Naruto: Darkness Rising

Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Underworld


As this story was little subpar I decided to rewrite sections of it to improve it. For those not familiar with the original this is a crossover which is based on the Underworld series of movies and Naruto. This is a Naruto AU and Naruto himself is the only character from the Naruto series. In this story he is a kitsune and not a ninja. Everything else is based in Underworld which starts just before the original Underworld movie. If you haven't seen the movie the story will be a bit difficult to follow. I plan for the he pairing to be Naruto/Selene/OC eventually though that isn't absolutely set in stone. This hit me out of the blue and there aren't many crossovers in the genre so I hope it has an original spin.

Chapter 1

Narita International Airport, Japan

My name is Naruto Corvinus though I use my Mother's surname Uzumaki when I am in the Far East. My Father's name is Alexander Corvinus who is an immortal. Alexander had a mortal wife name Helena who bore him two immortal sons and a mortal one. I do not know the name of my mortal brother as it seems to have been lost in time but my elder half brothers are Marcus (who is the progenitor of the vampire race) and William (who is the forefather of the lycan and werewolf races) .The descendants of these two have been trying to eradicate each other for centuries in Europe and have spread throughout the world in small numbers.

My Father Alexander was distraught at the death of the love of his life Helena but after traveling the world for a century or so he found another immortal named Uzumaki Kushina. Kushina was a nine tailed kitsune and very beautiful with long red hair. She and my Father Alexander's union resulted in me, Naruto. Around 600 C.E. my Mother was killed under unknown circumstances. I never have discovered the truth behind that but she vanished. I was six at the time. My Father Alexander was grief stricken and disappeared from my life then and there. I hated him for it for several centuries for abandoning me but in the 1600s my Father contacted me out of the blue. It seemed the descendants of my two eldest brothers sought to exterminate each other and my Father Alexander organized a secret military force called 'The Cleaners' whose duty was to hide the existence of the lycans and the vampires. He wished for me to join their ranks because of my espionage and military knowledge.

Through the centuries in feudal Japan and other countries I went by many names and was employed as a general by various warlords over time so my knowledge of many types of warfare both on and off the battlefield was great. However, I told my Father that I had no interests in his little war or those of my half brothers. I told him to leave me out of it as I had no real reason to support a man who abandoned me. I was no longer angry at Alexander Corvinus; I simply did not care and did not wish to be involved. That was before I was attacked by one of my brother Marcus's progeny, a female vampire when I was walking home from work…

P.O.V. change

The vampiress was obviously of European decent and was for all intents and purposes, feral. Naruto had studied vampires and knew by their own laws that a vampire wasn't supposed to reveal themselves unless it was to turn another into a vampire via the virus that all vampires carry (which was fatal to most). As it turned out Naruto's kitsune blood was far more powerful than any virus and he was completely unaffected. Naruto beheaded her with his katana that he kept concealed upon himself under a simple illusion. He decided after searching her body to destroy the remains with fox fire and be done with it. Unfortunately she had friends that were searching for her…

Naruto played cat and mouse with three vampires for weeks using his many kitsune illusions to throw them off the trail. Eventually they gave up but by that point, but Naruto was both irritated and curious about them and decided to find out just why they were in Japan to begin with. After capturing and interrogating one of them he found out that they were trying to establish a new coven in Japan and were seeking a good location to set up at. As it turned out there was a coven in New York in the United States known as the 'New World Coven' and one near Budapest in Hungary known as the 'Old World Coven.' They were trying to found a 'Far East Coven.' This group was from the Old World Coven and after some convincing Naruto found that it is based in a remote mansion about an hour north of the city of Budapest. The mansion's name is Ördögház (which is Hungarian for Devil House) and the closest town to it is Szentendre….and they were acting under the auspices of a high ranking vampire named Kraven. He apparently held the title of Regent.

Naruto wasn't too thrilled that the vampires were trying to set up a nest in Japan so he decided to visit this Kraven person and convince him to leave Japan alone through a little aggressive diplomacy.

Budapest International Airport, Hungary

Naruto got off of the plane in a fairly non-descript business suit and trench coat. He was soon flagged down by a blonde man in black jeans and a leather jacket. The man said quietly, "Welcome to Hungary Naruto Corvinus. Your Father is pleased to know you are here. I trust you know some basic Hungarian?"

