Authors Note: Hey everyone! It's been a few months since I updated, but here's the next chapter. I have a lengthy note below that addresses some concerns, but if you have no interest and just want to read the story, skip ahead to the beginning of the chapter.
There's something about Hunter X Hunter that's both awesome and complicated. Nen is one of the coolest power systems I've seen. It allows viewers to theorize what abilities a person could have based on a number of factors. However, that's the same reason why Nen is difficult for writers. A lot of people have opinions on how it works, what certain abilities can do, and who can use it.
Based on my reviews and PM's, there are a lot of people with suggestions, opinions, and theories they want to jam into my work. Because this story has gotten a bit of attention, a TON of people are now trying to control it via the reviews. Let me say this again. This is MY story and I'm the one who's putting it on paper in my FREE time. If you have suggestions, fine, but don't be disappointed or angry when I chose to ignore them, especially when the idea does not flow with the narrative I'm trying to create. Write your own story if you want to see your ideas on this site.
An example of someone trying to control my story is when I get reviews where people threaten to find a different story to read because they thought I was forcing Killua to be friends with people and how that was OOC for him. Basically, the one in question wanted Killua to be an emo loner who ignores everyone and kills people if they so much as look at him wrong…because apparently, he's not someone who wants to make connections with others, or be friends with people…
Um…yeah…didn't he save Ikalgo's life…even though they were enemies at the time, simply because he thought the octopus was cool? He even said they could've been friends if the situation was different.
Then they became friends rather quickly, even putting their lives in each other hands during the chimera ant arc. How long did he know Ikalgo before they officially became friends? Less than a few days?
Didn't he also become friends with palm? After all the drama between those two during the preparation training against shoot and knuckles, you'd expect they'd hate each other.
But nope.
I guess people don't evolve and grow as time goes on. Nope, they stay exactly the same and learn nothing as they grow older and experience new things. If you didn't notice, I'm being sarcastic. In my story, it's been a couple years since the end of the show. Are you saying nothing about Killua would change in that time? Are you saying he learned nothing from the relationships he formed in the show and after it ended?
C'mon people. If you want an emo, loner, or murder-hobo version of Killua, write it yourself or find something else to read. Another reviewer already told me they were done with the fic because they thought Killua was too OOC, and that's fine. I do this for FREE and make NO profit from people reading it. So, if someone wants to complain or threaten to find a new story to read, it has no impact on my life whatsoever. This isn't Youtube, where I make money based on the amount of views I get, so I'm not going to cave to certain demands to appease people if they don't like where my story is going.
On a completely different note, A lot of you want me to put 21 students in Class 1-A so I would include Koji in the story. Why? Most of you justified your reasoning by saying it could be a deviation from the original plot. Some even tried using my own words against me by claiming that I said I wanted to deviate and keeping 20 students was a forceful way of sticking to cannon. I disagree. What's forceful is having 21 students for no reason at all. Isn't it more of a deviation to exclude a certain student than keep them there? Also, why would Nezu suddenly have 21 students in a class for NO reason? There are already plot conveniences in this story, but that one is way too forceful. When things deviate, there has to be a solid reason. There was no justification to suddenly have 21 students in the class. And why do so many people like Koji? He's done next to nothing the entire time. I have nothing against him, but the story of MHA would not change whatsoever if he were gone.
For those who are wondering why I'm sticking so close to cannon right now…why is that an issue? Don't you want to see USJ? Or the festival? Or the training camp? When I follow the plot, I pretty much summaries what happened because this story is about Killua. There will be deviations in the future, but the cannon is important right now. There will be differences, but if you want me to write a completely different story, then it wouldn't be an MHA fanfiction anymore.
Lastly, a lot of you are worried about Killua accidently forcing someone's Nen to awaken. This goes back to my first point where people have their own opinions on how certain abilities work. A few of you thought Killua's lightning could do it. From what I researched, it can't. The reason we had a situation like Rammot was because of Gon, not Killua. There is nothing in the show or manga that suggests his lightning can open someone's pores. Hell, didn't he use lightning strikes in his hunter exam to knock everyone out? Some of you might try to argue that he only used it to move around…but that's a weak argument as there is no evidence either way. He's fast and strong enough to do all that without lightning. You have to flood a person with Nen to waken their nodes. Otherwise, anyone who was accidently bumped by someone shrouded with TEN might have their aura unlocked.
If I turn out to be wrong, oh well! There wasn't enough evidence to suggest otherwise, so that's how it's going to be in my story. That's the power I have as a writer. HAHA!
Hope that cleared some things up. I know some people are going to insist their opinion is correct, but it doesn't matter. I'm the one writing this story, not them. There are probably more concerns, but what can I do? It's impossible to please everyone, especially with a series as complex as Hunter X Hunter. Anyway, I've ranted enough. Please enjoy the chapter and remember to review. I'll do my best to clarify my ideas or justify my choices.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
My Hunter Academia
Chapter 6
"That's his story, Huh?"
Nezu calmly sipped his tea while All Might mused over the tale he just heard. His thin fingers intertwined in front of him, allowing a comfortable platform for his chin to rest on.
Placing the cup down, Nezu gave the number one hero an appraising glance. "What's your opinion?"
"Well, it would explain the strength of his killing intent…sort of…" All Might's eyes narrowed in thought. "But Killing Intent doesn't simply manifest because you accidently kill someone. It's honed, developed, and strengthened by experiencing multiple dangerous scenarios…"
"I agree." Nezu said as he hopped down from the desk, cup in hand, and strolled over to the couch parallel to where All Might sat.
"Then again, young Zoldyck did say something interesting during the exercise." All Might continued.
"Oh? Was it the part where he said he wasn't immune to his own Quirk?" Nezu asked.
"…So, you already viewed the footage?"
"I did." Nezu confirmed. "Such a terrible fate for someone so young. With a powerful quirk like that, you'd think he'd gone insane a long time ago."
"Yeah…" All Might took on a pensive gaze. "Rather than go insane, he could've been affected another way instead."
"My thoughts exactly." Nezu nodded his mouse-like head. "Can you imagine what it must've been like? To experience that kind of pain at the young age of four…until he learned to control his quirk a bit more. It's likely his developing brain found another way to cope with the agony instead of falling into insanity."
"…Apathy…" All Might gave a deep sigh. "So, we might be dealing with a sociopath then?"
"It's very likely. If his story is even remotely true, then accidently killing his older brother might have pushed him over the edge in developing a Killing Intent as powerful as what he demonstrated. After all, A major part of Killing Intent is the resolve to end a life without any kind of hesitation." Nezu said. "But that's only if his story is true."
"Do you think he was lying?"
"Oh, most definitely." Nezu said casually. "Though I have to admit, he's very talented in deception. Most people would be convinced by his story, but my quirk not only makes me smarter, but it allows me to recognize patterns down to the smallest detail." He took another sip of his tea. "Though he was very, VERY good at hiding it, he exhibited common patterns of deception."
"If that's the case, why is he still here?" All Might asked. "For all we know, he's extremely dangerous."
"We've only been making assumptions. The ability to use Killing Intent is not nearly enough evidence to expel him." Nezu pointed out. "Besides, if he were a true sociopath, then why apply to the hero course at all? Why not join the villain side and avoid the hassle of attending school in the hero course?"
"You might have a point, but are you really willing to risk the safety of the school?" All Might asked.
Before Nezu could answer, there was a knock on the door. The number one hero wanted to ignore it an continue the conversation, but the principal was happy for a diversion.
"We'll continue this later." Nezu said, ignoring the annoyed look on All Might's face. "Come in."
The door opened and in walked Power Loader. He was slightly hunched and both of his hands were clasped together over a small object. With the way he waddled into the room, you'd think the small item weighed a ton.
"Higari? What can I do for you?" Nezu asked.
"Principal Nezu…" Power Loader groused as he trudged into the room. "I wanted to ask something about…one of the students in class 1-A."
"Yes? Which one?"
"The one with white hair. I believe his name was Killua Zoldyck."
All Might and Nezu glanced at each other pretty quickly. It seemed the student of interest was making an impression through the entire school.
"What would you like to ask? And what are you carrying? You're acting like it's heavy."
"It is Heavy!" Power Loader said as he placed a small object on the table with a loud thump. All Might and Nezu got a good look at it before they glanced at each other, confused.
"A Yo-Yo?" All Might asked.
Higari Maijima sighed in relief as he sat down next to Nezu. "Yeah. I had Mei figure out the alloy formula and duplicate the design for me. It weighs 50 kilos."
"50 kilos?" All Might looked at the Yo-Yo with interest. "How did you manage to get so much weight compressed into a small area like this?"
"It wasn't too complicated when we cracked it's composition. The density of the metal increases significantly with the right alloy mixture. Mei is working in the shop right now to make some training weights for future strength-based exercises for students and heroes."
"Ok… What made you want to make a Yo-Yo?" Nezu asked.
"Because this is an exact duplicate of the Yo-Yo made for Killua's hero costume."
"…" All Might scrunch his eyebrows as he tried to remember what Killua was wearing during the exercise. All he could recall was that his costume wasn't particularly striking in any way. A pair of shorts, a shirt with a logo of an eel, gloves, and a belt around his waist…
Hold on…
He remembered the belt and how it had two metal, cube-like compartments just big enough to contain an item the size of the Yo-Yo Power loader brought in. The number one hero didn't know what was in those holsters at the time, but looking down at this small item…was it possible?
"Did you say those Yo-Yos weighed 50 kilos?" All Might asked, causing Higari to nod.
"I viewed the footage of each match during the exercise," Nezu said, sounding a bit surprised as well. "And I remember Mr. Killua wearing two holsters on his hero costume. Was he really carrying around so much extra weight?"
"I don't know. He didn't use them during the exercise."
"Two of them?" Power Loader asked, scratching his chin. "That's 100 kilos of extra weight…then again, when he brought in the Yo-Yo we based the design off of, he carried it like it weighed nothing. That made me curious as to what his quirk was, so I looked up his profile. Now I'm even more confused because his records say his quirk is electricity."
A strange silence filled the room as no one knew what to say. Both All Might and Nezu had seen the exercise and it didn't look like Killua was struggling to move with an extra 100 kilos strapped to his waist.
"…We did see him move a large slab of concrete during the entrance exam…" All Might said. "Could he be…is he somehow using his electricity to strengthen his body?"
"Well, it's possible to stimulate muscle contraction using electricity…" Nezu said. "But that requires extremely fine tune control or you risk tearing your muscles apart. Even then, forcing your muscles to over-preform for extended periods of time will destroy them. The body is designed to withstand bursts of inhuman strength in dire circumstances, but it can only take so much before it starts breaking down…"
Another silence followed as Nezu continued. "Young Zoldyck strikes me as a very intelligent boy, meaning he wouldn't intentionally destroy his body for the sake of carrying around extra weight."
"That's true…" All Might scratched his chin. "Then…maybe he wasn't wearing the Yo-Yo's during the exercise. Maybe those holsters are simply placeholders for when he actually uses them?"
"That still doesn't answer the question of how he's supposed to use them." Power Loader said. "Flinging around 50 kilos of weight is not an easy thing to do, even for someone with a strength quirk…which, let me remind you, Zoldyck doesn't have."
Nezu and All Might nodded their heads in agreement with Power Loaders statement. They had seen Killua use his quirk during the Apprehension test and in the exercise. It was clearly electricity. And even if his control was good enough to manipulate positive and negative charges, that did not explain his strength.
"Then…a half electricity, half strength-based quirk? I mentioned it before, but you'd think he say something about it on his application. It would've only increased his chances of getting into U.A, so he had no reason to hide it." All Might suggested.
"Maybe that says something about him." Nezu said. "If he were serious about concealing the strength side of his quirk, he wouldn't have been so obvious when using it to help Mrs. Uraraka." He turned to Power Loader. "And he wouldn't have given you the Yo-Yo so easily as it would've looks suspicious."
"So, what are you getting at?" Power Loader asked. "Do you really think he has a half-half quirk? Do you realize how rare that is?"
"This is all speculation until it's confirmed by Mr. Zoldyck." Nezu said. "If part of his quirk is strength-based, or if it's another application of his own quirk, we simply don't know."
There was another pause in the room until All Might sighed. "I'm not sure I like this, Principal Nezu. He raises a lot of concerning questions and we're taking risks by letting him attend here."
"We are, but that's still not enough evidence to expel him or turn him over to the police." Nezu said. "Besides, there is something that's keeping me from kicking him out."
"Yeah? And what's that?" All Might asked, looking a little hopeful. Truthfully, he didn't want to kick young Zoldyck out of U.A. The young boy was friends with his successor, after all. But there was also the risk of letting someone potentially dangerous around so many young students. He didn't want to risk the safety of the future generation of heroes.
"There were holes in his story and some lies were told." Nezu started before he smiled confidently. "But the part where he claimed to not have any hostile intentions for anyone at this school, that was the complete and honest truth."
"…" All Might didn't look very convinced, but felt a little more at ease. "Still…it's not good to have so many unknowns surrounding him."
"Yes, but I think his web of deception will end up closing in on him sooner than he thinks." Nezu said. "When that time comes, I'll be sure to final get some straight answers. For now, let us see where this all pans out."
