"Speaking" (Out loud)
"Speaking " (Thinking)
"Ddraig" (Speaking)

Disclaimer : I don't own High school DxD, all credit goes to the original creator

A/N: I'm using British English as I'm Australian, Sorry American readers I'll be spelling things with a 'u' in them. Ie, colour and mum

As the sounds of children playing echoed throughout the halls of the Gremory mansion. Two adults sitting there watching the two children playing happily with each other looked on in both shock and amazement.

"I never though I'd see the day that My little Ria-tan would want to play with a boy her own age" Lord Gremory stated shocked.

Lord Gremory was a tall man that looked like he was in his early thirties. His most defining feature was his long crimson hair flowed down his head and rested on his shoulders, it was in stark contrast to his baby blue eyes. His chin was covered a small goatee of the same crimson hair as that was on his head.

"Yes it is quite interesting dear" Lady Gremory stated equally as shocked as her husband.

Lady Gremory like her husband appeared much younger than she really was. She had brown hair that she inherited from the Bael clan (Another high ranking devil family with the rank of Great king), her violet eyes were also a very seductive feature, However the most alluring feature that she possessed was her voluptuous figure that made her very desirable even for a devil.

As the two devils continued to discuss the scene in front of them, Another tall male entered the room.

" Is everything alright Zeo" The man asked curiously

"It sure is Gorou, It would seem your son has made Rias quite happy today, Thank you Gorou " Lord Gremory repealed happily

Gorou had the appear of a man in his early thirties similar to Lord Gremory although he was slightly taller than the current head of the Gremory clan. He had dark brown hair of medium length was kept in good condition. His eyes were of a hazel colour and he was the current head of the Hyoudou clan.

"Hey its not me you should be thanking, I should be thanking you. It's been a rough six months for Issei and I but thanks to Rias, Issei is a lot happier" He replied rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment

As the three devils were deep in conversation, they failed to notice the two children had walked into the room hand in hand.

"Hello Lord Hyoudou" Rias said in a cheerful manner as she bowed politely

Rias who had the appearance of a 8 year old girl stood there quite happily holding Issei's hand. She had her fathers crimson hair that ended half way down her back, she also inherited her blue-green eyes from her father as well. Apart from that Rias appeared as a mirror image of her mother if she was a child.

As Lord Hyoudou turned around seeing the two holding hands, he crouched down so he was eye level with the two children.

"Hello Rias it seems you and little Issei have been getting along with each other well" He replied happily.

"Yes sir we have" she replied.

Gorou's gazes moved to his only son and heir, Gorou's face lit up when he say how happy his son was.

Issei had the appearance of a 7 year old boy. He had his fathers hair colour that was quite untidy. His eyes which he go from his mothers were emerald in colour, and were a constant reminder to his father of the wife that was taken from them by a high class fallen angel.

"How was your day son" Lord Hyoudou asked his son

As Issei looked towards his father he replied happily saying "It was the best day since before we lost mum"

As Lord Hyoudou and Gremory began to say their good byes to each other. Rias and Issei hugged each other a promised to see each other in a couple of days time after Issei got back from his training sessions with his father.

Three days later

"He's back, he's back" Rias cheered as she ran through the house.

As Rias was running down the hall ways she was stoped by a young man appearing in his early twenties. The man had long crimson hair that signified he was part of Gremory clan, he also had the same eye colour as Rias. Her brothers true name was Sirzech Gremory and he was the original heir to the Germory clan, however he was appointed the title of Lucifer due to he immense demonic power that placed him as one of two of the only devils in the 'Top ten beings in existence' ranked at number 6. As a result of this the tile of heir was given to his younger sister Rias.

"Do you want to go see Issei Ria-tan" he asked happily.

"Yes big brother Zech" she replied eagerly

Rias and her brother walked down the steps in front of the mansion that noticed a small boy with brown hair jump out of the carriage. Looking closer at the boy they noticed that something was different with him.

Sirzech stood in front of his little sister for safety he secretly sensed the boys power level.

"Amazing" He stated shocking his sister.

"What's amazing big brother" Rias asked curiously.

"His power level that's what" He replied shocked.

"Ara ara it seems Issei kun is back" Lord Gremory said scaring both his children

"Indeed father" Sirzech replied respectfully.

As Issei continued to walk up the winding path Sirzech turned to his father with a confused look on his face " Father since when did Issei kun have the power of an upper high class devil"

"I don't know" replied equally as shocked.

As Issei eventually arrived to where the three devils were standing. He looked towards each of the devils.

"Lord Gremory" He said as he bowed politely.

"Lord Lucifer" He doing the same.

"Rias" he finally said as he looked towards the girl with a slight blush on her face.

As he finished addressing the devils in front of him Sirzech finally spoke up.

"Issei kun if you don't mind me asking how are you so strong at such a young age"

As Issei shifted his focus from Rias who was currently holding his arm quite tight to Sirzech he replied quite simply " I unlocked my sacred gear sir"

The look on Sirzech's face was one of wonder and shock

"Issei, you know it's impossible for pure blood devil to have a sacred gear" He stated looking at Issei who only smiled.