Naruto growled slightly and said in perfect Hungarian, "I've learned many languages in my time, sir. Who are you and what do you have to do with my Father?"

The man recoiled slightly at Naruto's harshness but then said in a placating tone, "I'm Samuel and I'm what you would call a Cleaner. I have a car waiting and I was instructed to take you to your Father. He is quite eager to see you."

"Tell Alexander Corvinus I have neither the time nor the inclination visit him." said Naruto curtly. "I'm a busy man and my visit here has nothing to do with him or your organization."

Samuel was taken aback but said, "Are you sure? We could be a great help to you." seeing Naruto nod without hesitation Samuel said, "Please take this business card and call if you need any help then. Your Father truly wishes to see you."

Naruto accepted the card and said, "I'll keep it in mind." He then walked away briskly to gather his luggage.

"Well, that could have gone better." groused Samuel to himself. 'If he's not willing to see his Father then how am I going to keep an eye on him and pass along information? Misterr Corvinus was very specific to keep Misterr Naruto safe from harm.'


Naruto walked along through the streets of Budapest in the fall rain. He had a kitsune sense of 'empathy' to sense other supernatural beings. Below the street surface he sensed a large group a people. They had a feral feeling about them and some seemed to be fighting among themselves. 'The vampires I fought with seemed cold and analytical but had a similar vibe. These guys seem….animalistic and untamed. Could they be lycans?' Naruto pondered a few moments but then decided it wasn't his concern. 'Well, I'm here to find this 'Regent' Kraven character and convince him to stay out of Japan…h0opefully it won't cost him any limbs…'

Ördögház Mansion

Selene had just returned from a rather disastrous lycan hunt with her fellow Death Dealers Rigel and Nathaniel. Death Dealers were the elite hunters of the vampires and tasked with wiping out lycans. Unfortunately in the subway shootout that resulted Rigel died and Selene figured Nathaniel was probably dead as well. She was also curious about the two lycans –they appeared to be tracking a human. Selene's instincts told her to investigate this further. Unfortunately Kraven had other ideas and dismissed her. There was a party welcoming members of the New Coven into the Home of the Old Coven and Kraven desired her to be his escort as he had long pined after her.

Selene was pondering what to do when her attendant (and Kraven's lapdog) Erika came in. "You need to get ready for the party Selene. Kraven has ordered it." Erika was a very pretty blonde that not so secretly wanted Kraven all to herself. Erika was a bit jealous of Selene monopolizing Kraven's affections (despite the fact Selene spurned Kraven time and time again). Still, Erika was friendly with Selene and admired her in a way. "Come on Selene. Let's get you dressed." said the blonde vampiress.

Selene simply complained, "Kraven is more of a bureaucrat than a warrior." Her dark tresses and fair skin contrasted a bit with Erika's. "I have better things to do than attend some ridiculous party."

Naruto arrived at the mansion in the rain and paid the taxi driver who departed thereafter. He easily leapt over the massive wrought iron gates that barred his entry and quietly walked across the courtyard. Two well armed guards rushed out to intercept him. Their vampiric senses were screaming 'DANGER' as the spiky haired blond walked towards them in silence. They knew he wasn't a vampire or a lycan but the question was what exactly was he? "Halt!" yelled one of them. "Stay where you are and state your business." The man was obviously very frightened.

Naruto unleashed his killing intent on the two guards causing them to tremble in fear. It took all of their willpower not to turn tail and run. Naruto's eyes lit up red and slitted. "I'm here to see a vampire named Kraven who I understand is the Regent in charge here. I have business with him. Why don't one of you two gentleman fetch him for me? I'm a busy man and have a schedule to keep." Naruto then ratcheted up his killing intent further and the whole mansion felt it.

Selene stared out her window to the front yard and saw a man there which was the source of the massive killing intent she felt. 'Whatever he is; he has the power of an elder!' she saw one of the guards turn tail and run back towards the mansion. With the thought of 'Damn coward….' on her mind Selene armed herself to the teeth and ran down to the front entrance to see what was going on. If there was going to be a shootout then she would definitely be involved.

