Chapter Twenty-One: Internship Arc Part Two

~A/N~ Sorry I keep taking so long to get chapters out. I don't really have any excuses beyond that I've just not felt like writing lately.

Chapter Start!

~Some random street in Tokyo~

Tenya was tired. He'd been running around Tokyo all day. He was struggling to keep up with his pro. It wasn't because she was fast. No, he was significantly faster than her. She was however impossibly random in her choice of direction. She'd take a random turn without any warning. Which on several occasions caused Tenya to trip up and crash into something.

"Come on lil'Genium," Miruko shouted as she hopped from building to building.

"Right behind you," Tenya shouted back.

"Left!" Miruko shouts as she abruptly turns. "I heard a scream," she adds as she vanishes down an alley. Tenya sighed at least she gave him a direction this time.

By the time Tenya reached the scene Miruko had already finished fighting. She just smirked at him and then turned back to the cop she had to speak to. At least he'd get a few minutes to breathe finally.

"We good?" Miruko asked getting a nod from the cop. "Awesome. Let's go Lil'Genium,"

Tenya nodded and followed Miruko. To his surprise, she walked rather than hopped. She wasn't breathing heavily nor was she sweaty. Hell, she looked barely phased from her frantic dash through the city.

"So," Miruko started looking Tenya up and down. "You've done a halfway decent job keeping up and you've gotten better at quick turns. Good job," Tenya was glad he still had his helmet on. Otherwise, Miruko would probably pick on him for the big grin on his face.

"Thank you Miruko-sensei," Tenya said almost vibrating in joy.

"Take it easy kid. You've still got a long way to go before you're even at your brother's level," Miruko said right as her ear twitched. "Let's go,"

"Right behind you!" Tenya shouted as he tried to follow Miruko's erratic movements.


Masami could barely contain herself. Rage boiled just below the surface. It took everything she had to not just ditch Manual and start hunting Stain. But she knew she had to be smart. She had to catch him off guard. If she tried a frontal attack she'd probably die. Then again that didn't sound so bad. Maybe she'd get to see Kamina again. She missed him so much.

"Earth to Andarial," Manual's voice snapped Masami back to reality.

"Oh sorry I got lost in thought," Masami apologized.

"I could tell," Manual said with a chuckle. The man suddenly grew quiet as he stared at Masami. "You know I almost denied your request," his words shocked Masami. Was she that obvious? Did he know why she was in Hosu?

"I," Masami tried to start.

"Don't," Manuel cut her off. "I know you're here to hunt Stain. You're in pain and not thinking straight. Your brother wouldn't want you to die in some stupid attempt to avenge him," Manuel stated as he started to walk again. Masami didn't reply her gaze downward.

"Have you lost someone?" Masami asked then quickly moved to follow Manuel once more.

"Yes. My wife was killed by Muscular last year," Manuel stated his voice filled with grief.

"H... How?" Masami could barely speak.

"It never gets easier. Every day I miss her and wish it was me instead. But I never tried to go after Muscular. I knew she'd never forgive me if I got myself killed trying to 'avenge' her," Manuel explained as they turned a corner.

"Mr. Manuel!" A young girl's voice called. Said hero smiled and waved as they passed the girl and her mother.

"That is how I continue on," Manuel said. "I found purpose in being a hero people see and know that help is near. I may never be a top hero but I can be the hero they need," Masami didn't reply. She could only follow and keep her head down. He was right. Would Kamina be ashamed of her for what she had been planning? What was she supposed to do now?

A beeping snapped Masami back to Manuel. "Ah, that's lunch. Let's get some food,"

"Yeah," Masami said slowly.

Just outside of their sight, a man stood his back against an alleyway wall. His shaggy black hair hung down in front of his face but hidden just under it was a smile. "A good hero," the man smirked and turned down the alley. He stopped again watching the girl for another moment. "A stain that needs removal,"

~Few Hours Later~

Hosu was dark and two figures stood on a roof overwatching the city. The first was a very large man in a black shirt with green pants and a gas mask. Normally he didn't hide who he was. But tonight the world did not need to see him. Tonight he was Prometheus a name he hadn't used since before he became a hero. A name that was once synonymous with underground fight clubs and back alley brawls. And tonight Prometheus was back to clean a stain.

Next to Prometheus stood a shorter figure currently crouching and watching traffic. This one in a black baggy jumpsuit with a large hood. Dark green accents decorated the outfit. The smaller man looked at his glove-covered hand before clenching it. He steeled himself and stood. Archon was gone for tonight. Tonight he was Arbiter.

"You have your mission," Prometheus stated coldly.

"Locate the Stain," Arbiter replied before leaping away. One way or another tonight Stain was done for.

"Keep your com on at all times," Prometheus said before leaping away. Arbiter remained for a moment before his feet lifted off the ground and he flew away.

~Another point in the city~

Tomura wasn't happy. Stain and pissed him off and now he would have his revenge. "How many did sensei say I could have?"

"Sensei said three are ready. I believe you named them Wings, Eyeless, and Four-eyes," Kurogiri said.

"Good, bring them here," Tomura said. As commanded four portals opened on the roof below them and out stepped the Nomu.

"Go forth and destroy everything," Tomura said scratching his neck. The Nomu all shot off in different directions with echoing screeches.

~On the ground~

Manual hadn't been expecting monsters to appear from the sky and start attacking everything in sight. Thankfully his training kicked in and he started directing people away from the large black-skinned eyeless monster. He took a defensive position in front of the crowd as the monster turned towards them. Summoning up his water he readied his defense.