The water calmly rinsed the shoreline as Killua stood on the soft sand. He faced the ocean, his eyes closed while he focused on the silky feeling of aura coating his body. It'd been a good while since he mastered TEN to the point where he could use keep it active in his sleep. The protective Aura was a constant in his life now and he almost forgot what it felt like to not have the shroud present.
Memories of when he and Gon first learned TEN was still fresh in his mind. The way Wing flooded their systems with burning Nen, how Killua felt a rush of power as aura gushed out of his body like steam from a kettle. And finally, how he and Gon managed to contain their power just seconds after it was released.
Now the feeling of Nen surrounding his body was like a companion that would never betray him, something that he could always rely on. He couldn't even imagine what it would feel like to lose it…
Like how Gon did…
Those memories were not pleasant to visit. With his eyes closed, Killua could clearly visualize Gon's hulking frame standing in front of the bloodied and battered body of Pitou, tears streaming down his cheeks. The feeling of his friend's unfathomable aura as he dealt the final crushing blow was unforgettable…and terrifying. It amazed the young assassin that his mind could still remember it so clearly.
He also recalled the price Gon had to pay for that kind of power. Even after Alluka healed his body, a certain condition was still honored.
Gon was never able to use Nen again.
Just thinking about all that potential and talent going to waste left a bitter taste in Killua's mouth. Gon lost a lot after realizing he could no longer use his power. He lost abilities that had taken countless hours to build. He lost his goal because he ended up finding his father after all that time. And finally,
He lost that deep connection with Killua.
They were still friends after all was said and done, but it was never the same after Gon threw everything away for revenge. It weighted on the assassin's mind every now and again…the fact that their friendship had meant so little in the face of vengeance that Gon was willing to completely abandon it.
That didn't stop Killua and Alluka from surrendering when their family took Gon hostage. The entire reason for being stranded in this dimension started because of that situation. Was Gon at fault?
Hell no!
It was 100% the Zoldyck's fault. Killua was even surprised it took them that long before they decided to reign him and Alluka in so they could control her powers. Thinking about how he should've seen this coming pissed the assassin off to no end. If he ever did get home, he was going to kill his family after saving his little sister and Gon.
If he ever did get home…
What was he thinking!? He was Killua Zoldyck! There was no way he was going to fail! He was going to tear this world apart in order to find a way home. Nothing was going to stop him!
Aura exploded around the assassin as his resolve reached its breaking point, sending waves of sand cascading in all directions. The surge of power was always satisfying, like it was the physical manifestation of all his hard work through the years. Seeing his progress in physical form only served as motivation in his daily training.
Though he would have to be careful in case someone with acute senses approached. Even if it didn't look like there was anyone in this world who could use Nen, that didn't mean there wasn't anyone who couldn't use it.
The term genius was defined as someone who could use Aura without even realizing it. That also meant they could probably sense it if someone nearby was using it.
Killua didn't have to worry about that too much because he could usually sense when someone with stronger Aura was nearby. So far, he'd only seen a few people who could unconsciously use Nen. But it was extremely minimal, to the point where it wasn't even worth observing. It would be interesting to see what would happen if they had full access to their Aura, but he ultimately decided to do nothing. Utilizing Aura was not a part of this dimension, and it wouldn't be a good idea to accidently introduce it.
The Assassin let his aura die down to its regular TEN as he continued to wait on the beach. Both Izuku and Himiko would be showing up pretty soon and he needed to think about how much he wanted to share with them.
It was pretty funny that his two friends knew completely different bits and pieces about him, but both didn't have the full story.
Izuku knew that Killua could grant a quirk, which was one of the assassin's biggest secrets. Himiko knew more backstory that Izuku. Of course, this was intentional because of how strict this world was concerning death and murder. With a background like his, the authorities would not hesitate to throw Killua in jail for what he did in the past. This society would never accept a former assassin as a hero.
The reason he was so upfront about being an assassin with Gon was because of the culture of his own world. The Zoldyck's were known for assassination and they were so powerful that the government would not touch them with a ten-foot pole. Death, killing, murder, all forms of crime were treated much differently in his world than in this one. Not to mention the whole hero culture created through the power of quirks was a huge factor to consider.
He never told anyone besides Himiko about his past because no one would be able to accept it. Not from his class, not from his teachers, not even his own friends would accept it. This society was just to cushy for that.
It was about time Izuku showed up.
Killua turned around to see his friend of nearly a year walking down the steps to the beach, an excited, but reserved look on his face. His shoes kicked up the soft sand as he walked over.
"Izuku." He nodded as he turned back to the ocean. "This place is a lot nicer to visit now that the view isn't marred with garbage."
"…Yeah." Izuku agreed. He looked around the beach with disappointment though. Already, more trash was starting to accumulate. "It's just disappointing that the currents force garbage to wash up around here."
"What are you talking about?" Killua said with a slight smile. He turned to face Izuku while reaching out and resting his hand on a nearby broken refrigerator. "This is an opportunity for an unlimited amount of training, right?"
"If you come here every week, you could continue strengthening your body by cleaning up the accrued trash. Keeping the beach clean would be a plus too, right?"
"Oh…" Izuku perked up because it wasn't a bad idea. "I didn't think of that."
"Huh? Really?" Killua said with a condescending smirk. "Considering you pretty much worship hero culture, I just assumed you would've already thought of this. Guess I thought to highly of you." He gave a dramatic sigh, "Weren't heroes supposed to serve the public by doing community service? Where's your Heroic spirit, Izuku?"
Izuku blinked a few times because that's almost exactly what All Might said when he began training over 10 months ago. Original heroes didn't just fight crime, they gave their time to make the world a better place, no matter how mundane the task seemed to be.
That being said, why did Killua have to say it in the most obnoxious way possible? It was so obvious that he was just trying to spark a reaction.
Killua grinned at his friends annoyed expression. "Alright, I'm done messing with you. But still, it took you ten months to clean the entire beach to prepare for the entrance exam. Even though you passed, that doesn't mean training is over, right?"
Izuku shook his head. "I still need to strengthen my body. This quirk…" He raised his hand clenched his fist. "My body can barely contain this quirk, which is why I keep getting hurt every time I use it."
"…Are you sure that's the real problem?"
Izuku looked at him, a bit confused. "What do you mean?"
"I'll tell you in a second. We're still waiting for someone."
"Waiting for who- "
Instantly, Izuku's face turned ghostly white. He knew that voice from anywhere. Slowly, he turned his head and looked past Killua. To his complete and utter horror, a figure was sprinting across the beach, kicking up rooster tail of sand as she moved at a shockingly fast pace.
"H-H-H-Himiko!?" Izuku immediately started backing up, flailing his arms in an attempt to dissuade her frontal assault. Her previous greeting was fresh on his mind and he didn't want to deal with that embarrassment right now. "W-What are Y-you doing here?"
Himiko was not deterred in the slightest. In fact, seeing him so flustered just made her more enthusiastic about her eventual greeting. Her arms opened wide and her overly cheerful smile perfectly concealed her sadistic desires.
Looking between the speedily approaching Himiko and the terrified Izuku, Killua gave a sigh and thought it best to step in. If not, this poor boy might be traumatized by what Himiko had planned. So, just as the girl was about to rush past Killua to get to her target, the assassin stuck out his foot, catching her by the ankle.
Himiko gave a startled squeal as her forward momentum and loss of balance sent her sprawling forward. It looked like she was about to plant her face into the beach, however, her befuddlement lasted only a fraction of a second and a determined glint ignited in her eyes.
No! She would not let Killua have the last laugh. She would be successful in accomplishing her goal, no matter what! Right before she ate a mouthful of sand, she kicked off the ground with her other foot and propelled herself onward like a missile.
Even Killua was surprised when Himiko rocketed at Izuku. The top of her head collided with his stomach, blasting the air out of his lungs and sending them both crashing to the ground, a comedic explosion of sand kicking up around them.
"…oops…" Killua said, blinking owlishly. Himiko had gotten much better at aerial recovery during their sparring sessions than he expected. As the dust settled, he had to sweat drop at the position she and Izuku found themselves in because of how the girl angled herself.
The poor boy was laying on his back, looking up at the sky with swirling eyes, gasping for air. Himiko was also laying face-up on top of Izuku because she curled forward after crashing into him. Her legs were on either side of his head and her own cranium supported a large, swelling lump. It looked like she didn't expect her target to have such rock-hard abs.
After recovering from her dizzy spell, Himiko tilted her eyes upward, looking at Killua with an accomplished grin. A smirk that told him she was going to get what she wanted, even if he tried to stop her.
Damn…she was good. The assassin would have to be a bit more creative if he was going to stop her next time.
"Owie! Killua! Why did you do that!?" Himiko exclaimed in the fakest whine she could muster. She sat up and rubbed the top of her head before noticing Izuku's face between her legs. Perfect! This was a much better result than she originally planned, and it was all thanks to Killua. She was sitting on her target's chest, but he was too dazed to notice.
Well, she couldn't have that.
"Izuku~! Oh no! Are you ok!?" She asked, gently reaching down at patting his cheek.
"Huh…? What…What happened?" Izuku grumbled, clenching his eyes closed and shaking his head before he looked up into Himiko's eyes…That's when he noticed something odd…
She was looking down at him…
He could feel her weight pressing down on his chest…
Her legs were on either side of his face…
His heart dropped when he realized what position they were in and didn't dare take his eyes off hers because he knew they would wonder in a dangerous direction. His face turned bright red and his speech sounded like he was accidently struck by lightning.
"A-A-A, Um…H-He-Hemi-Himik-Himiko!"
"This is all Killua's fault!" Himiko said with faux anger, crossing her arms in a pout. "I don't know why he tripped me, but because of him, you got hurt!"
"This…cleaver…bitch!" All the tick marks were appearing on Killua's head. How dare she blame him for this!
"I-I-It's f-f-f-f-fine!" Izuku squeaked. His eyes were looking as far away from the forbidden zone as possible. "J-Just…um…could you…um…p-p-please get up?"
Himiko's eyes narrowed a little because she noticed how hard he was trying to resist sneaking a peak. He was such a gentleman, not taking advantage of an easy opportunity like this. But that was the problem! How was she going to get his delicious blood if he didn't look! She was even wearing a skirt, making is super easy for him.
No, this wouldn't do at all. Himiko grinned when a new tactic entered her mind.
"Oh, silly me! You're absolutely right." Himiko said as she quickly stood up. But instead of moving backwards, she walked right over his head, much to quickly for Izuku to prepare for.
It was instantaneous.
Without meaning to, the young boy got an eyeful of her panties. He instantly shut his eyes, but the image was freshly burned into his brain. Being such an innocent teen, this was the first time he'd ever been something like this up close and personal.
And it was too much for him.
Blood gushed out of his nose before he clamped it shut. He sat up, face burning red while blood leaked through his fingers.
"Izuku!" Himiko exclaimed, a clean handkerchief appearing in her hand. She attended to him while looking up at Killua with a smirk that only he could see. "Look what you did Killua! Now Izuku is bleeding and it's all your fault!"
Killua's eyebrow twitched madly. "That's it! I'm kicking her ass later." He thought as he closed his eyes and shook his head.
"Yep, my bad." He said dismissively. "Sorry about that, Izuku. I didn't think I would make it worse."
"It's fine, It's fine." Izuku said, holding Himiko's hanky to his nose and soaking it with blood, much to her absolute delight. She hid it surprisingly well when he glanced over at her. "B-But what are you doing here, Himiko?"
"Huh? Killua asked me to come." She said innocently. "What, didn't he tell you I would be here?"
The young boy looked at Killua with his eyebrows raised. "No, he didn't."
"Slipped my mind." Killua said with a shrug. A total lie. Honestly, it was hilarious to see Izuku turn into a complete and total mess whenever Himiko was around. That, and Midoriya really needed to get over his awkwardness towards girls. What would he do if he faced a female villain who would flash him just to create an opening? He would be dead ten times over. "But it doesn't matter. I called you two here because I didn't want to explain this twice, about the true nature of my quirk."
Instantly, all former levity died away. Killua had both Izuku and Himiko's undivided attention. The looks they were giving him made the assassin realized just how curious they had gotten.
"…has it really been bugging you that bad?" He asked, a sweat drop sliding down his head.
"Of course, it has!" Himiko exclaimed. "I mean, I still don't understand how you didn't get scratched after my kni-"
"Our NIGHT of sparring!" Killua interrupted just as Himiko clamped her hand over her mouth. God, she was an airhead sometimes.
Izuku looked between the two, confused. "You guys spar?"
"Yep!" Himiko said with a cheery smile, glad to move the conversation into safer territory.
Killua gave a small sigh of relief and nodded. "Himiko is pretty skilled at fighting, so watch your back whenever she's around."
"Muu! You don't need to say that!" Himiko said, throwing the worried boy a cheerful smile. "Don't worry Izuku, I won't do anything to hurt you…"
Killua saw her mouth the word "much" when Midoriya wasn't looking.
"Really? Are you training to be a hero too, Himiko?"
The crazy girl erupted in laughter, throwing an arm around his shoulder. "No way! I'll leave that life to someone like you instead."