When Selene arrived in the front room she saw all the members of both covens in their fancy dress for the party (as opposed to her black leather and long coat). Other Death Dealers had arrived as well. "What is going on here?" asked Selene.

The rain soaked guard came in and said, "There is a person outside who desires to talk to Master Kraven. He says he has business to discuss." It was obvious the guard was terrified.

Kraven was sweating heavily from the killing intent outside. He tried to cover it up and said haughtily, "Tell this person he can wait until tomorrow; I'm hosting an important function tonight and I have no time for interruptions. If he doesn't like it, shoot him dead. I have little time for such rabble." About that time several shots were heard outside and Kraven nodded, "Well; it sounds like that issue has been dealt with. Everyone please return to your dining."

About that time the double doors to the reception hall were blown off of their hinges by the body of the other guard who looked as if he'd been literally scared to death. His entire chest was caved in and smoking as he laid there unmoving much to everyone's shock and horror. Naruto's voice drifted in and he said, "I told you I have schedule to keep. Bring me Kraven now!" The killing intent was smothering and Selene was debating whether to step in or just leave Kraven to his fate. Personally the latter seemed quite attractive to the black haired beauty…

Then Kraven bolted to everyone's shock. "Keep him busy!" yelled the Regent over his shoulder as he ran for his life.

Sellene's eyes were as big as saucers. 'I knew Kraven was useless but such a dishonorable act of cowardice is inexcusable!' Deciding that everyone else was too dumbstruck to react; Selene went to meet this stranger. The dark haired Death Dealer walked out into the darkened foyer in a relaxed but ready stance. She didn't have her pistols drawn but could in a split second. There she saw Naruto with his red eyes burning.

Naruto simply said. "You aren't Kraven. I know Kraven is male. Where is he?"

"He fled in fear at your killing intent." answered Selene. She really was at a loss of what to say so she just told the truth.

The blonde Kitsune growled, "I have not even met the man and yet I have been able to take his measure and have found him wanting." Naruto let out a sigh of disgust.

"Who are you?" asked Selene. She hoped this person wasn't going to go on a rampage. Judging by his aura she was no match for him.

"I'm Naruto; who might you be Miss?" asked Naruto.

Selene was a bit dumbfounded at Naruto's sudden pleasantness in his tone of voice. She answered, "I'm Selene."

Naruto bowed and said, "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Selene. Until we meet again." With that Naruto disappeared in a swirl of blue fox fire.

The evening went rather uneasily for the partygoers of both the Old and New Covens. Kraven who was renowned for being the Death Dealer that slew the lycan Lucien had run with his tail between his legs like a total coward. This was not only a complete embarrassment for the Old Coven but a point of shock and dismay for the members of the New Coven. They all agreed that the Vampire Elder Amelia was going to be absolutely furious when she arrived two days hence. Selene was utterly disgusted and Erika who held Kraven on a pedestal was totally disillusioned and heartbroken.

Budapest, Lycan Den

Kraven fled to Lucien's hideout in hopes of gaining some sort of amnesty but found that the lycans gave him a less than warm welcome. They did take him to see Lucien however. "What are you doing here Kraven?!" asked Lucien. "My men are getting prepared to strike and you are supposed to be taking care of things on your end so Lady Amelia is open to attack."

"There is a little problem with that Lucien…" said Kraven in a shaky voice.

"A little problem?" asked Lucien hotly. "What kind of little problem Kraven?"

"I had to flee the coven under threat." explained Kraven. "I don't believe they will let me retain my title of Regent any longer."

Lucien growled, "What kind of threat?! You had the whole damn coven at your command! Did they discover our plans you imbecile?"

"It was nothing like that!" defended Kraven. "An outside threat specifically after me appeared and he seems to wield more power than even Viktor or Amelia! I had to withdraw before I was killed!"

Lucien was furious. They had successfully captured Michael Corvin who held the Corvinus Strain but in the grand scheme of things wiping out the three Vampire Elders was paramount to allow hybrids to flourish. "Well Kraven; centuries of planning have come to nothing because of your COWARDICE!" Lucien paced back and forth willing his temper back down. It was so tempting to slay Kraven right then and there…so very tempting. 'He may still be of use to me.' thought Lucien. "Kraven, this person that confronted you…Who is he? What does he look like? Could he be turned into an ally against the Vampire Elders? If so we might be able to salvage this disaster."