"Normally yes" A voice replied'

"Gorou its a pleasure to see you again" Lord Gremory replied happily.

Inside the Germory mansion

As the five devils continued into the Germory living room were Lady Gremory was siting peacefully Gorou began to explain what he meant.

"As you know Issei is classified as a pure blood devil, however what very few people know is that is is really only three quarter devil."

This shocked most of the devils in the room except Zeoticus who already knew about it. As Gorou continued he described how he was a pure blood devil and that he wife was a half breed with one devil and one human parent.

While the adults were discussing the details of Issues heritage, Rias stared at Issei with a look of interest. "Issei why are you so cute" she thought to herself.

"Hey partner, That devil girl is looking at you with lustful eyes" A booming voice stated shocking everyone in the room and turning Rias bright red.

As Issei turned to look at Rias he noticed that she was as red as the hairs on her head. As Issei moved closer to Rias, he noticed that she wasn't making eye contact with him. He suddenly pulled her into a hug a whispered into her ear " I think you're very cute too, Rias". He said causing her to hug him back. As the devils in the room all looked at the two children with sparkles in their eyes. They were quickly remembered about that voice they heard earlier.

As Sirzech began to look at Issei in confusion he asked the small boy he what was that voice was.

"That would be me Lord Lucifer" Ddraig said making his presence known again

As Issei looked at his father who gave him a slight nod. Issei stepped away from Rias, as a blighting light appeared from his arm.

When the light died down Issei's arm appeared like one of a Dragon. Everyone in the room by Issei's father (because he knew what it was) and Rias (because she had no idea what it was) looked on in shock as they knew what it was.

"T-that's the Boosted Gear" Lady Gremory stated shocked.

"Heavenly dragon Ddraig, Its a pleasure to talk to a being that has the strength to rival God, sir" Sirzech said bowing respectfully

As the looks of shock around the room began to die down Rias spoke up wondering what this thing was. "Mummy whats this Boosted Gear thing on Issei's arm"

As Lady Gremory began to speak to her daughter about what the Boosted Gear was and who lived inside of it Rias eyes widened in amazement.

"So you say Issei can double his power every ten seconds and it will allow him to have the power kill God" She repeated stunned.

While Lady Gremory was teaching her daughter about the Boosted Gear, both Rias and Issei's fathers were discussing how they found out about the Gear.

Flashback: Two days ago

Issei and his father were training on a mountain top in hand to hand combat. Gorou was teaching his son how to protect himself and his family without using his magical powers incase he was in the human world. As the two continued to fight for a couple of minutes, Gorou surprised his son when he asked him if he likes Rias. As he knew that it would give him enough time to make an opening in his defence so he could win this fight.

To his surprise Issei turned as red as Rias hair. Gorou then asked the young devil what he would do to protect her.

As Issei stood there not moving his father noticed his opportunity to strike. He darted towards his son as fast as could towards his son until he noticed his aura change form its black and white colour (Black as his fathers clan uses darkness as its weapons while his mother clan was a extinct clan that used light as a weapon think what Shalba in the anime, but a bit weaker than angel light) to an overpowering red one. As his father stopped instantly, he noticed the boosted gear on his arm.

As Issei punched the ground destroying the mountain that they were fighting on, Issei quickly lost consciousness as began to falling to the ground when his father caught him in his arms.

Flashback end

Everyone was shocked at what they just heard , Issei was bright red and so was Rias. As Lord Gremory turned to Issei, Issei suddenly felt a shiver go down his spine.

"Issei come take a walk with me" He said using his authority as he spoken.

As Issei and the current head of Gremory wondered throughout the gardens around the manner, the long winding paths were littered with flowers of all different colours and types. Roses were the most prominent flower in the garden, however it symbolising the Gremory clans emblem. As Issei and Lord Gremory took a seat at one of the many benches in the garden.

"Issei what do you think of Rias".He asked out of the blue.

As Issei looked at him confused "What do you mean"

"I mean how do you feel about her" He replied.

As Issei looked at him he began to reply. "Well sir, I think Rias is the most caring and considerate person I have ever met, she makes me laugh, happy and most of all she gives me the sense of belonging that I felt I lost after the death of my mother".

"And do you find find her attractive." He asked

As Issei was caught off guard by this question, he began to Laugh " Yes sir I do find Rias attractive, but I believe that the most attractive thing of a person is their personality" He replied.

Issei began to look up at Lord Gremory unsure why he asked such questions. Unbeknownst to Issei, Rias was also being asked the same questions by Issei's father.

"Rias what do you think of Issei" He asked quite suspiciously.

" Issei sir" she replied cutely.

"Yes, what do you think of my son"

"Well sir, I believe that Issei is a kind boy, actually no I believe he is the kindest boy that I have ever met, he treats me as Rias, Not Rias from the Gremory clan or Rias the little sister of the most powerful devil in existence. He treats me for me and that why I like Issei" She replied with a small blush on her face.