"Getting back on topic." Killua said, interrupting the two. "Both of you, come over here."
Izuku and Himiko did as instructed, looking very curious.
Killua raised his right hand and transmuted a bit of aura into electricity, showing them the currents bouncing between his fingers.
"WOW!" Himiko exclaimed, releasing Izuku and bouncing up closer to get a better look. "I thought it had something to do with lightning. That's why my butt hurt so much yesterday!"
"Your…butt?" Izuku was totally confused.
"It's nothing!" Killua dissipated the electricity, his eyebrow twitching once again. "And you're wrong, Himiko. Lightning…electricity is an application of my quirk."
"An application?" She asked curiously.
Killua nodded as he took a deep breath. "My actual quirk is a type of…invisible energy by body emits. I've come to call it Nen."
"Nen?" Izuku got a little closer so he wouldn't miss anything. His notebook was out and he jotted the name down.
"Oi, Oi! No taking notes!" Killua snapped. "If someone stumbles across your little notebook and figures out I lied on my application, I could be kicked from the hero course!"
"Oh, right…" Izuku reluctantly put his notebook away. Based on the distraught look on his face, it was as if Killua asked him to drop kick a puppy or something.
"You lied on your application?" Himiko asked with a grin. "Naughty, Naughty!"
"Oh, shut up!" Killua barked. "Like I was saying, Nen is my actual quirk. The electricity you just saw was a conversion technique I developed in order to better utilize this energy."
Himiko and Izuku glanced at each other, more confused than before. It didn't really look like either of them believed him.
"That's convenient…this energy being invisible." Himiko said, doubt in her voice. "That means you can't really prove it, right?"
"Wrong." Killua retorted. "It's just dangerous to use around people, which is why I train with it in private."
"What makes it dangerous?" Izuku asked.
"Well, why don't I show you really quick." Killua said with a small grin. "But prepare yourself because you might feel a little…strange."
Unfortunately, Killua didn't give them enough time to prepare. He cranked up his aura output a little more, just enough for both Himiko and Izuku to start feeling uncomfortable. At first, they were didn't think anything was happening, but their expressions suddenly took on a slightly frightened look.
Seeing their reaction was…nostalgic. Was this what Wing felt like when he allowed Killua and Gon to feel his Aura before unlocking their nodes? Or when Hisoka stopped him and Gon from entering the 200th floor when they didn't know what Nen was?
Izuku's eyes widened as he felt a strange pressure encompasses his entire body. He couldn't really describe what it was, only that it was there. It was as if Killua's very presence was starting to weigh on his soul. Himiko felt much the same way.
"Do you feel that?" Killua asked.
Slowly, Izuku and Himiko nodded. Both had of little sweat building up on their foreheads as the pressure dissipated. They were able to take a breath of relief when the assassin reigned in his aura.
"So, believe me now?" Killua asked.
"What…What was that?" Izuku asked.
"My Quirk. If I crank up the output, people around me start feeling the pressure. If I go all out, I could end up hurting someone."
"I've never heard of anything like this." Izuku said. His hands were itching to grab his notebook, but he respected Killua's wishes.
"So far, I haven't either." Killua said. "But after learning what I could do, I began to experiment with it. This power is actually quite versatile and through some intense training, I was able to discover what it could and couldn't do."
"Is that part of the reason I can't seem to hurt you when we…um…spar?" Himiko asked.
"Yep!" Killua said with a smile. "I've trained this energy to completely shroud my body at all times. It can protect me from…well…a lot of stuff."
"Wow…all the time? You mean, right now too?" Izuku asked. "But I don't feel anything anymore."
"Trust me, it's there." Killua said. "Right now, it's like I'm wearing an invisible set of weightless clothing. When I power it up, it becomes more like a hurricane."
"Oh, so like an invisible force field?" Himiko concluded.
"Exactly. I trained my energy to act as a shield. By constantly having it surround my body at all times, it's become second nature to keep it active, even in my sleep."
"Wow…" Izuku said. "Quirks do get stronger the more you use them, but you were able to train yours that much?"
"I did. I had to know what this power could do and how I could use it. Now it's like a constant shield that protects me."
"That's…not FAIR!" Himiko exploded. "Every time we…spar, I get hurt and I can't even hurt you back!"
"You've only managed to hit me once." Killua said flatly. "And you were lucky that time."
"It's still not fair!"
"So that's it? That's your quirk?" Izuku asked, feeling a little more confused. "That's not really hard to explain though, so why lie on your application."
"I already told you why, Izuku."
"The part where…but that…But it still doesn't make sense as to how you are able to give someone else a Qu-"
"OI!" Killua snapped.
Instantly, Izuku's eyes widened and he clamped his own mouth shut, much to the surprise of Himiko.
"That's sometime we can talk about later." Killua snapped, his eyebrow twitching furiously. Damn it! Why did he have to share so many secrets with these two blabber-mouths? They couldn't keep their damn pie-holes shut!
"Secrets! I sense some juicy secrets!" Himiko exclaimed with excitement. "Tell me! Tell me!"
"Not going to happen, Himiko!" Killua growled, glaring over at Izuku.
"Awe! C'mon! PLEAAASSE!" She begged.
"Ugh!" Killua scoffed. He threw another annoyed looked at the loud-mouth mutterer. "Tell you what, if you manage to put a scratch me one day, I'll tell you."
"What, really?" Himiko said. "But didn't you say you have a forcefield."
"I didn't say it was invincible." Killua said, rolling his eyes. "With enough strength, you might be able to pierce it." Another lie, told just to get her off his back.
"If that's the case, then deal! I'll land a hit on you yet, Killua! Just you wait!" Himiko said with so much determination that Killua wondered how big of a mistake he just made.
"Good luck." Killua said before looking back at the sheepish Izuku. "So that's it. That's what my true quirk is. My body emits an energy I can control in different ways, depending on my own creativity."
Izuku remembered his friend mentioning that in the past, about how his quirk improved depending on how the person applied it. From seeing how Killua used his quirk, his main way was electricity.
"That's really cool!" Himiko said. "What else can it do?"
"A couple other things." Killua said, aiming his next statement at Izuku. "One of the reasons I asked you to come out here was to talk about a few theories I had concerning your quirk."
Izuku looked uncomfortable, throwing an uneasy glance at Himiko and wondering where Killua was going with this.
"How many times have you actually used it before?"
"Only a couple…because of what it does to my body." Izuku said slowly.
"I heard about that!" Himiko said. "Doesn't it like totally destroy your body, or something?"
Izuku nodded.
"Why though? Haven't you had your quirk your entire life? Why haven't you learned to control it yet?" The blood thirsty girl looked genuinely confused.
Izuku was stuttering incoherently, so Killua came to the rescue. "Izuku here is a late bloomer. His quirk didn't manifest until recently. So, his body hasn't adapted to dealing with its power yet."
"Hmm." Himiko hummed. "That must suck."
"It does, doesn't it? Izuku?" Killua asked with a smirk.
"Um, y-yeah. It takes a toll on me, so I need to learn to control it." He said, trying to get back on topic. "So, what did you have in mind?"
"Actually," Killua cleared his throat. "The few times I've seen you use your quirk, it actually reminded me of another application of my quirk. It got me thinking that maybe the way I control this ability is similar to what you're doing, only less self-destructing."
"You might want to take notes on this, but don't mention me." Killua said. Before he could finish the last syllable, Izuku had his notebook and pen out, looking very interested.
Killua smiled in amusement, but continued his thought process. Izuku might get an idea from this demonstration. "Alright, so usually my energy is constantly surrounding my body, protecting me from pretty much anything."
He got a couple nods, meaning they understood.
"But I have a technique where I focus all of my power into a single point to deliver a strong attack."
The owlish looks from Himiko and Izuku clearly told him they didn't quite understand that part.
"Here, let me demonstrate instead." Killua said as he turned to the junked refrigerator that washed up on the beach. He raised his hand and curled his fingers, focusing all his aura into his fist.
TEN, ZETSU, REN, GYO. This technique was Gon's specialty, but it was also a basic application of Nen.
"KO…" Killua said, raising his fist. In his eyes, his hand was glowing with powerful aura. While invisible to Himiko and Izuku, they could both feel something radiating from there friend.
The two teens didn't know what they were looking at. Killua was standing next to the refrigerator with one hand clenched into a fist. They couldn't see a thing, but they could feel it. They could also see that something was starting to kick up the sand around them. No doubt about it now. There was some kind of unseen force at work here.
There confusion and wonder only increased when Killua slowly moved his fist over to the refrigerator. It was like watching a punch in slow motion. But right when his fist touched the metal surface, a loud crack echoing across the beach and the top of the refrigerator exploded into fragments of metal while the rest was sent flying through the air. A small shockwave shook the surrounding area, forcing Himiko and Izuku to shield their eyes from the sand.
When they lowered their arms, they saw Killua looking at them with a smug grin.
"Do you understand now?"
"K-Killua…" Izuku said in amazement. "W-What was that?"
"I told you. I focused all the power of my quirk into my fist when I threw that punch. As you can see, the result is pretty devastating, even if I wasn't swinging that fast."
Both Himiko and Izuku looked at their mutual friend with slack jaws, unable to form words. For Himiko in particular, she was beginning to wonder just how much Killua had been holding back during all their spars. It hurt like a bitch each time he hit her, but her entire body would be destroyed if he used this kind of power.
Izuku's thought process was on a similar wavelength, but it took a different direction when he realized the implications of this ability. His mind was processing at one thousand miles per hour, theorizing, categorizing, and coming up with different applications for how this power could be utilized. The fact that Killua figured out a way to convert the power of his quirk into electricity really opened the floodgates on different ideas about how this quirk functioned. How strong was Killua if this was simply one of his techniques?
Through all his pondering, there was one question that started forming on the forefront of his mind.
"Killua…" Izuku said. "If you can use your power this way…why aren't you? Why are you converting it to electricity?"
"Ha?" Killua grunted in disbelief, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you of all people would understand why."
"Seriously? Izuku, use that fat brain of yours." Killua mockingly poked his own temple. "Think of it this way. Would you ever punch someone at full power using your quirk? What do you think would happen if I did? Didn't you just see what happened to the refrigerator?"
"Well…Yeah, but you said you compressed 100% of your energy into your fist. Does that mean you can regulate it? You know, instead of using 100%, you could probably use 50%? Or even 10%?"
Killua blinked a couple times before giving Izuku a flat look. "Do you realize how close you are to figuring out the problem with how you use your quirk?"
The person in question looked a bit lost on that one, so Killua gave a sigh. "Yeah, I could, but it's still too dangerous to purely use this energy against someone else."
"When I hit someone with unregulated Nen, the energy is released and it flows through my target. Meaning it damages internal organs, ruptures muscles, and basically destroys your body from the inside out."
Both Izuku and Himiko paled at the thought. What a powerful and dangerous quirk to be burdened with. Izuku thought back to what exactly happened to the refrigerator when Killua punched it. It didn't just get sent flying. It was obliterated into scrap metal.
"Even if I use less power in my attack, the results are still fatal since it exposes internal organs to an unprotected assault. When I simply use Nen to protect myself, I contain the power so it doesn't flow through my opponents. And I convert my power into electricity so it can be used offensively without causing…well…permanent damage." Killua grinned. "It still hurts like hell though."
Again, the assassin was speaking in half-truths the whole time. The other main reason he used electricity was because hitting someone with a Nen infused fist would blow open their aura nodes. He could get away with using TEN in a fight, but never KO, or even RYU. If he did use those techniques, he'd have to be sure his opponent died so he didn't accidently spread Nen throughout this world.
Which was why his electricity was so convenient. It was a way to use Nen offensively without the risk of awakening another person's aura.
"I…see." Izuku said. "I guess that makes sense...Sort of."
"Right?" Killua agreed. "But getting back on topic. This technique where I condense all my energy into my fist has a weakness to it, which is where I got an idea of a way for you to control your power better."
"Really?" Izuku looked hopeful.
Killua nodded as he continued. "Because I'm focusing all my power into a single point, it leaves the rest of my body vulnerable because my defense it gone." Himiko perked up a little, but he ignored her. "My defense is gone because its being used somewhere else. However, my defense returns when I redistribute that power evenly across my body."
"Ok…" Izuku said, still a bit unsure of where Killua was going with this.
"My theory is that you have the exact opposite problem. I'm guessing every time you use your quirk, you're doing the same thing as me when I use KO. You're forcing 100% of your quirk into a single point and your body can't withstand that kind of pressure. In turn, it makes it impossible to regulate since it's like squeezing the far end of a full toothpaste tube. Am I right?"
Izuku scrunched his eyebrows, nodding.
"If you want to access a bit of toothpaste, it's going to explode out the top when you remove the cap. But, if you were to somehow squeeze the middle of the tube, the toothpaste is forced in a couple directions so the pressure is regulated better." Killua continued.
Izuku scrunched his eyebrows, the gears in his mind staring to wind when he realized what Killua was getting at. Slowly, his eyes widened.
"So, theoretically speaking, if you were to use your quirk the same way I use my defense…" Killua trialed off, wondering if this hint was enough for Izuku to pick up on.
He was not disappointed.