Kraven knew that if he revealed he didn't have a clue and ran without even seeing this…being that Lucien would kill him outright. Kraven smiled weakly and said, "Let me get in touch with some in the coven that still owe me favors. I can get you a video feed. This person has to be seen to believed." 'I hope.'

Lucien glared hard at Kraven. "Then get in touch with your people and get back to me then. Just know this; if you fail your life is forfeit. I will personally hunt you to the ends of the earth. You've overstayed your welcome here. Contact me again when you have the information."

Having been dismissed Kraven was hustled out of the lycan's den. Selene had already reported it and odds were Lucian and his group could be wiped out by the Death Dealers. Kraven decided to contact his 'friends' still in the coven and tip them off. Even if Kraven had to crawl back up and claw his way to the top he would; Lucien and the Vampire Elders be damned!

Now all he had to do was make Selene his queen as she should have been all along…

Ördögház Mansion

After the party concluded everyone in both covens had praised Selene to no end and toasted her bravery many, many times. Selene had been too busy investigating the grounds for any signs of the mysterious Naruto to be bothered with her new admirers though. She returned before dawn in the morning to avoid the sunlight and found Erika in her room rather than the blonde's own. Erika was still in her party dress but was a complete wreck. It was painfully obvious that she had cried herself to sleep on Selene's bed while waiting for the dark haired beauty to return.

Selene felt bad for Erika. The Death Dealer certainly wasn't the most compassionate person but she got along with Erika well enough. She knew that the blonde vampiress practically worshiped the ground Kraven walked on and seeing her hero image of him so thoroughly destroyed must have been devastating….Selene shook Erika awake and said, "Are you all right Erika?"

Erika awoke and teared up. "I-I had no idea." the blonde said mournfully. "I never knew-'

"Now you see why I had no interest in him." said Selene bluntly.

Erika sat back holding her knees to her chin and said, "What a fool I am! The one I loved above all others is a spineless coward." Hot tears trailed down her pretty face as the blonde vampiress cried quietly. "You were the one that saved us all Selene! Kraven was our Regent! He was supposed to have power second only to the elders. He ran! He ran and left us to die!"

Selene awkwardly patted Erika's back. "He isn't our Regent any more. I don't know what punishment the elders will hand down but it's sure to be severe. Fleeing in the face of danger is not something that someone of his supposed power should do. I don't know what that Naruto person's business with Kraven was but he was actually very cordial with me. If Kraven had stood his grounds and actually talked to Naruto then it's possible none of this would have happened. Maybe it's for the best. If a crisis that endangered us all with such a cowardly Regent then things could have been ten times worse."

"What about that guard that flew through the door?" asked Erika.

"He's dead." answered Selene. "I'm under the impression that he would be alive and well if he hadn't opened fire on Mister Naruto." Seeing Erika's confused look Selene added, "It's my gut instinct, trust me."

Erika nodded sadly. "So what do you think this Naruto person is?"

Selene half shrugged. "Honestly, I have no idea. He feels like us but different. His eyes glowed red and were slitted and he had elongated canines like us. Maybe Elder Amelia will know something. He's definitely not a Lycan. None of us Death Dealers have encountered anything like him before."

"Was he handsome?" asked Erika curiously.

Selene sighed. "I'm afraid I was too concerned with losing my life to check him out as boyfriend material Erika."

"Shame." quipped the blonde.

Corinthia Hotel, Budapest

Naruto wasn't a huge spender but when he travelled it was in style. (He'd been saving money and living frugally for 1400 years so why not splurge a little?) Between the rather decadent spa and the many restaurants Naruto figured he could laze about without a care for days at the Corithia Hotel. The next morning he was awakened by room service and a very attractive maid (her name was Franciska) thoroughly tidied up the room and changed the sheets. She was rather flirty with the blonde kitsune but he knew better than to go there. After she left Naruto picked up all the hidden cameras and listening devices that she had planted. She was very subtle about it and used her looks and acted enticing to set them up without him noticing (at least that was the plan).