As Lord Hyoudou smiled, Issei and Lord Gremory re-entered the room, Rias and Issei immediately looked at each other than blushed heavily. This action didn't go unnoticed by the adults in the room. As the three adults sat down with their two children standing in front of them Lord Germory was the first to speak.

"Did Sirzech already leave" he asked his wife curiously.

"Yeah, Grayfia came and picked him up saying that they are having a husband and wife day" she responded.

Issei and Rias began to look at each other with both eyes of lust and fear of rejection from the other. Lord Hyoudou began to stand up and asked the two children in front of them.

"Issei would you ever want to marry Rias"

When Issei looked at his father who asked the question, he began to turn bright red.

"Like marry and have kids with Rias" He asked shocked

" Yes son" He responded

" Well, yes I would love to Marry Rias but" he stated

" But what" Lord Gremory said beginning to get angry'

" But It's Rias' decisions too i'll only do it if that is what she wants, it's not fair if she is forced into something she doesn't want" He stated shocking everyone in the room, most of all Rias.

As the adults began to look towards towards the heavily blushing Gremory heiress. They were all shocked when Rias ran and kissed Issei on the lips.

"Issei I love you" she said with teary eyes.

"Well then I think we have her answer " Lady Gremory said giggling.

As the adults all left the room to write up the plans for the marriage. The two children that were left in the room began to laugh soon running outside playing again not as friends but as fiancee's.

Time skip 10 years later

Over the past ten years a lot of things has happened between Rias and Issei. Rias had developed in beautiful young lady with a height of 5'8 and was developing a body that was beginning to rival her mothers. Her magical strength had also increased due to her constant training her Power of Destruction, by her mother and other brother and her elemental power from her father.

Issei had developed into a handsome young devil with a height of 6'.His hair was the same colour as Rias mother now due to his training and was better kept. His muscular body was the result of training his families magic abilities from his father, his boosted Gear with the former dragon king Tannin and his overall strength with Sirzech.

Both Rias and Issei had received their Evil pieces from Ajuka Beelzebub, (the only other devil in the top Ten Strongest in existence, ranked 6 on par with Sirzech) when they turned 11. During this time Rias reincarnated Akeno Himejima, a fallen angel/human hybrid. Yuuto Kiba, as her knight, Gasper Vladi as her bishop and Koneko Toujou as her rook. Issei on the other hand had not reincarnated anybody as he was waiting for the right people.

Issei and Rias relationship blossomed into love only a few months after the their marriage proposal was finalised. Rias and Issei during this time when not training individually or with the peerages (only Rias, Issei doesn't have one yet) would spend the rest of the time together often playing like they did when they were children.

One day when Issei came over to the Gremory household to spend the day with Rias he was shocked when she told him that she was going to school in the human world and that she will see him in a years time. After she told him this she gave him a passionate kiss on the lips and told him for the second time.

"I love you Issei" Rias said blushing.

"I love you to my darling Rias" He replied happily.

Time skip: One year later

As Issei walked up to the gates of Kuoh Academy. In his new school uniform that his father brought for him he noticed the mix reactions from fellow students while he was walking through the school.

"Ah his so cute" He heard a couple of girls say.

" A new prince, no a king" A few more said.

As he kept walking throughout the school he could help but chuckle when he heard all the boys giving him death threats and lowering their own self-esteem.

When he stood in front of a sign that read 2-B. He politely knocked on the door and waited to be called in.

"You can come in now" He heard the teacher say

As he entered the classroom the squeals and the death stares continued. Issei stop next to the classroom teacher who instructed him to introduce himself.

" Hi my name is Issei Hyoudou, Im 17 years please treat me well" He said while giving a small bow.

"Is there any questions for Mr Hyoudou" the teacher asked

As a few hands shot up he began to answers some of the basic question like where are you from. Which he replied he his father was Australian and his mother was Japanese. The questions were all pretty normal until one girl stood up

"Issei kun do you have girlfriend" she said.

The girl who said this was about 5'6 in height and had rectangular glasses. She stood there quite confidently. Issei quickly guests that she must be a closet pervert.

Issei was about to answer the door suddenly slammed open with a massive 'BANG'. As Issei and the rest of the class looked towards the door, screams of joy were heard from both the males and the females of the class.

"Rias sempai" They all screamed in joy

"Miss Gremory what are you doing her" The teacher asked just as confused as the kids.

Rias ignored all the question and had her gaze directed the brown haired boy standing at the front the class

"Issei is that you" she asked hopefully.

"Hello Rias, it's good to see you again" he happily.

"Issei kun, How do you know Rias sempai" A girl asked nervously and shocked that he called her by her first name.

"Quite simply" they both responded at the same time causing both of them to giggle

"Issei here is my boyfriend" Rias responded happily.

"Rias here is my girlfriend" Issei respond at the same time as Rias.

They both new they were more than that but it would be too confusing to discus here.

"WHAT" The whole class responded.

Rias confirmed it as she walled up to him as gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him that she would sent for someone to pick him up after school.
Which he happily respond with a hug.


I am going to leave it there, big first chapter. I already have some ideas how I'm going to put Riser into the story. Issei's first peerage member might be introduced next chapter.

Thanks for reading Ddraig12