As if the puzzle pieces in Izuku's mind snapped together, his large eyes widened even more and his mouth slowly opened. It was like the clouds had parted and inspiration poured from the heavens above. All because of a very simple theory.
"It looks like you came up with something." Killua said.
An excited smile crossed Izuku's mouth. "It's so simple…I don't know why I didn't see it before."
Himiko was looking between the two boys, completely lost in the conversation. "Huh? What's going on?"
"I've only had this quirk for a little while, but I've always thought it was a trump card. I've been using it as a final move by focusing all its power in a single point…kind of like what you demonstrated" He looked up at Killua. "But listening to you talk…just maybe…I've been thinking about this all wrong…Maybe…"
The green-haired boy closed his eyes and started focusing his power in a different manner. For a few moments, nothing happened. Killua and Himiko simply watched in complete silence, not making a sound in fear of breaking his intense concentration.
Then it happened.
Before their eyes, Izuku's entire body began to glow. Green arcs of electricity began to jump around his body…No…Not electrical power, more like arcs of energy his body couldn't contain just yet. A byproduct of this powerful quirk Izuku inherited from All Might.
"Just maybe, if I distribute this power throughout my entire body, like you do when you use your defense, maybe I might be able to regulate it better. Instead of toothpaste exploding out the top when I want to access this power, I need to squeeze in a different area…"
Killua grinned because Izuku was coming to his own conclusion. It was true that people needed to rely on themselves to truly become strong, but a nudge in the right direction didn't hurt anyone.
Soon, Izuku was lighting up that area of the beach with his energy. His face courted in pain for just a moment before he relaxed and gave a sigh of relief. "I guess I can only use about three percent of my quirk without it hurting me. I was hoping to get at least five percent…but I could feel my body wasn't quite ready yet."
It a flash of movement, the boy suddenly whipped out his notebook and began furiously writing, all the while muttering an endless stream of sentences. Both Himiko and Killua sweat dropped as his words filled then entire beach. His pen was scribbling across the pages with inhuman speed thanks to his new found control over his quirk, but it still didn't look like his hand could keep up with the amount of words coming from of his mouth. Bloodshot eyes followed, and it looked like he was about to have an aneurism with the amount of ideas coursing through his mind.
"Um…Himiko…" Killua said nudging the girl. "Can you um…snap him out of it before he hurts himself?"
"…I don't know if I can." She said honestly, watching in complete bewilderment. She'd never seen one of Izuku's muttering sessions before, so it was fascinating to watch. "Hmm…Actually, I have an idea."
Killua almost regretted asking her for help because she strolled right over to Izuku's side and leaned in close. He was still furiously writing away, completely oblivious to her sudden proximity, so he was completely unprepared when she blew a cool, sensual breath against his ear.
"AUGH!" Izuku shouted, jumping in surprise and accidently throwing his notebook through the air. It landed a few yards away and he leaped back from Himiko, cheeks burning red and a hand clasped over his ear. The green energy quickly evaporated and was replaced with burning embarrassment instead.
"Oh good, you're back." She said with a teasing grin. "We were afraid we lost you."
"H-H-Himiko!" He sputtered.
"Good job Himiko." Killua said in a deadpanned voice. "That was probably the best way to bring Izuku back down to earth. I'll be sure to ask you again in the near future."
"S-Stop teasing me!" Izuku exclaimed, his cheeks still burning red. He looked around for his notebook before spotting it on the sand. He quickly moved over and picked it up, shaking the granules from its pages.
"So, what happened Izuku?" Killua asked. "Did you come up with an idea."
The green-haired boy slowly turned to them, an excited smile on his face. He clenched his fists and focused his energy, distributing it evenly across his body and regulating it to a manageable level. The green power arced across his body again and both Killua and Himiko watched as a new, glowing Izuku stood there.
"I…" He said, looking at his fist, clenching it tighter as his soul filled with excitement. "I really want to test this…I want to lean what I'm capable of after all these months of training."
"Well, we have classes tomorrow." Killua said dismissively, enjoying the deflated look his friend was giving him.
"But we probably won't have another combat exercise for a little while…" he said. "I…you're strong, right Killua? I mean, I heard you won the combat exercise pretty quickly, so…"
Killua knew what Izuku was hinting at. He wanted to spar in order to see how much stronger he was with this new controlled power. But while Izuku had a tiny bit of control over his quirk, there was something he lack dearly.
"I'm…honestly not interested in fighting you right now." Killua said with a shrug, making the boy scrunch his eyebrows, pleading. "Listen Izuku, you have better control now, but do you have any fighting experience…like at all?"
Izuku's mouth opened and closed a few times. "I…fought in the combat-"
"You need something more than a controlled simulation." Killua admonished. "Did Mr. Yagi ever teach you anything about fighting?"
"…No…not really."
"That's something you need to learn. Without it, you'd just flail your arms around, hoping to land a punch eventually." Killua said. "I'm not interested in fighting someone like that."
"B-But…" Izuku's power was still active, casting a light glow across the sand. "How can I get fighting experience if you don't let me?"
"True, True." Killua folded his arms before he glanced at Himiko. A sudden grin spread across his lips. "Tell you what, if you can land a single hit on Himiko, I'll spar with you."
"What!" Himiko exclaimed. Her surprise quickly turned into one of hope. "You mean, I can…I can…!"
"Yes Himiko."
For reasons unknown, Izuku had a really bad feeling about all this. Himiko's unthreatening look suddenly changed to a psychotic smile in the blink of an eye. He was…taken aback by the sudden change in demeaner, especially since he'd never seen it before.
"No knives." Killua whispered to her.
"EHH!" Himiko looked devastated. "But…But!"
"No. Knives."
"What are you guys whispering about?" Izuku asked suspiciously.
"Don't worry about it." Killua waved facetiously.
"Oh, poo!" Himiko pouted a bit before turning to Izuku with a fanged grin. "Izuku~! Want to spar?"
"Huh?" He looked between an excited Himiko and an amused Killua. He pointed at the girl. "Spar with Himiko? But…I…Um…don't want to hurt her…"
Killua laughed. "Hurt her? Trust me Izuku, that's not what you should be worried about."
"What do you mean-" The boy couldn't even finish his question because he felt his entire world flip upside down. He had no idea when or how, but Himiko had gotten behind him, grasped his arm and shoulder, and effortlessly flipped him over, slamming him face-first into ground. Sand filled his mouth and he grunted when he felt his shoulder tweak painfully as Himiko twisted it behind his back.
"First rule of fighting, never underestimate your opponent." Killua said with a grin. "Didn't I tell you that Himiko and I spar on a regular basis? That means she has a lot more experience than you do."
"Awe! That's so sweet of you to say, Killua~" Himiko smiled widely, clasping her cheek with one hand while holding Izuku's wrist with the other. Izuku gave a gasp of discomfort when she accidently twisted a little more, causing her to look down at his agonized expression. Instantly, her smile turned a bit creepier because she really enjoyed the look of pain on the young boy's face.
"Owe!" Izuku hissed. "G-Get off!" The green energy surrounding his body wasn't just for show and Himiko was taken a bit by surprise in the sudden increase in strength. Izuku pushed off the ground, wrenching his wrist out of Himiko's grasp and bucking her off his back. He immediately jumped away so he could get his bearings together.
Himiko stood a few feet away, her hand itching to draw the knife, but a single look from Killua stopped her.
Oh well. She could still watch Izuku suffer if she inflicted agony. Maybe she could incorporate both his embarrassment and pain at the same time. That might be fun!
"You want to test this power?" Killua asked. "Remember not to go easy on Himiko, because if you do, you'll end up in a world of pain."
Just looking into Himiko's eyes, Izuku knew Killua wasn't lying. He always thought the girl was slightly air-headed and overly cheerful girl, but now he was seeing a completely new side of her.
And honestly, it kinda scared him.
It was about an hour later that Izuku found himself laying on the sand, face down. His body was sore, bruised, and battered while sweat poured from his face. He was filthy from being tossed around on the beach by his opponent. The entire spar consisted of him trying everything in his power to land a single hit on Himiko Toga.
But he wasn't able to.
He clenched his teeth in frustration as he understood the clear difference between him and this girl. It was humbling to realize that even with this newfound control over One for All, he was next to useless against someone with far more fighting experience. She was able to easily read his movements like a book, despite his sudden increase in speed and strength. It all boiled down to the fact that he never had much combat training whatsoever, so he had no idea how to fight.
"I think that's enough." Killua said as he stood from his spot on the beach. The entire time Izuku was getting his ass handed to him, the assassin was switching between observing and being on his phone, looking at some recent news articles.
"Ah! Already?" Himiko whined. She was a little winded and a bit of sweat was started to drip down her cheek, but she was in much better condition than her opponent. "I was just about to get serious too!"
Hearing this made Izuku more frustrated because it was insinuating Himiko had not taken him seriously this whole time. Either he was extremely weak, or Himiko was ridiculously strong. Was it because of her quirk?
"So, how's the sand taste, Izuku?" Killua asked with a patronizing grin.
Izuku's arms felt like lead, but he managed to push himself to a seated position. "I…have a long way to go."
"Glad you see that now." Killua said. "But don't get discouraged. Your quirk just developed recently, so your body is still trying to get accustomed to it."
Midoriya looked up at him, feeling a little better about himself now…that was until Killua had to open his mouth again.
"But don't use that as an excuse. Himiko was holding back a lot, and you still didn't manage to land a single hit on her."
Both Himiko and Killua could see the storm cloud forming over Izuku's head as his spirits came crashing down. It was the truth after all. Himiko was at her strongest when she was wielding a knife. So, fighting like this was a bit awkward for her, having to rely on holds, grapples, and throws. She still has vast amounts of experience compared to the young boy, so she was able to completely thrash him despite the different in raw strength and speed.
"W-Was she using her quirk?" Izuku asked. "Was that why I couldn't do anything against her?"
"Tee-Hee, I actually didn't even use my quirk." Himiko said cheerfully.
"W-WHAT!" Izuku felt his soul being crushed again. All his efforts were useless, and Himiko didn't even use her quirk during the fight!?
This was a truly humbling experience.
"Stop moping around, Dude." Killua said, rolling his eyes. He then turned to Himiko, who was watching Izuku's expression with glee.
Thankfully, his sulking only lasted for a few moments and he was able to suck it up. All Might did a good job of working that attitude out of him…mostly. If this were 10 months ago, before he started training, Izuku would've probably spent the rest of the night depressed.
"Himiko…Thanks for the spare, but…um…I need to talk to Killua in private about a couple things before the nights over." He trailed off.
"Muumuu~ You're going to talk about secrets again, aren't you!" She accused them. "I want to Know!"
"You haven't scratched me yet." Killua said flatly. "Now get out of here."
"Humph! You guys are so mean, hiding secrets from me!" She did an about face. "Fine though, I'll just have to cut you up nice and good so you'll spill all the good stuff."
The two boys sweat dropped as Himiko walked away, plotting a bloody plan.
"W-What did she mean…cut you up?" Izuku asked, staring at the retreating form of their mutual friend.
Killua gave a disgruntled sign as he scratched the back of his head. Himiko couldn't keep her mouth shut, could she? "Sometimes, she fights with her nails. She thinks that might be the best way to scratch me…I guess."
"Um…Killua…" Izuku said once Himiko was out of ear shot. "Is there…something wrong with her?"
"Yes, but don't worry about it. Himiko knows her boundaries."
"I've…never seen her like that. And I never knew she was that strong."
"Like I said, we spar a lot so she can burn off some of her…endless energy." Killua said as he glanced over at him. "But that's not important right now. What did you want?"
Izuku shakily pushed himself to his feet before meeting his friends gaze. There was a little hesitation, but his resolve remained. "Thanks for telling me about your quick…" he started. "But…I still don't understand how it can be granted to another person. It doesn't make sense to me."
Killua pressed his lips together, his mouth forming a line before his eyes narrowed a little. A couple days ago, he would've probably told Izuku the truth about Nen…
But now…
"Izuku, do you really think I'm going to tell you how it works, just so you can rat me out to Bakugou?"
Midoriya Izuku felt like Killua just punched him in the stomach. There was a mixture of feelings running through him, from shame, to guilt, to even anger.
"I didn't mean to say all that! It just…I just…"
"You already told me your reasons and frankly, I don't care how you try to justify it." Killua said honestly.
"I-I promise, I won't tell anyone!" Izuku responded, feeling even more upset.
"And I'm sure you said the same thing to the person who gave you your quirk, am I wrong?"
Another punch in the gut. Even All Might's small chastisement didn't hurt as much as Killua's words.
The young assassin gave a sigh as he put his hands in his pockets. "I don't know who gave you your quirk…" A lie. "and won't ask because its none of my business. But whoever did probably ask you not to tell anyone. I'm an exception because I more or less caught you off guard and forced it out of you…I apologize for that." He said, reaching up and scratching the back of his head. "But besides me, the first person you told this secret to was Bakugou of all people. Your lifelong bully, a person who abandoned you when he realized you were quirk less. If you're really willing to divulge a secret that important to someone like him, how can I trust you with my secret? A secret that might have a devastating impact on…well…everything."
