naruto had mentally stated to him, while Kurama chuckled at this one.
"No, that was before your mother, at least before we became an official item. Back then, I've was dating another kunoichi from my team. What a girl she was, Aika… Never a boring day with her, nor would she ever allow anyone to wallow in sadness for too long. A constant bundle of energy, joy and happiness." Minato recalled with fondness. "Your mother may've been the one to marry me, but I can with full honesty say that she never had my heart like Aika did. If only the war hadn't started, we would've been married, but then the war had kicked off and she was amongst the first casualties…"
"Wish I was contained within that girl myself. Kushina absolutely hated that woman, but she reminded me of Mito from her younger days. Shame she had been killed, but that is war and… Oh, are you bloody kidding me?!" Kurama growled out both mentally and in the real world, with Naruto looking at his wife with a questioning look. "Just had to ruin our moment, and I've been planning some quality time for us… We have guests at our front gates. Care to guess who, darling?"
"Kushina and Menma?" Naruto asked out loud, with Kurama nodding to him.
"And they've brought along the frog idiot." Kurama said out loud. "From what I can get from Menma's mind, they are here to try and establish relations between us and them, along with trying to convince you in why Menma is so important to you. I don't know about you Naruto, but I don't want to hear anything that those two have to say."
"Then we are both in the agreement on that one, Kurama. I'll have my Shadow Clone take care of them in a jiffy…" Naruto was about to make his favorite sign, until Minato spoke up again.
"Naruto, I know that you want nothing to do with, Jiraiya Kushina and Menma, and I understand that completely. However, I would like for those three to come in." Now that was something that had surprised both Naruto and Kurama, as they knew that Minato didn't hold at this point any love for those three. "It has been quite a long time, and I have quite a long list of things to tell them three. That is, if you'll let me, son."
"You want to… I see." Naruto and Kurama understood what Minato meant and wanted. "If that is what you want, Dad. Kurama, are you coming?"
"Well, this will be quite a treat for my eyes and ears." Kurama chuckled in a little evil way. "Let's go and greet our guests." With that being said, husband and wife moved through the house and to the front gates.
Just as Kurama has said, right there they found Kushina and Menma, accompanied by Jiraiya, already moving inside the vicinity of detection barrier. The trio was slightly surprised to see Kurama and Naruto greeting them, but that didn't deter them, as Kushina spoke up.
"Naruto, son, I had hoped that we could talk to you, in private." Kushina spoke up without even greetings, while Kurama scowled a little at the woman. "I understand that we had started out on the wrong foot and that if we just sit and talked, you would come to understand that we don't mean you any harm, and only want to reconnect with you."
"I would sooner believe that I'm a direct descendant of Sage of the Six Paths than in this drivel." Naruto simply stated, turning his eyes to scowling Menma. "And what exactly are these two for?"
"Watch what you are saying, loser! I am this close to making you pay for what you have done to my friends and stealing away Karin-chan!" Menma shouted at him, with Naruto simply blinking up at him. "You already have these whores, so why does Karin only now speak about you all the time? Lay off of her, would you, and leave her to the real Uzumaki man!"
"Listen up, "Uzumaki man", you speak up like that about my wives and family, I'll make sure that every woman loses interest in you, as there won't be a single remotely human looking spot on your face and body." Naruto warned Menma, with Kushina glaring at the both of them. "Seriously, why the hell have you brought him here, especially after our initial introduction?"
"Naruto, you can deny this as much as you want, but Menma is your brother, so it is imperative that you reconnect and you help us train him. You don't know it yet, but there is a prophecy that Toads have…" Jiraiya began speaking, before Naruto had interrupted him.
"Ah yes, the Prophecy about the Promised Child, the one to bring peace and prosperity to the land, ending all of war and bloodshed upon it… Is this the one you are referring to, Jiraiya?" Jiraiya and Kushina were utterly surprised to hear about it from Naruto.
"How did you know learn of it?" Toad Sage asked of him.
