Hinata's husband didn't take it very well since his dramatic revelation about their daughter Sayu.

Hinata was actually quite amused by the fact that her mini-doppleganger with light ash brown hair has shown some prominent aspects of her husband and son's personality. Like having a strong preference and being stubborn despite her young age.

She rested her little baby by the crook of both of her elbows and lifted her up and down, "so serious! Aren't you so serious!" She spoke with humor and a hint of exaggeration in her attempt to make her baby girl laugh.

She cooed as her baby daughter smiled and made a cutest cackling sound she ever heard. The tiny baby required some exertion to make a laugh that sounded like half coughing. Not wanting to miss the occasion, Sasuke made sure to record it with his new phone that he hastily fumbled out from his pocket. He smiled at the thought of seeing his adorable wife and baby in motion when he is at work.

Even Sasuke had to acknowledge the truth. Sayu did indeed look a bit stubborn even when she is content. A neighborhood lady called her, "Miss Grumpus." Her downward slanted light brown brows over her big eyes made a striking impression for a baby. But everyone seemed to adore Sayu and meant no ill intentions.

Sayu also had some interesting quirks. Like randomly kissing strangers on the cheek. It was so sweet and also very rare, but it concerned both her father and brother. Especially Sasuke who didn't like seeing his daughter get too physically close to other people. He just had to be protective that way. On the other hAnd, Hinata was slightly more relaxed when it came to her daughter and other people.

Thanks to her doll-like looks, people fawned on Sayu openly.

"Aren't you so cute?" A passing stranger asked.

"Aeoooo" was Sayu's drooly answer as her mother pushed her stroller and bowed her head slightly with a smile.

Once, Hinata's friend, Yoko who was also a mother with two children, brought some treats-something she baked and coated with honey. It was a gift in return of Hinata's bread that she baked and sent through Fugaku.

Hinata was holding Sayu when Yoko was about to leave, "Yoko, would you like Sayu to give you a thank you kiss?"

Yoko almost squealed in happiness and leaned over.

Sayu looked at Yoko squarely and blinked her huge eyes. Her long light brown lashes curled upward as she stared at the lady with a blank and innocent expression.

Then the three month old baby turned her head to a side and pretended to not see Yoko in front of her.

She didn't whine or fight, she just turned her face to a side. Even then she looked so cute, thanks to her rosy chubby cheeks and large lavender eyes fringed with lashes. It was the cutest "no" ever, in Yoko and Hinata's eyes.

Yoko squealed this time and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

Sayu started and flailed her arms for a minute in surprise of the kiss on the cheek. Then she looked up at Yoko with a winsome look and wouldn't turn her gaze away from her until she left.

"Aww, you wish Yoko stayed, my love?" Hinata cooed.

But suddenly, as if she forgot about the thing with Yoko, Sayu turned her head away with a decisive air and cuddled to her mother's warm neck.

Hinata thought the contrast between Sayu's quiet, serious personality and cute, fairie looks was fascinating. It made Sayu even more interesting with a certain twist.

So she was rather surprised when her husband has taken it quite hardly that his daughter had his wayward, head- strong, and lofty personality.

Fugaku was shocked at first but then went "whatever" and resumed his usual activities like hunting or flying airplanes with his few close friends.

He would play with Sayu after dinner for about a few minutes, like rolling kanji blocks in front of her amd watching her try to grab the kanji blocks wuth her delicate pudgy hands.

But Sasuke went to greater lengths to deny that his little angel has been poisoned by his family's temperament.

He would even try to "coo" at his daughter, makimg his son laugh so hard he nearly fell over.

When Fugaku watched his baby sister lying on her seat, playing with a stuffed giraffe, and by playing- sucking on the giraffe's face as gingerly as possible -he turned to his mother, "she is so small."

Hinata almost laughed at his expression. It was almost as if her son believed he was never a baby!

Soon she brought a thick dark green photo album and opened it onthe floor. It was Fugaku's baby and toddler album.

Fugaku lied on his belly and watched as his mother flipped the broad vinyl covered pages.

Hinata chuckled and stroked her son's dark wavey hair, "just like how you were. I keep remembering how little you were. And cute. And how you started crawling..."

She remembered vividly when her son Fugaku was just a tiny baby. A small pudgy rosy hued baby with big grey eyes, who liked to make gurgling noises and drool when looking at his surroundings.

Fugaku gave his baby photos a serious look. Then he turned his face away(much like how Sayu would) and said decisively, "I think Sayu is cuter."

Hinata out her arm around her son and gently pecked him on his temple.

Sasuke picked Sayu up, father and daughter, and she was nestled in her father's strong arms.

When her brother brought one of his his baby photos closer to her so she could also see it, she tapped on a photo where he was sitting on a bumbo chair with a serious expression. She widely flailed her arm in a sudden burst of energy and then started stroking her brother's angelic face in approval.

"How funny," Hinata mused. Sasuke nodded along.

A/N: Hello, I felt like writing this tiny snippet to hopefully cheer up my readers during this time. I just moved to a different graduate school, and many things have changed so I stopped writing for a long time. Thank you for patiently waiting for me, and I hope we could all get through this tough time! Thank you!