Izuku's eyebrows were scrunched. The disappointing tone in in friends voice clearly told him that there was a point Killua was willing to trust him with this information. Losing the trust of his friend…
It hurt…
"I'm…I'm sorry."
"It's in the past now." Killua waved him off. "Show me that I can trust you to keep a secret like this and I'll tell you one day."
"…Yeah…" Izuku said, still sounding depressed. "Does Himiko know?"
"No way!" Killua said, shaking his head. "She's a friend, but you've probably realized she's got a few screws loose. You're the only person I've told about my ability to grant a quirk, and I intend to keep it that way."
"So, you don't plan on giving Himiko your quirk?"
"Hell no!" Killua looked at him like he was crazy. Just imagining the insane girl with Aura sounded like a nightmare. She was already a handful to deal with, but if he unlocked her Nen, it would be disastrous. The only reason he even considered Izuku was because he knew the boy would be responsible with it.
Himiko would not. It was a huge possibility that she'd accidently unlock someone else's aura, or even reveal its existence to the world. That would change everything, so he needed to be extra careful when telling anyone about how it worked…and if he would ever give it to someone.
Izuku looked surprised for a few moments, but chuckled a little at Killua's response. Though he still felt bad about how this conversation went, he was happy they could joke around and have a few laughs. He just wished there wasn't that lost trust between them.
The assassin seemed to sense his thought process.
"Don't feel too bad about this. To be honest, you're better off not knowing anything." Killua said, though it did little to brighten the mood.
"I'll…I'll regain your trust Killua." Izuku said, that signature determination returning igniting in his eyes. "Not just because I want to know more about your quirk, but because you're my friend."
Killua blinked a few times as a silhouette of Gon overshadowed Izuku for a second. It was just for a moment before it returned to normal. Izuku and Gon were two very different people, but they did share a lot of similarities. After the whole fiasco with Pitou, Gon was also very apologetic about the way he acted, and Killua forgave him…mostly.
Just then, the assassin felt like a huge hypocrite. How could he berate Izuku about trust when he had so much to hide? There were so many lies between them that it was almost comical that Killua could criticize anything his friend did.
"Heh," He looked away and stretched his arms in the sky. "I'll see you tomorrow. If you want another spar with Himiko, just let me know. You'll need a lot more experience before you take me on. But, if you're lucky, we might have an exercise at school where we need to fight…and if that happens, you'll see just how far you need to go."
"Are you really that strong?"
Killua simply smirked before turning and walking away.
"Wow, I didn't expect another exercise so quickly. If we're going to spar, then Izuku might get the fight he was looking for." Killua thought to himself. It was literally the next day that he found himself standing out on the field with the rest of Class 1-A as instructed by Aizawa. All of them were dressed in their gym uniforms, meaning they probably had some kind of physical assessment. What would it be this time? Another apprehension exam? Quirk training? Sparing?
"I've reviewed the footage of yesterday's combat exercise." Aizawa said in his usual tired drawl. "And there are many areas where improvement is critical. I'm not expecting you to act perfectly since all of you are just students, but I am expecting you to better yourselves with every lesson. It doesn't matter if you won or lost, there is always something to be learned and areas in which can be improved."
The class nodded in agreement. Most of them had already broke down their own exercises, trying to find out what went well, and what they could've done better.
Aizawa gazed over his class before his eyes fell on a certain white-haired boy. The kid was simply standing there, looking attentive. He blended in so well with the rest of the class that it didn't seem like there was anything strange about him.
It was unnerving.
Eraser head had seen the footage of Killua's match and Nezu had given him the same backstory he told All Might. Of course, Aizawa had raised a few concerns that were similar to the Number One Heroes, but Nezu still waved him off, saying everything was speculation until it was proven.
Based on everything he learned about the young boy, it made him wonder how it possible that the kid could simply stand there like a regular high school student. How could someone who could use such powerful Killing Intent look so normal in this setting?
When he watched the exercise footage, he'd seen the way Ashido and Aoyama froze when confronted. He saw the terror in their eyes and how they fled the scene after only a few moments. Intimidation as powerful as that was not something to be taken lightly…but Nezu was planning on using it to strengthen the resolve of the students.
While Aizawa agreed to an extent, he felt it was too much of a risk to let someone so potentially dangerous around his students. But if he were going to do anything, he'd need evidence. Zoldyck had dominated the entrance exam and got the highest score, passed the quirk apprehension test, and displayed vast amounts of potential, so there was literally no justifiable reason to expel him.
So, for now, the eraser hero would play Nezu's game.
Speaking of which.
"Killua Zoldyck…" He said, getting the attention of the white-haired boy. "Come over here."
The assassin cocked an eyebrow, but obliged by walked over to Aizawa, much to the curiosity of the other students.
"Yes, Sensei?"
Aizawa really didn't like what he was about to do, but he could also see the benefits. Despite his approach during the exercise, Killua's words to Ashido and Aoyama were not wrong. Hesitation would get anyone killed when facing a potentially dangerous villain. With that in mind, he turned his attention back to the class.
"The purpose of today's exercise is to strengthen your resolve. There will be many times where you face a villain who will do everything in their power to kill you." He started, getting a few uncomfortable looks from the students. Most of them already knew this, but it seemed like something so far in the future that they didn't see a reason to worry about it yet. "I suspect most of you saw what happened during Zoldyck and Sato's match against Ashido and Aoyama?"
Killua looked over at his teacher, realizing what he was about to instruct him to do. Strengthen a person's resolve against someone with the intent to kill…it was pretty obvious.
"I swear, you and the principal are trying to make everyone hate me, aren't you?" Killua accused flatly.
"If you didn't want Principal Nezu to take advantage of your ability, you shouldn't have been so liberal about using it." Aizawa countered in a monotone voice.
"Tsk." He had a point, though Killua didn't think anyone would be so blatant about using him for his ability. However, he had to admit, it was a pretty clever idea.
"W-Wait, you mean…" Mina said, looking over at Killua with a bit of fear. It just dawned on her where this conversation was going.
"That darkness…where no light can shine…" Aoyama looked just as terrified about experiencing that again.
"What's going on? What's the exercise going to be, Sir?" Iida asked chopping is hand forward.
"Everyone, calm down." Aizawa said, annoyance building in his voice. He turned to Killua before giving a disapproving glance. "Zoldyck, I don't like this one bit, but you know what I'm asking of you, right?"
"…The Principal discussed it with me, but I didn't think we'd go ahead and do it so soon."
"Then I'll leave the rest to you. Be sure to be done within an hour as we have other things we need to accomplish today." He said simply, pulling a sleeping bag out of nowhere.
"Hold on, that's it? You're just turning the class over to me?" Killua asked in disbelief.
"Yep. This is the first time we're doing something like this, so I'll let you handle it."
"…That seems pretty irresponsible to leave the entire class in the hands of a student."
Aizawa looked over at him with an eyebrow raised. "You can't handle it? Geeze, I guess Principal Nezu was wrong in thinking you could handle this task if all you're going to do is complain."
Killua's eye twitched in annoyance. "Says the guy taking a nap while leaving his student to do all the work." He gave a sigh. "But…I'll see what I can do."
"That's more like it." Aizawa said with a yawn. He started dragging his sleeping bag over to a shaded part of the building. "I'll also leave grading up to you as well. Wake me up when you're done."
"Osu." Killua rolled his eyes.
"Hang on Sensei!" Iida exclaimed. "What is the meaning of this? Why are you delegating the immense responsibility of teaching the class to one of the students!?"
There was a murmur of agreement from the other students, but Aizawa ignored them as he flopped to the ground. Among all the students, Izuku in particular was looked between there teacher and his friend. What was going on here? Why did their Sensei leave the class to Killua?
Seeing that the class was not going to get an answer from their teacher, everyone turned back to their fellow student, questioning expressions on their faces.
"Don't look at me. I didn't think he'd simply dump his responsibility." Killua said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.
Iida looked like he was about to ask the same question he asked Aizawa, but Bakugou beat him to the punch.
"Hey! White-haired freak!" He suddenly shouted. It looked as if his anger was slowly building up when he realized what was going on. "What the hell are you doing, Huh? What makes you so special that they put you in charge of the class? You think you're better than me? Is that it?"
"…So, you think…They put me in charge of the class…because I think I'm better than you…" Killua parroted in disbelief. "What does that have to do with anything, Dumbass?" From his outburst, it just sounded like Bakugou wanted to scream because Killua was getting more of the spotlight than him. Seriously, what was wrong with this guy?
"What the hell did you say!?" Tiny explosions popped off his hands as a huge vein throbbed in his forehead.
"While I don't agree with the way Bakugou phrased the question, he does have a point." Yaoyorozu said. "Would you care to explain what's going on? Why would Aizawa-Sensei leave you to teach the period?"
"Trust me, this was not my idea." Killua said. "That being said, does anyone remember what I talked about after yesterday's exercise?"
"…I remember you mentioning something about intimidating Ashido and Aoyama with Killing Intent." Yaoyorozu said, crossing her arms.
"Then I have a question to the class. Besides those two…" he pointed at Ashido and Aoyama, who flinched a little. "Who here has experienced Killing Intent before?"
As expected, none of them raised their hands. They looked between each other, seeing if anyone else had, but no one was confident enough to confirm. In fact, he wouldn't be surprised if this was the first time they ever heard of it.
"Um, Zoldyck…" Jiro started as she raised her hand.
"Ok, I'm tired of saying this over and over again. Everyone, just call me Killua." He addressed the entire class. "But, what is it?"
"…Killua." Jiro corrected herself. "Maybe it would help if you explained what Killing Intent is. Even if you ask us whether we've felt it before, it might be possible that we have, but not realized it."
"Good point." Killua nodded. "But it's easier to show you then explain what it is. Trust me, if you've felt true Killing Intent before, you'd know." He turned to Ashido and Aoyama. "Right?"
Slowly, the two kids nodded, still looking quite shook up by their experience.
"So, for this exercise, I'm going to show you what it feels like to experience Killing Intent." He said before he took a couple steps over to the side. He proceeded to drag his foot along the dirt to create a line. He then stood on one side of it while the rest of class 1-A stood on the other. "Your task is simple. Cross this line and you pass. Easy, right?" He gave an overly cheerful grin.
The Class blinked owlishly, wondering if this was really an exercise at all. None of them understood what was going on…
Except for Ashido and Aoyama. They knew firsthand what Killua's Killing Intent felt like. During the exercise, they weren't able to take a single step forward, rather they had to move to the side and burn a hole through the wall in order to escape.
"Are you fucking serious, you white haired freak?" Bakugou snapped. "This is a huge waste of time. Are you seriously saying your killing intent is strong enough to prevent me from moving forward? If so…" He glared hard at Killua, more explosions popping off his palms. "That means you're looking down on me. That pisses me off more than anything."
There was a small silence that followed, but it seemed a few students agreed with what Bakugou was saying. The line Killua drew was only about 15 feet away. Did he think they wouldn't be able to simply cross it? Did he think their resolve was that weak?
Killua snickered at their response. "If you think it'll be that easy, then do it. Show me how strong your resolve is. Show me…" The playful glint in his eye vanished completely and a sinister expression crossed his face. "How much being a hero means to you."
No one was prepared.
It felt like the force of a tsunami crashed into the class, waves of pure hostility slamming into their souls and awakening the most primal sense of terror. Every instinct within their genetic makeup screamed at them to run away, to hide, to get away from this horrifying creature. Eyes widened, hearts nearly stopped, and blood ran cold as it looked like almost no one had the resolve to take a single step into the abyss.
A moment later, one of the students couldn't handle the pressure anymore.
"M-M-MONSTER!" Mineta screamed as he fled to the other side of the field as fast as humanly possible. Seems like the tiny little kid had the weakest resolve out of everyone here.
"That's one down." Killua said in an icy tone. "Eighteen more to go. Makes me wonder if anyone here could actually stand against a real villain. I mean, how could you if you can't even stand against your classmate?"
Killua knew he was being unfair to these students, but Nezu had asked him to do this. While he wasn't using strong enough Nen to do any damage, having hostile intent behind his aura made the affect more terrifying. They would be ok if they managed to walk past him, but he wondered if anyone had the tenacity to do it.
The next one to break was Kaminari. It was a couple steps at first, but then he basically turned and ran off to where Mineta was sitting on the ground, curled up in a ball. With another person running off, it was like a domino effect. Most of the class only had enough steadfastness not to be the first or second to move away.
While they didn't run off like the other two, Yaoyorozu, Ojiro, Sero, Hagakure, and Sato all started taking a couple steps back, trying to abolish at least some of the fear that continued to build up the longer they stood there.
"W-What is this…?" Uraraka managed to choke out.
"This…This darkness…" Aoyama said, clenching his eyes closed. "It's…even worse…than before…." With that, he started taking a couple steps backwards. Apparently, his experience with Killua's Intent was the only thing that kept him from moving for that long.
No one had taken a single step forward, but that's what the assassin expected. They were all kids and most of them didn't have any experience in dealing with life and death situations. He didn't really expect any of them to cross the line…
But that's when someone surprised him.
Killua blinked a couple times before glancing down the line. His eyebrows raised slightly when he saw small explosions erupting from Bakugou's hands. With clenched teeth and fierce eyes, he moved his hands behind his body and let loose another small explosion…
Propelling him to take the first step forward.
