AN: Great news everybody! My copyright finally went through so this mega update is to celebrate! My short story is called 'The Stranger' and you can find it on amazon. There will be a link to it on the Facebook page for my stories. I want to thank everyone for supporting as I write and for anyone who ends up getting my story. This is hopefully the latest step to becoming a full-time writer.
AN2: This story will have a much more serious Percy as all the crap from his world (and the events that put him in Remnant) will have left him jaded. If you were expecting him to be a wise cracking smart ass right of the bat as he's on a team with RWBY or JNPR then you're mistaken. I'm not only making him be a lot more serious but acknowledging how powerful he is. At 17 (roughly how old he is when Heroes of Olympus is/ends) he's already beaten several gods, titans, and giants. At eleven he beat Ares. He's already far stronger than any student and even a lot of pro huntsmen so I'm going with that from the start instead of nerfing him.
A new god of Remnant 1
Chapter 1
Bouncing excitedly, the young leader of team RWBY sat with her teammates and team JNPR in the combat arena. Every team in the school no matter the year was there as an extra early class had been called when normally classes wouldn't start for a week after orientation, so everyone could settle in and learn the layout of the campus, the only reason being given was to introduce a newer staff member. "Students settle down please." The calm voice of Glynda Goodwitch carried over the cacophony of voices from all the students talking and instantly every upper year became dead silent, the first years following a moment later out of wary confusion. "Today's combat class will be a session to introduce you to our newest staff member who will be helping me with training you for various combat situations. I expect you to treat him with the respect you would offer any other member of this staff. Please meet Perseus Jackson." Gesturing to the side of the stage where she saw a guy who couldn't have been any older than they were.
"Wait he's a professor?" Yang gaped, "I thought he was just her assistant or something!"
"He's no older than we are!" Weiss exclaimed, eyes alight with fury much like they had been when Ruby had been named leader instead of the heiress the day before. The Schnee heiress wasn't the only one upset though, several students from every year were protesting, shouting out that the person introduced was way too young to be a professor.
"ENOUGH!" Goodwitch actually shouted, her riding crop meeting her palm with a sharp crack as silence reigned, all of them feeling the power of her aura. "Perseus Jackson has earned the rank of Master Huntsman and he is your professor regardless of what you want."
"Glynda." The teenage professor's voice showed no signs of anger, almost like he didn't feel they were worth getting upset over "I'm a firm follower of the idea that seeing is believing." Stepping past her, Professor Jackson gazed at them all with an iron gaze, "I will allow three fights, an entire team against myself. I will fight each team a different way and you all can see exactly why I'm being made your professor. Any takers?"
"Come on boys, let's crush the poser!" a giant from her year, she was pretty sure his name was Cardin, crowed as he leapt towards the stage along with his team.
"Team CRDNL huh?" Jackson lazily stretched, walking forward as Ruby took the moment to study him. He had a trident with him but other than that he was in simple but professional clothes, not a shred of armor visible, "Glynda, hold this for me would you?" she saw him look over to the deputy headmistress and hand her his trident.
"Ready to get wrecked?" Cardin laughed, his teammates showing less enthusiasm than their leader but not backing down either as they got ready to charge the new teacher head on. The four first year students yelled out as they charged, their opponent unconcerned as he slowly raised a hand towards them.
"Pathetic." Professor Jackson scowled as the four jerked to a stop, seemingly unable to move further onward.
"What are you doing you bastard?!" Cardin yelled, straining to move.
"I would be offended but you're not technically wrong so." The professor snorted before sighing, "This is over." Raising his hand up, Ruby saw all of Team CRDL float into the air before they were hurled out of the arena and back into the stands. "If any wish to defeat me then you'll have to use actual strategy to do so, not rush recklessly like a child wanting a piece of candy."
"We'll fight you." Weiss declared, speaking for their entire team as the heiress stormed up.
