AN: I do not own Star Wars. Done for fun.
This fic started off as a one-shot in my Between Light and Shadow: Luke & Vader one shot collection. It was the most requested to be continued. Back in the summer I did a give away on my tumblr, and the winner requested I write more of this story. So here it is.
For nijiroz.
Luke Skywalker was in uncontrolled spin in his X-Wing. His hands gripped tightly to the steering yolk as he tried to right his ship. He noticed the spinning view of the blackness of space was gone. It was now a blue sky and gray buildings. Buildings? Sky? There hadn't been any planets nearby. He had been in an asteroid field as the Alliance raided Imperial transports for supplies. It had all gone to plan until an Imperial fleet jumped out of hyperspace, and the cold dark presence of Darth Vader tightened around Luke.
"No. I am your father."
The words that had been told to him two months and eleven days ago echoed through Luke's head. He still wasn't ready to face Vader. To face his . . . Luke wasn't sure if he was ready to face that truth yet. He knew it was the truth, but it was still a hard truth to face. How could his father, Anakin Skywalker, be Darth Vader? How had it come to pass?
It wasn't long until Vader's TIE Advance X1 was chasing Luke's X-Wing through the asteroids. He gave Vader a good chase. Luke had almost made it clear of the asteroids so he could jump to hyperspace, when Vader's TIE slammed into Luke's ship. The two ships started to spin uncontrollably. Loud metal scraping on metal caused Luke to wince. He jerked his fighter free. There was a bright light, which at first he thought was an explosion. Yet when it passed, Luke's ship was still spinning. Just no longer in space apparently.
His cockpit was screaming and blinking all sorts of warnings. He regretted not having R2 with him. He had left the droid with Leia so they could hack into the Imperial supply ship for more information. Perhaps it was for the best as true fear started to seize him. The weight of the inevitable settled on him. He was going to crash. Even if he got the fighter to stop spinning, there was no way he was going to be able to safely pull out or even land. All he could do was hopefully make this a bit less painful than it was going to be.
As the buildings got closer, again he was haunted by the words from Bespin. "I am your father." Luke wondered what had happened to Vader. If he was facing the same problem as Luke. As the gray buildings got closer and closer, one last string of words raced through his head.
"I am your father. Join me. Come with me. It is the only way."
Anakin Skywalker walked into a briefing room inside the Jedi Temple. He had made his way here the moment his transport had touched down in the hangar. He wasn't completely sure why he had been pulled off the front lines in the Outer Rim. Whatever it was, it surely had to be important. Anakin hated leaving in the middle of a battle, but hopefully Rex and his men would be able to manage without him.
In the middle of the briefing room sat a large holotable. Standing around the table were Obi-Wan Kenobi, Master Yoda, Mace Windu, and Luminara Unduli. Obi-Wan nodded at Anakin in greeting. A small smile on his lips.
"Good you're here, Skywalker," Mace said.
"Masters," Anakin said with a slight bob of his head. "What's going on? Why have I been summoned back here?"
Mace clicked a button on the holotable. The table projected a blue hologram of a young human man. About Anakin's age, if not younger. His hair was light colored. He didn't look happy. It appeared to Anakin he was sitting in a bed.
"Recognize this face, do you?" Master Yoda asked. All four masters were staring at Anakin intently.
"No," Anakin replied honestly. The masters exchanged a look with each other. "Should I?"
Again Mace clicked a button and this time a the projector showed a hologram of a lightsaber. "And this lightsaber?" Mace asked. "Have you seen it before?"
"No," Anakin answered again. "What is this about?"
"We believe a Sith is here on Coruscant," Obi-Wan said. "A new one. One we haven't encountered before."
"The Sith master?" Anakin asked hopefully. Could the mastermind behind Dooku have finally slipped up?
"We aren't sure," Mace replied. "But it is possible."
Anakin thought back at the youth in the hologram. No way that kid was Dooku's Sith master. "So what is with the kid then?" Anakin asked.