"I wonder how long Miss Franciska has been in the employ of Alexander Corvinus." thought Naruto aloud. "She's really quite good. Of course I've been dealing with spies for centuries so I suppose I shouldn't judge her…no doubt someone will come to follow up while I'm out since none of their planted bugs are active. Naruto soon left to get some breakfast and around noon Samuel entered Naruto's room to check on the non functioning hidden cameras and such. Using a hotel master key Samuel slipped in silently and closed the door behind him. Without disturbing anything he looked for the hidden cameras that Franciska planted and found they were all missing.

Samuel was about to leave when he found a hand clamped over his mouth and a katana at his throat. Naruto became visible from behind a kitsune illusion and said, "You forgot to check the camera planted in the shower stall Mister Samuel. Tsk, Tsk. Very sloppy. Miss Franciska is a thousand years too young to be planting spy devices on me. I can't help but think Alexander Corvinus has evolved into some kind of voyeur wanting to watch his own offspring shower or do god knows what in the bed. Who knows what kind of compromising positions his people could catch me in if I actually invited a lady over for the night. Most of those detected infrared as well. For shame."

Samuel felt the blade tickle his Adam's apple. "What shall I do with you Mister Samuel?" I suppose I could kill you and dispose of the body…or perhaps I should simply ask a few questions and let you go. What do you think is the better option?" Naruto gripped Samuels face a bit tighter and said, "If you try that MI6 move on my knee that your leg muscles are tightening for I will slice your head off." Samuel's eyes widened in fear and he realized Naruto held all the cards. Naruto said, "As long as you understand the position you're in now I'll release you." Naruto lowered his blade and took his hand off Samuel's mouth before nudging the Cleaner forward.

The Cleaner turned around to face Naruto who was nonchalantly reclining in a chair with no sign of a sword by that point. Samuel was doing his best to slow down his heart rate and breathing. Naruto pointed to a bag on the end table by the couch and said, "All your listening devices and cameras are in there. Why don't you have a seat until the adrenaline rush wears off? You're still perspiring like mad. For someone trained by MI6 you sure are jumpy." Naruto added conversationally.

Samuel held his head in his hands as if to ward off the worst migraine in history. He said without preamble, "Just what exactly are you Mister Corvinus?"

"Mister Corvinus is my Father; just call me Naruto. The Mister makes me sound old." said Naruto totally ignoring the question of what he was.

The blonde cleaner sighed. "Mister Corvinus truly wants to meet up with you. He has much to tell you."

"Then why didn't Alexander Corvinus come here himself?" asked Naruto. "It isn't like I'm going to attack him or something. I don't care for him but for abandoning me, but he did sire me for what it's worth."

Mister Corvinus is a bit of a recluse I'm afraid." answered Samuel.

"As am I." replied Naruto. "I don't appreciate being spied upon Mister Samuel. You can pass that along to my Father."

The Frigate Sancta Helena, Headquarters of the Cleaners

That evening Samuel was submitting his report to his leader Lorenz Marcaro; otherwise known as The First Immortal, Alexander Corvinus. Alexander shook his head. "He's got my blue eyes but the rest of him is all Kushina-chan. Playful; mischievous, deadly. He's her all over again. Just watch him from a distance and try to discern his motives for being in Budapest. I know he visited Ördögház so it has something to do with the vampires."

Samuel said, "With all due respect sir; why don't you just go visit him? He doesn't seem overtly hostile and in his own strange way seems friendly even when he's threatening your life,"

Alexander sighed. "His Mother was a nine tailed kitsune. Kushina was old, wise and very powerful though she could pass off for a teenage girl. I never did learn the full extent of her powers in the fifteen years we were together. I never found out what happened to her either. If Naruto is half as powerful as Kushina-chan then he can probably cast illusions and turn invisible as well as teleport and make blue fox fire that burns anything he wills it to and nothing else. Naruto's personality sounds like a kitsune through and through. They are playful pranksters by nature but have a vengeful streak as wide as the ocean. Trust me when I say he was just playing you."

"Sir-" started Samuel.