"You really think that it's a secret revealed only to Toads? Over a dozen of Summons also has their own Great Sages, and each of them is familiar with this prophecy, and half of those Sages also have prophetic abilities." Naruto informed Jiraiya and Kushina. "The only difference is that those Sages take these prophecies with grain of salt and act with caution about them, as they understand that the time is constantly shifts and alters, thanks to actions of people inhabiting the world. According to the Great Sage of my Summon, most prophecies constantly either become invalid or alter completely, and it is foolish to try to live by this predetermined scenario. Best thing to do is live by your own choises and with your own actions."
"You've learned that from another Great Sage? Just who is your Summon and how did you obtain it? And just who the hell is he to insult the Great Toad Sage?!" Jiraiya demanded to know from Naruto. "It must be something really lame and boring, like a ferret or a sparrow, if you could afford to sign a contract with them…"
"Jiraiya, I know that you've got little respect for other Summons and their Sages, but if you insult Tigers like that one more time, then I'll visit Mt. Myoboku with them to have words with your Great Sage." Jiraiya paled up at hearing Naruto say that he was he had a Tiger Summon, while Kushina was agape at the news. "And let me assure" Torahime, The Great Tiger Sage and Mother of Tigers, doesn't take well the insults to her kind and their sages."
"Naruto, y-you have my father's summoning contract?" Kushina asked of Naruto, who simply nodded to her. "Wh-where did you get it? I-I was to Uzu and I've found only ruins there."
"You didn't look well enough, then." Naruto simply stated to her. "Now, as much as I may like to stay here with you and drivel about this pointless stuff, there is actually someone who would like to have a word with you three. So if you want to come in, then follow me." Without even hearing their response, Naruto and Kurama went into the house, being closely followed by their uninvited guests.
Once they had reached the isolated guestroom, used for private discussions, Naruto and Kurama shut the doors and put seals in place. Without even waiting, Naruto summoned up a Shadow Clone, before biting his finger and placing a little bloodstain in Clone's head, who nodded to him. Kurama was already aware of what Naruto was doing and what kind of a ritual he was making, as this was not the first time she had to witness it being made. As for his guests, Menma, who was seething with malice, was the first one to lose his patience.
"Okay loser, where is this "someone" that had wanted to meet with us? And what is all this business with your Clone here you are doing?" Menma demanded to know from Naruto, with Jiraiya chiming in.
"Naruto, we have no time whatever charade you've thought up and want to play on us. I don't know what your Tigers have told you, but I can assure and prove to you, that the Child of the Prophecy is true and that Menma is one. Here, I'll even summon Ma and Pa to prove it all to you." And just like that Jiraiya summoned up the two small toads in cloaks, with them standing near Jiraiya.
"Alright, Jiraiya, why have you summoned us up here?" Pa asked of him, before noticing Naruto and Kurama. "Ah, Naruto-boy! Ma and I are so glad to see you that you've finally come to your senses."
"Better late than never, if you ask me. Now we can restore your Summoning contract with us and everything will be just right and…" Ma was already running her mouth, until Kurama silenced her up with a glare. "Oi, who are you to be giving me such scary looks?!"
"I'm Naruto's wife, Kurama, and if you are all done with interruptions, let my husband finish up the Jutsu." Kurama practically barked at them all, with Naruto focusing and doing a quick series of hand signs, before he spoke up.
"Edo Tensei." Naruto clapped his hands and the summoned up Clone immediately began to get covered up in ashes and dust particles.
In a matter of few seconds, the dust and ashes have settled on his skin and body, before integrating itself on him. Once the process was complete, instead of Naruto's Clone, there stood someone they could not believe to see. He looked almost like a complete copy of Menma and Naruto, with his spiky blonde hair, dressed in Hokage haori and green vest underneath him. Though he looked a bit pale, there was no denying that this truly was Minato Namikaze, Forth Hokage, former student to Jiraiya, husband to Kushina and father to Naruto and Menma. Kushina and Jiraiya had their mouths agape and shocked looks, as did Menma and frogs, while Naruto and Kurama looked completely unfazed by this. Summoned up Minato inspected his vessel, finding it to be in good condition, before turning his blue eyes towards the guests and speaking up.
"Hello, everyone. It has been quite a long time, hasn't it?" Minato spoke up in a civil manner, but the notes of coldness were present, but that didn't deter Kushina to nearly break in tears at the sight of her dead husband.