"We don't know that either," Obi-Wan said. "Two days ago a strange fighter crashed in the Industrial District. That man was inside it. He was taken to a local hospital."
"While he was still healing, he kept calling out a name." Mace paused here as he looked over at Anakin. "Your name."
"My name?" Anakin asked.
Mace clicked a button and the hologram changed. It showed the kid laying down in the hospital bed. His eyes were open, but he was clearly out of it. He kept tossing his head from side to side.
"Skywalker," he murmured in his dazed and fevered state. "Skywalker. Skywalker."
"So that's why I was summoned here?" Anakin asked a bit skeptical. "You couldn't just ask me about some kid over a holocall?"
"The kid's missing," Mace continued.
"Took him, this new Sith did," Yoda added.
"Took him?" Anakin asked.
The hologram changed yet again. It showed a hanger of the hospital. Medical speeders were parked neatly. There were a few droids rolling about. One pilot leaned against a speeder. Suddenly the pilot became alert. It appeared he shouted something, he started to move, but then he was levitated off the floor. His hands grabbing at his throat. Then his head turned sharply to the side and the body fell to the floor.
A second pilot ran onto the scene. He dropped next to the fallen pilot. He pulled out a blaster and fired a few shots. Anakin could see the shots had been deflected. Then a man wearing a long robe with a hood confidently strode into view. He held a lightsaber, which Anakin could tell was red despite the blue of the holograph. Without hesitation, the man cut down the other pilot.
Then the robed man disappeared, only to shortly reappear. He was hunched over as he helped the kid from the holo before to a speeder. The kid was still clearly injured and the man moved with care. Once they were both in the speeder, they were gone.
Mace again changed the holographic image. It appeared to be from a security camera. It was of a rooftop. Near one edge was a burning wreckage of a speeder. On the other side of the roof stood three figures. Two quickly ignited their blades, followed the third whose blade was red. The Sith. Anakin leaned in close. The security holo didn't provide a good detail shot of the Sith. He looked human, but his back was mostly to the camera.
Anakin watched the security holo play out. It wasn't much of a fight. The Sith fought very well. The two Jedi were quickly cut down. A third Jedi, who was helping the mystery kid out of the speeder, had his head snapped around like the pilot from the hospital. There was no sound, but Anakin could easily imagine the sound of bones breaking as the third Jedi's head was snapped at an awkward angle.
Anakin watched intently as the Sith ran over to the unconscious and clearly injured kid. The Sith gently ( gently?) cradled the boy to him. Anakin could just make out the Sith bring up a gloved hand to the boy's face and caress his cheek.
"That was almost a loving gesture," Anakin pointed out. "As if the Sith cared about this boy."
"Love, Sith do not," Yoda said.
"But Anakin is right," Obi-Wan said. "I would say that from an appearance standpoint, the Sith did seem to care about this boy."
"He also took great care getting the kid into the speeder. What else do we know about this mystery boy?" Anakin asked.
"We've gone over the medical report," Luminara said. "We ran his blood through the system. No known matches. The hospital said the boy never gave a name. He was possibly in shock. When the hospital sent us his records, it including a blood sample. We ran a midichlorian count on it. It was 15,000."
"15,000?" Anakin asked with clear shock on his face. Sure it didn't beat Anakin's count of 27,000, but Anakin's count was unnaturally high. Unheard of. Yoda's count was 17,000, which was also considered extremely high. The highest in history until Anakin. Obi-Wan was at 13,500, and even that count was considered high. For a kid to have a higher count than Obi-Wan . . . what kind of power did that kid have?
"You understand the dilemma, Skywalker," Luminara said dragging Anakin from his thoughts.
Obi-Wan spoke up. "It's easy to see why a Sith Lord would have gone out of their way to get the boy."
"Find this Sith and this boy we must," Yoda said. "Fall to the dark side, the boy must not. If the boy falls too powerful the Dark Side will become."
Anakin hoped the boy hadn't fallen already.