Right as the monster charged a large figure landed in front of him. A massive man wearing a black shirt and green pants. His face is hidden by a gas mask. "I will handle this. Go," the man said as he shot towards the creature and knocked it away with a single punch then followed it.

"Andariel," Manual said turning to see his intern still next to him.

"Sir," She said slightly shaking.

"Two streets over is the HPSC headquarters for Hosu. Get there and put out the alert. Monsters are attacking Hosu," Manual said before hearing a scream.

"I'm on it," Andariel replied. With a glance, she saw an alleyway and took off down it. She would make her brother proud. He desire to hunt Stain all but forgotten.

~With Arbiter~

Arbiter flew over the city looking for Stain when he heard an inhuman screech. He spun to see a winged Nomu flying at him. Its eyes burning with hatred. Its claws ready to shred him.

"Nomu," Arbiter said shooting towards it ready to meet it head-on. Arbiter quickly found that this Nomu did not have the regeneration the first one did. A single full-powered punch obliterated the creature. Even as the small remnants of the winged Nomu fell to the ground Arbiter kept flying. He could hear screams echoing through the city.


"What the fuck!" Tomura screamed as he watched the gas mask-wearing man crush the skull of eyeless. Two of the three Nomu were dead in less than two minutes. The gas mask man turned seeing four-eyes one road over attacking some man wearing a helmet with a fin on it. Then as quickly as the other two. It was dead as well. The Nomu were demolished by two heroes he didn't recognize.

"We must leave," Kurogiri said making a portal behind Tomura.

"I don't understand," Tomura said stepping through the portal. His attempt to instill fear was crushed.


Masami stopped running when she heard Manual's voice come over the com. She slowed to a stop as he told her the Nomu were already dead. She hadn't even gotten a full block away. She turned to go back to Manual when pain erupted in her shoulder. With a scream of pain, she dropped to her knees. Before she could reach for her shoulder her body froze and she fell back. Her heart started to pound faster as the visage of Stain entered her sight.

"Little fake," Stain said as he spun his sword. "You seek to slay me. That is not what a hero does,"

"S... Stain," Masami said as fear entered her mind. She was going to die. Stain somehow knew she had wanted to hunt him. How had he known? His blade spun in his hand and stopped not inches from her nose.

"Goodbye little fake," Stain said. Masami closed her eyes as tears built up. She was about to die. She hadn't even had the chance to make her brother proud. Seconds passed and nothing. Stain hadn't killed her. She slowly opened her eyes. The tip of Stain's blade still sat inches from her and yet he didn't swing. He just stood there his body tense and shaking slightly.

"What?" he struggled to speak. It was now that Masami realized Stain couldn't move. He was fighting it but he couldn't win against whatever held him. Then she saw him. A man clad in black and green floating behind Stain.

"Return to your Pro," the man spoke in a familiar voice.

"I... I can't move," Andariel replied. Her body refused to move. No matter how hard she fought it wouldn't listen to her.

"So his quirk paralyzes people he cuts," the figure spoke. Again the voice sounded familiar.

"Prometheus," the figure spoke again. "I've gotten him. Come to my location,"

"Mi-" Andariel started to speak.

"I am Arbiter," Arbiter replied stopping Masami from speaking his name.

"But," Andariel started again.

"We have not met young hero," Arbiter stated but now Masami was sure who it was. That had to be Midoriya. So why was he going by a different hero name? Why was he denying they knew each other? Who was Prometheus? What the hell was going on?

She learned a moment later who Prometheus was. A massive man clad wearing a gas mask. Masami could barely see him at the edge of her eyesight. But she knew that muscular body anywhere. Prometheus had to be All Might in disguise. Why was All Might in disguise? Was that why Midoriya called himself Arbiter? Was that a disguise? Were they doing something that they needed disguises for?

"So you are Stain," Prometheus said stepping up to the still frozen man.

"How?" Stain struggled to speak. He couldn't move anything. Whoever this Arbiter was he was powerful.

"We are here to make your arrest as quiet as possible. Stain will simply disappear," Prometheus said as he lifted a large hand and brought it down on Stain's neck knocking the man out.

"Are you alright Andariel-san?" Arbiter asked. Masami sat up slowly the effects of Stain's quirk gone when he was knocked out.

"Yeah... What's going on?" Masami asked.

"Prometheus and I are here to arrest Stain and take him in as quietly as possible. Stain will simply be gone. No heroes getting credit, no news reports about it, and absolutely no more dead heroes," Arbiter said. Now it made sense. If Midoriya and All Might were hunting Stain there would be news crews everywhere. Nobody would stop talking about how it took All Might and his intern to take Stain down. But with Prometheus and Arbiter quietly finding and arresting Stain nobody would know.

"I understand," Masami said holding her still bleeding shoulder.

"Andariel!" A voice called out.

"Manual-san," Andariel said before a burst of wind knocked her forward. She turned to see Prometheus, Arbiter, and Stain were all gone.

"Andariel! What happened?" Manual said seeing her shoulder.

"One of those Nomu cut my shoulder but some guy in black and green showed up and defeated it. Like completely obliterated it," Masami lied. She was slightly proud of her lie. She remembered seeing how the wall of the USJ zone was vaporized by one of his punches. Obliterating a Nomu was probably easy for him.

"We got to get you to the hospital. You're losing a lot of blood," Manaul said leading Masami out of the alley.

~End Notes~ Again sorry it took so long to come out. I hope it won't take as long for the next chapter. Also, I know this was a pretty anti-climatic end to Stain's arc but I felt I needed to move past it. Here's to hoping the next arc fills me with inspiration.