"M-Minato-kun! I-It's you!" She practically launched herself at him, but Minato stopped her by his hand, shocking the guests, especially Menma and Kushina. "Minato-kun, wh-why… D-Don't you recognize us? It's me, Kushina, and this is…"
"I recognize everyone here, Kushina, and I know that this is our son, Menma. But that doesn't mean that I am glad to see you, not in the very slightest." Minato stated in a cold tone of voice, folding his arms together on his chest, shocking his family and mentor. "I wish I could say differently, but after witnessing what you two have done with my son, and especially you, Kushina, I have to restrain myself from hurting the two of you."
"G-Gaki, what a-are you saying? A-and how are you even… Wait, that series of signs… Naruto, where and how did you learn this accursed Jutsu?!" Jiraiya demanded to know from Naruto. "Don't you remember that this is the same Jutsu because of which Lord Third had lost to Orochimaru, and had to die?! Just what kind of a madman would ever even attempt to use it?!"
"For a supposed Sage, you are really dumb, Jiraiya. Edo Tensei has nothing accursed to it, nor did I even utilize a sacrifice to bring Dad back, only a Shadow Clone." Naruto pointed towards Minato. "Second Hokage had developed the original Edo Tensei to be utilized with usage of an object with a DNA of a summoned person, but he never fully specified if the sacrifice had to be a living person or simply a Clone. As it turned out, a Shadow Clone will do the trick just the same. And as for how Dad had found out about it all, let's just say that he has managed to cheat death itself, literally."
"Back when I had performed the Shiki Fuin, I already knew the price, but I've managed to trick Shinigami by splitting my Chakra between the boys, so I would be able to reactivate the Seal on them, if either was going to lose control and start pushing out far too much of Kyuubi's chakra." Minato explained to them. "Since Chakra is literally a manifestation of physical and spiritual energy of a person, aka Soul, I was able to maintain myself as a spirit within both Naruto and Menma, keeping an eye out and watching what was going on. In other words, I know everything that you, Kushina, have done to my son, as well as how you, Jiraiya, with Third Hokage, have tormented my son, altered his mind and did absolutely fucking nothing to stop what was happening to him. Hell, I am pretty sure that you've endorsed the people to act like that!"
"Minato, please, I am very sorry, and I wish I could've seen it sooner, but… I've just lost you to Kyuubi, and Naruto looked so much like it, I couldn't see the difference, so I've…" Kushina was trying to defend herself.
"So you've placed a bounty on our own son's head?!" Minato shouted out loud, shocking everyone. "Kushina, you were the one who had trained me in Sealing Jutsu, and it would've been an effortless thing, to see that Naruto was not Kyuubi. But no, all you did was get it in your head that our son was possessed by Kyuubi, just like that! Although, let's not forget just what role in all of this you have played, Jiraiya." Minato turned his glare towards his former sensei.
"N-Now, kid, I know what you are thinking, and let me explain to you, that Old Man and I were looking out for the betterment of this Village, your Village, the one you've given up your life and…" Jiraiya, just like Kushina, had tried to defend himself. "...And you must understand that it was imperative that one of the kids was left in the Village, as deterrent for all the other Villages. We had to make a choice, and we've decided that Naruto was the one to be left behind, s-so we spoke with Kushina and…"
"And endorsed her own bloody delusions with your damn words?! You think that this is what I've given my life for, so that this Village were to use my children as weapons?! I wasn't giving a damn about this cursed Village at the moment! All I fucking cared about was saving my wife and my children from a rampaging Tailed Beast, and I knew that the only way to do so was to seal it away." Minato let out a breath, calming down a little. "I had hoped that Kushina would be able to raise our children with love and care, and that you and Lord Third would make sure that they weren't subjected to hatred, nor were pampered as damn heroes of the Village. I wanted that nobody knew the identities of the holders at all, so that the Jinchuriki were hidden away from other Villages, but no… You just had to go around and announce that Naruto was the sole Jinchuriki of Kyuubi and not even bother explaining that he was not even the damn Fox! You literally painted the target on my son's back for not just everyone in this accursed Village, but for Kumo and Iwa as well!"