"Huh…" Bakugou grunted through gritted teeth and a ferocious grin. "Is that…All…You got?" He said groused as he let loose another explosion. The force pushed him onward another few steps. It felt like he was walking through a powerful current, but he was pushing himself forward.
Much to Killua's surprise, his words and actions seemed to rally more students. No one else was paying much attention when Izuku suddenly started glowing green. His large eyes were fierce with determination as he also took a step forward.
"So…Manly…" Kirishima said when he noticed Bakugou moving forward. His own resolve seemed to increase as he activated his quirk and pushed himself to take a step.
"I need…to support…my family!" Ochako gasped, also stepping up.
"I…Will…Reject…Him…" Todoroki whispered, the ice building up on the right side of his body, forcing his foot forward.
"I wont run…again…Killua!" Mina snapped as she pushed her hardest to move her quivering legs.
"What the hell have you gotten yourself into, partner!?" A shadowy figure erupted from Tokoyami's stomach as it clawed at the ground, pulling the boy forward slowly.
"R-Revelry in the darkness…" Tokoyami hissed.
…What a surprising development. Honestly, Killua thought Bakugou was full of hot air, but it seemed like he had more resolve most people. Not only that, but he was actively inspiring quite a few of his classmates.
Unfortunately, the rest was frozen in place. Not moving forward, but not moving backwards either. Overall, it seemed the assassin did underestimate there resolve. Some of the students had tenacity and were a part of the hero course because something was driving them.
More explosions erupted from Bakugou's hands as he trudged forward, one step at a time. Izuku was following close behind, pushing his body to the limit of what his quirk allowed. The rest moved much slower. It took just a few moments later before Bakugou took one last step and passed the line, being the first to accomplish the exercise.
Out of all the people in his Class, Killua didn't expect Bakugou to be the one with the most resolve. Maybe there was some merit behind his inflated confidence. But now, with someone completing the exercise, the assassin reigned in his aura, dispelling the hostile intent and allowing the rest of the class to sigh in relief as they felt the pressure lifted off them.
Most were beyond words, unable to describe what just happened. It literally felt like swimming up a waterfall. Some were panting, trying to calm their raging heartbeats…but one person in particular was very cocky about his achievement.
"Ha! What do you say now, white haired freak?" Bakugou said, triumph clear in his voice. "You underestimated me! Did you really think I wouldn't do this stupid exercise? Did you think my drive to become a hero was that weak? I'm not like the rest of these losers who get scared when someone glares at them."
Killua gave Bakugou a flat look before slowly clapping his hand a few times. "Good for you Bakugou. You took a couple steps forward. I'm so proud of you. You know what, I think you're ready to fight a true bad guy now. Like the sludge villain." A faux look of revelation crossed his feature as he stopped clapping. "Oh, that's right, you were completely and totally helpless against that villain. My bad. I guess you're not that impressive just because you withstood a bit of killing intent."
The patronizing tone was thick in his voice and Bakugou looked like he was about to rupture a blood vessel. His face was burning red and his eyes blood-shot with rage.
"But what does that say about everyone else?" Killua ignored the enraged kid as he turned to the rest of the class. "This was a test of resolve. Frankly, I'm wondering why anyone is here if you can't even muster the willpower to walk fifteen feet forward."
"…" Bakugou was still pissed beyond belief, but he was a little taken aback by the tone in Killua's voice. From the way it was said, he should've sounded disappointed in the results of this test, but Killua sounded bored. From his tone alone, it didn't look sound he cared if anyone performed well or not.
He was just saying words to patronize them, to make them feel bad about their performance.
And that was maddening.
But as infuriating as it was to listen to, everyone couldn't help but agree with his statement. Most were frozen stiff with fear, allowing any competent villain to take advantage of an opening.
"So…that was it? That's what killing intent feels like?" Jiro asked in an uneven voice.
"It varies." Killua said. "Some people are more intimidating than others."
"Bullshit!" Bakugou snapped angrily, causing everyone to look over at him. "There's no way that was just Killing Intent. I felt real intent when I was captured by the sludge villain. He fully planned to kill me, but that feeling was nothing compared to what you just showed us!"
"…He's smarter than I gave him credit for. Maybe I was too blatant about calling my hostile Nen Killing Intent." Killua thought as he gave Bakugou a raised eyebrow and a smirk. Instead of answering him, the assassin addressed there teacher instead. "Sensei, do you think we've done enough for today?"
"Yes…" Aizawa said, eyeing Killua suspiciously. "Yes, we have. Based their performance, how would you grade them?"
Looking around at the fearful glances, Killua came to a consensus. "I'd say Bakugou was the only one who gets an A. I'll give an A- to Izuku since he came in close second. Anyone who took a single step forward or more gets a B. Those who didn't move at all get a C, and the rest straight up fail. You can't back down when you're scared, right Sensei?" He said with a cheerful smile. "Especially when your life is not the only one on the line."
"Yeah…I'll go with that then." Aizawa said, staring at Killua with a pensive gaze. It was so obvious this boy was only saying empty words. However true they might be, it didn't mean much if they were hollow.
"um…I was just winging it…" Killua said with a cocked eyebrow. "You're just too lazy to grade them yourself, aren't you?"
"Does anyone have any questions?" Aizawa ignored the accusation as he addressed the class.
Everyone looked between each other, but no one answered him. It looked like they were still freaked out by what they experienced, so they didn't know how to put it in words.
"Well, that's fine. I hope you all learned something about yourselves and how strong your resolve is to be a hero. Now, change back into your uniforms and get to class."
"…Class is still in session?" Killua asked.
"There are still a few things we need to discuss, such as picking a class representative." Aizawa said, looking around at his students. Some heads perked up in interest, but others were still too distracted. "While everyone is changing back into their uniforms, take a few moments to ponder what you learned about yourselves and your drive to be a hero. Also think about how you can improve yourselves to do better next time."
A chill went through the rest of the students as everyone looked horrified by the news.
"We-We're doing that again?" Hagakure asked, her voice sounding terrified.
"Until everyone in this class manages to cross the line, we will be doing this at least once a week." Aizawa said, glancing at Killua. "That won't be a problem, will it?"
"So, once a week, I have to take over the class?" Killua asked. "Seriously? Does that mean you're paying me for my time?"
"In your dreams, kid." Aizawa said with a grin.
"Tsk, Lazy-ass teacher."
Aizawa watched his students walk off the field, his gaze locked firmly on the retreating form of Killua Zoldyck. There were more reasons as to why he held this little exercise and it wasn't just to test the resolve of his students. It was also to test Killua.
No one knew, but when the young boy used his Killing Intent, Aizawa activated his quirk. Needless to say, he was very surprised when the Killing Intent did not vanish. He was sure his student was blowing smoke when he claimed this ability was purely his powerful intent. It had to be something more. He theorized that maybe it was part of his quirk…maybe his quirk wasn't electricity at all, but something else…
But that wasn't the case.
The Killing Intent remained firm under the watchful gaze of Aizawa.
Did that mean this boy was telling the truth? Could he produce such a strong intent at a young age? If so, that was even more disturbing. If it was part of his quirk, that could explain the power of his intent…but now…
He'd need to keep a closer eye on the boy.
No one had anything to say as the boys and girls went their separate ways to the locker rooms. You could feel the tension in the air as all the boys decided to keep their distance from the source of their stress.
Killua didn't mind it though. Nezu already told him they would probably react this way after feeling Killing Intent for the first time. They would be a little wary of him at first, but they would get over it eventually. So, the assassin didn't let his ostracization bother him.
He was in the middle of buttoning up his shirt when he realized that maybe he spoke to soon. Someone actually had the balls to approach him…besides Bakugou.
The green haired boy walked over to Killua while tightening up his tie and throwing on his uniform jacket.
"Izuku." Killua acknowledged while slipping one arm through his jacket. "I'm pretty surprised you didn't manage to cross the line. Does that mean Bakugou has more heroic resolve than you?"
Izuku frowned slightly before his expression turned thoughtful. He lowered his voice to the point where even Killua could barely hear him. "That Killing Intent…was that…an application of your quirk too?"
The assassin raised an eyebrow, impressed that his friend was able to tell. "…How did you know?"
Izuku bit his lower lip in thought, trying to find a way to explain. "I don't know…it just felt…kind of similar to the pressure I felt yesterday. It was…familiar…and different…it's hard to explain."
"Very good, Izuku." Killua said truthfully. The kid was smart and the assassin was impressed. "Despite it being an application of my quirk, the lesson was still the same. If you let fear overpower your resolve, you wouldn't be able to move forward. So, tell me…" Killua paused. "Did you let fear stop you?"
"…" Izuku paused for a moment, his eyes dipping. "It was similar to when I fought against the robots in the entrance exam. I couldn't move because I was so scared…until" his eyes widened in realization "Until I saw Uraraka in trouble. My body moved before I had the chance to think, and I saved her."
"And that's part of your problem." Killua said. "You think too much. You spend so much time analyzing before acting. It's the main reason you couldn't land a single hit on Himiko. So, are you saying that because someone wasn't in trouble, you didn't have the resolve to move forward?"
Izuku looked down again before nodding his head. "I think that's the case."
There was a pause before Killua chuckled. "We're a bit alike in that department."
Big eyes glanced up at him, interested in what he had to say.
"I used to overthink everything, analyzing every possibility to see if the outcome of a certain action was unquestionably in my favor…" the assassin said vaguely. "The problem with that way of thinking is that I underestimated myself. If I thought there was so much as a hint of something beyond my ability, I wouldn't even try to accomplish it. I would give up before doing anything, thus squandering my potential."
"…How did you overcome that?"
"By pulling a needle out of my head." "I had to move forward first, without worrying about failing. If the fear of failure prevents you from doing something, you already lost. You miss all the shots you don't take, right?"
"…I guess I worry too much sometimes." Izuku acknowledged. "I overanalyze, trying to find a solution to a problem before I act, which would be detrimental in a scenario where there's no time to plan."
"That's why Bakugou beat you today." Killua said. "When the unexpected happens, he was the first to act. No one expected to feel that kind of fear, but that didn't matter to him. I can't say I like him, but he had the most resolve out of everyone so far and chose to act despite not knowing the outcome."
There was another pause as Izuku thought about his friends' words. Nothing else was said between them as they finished getting changed before heading back to class.
Thankfully, A lot of the tension burned off by the time everyone had a moment to process and calm down. Though they were still a bit weary of their classmate, it was impressive how quickly they were starting to get over it.
Aizawa told them to vote for a class representative before zipping himself into his sleeping bag and falling flat on the floor. Or course, everyone in the class wanted to take the role because it was an opportunity to gain experience in leadership. So naturally, everyone was voicing their desire to lead…
Except for Killua.
He had no interest in the position.
Apparently, no one wanted him to be representative either because he got zero votes.
In the end, Izuku was nominated with four votes, one of them being from Killua himself simply because he didn't care who ended up in the position. The rest of the class period consisted of Izuku stuttering his way through being elected while Momo Yaoyorozu was elected as deputy representative. All in all, it was pretty boring.
"…You know, how are you going to bond with your classmates if you keep eating with me?"
"Because I know you'd be lonely if I didn't."
"…you know just what to say to piss me off."
Hitoshi Shinso and Killua Zoldyck were once again eating lunch at the same table. The cafeteria was fully loaded with students from all courses.
Shinso looked to where most of the students from class 1-A were sitting and noticed a few stealing glances at Killua behind his back. They weren't friendly glances though, rather an array of different expressions from fear, to curiosity, to confusion. It was pretty weird.
"So, I don't know if you noticed or not…"
"I noticed…" Killua said as he took another bite or rice.
"Do I want to know why your classmates are looking at you the same way my classmates look at me?"
"…It might have something to do with a certain lesson I gave last period."
"You gave a lesson?" Shinso asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Eh, our teacher can be lazy sometimes." Killua said with a shrug. "But you remember when you took control of me during the entrance exam, and how piss off I got at you?"
"Yeah…it's hard to forget."
"Well, turns out the Principal was interested in having the rest of the students get some experience in dealing with Killing Intent." He said, taking another bite. "I used it against the entire class, and they're kinda scared of me right now."
"…I don't really blame them." Shinso said, munching on a pork cutlet. "You're a pretty scary dude."
"C'mon, it wasn't that bad, right?"
Shinso gave him a deadpanned stare, causing the assassin to roll his eyes. "Ok, I guess it's bad for someone who hasn't experienced it yet."
"And those with low will power." He added with a smirk.
"…you can be a real asshole, you know that?"
Killua opened his mouth to retort, but stopped himself when something caught his attention. While he wouldn't call himself the best at sensing bloodlust, his life as an assassin certainly helped in recognizing it. Especially when the source wasn't even trying to conceal itself.
Which was why the assassin paused when he felt a bloodlust somewhere. It was nothing compared to his own overwhelming intent, but it was noticeable…and subtle. So subtle that it would be impossible to feel unless you had some form of training to recognize it.
And someone else was producing the intent nearby.
Shinso raised an eyebrow in confusion when he saw Killua suddenly lower his spoon and close his eyes. There was an awkward silence between them, but the mind-controller simply shrugged and continued eating.