"Once we find out what he is after I will visit him myself." said the Corvinus patriarch. "I prefer to hold all the cards in a meeting but it seems he does too. He inherited that from me I guess. Get some rest Samuel; tomorrow is another day."

Book Café Lotz Hall, Budapest

Selene was sitting and quietly listening to the live piano music as she sipped on some white wine. It had been a fruitless night of searching for lycans and she didn't particularly wish to return to the vampire mansion Ördögház. It seemed that among the foppish aristocrats that seemed to plague the vampire race she had become some kind of celebrity and they were trying to bring her into their exclusive little circle. The sugary praise and false pretenses made Selene sick. She was a warrior; one of the best Death Dealers and damn proud of it. The last thing she wanted to be was some pampered, prissy socialite…

As Selene sipped her wine she was watching the room around her for any signs of danger. That's when a spiky haired blonde man came walking in. She noticed he had some kind of whisker like tattoos on his rather handsome face. More importantly though he had the most dazzling blue eyes she'd ever seen. They seemed to sparkle with mischief as his eyes met her lighter blue ones. He grinned and came over to her. She was trying to place him until he said, "We meet again Miss Selene. I didn't expect to see you again so soon." Selene knew this was the same man she'd met last night but his overwhelming aura was hidden. "May I join you?" he asked kindly.

"Feel free." she said motioning across the table to the seat opposite of her. 'Is he here for business or is he just a typical hormonal male?'

Naruto soon sat down and ordered some red wine for himself as they talked about the sights around Budapest quietly. Being a native of Hungary herself she was able to answer his questions easily. To her he seemed like a harmless tourist even though he had no discernible accent. Seeing the place was quieting down and the crowds thinning as it got later in the evening Naruto asked, "So where do you suppose I might find Mister Kraven? He left in quite a rush yesterday evening." Naruto's voice was friendly but his eyes were like steel.

Selene saw he meant business but she honestly had nothing to hide when it came to Kraven. The Death Dealer couldn't stand him after all. "No one knows. After he left Ördögház running he was disgraced. He is no longer Regent and no longer welcome. His future doesn't look too bright I fear."

Naruto smiled showing one of his lengthened canine teeth. His eyes danced with humor. "Somehow I'm under the distinct impression that doesn't bother you in the least Miss Selene."

Her eyes reflected darkness. "I can't say it does Mister Naruto." She actually had to hide her smile.

"Just call me Naruto, Miss Selene. The Mister makes me sound old." he said.

"Then please call me Selene, Naruto." she replied.

They sat and talked for another hour or so and Selene found that Naruto's off kilter sense of humor was really amusing. Given her rather drab outlook on life in general the air of levity around him was a nice change of pace and she had fun. They continued to talk until around 11:00 P.M. when the café closed for the night and they stepped out. Naruto and Selene were about to say their mutual goodnights when they both sensed something was amiss. Selene heard the sound of a rifle bullet travelling through the air and felt Naruto's hand push her down. Three more shots went over her position on the ground and Naruto watched as a sniper stood up and ran from a nearby roof.

"Damn; a silencer." growled the vampiress. Selene was pissed. She saw Naruto's eyes burning red in the darkness.

"Shall we…?" he asked.

She shook her head. "He already got away…" she said darkly.

"He didn't get far." said Naruto. "Hold on to me." Deciding to trust him (Naruto did just save her life from a perfect head shot) Selene held on to Naruto and in an instant was surrounded by blue flames that were cool to the touch. They appeared on the roof where the sniper had been less than a minute ago. The sniper was running from rooftop to rooftop and saw them appear where he'd been. He panicked and broke into a dead sprint across the roofs.

Selene could tell be scent alone what their quarry was. "It's a lycan sniper." she hissed. "Try to keep up." she took off like a shot with her pistols drawn. Naruto shrugged and took off after her in a sprint. The sniper was running scared from the Death Dealer and finally dived into an alley where he hoped to ambush her. Another lycan was waiting for him there. "Did you nail her?" asked the sniper's companion.

The sniper shook his head. "No, she avoided me and is pursuing me with another."

The other lycan drew a machine pistol and said, "Shit!"