"Not even going to ask your team leader or the rest of the team?" The professor asked, "You should watch your pride Miss Schnee, if you let it control you then you'll always fail."
"Lesson one teach, team RWBY doesn't fail!" Yang jumped up, eager as always for a fight, Ruby and Blake following with a little more reluctance.
"In that first fight I used elemental manipulation on team CRDL," Professor Jackson was unfazed by Yang's boast although Ruby wanted to know how that was elements and how he did it, "for you I'll even use my trident against you." Holding his hand out the weapon flew from Goodwitch's hands into his own.
"Using your weapon? At least you're taking us seriously." Weiss smirked smugly.
"This isn't my main weapon," the professor shook his head "I only use my main weapon if I feel an opponent is worth it or if I fully intend to kill them. This is my father's weapon." Spinning the trident he made a 'bring it' gesture. Not wasting a moment Yang yelled and leapt skyward, charging far faster than CRDL had but in a similar manner. Unimpressed, their opponent caught Yang's punch between the spokes of his weapon before throwing her aside.
"Yang!" unfurling her scythe she started zig zagging around the professor, trying to use her speed and semblance to outclass him. What she wasn't expecting was for him to stick his leg out and trip her as she went flying towards Yang who was still getting up. Getting to her feet she saw him shoot forward at least as fast as she had moved before striking her and Yang in the gut with the shaft of his weapon like it was a baseball bat, eliminating them via ring out.
"Now for you two." groaning, Ruby was forced to watch as the professor slowly walked towards Blake and Weiss.
"Don't look down on me!" Weiss snarled, hurling a barrage of ice spears at their teacher who lazily shattered them with the trident.
"Then make me." The professor threw the trident faster than even Ruby could see as it flew, catching Weiss by the throat and pinning her to the wall outside the arena, her neck trapped between two of the tines as she gasped, her aura having kept her windpipe from being crushed.
"I surrender!" a wide eyed and terrified Blake yelled, not even attempting to fight their opponent.
"Any other takers?" Professor Jackson turned back to the stunned collection of students, summoning his trident with a small gesture as Weiss was dropped back onto the ground coughing.
"You can take some first year guppies," a confident voice called out as a second year team rose up "let's see if you can handle some sharks."
"All I see are minnows." The professor passed the trident back to Professor Goodwitch, "For you I'll fight bare handed."
"Yatsu." The team leader called out, "Be a dear would you."
"Very well Coco." The giant team member sighed, pulling out a massive sword "You did well against those first years, but we are far stronger than they. Surrender, I do not wish to hurt y-" the sentence was never finished as the young professor vanished only to reappear right before the giant, a palm strike shooting out and sending the giant flying only to actually imbed into the concrete wall.
"I know you're stronger then them." The calm voice from their new teacher was starting to give Ruby chills "But that just means I don't have to worry about breaking you as badly."
"Yatsu!" their Faunus teammate brought out a staff and started casting dust magic his way.
"Fighting from range, at least you're using your head." The professor complemented the bunny girl, dodging the spells without a single wasted movement "But it's still not enough." Shooting forward, Professor Jackson backhanded away the staff before grabbing the girl and throwing her out of the arena to her teammate who had managed to get out of the wall.
Ruby watched as the dark-skinned teammate with arm blades attempted to attack from behind only for Professor Jackson to kick back and catch the second year in the chest. "Sneak attacks, also good." He sounded more pleased than he had with her team which hurt her pride more than she'd like to admit. "Work on your strength and speed though."
"Noted." The second year wheezed, having rolled outside of the ring.
"And then there was one." The professor turned to the team leader in the Barret, "Can you impress me?" in way of answer she pushed a button on her purse as it turned into a mini gun. "That would be a no." the professor sighed, shocking everyone who saw the gigantic weapon aimed at him. A moment later he was in front of her and punched down on the ground, cracking apart the stone floor of the arena that was designed to handle the attacks from huntsmen and huntresses. Seeing that raw strength unleashed the second year dropped her weapon out of shock, barely reacting as she was tossed from the ring.