Killua on the other hand was trying to reach out his senses and find the hostile intent. He could tell that no one in the cafeteria was emitting it, so he concluded that it must be a bit further away. The perimeter of the school maybe? Was someone hostile hidden in the crowd of press? That would be the most logical conclusion as it would be easy to blend in.
Then again, it wouldn't matter if the person emitting the intent stayed beyond the U.A. wall. There was probably a lot of people, especially villains, who hated this school. Add a plethora of well-known heroes as teachers, and any villain would be cross if they came within 10 feet of this place.
Opening his eyes, Killua picked up his spoon and took another bite of his food. If there was someone hostile outside the perimeter, then it wasn't any concern of his. The walls would prevent them from entering and the teachers would probably handle it if they managed to break in.
At least, that's what Killua thought before he realized the intent had suddenly vanished for a split second before reappearing in a completely different place.
Inside the school.
"What!" Killua thought to himself as he dropped the spoon again, reaching out his senses to make sure he wasn't imagining things. How the hell did that happen? He knew for a fact the hostile intent was outside the perimeter…but now it was clearly inside the building.
"So…want to tell me what you're doing?" Shinso asked, unable to take the awkward silence anymore.
Killua didn't respond as he tried to figure out what he wanted to do. He reached out his senses again and tried to associate a nearby aura signature with the intent. It took a few moments, but he managed to do it. That's when he realized there were two signatures in that specific area, although only one of them gave off a hostile intent.
How did they get into the building so quick? It was only a split second before it appeared in the building. A teleportation quirk, maybe? If so, this situation just got a whole lot more difficult.
There was another question building up in his mind concerning one of the signatures. It felt…familiar. Why? Who did it belong to? Did one of his opponents from a previous match figure out the Hunter's identity and came to the school to exact revenge? Did Himiko rat him out?
He didn't know, but needed to find out. All his past opponents could probably snap any of these students in half. Although he didn't really care for most of them, he didn't want their blood on his hands.
Shinso was a bit startled when Killua suddenly stood from his spot, a serious look in his eyes.
"Dude, what's gotten into you?"
Before the assassin could answer, an ear-shattering alarm sounded in the cafeteria. Everyone went from joyfully eating food, to a full-on panic because the alert signified a Level 3 security breach. It was complete and utter chaos as countless bodies began bottle-necking through the slim doorway leading to the exit.
This was bad.
Killua realized right away that this was some kind of diversion. The teachers would be preoccupied with controlling the crowd instead of finding the intruder. Whoever had staged this was smart enough to realize teleporting into the building wouldn't be a good idea with so many pro heroes around.
Instead of following the crowd, Killua stood there, debating what he wanted to do. Should he go after the intruder to see what was going on? Should he follow the crowd and act like nothing's wrong? Each option had its pros and cons. If he did confront the intruder, he'd have to explain why he didn't evacuate the building like everyone else to the teachers. But if he chose to ignore it, someone might get hurt. After all, this intruder had a familiar aura and killing intent, meaning it was someone his persona as the Hunter had run into before. If a person was here because they found out his identity, then Killua needed to do something about it.
"Earth to Killua!" Shinso said, already standing from his seat. "We have to get out of here! That's a Level 3 security breach alarm."
"…" After a couple seconds of thinking, the assassin came to a consensus. "Go on ahead, I'll catch up later."
Shinso was stunned for a few moments, looking at him like he was crazy.
"Hold on! Where are you going? The exit is that way!" he shouted, pointing to the wall of students as they tried to push themselves through the narrow doorway. "Hey! Killua!"
Killua didn't respond as he made his way to the other side of the cafeteria and left through a different exit. He didn't have time to get stuck in a traffic jam because the signatures were moving quickly through the hallway, stopping at different places for a moment before moving on. It gave off the impression that it was looking for something specific.
He stopped moving and gave a frustrated sign because a certain brain-washing student was on his tail.
"Don't follow me." Killua said, looking over his shoulder.
"Where the hell are you going?" Shinso asked, his eyes narrowing. "You were acting weird right before the alarm went off…do you know something?"
Killua pursed his lips in frustration, berating himself for being so obvious. He was hoping that he could slip away unnoticed, but the alarm went off before he could and now, he looked suspicious in front of one of his classmates.
"I have no idea what's going on…" Killua said honestly. "But I can sense something is wrong."
"What are you talking about?" Shinso asked.
Killua was feeling anxious because the signatures had stopped moving a few moments ago. Whatever these guys were looking for, it seemed to have found it. He didn't have time to shake Shinso or come up with a believable excuse. If he just disappeared using his insane speed, that would look extremely suspicious, as if he were part of the reason there was a proximity breach.
But he needed to gain intel before the intruders teleported away. He needed to find a way to prevent that from happening…
…Wait a moment…
Killua stared at Shinso, an idea forming in his head. His fellow student might be extremely useful here. If they managed to get the intruder with the teleportation quirk under his control, they might learn some interesting things about why the intruder is here without them instantly getting away.
But it was risky. This was a dangerous situation he was pulling Shinso into. The mind-controller probably had no experience in dealing with villains, so this could go south quickly.
Then gain…
"I don't have time to answer your question, so either leave or come on. But if you follow me, you might get in trouble."
Shinso was even more confused, but he didn't get a chance to ask because Killua was already running the hallway again. He debated with himself for a few moments before gritting his teeth in frustration. Curiosity had won the battle and he started sprinting after his fellow student. Sure, he could try to use his quirk to get Killua to evacuate with everyone else, but he also remembered how pissed off Killua was last time.
He didn't want to feel that again.
Shigaraki was working quickly to extract the data he needed from the terminal. The distraction had been a huge success, meaning he didn't have any staff stopping him as he freely roamed the school database, downloading information he needed for their future plans.
Behind him was the misty form of Kurogiri.
"We need to be quick." He said, watching Shigaraki download the information he needed onto a flash drive. It was slightly amusing to watch his leader precariously tap on the keyboard with extreme caution, making sure never to touch it with all five of his fingers at the same time. What an inconvenient quirk. Tomura also decided to do this mission without wearing hands all over his body as that would've probably looked suspicious in front of the press gathered outside the school.
"This worked out much better than expected." Shigaraki replied. "With all the teachers trying to control the chaos outside, it was so simple to find a terminal and get the information we needed. I can't believe they fell for such a simple diversion."
Kurogiri didn't respond because he was use to his partners antics. "If you're done, I suggest we leave. Be sure to use the scripts on the drive to erase any evidence you were here as the teachers might look up database activity history."
"I know!" Shigaraki snapped. "We can't have them figuring out what we stole, as that would give them an idea of what we're after."
Little did the two villains know, Killua and Shinso were standing there, backs pressed against the wall right beside the door, listening to every word being said. Killua had snuck a glance before pulling back out of view.
Shinso's eyes were wide with horror when he realized what was going on after a couple sentences. He simply couldn't believe what was happening. How in the world did two villains infiltrate U.A. without anyone knowing? How did they cause the Media to break in and cause the diversion? What were they after?
He stole a shaky glance at Killua, who was standing there, simply listening in on the conversation. The calm look in his eyes was more than a little unnerving, as if this kind of delicate circumstance didn't mean anything to him. Why was he so calm? Didn't he realize that there were intruders in that room, stealing sensitive information?
Killua glanced over at Shinso's frightened face, his own expression turning more serious. "We should use your quirk to capture them." He whispered quietly.
Shinso's eyes widened even further when his brain processed Killua's words.
"A-Are you insane?" He hissed. "We need to call the teachers."
"They'll be long gone by the time they get here." Killua said simply. "Your quirk should be enough to capture them, right?"
This situation was actually much better than the assassin thought. Right when he heard the voice, he easily recognized it as Shigaraki. Meaning that the other person was probably Kurogiri since the teleporter was a part of the league of Villains. This was good news because that meant these two were not here because of him and Killua's alternate identity as the Hunter was still intact.
But this also meant these intruders were here for another reason. What were they after?
Shinso pursed his lips, still scared about the current situation. "M-My quirk is difficult to use on multiple people. If I'm not careful, I might fall unconscious, so it's best to only control one person at a time. I…I haven't practiced much with it."
This was news to Killua. He assumed there would be a couple drawbacks to a quirk as powerful as Shinso's, but he hoped that wouldn't be one of them. "Alright, then make sure to control the misty guy. I'll take out the other one."
"We're students!" Shinso hissed a little too loudly. "We're not allowed to use our quirks to fight crime yet. We need to get a teacher, right now!"
"I heard something! Someone is there!"
Shinso felt his stomach drop as he realized how loud he accidently said that. He could feel his heart thumping against his chest like a caged bear trying to break free.
Killua remained calm, though he was a little annoyed at losing their element of surprise. He wished he'd came alone instead of bringing Shinso with him as the boy was proving to be more of a liability than anything. But instead of worrying about it, the assassin simply put on an innocent face and walked in front of the doorway.
"Huh? I think we got lost in all the chaos." Killua said loudly to Shinso. "The exit's in this direction, right? I swear, this campus is so big, you can't find anything." He looked into the room to see Shigaraki and Kurogiri, staring at him with wide eyes. Instead of acting surprised, a naive smile formed on Killua's lips. "Oh! Hey, here's someone we can ask."
Shinso's heart rammed against his ribcage as he realized what Killua was trying to do. He couldn't believe this! They only had one option now! How did he find himself in this situation?
"Excuse us…" Killua said with an overly cheerful smile. "You wouldn't happen to know where the exit is, do you? We're all supposed to be evacuating because of the security breach."
Shigaraki and Kurogiri glanced between each other before looking back at the young student. At first, Killua almost didn't recognize Shigaraki because he wasn't wearing the hands on his face. His aura signature didn't lie though.
"Shigaraki, what should we do?" Kurogiri asked. "Shall I deal with them?"
"We can't reveal our hand yet. If students end up missing because of this, they'll tighten security and we might ruin our chance."
Of course, they had this discussion loud enough for both Killua and Shinso to hear. However, Killua thought it would be best to play dumb.
"Hm? What are you guys talking about?" He asked, glancing over at Kurogiri. "Wow! What kind of quirk do you have? I've never seen one like that before." He glanced over to see Shinso standing there, completely freaked out. He grabbed the mind-controllers sleeve and pulled him into view. "What about you? Have you seen a quirk like this before?"
This was a perfect opportunity for Shinso to ask a question and gain control over one of them. However, the boy was too scared to even think about doing anything. He simply stared at them, obviously terrified out of his mind in the face of these two villains.
"You kids are lost?" Kurogiri asked, trying to gain control of the situation. "If you want to find the exit, you'll have to keep heading down this hallway." While he was talking, Shigaraki discreetly plucked the drive out of the computer terminal and stowed it away in his pocket.
"Oh? Really? Thanks!" Killua said. "But what about you guys? Aren't you heading towards the exit too?"
"We still have matters to attend to." Kurogiri said. "So please, make your way to the exit and remember to watch out for intruders."
Ok, it didn't look like Shinso was going to do anything, so this left Killua with less options. He could either walk away, risk free. Or he could confront the intruders right here and now, jeopardizing Shinso's safety in the process.
Shinso had a similar thought process when he realized what was going on. They could leave right now and inform a teacher, but they had minimal information at best. These villains would be long gone by the time the teachers got here, and if they erased their activity in the database, then there would be no way for the Heroes to figure out what happened.
Through the veil of fear, he grit his teeth in an attempt to calm his raging heartbeat. He was still completely terrified, but took a deep breath and gave a forced smile as he made his choice.
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. But do you need our help with something here? We could all go to the exit faster if we work together on whatever you're doing."
"…That's a very generous offer, young ma-"
The instant the warp villain stopped in mid-sentence, Killua knew what happened. He grinned, impressed with Shinso's compliance to the plan before turning to the other person in the room.
"Not bad, Shinso."
Shigaraki looked confused for a split second and barely had time to leap back before an electric charged strike could land against his stomach. It surprised Killua a bit since he didn't realize this villain was so fast. Maybe Tomura Shigaraki wasn't as helpless in a fight as he first thought.
"What are you doing?" the villain hissed angrily.
"Huh? What does it look like, dumbass?" Killua said with a smirk, sparks of electricity dancing down his arm. "Did you really think you were fooling anyone? With a breach in security along with an invasion of press, the teachers would be preoccupied in containing the chaos, so you clearly aren't staff. You aren't wearing a uniform, so you aren't students either. There's only one logical conclusion, right?"
"Kurogiri!" Shigaraki snapped, realizing they had been outed. "Get us out of here, NOW!"
The misty villain didn't react in the slightest. He simply stood there.
"W-What have you doing!" The villain shouted, reaching up and scratching his neck furiously. He turned his raging stare against the two boys. "What have you done to HIM!?"
"Wouldn't you like to know." Killua said. "The bigger question is what have YOU done? What are you doing here? Who are you?"
A pause followed for a few moments, the only sound in the room was the obnoxious scratching noise from the villain as he clawed at his neck.
"You…Damn…KIDS! Who the hell do you think you're dealing with!? You will not win this game! I'll disintegrate you!" Shigaraki looked like his sanity broke as he rushed at Killua, his fingers twitching in anticipation.