By the time they finished their conversation Selene was upon them and leaped down in the alley. She instantly opened fire with her twin pistols. The lycan with the machine pistol was hit in the shoulder but returned fire and the sniper ran back to set up for another shot with his sniper's rifle. Figuring Selene had the normal gunner in hand Naruto hopped down to deal with the sniper before he could take out Selene.

The lycan with the machine pistol ran out of ammo and assumed his lycan form to attack Selene as she reloaded. His claws cut through the dumpster Selene was hiding behind then her foot collided with his muzzle sending him tumbling back. Selene's eyes were blazing blue and her fangs were extended. The lycan tried to get up from his position and the ground and dodge but Selene was already upon him and unloaded a clip of silver nitrate bullets into the hapless lycan before he could get back up. The lycan was dead.

In the meantime Naruto had cornered the sniper who hadn't had time to reload. The sniper dropped his rifle and pulled a single shot derringer from his coat and fired at Naruto. In an instant Naruto's katana flashed into existence and met the bullet head on. The sniper watched in horror as everything seemed to move in slow motion. Sparks flew off of Naruto's katana as he sliced the UV round bullet in half with a smile of excitement etched onto his face. Seeing the sniper was utterly dumfounded Naruto asked, "Is that all you've got?"

The sniper shook in fear and tried to run but Naruto's blade split him in half from the top of his head to his groin spraying blood everywhere as the halves of the body hit the ground. Selene walked up and said, "I see you dealt with your quarry. Nice sword by the way."

Naruto smiled and said, "It was my Mother's." Selene nodded not sure what to say and Naruto waved his hand which caused the mess that used to be a sniper to be consumed by blue fox fire. She raised an eyebrow and Naruto asked, "You didn't need that body for anything did you?"

Selene shoot her head 'no' and asked, "What is that blue flame? It didn't burn me but it destroyed that body in an instant."

"It only burns what I want it to burn. Quite handy don't you think?" he said cryptically. Naruto quickly disposed of the other body the same way. "It seems safe now. Shall I walk you to your car Selene?"

Selene normally would have scoffed at having an escort to her vehicle but Naruto's tone showed he was trying to be a gentleman instead of implying she was weak or something. Selene secured her pistols and said, "Sure."

Soon Selene was in her Jaguar with the window down talking to Naruto. "Are you sure you don't need a lift?" she asked.

Naruto chuckled. "No, I'm staying close to here. I'll walk. I hope we can do this again sometime Selene. I had fun. Have a safe trip back to Ördögház." With that he seemed to vanish into nothing.

Selene was soon driving home and thought to herself, 'What a unique man. I hope I get to see him again. It was almost like a date.'

Arriving at Ördögház; she entered and received an overly warm welcome. 'Damn sycophants. I just want a shower and to go to bed once I make my report.'


Corinthia Hotel, Budapest

Naruto had showered and was lying down on his bed. His thoughts drifted back to with he was a child….


Naruto was five years old and was walking through town to the market with his beautiful Mother Kushina. She looked stunning with her long red hair and black kimono with flower patterns which accentuated all of her feminine curves. "Now remember Naru-chan; when it comes down to the time to pick a wife, you want a girl who is strong and faithful. Being beautiful like Kaa-chan wouldn't hurt either." giggled Kushina. "There is one thing important above all others though."

"What is that Kaa-chan?" asked little Naruto innocently.

A pickpocket was reaching was reaching for Kushina's money pouch and Kushina suddenly punched the man in the gut hard enough to make him fall to his knees as he gasped for air. Then she hit his chin with a brutal uppercut that sent him flying. The pickpocket landed in an unconscious heap and Kushina turned to her awestruck son holding the thief's pouch of money. "This should pay for our trip." she chuckled. "The most important thing is she must be able to kick ass!"

Flashback end…

Naruto thought to himself, 'Hmmm….Selene, what an interesting woman you are…'


Now, before anyone says Naruto is too out of character consider that in this story he's a 1400 year old kitsune with a ton of life experience. He's seen countless battles in a myriad of lands. However, he still retains his mischievous fox like nature and unorthodox tactics we all know and love. Also, like all men of all ages he comes up a bit short when it comes to understanding women. Anyway, as stated before this is a rewrite. Some chapters will simply be edited (like this one); others will be totally revamped. Blue out. 7/6/18