"Listen well, all of you!" the professor hardened his gaze as he swept the room "Professor Goodwitch is here to offer you advice on how to fight strategically, to fight in the recognized tournament manner and pointing out your mistakes so you can improve. My job is to break you. Under her you fight until aura or ring out, with me you fight till surrender or you're unconscious. She teaches you to fight, I teach you how to kill. You don't like it then cry me a river and go join some other academy. Dismissed!" turning on his heel, the terrifying seventeen year old waved his hand and, with a flash of light, the shattered arena floor was repaired. Just what sort of monster had Ozpin hired to teach them?
-three months before-
Silently, the son of Poseidon stumbled through the shattered streets of Mount Olympus. The fight against Gaea and her giants had cost more than anyone had been willing to pay. Blood had run like a river from that battlefield, the blood of demigods and gods and monsters. Gaea had been slain along with her giants but all of his comrades, his friends, they had paid the price as had their mortal families. He was the last demigod left, the others having fallen to fang and claw and sword. The gods themselves hadn't come from the battle clean, several gods having fallen, major and minor alike. Those that had survived had summoned him to the throne room, he was coming to hear what they had to say before leaving this life behind forever.
"Ah, Percy." His father's weak voice came from the throne room as he entered and saw many empty thrones "I was worried you wouldn't get here on time."
"On time?" he asked confused and on guard, his emotions feeling deadened at the bloodshed he had only just witnessed.
"We're dying boy." Zeus coughed from his throne, ichor flying from the thunder god's lips "Too many of our children and fellow gods have been slain, too much of the power of ancient Greece is gone." A coughing fit interrupted Zeus' words "All of our entities are fading, all the gods, the monsters, the titans. All of it."
"What of me?" he asked them, stunned as he looked at the few gods still left, their withered bodies clutching the thrones to hold onto any strength to live as long as possible.
"We've come to offer you something Percy." His father smiled a soft sad smile, "To leave our world. We don't know what would happen to you if you stayed but we can send you to some other existence. With the last of our power we will do that, stabilize the underworld so the souls there do not vanish, give you a final gift. When that is done we will be gone, and we can see what happens when a god dies."
"Father…I don't want you to die." he felt fresh tears leaking from his eyes, he had already lost his mother when the giants had sent monsters after the mortal families of demigods, then his friends and even Annabeth during the final battle, now he was to lose his father as well.
"I'll always be with you in spirit Percy," Poseidon coughed out, leaning on his trident for support "and perhaps more than that."
From a smaller throne, Hecate spoke up "I can take at least a portion of the divine essence and soul from all the remaining gods and the demigods who have fallen and imbue them into your sword. Their essence, their will, will always protect you."
"Please Perseus, take our offer." Zeus, arrogance gone in the face of death, begged "Let us know our people, our history, will live on through you."
"I…do it." He choked, out, "And may you find peace in the next life." Smiling at him, Hecate began to chant, shards of light flying from the gods, many from Hades as he acted as a conduit to the underworld, and all converged upon Riptide, the blade now glowing a constant shining white with the power it contained.
"We leave you this as well." His father spoke up as a portal formed in the center of the throne room, the gods now fading to dust one by one, "Take my trident Percy, and this bag. It contains everything we have left. Our magic, our weapons, our wealth. Take it and remember us Percy, know that I am always proud of you, my greatest son." Taking the items, Percy sobbed as he saw his father dissolve away before him. Giving a yell he ran through the portal before it could close, feeling himself being thrown faster than he could picture before it ended as he was slammed into the ground of a forest. His scream of grief carried through the winds of remnant.
AN: I honestly have no idea what to do for Percy's semblance or pairing. The best idea I have for a semblance is something like a weaker version of the gods true form but I'm asking for suggestion from my amazing readers for semblances and pairings for Percy.