"Minato, I am sorry! Lord Third and I thought and believed that this would the best if Naruto was announced as the real Jinchuriki, since it would keep Menma and Kushina out of harm's way." Jiraiya explained to him. "We did not expect that it would turn out so badly, and that Naruto was going to be harmed."
"Spare me the excuses, you bastard." Minato scowled at him. "Didn't you get it by now? I know everything, and I know just how you were going to keep Naruto "docile and loyal". I can hardly even believe that I've wanted to be the Hokage of this Village. And as for you, Menma… I am very disappointed in you."
"What, but why, Dad? I'm praised by practically everyone in this Village, and there are girls everywhere just wanting for me to take them as my girlfriends. I'm the best Shinobi in this village, so why would you be disappointed with me?! It's this idiot loser you should be disappointed in!" Menma pointed towards Naruto, with folded his arms in the same fashion as his father. "He was the one who was left behind and was later even kicked out for being an idiot, while I've been completing missions and getting famous, just like you!"
"I am disappointed with you, Menma, because you fail to understand that being a Shinobi was and never will be about fame and the girls. It is about protecting what is most important to you, to live by your convictions and stand your ground when need arises. Being a Shinobi is not about becoming a messiah, a legend or something like that, but in being ready to do what is needed for your Village and your family." Minato stated to him. "It is true that I would've preferred if either you or Naruto had become a Hokage, but what I had wished even more for was that my children had been able to forge their own path, unaffected by anything and anyone, to lead a life of their choosing, not others. It was my choice to be a Hokage, but I would not force it upon either of you, nor would I pamper you like everyone has done. Although, it is actually rather foolish of me, to place the blame with just Menma alone." Minato turned his head towards Jiraiya and Kushina.
"Minato, you have to understand, that the Prophecy, the one I've told you about, it'll soon come to fruition. The Great Sage himself has confirmed that Menma is the Child and…" Jiraiya was trying to defend their position, until Minato spoke up again.
"That damned Prophecy… Oh how I wish I could've never even heard of it from you in the first place!" Minato shouted at Jiraiya. "This damn thing has practically ruined my life, because thanks to your idiotic thinking, I've lost both Aika and Keiji, my teammates, with former being my first love and fiancée! It was always about this damned Prophecy with you, Jiraiya, and because of this senile old toad's drivel, one of my sons had been tormented beyond thought, while my other son was made into a pampered arrogant fool! To fucking hell with this damned Prophecy, that's what I've got to tell you!"
"Minato, just how can you even say such things?! We had truly believed that you were the chosen Child, and we've trained you for this." Pa stated to him, drawing the attention of everyone. "Look, if you just let us explain to you all, then you'll see that the Prophecy still matters and…"
"I've said what I think about it, and I completely agree with Naruto on this matter." Minato simply stated to him. "I've asked Naruto to bring me here, so that I could just take look you in the eye and tell you just how much you've disappointed me. You preach that I would be disappointed with Naruto, but I'm more proud of my son here than I ever was. He has endured and persevered through things I was unable to even imagine, and has learned to live his life free from anyone and anything. You should admire and respect him for this, but instead… I can't even stand you. Naruto, if you don't mind…"
"Not at all. Release." Naruto made the sign, releasing the Edo Tensei and letting his father's spirit leave the vessel, dispelling it in the process.
And with this action, Kushina, Jiraiya, toads and Menma were left devastated and shattered, as they couldn't even believe that what they had believed would be their most avid and strongest supporter, has suddenly turned on them and told them exactly as he felt.
For the first time in their lives, all of them have finally saw their illusions come down and show the ugly reality of their actions.
You've asked and demanded it, and its here, folks! I'm back! And I've got a treat for ya all!
Consider this as an early Christmas present for you, because I can't really tell when this will be updated again because of my hectic graphic. It was supposed to be posted yesterday, but after a church service (yes, I'm serving in a local church as altar server) I was spiritually and mentally emptied, so I needed to take a break.
All I can say is that Lion of the West will be getting updated in about two weeks.
And as for you, do please follow up, review and favor this story and my other Naruto stories.
Till next time!
PS. Just received a couple of the PMs that there was no showing of this chapter, instead showing the deleted note. Decided to reupload it for safe measure.