To his great surprise, Killua countered by grabbing the villain's wrist, pulling him forward and slamming his elbow into his stomach. Shigaraki screeched in pain as an agonizing jolt of electricity coursed through his body. He fell backwards onto the floor, a couple arcs of energy bouncing around his body, leaving him a twitching mess.
"Shinso! Now would be a good time to call a teacher!" Killua said, not taking his eyes off Shigaraki. "I'll keep this guy occupied."
If looks could kill, Shinso and Killua would be eviscerated. Shirgaraki's eyes were blood shot and his teeth shown as he snarled in outrage. He simply couldn't believe this was happening. It was only supposed to be a quick in and out, but it turned into a disaster. Kurogiri wasn't responding, and he was at the mercy of these children.
Rage flooded his veins as he lay on his back. The humiliation was almost more than he could bare. At that moment, there was nothing he wanted more than to make these two kids crumble to dust. But just as he was about to lose his mind completely, a soothing calmness encompassed his thoughts. He remembered his real goal and how these kids were insignificant compared to it. There was no way he could afford to compromise his mission, just to exact revenge on a couple of brats.
There would be another chance later.
With that in mind, Shigaraki opened both his hands and placed all five fingers on the cold tiles.
Shinso was just about to dial the number when the entire ground beneath them disintegrated. A second later, all four of them were in free fall to the floor below. The sudden shock of this sensation was enough for Shinso to lose control over Kurogiri. The warp villain quickly realized what was going on before warping underneath Shigaraki, encompassing him in the mist and teleporting them away.
Killua growled in annoyance. He'd heard about Shigaraki's quirk, but didn't know the extent of his abilities. They were falling to the floor below. While he'd be fine, Shinso would break something if he landed wrong.
As quickly as possible, the assassin reached into his pocket and withdrew one of his Yo-Yo's, whipping it passed the boy and circling the wires around his right leg. With a quick yank, Shinso shouted in surprise as he was thrown near the edge of the wall before the wire of the Yo-Yo caught on a pultruding piece of rebar.
The assassin then released the loop of the Yo-Yo from his finger and continued to fall, landing graceful on the ground. Just in case Shigaraki and Kurogiri showed up again to finish the job, Killua was on full alert. He waited, watching for the black mist to appear somewhere and the fight to continue.
But it didn't.
There was a long, awkward pause before Killua finally relaxed and looked up at Shinso. The poor boy was swaying back and forth, still caught by his right leg as he hung upside down. If this were any other experience, it might have looked hilarious. But now was not the time to laugh.
"…What the hell just happened!" Shinso snapped from his position, feeling the blood rushing to his head.
"Tsk…They got away."
"So, would you mind explaining what happened?"
Currently, Killua and Shinso were standing in front of Nezu, All Might, and Aizawa. Aizawa looked pissed while Nezu and All Might had a calmer expression. There was no levity in the air, so both boys could tell this was a serious situation.
Killua 100% blamed Shinso for this confrontation. The assassin wanted to keep this entire experience on the down low, but Nooo! Shinso had to be a goodie two shoes and tell the teachers right away. Of course, they were summoned to the principal's office to explain what happened and why there was a massive hole in one of the school floors.
"Sorry Principal Nezu." Killua said cheerfully. "We got lost during the chaos and happened to stumble across those two intruders."
Shinso glanced at Killua briefly before looking back at the three faculty members. He knew Killua was lying through his teeth, especially since he knew exactly where to look for the villains. Why was he lying? How did Killua know in the first place? What was going on?
"Why did you engage the villains?" Aizawa said. "You know it's illegal to use your quirks before you have a license."
"They attacked us!" Killua said. "Doesn't the law say you can use your quirk for self-defense if necessary. I don't know about you, but getting attacked by intruders seems like a really good reason to me."
Aizawa narrowed his eyes as he glanced over at Shinso, who had been pretty quiet up till now. "Is that true?"
The boy in question paused for a few moments before opening his mouth. "Yes. One of the villains attack us, so I used my quirk to stop him. Killua tried to neutralize the other…but the floor was disintegrated and that broke my control over the first villain."
Killua was honestly surprised Shinso was sticking his neck out for him, though he didn't show it on his face. He thought for sure the Mind-controlling student would sell him out since he was so adamant about telling the teachers. But he didn't…why?
"Did you happen to hear what they were after?" Nezu asked, changing the subject.
"Not exactly. They said something about getting information from the database. They also talked about deleting any database activity before they noticed us." Shinso said.
"And…well…there is this." Killua said with a smirk, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small object. Both teachers and Shinso looked to see what he was holding.
A flash drive.
Shinso looked confused for a few moments before his eyes widened. "Wait, isn't that…"
"Yep." Killua said. "I managed to swipe it when I landed a hit on the villain. I mean, it looked important, so why not take it?"
"What is that?" Nezu asked.
"Don't know." Killua responded, tossing the drive to Aizawa, who snagged it out of the air. "But I saw one of them remove it from the terminal before they attacked us."
"A flash drive…" All Might said, "So they were trying to steal sensitive information from the school database…"
"Villains are getting bolder and bolder." Nezu said. "Which is surprising since we have All Might at the school."
Aizawa looked down at the flash drive before narrowing his eyes at the boys again. "Self-defense, huh? If you were using purely self-defense, why risk your safety to get this?"
"Damn it! Aizawa is clever." Killua thought to himself. He simply shrugged through. "I saw an opportunity and I took it. Are you going to punish me for that?"
"I'm considering it."
"…This is troubling." All Might said in his deep, masculine voice. "A villain with a disintegration quirk…that would explain how the press managed to get through U.A.'s perimeter." He looked over at the drive. "We need to focus on what kind of information they were after. Maybe that will clue us in on one of their goals."
"I agree." Nezu said, before glancing over at the two boys. "Your actions were reckless. When you realized those two were intruders, you should've gone straight to a teacher."
"You mean all the teachers that were escorting students? Or trying to control the press?" Killua asked sarcastically.
"Your tone is not appreciated, Young man. Even if the teachers were busy, you should not have endangered yourselves. Next time, you are to run away and find help as soon as you realize what's going on, am I clear?" All Might said sternly. His voice was commanding and his presence was full of authority. But to Killua, it was just another person trying to order him around.
"Osu…" Killua said half-heartedly.
"Yeah…" Shinso responded as well. Thought it didn't feel good to be scolded by the number one hero, it was an honor to meet him. At least they got away without too much of a punishment.
There was silence between Shinso and Killua as they walked back to their respective classes, but Killua had a feeling that his fellow student had a few questions on his mind.
And he was right.
"So…do you want to tell me how you knew about the intruders, and why you decided to lie to the staff about what happened?" Shinso asked, glancing over at Killua.
"If I said no, would you use your quirk on me to get me to answer?"
"I think you're overestimating my quirk." Shinso said with a sigh. "I can't force people to preform higher brain functions. But that's beside the point…Listen." They stopped walking down the hallway. "We don't know each other that well, so I wouldn't call us friends, but I did stick my neck out for you there. Don't you think I deserve an answer to my question? At least so I can believe you aren't in league with them?"
The statement was a bit startling to Killua, but he gave the mind-controller a flat look. "First of all, if I was somehow involved, I would've left them alone instead of causing a scene." Killua pointed out before scratching the back of his head. "But to answer your question, it was because I could sense a hostile intent somewhere."
"…What does that mean?" Shinso asked.
"You remember the entrance exam, right?" Killua responded. "How you felt my Killing Intent?"
"That was me practically bludgeoning you with hostile intent because you really pissed me off." Killua said. "But there are different levels of intent people give off. I've learned to recognize even the faintest hostile intent, even if it's not necessary directed at me."
"…Are you saying you could figure out where he was based on his intent alone?" Shinso asked, clear disbelief in his voice. "That's impossible."
"And yet, you knew the Killing Intent you felt at the entrance exam was coming from me. Can you explain how?"
Shinso paused for a few moments, but he couldn't confirm. He just knew the hostile intent was coming from Killua before he even looked into his eyes.
"If trained in the right way, you can sense hostile intent from pretty far away, especially when it was as strong as the intruders. I don't know why, but it felt like the intruder had some kind of grudge…either against this place, or against some of the people here."
Shinso still didn't look that convinced. "And the part where you lied?"
Killua's had a coy look on his face. "I just didn't want to get in trouble for seeking out a villain. Thanks for sticking your neck out for me. You're a real pal."
"…" Shinso stared at Killua with a look of absolute disbelief. "You're unbelievable!"
"Hey, you decided to go along with it. You aren't even in the hero course, so do you think your sentence would've been lighter than mine?"
"Point taken, but next time, the first thing we are doing is calling a teacher." Shinso said firmly.
"Will there even be a next time? I'm pretty sure they're going to increase security after this." They started walking down the now bare hallways. "So, what did you think about facing your first villain?"
"…Terrifying." Shinso said after a moment of thought. "But…I felt useful."
"You were. That warp guy was no joke. If you didn't get him under your control, he could've warped us 100 feet in the air and left us falling to our deaths."
"…Like I said, terrifying." Shinso shivered.
"Still want to be a hero?"
"Then you need more experiences like that."
Shinso glanced over at Killua, his eyes widened slightly.
"You can learn thousands of lessons in a classroom, but it's nothing compared to facing a real threat. When your life is on the line, that is when you improve the fastest." Killua said, thinking back to when he was training with Biscuit and Gon. Memories of fighting the blacklist hunter, Binolt was fresh in his mind. One wrong move, and they could've lost their lives as the deranged killer was more experienced than either of them. With that threat hanging over their heads, both of them to improve at a remarkable speed.
"…Sounds like you're speaking from experience." Shinso stated. "Just who are you, Killua?"
"…" Killua didn't answer for a few moments. He simply gave Shinso an overly cheerful smile. "Just A hero in training."
"H-How could this have happened? It was right here!" Shigaraki snarled, looking through his pockets for the 100th time. "I knew I put it away!"
"It seems the young boy was shiftier than we thought. We severely underestimated the students of U.A." Kurogiri said, cleaning a mug from behind the bar.
"When did he take it?" Shigaraki started scratching his neck. "He only hit me once! There is no way he could've grabbed it without me knowing."
"And yet, we do not have the information we stole." Kurogiri said.
"It matters not."
Both Shigaraki and Kurogiri looked over at the television screen.
"Tomura, you managed to see the schedule, correct?"
"…I did."
"Was there anything on the drive that could tip them off about our plans?"
"…No. I downloaded everything I could get my hands on to that drive. Schedules, faculty profiles, student profiles, support items in development…" Shigaraki was becoming more and more agitated with each item he listed off. It would be so convenient to have that kind of information, but he lost it to a brat.
"The schedule was what we were after. Remember, our top priority is killing the symbol of peace. As long as you remember the schedule and destination for our attack, that was our main objective." The voice said. "You made me proud today. Make me even prouder by killing the symbol of peace."
"…Yes, master."
Authors Note: Yeah, another huge chapter. It's even bigger than the last because you guys have waited so long for it. A lot happened here. Killua explained a bit more about his powers, but didn't reveal everything as he doesn't think he can trust Izuku with this knowledge. The class got to face Killua's Killing intent first hand. Shinso and Killua got to meet Shigaraki and Kurogiri. It was never really explained in detail how they got the schedule in the anime/manga, so I gave my own interpretation. Lastly, Shinso gains some experience with dealing with villains. How will this impact the story later on?
So, one major criticism I've been getting consistently is the characterization of Killua. You know, there are so many different interpretations of him in my reviews that I begin to wonder if there is a happy medium. From quick-tempered murder, vengeful, loner, and everything in between. You know what, I'm just going to continue writing this story the way I want to. And I will interpret Killua the way I want to. Succumbing to how others interpret him will not do anything to improve the story. So, if you think he is OOC because he didn't Kill Shinso after what he did in the entrance exam, that is strictly your interpretation.
I was playing around with my new wacom and decided to do a little drawing for my cover photo...i say drawing loosely because i pretty much traced reference pictures so i could get use to using my new drawing tablet. I think it turned out alright, but shading...i never realized how complex that is. I'm working on another cover photo, so enjoy this one while it lasts.
A few people let me know that someone copy-pasted this story to Webnovel under the title "Killua in my hero academia." By EricaKate. To be honest, I was a bit shocked someone would blatantly plagiarize my story then claim credit for writing the it herself. To pour salt on the wound, she even asked for money for future chapters, claiming she finished writing like 10 chapters and people can get access to those chapters by giving money to her pay pal.
Wow…Just wow. What kind of scumbag would do something like that?
Unfortunately, that's the world we live in. There will always be some asshole who will piggyback off the hard work of others because they are too lazy to do it themselves. But I won't let this stop me from posting my stories. If I'm too scared to post because I'm worried about someone stealing my stories, then I can't call myself a writer.
If you want to help me out, please report the story for plagiarism and leave a comment directing everyone to where the story actually is. Thank you!
Anyway, thanks for your patience with me. I know chapters are taking a while to get out, but I have other obligations that take precedence over writing. And…well…I really need to make an outline for this story too. I'm kind of winging this whole thing, but I'm glad it's coming together.